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S05.E15: Welcome To Amsterdam?

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I think Yo looks worlds better since she ditched her extensions and platinum mullet.


I know, right?  I always knew it but when they were showing those flashbacks from previous years - I had forgotten how bad she looked!  And even when she first got her bob she was into the "blow it all straight back off my face look" - I'm glad she finally learned how to wear her bangs :)


I'm sick of Kim and for those of you who don't know any mean drunks be glad.  She's like my brother in drag.  Lisa R did get a taste of "why everyone is so afraid of Kim Richards"


However - I sneered at Yo when she made them all sit down to hear her lecture on teamwork before her event - didn't Kim try to do the same before her circus outing last year, and Yo told her to shut it and let them get on with the activities!  And when she was yelling at them for the milkshake incident, I was reminded of ye olde "You are da hostess!  Get in da pool!"  Apparently she annoys me less than usual this season, because I had forgotten that stuff :)

  • Love 12

The only comment I have is about the Kim-LisaR dust-up on the plane and Kyle's reaction. Some of you believe LisaR was acting out of concern for Kim because of what happened with Harry's brothers, making it personal to her. Others think she's speaking on Kyle's behalf because they are friends and some believe she's being so vocal and participating in the drama to secure her spot on the show. It's probably a combination of all three but I think her primary motivation is having Bravo ask her back for next season.

This is in no way a defense of Kim's behavior but I felt that LisaR really started the whole thing. First she asked Kim if she was OK and when Kim did not respond pushed her again by asking Kim if she was mad at her. If LisaR had kept to herself or chatted with someone else, that ugly scene wouldn't have happened on the plane. It was destined to happen (thanks to Brandi) but it didn't have to happen at that moment in time. Chances are Bravo made it happen because otherwise, Kyle should have told them both that they were making her uncomfortable and not just Kim.

You may very well be right about all of this, but I will say that LisaR asking Kim if she's alright, and then asked if she was mad at her when Kim didn't respond seems like a very normal scenario and reasonable follow up question. I don't know how that's pushing Kim...

I can see myself asking the same thing.

Edited by msblossom
  • Love 18

My thoughts exactly. Didn't this whole thing start because LisaR was concerned about Brandi's behavior? How did it suddenly turn into an intervention for Kim? Any sane person knows not to try to approach her about her sobriety or lack thereof. There is video evidence from every season to support that Kim doesn't like having her sobriety questioned on camera (and probably off camera too). I think LisaR is just fishing for a project.

It turned into a discussion about Kim/intervention because Brandi threw Kim under the bus to keep Lisa R from asking about her nasty/aggressive drunk behavior. Lisa did start out telling Brandi she was interested in finding out what made Brandi so angry with the other HWs and Brandi immediately started to talk about how BAD things were for Kim......"more that anyone knows". It was Brandi that suggested an intervention for Kim, Lisa said no then Brandi asked her to speak to Kyle and tell her what she told LR and then......Brandi suggested a "group intervention"  with all the HWs so Kim did not feel singled out.  


You may very well be right about all of this, but I will say that LisaR asking Kim if she's alright, and then asked if she was mad at her when Kim didn't respond seems like a very normal scenario and reasonable follow up question. I don't know how that's pushing Kim...

I can see myself asking the same thing.

Not to mention the daggers Kim was throwing at Lisa with her eyes/looks. If looks could kill, Lisa would have been 6 feet under just from the hateful glares Kim was giving her, she was that obvious and there was no polite way to ignore it IMO. 

  • Love 15

Here's the bottom line for me.  Kim behaved in a truly disturbing way the poker night as well as other occasions.   I don't know about anyone else but yes, I would discuss it with the people who have witnessed it (in other words, asking people who have been around this person, is it me or is this eff'ed up).  It's not, IMO, going behind someone's back.  It's for clarity for what you have witnessed.  And that goes for Brand's behavior as well.  I don't agree with LisaR declaring that Kim or Brandi are 'addicts'.  I think that they may well be but that's a serious declaration.  I would have rather have had her say that there is something not right going on and something should be said. 


It's up to Kim and Brandi to decide what they should do about their behavior.  It's their responsibility.  The people around them can only do so much and they are NOT responsible for their behavior.  Yeah, that's easier said than done when you see what's going on.  Sometimes you have to let go of the guilt you feel (especially Kyle) and realize that people are responsible for their own lives.  You can only do so much.  Then, you just have to walk away and let them hit their own bottom and the only thing you can do is be there and supportive of their children.  I think, judging from Kim's children, that Kyle and Mauricio have done that.  That's all you can do.


Please Bravo, take these women off this show.  You may think that you're helping by showing their behavior in the hopes that they will see their 'behavior' but the reality is that you're walking a fine line.  These are two very unstable people.

  • Love 12

In the preview, it looks like Kim is ready to out some nasty gossip about Harry. LisaR says, "Don't you touch my husband!", and Kim says "Everyone will know, Everyone will know what he did...!" Kim is really going for the jugular and is out for some revenge on LisaR.


I wonder if Kim is referring to Harry's two felony narcotics convictions.  There's not a lot of info about them online but apparently he wrote a book about it. Maybe someone who is 'sleuthier' than me can find more info? 



While he was crossing the border to film a role in the TV series “Harper’s Island” in Vancouver last August, a computer check showed that Hamlin had felony narcotics convictions in 1970 and 1973.

I had a different take on this. When Kyle asked how long Harry had been sober, I think Lisar hesitated because of the implications of that word, which to me does have the connotation of being the opposite of "actively a drunk" as opposed to simply "made a decision not to drink anymore". She seemed to weigh whether it was worth explaining the distinction before she answered. It was Kyle who used the word sober to describe Harry, not Lisa; she responded, I think, that he had not had a drink in three years. I do think the discussion of this is interesting as it really could go either way, but I doubt Lisa would out her husband's alleged alcoholism if it were meant to be a secret, surely.


Good Lord pardon me all. Laptop is in shop and tryiing to do all of this on phone and using quotes and deleting is not working well for me :(. I think Kyle did phrase it wrong. Sober or sobriety does leave a connotation in the mind that one had a drinking problem and has to be sober and completely abstain because that their only option. There are many reasons why people decide to stop drinking. Health, medicines that preclude drinking, dieting, empty calories, borded with drinking, training for competion or race to include a few. Harry may have just seen the ugly deaths of his brothers and thought ot just wasnt worth having a few drinks. Maybe he is trying to set an example for his daughters and extended family. Kyle could have phrased it differently. Lisa couldn't win. Either Harry was outted or if she woukd have done a spiel saying he didnt have a problem but decided on his own blah blah could look suspicious and she was trying to save face.

  • Love 5

I always cook dinner in my sequined black apron. Just like Kyle. ugh. Can you imagine all the cooties all stuck up in that thing? Also, I couldn't spend two minutes in the company of Kim and her throaty, raspy voice and baby face, not to mention her freaking whining. Get out of here, girlie. And Brandi needs to go with her screechy tone. Go away, you two. Can't wait for the reunion.

Edited by Notmuchofacook
  • Love 5



Kim said two things that were true! 


And Lisa Rinna said some true stuff because she manages truth like its her job (it is)!


Ok so the Scavenger Hunt was possibly the most offensive/amazing thing I've seen on a HW show.  I mean, a bunch of rich white eating disorders fighting over who has to finish a milkshake? So good.  Did Yo come up with that? I'm sure she did because her well-intended ignorance always takes on weird shades of "punishment as accidental social critique."    


Oh and Kyle hiding behind a coat while her sister decides a small plane is the time to take on Big Personalities and their Big Problems.  This is one of those scenes where I'm almost certain that Rinna and Kim are totally cool with this whole thing. But if it's actually even real, they all managed to equally suck.


Let's not forget what a hero Harry is for deciding his own personal bottom was his brother's corpse THREE YEARS AGO.


Look, this is not to shit on anyone's sobriety.  I don't even know if Harry is himself an alcoholic.  Also he wasn't there to tell his story.  But, dude, that shit was dark.  They have how many kids?  Is Lisa really going to pretend that she can pass off this story as anything other than a giant regret?


So here's the thing:  Rinna's daughters want to kill her.  And, as a daughter to a mom, I get it.  I'm sure they are entitled dummies.  Fine.  But Rinna is gross.

Also, can we please tackle the other addicted elephant - LISA RINNA'S ANOREXIA.


You know, L,  I have been Personally Touched By Eating Disorders.  Women I Know Have Read Stories About Women Who Have Personally Read Stories About Women Who Were Born With Anorexia. It's In Their DNA. It Goes Back Thousands of Years.


I am mighty tired, though hilariously entertained, by hollywood's self-righteous bullshit around calling out addiction.  You know why they are cool with recovery? Because its fucking abstinence based.  You know what else is? LISA RINNA'S ANOREXIA.


(Please note, I still think Kim sucks and everything that ever happens to her is entirely her fault.)  

  • Love 5

No, anything Brandi or Kim do or say is torn apart and dissected endlessly.  The others?  Not so much.  I'll stand by my point.


I like to spread my dislike around.  ;)

Agreed! These people are all idiots.  We should be suspicious of the ones we like rather than those who have transparently earned our disgust.  

  • Love 4

Ok so the Scavenger Hunt was possibly the most offensive/amazing thing I've seen on a HW show.  I mean, a bunch of rich white eating disorders fighting over who has to finish a milkshake? So good.  Did Yo come up with that? I'm sure she did because her well-intended ignorance always takes on weird shades of "punishment as accidental social critique."    


Oh and Kyle hiding behind a coat while her sister decides a small plane is the time to take on Big Personalities and their Big Problems.  This is one of those scenes where I'm almost certain that Rinna and Kim are totally cool with this whole thing. But if it's actually even real, they all managed to equally suck.


Let's not forget what a hero Harry is for deciding his own personal bottom was his brother's corpse THREE YEARS AGO


Here, runforcover, here's a Snickers bar. LOL  I agree. Though, I'm still on the fence about Lisa Rinna -  I vacillate greatly between liking her because sometimes she comes off as genuinely funny and natural AND a know-it-all that needs to mind her own BIZ wax.  I have a feeling that next season (if not by next week) she will be heavily ragged on around these parts.  I understand she needs to earn our dislike but I tend to err on the side of spreading my dislike around evenly.


Agreed! These people are all idiots.  We should be suspicious of the ones we like rather than those who have transparently earned our disgust.  


Hahaha. Plus one.  And I thought it was only me with my own suspicious, jaded nature. Compadre!


Also, I couldn't spend two minutes in the company of Kim and her throaty, raspy voice and baby face, not to mention her freaking whining.


Because I haven't had my own Snickers bar yet this morning, I agree and will add:


Kim's raspy, baby voice.  I can't hit the mute button fast enough.  Even if she was the most likable Ho in all of Beverly Hills, her voice is still like nails on a chalkboard to me.  Sharp, bloody nails.  Lisa VDP is another. When I liked her,  I used to think her voice was like butter. Soothing and smooth as silk.  Now, especially in her talking heads, all I hear is patronizing, condescending blah blah blah.  Complete with hand gestures that only the Queen of England should be allowed to use. 

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 8

I finally finished watching this episode, firstly, Schipol Airport is really neat airport, I could have been a happy camper shopping while waiting for Kyle to find her bag, and secondly Brandi was travel ignorant when she said nobody steals at a European airport, HA HA, yes they do!  Thirdly, at first glance Kim seemed like she was slurring her words on the bus from the airport to the city. 

It seems Kim gets riled so much more the closer the housewives get to asking her about her sobriety when she is using, when she is not using she tends to be more apologetic, could this be her "tell" hmmm...

Do they think that it is legal to walk the streets of Amsterdam toking on a doobie? It's not, you have to go to a "coffee house" and there are rules there.  There is sooo much more to that city than hash and ho's.  The Jewish quarter alone is awe inspiring. 


  • Love 10

I don't think LisaR looks anorexic.

LisaR's daughters come across as depressingly shallow. I don't doubt that the daughters of the other women have their shallow and materialistic sides but I've also never quite been rubbed this way with the other girls at least not that I can recall. There's a lack of a humble factor with the Hamlin girls and I don't feel that way about the other daughters on the show. Maybe it's simply a somewhat unfair edit but I'd rather like to think that there was a bit of cringing during that scene as it was being watched in the Hamlin household.

I'm going to respond to this in Kim's thread but also want to quickly say that I agree with your take ZM.

I feel the exact same way about LisaR's daughters. They rub me the wrong way. And because they are young girls I won't say more.

I like Lisa R,( not fan girl but she makes me laugh so that's a plus) so I just try ignore that those girls are her daughters lol. I also don't see LisaR as anorexic. She is thin and I'm sure works out like a mad woman. But,not anorexic in my eyes.

I also don't see Kyle as fat. I have read Kyle described chubby/heafty and my reaction is always, wtf?

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 5

They flew commercial to Amsterdam-if you fly private you don' deal with a luggage carousel, the flight crew unloads and escorts your baggage to customs or if it is domestic to your awaiting limo.  Foster don't own or lease a plane they use a fractional ownership service like NetJet or one of David's many friends sends their private jet.  I only know this because Yolanda's dream is to buy David his own Gulfstream.  Here is a sample of some previously owned G550s http://www.gulfstream.com/preowned .  For the most part I think Yolanda and David take commercial flights internationally unless someone else is picking up the tab.  Just for an example at $10,000.00 an hour a flight from Calgary to Amsterdam would be about  $100,000.00.  Yeah they are rich but not $200,000.00 rich.

Yolanda tweeted a thank you to a private plane company.  And ITA that she has spoken in the past of wanting to buy David his own jet.  So they likely don't own one.  Last year when they went to the far east, they flew Malaysia Air after M370 disappeared!


Brandi was totally fine this episode - she played nicely in the scavenger hunt, was fine at the gala, and was fine in Amsterdam thus far.  She gave a heads up to Kim that the others were talking behind her back like a good production minion would.  How would we ever have any conflict or drama if Kim didn't know that Lisa R was talking to everyone about Kim's sobriety?  What would they have shown on that flight?  Yo sitting on the floor?  Now that's a good hostess!


ITA that Lisa V's vulgarity just isn't a cute british mannerism anymore, as if it ever were.  She and Brandi were a match made in heaven.  All that talk of Lisa about being duped by Brandi is a load of hogwash.  They were two pigs in a pen.  


ITA that Lisa R is using Kim's sobriety for a storyline.  She tried to use Brandi's, but Brandi wouldn't bite.  Kim's is much more delicious because it can involve the whole cast.


Kyle, either get up and move during the fight, or put down the damn blanket.  It's not a horror film; your aren't going to be attacked because Kim and Lisa R are having words.  Enough with the big eyes of terror.  Sheesh.  Sick of her act.  It doesn't involve Kyle.  Pick up a magazine and just read.  It was no big deal.

  • Love 5

[snip]...and secondly Brandi was travel ignorant when she said nobody steals at a European airport, HA HA, yes they do! 


See, now, I thought Brandi was actually trying to be nice, and reassuring when she said that.  I was surprised when she said it because Brandi is not often nice to Kyle and vice versa.


If I'd accidentally left my bag, unattended, across an airport, that sort of statement would make me feel a little better as I ran running like a madwoman to find it. (even though I know that theft happens everywhere.)


But really...with the amount of camera and production people there, my guess is that some production assistant had Kyle's bag firmly in possession at all times.  If Kyle wouldn't have left it, what airport drama between the sisters would we have had? 

  • Love 4

Just finished watching this episode.


Re: Kim. 

Some posters upstream made interesting observations that she could be suffering from a variety of things (in addition to her addictions);  early onset alzheimers/dementia, raging menopausal symptoms, or even some brain damage from the use of substances.  I agree, I wouldn’t rule any of the above out. In addition, of course, she’s a spoiled Hollywood brat.  


If just for a moment, I look beyond her vile self entitled behavior, it’s sad to me to think how her life evolved.


Here she had a charmed Hollywood life, she had fans, talent, made movies and a substantial amount of money to go along with it.  Eventually she got married (albeit a few times), had some (apparently lovely) children that she absolutely adores !   How much more could you ask out of life !!??!!!?
But yet she has these horrific demons she just can’t get rid of and seems to be the epitomy of unhappiness.   Classic story of how fame and fortune can’t buy happiness.   Wait, isn’t that her tagline?   If nothing else, she claims to love her children so much, it’s hard to understand why she can’t find the path to sobriety and happiness thru them. It’s hard for me to fathom.  I honestly don’t know if I’ve ever observed a sicker and sadder person.  And that includes Brandi !!


Re Lisa Rinna:

I don't think she appears anorexic either.  She reminds me of my sister in law;  just naturally thin and probably works out in addition. She doesn't have the sunken cheek look that anorexic's have.  <- I'm NO expert, it's just my observation.


I posted this in the Eileen thread, but have to mention it here too.  I'm blown away that she is the eldest of the cast.   I think she's absolutely gorgeous.   Lisa V, Lisa R, Yolanda and Kim all look older than her.  IMO of course.

Edited by jnymph
  • Love 7

Look, I don't know if Lisa is an anorexic. I mean, these people are on television so they all have hollywood sanctioned disordered eating.  Do they qualify for ED rehab? I don't know.  You see, I'm just speculating.   And it is a reasonable, if unfair and unkind, speculation to call a dysmorphic self-image based on L's sinewy arms, adolescent body and face made of lips. I can't confirm any of this. I just enjoy saying it. Gross, right?


(I maintain that TV comfort with identifying addiction - however true - seems to preclude eating disorders. And that this is not a coincidence.)




edited to dial back misdirected aggression

Edited by runforcover
  • Love 6

Nah, not gross rfcover.  At the risk of speaking for everyone, I'm pretty sure we're all just speculating here.  Kinda the gist of the whole forum if I'm not mistaken, is to speculate on Beverly Hills "whack-a-doodles" tm LisaR.


Forgot to say I love LisaR's rottie.  I'm sure she's(or he's)  not as smug as her human daughters.  ; )

  • Love 5

Re: Lisa V's figure.  Yeah, that was surprising. Seeing her standing next to Kyle-- who has been continually mocked here and there for her weight, while Lisa V was simultaneously praised for her great figure-- was quite surprising, to say the least.  In reality, Kyle looked fit and athletic and ran like a deer, while Lisa V. looked quite dumpy and stumbled along like someone had taped her knees together.  I thought maybe Lisa V. was trying to smuggle two couch cushions in her yoga pants when they showed her from behind. Never been a big fan of Lisa V.'s looks or her style, but I have to say-- she does a great job dressing in a way to highlight her assets and downplay her... less attractive attributes. That cat-- or should I say, that Pussy-- is out of the bag now, though...


No surprise that I still think her humor is quite un-funny. So, she has to-- I mean, has to-- tell us that, if she gets high, she'll end up "spread eagle on a pool table." Anyone remember that movie with Jodie Foster, based on a true story, where this woman was in a bar,  had a few too many,  and then was held down, spread eagle on a pool table, and gang raped while a crowd of men stood around cheering? Big news story back in the day, and I think Jodie might have gotten an AA for her performance in the movie based on the crime and the court case that followed.  So yeah, sure,  Lisa wasn't riffing on THAT. Nope. Not at all.  I mean, who would joke about something like that?  Who would be that horribly vulgar?  Who, indeed...

I think it's a stretch to think that Lisa was referencing "The Accused" with the pool table comment.

  • Love 12

One cannot simply have a conversation with Kim Richards.  One can talk at Kim or in Kim's general direction, but Kim does not converse.  She does not discuss, listen, internalize what is being said, or think about what she would like to say before it comes out her mouth.   She does not reason nor consider.  A conversation with Kim is called a soliloquy.


SwordQueen, you hit the nail on the head!  Anyone trying to get through to Kim is just wasting their breath because she goes on the defensive immediately and will never, ever admit that she is responsible for any of her behavior.

  • Love 10



Re Lisa Rinna:

I don't think she appears anorexic either.  She reminds me of my sister in law;  just naturally thin and probably works out in addition. She doesn't have the sunken cheek look that anorexic's have.  <- I'm NO expert, it's just my observation.


She said on WWHL the last time she was on (not this week) when pressed by the guy from The Biggest Loser that she "watches every bite that goes into her mouth."  She works out everyday and watches what she eats. I don't know if it is an eating disorder or not.  But when you see her belly in jeans and a crop top, it is grossly thin and almost has that distended look.  She doesn't have an ounce of fat on her body.  Some would say great shape.  I'm not a dr. and I don't know her eating habits.  But she is tiny.  She might also be naturally thin and watches what she eats and works out a lot.  



I posted this in the Eileen thread, but have to mention it here too.  I'm blown away that she is the eldest of the cast.   I think she's absolutely gorgeous.   Lisa V, Lisa R, Yolanda and Kim all look older than her.  IMO of course.

It's all that testosterone. :) lol.  

  • Love 3

Nah, not gross rfcover. At the risk of speaking for everyone, I'm pretty sure we're all just speculating here. Kinda the gist of the whole forum if I'm not mistaken, is to speculate on Beverly Hills "whack-a-doodles" tm LisaR.

Forgot to say I love LisaR's rottie. I'm sure she's(or he's) not as smug as her human daughters. ; )

Heh. That very well could be !

I love lisaR's dog! And yeah please just show the dog and not her daughters.

Her dog is so adorable. I just love big dogs.

As much as I really really dislike Brandi and I do. Kim is surpassing Brandi right now.

Kim never seems to have conversations. She always seems to be telling people things. Not a real exchange. Someone pointed it out way upthread and it really clicked for me. Eta: I see it was SwordQueen.

So Brandi really does fill the vast empty hole that is Kim Richards. I'm sure every conversation is about Kim and all her pain and hardships. I never thought I would say this but, I wouldn't wish that on anyone even Brandi.

How sad that Brandi and all big mouth bullshit is only left with Kim as her friend on the show, the woman with a shitty pillow.

I don't count Yo, as she seems pretty checked out on Brandi.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 3

I think that LisaR was genuinely surprised by Kim's hostility towards her on the plane ride.  Kim must've been shooting her some angry looks for her to have asked if she was angry at her.  (Poor Kyle, too -- As I recall, she is afraid of flying to begin with -- I can forgive her clutching her pillow or blanket).  I figure maybe LisaR didn't realize that Brandi had spilled the beans to Kim and so was taken aback by the dirty looks.


If I were LisaR, I'd still be expecting an apology for the limo ride and would've been, rightly or wrongly, patting myself on the back for having refrained from running around town calling Kim a crazy, skanky bitch instead of turning my reaction to the incident into a public service health announcement.  LisaR, like any decent talk show host (and she was an effective one), likes to control the narrative and serve as Greek chorus.  Unfortunately for her, Kim is a ninja when it comes to deflecting and making the narrative about how the other person doesn't respect folks in recovery, their struggle and need for privacy and blah blah blah.  Looks like her machinations in that area are beginning to wear thin--finally.  


I don't know if LisaR has an eating disorder or not.  She was definitely into the work-out segments on her talk show -- very enthusiastic and pretty strong as I recall. Who knows?  Her daughters are at that super awkward stage -- and may not be enjoying this experience.  I'm definitely biased because I like her vibe.  I suspect she wanted a much more distinguished career than the one she's been lucky enough to have and think she carries her disappointment with a fair amount of class.   Anyone with a brain could've told whoever disrespects her when it comes to Harry not to go there!  I assume that a lot of her self-esteem is tied to  her partnership with him.  


And, YES, to all the comments about how expertly LisaV hides her figure flaws.  I suspect that having them on full display during the scavenger hunt probably made her ever more angry about the whole thing. 

  • Love 10

Just finished watching this episode.


Re: Kim. 

Some posters upstream made interesting observations that she could be suffering from a variety of things (in addition to her addictions);  early onset alzheimers/dementia, raging menopausal symptoms, or even some brain damage from the use of substances.  I agree, I wouldn’t rule any of the above out. In addition, of course, she’s a spoiled Hollywood brat.  


If just for a moment, I look beyond her vile self entitled behavior, it’s sad to me to think how her life evolved.


Here she had a charmed Hollywood life, she had fans, talent, made movies and a substantial amount of money to go along with it.  Eventually she got married (albeit a few times), had some (apparently lovely) children that she absolutely adores !   How much more could you ask out of life !!??!!!?

But yet she has these horrific demons she just can’t get rid of and seems to be the epitomy of unhappiness.   Classic story of how fame and fortune can’t buy happiness.   Wait, isn’t that her tagline?   If nothing else, she claims to love her children so much, it’s hard to understand why she can’t find the path to sobriety and happiness thru them. It’s hard for me to fathom.  I honestly don’t know if I’ve ever observed a sicker and sadder person.  And that includes Brandi !!


Re Lisa Rinna:

I don't think she appears anorexic either.  She reminds me of my sister in law;  just naturally thin and probably works out in addition. She doesn't have the sunken cheek look that anorexic's have.  <- I'm NO expert, it's just my observation.


I posted this in the Eileen thread, but have to mention it here too.  I'm blown away that she is the eldest of the cast.   I think she's absolutely gorgeous.   Lisa V, Lisa R, Yolanda and Kim all look older than her.  IMO of course.

Just finished watching this episode.


Re: Kim. 

Some posters upstream made interesting observations that she could be suffering from a variety of things (in addition to her addictions);  early onset alzheimers/dementia, raging menopausal symptoms, or even some brain damage from the use of substances.  I agree, I wouldn’t rule any of the above out. In addition, of course, she’s a spoiled Hollywood brat.  


If just for a moment, I look beyond her vile self entitled behavior, it’s sad to me to think how her life evolved.


Here she had a charmed Hollywood life, she had fans, talent, made movies and a substantial amount of money to go along with it.  Eventually she got married (albeit a few times), had some (apparently lovely) children that she absolutely adores !   How much more could you ask out of life !!??!!!?

But yet she has these horrific demons she just can’t get rid of and seems to be the epitomy of unhappiness.   Classic story of how fame and fortune can’t buy happiness.   Wait, isn’t that her tagline?   If nothing else, she claims to love her children so much, it’s hard to understand why she can’t find the path to sobriety and happiness thru them. It’s hard for me to fathom.  I honestly don’t know if I’ve ever observed a sicker and sadder person.  And that includes Brandi !!


Re Lisa Rinna:

I don't think she appears anorexic either.  She reminds me of my sister in law;  just naturally thin and probably works out in addition. She doesn't have the sunken cheek look that anorexic's have.  <- I'm NO expert, it's just my observation.


I posted this in the Eileen thread, but have to mention it here too.  I'm blown away that she is the eldest of the cast.   I think she's absolutely gorgeous.   Lisa V, Lisa R, Yolanda and Kim all look older than her.  IMO of course.

RE: Kim, I agree with your observations on her past.

I wonder if Kim is referring to Harry's two felony narcotics convictions.  There's not a lot of info about them online but apparently he wrote a book about it. Maybe someone who is 'sleuthier' than me can find more info?



While he was crossing the border to film a role in the TV series “Harper’s Island” in Vancouver last August, a computer check showed that Hamlin had felony narcotics convictions in 1970 and 1973.


Well, if he wrote a book about it, then Kim isn't exactly outing him, is she?  Also, this is something that happened over 40 YEARS AGO!  Who gives a flying fuck what he did 40 years ago? 


I don't think Lisa R has an agenda regarding Kim.  She has seen the effects of addiction up close and personal, and I think she is frustrated that everyone is tiptoeing around Kim rather than addressing the elephant in the room.  I agree with her when she asks "Why is everyone afraid of Kim Richards?"  However, she has now seen Kim's reaction to ANYONE questioning her behavior/sobriety, so its time for her to step back and leave it alone.    

  • Love 8

There's something very tragic about Kim's life to me...she had it all at one time. Did she fall apart because of the pressure on her that Kathy & Kyle did not have because they weren't childhood breadwinners? Did Kim fall apart because of her marriages?

It seems to me the biggest difference between Kathy/Kyle and Kim is that Kathy & Kyle ended up with happy marriages and Kim wound up alone. Some people just can't cope as well as others. I was a huge Kim Richards fan in the 70s...as well as Van Patton fan! I feel sorry for her, but at the same time, her bitterness has made her so nasty that I don't know how anyone can stand to be in the same room with her.

It appears her kids are happy and doing ok ( minus the rumors about Chad ) so why doesn't she grow up and focus on the happiness to come as her children grow and how she can share their future children with Kim as a happy grandmother someday soon.

What stood out to me was the night of Lisa VP & Kens 30th anniversary renewal ceremony. Brandi & Faye were fighting. The ladies were discussing the drama. Kim got over the top angry that Kyle was discussing how horrible Brandi was behaving...re: Adrienne...Kim was incensed that Kyle wasn't focusing on how horrible Brandi was to Kim. It was bizarre. Kim was relentlessly arguing with Kyle and picking a fight with her for no reason. That was the first time I felt bad for Kyle when it came to her and Kim. That was the glimpse into the exhaustion it must be to have Kim for a sister.

Now that we see Kim, drying out, her bubbly turtle facade is fading away and a bitter, mean, harpy is front & center. Lisa Rinna was treated to the nasty Kim in that limo ride to Eileen's and again at the poker table. That was the Kim that we saw that was the Kim who had hid Brandis crutch...Kim was openly rude to Lisa on their travels to Amsterdam. She went out of her way to rudely avoid Lisa R before they got on the plane. Lisa just did what most people who care would do and asked Kim why she was acting mad at her.

This is so sad. This whole season, plus the past scenes at Danas poker party fighting with Brandi & Kims dysfunction with her boy toy Ken and going thru garbage in that limo ride shows a disturbed woman. Her willingness to throw Kyle under the bus and hanging out with Brandi now? If I were Kyle, I would just do right by Kims children and stop losing sleep over Kim.

Edited by IKnowRight
  • Love 12

I do think she went after Lisa R specifically but I also think Lisa R made it easy for her because Lisa was real in her concern about Kim.



Lisa did try to talk to Kim, face to face, it was at the reading at Eileen's home. But Kim went into her "Blah, blah, blah" talk and refused to acknowledge their legit concerns about/for her because of HER bizarre behavior poker night. Maybe if Kim had just said "Thank You, I will consider what you have said" it would have ended there and then but no, they got "Blah, blah, blah", eye rolls and attitude instead.

Face to face, limo ride scripts, séance or even a dinner from hell at Camille's is NOT the same as One on One. My point is did anyone try and sit this woman down privately and have a heartfelt discussion about their "concerns"? I use the term one on one because since they are filming the idea of a private conversation doesn't seem the most likely but I'm not at all surprised at Kim's less than favorable reactions to Lisa R and people who aren't close to her bringing up such a subject around others. I mean hell I wouldn't be happy either. And Lisa isn't going into any specifics she's pretty much just giving her a bit of a pity monologue which I thought was pretty weird.


Look I know this is a weird analogy but its like with my friend who have really bad adult acne. She tried everything but one of the things that bothered her the most was when strangers on the train would offer up suggestions all nice and sweet with the most "my condolences look  on their faces" not hiding one bit the pity on their face. Ummmmm what? That offended her the most and to add insult to injury she would have to be all socially correct cause how do you blow up to people who so completely overstepped their place but meant no harm. Those who knew her knew that wasn't the best topic of conversation and if they were to engage to do it carefully. It's about how something is done and just because Kim is the mess that she is doesn't mean that basic steps shouldn't be followed when someone enters into someone else's problems.


Whether they are "dragged" in or not. Lisa has decided to move forward so damn it she should have done so in a proper manner considering the subject matter. She doesn't show any anger or ill will towards Kim because of what she was subjected to at Poker night and the Limo so basically whether or not Lisa R has the "right" to be a whole lot meanier in her approach that isn't what Lisa R is trying to sell to us so that means if she wants us to believe that her only concern was trying to help Kim then I do believe she is subjected to criticisms about her approach and missteps and she doesn't get a pass from me because now she thinks Kim has no right to be mad at her.

  • Love 7

Getting busted for drugs, even relatively innocuous stuff, in the early 70s was all too common anyway.  Smoking pot was still a great big no-no in those days and you went about it, if you were smart, with tons of caution. 


I'm hoping we get a look at Yolanda's mother's pad!  It would be a gas if Eileen were pals with Tony Geary because he used to spend half the year living in Amsterdam and may still.  


So true about Kim not really having conversations.  The plane ride would've been a good opportunity to work some things out with LisaR -- with witnesses and everything -- and instead it got turned into Kim angrily telling LisaR to just drop it!  

  • Love 6

See, now, I thought Brandi was actually trying to be nice, and reassuring when she said that.  I was surprised when she said it because Brandi is not often nice to Kyle and vice versa.


If I'd accidentally left my bag, unattended, across an airport, that sort of statement would make me feel a little better as I ran running like a madwoman to find it. (even though I know that theft happens everywhere.)


But really...with the amount of camera and production people there, my guess is that some production assistant had Kyle's bag firmly in possession at all times.  If Kyle wouldn't have left it, what airport drama between the sisters would we have had? 

The same amount, basically, because Kim still would have caused the pileup on the escalator, and Brandi still would have said to Yolando, "no, that was Kim not Kyle" and Kyle still would have said, "Yeah, that wasn't me, that was Kim!" and Kim still would have said, "WHY YOU GOTTA BRING UP OLD SHIT! YOU NEVER HAVE MY BACK!" or whatever stupid shit she said outside of the van.

  • Love 11

Fair enough but to use words like "whack a doodle", "crazy", off her rocker and the other stuff Lisar had said over and over again in her THs?  She knows perfectly well that Kim is a supposedly recovering addict and that Kim's behavior was almost certainly because she was under the influence of some substance.  So I just wonder why Lisar has to be so unkind.  Why not say something like, wow, I think Kim may have relapsed or KIm was behaving in a way that was concerning or some such thing.  I just don't like the name calling and I think that kind of labeling is a reason Kim is unwilling to discuss her sobriety or lack there of with people that are not her friends or family.  Eileen is up in Kim's business as well but at least she tried to be constructive with arranging the lunch between Kim and Kyle even though it didn't go well.

THIS!! Look Kim is an addict and even though they put people and loved ones through crap they too receive all sorts of bullshit too so it's not they float threw life unscathed. Addicts get their lumps outside of the substance too. People get fed up with them which is understandable but the part I find sad is that its really easy for people to turn on addicts when they have been pushed to their tolerance level and for people who aren't real close and committed it doesn't necessarily take a lot for someone to be unnecessarily hateful and use the addiction as a weapon. Lisa R talking heads of course have been taped after the blow up with Kim and look what we have someone who now thinks it's okay to make jokes and use Kim's addiction as TH comedy time. Hey they all do it however in passed seasons I don't recall any of the other housewives being so gauche whenever Kim's state was mentioned. Lisa R is the first to describe it with such insensitivity. Hey maybe Lisa R has every right cause blah blah blah but to me it's not about Kim its about the subject. For someone who has made it a point to highlight her family tragedies due to alcohol her little quips just seem extra revolting to me.  Lisa R's matter of fact attitude with regards to bringing this stuff up with the other women around also strikes me as contradictory. If your concerned, be concerned and map out the right way to go about it. If your in it for the storyline then at least stop acting completely stupid and confused as to why Kim is resistant to your half assed efforts. That's what really kills me. BE REAL!

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 5

You may very well be right about all of this, but I will say that LisaR asking Kim if she's alright, and then asked if she was mad at her when Kim didn't respond seems like a very normal scenario and reasonable follow up question. I don't know how that's pushing Kim...

I can see myself asking the same thing.


It is reasonable and something I might do myself.  However, LisaR is not stupid and considering Kim's history she had to know that conversation wasn't going to end well.  That's why I think she did it to up her drama participation in hopes of coming back for another season.

Edited by AnnA
  • Love 4

Face to face, limo ride scripts, séance or even a dinner from hell at Camille's is NOT the same as One on One. My point is did anyone try and sit this woman down privately and have a heartfelt discussion about their "concerns"? I use the term one on one because since they are filming the idea of a private conversation doesn't seem the most likely but I'm not at all surprised at Kim's less than favorable reactions to Lisa R and people who aren't close to her bringing up such a subject around others. I mean hell I wouldn't be happy either. And Lisa isn't going into any specifics she's pretty much just giving her a bit of a pity monologue which I thought was pretty weird.





You know, the question of how these women negotiate "real" problems with more "private" means of dealing with them feels like a bit of a dead end - although a nagging one.  As you say, anything off camera is sort of off limits. But I wonder sometimes how their own dealing with real shit is actually disciplined by the camera, the THs, etc. and how that then reshapes what's even considered real - both deflated and inflated.

  • Love 2

Lisa R's blog is up and it bothers me when they use what they've seen and the impression of the public to write their blogs instead of what was actually happening.  During Lisa R's conversation with Brandi, Lisa was talking to Brandi about her behavior yes but then this is what happened. Lisa R comments that she's noticed that Brandi's involvement has caused a negative aftermath with the Richards sisters. This leads Brandi to discuss and validate her friendship with Kim in order to defend why she's even involved. She doesn't bring Kim up to talk about her problems she brings Kim up because Lisa R is implying that Brandi's causing problems or has caused problems between the sisters and this is why the conversation veers into talking about Kim. How Brandi has been there for Kim and that Brandi isn't just inserting herself just for shits and giggles. First of all I think Lisa R knew what she was doing. If she wanted to stick with the subject of "why Brandi behaves that way" then first she really didn't have to even bring up the Richards or more accurately "the aftermath" she could have just stuck with the behavior she was questioning and Brandi's reactions to everything. Brandi's talking about it because these women eventually want to roll around to the subject of Kim and its no secret.


Thank you! This has been bothering me as well. I am not defending Brandi's behavior this season, because she is a toxic nightmare, but I really didn't see her purposefully redirecting that conversation. Lisa R was all, "Why are you so mean?" and Brandi, whether full of shit or not, was all, "I don't have problems with everyone in this group - I have no problems with Yolanda and I am also really close with Kim now..." And Lisa R ran with it. Do I think Brandi was getting a not-so-subtle dig in there (once again) about her closeness to Kim (as opposed to Kyle)? Absolutely. But I didn't think it was some Machiavellian redirect of the conversation. I like Lisa R, and I don't like Brandi, but I really saw Lisa steering that whole conversation from beginning to end. In some ways, it was kind of presumptuous of Lisa to be like, "Why are you so mean? Were you abused?" This is not a woman who seems like she is easily taken down conversational roads she does not want to go down.

  • Love 6

Face to face, limo ride scripts, séance or even a dinner from hell at Camille's is NOT the same as One on One. My point is did anyone try and sit this woman down privately and have a heartfelt discussion about their "concerns"? I use the term one on one because since they are filming the idea of a private conversation doesn't seem the most likely but I'm not at all surprised at Kim's less than favorable reactions to Lisa R and people who aren't close to her bringing up such a subject around others. I mean hell I wouldn't be happy either. And Lisa isn't going into any specifics she's pretty much just giving her a bit of a pity monologue which I thought was pretty weird.


Look I know this is a weird analogy but its like with my friend who have really bad adult acne. She tried everything but one of the things that bothered her the most was when strangers on the train would offer up suggestions all nice and sweet with the most "my condolences look  on their faces" not hiding one bit the pity on their face. Ummmmm what? That offended her the most and to add insult to injury she would have to be all socially correct cause how do you blow up to people who so completely overstepped their place but meant no harm. Those who knew her knew that wasn't the best topic of conversation and if they were to engage to do it carefully. It's about how something is done and just because Kim is the mess that she is doesn't mean that basic steps shouldn't be followed when someone enters into someone else's problems.


Whether they are "dragged" in or not. Lisa has decided to move forward so damn it she should have done so in a proper manner considering the subject matter. She doesn't show any anger or ill will towards Kim because of what she was subjected to at Poker night and the Limo so basically whether or not Lisa R has the "right" to be a whole lot meanier in her approach that isn't what Lisa R is trying to sell to us so that means if she wants us to believe that her only concern was trying to help Kim then I do believe she is subjected to criticisms about her approach and missteps and she doesn't get a pass from me because now she thinks Kim has no right to be mad at her.

We have no idea if Lisa R tried to contact Kim off camera, none. It is possible that she did just as it is possible she did not. She kept her comments about Kim confined to what happened on poker night until Kim's BF spilled the beans about Kim. That is when Lisa R got more concerned about Kim and it was Brandi that pushed an "intervention", NOT Lisa R, so blame Brandi, not Lisa. Call Brandi out on her betrayal of Kim, had it not been for Brandi's big mouth we would never have known about the 2 am phone call, the "patch" Kim uses for her hernia, suicide talk, that Kim is so overwhelmed that she is on the edge....all of this came directly from Brandi, no one else. Lisa's response/concern was/is genuine IMO. 

  • Love 6

I think that's a fair way to look at this, but I really don't believe for a second that Kim would listen even then. I mean lets be real here. Has she bothered to apologize to Eileen for her behavior during poker night? I doubt it. Kim isn't enough of a grown up to own any of her behavior, so the odds of getting a conversation out of calling her an asshole are no better than discussing her alleged sobriety. Plus, her behavior in the limo and at poker night sort of open the floor up to discussions of sobriety since everyone knows she took drugs that night!




I'm always confused about the idea that Kim hasn't even apologized. I get it but at the same time are the other women behaving like they expect one from her? It's not like she's withholding apologies she's just not randomly delivering them when she's around them. I've showed my ass around colleagues and friends before after drinking but the first thing that ran through my mind was oh shit! Embarassing but then I got a grip and was like well as long as I didn't trash anyone's house, car or slept with someone's husband then hey. But back to Kim, yes I'll agree that being armed with an apology to Eileen as the host and Lisa who she was acting so bizarre around (but does that really need an apology, acting weird and not noticing that LisaR was uncomfortable? Really? That serious?) I don't even think she understands that the ride may have reached apology level but anyway.  We assume these women felt an apology was necessary but aside from Eileen I don't really see why it should be that obvious and add the fact that it's Kim we are talking about not the most aware of the bunch drunk or sober so if these women do feel they deserve an apology then that's where the One on One talk comes it. Done. Simple.


Brandi didn't know Eileen felt she was owed an apology about what Brandi said and Eileen went straight to her and talked about it. Yolanda had things she wanted to hash out with Brandi that were sensitive and she had a one on one to discuss. Brandi wanted to hash stuff out with Lisa V and they went to lunch and had a one on one. Brandi want to squash issues with Adrienne and they went to lunch and had a one on one.  Lisa R wanted to discuss Brandi's behaviors and he sat down with her to have a one on one. Brandi wanted to apologize to Eileen for the wine throwing and she took her aside for a one on one. Yolanda wanted to offer Kim support and pulled her aside for a quick one on one. Kyle wanted to make peace with Carlton and they had a one on one so even in passed seasons, all these women have had one on ones to try and bury issues that were festering between them or discuss sensitive concerns but how often do we see Kim getting approached this way? Treated with the same regard and same intent? Even if it is on camera were are Kim's one on ones?  And before it's said I'll beat it to the punch. Just because Kim's circumstances may make any initiated sit down seem like a bigger undertaking, so what. It'll be uncomfortable? So what. The same effort should be made that is made when the other housewives are trying to handle the strife amongst each other but Kim is always on some other Filming Operating Procedure that isn't always of Kim's doing and that's wack.

Edited by Sincerely Yours
  • Love 2

THIS!! Look Kim is an addict and even though they put people and loved ones through crap they too receive all sorts of bullshit too so it's not they float threw life unscathed. Addicts get their lumps outside of the substance too. People get fed up with them which is understandable but the part I find sad is that its really easy for people to turn on addicts when they have been pushed to their tolerance level and for people who aren't real close and committed it doesn't necessarily take a lot for someone to be unnecessarily hateful and use the addiction as a weapon. Lisa R talking heads of course have been taped after the blow up with Kim and look what we have someone who now thinks it's okay to make jokes and use Kim's addiction as TH comedy time. Hey they all do it however in passed seasons I don't recall any of the other housewives being so gauche whenever Kim's state was mentioned. Lisa R is the first to describe it with such insensitivity. Hey maybe Lisa R has every right cause blah blah blah but to me it's not about Kim its about the subject. For someone who has made it a point to highlight her family tragedies due to alcohol her little quips just seem extra revolting to me.  Lisa R's matter of fact attitude with regards to bringing this stuff up with the other women around also strikes me as contradictory. If your concerned, be concerned and map out the right way to go about it. If your in it for the storline then at least stop actually completely stupid and confused as to why Kim is resistant to your half assed efforts. That's what really kills be. BE REAL!

The HW is answering questions from a producer in their TH segments. Unless we know what the question was that caused Lisa R, or any of the HWs, to use terms like "whackadoodle" it is a bit of a stretch, IMO, to claim she is being "insensitive". LOL


Thank you! This has been bothering me as well. I am not defending Brandi's behavior this season, because she is a toxic nightmare, but I really didn't see her purposefully redirecting that conversation. Lisa R was all, "Why are you so mean?" and Brandi, whether full of shit or not, was all, "I don't have problems with everyone in this group - I have no problems with Yolanda and I am also really close with Kim now..." And Lisa R ran with it. Do I think Brandi was getting a not-so-subtle dig in there (once again) about her closeness to Kim (as opposed to Kyle)? Absolutely. But I didn't think it was some Machiavellian redirect of the conversation. I like Lisa R, and I don't like Brandi, but I really saw Lisa steering that whole conversation from beginning to end. In some ways, it was kind of presumptuous of Lisa to be like, "Why are you so mean? Were you abused?" This is not a woman who seems like she is easily taken down conversational roads she does not want to go down.

No, Brandi started telling Lisa R about how close she is to Kim because "Kyle is not there for Kim" and Kim is in a bad way. She said "You have no idea how bad it is for Kim right now" and Lisa said that she did not know about that and Brandi proceeded to fill her in on Kim's downward spiral by spilling Kim's secrets. Brandi did that, she is the one that changed the subject from herself to Kim, that was/is all on her, not Lisa R.

  • Love 13

Regardless of who did what to whom and why, the one unfortunately who benefits the most from all the hurly burly around whatever on earth she's doing off camera to propel herself into the behavior we see on camera is none other than .... drum roll ... Kim Richards!  Who has next to nothing to offer this show beyond the drama of her drama.  The rest of the cast definitely feed off it but the one getting the most bang for their buck in all this is still Kim.  Season after season we get to drive ourselves bonkers over her and season after season she's back. 


That said, I hope and pray that Rinna backs off of the excessive concern.  It's going to make zero difference to Kim and she risks being perceived as a user and an obsessive.  I'd be tapping old Harry to throw a party of some kind at my place -- or come up with some evening event that involves the other husbands.  She's made her point about Kim -- we get it even if Kim pretends not to--and best to keep it moving. 


Even the throw down fight will be a relief from all this.  Losing her temper will be something I'm sure LisaR will apologize for and it'll be good for Kim to be told, Enough! And to have that contrast on view will be good -- I'd be stunned if Rinna didn't apologize to Kim and I trust that Kim will continue to pretend that limo hell didn't occur. 

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 8

It turned into a discussion about Kim/intervention because Brandi threw Kim under the bus to keep Lisa R from asking about her nasty/aggressive drunk behavior. Lisa did start out telling Brandi she was interested in finding out what made Brandi so angry with the other HWs and Brandi immediately started to talk about how BAD things were for Kim......"more that anyone knows". It was Brandi that suggested an intervention for Kim, Lisa said no then Brandi asked her to speak to Kyle and tell her what she told LR and then......Brandi suggested a "group intervention"  with all the HWs so Kim did not feel singled out.  


Actually correction. It turned to Kim because Lisa R in discussing Brandi's less that demur behavior commented that she has seen the aftermath with the Richards sisters which suggested Brandis actions are a big part of the reason. Brandi goes on to defend her friendship with Kim as an explanation and actual defense to Lisa R's subtle suggestion that Brandi's trying to get between sisters. Lisa R steered the conversation to the Richards sisters and what came out after that seemed pretty organic coming from Brandi and I'm sure Lisa R's mind was exploding with excitement over the bountiful tea she was being served.

  • Love 3

I'm always confused about the idea that Kim hasn't even apologized. I get it but at the same time are the other women behaving like they expect one from her? It's not like she's withholding apologies she's just not randomly delivering them when she's around them. I've showed my ass around colleagues and friends before after drinking but the first thing that ran through my mind was oh shit! Embarassing but then I got a grip and was like well as long as I didn't trash anyone's house, car or slept with someone's husband then hey. But back to Kim, yes I'll agree that being armed with an apology to Eileen as the host and Lisa who she was acting so bizarre around (but does that really need an apology, acting weird and not noticing that LisaR was uncomfortable? Really? That serious?) I don't even think she understands that the ride may have reached apology level but anyway.  We assume these women felt an apology was necessary but aside from Eileen I don't really see why it should be that obvious and add the fact that it's Kim we are talking about not the most aware of the bunch drunk or sober so if these women do feel they deserve an apology then that's where the One on One talk comes it. Done. Simple.


Brandi didn't know Eileen felt she was owed an apology about what Brandi said and Eileen went straight to her and talked about it. Yolanda had things she wanted to hash out with Brandi that were sensitive and she had a one on one to discuss. Brandi wanted to hash stuff out with Lisa V and they went to lunch and had a one on one. Brandi want to squash issues with Adrienne and they went to lunch and had a one on one.  Lisa R wanted to discuss Brandi's behaviors and he sat down with her to have a one on one. Brandi wanted to apologize to Eileen for the wine throwing and she took her aside for a one on one. Yolanda wanted to offer Kim support and pulled her aside for a quick one on one. Kyle wanted to make peace with Carlton and they had a one on one so even in passed seasons, all these women have had one on ones to try and bury issues that were festering between them or discuss sensitive concerns but how often do we see Kim getting approached this way? Treated with the same regard and same intent? Even if it is on camera were are Kim's one on ones?  And before it's said I'll beat it to the punch. Just because Kim's circumstances may make any initiated sit down seem like a bigger undertaking, so what. It'll be uncomfortable? So what. The same effort should be made that is made when the other housewives are trying to handle the strife amongst each other but Kim is always on some other Filming Operating Procedure that isn't always of Kim's doing and that's wack.

Well, Brandi warned Lisa R to not talk to Kim 1 on 1, that it should be done as a group thing where Kim would not feel singled out because Kim might just kill herself!

  • Love 9

We have no idea if Lisa R tried to contact Kim off camera, none. It is possible that she did just as it is possible she did not. She kept her comments about Kim confined to what happened on poker night until Kim's BF spilled the beans about Kim. That is when Lisa R got more concerned about Kim and it was Brandi that pushed an "intervention", NOT Lisa R, so blame Brandi, not Lisa. Call Brandi out on her betrayal of Kim, had it not been for Brandi's big mouth we would never have known about the 2 am phone call, the "patch" Kim uses for her hernia, suicide talk, that Kim is so overwhelmed that she is on the edge....all of this came directly from Brandi, no one else. Lisa's response/concern was/is genuine IMO. 

Exactly. And why isn't Brandi being blamed for having the conversation we saw with Kim about the fact that Lisar was questioning her sobriety? Why wasn't that handled off camera? Why did Kim confront Lisar about the allegations on camera? If Kim wants to keep this shit off camera, she can try to do that. It doesn't look as if she has tried. 

  • Love 10

Actually correction. It turned to Kim because Lisa R in discussing Brandi's less that demur behavior commented that she has seen the aftermath with the Richards sisters which suggested Brandis actions are a big part of the reason. Brandi goes on to defend her friendship with Kim as an explanation and actual defense to Lisa R's subtle suggestion that Brandi's trying to get between sisters. Lisa R steered the conversation to the Richards sisters and what came out after that seemed pretty organic coming from Brandi and I'm sure Lisa R's mind was exploding with excitement over the bountiful tea she was being served.

IMO, she, Lisa, did not try to steer the conversation anywhere other than Brandi's vile aggressive behavior. How Brandi went after Kyle like she did poker night was and is a valid example of Brandi displaying that exact behavior.


To say that Lisa got excited to hear the pathetic state of Kim's life/mind is ridiculous IMO. How would you react to find out that someone you know, someone in your circle was so overwhelmed they were talking about killing themselves, would you just ignore it or would you ask more questions in hopes of finding a way to help that person.

  • Love 7

Very true goofygirl. People can just be plain assholes. Kim's addiction just enhances her asshole-like behavior. I have mentioned this on other show forums when trying to decipher whether one's addiction makes them an asshole or if they were already an asshole before their addiction took over.

I too get a bit of a bad vibe from the Hamlin girls. In their defense, they have not been on camera that much. Not sure what it is about them that bugs me.


Since not all addicts are assholes, It is probably part of her personality, or comorbidity.


What bothers me about them is their entitled "elitism" vibe. I think it comes from their mother and her lack of teaching them. Every time I have seen them they seem, except the scene with their grandparents, very taken with themselves and their charmed existence. It could be editing and I'm sure some of the sweet parts with them are left on the cutting room floor. That's what she signed up for. She may be the biggest famewhore of all.


Just for the record....eating disorders and addiction often go together and are very much similar illnesses.


Edited by Higgins
  • Love 5

What stood out to me was the night of Lisa VP & Kens 30th anniversary renewal ceremony. Brandi & Faye were fighting. The ladies were discussing the drama. Kim got over the top angry that Kyle was discussing how horrible Brandi was behaving...re: Adrienne...Kim was incensed that Kyle wasn't focusing on how horrible Brandi was to Kim. It was bizarre. Kim was relentlessly arguing with Kyle and picking a fight with her for no reason. That was the first time I felt bad for Kyle when it came to her and Kim. That was the glimpse into the exhaustion it must be to have Kim for a sister.


Funny, I had forgotten about this but you see how quick Kyle is to jump on Kim when Kim isn't automatically defending her from Brandi so you know what? Kim's fighting with Kyle about her not being as animated when it was Brandi treating Kim badly but Kyle wants to go HAM when defending someone else FROM Brandi confirms to me that there are double standards and Kim can never win because well Kim's an addict and should always be grateful to Kyle even when she's raked over the coals for not defending Kyle, for pointing out to Kyle how quick she is to be all about Brandi slighting Adrienne but not so much when Kim was on the receiving end but is now in the hot seat because Kim isn't on Kyle's side.... Kyle can be outraged at Kim and no one raises an eyebrow about Kyle's reasoning. Kim makes very valid attempts at pointing out the double standard and gasps at her audacity to do so considering what "Kyle has done for her" can be heard across the globe.


This is what really irritates me because I catch ALL of these little tidbits when I'm watching but so much of it falls to the wayside because bigger, louder, and simple reasoning wins out each and every time with these women.

  • Love 6

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