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S05.E18: Divorce


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ITA that Robyn has given considerable thought to her new, queenly duties. I hope the other three have given thought to their serf-like duties . . . Do what Robyn wants or else you'll be left with nothing when Kody kicks the bucket.


I was quite surprised in the tell-all episode, that it was rational, logical Janelle of all people, who worried that outsiders would interpret this move as a promotion for Robyn. Everybody dutifully shook their heads "no, of course not", but come on. They all know it's a promotion for Robyn, otherwise they wouldn't have to hash and rehash this decision and its implications over and over again.

  • Love 9

I'm still grappling with the moronic, half-assed decisions these people are making.  Meri and Kody divorce to ensure that Kody can adopt children whose father has not given up his parental rights.  Meri has to be one of the most gullible women I've ever seen.  They make a major life/financial decision based on nothing more than questionable hopes and dreams.  Unless Robyn's ex-husband is a violent, unpredictable nutcase, he should be able to see his kids as often as possible.  He is the one who filed for divorce, not Robyn.  So far, the only so-called bad thing he ever did was "beg for her purity" (*gag*).  Whenever she's been pressed for details about how, exactly, he was so abusive to her, she's started to cry and coyly refused to answer.  Give me a massive break.


I'm certainly no stranger to dealing with asshole ex-husbands, but if I were David Preston Jessop, I'd be camping out in front of my local courthouse tonight so I could firm up my custody/visitation agreement and file charges for slander against the Browns first thing tomorrow morning. 

Edited by SuzyLee
  • Love 19

I could not help but laugh at Robyn saying that her ex-husband would still have the same visitation with the kids and everything would be the same in that regard. Really? Really Robyn? Except for the fact that you are trying to have your now husband adopt the kids. No worries kids, you still with have the regular visitation schedule with your dad, because there will be no fallout at all.

Edited by Misslindsey
  • Love 12

I cannot stand watching any longer.  I'm a long time lurker that just needed to come on here to say thank you to those of you who can stomach watching this train wreck and then post what occurred.  This show needs to be cancelled so sobbin can go do her happy dance for having won the 'prize' of the laziest, no good for anything, poor excuse of a man.  This show is one big clusterfuck. 

  • Love 12

Ok Say what you want but I don't think Janelle and Christine were acting. I believe that was real and was filmed back in December. Christine is not smart enough to fake a reaction like that. The link of "proof" that this was filmed in February doesn't prove any such thing. Plus if you compare their hair in the divorce ep vs. the tell-all ep, no way were they both filmed in February. Meri's hair is much longer.

I am not saying they don't fudge things for timelines like all shows, but that was a very real moment with Janelle and Christine. The producer trying to get Janelle to say more, too...no one would need to put that in if it was a fake reenactment.

  • Love 2

So much attempting to convince us that Legal Marriage means nothing to them - the only thing that matters is Spiritual Marriage.  Okaaaay, let's pretend I believe that bullshit for a moment.  Then why in the FUCK is everyone so unbelievably disturbed and distressed by the Legal Divorce??  If it really means nothing, I don't understand everyone being such an emotional wreck about it stil, more than SIX months after the fact?  Surrsslyyy?? Pronunciation courtesy of  Robyn.  



*edited to explain that I don't know how to do the TM thing for trademark

Edited by tabloidlover
  • Love 3

The divorce happened in September but wasn't filmed until later. There is debate about that; Meri's special episode was filmed February 2 and allegedly the divorce episode was filmed around that time too. 


I think Janelle's reaction is the same as it was when she found out in real-time, and will still be the same a year from now. She is not happy about the situation. I'm betting Christine was furious but has since calmed down and learned to toe the company line. We have seen her blow up in the moment when confronted with the slightest upsetting news. This was a life-altering event and there was no way she took it that calmly and "Be Sweet-ly" in real life.

  • Love 8

I also love how an important decision like this was not made together, or even discussed! It was Meri's idea, she made the decision to tell Kody and Robyn, then she told Janelle and Christine. "When is this happening?" asked Christine. "Tomorrow." Yea, right! Such fakery.

I'm thinking it went like this - filming on the last season had ended or was winding down, and they realized the show is running out of steam. After all, there are only so many episodes of so-and-so going off to college, or more graduation parties, or boring trips, before viewers lose interest. I think they looked at their bills and their mortgage payments, and in desperation, concocted this drama. From their perspective, they're TV stars, making good money, living in 4 mansions, and they want to milk it for as long as possible. Smart move from a financial perspective, bad move in every other way. They are gross, inauthentic liars, but hey, at least Meri gets to keep her wet bar, and that's most important.

  • Love 11
I'm betting Christine was furious but has since calmed down and learned to toe the company line. We have seen her blow up in the moment when confronted with the slightest upsetting news. This was a life-altering event and there was no way she took it that calmly and "Be Sweet-ly" in real life.


I agree. Also Christine would have wanted it explained.  I don't believe for a minute her first impulse would be to lovingly hug Meri, she would be asking a million questions. That would be the normal response, this was scripted shenanigans.

Edited by Armchair Critic
  • Love 11

So we're to believe that a family court judge would just consider Kody and Robin's legal marriage and completely overlook the fact that they're a polygamist/pseudo-bigamist family? Which is still technically illegal, right?


Did they infer that their polygamy would fly under the court's radar? Mmmm'kay.

Edited by elainebenis
  • Love 6

I'm torn as to whether this episode was filmed very recently or not. I definitely think something strange was up as the Meri behind the scenes episode was obviously put together last minute according to an article someone posted previously. I agree with another person upthread, at least with the point that Janelle's reaction in this ep. seemed authentic. I'm thinking it was talked about and discussed amongst the family, just in more vague terms; maybe J and C didn't expect that Meri would ever go through with it. In any case, there was some major acting going on as I will never believe that Meri just happened to have Kody and Robyn come over and hear for the very first time that this divorce thought is in her mind. The way Kody assured Meri towards the end of that discussion that it was for the children gave me the distinct feeling this was not Meri's idea. Maybe Kobyn (thanks to whomever came up with that!) have been dropping hints to Meri for some time that she should do this. Even more than the illogical thought process behind this divorce, I resent the rewriting of history they try to do. Something else strange I noticed was that the outfit Mariah was wearing was exactly the same as what she was wearing in the five second flashback they did where she was hanging around Robyn's kids. 


I liked Janelle speaking positively about Meri in the Tell-All, it felt very genuine and heartfelt. And I laughed out loud when Tamryn asked them why they decided to keep doing the show and Robyn  chimed in with "we still have a mission". Right, mission AKA gravy train. I was disappointed in Kody that he still said nothing about acknowledging Christine's feelings about Ken-gate, but at least he apologized for the PMS thing. Can't expect too much from him!


Count me as another who is so confused about not finding out about Jessop giving up his rights BEFORE the wife swap. It does not make sense. Also, Kody keeps saying that the legal divorce and marriage makes no difference to him and it's just technicalities, so is he saying that his legal marriage to Robyn doesn't matter to him at all? I'd like to know how he reconciles that with thinking that a court of law is going to see his marriage to Robyn in a positive light? Couldn't the things he is saying on the show impact him negatively for fighting to adopt? Maybe not, but the whole thing just seems contradictory and....sigh, no more words for these people right now.

Edited by purpleflowers
  • Love 6

My husband wasn't able to adopt my son from my first marriage because my ex wouldn't agree to it. I could have taken him to court for no child support, but I didn't want to drag it out. I still am perplexed that Kody can adopt the kids just by legally marrying Robyn.

I don't care what they say..... Kody can't adopt Robyn's kids without permission from the ex and if they had permission they wouldn't need to be married for Kody to adopt them because Robyn would be the only legal parent and she could give permission.

  • Love 14

I don't care what they say..... Kody can't adopt Robyn's kids without permission from the ex and if they had permission they wouldn't need to be married for Kody to adopt them because Robyn would be the only legal parent and she could give permission.

It's not just the ex's permission - he would have to relinquish his rights as their father. And regardless of what Robyn said repeatedly on tonight's episode - that would be the first step. If, and only if, he agreed (and how likely is that to happen? Not ever!), then legally marrying Kody would be step #2.

This was all made-up bullshit to keep the TLC gravy train running.

  • Love 13

It's not just the ex's permission - he would have to relinquish his rights as their father. And regardless of what Robyn said repeatedly on tonight's episode - that would be the first step. If, and only if, he agreed (and how likely is that to happen? Not ever!), then legally marrying Kody would be step #2.

This was all made-up bullshit to keep the TLC gravy train running.

Yes. You are right. I meant relinquish rights but wasn't clear. Someone above said Robyn claimed it wouldn't change their visitation. I couldn't bring myself to watch the show but if she really said that it tells me he hasn't given up his rights nor is he planning to because if he was willing to relinquish his rights he wouldn't have visitation anymore and you would assume anyone who wants visitation with their kids wouldn't give up their rights

Edited to add that if the first step actually did happen, they wouldn't need the second step.

Edited by 3girlsforus
  • Love 1

Kody implied that marriage to Robyn would keep the kids' father from snatching them and running.

That would seem quite unlikely, based on the way the dad is portrayed on the show. 


I'm wondering about Meri's real intentions in all of this.  Meri is clever. 


1.  Bring Robyn into this plural arrangement to even the numbers. Three's a crowd, so Meri helped create a team M & R.  Result: Team M & R vs. Team C & J. 


2.  I predict Meri is going to go her own way eventually --  going back to school and divorcing Kody represent only the first steps in her plan. 


3.  She will move closer to her daugher (whom I suspect will not be moving closer to that BIGGGG family, but farther away).


4.  Meri's decision to legally divorce Kody, thereby legalizing the union of  Kody and Robyn, is purportedly to free up R's kids for adoption, but in reality it's Meri's way of turning the screws on Team C and J.  Watching them squirm with resentment and jealousy despite their television protests to the contrary. 


5.  I wonder if Meri has a feeling that Kody and Robyn's legal union will be so offputting to the other two wives - C and J - that both will eventually break free from Kody and let him have what he's wanted all along -- a life with Robyn.  (and with Meri, too, if she'd be able to tolerate living with a still-fertile Robyn and the baby she and Kody have together).


6. Meri knows Kody inside out.  They are actually more like brother and sister than husband and wife.  She knows he is becoming worn down from his decision to "multiply love."  I think Meri can see how much Kody dislikes Christine, how he has pretty much relied on Jenelle for her business sense (well, at one time, anyway), and how his life would be much less complicated with just ONE wife.  Meri, therefore, is clearing the path for Kody....   beginning with step 1 (above). 


N.B. Kody would be wise to not quit the show just yet.  He'd probably be better off socking away as much money as possible for the child support he'll eventually be paying for the dozen or more offspring he has with Christine and Jenelle.

Edited by StayingAfterSunday
  • Love 2

I think the real reason Meri is divorcing Kody is far different than we're being led to believe.  After Kody told her he didn't want another child with her (and then said it was because he could tell she didn't really want one herself) I thought the two of them are so over, there needs to be a new word for "over".  It's obvious to me that their relationship was going nowhere.  Meri pushing Robyn on him was probably because she couldn't care less about Robyn "replacing" her and is now out for only wet bars and other financial compensation from him.  The two of them are indeed more like brother and sister than husband/wife and I wouldn't doubt that Meri doesn't really care one way or the other about Robyn taking her place in the pecking order because she's emotionally checked out anyway.  Unlike Christine who still cares.  Meri is like the divorcing wife who just wants her ex to be happy but still pay up.  I can't seem to make any sense out of what's been going on here apart from that.  The whole premise of divorcing so they could adopt the kids is obviously bogus as other people have commented that single people adopt kids all the time.  How stupid are they?  I don't think they're even that stupid but they certainly think their audience is dumb enough to buy it - sorry to say they are wrong about that!  They have done this before like when they moved to Las Vegas a lot of people didn't buy the reasoning given behind that was running away from an investigation.

Edited by Snarklepuss
  • Love 2

De-lurking for a moment.  The phony divorce story, Robyn's phony tears, the crappy music........TLC must really think we were all born in a shoe.  I can't get over the magnitude of bs that is being shoveled out on this show.  I agree with a post up-thread, I think Meri is going to leave sometime soon.  The custody story is a crock, they certainly cannot be this stupid.  Can they?


Ok, back to lurking.


  • Love 9

Robyn has been careful never to flat out say her ex did anything specific. Being on TV could open herself up to defamation suits. I really think she hints around to things and figures the viewer will assume he's evil because he's a "Jessop" and she can make him out to be the villain while rewriting her history.

Yeah, that's why I found it interesting that she clearly stated this ep, several times, that he wasn't paying child support. (Anyone know if that alone, or with unused visitation, would convince a judge to terminate his rights? It can certainly be a bargaining chip to getting him to voluntarily sign his rights away, if he's legally required to pay but isn't/isn't able. I've seen that happen a few times to incentivize a non-custodial parent who isn't paying their mandated support - "this gets you off the hook" - so that the stepparent can adopt, though the bio parent only tends to go for it if they also aren't utilizing their visitation time, etc.)

But TLC's lawyers definitely would have actually fact-checked that to avoid being party in a defamation suit.

ITA re getting their dad to sign away his rights being the first step, though maybe they plan to escalate it to court (re unpaid child support and if he really hasn't seen the kids in a year or two) swiftly if he refuses and want that ammunition. Though with the divorce going through in ten days, they could have still sat on that.

Actual question - obviously, we know that Kody doesn't have to be legally married to Robyn to adopt her kids. But could he adopt her kids (if dad's rights were terminated) with her consent if he were married to someone else?

(In which case, divorce is still not step one, and they wouldn't need to take the step of legally marrying one another, but IF they think they have a case to try and get dad's rights terminated by a judge so step-dad can adopt, his legally being their step-dad and showing the commitment on paper would be a plus.)

Liked Janelle speaking to Meri's sacrifice on the tell-all - maybe, combined with Janelle's seemingly being ready, Meri's big sacrifice for the good of the family (or Meri's being royally screwed over; either reality works) will help them move into a new phase together. (I like Janelle, so I'm an optimist...)

The clips reminded me how much I love Christine's teal plaid shirt during the RV trip fight. Great color for her.

Heh. "What changed your mind [about quitting the show]?" It is ok - more than ok - to acknowledge that the family is well compensated (I assume; the TLC income certainly gives them financial stability they wouldn't otherwise have at present) for the negatives, and in addition to the motivation of "their mission" it balances out for them in the final analysis. Awkward to leave out the obvious financial incentive (need) entirely, although all of these shows like to pretend that TLC is filming events without influencing them.)

On a weird note: On either the ep or the tell-all, they had a picture of the four wives in the snow somewhere - Meri still had very long hair, so it was taken before TLC was around, yet Robyn was apparently photoshopped into the picture? Why not use one from soon after Robyn joined the family? So it would look like she was in the family longer? (As Meri specifically looks much younger.)

Edited by WalrusGirl
  • Love 2

Yeah, that's why I found it interesting that she clearly stated this ep, several times, that he wasn't paying child support. (Anyone know if that alone, or with unused visitation, would convince a judge to terminate his rights?)

All a judge would do is order the father to pay child support, including back pay. Thousands upon thousands of fathers are routinely delinquent in child support payments, and are rarely (if ever) stripped of their legal parental status. I'm not a lawyer, so maybe someone else can chime in, but I think you have to do something pretty serious for that to happen (abuse, drugs, long-term neglect). And I don't think it's very common for parents to voluntarily give up their children.

  • Love 8


I just want to know:

1.  Why on earth would they go through a divorce and marriage so Kody can adopt Robin's kids BEFORE even knowing if their father would be willing to give up his parental rights?  And I'd bet my life savings that isn't going to happen.  Their other excuse makes no sense either.  If Robin were to die, being legally married to Kody would NOT give him rights to her kids.>>


             >> this may sound awful but they know they have ridden the fake-event train way too long and it's starting to become boring- you know, commitment ceremonies, grad parties, silly dinner antics- all that crap- anything to avoid the subject of real interactions and keep the focus on something else. At least the other plyg family started off with real interactive drama, before they also got sucked into the requisite rv trips, or let's watch 20 something kids go sasquatch hunting with crazy grandpa.  There's a legal phrase for turning the kids against the other parent, it's called 'parental alienation' , and the other parent doesn't have to deserve it, and it can be subtle as well as obvious 'Dad/Mom doesn't know how to (whatever) or can't (whatever), Dad/Mom loves you but....' you get the idea.



<<2.  They that they are all SO busy because they ALL work?  At WHAT?>>



           >> they have learned polite bullshit talk from the hollywood types. That's all that is, making up crap like 'oh we're just overscheduled' and Chris jumps in with 'oh totally that is sooo true..'  They can't convincingly play the 'oh we should get together sometime'  game, never really intending to, that people say when they are being fake-polite - when they LIVE RIGHT NEXT DOOR to each other. If they wanted to hang out, at any given time there are no less than three of them who are not entertaining Farrah... I mean Kody. 




 Christine (as a brunette,once innocent, recently embittered in this movie) : Oh no, here comes Kobyn. Is she actually sprinkling glitter on him?

Janelle (as Sharon Stone in 'Diablolique', a campy, cold-hearted bitches' bitch if ever there was one) : Did you make them the special casserole?


<<3. If their lifestyle is so wonderful and they're all so happy, why is at least one wife, if not more, crying in every. fucking. episode?>>




         >> because suffering makes each of us better.  If only we could suffer so much, we could be made into plyg saints. Meri, patron saint of wet bars...someone could fashion a little icon of this for the back garden perhaps, Christine, patron saint of tater tots and protector of children from evil household appliances, figurine of Christine stepping on a toaster (as opposed to the one of the angel stepping on a snake-yes I know they aren't Catholic, but so what, for the sake of snark)...Janelle patron saint of bringing home the bacon and  Nolo press books , the last one, I don't even know.





So, the main reason for their "restructuring their marriages" is Robin's kids.  Since their stupid plan is not going to get them the ending they want, sneaky little Robin comes out the winner.  Well played, Robin, well played!


                   Thing is, I don't think the kodster has this big empire, sitting there, tossing his hair  his arms trying to magnanimously encircle whichever women are closest into a fake-believe world of pretend security and all this sister caring/investment.  This is probably how he sees himself. ( photo from film 'Sword of the Valiant') but it is all an illusion- what will happen when the crystal ball breaks, when they all have to go back to real life, and they can't all just stay in their own little drama-land when the bills come rolling in, when it is winter and cold in Nevada and there is no more TLC money to heat the mcmansions? I don't know that Meri is losing as much as people say/think she is. Maybe now she will be the one to reap the benefit of part-time ex-wife 'fun' without (hopefully) the legal financial black hole of king doofus.





To Meri : "You were  my first babe, I will always love you..." he slurs as he sings along to the strains of Whitney Houston, they drunk-dance , soon to roll around on the wet bar, having wild ex-sex covered in Hawaiian tropic and sun-in...



To Robyn: "I felt like we were just as married even before this legal marriage babe.."


To Christine :"you'll always be my fairy-tale princess babe...'


To Janelle:  "babe, you are like the eye of  the storm in all this..' 


 (feel free to add your own possible BS lines of the week)

  • Love 1

I was quite surprised in the tell-all episode, that it was rational, logical Janelle of all people, who worried that outsiders would interpret this move as a promotion for Robyn. Everybody dutifully shook their heads "no, of course not", but come on. They all know it's a promotion for Robyn, otherwise they wouldn't have to hash and rehash this decision and its implications over and over again.

In the real world where the rest of us live, it's a BIG promotion - and they know it, too. They're already trying to take advantage of it in their wild scheme to take away a man's children.

Kept my promise to never watch again. Just enraged by the utter BS being reported by those of you who did. So angry they were renewed.

Oh, and the lack of child support thing is RICH, considering the douche's (too many) biological children lived to see the TLC gravy train arrive thanks to things like food stamps (because HE'S no provider).

Edited by RealityCowgirl
  • Love 4
But TLC's lawyers definitely would have actually fact-checked that to avoid being party in a defamation suit.


Provided they don't use one from their central casting department. I think you are giving TLC way more credit for brains than they deserve. They are the ones dumping this crap on us and expecting us to believe every word.  Nice opinion of our level of intelligence....

  • Love 1

So, ostensibly the reason Meri and Kody got divorced and he married Robyn is so that he can legally adopt her kids? Um, don't you think they should figure out if her ex is even willing to sign away his rights? I know Robyn likes to paint him as this total deadbeat, but I'm not willing to go on her word alone. I feel like she was pushing them to take Kody as their dad from day one, so I wouldn't be surprised if some manipulation was behind the supposed estrangement between him and his kids. And maybe she's totally right. Maybe he's a POS who cares little for his kids, and Kody is there every day and they love him. I still think that aspect should have been addressed before they went through all this nonsense of rotating wives. 


And I really don't get why they're acting like it's this big, dramatic change. I thought the legal marriage meant little to nothing; that it was the spiritual marriages that mattered. That's how they always try and portray it. But here we have all these tears and fears about things changing. Why would anything change, ladies? Huh? Why? 


Oh, and Robyn keeps mentioning them wanting the Brown name. I don't think she and Kody would have to be legally married for them to change their name, would they? 


And it's totally not lost on my that Meri benefits by coming off as the magnanimous martyr in all this. Well played, Meri. 


This show has become a total circus for me. My husband watched last night for the first half, while we were waiting for Walking Dead to start, and he said - "This guy is a player, and why do they have so much money?" LOL

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 3



You naive fool.  Robyn has called the shots from the beginning.

How is that statement a LOL? It should have ended with a SMH. Robyn is really going to jump into the role of HBIC. And how does Meri's decision warrent a Hawaii honeymoon? And where is all of this money coming from that Robyn is going to dole out when Kody goes to his planet? And why shouldn't her children's biological father have the rights to his own children?
  • Love 2
Yeah Kody, you may be more of a father to those three kids than a dad living several states away right now, but I also know that there are about a dozen kids living right under your nose who have considered you an absentee father for their entire lives. What you are doing feels more like a land grab than anything.


Right? What does Christine have to do, besides allow gym mats in her garage, to get him to come and visit HER kids?

  • Love 7

Didn’t see the divorce episode but I did catch the tell all episode. (Divorce episode is waiting on my PVR).
My thoughts… something like this went down.
TLC: I think we are wrapping up this season guys. Thanks for the good run. See ya! Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Brown adults thinking: Oh no the homes!
Meri thinking: Oh no! My wet bar.
Meri goes and gets divorce cementing another season of this train wreck.
TLC: Guess you guys got another season.
Meri saves her precious wet bar.  Kody gets Sobyn legally. Sobyn gets Kody legally. Christine got mom living with her. Janelle gets screwed. But at least she has a job and can probably support herself and her McMasion if she really wants to leave these idiots. Problem is that Janelle has drunk the koolaid and will not leave even if they ask her to.

  • Love 3

Right? What does Christine have to do, besides allow gym mats in her garage, to get him to come and visit HER kids?

Thank you, Ghoulina. This seems to be a matter of quantity vs quality fatherly time. I'll bet Robyn's ex, in the brief time he has the kids, gives them more focus than Kody ever did when he had just a few.. And watch the kids, when older, run to live with him while Robyn sobs, " I never woulda guessed with all I did for them! "

Edited by youcantbeserious
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