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S05.E18: Divorce

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I really, really, really want the true reason of the divorce to be that Meri has decided to take on another husband. I mean, wouldn't that be the sweetest justice of all?


Who's up for some vulgarity?

ME ME ME!!!!! This would be SO sweet.

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I really, really, really want the true reason of the divorce to be that Meri has decided to take on another husband. I mean, wouldn't that be the sweetest justice of all?


Who's up for some vulgarity?

Kewl! I would LOVE that, especially if it was Kody's best friend. Pure Karma  :)

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Meri needs to find clothes that fit, that cardigan is too small and those jeans look like a yeast infection waiting to happen.


I'm calling shenanigans that Kody & Robyn didn't know about Meri looking into divorce.

Edited by Armchair Critic
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So can the children be adopted without their father's approval? Do they have that? I don't get why that's not belong mentioned by anyone. Also, Robin looked so fake trying to look surprised and conjure up some tears.

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There is no freaking way that Robyn and Kody didn't know about this before Meri went to the lawyer. And why the happy trio think that Christine and Janelle would be happy about this weren't thinking. Oh wait. Plus this is all so fake because it was filmed after the divorce already happened.

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I wish Janelle would wake up and realize her whole life depends on the whims of an unpredictable manchild.


Robyn is so full of it acting like she is scared to be legally married again, she got what she wanted all along.

Edited by Armchair Critic
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So can the children be adopted without their father's approval? Do they have that? I don't get why that's not belong mentioned by anyone. Also, Robin looked so fake trying to look surprised and conjure up some tears.

My husband wasn't able to adopt my son from my first marriage because my ex wouldn't agree to it. I could have taken him to court for no child support, but I didn't want to drag it out. I still am perplexed that Kody can adopt the kids just by legally marrying Robyn.

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Riddle me this. .if Preston the deadbeat never sees his kids and doesn't care. .why in hell are they worried he would suddenly ride in like a knight in shining armour if Bobbyn was to choke on a chicken wing and expire?

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So their reason is an obvious lie unless they found a way to coerce or bribe the kids' father into giving up his parental rights. I guess in a few months it will be easy to see when no adoption is aired.

My guess is that there will be no further talk about adoption ever again. TLC will let the viewers assume that Kody adopted the Jessop kids, even though it will never happen.

Edited by rachel74
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Robyn, I want to share something with you, sweetie. If you are sitting in the lawyer's office as Meri's "very best friend", sit by Meri, not Kody.


Robyn + friendship = you're doing it wrong

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Meri now you can be free, take this chance and run away! Please before you look any worse. You are a fright. Listen to your counsel. It's a hard life. Too hard!

Robyn you are a disaster and a bad actress. Plus your dye job is awful.

Kody you are not worthy of my comments.

Edited by Maire
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Well at least Janelle was looking at things more rationally. Meri and Kody didn't seem like they knew much about what would happen with their property. It's fine to state right now that nothing changes but if one of them dies or gets spiteful - there could be an uprising. Even if that adopting the kids were the real reason for the divorce - wouldn't it have made way more sense for them to ask the kids father if he would be willing to give up his rights to the children. Because if he says no - then all of this would have been for nothing. Unless he was an abusive father, the judge just can't terminate his rights.

I would have like to have seen the reactions from the other children (especially Janelle's). It seemed like Meri thought she was being nice by informing Christine and Janelle of the changes - because if they were truly a family, wouldn't the adults all have sat down and discussed it (I would be willing to bet that tellign Christine and Janelle was always an afterthought).

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Sorry, I just ... can't. This divorce is the stupidest thing Meri could have done to herself. Why is she falling on her sword for Robyn?? Unless she wants to divorce Kody to run off and have a better life, never to look back, there is no rational reason for her to have done this. I'm actually ANGRY at Meri. And I'm angry at Robyn's fake weepiness. What is she blubbering on about? She's just been promoted to Wife #1!! Does she think we don't know she's doing the happy dance in her head?


Ugh. I can't with this show.

Edited by deedee2
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As usual, this family does everything bass ackwards. Divorce first then wonder if David Jessop will give up parental rights. Biggest bunch of jackasses that ever jackassed.


The attorney was worthless. He should have asked if the biological father had given up parental rights FIRST, before counseling Meri to divorce.


I guess they forget we saw Robyn and Kody driving the kids to Montana to see their dad several Christmases ago,and the kids go visit their dad in Montana during the summer. We only have Robyn's (lying) word he doesn't pay child support. A judge isn't going to give over the kids just for some non-payment (if that is really true). 


Meri- "The kids need the name Brown." Then just change it, like Robyn did.

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When Meri quit My Sister Wife's Closet to go back to school, Robyn was sick with worry that she would be less connected with the family. Interesting that she didn't voice any concern when Meri decided to divorce Kody.

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Meri looks angry at Kody while she's telling him about the divorce. Like she's got a lot of tension and anger towards him as he asks if anything is going to change. That right there plus Robyn's fake crying tells me this was set up for damage control. It just seems...off. (Currently watching.)

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I wish Janelle would wake up and realize her whole life depends on the whims of an unpredictable manchild.


Robyn is so full of it acting like she is scared to be legally married again, she got what she wanted all along.



Oh, I think Janelle is fully aware of what she's got. But she's so checked out emotionally, that I don't think she gives Kody's antics a second thought. I'm guessing at this point her calculations are purely pragmatic.

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Meri looks angry at Kody while she's telling him about the divorce. Like she's got a lot of tension and anger towards him as he asks if anything is going to change. That right there plus Robyn's fake crying tells me this was set up for damage control. It just seems...off. (Currently watching.)

Of course it's off. They weren't filmed when this took place. They were acting it all out a couple weeks back for the cameras. I hate that they think we are idiots. I'm gonna get banned from Bobbyn Twitter tonight. Edited by MarysWetBar
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The amount of ex-husband bashing that Robyn does is unbelievable. If she is doing this much on national TV, you have to wonder what she is saying at home, in front of the kids. It's bad enough the kids see what is aired on TV (they tweet that the family watches the show together). You would think a family judge would have a problem with that, as well as that parents also being in a polygamous marriage, despite the revolving legal document. They still have some huge hurdles to overcome in the adoptions.


And if it is so damn important for the kids to be adopted by Kody, why hasn't Robyn been working on this HERSELF for the last five years? Working with her attorney, moving heaven and earth to make it happen? Why does it have to be Meri that makes it happen?

Edited by Galloway Cave
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What astounds me (beside the fact that this was all filmed a few weeks ago) is that they are justifying the divorce and marriage to Robyn on the premise that it is about Kody adopting Robyn's children. The kids' dad has not given up legal rights to his kids! At the end of the show, "This is the first step.......". lol. These are a bunch of liars. I kind of feel sorry for Janelle and Christine, but they are going along with the circus!

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Of course it's off. They weren't filmed when this took place. They were acting it all out a couple weeks back for the cameras. I hate that they think we are idiots. I'm gonna get banned from Bobbyn Twitter tonight.

I wonder if TLC will recreate the Hawaiian honeymoon. Most likely, it will be omitted entirely as part of the Brown's revisionist history.

Edited by rachel74
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If it is no big deal on the divorce of Meri and Kody then why all the tears from Meri?

It must be more than just legalities.

Because Meris role is martyr. She fell on her sword for the good of the family.Pooooor Meri.

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Such BS.  These people are so full of crap.  Did Kody seriously say, "Is this legal?"

I wonder if the reason that they used to get a divorce (which was along the lines "can no longer get along with each other") be considered perjury - since it is clearly seen that they are able to live peacefully together? Or do judges not really care why people want a divorce.

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This show! I had to de-lurk. Robyn literally makes me sick. Adding my incredulity to the ridiculous reasoning. You mean to tell me none of them discussed that Robyn's ex likely wouldn't agree to another man adopting his kids? Why wouldn't Meri just wait??

Then...Robyn waxing poetic on the other wives "trusting" her....talking about when the husband "passes" the legal wife is responsible for the estate. Ugh!! Like she has t totally thought this through.

And finally, during the tell-all, when she and Kody were talking about the "hurdles" to the adoption she defended the first hurdle was that they needed to be legally married. Didn't they get legally married right away?

And with this....I am done watching. I will just read the forums. I truly believe these women are brainwashed.

Also....O.M.G!!! "There is no guarantees." She said that FOUR times. In a row!! Gah

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Even if they spin this as Meri's decision, can you imagine the pressure?  I mean, talk about the elephant in the room when Robin and Kody are lamenting the fact that if something happened to Robin, they would have no recourse as far as the kids' future.  "If only there was some way we could make sure the kids stay with the Browns if something happens to Robin."  Camera pans to Meri (crickets).  You'd have to be a fool to not get the implication.

Edited by tobeannounced
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I wonder if TLC will recreate the Hawaiian honeymoon. Most likely, it will be omitted entirely as part of the Brown's revisionist history.


Oh, right, the honeymoon. So much for legal marriages being unimportant nuisances imposed upon these poor spiritual beings by evil society. If legal marriage is so insignificant in their estimation, then why are the newlyweds (who have been "spiritually" married for 5 years already) off to celebrate the signing of a piece of paper by flying to Hawaii for a romantic getaway? Will Kody be taking each wife on an erzatz honeymoon to celebrate the restructuring of the family status? >:-{

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I just want to know:

1.  Why on earth would they go through a divorce and marriage so Kody can adopt Robin's kids BEFORE even knowing if their father would be willing to give up his parental rights?  And I'd bet my life savings that isn't going to happen.  Their other excuse makes no sense either.  If Robin were to die, being legally married to Kody would NOT give him rights to her kids.

2.  They stress that they are all SO busy because they ALL work?  At WHAT?

3. If their lifestyle is so wonderful and they're all so happy, why is at least one wife, if not more, crying in every. fucking. episode?

So, the main reason for their "restructuring their marriages" is Robin's kids.  Since their stupid plan is not going to get them the ending they want, sneaky little Robin comes out the winner.  Well played, Robin, well played!

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Eh. This divorce doesn't make me angry in the least. I think it makes no sense at this point in time, but I don't know whether it's because they're hiding the real reasons or if they just don't have the ability to think things through.

I enjoy watching the show. The kids seem alright. I leave it as that. I'm sad it's the season end because I enjoy the show.

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Then...Robyn waxing poetic on the other wives "trusting" her....talking about when the husband "passes" the legal wife is responsible for the estate. Ugh!! Like she has t totally thought this through.

ITA that Robyn has given considerable thought to her new, queenly duties. I hope the other three have given thought to their serf-like duties . . . Do what Robyn wants or else you'll be left with nothing when Kody kicks the bucket.

Can someone explain why Kody would rather give Robyn this power than just write a will?

Edited by rachel74
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Oh so proud and happy! Kody blocked me from twitter!

I'll be next.

If David Jessop started a crowd funding site to pay for attorneys, I would contribute!

Hell i will throw twenty in a pot just to hear his side..haha
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Oh, right, the honeymoon. So much for legal marriages being unimportant nuisances imposed upon these poor spiritual beings by evil society. If legal marriage is so insignificant in their estimation, then why are the newlyweds (who have been "spiritually" married for 5 years already) off to celebrate the signing of a piece of paper by flying to Hawaii for a romantic getaway? Will Kody be taking each wife on an erzatz honeymoon to celebrate the restructuring of the family status? >:-{


If anyone deserves the honeymoon it is Meri. She gave up the most and went from legal marriage to spiritual marriage. Why not take her to a tropical paradise for her sacrifice? Nope. Sobyn just keeps winning. Sitting there with her lantern jaw quivering in the attorney's office talking about no other woman could do that. Well I guess so. Sobyn couldn't even give up a trip to Maui. 


Bullshitting bullshitters! 

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