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Season 5 Reunion Spoilers, Previews, Gossip, Etc.

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I didn't want to believe it last week, but on the first look I paid attention. Every single "viewer" "question" was phrased to be pro Brandi. Not one called her out in any way. I knew I was screwed when Brandi was asked which Housewife should be fired. Why that question? Why to Brandi? Why right after a segment where Eileen shut Brandi's ass down despite the other pro-Brandi questions? Yeah, Brandi will be back next season, there is zero doubt in my mind. And Andy will be laughing all the way to the bank.

But damn, Eileen seriously just shut her ass down. It was beautiful to watch, even though Brandi will never, ever get it.

I actually don't mind all those questions. Each and every one led to everything Eileen, LisaR and even LisaV used against her.


Had to add that in a way, I feel like Andy led the attack on her. By choosing the questions from fans that were read Andy and Bravo can't be accused of attacking Brandi. In a very sly way they chose questions that opened the doors for the ladies to take her down bit by bit.

Edited by bagger
  • Love 20

How does Brandi have the nerve to say "don't talk about my children," or "don't touch my family"? (parents). Brandi - the truth cannon who outed Adrienne's surrogacy secret. The one who called Yolanda's daughter an alcoholic? The one who called Eileen a home wrecker?*. Honestly - the nerve?

* How great was that when Eileen brought out Leann Rimes to the conversation, and told her to fix her rotten relationship with her ex?

This preview/part 2 reunion explains why Brandi has been tweeting that she now prays for Leann when she flies and is saying in interviews that she/LR are doing better the last week or so! All her comments were to take the heat off of Eileen's comment about fixing it with Leann! LOL

  • Love 11

Thanks........can't wait for the texts to be revealed....I wouldn't think LR would be that careless to send a threatening text that she knew would come back to bite her......


LisaR has a history of mean tweeting, then deleting. So it doesn't surprise me that she'd send a threatening text.  She was probably burning up the phone lines as a teen in Medford crank calling the chub chubs.

  • Love 6

Andy stop coddling BG and just fire her already.


And yet I don't think he will. First off, Andy cherry picked the most favorable viewer questions to field to his not-so-concealed favorite Brandi. Second, in the first look for Part 2, it is evident Andy gets a huge kick out of Brandi's rude commentary (ie. "same hairstyle for 20 years," "change your Depends b/c you're so full of shit.") Andy is the mean girl in the clique who knows better but eats the shit up with a spoon. He loves seeing these women tear each other down. The only time he may even think to intervene or shut things down is when gay slurs or homophobic comments start getting thrown around. I'm really sick of that smug twerp not only condoning Brandi's behavior but actively trying to defend it (Part 1).

  • Love 16

I didn't want to believe it last week, but on the first look I paid attention. Every single "viewer" "question" was phrased to be pro Brandi. Not one called her out in any way. I knew I was screwed when Brandi was asked which Housewife should be fired. Why that question? Why to Brandi?

I noticed that, too, and I didn't like it. But, as bagger said - it backfired. All the ladies, far smarter than Brandi, took her answers and went to town on her.

  • Love 7

This preview/part 2 reunion explains why Brandi has been tweeting that she now prays for Leann when she flies and is saying in interviews that she/LR are doing better the last week or so! All her comments were to take the heat off of Eileen's comment about fixing it with Leann! LOL

That's so funny. You're right - this is the reason for all the warm and fuzzy LeAnn Rimes talk of late.

Eileen is brilliant. She took that homewrecker dig and manipulated Brandi with it - to the extent of Brandi having to play nice with her arch nemesis. That's gotta hurt.

  • Love 10

Everyone start following Kitty on twitter!!!  S/he was spot on page 1!



Kitty ‏@KellyKittyKat 7h7 hours ago
@CheReal85 She didn't get all crazy and yell and scream. Eileen basically told Brandi about herself in a way where Brandi had no excuse.

Kitty ‏@KellyKittyKat 7h7 hours ago
@CheReal85 They all had something to say about her, except for Kim. Brandi got told! Ah ha, that's what she gets.
Che ♊ ‏@CheReal85 7h7 hours ago
@KellyKittyKat So Kim didn't try and defend her?

Kitty ‏@KellyKittyKat 7h7 hours ago
@CheReal85 Kim did, but there was only so much she can say. She said Brandi was a good friend and all that--but that's the extent. What Kim
Kitty ‏@KellyKittyKat 7h7 hours ago
@CheReal85 focused on was the beef she has with Kyle. That part was a hotmess. You'll see.


  • Love 3

Ooh, how did I miss this post earlier? Great clip, thanks for posting. I screamed when it cut off mid-sentence, though!


Kyle: "I don't NEED"-- don't need what? Aaah! Hopefully the last word of that sentence is "you." 


I hope she wasn't starting to say for the third time, "I don't need to be invited to your daughter's wedding".  Because the first time she said it, it was like, "No, Kyle.  No. Shut up, Kyle. No."  The second time she said it, I winced.  But then she immediately broke down which made it obvious she didn't mean it but for chrissake, Kyle, just leave the kids out of your mouth. Control your mouth.  Because it's not necessary to talk like that and also because Kim will go out of her way to twist your words to her daughter.


Especially televised words.  Just no, Kyle.

  • Love 6

I am trying to remember Jill Zarin's last Reunion-wasn't she prominently featured? Maybe Brandi is getting her last word.


Yes she was...and as I recall was really showing her ass, just like Brandi is during this reunion.


Jill was overly confident with her place on the show, though, and had her posse on the show to support her.


Brandi...not so much.


Well, unless one counts the vile piece of nastiness known as Kim sitting next to her.

  • Love 9

LisaR has a history of mean tweeting, then deleting. So it doesn't surprise me that she'd send a threatening text.  She was probably burning up the phone lines as a teen in Medford crank calling the chub chubs.

I must live under a damn rock - I didn't know that....I'm surprised that she'd take that risk, especially with a whackadoodle like Kim.


I'm still laughing over your last line.  Nothing would surprise me at this point.

  • Love 1

For me, the most revealing part of the reunion so far has been Brandi's admission that what she brings to the show is "conflict"

I was kind of shocked she said that. It feels like breaking the fourth wall type stuff. And why would she admit that? I wanted one of the ladies to ask: are you proud of that? Are you proud that you bring conflict and drama to a group?

  • Love 6

I was kind of shocked she said that. It feels like breaking the fourth wall type stuff. And why would she admit that? I wanted one of the ladies to ask: are you proud of that? Are you proud that you bring conflict and drama to a group?


Because she's "not smart".  Either way, Brandi has screwed herself.  God knows no one else wants to screw her anymore. 


If she claims, as she has, to have been "keepin it real" with her "truth cannon", then she's outing herself as a complete unethical jackhole and an enemy not to be trusted or tolerated.


If she claims, as she has, to have created "calculated conflict" partially from being "manipulated" by the other HW's planned agendas, she's outing herself as a complete fraud and an idiot, along with being a tattle who breaks the 4th Wall. 

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 7

I don't think she consciously plays the martyr. But I think it kind of comes part and parcel with being codependent. Because she really doesn't have to put up with Kim and her special brand of bullshit. She isn't being forced to, especially now that Kim's kids are adults, themselves and they can maintain their own relationship with their aunt. But she is compelled to and that's what makes her codependent. I'm so glad to hear that she might be done with it all, finally.

LOL Yep! I was engaged to a mostly manic, Bi-polar, Narcissist with delusions and paranoia, so l was trying to break through that mask all the fucking time. Have known him and have been having those conversations for 16 years now. Hell, I still am since I see him every day, still. This is why I get Kyle's struggle so much. I still can't walk away fully and I still allow him to manipulate and guilt me. Love really sucks, sometimes, especially when it's mixed with hate and wrapped in codependency. lol

Ohhhh, I missed 100% of the First Goddam Look! I was so going to watch that tonight, too! Sounds like Part 2 is going to be both awesome and awful.

Oh wow, sounds exactly like my ex except with delusions of grandeur. I finally got myself free after about 6 years. A week before my wedding to my (now) husband he calls me up and tells me what a mistake I'm making and goes down a laundry list of ways he's better than the man I'm marrying and I am cracking up laughing bc he hasn't met or knows anything about him. That was the last conversation we had -- 16 years ago. It took me 3 years to get to that place.

It occurs to me that it's a lot easier for me to watch Kyle and tell her stoically what she should be doing from my tv than to sit in her chair wrapped up with her emotional baggage with Kim while she tries to navigate a minefield that is Kim Richards.

Edited by msblossom
  • Love 6

My favorite lines from Eileen and because I've been thinking this for years.


"You're the moral compass of the show?  So you're not judgmental?  STFU.  You talk too much that's your fucking problem."




Eileen sounded like someone's momma!  LMFAO!!!  Now that's how you mother a bitch!


Oh Brandi take Eileen's advice, suga



Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 17

I'm not even going to give much thought to any "threatening" texts Kim supposedly received until they're shown on the reunion.


This is Kim, after all, who has her own selective vocabulary and selective memory.


Could be shit she's blown clear out of proportion, much like the My Goddamned House story.


However, if there really are such text messages, I'll be all ears (and eyes).


I'm 100% biased, now, though.


I'll forgive Rinna just about anything after seeing her cut Brandi down to size tonight.


I'm definitely playing favorites and not afraid to admit it.

  • Love 21

Oh wow, sounds exactly like my ex except with delusions of grandeur. I finally got myself free after about 6 years. A week before my wedding to my (now) husband he calls me up and tells me what a mistake I'm making and goes down a laundry list of ways he's better than the man I'm marrying and I am cracking up laughing bc he hasn't met or knows anything about him. That was the last conversation we had -- 16 years ago. It took me 3 years to get to that place.

It occurs to me that it's a lot easier for me to watch Kyle and tell her stoically what she should be doing from my tv than to sit in her chair wrapped up with her emotional baggage with Kim while she tries to navigate a minefield that is Kim Richards.


Ugh, I'm sorry you went through those 6 years before you got out.  I kept leaving and coming back -- or his favorite thing to do; he'd leave me for awhile until he felt like he wanted to be with me again, which usually coincided with me starting to move on without him.  He's actually the reason I have so much understanding of these things, because I've spent so many years figuring him out and trying to help him (he'd alternately ask for and rebuff my help but it was also for my own sanity).  I remember when he told me that he doesn't really "get" emotions and has trouble relating to and empathizing with people, so he mimics/mirrors other's emotions and outward displays in any given conversation/situation in order to get the response he wants or gives people what he thinks they want to hear/see; it was chilling.  He is really good at it, too.  He also does the Brandi thing of doing things first, without permission or consent, and then saying "sorry" and demanding to be forgiven and the offense erased from my mind like it never happened.   


I understand what you mean about how it's all too easy to expect others to do, immediately, what took you so many years to do, and I do the same when it comes to Kyle and Kim.  That's why I try to remember how it is to be in the thick of it with someone like Kim (or Brandi) and how disorienting it all is and how tricky it is to make your way out, and can I cut Kyle some slack.  I can say though I will be beyond thrilled if she does finally wash her hands, with anti-bacterial soap, of the virus that is Kim Richards.  I'm ecstatic that Brandi is being told alllll about her stank self, too.  I know it might be "better" to just ignore shitty people but sometimes they need to hear it straight out; no pleading, no kid-gloves, no emotional vulnerability. 



I think I'm going to wait and not watch the First Look.  From what you all are saying, it's going to be good and I want it to be fresh when I watch on Tuesday.  If I can hold out until then, that is.  lol 

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 11

I am at a loss why Brandi felt as if Eileen brought nothing to the show.  I think Brandi is incredibly jealous of anyone who has a happy family, happy husband.  Once again we have a situation where Brandi thinks because something is discoverable on the internet that she has the right to rehash a 13 year old story and to hell with the  person's children and in this case the former wife of Vince's and mother of two.  Is this the delightful conflict she brings to the table?  The collateral damage that Brandi creates just keeps getting bigger and bigger.  Even Kyle saying she needs to step away from the conflict between the sisters-Brandi relishes in rubbing her nose in any little inroad she makes into the Richards' sisters' families.  It is really almost an illness.   At some point this will not end well for Brandi and ultimately Kim.

  • Love 21
Eileen wasn't a slouch, either.  I couldn't help but notice Kim's (and Brandi's too!) scowl as Andy waxed eloquent on Eileen's career.




Eileen's flawless read of Brandi in part two has me LIVING. Can't wait for next week's exchange.


Brandi: "I have been an asshole to you, and I have said I'm sorry."


Eileen: "And then you keep being an asshole..."




 Brandi then claims she had a friend who was having an affair and she dropped her.  Eileen cuts her off and says "Oh so your the moral compass of the show?  So your not judgmental?" (Kyle is grinning.)

BG: We're all judgmental.

Eileen (finish her!!!): So stfu.  (Yaaaas Eileen)  Eileen continues:You talk too much thats your fuckin problem.  (YAAAASSS)


Brandi still saying because she thought she apologized to Eileen everyone should move fwd.  LVP says," I dont understand this.  You keep doing it,apologize and think life suppose to go on.  Life doesn't work that way.  Brandi does what she wants and it suppose to go away."  (Yes preach LVP)


The new girls ripped Brandi apart.  I live!!!!


And yaaasss some more!

  • Love 6

I am at a loss why Brandi felt as if Eileen brought nothing to the show.  I think Brandi is incredibly jealous of anyone who has a happy family, happy husband.  Once again we have a situation where Brandi thinks because something is discoverable on the internet that she has the right to rehash a 13 year old story and to hell with the  person's children and in this case the former wife of Vince's and mother of two.  Is this the delightful conflict she brings to the table?  The collateral damage that Brandi creates just keeps getting bigger and bigger.  Even Kyle saying she needs to step away from the conflict between the sisters-Brandi relishes in rubbing her nose in any little inroad she makes into the Richards' sisters' families.  It is really almost an illness.   At some point this will not end well for Brandi and ultimately Kim.


Agree with all of this.  This is the problem when you conflate your identity and self-worth with external approval and attention.  Brandi has to keep upping the ante because people get used to, fed up and bored with her drama.  She's going to cross a line she will never be able to come back from sooner rather than later. 


I think if she could have found anything more recent on Eileen or Vince she would have gone with that.  But the "homewrecker" angle also fits into Brandi's narrative as the "Wronged Wife Vigilante Truth Cannon Funny Gal MILF".  She says that about Eileen because she's delusional and thinks that people believe whatever she says, if she says it with enough conviction and "emotion".  And she's someone with no loyalties, none.  She blabs her family's personal business like it's nothing, she talks shit about her kids' father like it's nothing, and she even talks about her own kids in unflattering terms and spills info on them that may be embarrassing for them, like it's nothing.  So, I am under no illusion that she won't betray anyone and everyone else, like it's nothing. 


It's kind of strange that she and Kim became co-workers -- they really are so similar in character and behavior.  They're like some kind of Psychopath Soul Mates. 

  • Love 11

Ugh, I'm sorry you went through those 6 years before you got out.  I kept leaving and coming back -- or his favorite thing to do; he'd leave me for awhile until he felt like he wanted to be with me again, which usually coincided with me starting to move on without him.  He's actually the reason I have so much understanding of these things, because I've spent so many years figuring him out and trying to help him (he'd alternately ask for and rebuff my help but it was also for my own sanity).  I remember when he told me that he doesn't really "get" emotions and has trouble relating to and empathizing with people, so he mimics/mirrors other's emotions and outward displays in any given conversation/situation in order to get the response he wants or gives people what he thinks they want to hear/see; it was chilling.  He is really good at it, too.  He also does the Brandi thing of doing things first, without permission or consent, and then saying "sorry" and demanding to be forgiven and the offense erased from my mind like it never happened.   


I understand what you mean about how it's all too easy to expect others to do, immediately, what took you so many years to do, and I do the same when it comes to Kyle and Kim.  That's why I try to remember how it is to be in the thick of it with someone like Kim (or Brandi) and how disorienting it all is and how tricky it is to make your way out, and can I cut Kyle some slack.  I can say though I will be beyond thrilled if she does finally wash her hands, with anti-bacterial soap, of the virus that is Kim Richards.  I'm ecstatic that Brandi is being told alllll about her stank self, too.  I know it might be "better" to just ignore shitty people but sometimes they need to hear it straight out; no pleading, no kid-gloves, no emotional vulnerability. 



I think I'm going to wait and not watch the First Look.  From what you all are saying, it's going to be good and I want it to be fresh when I watch on Tuesday.  If I can hold out until then, that is.  lol

You've undoubtedly been through a lot with your ex fiancé. The years that you spent while in that relationship have obviously taught you a lot and given you much insight and compassion for people who struggle with setting boundaries with the people they love. You sound very wise and empathetic. I really appreciate your posts.
  • Love 12

Agree with all of this.  This is the problem when you conflate your identity and self-worth with external approval and attention.  Brandi has to keep upping the ante because people get used to, fed up and bored with her drama.  She's going to cross a line she will never be able to come back from sooner rather than later. 


I think if she could have found anything more recent on Eileen or Vince she would have gone with that.  But the "homewrecker" angle also fits into Brandi's narrative as the "Wronged Wife Vigilante Truth Cannon Funny Gal MILF".  She says that about Eileen because she's delusional and thinks that people believe whatever she says, if she says it with enough conviction and "emotion".  And she's someone with no loyalties, none.  She blabs her family's personal business like it's nothing, she talks shit about her kids' father like it's nothing, and she even talks about her own kids in unflattering terms and spills info on them that may be embarrassing for them, like it's nothing.  So, I am under no illusion that she won't betray anyone and everyone else, like it's nothing. 


It's kind of strange that she and Kim became co-workers -- they really are so similar in character and behavior.  They're like some kind of Psychopath Soul Mates. 

When Brandi transitioned into her go to -don't talk about my kids mode-all I could think of was remember talking about Amsterlad and his beautiful cock?  Now that is a trashy mom. It is funny no one mentions her kids but if the word mom is in the sentence it all of a sudden becomes about her kids.  Accusing an actress of doing porn-not such a funny joke. 


I still think "conflict Brandi" has missed maybe a golden opportunity to develop some influential friends in the name of this nonsense where she bring up sensitive issues from her co-stars' pasts in hopes of staying center stage.  Now she is just recycling old hurts to stay relevant by bringing up the friends only if selling your house.  I don't see Eileen being friends with Brandi but I do believe she did contribute to Brandi's make a wish drive.

  • Love 12

You've undoubtedly been through a lot with your ex fiancé. The years that you spent while in that relationship have obviously taught you a lot and given you much insight and compassion for people who struggle with setting boundaries with the people they love. You sound very wise and empathetic. I really appreciate your posts.


Thank you, you're sweet for saying that.  You and many others here have given me so much food for thought with the frank discussions about your personal experiences.  It's good to know that you're not alone, sometimes, you know, and that other people have been able to make it out to the other side.  Yeah, it's been pretty hellish, actually, and has almost cost me my life a few times.  But even with all of that, he isn't proud of how he behaves and when he has periods of clarity, he even tries to work on himself.  That makes a difference for me, I guess, and even though I have no reason to, I still love him and would help him again if he asked, though I will never, ever be in a romantic relationship with him again. 


When Brandi transitioned into her go to -don't talk about my kids mode-all I could think of was remember talking about Amsterlad and his beautiful cock?  Now that is a trashy mom. It is funny no one mentions her kids but if the word mom is in the sentence it all of a sudden becomes about her kids.  Accusing an actress of doing porn-not such a funny joke. 


I still think "conflict Brandi" has missed maybe a golden opportunity to develop some influential friends in the name of this nonsense where she bring up sensitive issues from her co-stars' pasts in hopes of staying center stage.  Now she is just recycling old hurts to stay relevant by bringing up the friends only if selling your house.  I don't see Eileen being friends with Brandi but I do believe she did contribute to Brandi's make a wish drive.


It was mentioned (I can't remember by whom and in what thread -- I suck lol) that Leeza was on Brandi's podcast and mentioned her son being exceptionally tall and Brandi made a dick joke, actually asking Leeza if he was "big" all over or something to that effect.  I fear for her boys because of things like this.  She has no problem objectifying men and "outing" their penis size, etc. and yeah I worry about her doing the same to her boys and/or her boys' friends.  Like I said, she has no loyalties, not even towards other moms in the name of the collective motherhood.  She'll go there with other women's children.  Her oldest son is a pre-teen, correct?  Can you imagine when he has a girlfriend in however many years and what will come out of that woman's mouth?  God save the Queen. 


Oh definitely, the opportunities that she has squandered are too numerous to count.  She's been included in some influential circles by virtue of being on this show (and then on CA) and yet she can't be grateful for anything.  Even when she's being blessed, she must turn herself into a victim.  It's so strange how some are driven by their desire for infamy rather than true admiration and respect, and she completely misses the forest for the trees, that she does her best to chop down.  I'm really at a loss at this point when it comes to Brandi.  I don't know what else to say about her or what I think might urge her to reflect on her actions and where they have gotten her in recent years.  I'm not even sure if being fired from this show would shock her into reality.  Like with Kim, I don't know that it will ever happen.    



WireWrap -- just read the article you posted.  Serious giggles.  I can't even with that.  So she can't hold her liquor and it gets her into trouble, however "It's not a problem".  Yeah, okay sure, Tampon Tallulah; The Most Bullied Drunkard Ever. 

Edited by SwordQueen
  • Love 10

When Brandi said that old ass material about why Kyle/LVP are back friends, she didn't why they were laughing?? I knew why - Because LVP said that about Adrienne and Kyle back season 3's reunion! What a moron! She wasn't ready.

Im not surprised Brandi believes Eileen brought nothing to the show. Shes not the only one who believes this. If you watch some review vloggers out there (the idiots of Afterbuzz), they say the same thing about Eileen. That she got paid 750K for "doing nothing." However she said in her tagline that "Im not a bitch but I play one on TV." Which totally meant she was going to be the peacemaker/calming force to the show. Not to mention, Eileen is still a working actress who comes on TV everyday. No way she was going show a negative side thats not only going ruin her rep but as well hurt the soaps she works on. Soaps are already struggling with ratings they dont need to lose ratings because they have an over-the-top soap diva-reality-personality in their cast. Daytime audiences are wee bit more sensitive so I cant fault Eileen for not going all out. And lastly it might not be in Eileen to be ratchet even if it warranted against a few buffoons like Brandi and Kim.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 11

I actually don't mind all those questions. Each and every one led to everything Eileen, LisaR and even LisaV used against her.


Had to add that in a way, I feel like Andy led the attack on her. By choosing the questions from fans that were read Andy and Bravo can't be accused of attacking Brandi. In a very sly way they chose questions that opened the doors for the ladies to take her down bit by bit.


I agree.  I thought it a smart move on his part.  I don't think Andy favors or even likes Brandi.  He has a fine line to toe with her and keeps a comfortable distance and maintains an even hand.  For the show and personally. 


I am not a fan of Lisar and I doubt she will get anymore product endorsements after this show!  What company  wants a woman who gives the finger and screams fuck you to a cast mate, no matter how deserved it may be, to represent them?.   I like that she is able to dish it out to Brandi but she is acts childish when doing so.  Eileen knows how to do it.  Kudos!  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 4

Brandi should be gone for her conduct on the reunion alone; however I think if she is gone, it will be because of the WWHL appearance with Jeff Lewis. I don't believe Jeff Lewis has ever commented on it, but Andy clearly didn't buy that it was a joke & I don't think he appreciated Brandi's backtracking and trying to again make herself the victim.

I'm at the Jill Zarin point with Brandi. I really did quit watching RHNY during season 4 because of Jill. I've re-watched the first season of BH and Camille just worked so much better as the resident bitch. Grifter Taylor was just great tv. At the end of the day, if Brandi is the path they are going to follow, I may as we'll watch Jerry Springer.

Now we have to hear that Brandi felt bullied at the reunion. She calls a woman a "c--t" accuses Lisa of wanting to fuck a boy that had been a childhood tend of Lisa's son, and when not speaking, sits there with a smirk the whole time. In the past when there has been a gang up on people, I've felt uncomfortable for the targeted person....that is not the case here. And again,Kim better be on deck, because she has been treated with kid gloves for far too long.

Edited by AttackTurtle
  • Love 16

It's true - I'm trying to think if there's anyone else - across the whole Housewife franchise - whose sole misson appears to be to create havoc and inflict damage on the other HoWives. All I got is Brandi. She started with Kim by calling her a crystal meth head, then outed Adrienne's surrogacy, then she tried to bring down Lisa V., then she goes after Kyle with a viciousness that's hard to understand and calls her an effing c*nt at the reunion.... There are and have been lots of other HW's with enemies and agendas, but Brandi's really in a league of her own. Unless they bring in new castmembers, I don't see how she stays - why would any of the current cast film with her?

  • Love 10


Oh definitely, the opportunities that she has squandered are too numerous to count.  She's been included in some influential circles by virtue of being on this show (and then on CA) and yet she can't be grateful for anything.  Even when she's being blessed, she must turn herself into a victim.  It's so strange how some are driven by their desire for infamy rather than true admiration and respect, and she completely misses the forest for the trees, that she does her best to chop down.  I'm really at a loss at this point when it comes to Brandi.  I don't know what else to say about her or what I think might urge her to reflect on her actions and where they have gotten her in recent years.  I'm not even sure if being fired from this show would shock her into reality.  Like with Kim, I don't know that it will ever happen.    

What is it about Brandi that polarizes almost everyone? It's as if Brandi purposely sabotages anything good that falls into her life. Every friendship crumbles into a nightmare of negativity. She seems to believe her own hype that people are only there to use and abuse her...a self fulfilling destructive prophecy. The last place she needs to be is on a TV show where she believes it's her job to cause conflict. Especially when she believes she has to steal the scene by playing the role of Calamity Jane on every episode. She probably thinks she's doing the show a favor by offering herself up to be burned at the stake to raise ratings where in actuality she's virtually causing viewers of the show to regurgitate at her every word and action.

Brandi is so desperate for attention...even negative attention from the other HW's. Unfortunately she believes the only path to RHOBH success is to be a shock jock without the necessary humor, cleverness or sophistication skills to pull it off.

  • Love 13

Ugh, I'm sorry you went through those 6 years before you got out. I kept leaving and coming back -- or his favorite thing to do; he'd leave me for awhile until he felt like he wanted to be with me again, which usually coincided with me starting to move on without him. He's actually the reason I have so much understanding of these things, because I've spent so many years figuring him out and trying to help him (he'd alternately ask for and rebuff my help but it was also for my own sanity). I remember when he told me that he doesn't really "get" emotions and has trouble relating to and empathizing with people, so he mimics/mirrors other's emotions and outward displays in any given conversation/situation in order to get the response he wants or gives people what he thinks they want to hear/see; it was chilling. He is really good at it, too. He also does the Brandi thing of doing things first, without permission or consent, and then saying "sorry" and demanding to be forgiven and the offense erased from my mind like it never happened.

I think I'm going to wait and not watch the First Look. From what you all are saying, it's going to be good and I want it to be fresh when I watch on Tuesday. If I can hold out until then, that is. lol

This makes me so glad the one I had like this moved his behind to Australia because 'it's better there and he was sick of things in America'. You do that. Your problems will still be there because you are YOU!! LOL! Sick azz kept trying to 'be friends' with me etc. best day ever when I saw him for what he really is.

I think Brandi meant to say she is Bobby Fisher now and that is what she brings to the show lol! She has met her match with Eileen because she is not used to being challenged so damn smoothly. I jumped up at the end when Eileen told her to STFU!! Love!

Edited by Llama
  • Love 5

I am not a fan of Lisar and I doubt she will get anymore product endorsements after this show!  What company  wants a woman who gives the finger and screams fuck you to a cast mate, no matter how deserved it may be, to represent them?.   I like that she is able to dish it out to Brandi but she is acts childish when doing so.  Eileen knows how to do it.  Kudos!

ITA Wings707, originally I enjoyed LisaR until she turned from funny to obsessed then out of control. Seeing First Looks for the Part 2 Reunion I was disappointed to see how she is acting compared to Eileen. She really needs to get a grip on herself when she's acting more like a JD than adult.

  • Love 2

I actually don't mind all those questions. Each and every one led to everything Eileen, LisaR and even LisaV used against her.


Had to add that in a way, I feel like Andy led the attack on her. By choosing the questions from fans that were read Andy and Bravo can't be accused of attacking Brandi. In a very sly way they chose questions that opened the doors for the ladies to take her down bit by bit.


I really, really hope this is true.  But so far, I am flabbergasted at the way they are running this reunion.  All of LVP's questions were about Brandi:  "why didn't you forgive Brandi?"  Eileen's entire PACKAGE was about Brandi and the questions were slanted towards Brandi also.  Andy even asked Brandi, in the middle of Eileen's section, who she thought should be fired (knowing the answer was Eileen).


I think there are only three explanations.  The first is that they are desperate to redeem Brandi - they know she is hated, they know she behaved badly, but they want her to stay on the show, so they're trying to use the reunion to salvage her by portraying her in a sympathetic light.  If that's the case, it isn't working:  she's vicious and the other HWs are dismantling her pretty well.


The second explanation is the one Bagger said above, which God, I desperately hope is true.  (I think I am over-invested in this.  Back away from the TV, ottergirl, back away.)


The third, which terrifies me, is that somehow Bravo/Andy truly like Brandi and truly feel that she has been mistreated, and for some reason are trying to protect her.  I have to say (and I even tweeted this to Andy last night, which is an all time low for me) - when Jill Zarin was rotten in her season, Andy made sure she had to face the music at her reunion, and he dismantled her.  When Camille was awful in Season One, Andy forced her to respond to the magazine article naming her the most hated housewife.  In both cases, those women were shown montages of their horrible behavior and forced to answer viewer questions pointing out their bad behavior.  But Brandi is getting none of that, at least not so far; and the pro-Brandi questions being inserted into LVP and Eileen's packages is just insane.  And Andy is just coddling her - literally making her case for her, defending her, laughing at her cruelest jokes.  It's insane.  I'm honestly furious.  (Like I said - over invested here.  I need to go read some Dickens or go for a run, get my priorities in order.)


Granted - we have most of two hours to go, and I hope this is a set up for a take down to come later: that there will be the flip side of all this pro-Brandi stuff, and Andy will be able to claim he was balanced because he raised all Brandi's points for her and gave her a chance to defend herself before the evisceration began.  (Although, I don't know, Brandi said that the reunion got better for her as it went on...)


(None of this makes it okay that Eileen's package was about Brandi.  Eileen is AWESOME and I am NOT okay with making her package about Brandi.  Gross!!)


I could do another whole rant about Brandi's hypocrisy, but I guess, the truth is, it's pathological and it will never stop.  It's like when Kelly said in one statement on her third reunion,  "I like being unpredictable," and one minute later, "Unpredictability is dangerous," and even when that was pointed out to her as being crazy, she just didn't see it.  Brandi screams f-you at other women but also condemns Kyle for saying f-you to Kim; she shoves and pushes and throws wine and slaps other women but shrieks horribly when a bracelet scratches her arm; she defames the marriages and families of Eileen, LVP, Adrienne, Kyle, Taylor, LisaR, and Kim, but when people point out her on-camera drinking says "THAT COULD AFFECT MY CUSTODY HOW DARE YOU!" I mean - she's deranged.  Quite truly.  If I were Kyle, I'm not kidding, I would be looking into a restraining order or criminal complaint.  Brandi is unhinged and has focused it all on Kyle.  It's not safe.


Now off to hike, and achieve inner peace and harmony because I care way too much.  


(Let's not even get into my pre-RHONY trauma that because of his love for Bethenny and her feud with Heather, Andy is going to marginalize my beloved Heather this season.  I could tell you all about my feelings about the trailer and the placement of the wives in the apple lineup, but it's Good Saturday, and I need to be better than this.)

  • Love 19

I truly feel that Andy is a clever interviewer and he knows that Brandi feels under attack and he has to remain neutral. By posing the questions in a "pro-Brandi" way, he shines a light on the thinness of her excuses and the other women can underline this. I don't think that this is a Brandi show, but her interactions with the others have been the subject of comment and interest and going over the same ground exposes her neediness and hostility. A show detailing the houses, children, hotel rooms that comprise the rest of the narrative would not be in the least satisfactory to this viewer.

Edited by SFoster21
  • Love 7

I loved that Lisa R and Eileen were throwing shots right back at Brandi. It was wonderful seeing them laughing and having great time!

Lisa R talking about The tampon endorsement boom! Lol.

Eileen telling Brandi to fix things with LeAnn boom! And my favorite, Eileen telling Brandi to STFU!

This is what should have been happening all along. Shut Brandi down. She can make "jokes" but can't take the jokes. I love that both Eileen and Lisa R are not scared of Brandi.

That was a good little preview.

I also loved everyone laughing at Brandi's ridiculous comeback about Rinna's hair. It had nothing to do with anything and Brandi looked foolish lol.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 15

What Eileen brings to the show is her ability to cut a bitch (Brandi) with her words. She does it with such ease and without even raising her voice. That alone makes me love watching her.

It strikes me that both Eileen and LisaR have something in common. They both spent decades in the world of soap operas. Back in the day the soap opera magazines were like tabloids. The rivalries, the backstabbing, it was just like housewives. These two have had decades of practice dealing with bitches. Both on screen and in real life. Brandi is woefully unprepared and it shows.

You can almost see the distain in Eileen's eyes. She's dealt with bigger fish than Brandi and come out on top. She will cut you and you won't even see the blade coming.

Lisa just laughing at Brandi has always been the way she goes at these people. It's why people follow her on twitter. It's all a big joke to her. Poor Brandi doesn't know how to respond. She needs Lisa to be hurt or scared or something other than bemused.

Sit down Brandi you're dealing with pros now.

  • Love 19

The really stupid thing about Brandi throwing the diaper commercial in Lisar's face is that LisaR is laughing all the way to the bank. LisaR has said many times she'll take almost any job. It was a job Brandi! So the fuck what?

Whats the difference between doing a Depends commercial for $1M versus showing your ass on national TV for $1M?  I don't understand why doing a so-called diaper commercial is a bad thing when it a) brings in an income and b) keeps you in the public view when you are a celebrity.  Lisar knows that she isn't Meryl Streep.  She plays her level and she keeps her family financially secure.  Brandi would love for someone to offer her $1M+ to do a Depend's commercial.  What a hater.

  • Love 17

The third, which terrifies me, is that somehow Bravo/Andy truly like Brandi and truly feel that she has been mistreated, and for some reason are trying to protect her. I have to say (and I even tweeted this to Andy last night, which is an all time low for me) - when Jill Zarin was rotten in her season, Andy made sure she had to face the music at her reunion, and he dismantled her.

(Let's not even get into my pre-RHONY trauma that because of his love for Bethenny and her feud with Heather, Andy is going to marginalize my beloved Heather this season.

Because Bethenny is his homegirl. That's the only reason why he made Jill face the music at the season 3 reunion when she did Bethenny sideways. Andy will protect Bethenny til the wheels fall off. And if it means Bethenny gets "the good edit" and Heather gets "the bad edit" so be it. Hes depending on Skinnygirl to boost the ratings after two seasons of them being in the decline. Like I said before you kind of know who Andy favors after awhile on especially on these reunions and interviews.

  • Love 3

It strikes me that both Eileen and LisaR have something in common. They both spent decades in the world of soap operas. Back in the day the soap opera magazines were like tabloids. The rivalries, the backstabbing, it was just like housewives. These two have had decades of practice dealing with bitches. Both on screen and in real life. Brandi is woefully unprepared and it shows.

You can almost see the distain in Eileen's eyes. She's dealt with bigger fish than Brandi and come out on top. She will cut you and you won't even see the blade coming.

Lisa just laughing at Brandi has always been the way she goes at these people. It's why people follow her on twitter. It's all a big joke to her. Poor Brandi doesn't know how to respond. She needs Lisa to be hurt or scared or something other than bemused.

Sit down Brandi you're dealing with pros now.

What I got out of the addition of Eileen and Lisar is a look at the lives of working actors.  We got to know Vince outside his World of Poker gig and he is a hustler with his endorsements and now Paddle Xtreme a former childhood star, and Eileen and balancing a blended family and careers, Harry Hamlin, a true Hollywood hunk and his family complete with his motor mouth hustling wife who it seems manages to work and keep a house manager on staff.  My point being these are all people who work everyday just like Kyle and Lisa Vanderpump they have real jobs outside of RHOBH.  Brandi's job is to make money off of others' misery-much of which she creates.   


I hope if a couple of ladies aren't retained they continue down this Eileen/Lisar path.  I can handle working actors with a few peccadilloes, I just don't need them brought to a spectacular exposure like Brandi seemed hell bent on doing. Kim is also equally guilty with all her veiled threats of exposure-just such a tawdry display of a classless washed up child actor. I also got the drift from Eileen that the wine toss incident had been leaked prior to airing-I am thinking Brandi was most likely behind that little leak. 


On a side note-I follow Vince on Twitter-he is great.  Granted there are a lot of poker things I don't follow but what I found endearing is he and Eileen and kids are doing a Route 66 Spring Break Trip to Santa Fe and asked followers for tips on diners along the way.  He is very conversational, a bit funny-showing the contents of the trunk of his car or what he buys when the hotel runs out of water.  These are the things a Brandi or a Kim will never bring to the table.  Oh he even answered an Eight Is Enough question-yes Dick is still in touch with some of the cast-just had coffee at Starbucks with Grant Goodeve.

  • Love 16

So last summer they moved up Brooke's wedding to accommodate Monty and Kyle and her family cut their European yacht vacation short to attend the wedding. It wasn't terribly important to Nicki, Paris or Farrah as they stayed on to party in Spain. So now another daughter is getting married and Kim's revenge is to disinvite Kyle from the wedding? These are things you cannot go back and fix once done. I hope Whitney (if she is the bride) exercises her veto over her ignorant mother. If it is a decision Whitney has made Kyle needs to respect it and move on and never let Kim (or Kingsley) anywhere near any of her children ever again.

BTW Monty posted his latest vacation photo: https://instagram.com/p/056wN8QfHb/?taken-by=montybrinson The guy seems to be hanging in there.

Except, did she? What I got from that exchange was that Kyle said Kim was going to disinvited her and Kim said she wasn't going to disinvite her. So is Kyle invited or not? Strike that. I don't care, I hate them both. Almost as much as I hate the phrase "my truth"

  • Love 4

Agree with all of this.  This is the problem when you conflate your identity and self-worth with external approval and attention.  Brandi has to keep upping the ante because people get used to, fed up and bored with her drama.  She's going to cross a line she will never be able to come back from sooner rather than later. 


I think if she could have found anything more recent on Eileen or Vince she would have gone with that.  But the "homewrecker" angle also fits into Brandi's narrative as the "Wronged Wife Vigilante Truth Cannon Funny Gal MILF".  She says that about Eileen because she's delusional and thinks that people believe whatever she says, if she says it with enough conviction and "emotion".  And she's someone with no loyalties, none.  She blabs her family's personal business like it's nothing, she talks shit about her kids' father like it's nothing, and she even talks about her own kids in unflattering terms and spills info on them that may be embarrassing for them, like it's nothing.  So, I am under no illusion that she won't betray anyone and everyone else, like it's nothing. 


It's kind of strange that she and Kim became co-workers -- they really are so similar in character and behavior.  They're like some kind of Psychopath Soul Mates. 

The drama lover in me wants one to leave the show and one to remain. 

  • Love 2

Oh lawdy, Mr. Persnickety and I were high-fiving each other and cheering Lisa R and Eileen on.


I think we had more whooping it up during this clip than any other household in America does during the Superbowl.




And the best part?'


Hell, we're not even halfway through it!!!


Thank you, Bravo, thank you!!!!!!


I don't usually watch the first looks, and now everyone is making me want to see it!!!!  

I am hoping I can hold out to see ALL unfold on Tuesday....it does sound like this will be a good one!   ;-)

  • Love 4

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