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S01.E14: Fallout

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After the nuclear explosion separates Ronnie and Dr. Stein, Barry and the team believe both men are safe. Caitlin is thrilled to have her fiancé back and prepares to resume their life together while Dr. Stein returns to his wife. When General Eiling targets Firestorm, Ronnie and Dr. Stein must decide if they are safer together or apart. Mason Bridge tells Iris that there is something secretive going on at S.T.A.R. Labs. Dr. Stein gives Barry some important information about time travel.



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Can someone school me on the “science” behind Ronnie and Professor Stein physically being in the same body and thus being able to split into two separate people? Even on a sci-fi show that seemed a bit far-fetched.


So how is it that Joe (and later Barry) has a key to house that he doesn’t live in and that’s occupied by someone else? Then to top that off, the mirror camera thingy that Cisco created is still perfectly set-up as if it was never broken down. Where was the owner of the house? Away at the movies again?


Did Dr. Stein just forget that Wells drugged him so that the Army could take him into custody?


Is Barry still dating Linda? Or is she out of town for a few weeks?


I know this episode was mostly filler, but also kind of setting up Barry possibly traveling through time to determine what happened to his mom and to set up Wells' eventual exposure. However, like last week, I thought it was mostly forgettable.


The only thing I thoroughly enjoyed was that we are slowly getting Iris the reporter. Despite that I still think her screentime could’ve been better. 


The last scene with Wells was pretty interesting too. So he “protects” his own. Yeah right. We’ve seen him throw his own to the wolves when it served his agenda.

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Wells has great taste in movies.

Don't freaking do it Barry! You have no idea what you will unleash. Your mother is supposed to stay dead. Realize there are things you can't change. Here's hoping Joe tries to explain to Barry that some things shouldn't be changed, and you have no idea what will happen if you stop the murder.  Also this show doesn't have the resources to do that story justice.


Grodd, and Wells are working together, nice.  I'm also still saying there's a time traveling Thawne (not Eddie), helping them out.

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Damn, that's a good way to go into hiatus. Wells does what he did to Stagg, only on a grander scale with Gen. Elling. Holy crap, Grodd is gonna happen. Kneel before Grodd!


I'm guessing when it comes to genre savvy, Joe is one up on Barry. Isn't Barry geeky enough to know all of the stories about trying to alter one's fate?


Good episode with the Firestorm arc coming to a close. The show still needs work, at least in terms of how to properly use Iris, but it's not as big a slog to go through as Arrow. On this show, we can have fun. I think having a protagonist that can heal quick has something to do with it. Barry can turn into a human pincushion, and he can heal up two scenes later.

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Honestly, that was the best episode for Iris in a long time. Apparently she has a slow burn and I'm here for it.

I also loved Grodd at the end.

I literally cheered at the end when Grodd said, "Not God... Grodd!" I am certain he said something like that on Justice League! Man that was so awesome... I loved - LOVED - the whole Firestorm thing... although I don't want Eiling killed - I had some hope that he would team up with Waller with Cadmus... I keep wanting a redo of that epic Cadmus Justice League storyline from the animated Justice League show.

The Firestorm stuff was really well done - it almost felt like a pilot.

And finally Iris is getting into her story as a reporter - but that scene where her dad, Barry and the other two (though they aren't as bad because they aren't her family) was just hard to watch - Joe and Barry keep lying to her face and it's just bothering me. Plus, Joe is STILL investigating this whole thing - wouldn't that STILL put Iris at risk? Yet neither one of them sees fit to warn her?


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This show was a bit much for me. Too many comic booky things with the separating and wells and the fire and the big gorilla. I love Clancy but I didn't enjoy the us goverment tortures a random scientist thing. I just, ugh.

Aside from a little iris reported stuff, which I am not going to enjoy because I hate watching people investigate their friends almost as much as I hate the lying to friends and family story.

I'm trying to think what I liked this episode and I think it was victor garber, basically.

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I can't handle the month of waiting. Not after that preview. Things seem to be happening a lot faster than I expected them to in terms of Wells and the time travel plot. I do like how things have been settling into less of a villain of the week pattern recently.


Victor Garber and Robbie Amell have good chemistry. I'd like to see more of Firestorm. This series has been Robbie Amell's best work (although it's really hard to correctly type his name now). I enjoyed seeing some of the Cisco/Caitlyn/Ronnie team dynamic. 

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I'm just gonna say it: Firestorm: the series next fall. Make it happen CW Network. The only thing that was missing in the end would've been when Ronnie and the Prof merged properly they also formed Firestorm in his proper costume.


March 17th?  I totally agree with phoenics, ugh.


but the great side is: Grodd is coming!!


As for why the professor not ratting out Wells. All Wells had to say was that Elling and his cronies were responsible for his blacking out.

Edited by madhacker
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I actually really enjoyed this episode. The Firestorm stuff was ridiculous and over the top and these types of Comic Book shenanigans is exactly the tone I think this show should embrace. Victor Garber and Robbie Amell both did a great job.


At the beginning, wen they were talking about the radiation, and the snowy background, I actually thought that this was going to be the starting point for Caitlin to become Killer Frost.

Edited by Tangerine
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I appreciate that Iris is finding her niche, but there is something dirty about secretly investigating your friends. Does she think anything about the military running some kind of intense op in fucking Jitters? Does she think that her meddling into uncovering Ronnie may result in him being taken by the government? I want proof that Iris has some critical thinking skills and can go beyond just figuring out what she wants in the moment.


Did Ronnie and Kaitlyn make time for "back from the dead" sex? I really think they should have set aside some time for that.


I like Ronnie. I won't be mad when he inevitably comes back. What I really like about Ronnie is that he keeps Kaitlyn occupied, stalling any anvils of possible future love between Barry and Kaitlyn.


I'm happy that Wells took care of that army guy. It looked for a second that Ronnie was going to barbeque that bastard, only to be murder blocked by Barry.  Why were they pretending that lighting that ass on fire was a bad thing? They know for a fact that he was hunting Ronnie and the Professor so he could shoot them in the head! I'm not particularly blood thirsty, but I would kill someone who was trying to kill me.

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Also, if they do a firestorm spinoff you can add that one to the atom in the category of 'spin offs I won't be watching'. I'm having second thoughts about this one.

I still can't get into Robbie amells acting.

Can someone tell me how victor garber and Robbie Amell turned into two separate people with two separate outfits????

Edited by Shanna
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Great episode. I was surprised the Firestorm CGI looked that good. I hope this is the beginning of giving Iris  more to do. My only disappointment was that Joe came around to trusting Harrison so quickly AGAIN. If time travel is possible then surely Harrison could still be the guy in the yellow suit.

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This was a really episode, IMHO. I have no doubt we'll see Robbie and Victor again, as Firestorm is one of the good metahumans, lost as Pied Piper will be, eventually, i hope. Hopefully we'll get a little more of Robbie before season 1 ends.


It's not that Iris shouldn't be a reporter, but at least they're letting the character learn how to be a journalist. I don't think we can avoid time travel for long with the Wells story arc going as fast as it has been, but I'm curious to see how Wells managed not to be ID'ed through his DNA in the blood samples, when they were able to ID Barry as an adult in an event still in his future. As to changing the timeline if Barry gets back and saves his mother, it's already been changed because he now knows that he did somehow go back, and that he now has foreknowledge that he failed. That knowledge alone changes the timeline.


Two things are certain: GB knows how to mix things up plot-wise, which is why The Flash and Arrow have worked so well, and the casting on both shows have been phenomenal. No two ways about it.

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I appreciate that Iris is finding her niche.... Does she think anything about the military running some kind of intense op in fucking Jitters? Does she think that her meddling into uncovering Ronnie may result in him being taken by the government? I want proof that Iris has some critical thinking skills and can go beyond just figuring out what she wants in the moment.




This is what reporters do. They discover something intriguing and they investigate to find out more. She hasn't written a story yet and who says that she will.  Perhaps she'll back away from writing it once she learns more. However, I do think she should try to learn more. That is her job now. I really do appreciate the way this story was set up. Iris is a novice and thus completely green about reporting. Her mentor posed the question and after a couple of incidents that proved that question may be valid, her interests were stoked and she is now starting to investigate. Nothing wrong with that. Now what she does with what she discovers will be most interesting.

Edited by Enero
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ok here come the inevitable "time travel and  paradoxes" discussions we're going to be having until next month when the show comes back....


Somebody find me my Anacin, cause talking about time travel and all of it's ramifications always gives me a headache.

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I appreciate that Iris is finding her niche, but there is something dirty about secretly investigating your friends. Does she think anything about the military running some kind of intense op in fucking Jitters? Does she think that her meddling into uncovering Ronnie may result in him being taken by the government? I want proof that Iris has some critical thinking skills and can go beyond just figuring out what she wants in the moment.

Really? Would she be investigating them if they weren't acting sketchy and lying to her face? So she shouldn't investigate and find out what's going on because Ronnie may be taken in by the government? Shouldn't she find out what's happening first before deciding what to do with the information? 

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::passes madhacker the Extra-Strength:: Oy. I hate time travel paradoxes like Indy hates snakes. (What? Everyone on the show gets to throw around genre references, and I don't?)


I hate Mason Bridge almost as much. Roger Howarth always makes me grind my teeth. I'm sorry, but has he ever played anyone who wasn't a snide, pissy douchenozzle? I don't enjoy the "Let's secretly investigate our friends" plots, either. For a couple of minutes, it looked like Iris might actually be brought in on the "secret" of the Flash's identity -- everyone else seems to get a free pass on it. Why was it necessary to have Caitlyn and her "cousin" (I actually thought they were going to call him "Stephen") stay at Joe's?


I mostly like the episode, though. VIctor Garber can be on my tv anytime, and I always enjoy Isabella Hoffman. She's a pro. Maybe Robbie Amell does better when he has castmates of that calibre. (I wasn't impressed with the writing or the acting on The Tomorrow People, for whatever that's worth.) But I'm having fun with this show.

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I can't help but return to the theory that Wells is an adult Barry- especially after that blood reveal. I mean, If he's not than that means that there has to be a younger version of him out there.. Possibly living in the CC area since he is speedster..

Dammit i need to know the truth!!

Firestorm: did Ronnie say they're going to pittsburgh? Isn't that Firestorm city of operation in the comics?

I would like to second a Firestorm mini series though, eight episodes like Agent Carter. I think that would be plenty yet enough to not turn people off Firestorm.

Edited by foreverevolving
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I hate Mason Bridge almost as much. Roger Howarth always makes me grind my teeth. I'm sorry, but has he ever played anyone who wasn't a snide, pissy douchenozzle? 


Howarth is such a weak actor and he is funny looking.

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I don't care about Firestorm and I feel like they put more effort into developing that plot than developing Barry, Iris and Eddie as characters.


And the next spinoff should be a female superhero.

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Finally!  We got some high quality Victor Garber time!  He really does make everything better!  I will go as far as to say that all of Stein/Ronnie's scenes were the best I've ever thought Robbie Amell was ever been, and I think part of it is because Garber is one of those actors who can bring the best out of people.  Either way, I loved it, and actually loved the Firestorm duo.  I wouldn't be against them showing up again.  Hell, even a spin-off would be better then the eventual Atom one, we'll probably be getting.


Also glad to see the return of Eiling.  Clancy Brown is just such a force of nature, that it takes them busting out a CGI gorilla to finally make him look inferior.  Loved how Eiling actually had plans to counter The Flash, and gave Barry and crew a run for their money.  And, I'm glad to see that Barry's tendencies to take off his mask without thinking, is biting him in the ass.


Iris still has little screen time, but at least they are finally going somewhere with her.  She recognized Ronnie as the Flaming Man, and beginning to look into all the shady dealings at S.T.A.R. labs.  Hopefully, this will get her more involved with the rest of the main story.


So, they really are going into the time travel stuff.  Barry wants to find a way to save his mother.  I wished Joe or someone would remind him that usually meddling with time has a way to come back and haunt them.  I mean, even if he saves her, who knows what the ripples could be.  Maybe someone else ends up dying like Joe, Henry, or even Iris.  I understand his feelings, but please think it through, Barry!


Grodd!  They are totally going there!  And, Harrison Wells is totally involved, and even got him in the Yellow Suit finally.  It's like a very scary version of Curious George, where George is now a big-ass gorilla who can talk via telepathically, and the Man in the Yellow Hat is Harrison Freaking Wells!  Fun for everyone!  Except Eiling, I suspect.

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Finally, the show is getting good again. Post-1.09 was dragging with Barry being extra bumbling instead of less and the boring ship teasing. But this episode was big improvement. And a lot of fun. I wish we could keep Victor Garber and Robbie. The special effects were dope and both characters improved the Star Labs dynamic, which IMO is starting to get stale.


Clancy and Grodd! Wooh.


About time Iris started to wise up. I did like her little moment with Cisco and Caitlin, as if to affirm to herself how full of shit her friends are. Meanwhile Barry continues to be dumb about Wells--the dude who has admitted to lying on multiple occasions. Barry's steadfast faith in his trustworthiness blows my mind. I hope it bites him in the ass. 


His "own" seems to just be Barry. 


Right? The emphasis on Wells not having to do with the death made me raise a brow. Could he still be future Barry? I tend to think no, though, I still think his endgame is about getting Eddie back in time to that night.  

Edited by driedfruit
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I liked the episode.

The end with Grodd just made me scream like a little child and I don't even know that much about his comic origin. "Not God...Grodd!" HA!


I actually like the Firestorm storyline. I am sad that we are not getting to see more of Them. Although I didn't understand why Victor couldn't warn Barry about Wells when they had that talk? Didn't he think Wells spiked his drink? 


I was really surprise at how they eased Iris into investigating the whole Star Labs. It felt natural. I don't think it is dirty Iris is investigating her friends on what happen because everyone keeps lying to her and it only her right to find out why. And, as a reporter I would think she would be even more curious than the normal average person. 


Also, what was up with Barry and Joe grilling Iris on why she stopped by? I remember my mom never did that whenever I came by no matter the time. Must be different in the West home. 



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This show was a bit much for me. Too many comic booky things with the separating and wells and the fire and the big gorilla. I love Clancy but I didn't enjoy the us goverment tortures a random scientist thing. I just, ugh.



There are going to be comic booky things on a live-action version of a comic book. That's the story. It's a comic book. 

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I appreciate that Iris is finding her niche, but there is something dirty about secretly investigating your friends. Does she think anything about the military running some kind of intense op in fucking Jitters? Does she think that her meddling into uncovering Ronnie may result in him being taken by the government? I want proof that Iris has some critical thinking skills and can go beyond just figuring out what she wants in the moment.

I agree, especially because Mason had to do the off screen inquiry with the military. We didn't see her doing any investigative journalism, but we do see her surreptitiously investigating her friends. Iris used to work at Jitters and hangs out there all the time. None of her former coworkers texted her about the military op in her former workplace. How much agency would it have given Iris if she was the one who came into the bullpen with news of the shooting. How much more agency would it have given her to have her identify Caitlin instead of having Mason suggest Iris look at the picture. She's been written like the least curious reporter. Iris isn't even a driver in her own story. And I know investigative journalists, this isn't it. This is snooping.

Edited by HunterHunted
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It's weird because I don't like FIRESTORM but I really enjoyed this episode.  I think mostly I like that two minutes of Iris was back to developing her as a character who can stand on her own, separate from love bullshit.  


I chuckled when Cisco mentioned the criminals beneath them in the basement.  I just wanted someone to ask the practicals for that but no.  Ugh. 


I can't help but return to the theory that Wells is an adult Barry- especially after that blood reveal. I mean, If he's not than that means that there has to be a younger version of him out there.. Possibly living in the CC area since he is speedster..
Dammit i need to know the truth!!

I kinda like that theory but I can't imagine how the show would explain (1) how they look nothing alike, and/or (2) how no one noticed.  The actors share little similarity, mostly just hair color.  That would be some extensive plastic surgery to explain away some things.  Though, I guess on a show where two people can merge and then unmerge wearing the same clothes anything is possible.  

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As for why the professor not ratting out Wells. All Wells had to say was that Elling and his cronies were responsible for his blacking out.


What I am hoping for is that Martin remembers and to keep Clarissa and Caitlin, but primarily Clarissa, safe, Martin is waiting until they are somewhere else to share his encounter with "Ronald" and to try to figure out how to handle both Wells and the US Army/Intelligence community. Especially if Eiling wasn't doing some rogue project. I can totally see Arrow's Waller not giving any damns about civilians and rights in this instance.


I felt bad about Martin and Clarissa barely getting any time together. No sooner that Clarissa gets her husband back, mostly, then some punk who speeds around with pizza comes over and steals her time back with her husband! But we're not supposed to care because a) ew! old people sexytimes maybe and b) he's helping Barry, the star of the show, duh!  Well, Caitlin and Ronnie got the sad, torn-apart lovers treatment, Clarissa- who is demonstrably Martin's Caitlin- barely got any scenes and had to share an ILY with Caitlin, who'd had plenty of on-screen declarations of love to and from Ronnie. Are we just supposed to feel for three-fourths of these people?


ITA about the Allen's old house. What is up with the free to come-and-go?  Joe or Barry on the phone/hanging up the phone was all that was needed, along with a "Thank you again, Ms. Yaddayadda."  Not time consuming, not impossible to write and not needing CGI.


As for Iris, I think that the folks writing her part of the story weren't sure how to balance noob reporter and wanting-to-trust-family-and-acquaintances. It did not work. I could not see how Iris, whose dad apparently keeps things from her on the regular, doesn't believe that Barry's new science-y friends are totes so clean that they couldn't be hiding a secret. Has she never watched a Murder, She Wrote or almost any other detective show ever? Eventually there is the episode where someone close to the detective always has something "shocking" to be found out.  My gripe, iow, is that Iris wasn't written with a reasonable amount of credulity. That she stayed at the West house when she was clearly having lies told to her, says it all. Something along the lines of " I forgot something for the meal; be right back" and she leaves rolling her eyes would be helpful, not just letting those obvious lies to her face stand. 


I liked Grodd. He is someone Eiling needs to fear. Eiling has much to answer for, I am sure, so I think Eiling will be back too. He just may not be happy when we see him.


I liked Ronnie in that pea coat with the splicer device. I looked neater than the original outfit, imo. If they eventually do the original outfit, though? I just ask for different sleeves. I liked that both men realized that their paradigm had shifted dramatically and dealt with the situation accordingly.  IA with the poster upthread: the Firestorm fx have been delightful and a joy to see when used.  I also liked that they could disagree about stuff, but table that and deal with bigger issues at hand.


Wells is still intriguing, but he's edging a bit too dark, if they want to keep him gray.  I don't think that Eiling is dead ( pure spec), but I am not sure how these folks want Simon Stagg to end up. He sent Bette/Plastique to kill Eiling/ have Eiling kill her. Wells incarcerates "his kind", except when he lets them out to kill/be killed (Tony/Girder.) He intimates that corpses of "his kind" will be used in experiments ( Farooq/Blackout.) He drugs Dr. Stein and hands him over to frelling Eiling, but has the balls to reveal himself to Eiling and say that he "protects" "his kind"?!  I think someone needs a reality check cashes, pronto. I even feel mixed about how casual Cisco was talking about how they have imprisoned Mist! ("Dude, that was like...our third week! ")


Can we have a nice British man drop by and explain to Barry that there are fixed points in the timestream and that they absolutely shouldn't be tampered with? Especially as that may make a savee do something you totally were not expecting?


Truly, what is coming up for the next three weeks? Just curious.

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Also glad to see the return of Eiling.  Clancy Brown is just such a force of nature, that it takes them busting out a CGI gorilla to finally make him look inferior.  Loved how Eiling actually had plans to counter The Flash, and gave Barry and crew a run for their money.  And, I'm glad to see that Barry's tendencies to take off his mask without thinking, is biting him in the ass.


Yeah, finally obstacles that are believably difficult for Flash to overcome. I was overjoyed with that and Barry's dumb actions having consequences for once. I hope Eiling recognizing Barry comes to something unpleasant down the line. Though I suppose that depends on how well things go with Grodd, lol. 


Also, what was up with Barry and Joe grilling Iris on why she stopped by? I remember my mom never did that whenever I came by no matter the time. Must be different in the West home. 


Maybe we're supposed to think the amount of screentime Iris is getting coincides with how often she's around Joe/Barry these days. 


Though, I guess on a show where two people can merge and then unmerge wearing the same clothes anything is possible. 


If they're going to re-materialize molecularly why wouldn't it be with the exact same clothes they were in originally? It's like the idea behind teleportation. Reprinting the clothes material should be a lot easier than the brain.

Edited by driedfruit
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Also, what was up with Barry and Joe grilling Iris on why she stopped by? I remember my mom never did that whenever I came by no matter the time. Must be different in the West home.


Maybe we're supposed to think the amount of screentime Iris is getting coincides with how often she's around Joe/Barry these days.


If so, why Iris' line of "I always make supper for us on Tuesdays", or something very similar. That it wasn't unusual for Iris to be at her family home for a meal with her father and good friend. Just more of Joe and Barry keeping secrets from Iris for no good reason. (I know, we are supposed to think 'Oh, Noes! Iris can't find out about Ronnie!', but really? I think she'd have geeked out! But I'm just a dumb ol' audience member that needs my hand held.)

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If they're going to re-materialize molecularly why wouldn't it be with the exact same clothes they were in originally? It's like the idea behind teleportation. Reprinting the clothes material should be a lot easier than the brain.


LOL! That is actually what it look liked. For a moment Joe forgot he had a daughter. 

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The Firestorm storyline was good tonight and even RA was able to act. Why no sexytime with him? Is this show rated PG? It's bad enough that we do not get shirtless Oliver anymore.


Why Barry doesn't keep his mask on?

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I loved Cisco explaining the science talk Wells was doing with movies for Joe to understand. 


Firestorm was okay and their story was kind of interesting. Victor Garber does make everything better, when Robbie was acting against him he was decent. 


Do you think Barry will ever learn not to just run into places without thinking first? It's getting really tired, show. Try something new, be creative you are getting paid the big bucks to do just that. 


Iris is finally getting a storyline that will take her into the main plot and hopefully be let in on the secret that people are keeping from because reasons. 

Edited by Sakura12
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LOL! That is actually what it look liked. For a moment Joe forgot he had a daughter. 


Forgot implies that he knew he had one at some point, and I'm not so sure. Didn't he say Barry Allen was the light of his life? Iris who? 



If so, why Iris' line of "I always make supper for us on Tuesdays", or something very similar. That it wasn't unusual for Iris to be at her family home for a meal with her father and good friend. Just more of Joe and Barry keeping secrets from Iris for no good reason. (I know, we are supposed to think 'Oh, Noes! Iris can't find out about Ronnie!', but really? I think she'd have geeked out! But I'm just a dumb ol' audience member that needs my hand held.)


I was only kidding, but yes, that aspect of the show is a stinky mess. You'd think with all the lying Joe and Barry do, they'd be much better at it by now.

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If so, why Iris' line of "I always make supper for us on Tuesdays", or something very similar. That it wasn't unusual for Iris to be at her family home for a meal with her father and good friend. Just more of Joe and Barry keeping secrets from Iris for no good reason. (I know, we are supposed to think 'Oh, Noes! Iris can't find out about Ronnie!', but really? I think she'd have geeked out! But I'm just a dumb ol' audience member that needs my hand held.)

Yeah, what will happen if Iris found out about Ronnie? Absolutely nothing bad. She's like the only one in Central City who knows about metahumans who doesn't know Barry is the Flash. 

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Meh, I felt like it was a pretty standard fictional of one side fumbling their way into creating a lie.  Like "oh, we aren't doing anything weird nothing going on what are you doing here uh um yeah nothing at all to see here."  

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I agree that the episode felt quite a bit like a backdoor pilot, including that it was functionally a two-parter. And the quantum splicer doohickey ended up looking amazingly like Firestorm's comic-book costume -- imagine that!

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I kinda like that theory but I can't imagine how the show would explain (1) how they look nothing alike, and/or (2) how no one noticed.  The actors share little similarity, mostly just hair color.  That would be some extensive plastic surgery to explain away some things.  Though, I guess on a show where two people can merge and then unmerge wearing the same clothes anything is possible.

Really? Cause i think they look relatively alike, not identical but close enough. Most people don't look exactly the same at 45-50(which I assume is Wells age) to when they were in their early 20's. the face changes slightly. If you think about it: Wells is in his late 40's? Barry mom died 15ish years ago, so wells had to be in his mid 30's when that happened. According to the newspaper the crisis happens in 2024, so if Wells is Barry he would be at the right age, since Barry is currently in his mid 20' and would be in his mid 30's in 2024. Either way: 2014/15 young Wells has to be at a similar age to Barry.

And now my brain hurts with all this time travek thing.. I so don't envy The Doctor.

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 It is.  Supergirl.

Supergirl is not a spinoff of this show. Its just written by the same team.  I'm talking about a spinoff on this network. Like how they have a possible Atom one in the works.

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Really? Cause i think they look relatively alike, not identical but close enough. Most people don't look exactly the same at 45-50(which I assume is Wells age) to when they were in their early 20's. the face changes slightly. If you think about it: Wells is in his late 40's? Barry mom died 15ish years ago, so wells had to be in his mid 30's when that happened. According to the newspaper the crisis happens in 2024, so if Wells is Barry he would be at the right age, since Barry is currently in his mid 20' and would be in his mid 30's in 2024. Either way: 2014/15 young Wells has to be at a similar age to Barry.

And now my brain hurts with all this time travek thing.. I so don't envy The Doctor.

I think they look alike in the same way that Cisco and Joe look alike in that some superficial traits are similar, like full lips or hair color. At least Other than that, nothing alike.  And yes, people look different as they age, but not drastically different.  We can look at a picture of a 16 year old and be able to pick the 45 year old in a line up.  If we can't, then we'd have to suspect a significant amount of cosmetic work, like Michael Jackson proportions.


I could buy Eddie and Flash being the same person despite difference in hair.  There are a lot of similarities in face structure.  Definitely not Harrison and Barry.  However, I am preparing myself for some science fictiony comic booky weirdo Cisco outrageous explanation should it become necessary.  My person is also telling me that my hobby drawing portraits makes me into a face snob, so I'm prepared to admit this is true, too.  

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