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"The View": Week of 02/09/15


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Did my ears deceive me or did Nicolle announce that she's a Republican while she was dancing?  Who does that?  I don't watch any other show where a host has to repeatedly announce their political affiliation at random moments.  Is it in her contract that she has to do it so many times a month?  Maybe she just like to do it.  I'm picturing her pulling up to red lights, rolling down her window, sticking her head out and shouting, "I'm a Republican!"


This is so true.  I've noticed Nicole plays the "i'm Republican" card whenever she thinks she can't do something like dance, cook, craft, or whatever.  

  • Love 4


I'm interested in smart, informed women discussing topics of depth like journalistic integrity or what happens when a beloved national role model is also a sex offender.  If there are opposing viewpoints and humor, so much the better.  Could not give fuck one about rehashing Bachelors and Dancing Stars or the number of licks in a Tootsie Pop.


I think Rosie O'Donnell could have saved The View, if they had let her.  But there's no saving it now.

So beautifully stated :)

  • Love 12

This is so true.  I've noticed Nicole plays the "i'm Republican" card whenever she thinks she can't do something like dance, cook, craft, or whatever.  


Yep, that is what it seemed to me.  I find it bothersome....first it is a segment about positive self talk and loving yourself and Nicolle finishes it off with nothing but negative self talk.  She mentions that she "can't dance" and she follows it up that she can't dance and a "I'm a Republican" quip.  What she is insinuating is bothersome to me....that she can't dance or doesn't have rhythm because she is a conservative.  


I haven't watched The View for a while...and once Rosie is gone, I doubt I will again.  Rosie made the show real to me and now it is just a bunch of preplanned talking heads.  


I did find it pointed that Rosie was not on stage when the Whitney Thore was on the show, especially since Rosie made the point that morbid obesity is killing half of America during Hot Topics.  I think Rosie would support the message of self love, but I think she would have some pointed comments about the negative health effects in the long run.

  • Love 5

Cheney and his brethren made up the Intel that Hussein had WMDs and was involved in 9/11!  Jesus Christ, we can't move on from that point?  Nicolle can downplay that all she wants, the world as a whole has realized the facts and moved on.  Talk about creating your own reality to make yourself feel better. 


Rosie shouldn't be on since she clearly hates it so much.  I want her to leave so I can stop watching.

  • Love 9

Did Rosie expect to be co-moderator when she was hired this season? That's an important point, because if this is part of the stress, then it's understandable that she's pissed at Whoopi. But if on the other hand she knew that Whoopi would be the one presenting the topics, and throwing to commercials, she should have been prepared for that.



Of course Rosie did not expect to be co-moderator when she was hired this season.  She knew exactly what she was hired to do, was never pissed at Whoopi for it and she of course was prepared just fine for Whoopi performing the moderator's duties.  What she had perhaps not been prepared for (I know I sure wasn't) was a moderator refusing to hear her opinions, cutting her off nearly every time she tried to speak on any topic, not being open to an opinion differing from hers,  putting her down and ridiculing her the rare times she was permitted to speak, and dominating the conversation to the point where more often than not the moderator's voice was the only voice heard.  All of this on a show called The View where there are regularly more than four co-hosts sitting at the table. 



I wonder why Rosie felt she had to "keep up appearances" by pretending she was with Michelle if they had been separated for a few months, and why it came out at the same time as her other bombshell. Taken together, it seemed that she was suffering some huge, sudden seismic shift, when really the two events were separate. (She continued to work without any complaints even after her home situation blew up.)



In what way exactly did Rosie pretend she was still with Michelle?  By not announcing their separation on the show or in some other public way as soon as it happened?  Why does she owe that?  I'm honesty stumped at that remark.  I don't recall any of the cohosts on the View sharing information on their problems with their spouses.  Whoopi is very private about her romantic relationships and shares almost nothing (good - I wish she'd feel that way about her bodily functions as well) and no one complains about that.  It's absolutely none of our business, but a reason for the two things coming out at the same time could be that they had been working on their relationship or on the details of their split - privately, the way it should be. 


She could have had her publicist do all the talking - but she herself has spoken, when out in New York on the weekend, and on Facebook (very public).  I don't get the complaints about her not having said anything on the show.  Her reasons for leaving are personal not professional and given all the hateful remarks, I wouldn't feel obligated to discuss my personal life on the show just because people who can't stand me think I should share that with them.  Her reasons are not celebratory either, and if I were her I would leave quietly with no fanfare whatsoever. 


Some articles have called it "awkward" that there was no announcement on the show, but I think it would be more awkward to discuss it on the show, the very show causing stress which she has cited as one of the reasons for her leaving it.

  • Love 23

I'm interested in smart, informed women discussing topics of depth like journalistic integrity or what happens when a beloved national role model is also a sex offender.  If there are opposing viewpoints and humor, so much the better.    [Emphasis added] 

You mean like this exchange:


Whoopi: [talking about Michelle Obama's comment on eating better to avoid medical problems] Now, some people took this, you know, were quite offended by it.  

Nicolle: Who? I think it's really smart. 

Whoopi: Well, people.  

RO:  What part of that did people find offensive?  Do we know?

Whoopi: I don't know.  I wasn't offended by it.  But you know, people were like, grrr grrr grrr grrr (makes animal faces and noises).  


Whoopi interrupting everyone to talk about her un-numbing ass has already been covered here.  


Yikes.  As long as Whoopi (or any co-host really) refuse to show up and/or prepare for the show it's going to be like this.  It has been for a long time now - not just this season.  However, everyone else at the table this year - including co-hosts -  seem to be far better prepared than the moderator who does most of the talking.  

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 14

Radaronline has a piece today saying that the network bigwigs had decided to let Whoopi go, but since RO told them she was leaving, they can't do that now. So in essence, Whoopi owes her job to RO. Well, that sort of backfired, didn't it?



Edited by merriebreeze
  • Love 3

It was also clear that Whoopi is trying to make sure she is being "nice" and letting Rosie talk on her final few days....with the awkward "Rosie did you want to say something" and then Rosie saying she was just nodding her head and that interaction went on for what seemed like 12 years.  

Just goes to show what a two-faced bitch she is & I'm sure she's snickering up her sleeve at every opportunity.

  • Love 9

I don't think any way someone sees it is "right," but I'm not sure you could say, considering the second part of your post pretty much says you aren't one of those fans. As someone who has become a fan of her this year, I don't see it as an FU because it's really none of my business what she decides to do in regards to her job. Other fans may feel differently, but that's why nobody's feelings are "right."


...and that's why I delineated the posting as "My View", merely giving MY opinion, as we are all allowed to do in this forum.

  • Love 4

It was also clear that Whoopi is trying to make sure she is being "nice" and letting Rosie talk on her final few days....with the awkward "Rosie did you want to say something" and then Rosie saying she was just nodding her head and that interaction went on for what seemed like 12 years.  


Yup! She's so overjoyed that Rosie is out, even if it is Rosie's choice to do so. It annoys me. Knowing that it was possible for Whoopi to be civil to Rosie, and she couldn't be bothered to do it until Rosie is one foot out the door. Maybe, it's easier to do so because she knows she only has to act this way for a 'week'. I don't imagine that Whoopi could keep it up. I sort of doubt she'll be able to finish out the rest of her days with Rosie this way. 

  • Love 10

Radaronline has a piece today saying that the network bigwigs had decided to let Whoopi go, but since RO told them she was leaving, they can't do that now. So in essence, Whoopi owes her job to RO. Well, that sort of backfired, didn't it?



Wow, if true, now I feel doubly depressed about her leaving. Too bad she couldn't have at least stayed long enough to rid us of Whoopi Goldberg once and for all. I bet even Whoopi is regretting driving her off so fast now, seeing as she hates being there. I guess karma is the biggest bitch of them all. LOL

  • Love 14

I did the exact same thing. I thought, Baba Wawa was in the war zone? Which brings me to this tidbit. I was flipping the channels and saw Megyn Kelly on (I like her) and it was the end of Bill O'Reilly's show, previewing Kelly's show in the next hour. They were discussing Rosie leaving. Bill said that Baba Wawa told him that Rosie coming back to the show would never work.

I sort of wish he hadn't shared that. 

This is so true.  I've noticed Nicole plays the "i'm Republican" card whenever she thinks she can't do something like dance, cook, craft, or whatever.  

And I don't get how she stereotypes Republicans. I happen to be a Democrat who lives in an almost totally Republican community. I would like to share with Nicole that my friends and neighbors dance, sing, cook, craft and party like it 1999 if they want to (which they often do). 

  • Love 6

That Radaronline article is a day late and a dollar short, that is if it is even grounded in any truth.  This just seems totally foolish after all the negative Rosie leaks to every rag since October. 


Cindi Berger did the right thing in getting Rosie out of there as I don't see how she could salvage a show after Whoopie was fired.  Rosie would have had more ugliness in the tabbies and Whoops fans would be just as angry as Rosie's fans are today.  The biggest problem must be the ABC management team who have made a giant mess of a long time running show.  And boo hoo to Rosie's agents for losing out on the money end.  She wouldn't be worth anything if she had another heart attack.


This has certainly been a giant lesson to the viewers in how to run a show off the air.


I did see a change in Whoops behavior toward Rosie this week, but I didn't get the impression that Rosie was acting any different than she has all season.  If anything she is in countdown and breathing easy.  But then again, that is my view and I do wear old glasses:)

  • Love 8

Whoopi didn't interrupt the discussion. She was shifting in her seat, Rosie asked if she was having problems, Whoopi said yes and just said I kept shifting in to the front of my seat. Then Rosie (I think it was her) asked about her back and Whoopi said her back was better and explained  further that she was having trouble with her seat because the swelling from her steroids was going down in her butt. The whole thing only took about 20 seconds. She said it in a more comical way that I did. And others kept the discussion going, she mentioned phantom butt, someone said a Kim butt. It was a nice little interchange between them all. But I have noticed so far this week that Whoopi does look better than she has since returning from her time off with her back. Her face is looking nice and her hair is looking better and she acts like she feels better. 


eta I know I am walking right into it with the last third of my last sentence...listening now for the rim shot sound.

Yes, you're right.  My point was, by whatever means, she derailed the conversation.  She was squirming in her seat enough to get Rosie's attention.  Rosie addressed the "situation" & Whoopi wasted everyone's time telling us nothing we needed to know.  But that's her game & we're all used to it.

  • Love 14

Shakes fist at the sky!!!!


We >< just missed having what we wanted for a show.  With the great leaky sinking ship that is The View, I wouldn't be surprised at all if that RadarOnline link is true.


It's been clear the last couple weeks that somebody told Whoopi to check her shit and rein herself in.


I sure didn't need a five minute explanation about Whoopi's phantom steroid ass.

  • Love 15

Yes, you're right.  My point was, by whatever means, she derailed the conversation.  She was squirming in her seat enough to get Rosie's attention.  Rosie addressed the "situation" & Whoopi wasted everyone's time telling us nothing we needed to know.  But that's her game & we're all used to it.

I agree. They had just been talking about Brian Williams, who she's decided (for everyone) is a complete victim in all this. Making sure to emphasize he stepped down, wasn't forced to, before derailing the conversation. Because she can't act the way she did last week since she needs to be nice on Rosie O's last week. At least it saved as the finger-wagging.


To throw Whoopi a bone, I did like what she said about a possible war with Isis. Especially since it threw Nicolle for a second to hear herself being disagreed with by Whoopi. Rosie P seemed to be stepping it up today. Whether or not she leaves at the end of this season or sooner, I'm hoping she goes to bat everyday with Whoopi since nobody else is going to, and I can tell she's not scared of Whoopi in any way. The looks she throws at Whoopi will be the only thing worth watching for, if I keep up.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
  • Love 3

Huge sigh.


  • Tootsie Pops and hamster videos? Really?
  • As much as the hosts shoulder some blame for this show not living up to it's potential, the people in charge are ultimately responsible for setting the tone and direction. Starting w/ allowing for a horrific moderator who also dresses like a homeless person. Whoopi's whole persona screams of a lack of respect.
  • Nicole is merely a slicker version of Bitsy.
  • Rosie O has a natural talent for this, yet, she's the one leaving. Shame, but can't blame her.


That's all I got. I'm so disappointed. This could have been great.

  • Love 18

Good Lord - will Whoopi never just STOP TALKING?????!!!!!


If she wants a talk show of her own, she should try to organize one instead of high jacking this show all the freaking time!.


I guess she really rubbed my last nerve today.  I was actually paying attention to the show because it is RO's last week and I didn't want to miss her, so maybe I was hyper aware of how much air time Whoopi grabs for herself.


Rant complete, over and out.

  • Love 10

The timing was all off for making the show go in a different direction. Ideally,  Whoopi's back issues would have sidelined her for a lot longer (not wishing her ill health or anything but isn't that a handy excuse?) and RO wouldn't be dealing with so many issues (I hope the kids are all okay - not sure how I feel about Michelle, but if she's just another Big Sal type, poo on her). Then the decision makers could've made the right decision. Whoopi should not be the moderator. End of sentence. Period. 

  • Love 6

Radaronline has a piece today saying that the network bigwigs had decided to let Whoopi go, but since RO told them she was leaving, they can't do that now. So in essence, Whoopi owes her job to RO. Well, that sort of backfired, didn't it?



Taking this to the media thread….

  • Love 2

If you mostly just listen to this show without watching it (like I did today) all I could hear was Whoopi - with occasional remarks by the other three.  

I do this, too. I was making cream cheese icing this morning for a cake, and I felt bad for not paying closer attention on Rosie O's last week, but it was mostly Whoopi talking...

  • Love 2


Some articles have called it "awkward" that there was no announcement on the show, but I think it would be more awkward to discuss it on the show, the very show causing stress which she has cited as one of the reasons for her leaving it.


Would it really be awkward for Rosie to come out, say something to the effect like this..."I have an announcement, this is my final week here on the View.  I wanted to let all my fans, non-fans, and View viewers know about this.  I'm taking leave early for personal reasons which I won't discuss here b/c the show is not about me and my life; but if you want to know i'm sure there are plenty of news articles out there you can look up online discussing the reasons.  I've enjoyed my second tenure here on the View and I appreciate all of your support in welcoming me back and your support as I leave the show again...thank you...and that's all I will say about that...on to some Hot Topics."  It's not that hard and you wouldn't have to get into the nitty gritty details.

Edited by CMH1981
  • Love 3

At this point, unless one is simply not paying attention, the world, and certainly Rosie's fans, know that she is leaving the show and has also read or heard the reason for her decision. I'm not convinced it's important to put Rosie (and indeed all the hosts) in the potentially uncomfortable situation of discussing it on air. What is to be gained by that? I ask the question, with respect, to those that feel equally strong that it should be discussed.

  • Love 5

Rosie has said she doesn't want to discuss it on The View even though she has been asked and given the opportunity to do so.  I think that says all we need to know,  She is gonna finish the week off and hope to move on with class and dignity, but I don't think she wants to be put in position to talk about it on the air and end up sharing a lot of platitudes that just don't ring with the truth.  At least that is my take on it.

  • Love 10

I keep seeing examples of neutral, polite announcements RO could have made on the show about her departure.  But I think her reasons for leaving are that she has five new bosses from the ABC News Department who don't have a clue how to produce a talk show, and perhaps the following:



[. . .] a moderator refusing to hear her opinions, cutting her off nearly every time she tried to speak on any topic, not being open to an opinion differing from hers,  putting her down and ridiculing her the rare times she was permitted to speak, and dominating the conversation to the point where more often than not the moderator's voice was the only voice heard.



So what's she supposed to say that isn't a lie and isn't going down and dirty on colleagues?   "I'll be gone after Friday.  Hey, Whoops, how many licks DOES it take to get to the middle of a Tootsie Pop?" 
If she even utters the "leaving" word, it's extremely awkward if she doesn't add at least SOME sort of second sentence.  Maybe how much she enjoyed her time there?  Ha.
I applaud her for taking the high road and simply keeping her mouth shut instead of formulating a bunch of bullshit.  As she suggested elsewhere--more high road--google it.  A 30-second search reveals what a swell working environment it is there at the ol' View.

Edited by candall
  • Love 18

I was so bummed that Rosie wasn't part of Whitney Thore's interview. PCOS sufferers have an increased risk of heart disease (I know, because I have PCOS) and I would have loved to hear a discussion between the two of them on that. I was also hoping that Whitney heard the Hot Topics segment regarding healthy eating and how Rosie P was "disgusted" by people who eat and eat and then get sick and expect health care. In the segment they intimated that all disease was preventable if people would just eat better and while it's true in some cases, it's not true for all. Whitney's PCOS would be a good example (though clearly all her weight gain at this point is not from the disease.) Anyway - that was a lost opportunity and had I been Whitney and heard the Hot Topics, I would have had a bone to pick with them. 

  • Love 5

What an exciting show today



-tootsie roll pops

-selfie sticks

-NW a republican that can't dance

-WG ass problems

RP- embraces women of all sizes (that would be size 8 and above) yet is sure they are not eating the right food.



And no mention that days ago it came out Brian William's comments being investigated by NBC also include Katrina stories he told, as well as his experiences during the Israel/Hezbolla war. That would make 3 "mistakes." Instead they miss that fact and go with mistake 1 only. 


Do these women not keep up with the news? I imagine RO does and is not willing to make waves this week. 


I have seen a lot of RO creative input on the show this season be it issues, crafts, kids, health, seniors, being a mother and on and on.


None from the rest of the panel.

  • Love 6

What a mess this show is now. They need to get rid of the hole panel and bring back Meredith and Joy. Mario would also be great, along with a younger panelist . At this point, Rosie is the only one I can tolerate, and she's leaving. Nicole is ok, but nothing great.

Rosie P seems like she's trying to keep her job by yapping non- stop! She is ridiculous. Her voice and accent grate! And she's an idiot. I'm glad that Rosie O was there to counter her insensitive comments about unhealthy eaters.

  • Love 2

What a mess this show is now. They need to get rid of the hole panel and bring back Meredith and Joy. Mario would also be great, along with a younger panelist . At this point, Rosie is the only one I can tolerate, and she's leaving. Nicole is ok, but nothing great.


Meredith has her own show now on NBC - don't think she would be willing to go back to being a panelist again!

  • Love 2

You mean like this exchange:


Whoopi: [talking about Michelle Obama's comment on eating better to avoid medical problems] Now, some people took this, you know, were quite offended by it.  

Nicolle: Who? I think it's really smart. 

Whoopi: Well, people.  

RO:  What part of that did people find offensive?  Do we know?

Whoopi: I don't know.  I wasn't offended by it.  But you know, people were like, grrr grrr grrr grrr (makes animal faces and noises).  

[. . .]



Yikes, indeed.  My ears perked up when I thought I heard that The First Lady had suggested if you don't care for Obamacare, you need to start eating better.  Hello?  That's three or four juicy issues all rolled into one--and Meredith Viera or RO would have teased out all the angles.


I guess it really does all come down to Whoopi.  And the woman's practically decompensating before our eyes.


It would be sort of amusing if one View chair contained a be-sneakered mellowed-out Whoopi Goldberg contributing nothing but insignificant little spitbubbles--I don't care, don't text me, I'm all out of weed, [random bodily function remark,] squirrel!!!--but how in the world is this woman in charge of controlling the entire panel discussion?!


I soooo respect Barbara Walters and her achievements, but I thought it was painfully apparent that she was missing the occasional step before she retired her View chair.  Maybe she's the one who felt Whoopi could be a surgical laser beam moderator.

Edited by candall
  • Love 8

I don't think it would have been perfect if Whoopi had been fired and Rosie suddenly became the moderator. There are plenty of stories from many sources about how tempermental Rosie has been behind the scenes on not just this show, but her Chicago-based one, as well. And her problems seem to stem from arguments with the producers, not so much from on-air conflicts with Whoopi. 


Rosie is a loose cannon, you never know when she is going to fly off the handle. Is she sitting there silently seething? If she is, whose fault is that? She needs to find a way to work with people behind the scenes, and in front of the camera. It's not a day care center. It's a tough business, and no one should have to cater to a woman with such anger issues. 


According to a story in the Daily News, she didn't tape Friday's show today (Tuesday afternoon) and will say her goodbyes on Thursday. 

  • Love 2

... I was also hoping that Whitney heard the Hot Topics segment regarding healthy eating and how Rosie P was "disgusted" by people who eat and eat and then get sick and expect health care...

Good point about the PCOS goodbyeglittergirl.  That was probably the most ignorant thing I've heard Rosie P say on this show and I was just glad someone (RO) mentioned that it's sometimes not that different from any other addiction and that EVERYONE deserves decent health care.   Geezus. 


Do these women not keep up with the news? I imagine RO does and is not willing to make waves this week.    

You've seen this show before right?  That's the kind of thing that would be discussed in a meeting, and maybe it is for all I know.  But it's up the co-hosts to prepare for those topics.    Nicolle seems to do this somewhat and Rosie P often refers to notes on a card.   If RO contributes it's usually a good question or a comment - I think she likes to be prepared too.  Whoopi however appears to show up and wing it.  I've always gotten the impression that the first she's heard about anything being discussed at the table is when she reads it off the teleprompter.   Some of it is a production fail as well but it's the co-hosts who look bad.  



I have seen a lot of RO creative input on the show this season be it issues, crafts, kids, health, seniors, being a mother and on and on.


Well, we did see a few weeks of The Whoopi Shoe Cam, lol.      Good point maggiemae.  

  • Love 6

I don't see a problem with RO not taping Fr's show. She is saying her goodbyes Th, evidently. (I can't find the article.) Nevertheless why go through the goodbyes TH and be on Fr?


WG is there for the paycheck.....she had made that perfectly clear for years. 


Other articles talk about WG being spoken to, as well.


OTOH, I don't care since I have been watching for 10 years and am out now with just WG, RP, NW, and endless guest co-hosts. 


I'm sure I will follow here and clips, but won't be tuning in daily. The above women can't carry the show, jmho.

  • Love 11

I don't think it would have been perfect if Whoopi had been fired and Rosie suddenly became the moderator.



Perfect?  Never!  Horrifying?  Yes.  Whoopi being fired and Rosie suddenly becoming the moderator - that would have been horrifying!  For Rosie.  I would never have wished that on her, and I am as certain as I can be she would have insisted upon refusing it.



Is she sitting there silently seething?






If she is, whose fault is that?



If she is, and I'd bet precious objects she's not, she'd blame herself.



It's a tough business, and no one should have to cater to a woman with such anger issues.



Rosie has been in this business for more than 30 years, she's paid her dues over and over and no one knows better than she does that it's a tough business.  Please elaborate specifically about her anger issues this season, instances where this has been displayed, because try as I might, I don't see any evidence of Rosie's anger issues.  I've seen Whoopi fly off the handle many times, even fly into weird rages, but Rosie?  Not at all. 

  • Love 22

All I believe from that link is that she's very difficult to replace.  And that much crap was made up and leaked.


She insisted on hard work and excellence from the staff, but she's willing to give more than anyone there for the greater good of turning out the best product they all can.  Yeah, geez, what a bitch.  Difficult.  Making us all work for a change. 

Edited by Dreamboat Annie
  • Love 23

Okay, so Brian Williams is gone for six months.  Bummer, but I can't say he doesn't deserve the punishment.  (Maybe they knew this morning (bad news travels fast) & that's why they didn't mention it.


As far as a "new crew" is concerned, I'm still flogging Bonnie Hunt & that black comedian Nicole something (sorry, I'm drawing a blank).

  • Love 5
What a mess this show is now. They need to get rid of the hole panel and bring back Meredith and Joy.



Yes, that would be half of the team I'd currently like to see:  Meredith, Joy, Diane Sawyer and Nicole could stay for the time being.  Then, change the focus of the show more in the direction of intelligent discussion...politics, current events, pop culture, etc.  Have no more than one relevant guest per episode, and deeply explore the guest's field of expertise.  Forget about the simpering starlets, the Housewives wanna-bes, and Mario.  Opt instead for Stephen King, Ann Rule, Joan Baez, Rachel Maddow, Stephen Colbert and Mark Zuckerberg.  In other words, treat your viewers as though they have a working brain and an inquisitive mind.

Edited by Tunia
  • Love 12

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