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S04.E12: Some Like It Hot

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This show is incredibly degrading.  From start to finish, the dog competition, the 1 day (half day) for a red carpet challenge, to making the designers tear up the failed designers work, just incredibly degrading on all fronts.


It was clear when Helen made the worst dress out of the four the show would BEND OVER BACKWARDS to make ANYTHING HAPPEN to let her be in the finale.  You all telegraphed it for me, I expected it to happen, and then it did.


Just fuck me.  Excuse my anger.  Frustrated fan who used to love this show more than anything on television.  Bring on next season.


I liked what Zanna was wearing for once, don't hurt me.


Here's my girl Rihanna in Tom Ford, Met Gala 2012.  (like Michelle's design.)  We've seen this a few times before of course, but I did like Michelle's design much better than Helen.  I hate Helen, I hate the show propping her up so much.  I don't get it.



Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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I can understand and sympathize with Helen bursting into tears if she is tired, stressed, and anxious, but what bothered me most is Michelle going over to give the poor dear a hug.

Michelle can be supportive -- or simply appear that way -- with positive encouragement: "C'mon, Helen you can do it!" Giving hugs feels infantilizing, and I'm curious to know how many female viewers feel similarly.

Helen, to my eye, often goes for a "little girl" shrug and innocence that I find disingenuous. Of course it's TV and it's emotionally manipulative, but I don't like seeing adult women acting below their age. Call me old-fashioned.

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I just assumed Helen used hacking up other designers' work as an excuse. As other mentioned, she was probably feeling tired and overworked. She also might have been feeling like she had just been rejected and she was facing a former PR winner for the right to stay. My guess was her tears were more of a personal pity party, which is somewhat understandable. I just don't like Helen.


I also find it funny that Isaac once told Kenley in an old after show that male designers are more versatile because they don't just design or themselves but can design for many types of women (a very sexist remark). Helen disproves that theory. I'm shocked every time she talks about designing gowns. 


I liked Michelle her first season but she's been a let down here. Now I'm rooting for Dmitry. Partially for his designs but mostly for his personality. His quips make the show. I also like Sanjay and have since her original season. If my Dima can't win, I'd be happy for her too.

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At least Dmitri and Sonjee tried to make something creative...Michelle's dress is exactly the same as one posted above that Rhianna wore and Helen's could have been any slip dress, ever. The final challenge thing was stupid, but Michelle's was an eyesore mess and her use of the word "pancho" made me cringe so hard, worse than Helen's "romantical".

As far as ripping personalities on this, or any reality show...I mean, come on. Don't take it so seriously that we "pick" on them...they all chose to be on a ridiculous show a SECOND time, knowing what it entails and how "the internet" might view their personalities. Most of them say and do things purposely to get added "face time". Some, like Dmitri (Imo) benefit from it as he can show charm and humor. Others (like Michelle, Imo) come off as obnoxious, all-knowing and hypocritical to some of us, just as Helen seems like a manipulator with her tears. They all choose how to portray themselves, Imo.

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Re. Helen's runway dress: throw a choker and some Doc Martens on that model and Kelly Martin would have loved it!


You have a point.  Helen could have taken that very simple beaded slip dress and with a few minor changes and the right accessories could have had an alternative looking red carpet gown.   I suspect that that wouldn't have occurred to most of them after this was couched as a Marilyn Monroe-esque challenge.


Also looking back, I think Sanjia's gown would have been better with a black metallic skirt (lined all the way down) rather than sticking strictly to the gold.  

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I felt that both Helen and Michelle let the fabrics do the work for them (Michelle's somewhat more successfully than Helen's. The latter's was downright sad on TV.). Designs were nothing on their own. As Bebecat said, Dimitry and Sonjia at least attempted something different (though, again, the latter with her lace/cutout material).

As to who went home in the first pair, it was win/win (one left) or lose/lose (one stayed). The forced additional challenge did Michelle in. But on visual appeal alone (because they were equally uninspiring), her original dress would have saved her if I were judging.

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Also looking back, I think Sanjia's gown would have been better with a black metallic skirt (lined all the way down) rather than sticking strictly to the gold.


I think Sanjia's would have looked better in just about any other fabric; I don't care how much all that metallic stuff cost, it looked cheap and tacky. I imagine that dress in beautiful jewel tones, and she could have still used lace on the bottom in one of the jewel tones lined (all the way down, please!) with the other jewel tone. Add a bit of monochromatic sparkle somewhere and the dress would have looked rich and shimmery instead of just glitzy.

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Helen actually won the tearing apart the dress which got someone eliminated challenge. She chose to tear apart her BFF Kate's dress, she said because winning with Kate's dress would be revenge for Kate's auffing and a tribute to her. The whole thing made her gleefully happy.


I believe that her claim that she hated to tear up others' designs in the last episode was a lie. I don't think she cares at all about others' work. I think she was ready to quit because she was overwhelmed by the challenge, but craftily pretended she "could not tear up others' work" as an excuse for being overwhelmed. She was definitely looking for sympathy votes.

Edited by pasdetrois
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Let's say a designer does the most simplistic pattern, but does it in a "gorgeous" material.  Shouldn't the designer of the material get the credit then?  I really don't know why Michelle would "let the material be the best part of their design" as someone else said.  The only way that would work for someone is if they aren't truly a designer, but just have an eye for really beautiful materials.  On a design challenge show that doesn't seem the correct way to go about it to me anyway.  I wouldn't think Michelle's ego would allow her to take a dive or anything, but that second challenge really did make me wonder.

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I was catching up on my TV shows and watched Top Chef right after watching PRAS.  I could help but think about how Top Chef would be if they were produced by the PRAS people --- 


"Chefs, you have 2 hours to make an entire Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings. It should be traditional enough to be timeless, but also be innovative." Part of the way through the time, Tom C. would walk into the kitchen and inform them that they have to stop cooking and prepare a can of gourmet dog food, "the winner will get to make up recipes for more gourmet dog food." Then, after announcing the winner, the would get down to the final two, adn Padma would say, "We can't decide which of you should pack your knives, so we have brought out the losing dishes from each of the past challenges.  You must take ingredients from at least 3 dishes and use them to create a new dish.  Bonus points if you don't give us food poisoning."



I used to love Project Runway. Remember Austin Scarlett, Jay McCarroll, Kara Saun? How we laughed at and derided Wendy Pepper? Jesus, Wendy is three times the designer anyone in the last five years has been. I am so glad that my beloved Chris March was cut early, he was way too good for this catastrophe. Why oh WHY do the powers that be at Lifetime think we want to see talentless drama queens stir shit and cry? I want to see talented people create some fashion. I can watch the Bachelor or something for losing losers who lose at life. So sad, what a waste. I suppose Face Off will turn someday too. Sob.


I am not sure I would agree that Wendy is that much better than the designers they have had the last few years - it seems to me that Wendy had a lot more time than the recent designers do.  I think a lot of the recent ones would have came up with much better outfits than we saw if they would have had enough time to make them.  


It has become obvious to me that this show no longer cares about fashion or what looks good.  They get very little time for designing and sewing - there is no time to attempt anything that they haven't done or seen before. The models don't even have a reason to try to sell an outfit (remember when Heidi used to say "Models, this is a competition for you too"?).  Deciding which designers are "Safe" seems to be influenced mostly by what sort character mold they fit - she is the emotional one, she is the snarky one, he has a dry wit, etc....It is a wonder that Jay, with his bland-by-TV-standards-personality stayed as long as he did.  

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Honestly, the designers don't get enough time to design anyway.  They were given a huge budget, $500 (huger than what they're used to) and a few hours.


Why wouldn't they pick an incredibly luxe fabric and make a simple design?  What else would we expect?  They're working with whatever resources they're given.  


There are some designers out there who are mostly about the fabrics they choose, using simple designs.  That's what American Sportswear is, no?  Diane Von Furstenberg wrap dresses, Calvin Klein minimalism, The Row using wool, leather and cashmere.  American RTW designers are not known for wild and uber creative designing.

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 4

Helen of Cry returneth. And I call a big sparkly heap of poop on that runway that she cried over the fact that she was going to have to destroy the hard work of her former fellow designers. She is a catty hag in every talking head. She sobbed because she didn't think she deserved to be in the bottom....but, like Michelke...she is trying to do damage control for how much of a whiney bitch she showed herself to be in her season.

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The time limits (and occasional challenge bullshit) they throw in there make it utterly impossible to have anyone do anything great/original/interesting, ever. That is one thing I have a huge issue with. They want creativity, give them more than four seconds. And come up with some relevant challenges. I think this is part of the reason why the talent pool goes south more each season. You want good? Give them something to work with. They are trying to reinvent the wheel here, and it ain't working. I can't remember the last time I heard someone complain about the way the first, I don't know, seven season or so were run. I hate when a legit show turns into a reality show and gives up any pretense of representing the area they are/were supposed to be (see Top Model, some seasons of Top Chef, etc.) I also don't like learning anything about what they are doing. It is talking, talking, silly challenge, shopping, runway, you are out. I like hearing stuff explained more in depth.

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Has anyone EVER had a better design by following Zanna's advice?  Helen listened to Zanna and went more "youthful" (snerk) and came up with a sparkly nightgown.  She surely has to be the worst mentor ever.  If you do the opposite of what she says then you should be allright (and I saw Anya "mentor" people on the godawful Under The Gunn).  ZannaDon't for sure.


Dimitri's dress was the real thing and everything else was pretty boring (Michelle), tackyass (Sonjia), or fugly (Helen).

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Oh sweet Jesus I don't know what looks worse Zannas hair up or down, they are both equally hideous!

Some think Dimitry is smug, but how can you not like someone who says things like, "I am allergic to dogs, but I am more allergic to losing!"

I know some people liked it but I hated Sanjai's the color to me looked tacky and the lace skirt with the mini underneath was odd. But I am still glad she made the finale.

I get pregnancy discomfort flashbacks every time I see Alyssa waddle out on the runway so out of breath she can barely speak. It is really sad.

Edited by Texasmom1970

Let's say a designer does the most simplistic pattern, but does it in a "gorgeous" material.  Shouldn't the designer of the material get the credit then?  I really don't know why Michelle would "let the material be the best part of their design" as someone else said.  The only way that would work for someone is if they aren't truly a designer, but just have an eye for really beautiful materials.  On a design challenge show that doesn't seem the correct way to go about it to me anyway.  I wouldn't think Michelle's ego would allow her to take a dive or anything, but that second challenge really did make me wonder.


The flip side of that is people who make really bad choices in fabric that end up sinking them.  Fabio was a recent example, but not the only one.  I think it's a combination of knowing when to use what sort of fabric, then having an ability to design and construct something that's both flattering and interesting.    To be a good designer, you need both.

  • Love 3

Whatshisname killed fringe for me forever.


Oh, you mean, Sean?  ;-)


I felt the same way while watching the episode, but I liked Dmitry's dress. He deserves to be in the final.


I didn't care for Michelle's or Helen's dresses, but at least, Michelle shoots for something different and even risky.


A pantcho though . . . UGH.


I didn't hate Sonjia's look, even though gold lame isn't my thing. I don't care much for bows either, but I liked how it connected with the back of the dress.

Edited by Surrealist
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The flip side of that is people who make really bad choices in fabric that end up sinking them.  Fabio was a recent example, but not the only one.  I think it's a combination of knowing when to use what sort of fabric, then having an ability to design and construct something that's both flattering and interesting.    To be a good designer, you need both.


We've also had challenges in other seasons where they had the fabric chosen for them- without much to work with... it was always more impressive when someone can take a crummy fabric and still turn it into something great... instead of complaining and using it as an excuse. I do think the same holds true for picking a luxe fabric, there has to be more to it than just wrapping the model in it and saying, see, pretty!

But choosing the right fabric counts as part of design IMO, but they still have to do something with said fabric.

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Interesting to read that article about Michelle feeling the season was "dirty"; I agree with her and Chris March said the same thing after he was eliminated. He wished he hadn't even gone on the show to begin with.


Also, I have no problem whatsoever believing that Helen spent 30 minutes bitching about the challenge and then 10 minutes after that crying about how she "didn't want to cut up someone else's work."

Just as graceless as Korina.

I'm really sad that she's probably going to win the whole thing.


I'm thinking I may leave PR behind in every incarnation forever. But then original recipe doesn't debut until July, so knowing me, I'll probably be right there hoping season 14 is better than the last three seasons that came before it.

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Oh, I think this show is crooked as a dog's hind leg. I saw the Anthony Ryan season.

I also think if the mothership weren't crooked Michelle would never have made it to NY fashion week, and if they didn't think she drew viewers this season and had to compete on her merits as a designer of mud-colored tunics she would have long since gone home. Under the circumstances it seems a bit rich for her to be indignant about how upright it isn't when she's not getting a check out of it.

  • Love 4
Also, I have no problem whatsoever believing that Helen spent 30 minutes bitching about the challenge and then 10 minutes after that crying about how she "didn't want to cut up someone else's work."


That's funny, I read the article about Michelle as saying that Michelle sat there for 30 minutes....with the sentence having "she" agree with "Michelle," and "she" still meaning "Michelle" in the following sentence:


Helen lost it, sobbing about how "fucked up" it was to have to tear up someone else's work. Michelle noted that what they didn't show was that she sat there for the first half of the allotted hour basically giving the finger to the whole farce before getting started. (Luckily, they left in the part where she hilariously comforted Helen by suggesting she just cut up "the really ugly stuff.")

Po-tay-to, Po-tah-to, but I still think she meant Helen spent the first 30 minutes bitching.

I don't hate Michelle to the degree some of us do, but I guess she could have just as easily been talking about herself, however, I don't think she would admit SHE/Michelle bitched for 30 minutes because, as Michelle haters would say, she's not THAT self-aware, nor would she admit she did that.

Additionally, although I totally agree Michelle thinks she is/ wants to be uber cool, no way do I believe she thought she was too cool to try to win because $100,000!!!  I mean, c'mon! Who wouldn't want to win that, even at the expense of coolness?

Besides, the coolness ship sailed when she signed on for another season of this circus act.


Regardless, I still don't care for Helen. Even though I have not despised her this go round, as I did on Season 12, she's still not a designer from whom I want to see more. I find her creations boring and one-note, except when she throws in the birthday cake from hell ruffles, at which point I'm just WTF'ing all over the place.


The fix is in for Helen, though, since Isaac is a douchebarge and, apparently, he gets to decide the winner.


I hope I'm wrong...

Edited by PepperMonkey

The fix is in for Helen, though, since Isaac is a douchecanoe and apparently, he gets to decide the winner.


I hope I'm wrong...

I think you're probably right about Helen.

I wonder about Isaac, though. I've wondered if it isn't the producers who decide the winner and Isaac just gets to be the guy who puts his credibililty behind it.

Sad to say I think it could be Sonjia for the win, it just seems to be getting stacked that way - can't stand her. Not thrilled with the choice of Helen over Michelle, but at least I can remember most of their designs, and  Dimitri's,  throughout the competition. But Sonjia - nothing stands out about except a strange choice in lipstick and a rather snotty attitude on display quite often. 

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