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S05.E11: It's Just A Scratch

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According to her, Brandi's, own mom, she has been like this since she was a kid....not the drinking but her mouth. IMO, she does this to get attention, plain and simple, it's all for attention. Brandi craves being the center of attention no matter where she is or who she is with. It has to be all about her


I'm going to hold my opinion that she does have a mental illness :-) Add what you see to it, she could have all that going on concurrently. I don't think one precludes the other. That could also go a long way to explaining Eddie's attraction to Leanne...!! If they both have that center of attention need thing going on, wow, explains a thing or two.


The mental illness i'm talking about, no idea what to call it - she has severe trust issues, which is understandable IMO, and I think this show has thrown her down a hole deeper than the emotional hole she was in pre-RHOBH. I'm thinking of her first appearances compared to what we see now and what happened in between. Something is wrong with Brandi and I wish one of her 'best friends' would step up and help her.  For real, I don't think Brandi grasps that her behaviour and language is straight up wrong, she's immature, and how and when she hurts people. I seriously don't think she fully understands the women are right in many ways and that's why she just dismisses them. She doesn't see herself the way everyone else sees her. Something is very wrong with her.


All just my opinion but I think it's valid consideration, despite it being unpopular :/  As an aside, I just reread what I wrote to check spelling and all of that could be said of Leanne too. !! 

  • Love 7

When you break down what happened in the last 4 episodes and then look at Kim's excuse/injuries, nothing makes sense, nothing! Well, except that she fell off that wagon and landed on her head! Not that I believe she was ever full in/on the wagon to begin with, IMO, she has kept 1 leg in while the other is still out! LOL


I really hope Kim is honest with her doctors about how much she drinks/takes/uses, etc.  Doubt it, but everything comes out when her blood is drawn.

  • Love 4

I just don't believe Kim's stories about broken ribs etc. We've never seen any evidence of the bronchitis or the pain on screen but now she's got tales of how she was in incredible pain the whole time and just so stoic nobody knew. Wasn't she having lunch with Kyle the same day? I badly bruised a rib once--so not even broken (I only took Ibuprofen) and it was incredible painful to the point where it restricted movement and breathing and had me making occasional yipping noises. Kim was fine at lunch with Kyle but we're supposed to think that shortly after she was in such terrible pain with those things? But the only symptom we ever managed to catch on camera was her looking completely high because she took pain meds? Pain meds the doctor allegedly prescribed for her without yet diagnosing the broken rib etc.?


Maybe Kim will pull an Aviva, and show up with her x-rays at the finale.


I don't think that Kim offered to nurse Monty with an eye towards his medicine kit.  Don't think it occurred to her that it might not be smart for her own well being. When she called Brandi "my best friend," what I heard was "my only friend."  I always wonder who she's got around to really offer her solid advice and help her make sensible decisions.  She's gotten a lot of praise for wanting to help Monty out -- I do believe she loves him and is heartbroken about what's happening to him -- but praise can be misleading.  Dealing with this kind of post-chemo horror is a tough job -- she hardly seems like the best candidate for it, good intentions aside.  I can see her imagining it's going to be like "Dying Young" only to have it turn into something else right quick.  The kiddies have flown, she needs to be needed, her old pal is deathly ill, she thinks she's a whole lot stronger than she really is, and whammo.  Self-sabotage in addicts is standard and often unconscious, which is why it can take others to point it out.  


I understand what you're saying, but didn't Kim nurse Big Kathy as she died?  I think she had a good idea of what it entailed.  What she may not have realized, is while she's dealing with Monty dying, memories of her mother dying are going to surface as well.  I think that's part of the problem, neither Kyle nor Kim seem to have gotten over losing that tyrant.  And I think that's partly why Kim was so nutty about the "stolen" house.


I also thought it was 'interesting' that when Brandi was talking to Yo, she said that Kim was just off but was sober.  She later says in a TH that Kim went off the wagon.  She's also been Kim's bestie for six months but then later says a year.  And speaking of besties, in the scene outside the garage, Kim says that Brandi is her best friend.  In her blog, Brandi got demoted to 'friend' and Monty is her best friend.  Maybe Kim has 12 best friends like Brandi.


This is why I hate the fact that the THs and blogs are done so much after the fact.  History is always revised, and Lisa V. is particularly clever at spinning things.  I want blogs written before they've seen fan reaction, and adjusted the PR.


I really hope Kim is honest with her doctors about how much she drinks/takes/uses, etc.  Doubt it, but everything comes out when her blood is drawn.


I don't know about doctors, but nurses are pretty good about figuring things out.  General rule, double everything they claim.

  • Love 11

I vote to get rid of both Brandi & Kim and bring on Denise Richards!

Ugh.  Denise's face was a little over injected.  I think Denise comes out looking like a winner only because Charlie is such a nutter.


Watching this episode for the 2nd time. How funny is Kim's slurry "Where's my pizza?"

Cue # 1000 that Kim was on something.


I adored Lisa V's new dog. You could tell Rumpy needed a playmate. But....dog camp for three months? Who does that? I trained my dog in a couple of weeks to potty outdoors, don't chase the cat, sleep in your cage at night and don't bark at the old man who takes walks in the neighborhood.

More sex talk about animals from Lisa V - yay.  not.  Then old fat lady talk.  Lisa is just as lousy as Ken.


Just remembered that Lisa had to be a downer and tell Kyle her top and bottom party was, "so not funny".  This from the woman whose jokes generally fall into two categories:  how much she wants to have sex with her dogs and swans, and how much she doesn't want to have sex with Ken.

I know what a top and bottom are but I don't get what a top and bottom party is and why Kyle is throwing one.

  • Love 9

I think the problem with Brandi is that she's angry.  And she's always been 'angry'.  Even her parents have said that she's always been the way she is now.  She's immature and refuses to understand that life is not always fair and that you don't have the 'right' to have everything you think you deserve.  I don't think she is mentally ill.  She has a mentality issue.  She's on lexapro and other anti anxiety medication because she refuses to accept life isn't always going to be the way she thinks it should be for her.  She refuses to see how fortunate she is because she is focused on what she think she deserves and what others have that she doesn't have.  She's not mentally ill but she needs therapy and a reality check to understand that she controls her life rather than expecting life to be what she thinks it should be.


Yep, as Lisa R. (IIRC) said, she's very unhappy.  She refuses to accept that she is responsible for her own happiness.  Instead she puts the responsibility on other people.  I think this is what, in many ways, she and Kim have in common.  They're both entitled people.  It's easier for both of them to use alcohol or medication rather than grow up and take responsibility for their own happiness.  It's everyone else's fault.  Unfortunately,  there are so many people in this world who have this same attitude.


OK.  I'll get off (again) the soapbox.

  • Love 19

Therapy will not work for Brandi because she is unwilling to admit that she has any degree of responsibility for her own life and for what happens to her..  Her MO is to blame everyone else, portray herself as the perpetual victim, and to self-medicate.  She's far too immature to be willing to concede that she has any flaws and far too unmotivated to do the work that is necessary in therapy.


I worked in the mental health field for many years, and it's commonly known that only those who are "present" can be helped.  My guess is that she would flee (blaming the therapist, of course!) as soon as the suggestion was made that she look at her own behaviors and start taking some good, positive control of her life.   Any suggestion of self-medicating would likely be met with shrieks of, "I'm an adult!  I can drink if I want to!"


I agree with those who say they don't believe she's mentally ill.  She's a hot mess, for sure, but she's making choices of her own free will.  She enjoys the image she has of herself and seems completely unwilling to give it up.  I understand that Celebrity Apprentice is giving her the sweetheart edit, but it's also pretty obvious that she's perfectly capable of controlling herself because we've heard her say several full sentences there that didn't have even one profanity.  I'm quite sure she knew that stuff wouldn't fly on Donald Trump's show, so she's (for the most part) behaving herself.   Which is proof that she can when she chooses to do so.   IMO she's not mentally ill, just really low-life, immature, and severely lacking in social skills & self-awareness.  And that's not going to change as long as she doesn't want it to. 

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 12

Yes, David Foster's ex-wife is also a Jenner.  I guess she didn't call David, "My love", enough.  And didn't Kris Jenner testify at the OJ trial.  This is definitely one classy group.



Kris Jenner testified for the prosecution.  It was extremely awkward, because Kris' ex Robert Kardashian, was part of OJ's defense.

  • Love 3

I think the problem with Brandi is that she's angry.  And she's always been 'angry'.  Even her parents have said that she's always been the way she is now.  She's immature and refuses to understand that life is not always fair and that you don't have the 'right' to have everything you think you deserve.  I don't think she is mentally ill.  She has a mentality issue.  She's on lexapro and other anti anxiety medication because she refuses to accept life isn't always going to be the way she thinks it should be for her.  She refuses to see how fortunate she is because she is focused on what she think she deserves and what others have that she doesn't have.  She's not mentally ill but she needs therapy and a reality check to understand that she controls her life rather than expecting life to be what she thinks it should be.


Yep, as Lisa R. (IIRC) said, she's very unhappy.  She refuses to accept that she is responsible for her own happiness.  Instead she puts the responsibility on other people.  I think this is what, in many ways, she and Kim have in common.  They're both entitled people.  It's easier for both of them to use alcohol or medication rather than grow up and take responsibility for their own happiness.  It's everyone else's fault.  Unfortunately,  there are so many people in this world who have this same attitude.


OK.  I'll get off (again) the soapbox.



Therapy will not work for Brandi because she is unwilling to admit that she has any degree of responsibility for her own life and for what happens to her..  Her MO is to blame everyone else, portray herself as the perpetual victim, and to self-medicate.  She's far too immature to be willing to concede that she has any flaws and far too unmotivated to do the work that is necessary in therapy.


I worked in the mental health field for many years, and it's commonly known that only those who are "present" can be helped.  My guess is that she would flee (blaming the therapist, of course!) as soon as the suggestion was made that she look at her own behaviors and start taking some good, positive control of her life.   Any suggestion of self-medicating would likely be met with shrieks of, "I'm an adult!  I can drink if I want to!"


I agree with those who say they don't believe she's mentally ill.  She's a hot mess, for sure, but she's making choices of her own free will.  She enjoys the image she has of herself and seems completely unwilling to give it up.  I understand that Celebrity Apprentice is giving her the sweetheart edit, but it's also pretty obvious that she's perfectly capable of controlling herself because we've heard her say several full sentences there that didn't have even one profanity.  I'm quite sure she knew that stuff wouldn't fly on Donald Trump's show, so she's (for the most part) behaving herself.   Which is proof that she can when she chooses to do so.   IMO she's not mentally ill, just really low-life, immature, and severely lacking in social skills & self-awareness.  And that's not going to change as long as she doesn't want it to. 

Interestingly enough Brandi is tweeting tonight about exciting new business opportunities.  When Nene was on Celebrity Apprentice it was a connection to a little fellow with a chain of pizza restaurants and Nene became a partner in one at the Sacramento Airport.  At the end of Brandi's tweet she #Taking my life back.  So she does know how to work it and I would be curious what opportunity is coming her way.  To me she struggles with business concepts an even though she has made it past the half way point on Celebrity Apprentice I have yet to see anything remarkable in the idea department.  This year she has pushed FU and STFU T-Shirts and an app that blocks you from tweeting if you are drunk.  Just doesn't ring of solid business ideas.  

  • Love 6

I know Brandi is.... can't even get into that but I don't think Brandi was intentionally trying to be fucked up. I do believe Brandi felt like getting Kim home was the best thing to do and to do it quickly. Do I think Brandi is laying it on thick with the whole protective, great friend vibe? Well, not at first but once Kyle played the sister card, that's when Brandi started to list why she has recently become someone who may just have more of Kim's best interest at heart. Right or wrong? I really don't care but in that moment what was driving Kyle wasn't exactly best for the situation at hand.



I just don't agree with this at all.  When Kim went into the bathroom and was talking to Kyle, Kim told Kyle about taking the pill and according to Kyle she was alarmed but they hugged and everything was ok.  Immediately after Kim left the bathroom, before Kyle, she went to Brandi telling her how uncomfortable Kyle made her and they started to leave. Kyle suggested that she eat, but wasn't overbearing with it, Kim took a slice of pizza and they left, Kyle still being ok with it at this point.  But suddenly, before Kim left she decided to go back in and blindsided Kyle with the disparaging "Thanks Kyle!"  and began to leave in a huff.  I don't blame Kyle for wanting to find out why her sister was all of a sudden mad at her.  Kim was acting wackadoodle again and Kyle wanted to find out what happened between the time they first said goodbye and Kim's "Thanks Kyle!" took place.  It's only natural for her to want to find out what took place and Brandi should have stayed the hell out of it.  She didn't know about Kim's pain pill admission, so why did she think Kim was so vulnerable and needed protection at that point?  To me, Brandi was completely out of line!


I get that Kim has been a drain on Kyle and it probably doesn't take much for Kyle to get into a frustrated state but I don't give Kyle a pass because history or no history Kyle just doesn't handle these situations with Kim very well. I feel for her but she doesn't. It's understandable but again she just doesn't handle it well and that's not good for anybody involved.



But does Brandi though?  I don't think so.  Even when Kim was wanting to go to Kyle after the fight, Brandi stands there telling Kim, "Who is there for you at 2:00 am?" and basically tries to control Kim by making her feel bad and keep her from her sister.  It totally reveals Brandi's motive which is not to have Kim's best interest and care for her but to come between Kim and her sister...period!  Who was the one blabbing that Kim was under the influence that night?  It wasn't Kyle, but Brandi.   

Edited by swankie
  • Love 17

Interestingly enough Brandi is tweeting tonight about exciting new business opportunities.  When Nene was on Celebrity Apprentice it was a connection to a little fellow with a chain of pizza restaurants and Nene became a partner in one at the Sacramento Airport.  At the end of Brandi's tweet she #Taking my life back.  So she does know how to work it and I would be curious what opportunity is coming her way.  To me she struggles with business concepts an even though she has made it past the half way point on Celebrity Apprentice I have yet to see anything remarkable in the idea department.  This year she has pushed FU and STFU T-Shirts and an app that blocks you from tweeting if you are drunk.  Just doesn't ring of solid business ideas.  


Brandi is always spouting off about new opportunities, taking her life back, etc.  I think she's her own worst enemy, and - more often than not - gets in her own way.  So I'm very skeptical of anything actually panning out for her long-term.  


I do agree that her business ideas seem less than solid.   I'm sure she thinks it's cute that her entire persona is all about screaming naughty words and drinking. And, oh yes, sex.

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Brandi brought that completely on herself, so I didn't see it as unnecessarily condescending.  She insulted Eileen as a hostess, and Eileen simply responded by stating the facts & setting the record straight.  Brandi said it was dinner time and there was no food - Eileen explained that it was not dinner time and there in fact had been lots of catered food.  Yes, there was a little attitude there, but I have no problem with that because Brandi started a war of words based on malice & ignorance, and there's no reason why Eileen should have remained silent or been nice about it.

To me if you have an adult party that starts at 8:30 pm and includes drinks, good solid food needs to be served not just appetizers.  Reminds me of game night when Dana served chips and dip along with the gallon jugs of wine and the shit hit the fan big time.  So I agree with Brandy's assessment of the refreshments.  Even Vince said the food was "skimpy" when he first saw it. 


I rewatched "House of Cards" and when Eileen is talking to Vince after the women leave she says that she found a bra in her driveway.lol.  I wonder who's that was.  

so why did she think Kim was so vulnerable and needed protection at that point?


Because Brandi (and everybody else) knew that Kim was fucked up and needed to go home and not be filmed anymore. I think Kim felt like Kyle was calling attention to the fact that she might be high while in reality everybody had come to that conclusion all by themselves.  Also I noticed that clearly Kyle put her hands on Brandi first and forcefully too.   Brandi's getting a bad edit for sure.

  • Love 5

I just don't agree with this at all.  When Kim went into the bathroom and was talking to Kyle, Kim told Kyle about taking the pill and according to Kyle she was alarmed but they hugged and everything was ok.  Immediately after Kim left the bathroom, before Kyle, she went to Brandi telling her how uncomfortable Kyle made her and they started to leave. Kyle suggested that she eat, but wasn't overbearing with it, Kim took a slice of pizza and they left, Kyle still being ok with it at this point.  But suddenly, before Kim left she decided to go back in and blindsided Kyle with the disparaging "Thanks Kyle!"  and began to leave in a huff.  I don't blame Kyle for wanting to find out why her sister was all of a sudden mad at her.  Kim was acting wackadoodle again and Kyle wanted to find out what happened between the time they first said goodbye and Kim's "Thanks Kyle!" took place.  It's only natural for her to want to find out what took place and Brandi should have stayed the hell out of it.  She didn't know about Kim's pain pill admission, so why did she think Kim was so vulnerable and needed protection at that point?  To me, Brandi was completely out of line!


That is exactly - word for word - the way I saw it too.


Absolutely, 100% out of line.  All Kyle wanted was to talk to her sister.  Brandi had no reason & no right to prevent that from happening. 

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To me if you have an adult party that starts at 8:30 pm and includes drinks, good solid food needs to be served not just appetizers.  Reminds me of game night when Dana served chips and dip along with the gallon jugs of wine and the shit hit the fan big time.  So I agree with Brandy's assessment of the refreshments.  Even Vince said the food was "skimpy" when he first saw it. 




  I don't have a problem with an assortment of appetizers at a poker party that starts at 8:30 pm.  As Eileen said in her blog, it was a poker party, not a dinner party.  And she also said that there was quite a bit of food, and it had been catered.  Appetizers/hors d'oeuvres can certainly be far more substantial than chips & dip, and clearly these were.  Cocktail parties are adult parties with alcohol and appetizers, so how is that any different?  Brandi's expectation of a full-course meal that would sufficiently absorb all the alcohol she intended to drink was unreasonable. I'm  much more willing to take Eileen's word about the whole thing over Brandi's, as Brandi has proven herself to be less than credible many times. 


And even if Eileen served Cheetos & ice water, it's bad form to make fun of the food that's served when you're a guest in someone's home.  Send snarky texts to your friends or giggle on the phone about it if you must, but being rude about this kind of thing publicly is a whole other level, and IMO Eileen had every right to come right back at her.  Brandi embarrassed herself by showing her ignorance about the "pancakes", and blatantly publicly insulted Eileen besides.  She's no innocent victim in all of this, and should certainly be prepared to take it if she's so intent on dishing it out.

Edited by DebbieM4
  • Love 20
To me if you have an adult party that starts at 8:30 pm and includes drinks, good solid food needs to be served not just appetizers.  Reminds me of game night when Dana served chips and dip along with the gallon jugs of wine and the shit hit the fan big time.  So I agree with Brandy's assessment of the refreshments.  Even Vince said the food was "skimpy" when he first saw it.

I only think that the food would be inadequate if a guest decided to drink heavily. (And why would anyone want to drink heavily knowing full well that they're going to be on camera?) Since the event didn't last that long there's no reason for Brandi to have become as intoxicated as she was. There were sliders, pizza, and other appetizers plus desserts. Brandi's the one who decided to drink before she got to the party in addition to whatever she had when she was there. Eileen wasn't giving a dinner party. With Game Night it was daylight outside when most of the cast arrived and they were there for a lot longer than they would have been because they were waiting on Kim. Dana had breadsticks and desserts. Eileen definitely had more items to choose from than Dana did and certainly enough to soak up the alcohol Brandi had downed if she'd been so inclined. 


Also I noticed that clearly Kyle put her hands on Brandi first and forcefully too.   Brandi's getting a bad edit for sure.



Does Brandi forcefully putting her arm against Kyle's chest in order to block her from Kim not count as touching? Brandi might not have been using her hands but she was definitely touching Kyle with her body in a forceful manner as Kyle repeatedly asked her not to do so. I don't see how Brandi got a bad edit here. The constant shots of her drinking--the editors are working with what Brandi is giving them IMO and so far Brandi has been giving them a lot of rude and obnoxious wine throwing type behavior. That's all on Brandi as far as I'm concerned. Should Bravo have kept from showing some of Brandi's more embarrassing moments and comments this season? 

  • Love 18

To me if you have an adult party that starts at 8:30 pm and includes drinks, good solid food needs to be served not just appetizers.  Reminds me of game night when Dana served chips and dip along with the gallon jugs of wine and the shit hit the fan big time.  So I agree with Brandy's assessment of the refreshments.  Even Vince said the food was "skimpy" when he first saw it. 


I rewatched "House of Cards" and when Eileen is talking to Vince after the women leave she says that she found a bra in her driveway.lol.  I wonder who's that was.  

Because Brandi (and everybody else) knew that Kim was fucked up and needed to go home and not be filmed anymore. I think Kim felt like Kyle was calling attention to the fact that she might be high while in reality everybody had come to that conclusion all by themselves.  Also I noticed that clearly Kyle put her hands on Brandi first and forcefully too.   Brandi's getting a bad edit for sure.

I think Brandi has had pizza for dinner many a night, she has 2 boys that most likely love pizza. There was plenty of food even if that food was "finger food"!

IMO, Brandi knew Kim was high before even going to the party, they talk ALL the time so I am sure she knew Kim was using again, at least IMO. Brandi helped to wind kite high Kim up even further during the poker game, not something one does when they are concerned about a BFFs health/welfare is it?


Yes, Kyle was the first to use her hands but Brandi was using her body to push Kyle back, to keep her from Kim even though Kim never asked her to. In fact, once they were outside, Kim asked Brandi to step away so she could talk to Kyle and Brandi would not leave them alone for more than 5 seconds despite Lisa R and Eileen trying to get her away from the sisters. Brandi would block Kyle and then smirk each time, she was intent on provoking Kyle the entire night at Eileen's house and set Kyle up for it on the ride over by getting Kyle's guard down. Brandi is cunning and likes to set people up to tear them down then cry victim afterwards. JMO

  • Love 15



Does Brandi forcefully putting her arm against Kyle's chest in order to block her from Kim not count as touching? Brandi might not have been using her hands but she was definitely touching Kyle with her body in a forceful manner as Kyle repeatedly asked her not to do so. I don't see how Brandi got a bad edit here. The constant shots of her drinking--the editors are working with what Brandi is giving them IMO and so far Brandi has been giving them a lot of rude and obnoxious wine throwing type behavior. That's all on Brandi as far as I'm concerned. Should Bravo have kept from showing some of Brandi's more embarrassing moments and comments this season? 


I don't see how she's getting a bad edit either.  They're filming every disgusting thing she says and does.  And there's no tricky editing - She proudly owns up to a whole lot of it.


Kyle was the one whispering in the bathroom so as to not be overheard.  Brandi was the one dragging Kim out of there, screeching, being aggressive with Kyle, throwing pizza on the ground, making a scene, and causing everything to escalate.  All Kyle wanted was to talk to her sister.  If Brandi had simply released the death-grip she had on Kim, the two sisters could have spoken to each other.  But Brandi was so intent on not letting that happen that she turned the whole thing into a major attention-getting, physical blow-up.


If my substance-abusing sister seemed "off" to me, and was being hauled away so aggressively by someone who was obviously impaired, I would have done everything Kyle did.  And more.  (Luckily for Brandi, it was Kyle & not me, since I'm much taller than Kyle and would not have hesitated to shove Brandi right down to the floor rather than allow her to keep me from my sister.)

  • Love 13

Oh, how I wish the Bravo gods and goddesses would do a "very special appearance" of Brandi Glanville dropped right into the middle of the Atlanta women.


Those women would read Brandi like no other and hand her her sloppy, shit-stirring, intoxicated ass on a silver platter.


She wants to play "bring it, bitch!"?   I'd love nothing more than to put her with a group of women who would most assuredly "bring it" and send her scurrying from the room like a cockroach in daylight.  


Well, there's one Atlanta woman who isn't having very much luck sending Brandi scurrying.  No matter how much Kenya tries, she just keeps making Brandi look better and better to The Donald.  It's off topic, so I won't say anymore.  The problem is, no matter how much the women can't stand Brandi, the guys don't seem to mind her at all.  Especially Andy and he's gay!  Sadly, I don't think Brandi will ever get fired from this job.  She knows that the more she acts like a douche, the more Bravo loves her.  (Sigh, I feel totally defeated by this admission.)

  • Love 8

Does it look like a regular hospital inside? I know that's a weird thing to ask but I just can't get my head around wanting to "relax" in that kind of environment, no matter how desperate one might be for drugs. (I hate hospitals.)

Rosebud Junior was born at Cedars and I subsequently spent quite a few years volunteering there with a patient support group, raising funds, etc. friends of mine have been patients there. I've had outpatient procedures done there.

Cedars looks for all the world like every other hospital, maybe slightly nicer than an average public hospital. It has a lot of very high profile donors (this is Hollywood, after all), but it's still a hospital. And a very good one.

  • Love 3

Rosebud,  well, if Tori Spelling can spend weeks there, it is Hollywood after all ;)  Good for you for your volunteer work!!!!!!!


I see Kim saying her hospital stay was due to something like an ulcer, caused by great stress.  Like the previous poster said, you can't fool a nurse.  It's live and see your grandchild or die too young Kim.  I'm hoping she gets the help the she needs and a doctor who tells her that.  


I have a stupid question.  Is Eileen still on a soap?  Which one?  I'm curious now.  I love her. I haven't watched a soap since Luke and Laura got married.  

  • Love 3

Because Brandi (and everybody else) knew that Kim was fucked up and needed to go home and not be filmed anymore.



If Brandi could see this then why was she doing everything to keep Kim hyped up and acting crazy all during that whole time they were playing poker?  If you ask me, the only reason she wanted Kim to leave was because Kim went into the bathroom with Kyle and that pissed Brandi the fuck off.  She didn't want Kim interacting with Kyle unless it was throwing a slew of insults her way like they were doing before Kyle went into the bathroom.  Brandi is using Kim to discredit Kyle.  That's what I believe anyway. 

  • Love 14


I just don't agree with this at all.  When Kim went into the bathroom and was talking to Kyle, Kim told Kyle about taking the pill and according to Kyle she was alarmed but they hugged and everything was ok.  Immediately after Kim left the bathroom, before Kyle, she went to Brandi telling her how uncomfortable Kyle made her and they started to leave. Kyle suggested that she eat, but wasn't overbearing with it, Kim took a slice of pizza and they left, Kyle still being ok with it at this point.  But suddenly, before Kim left she decided to go back in and blindsided Kyle with the disparaging "Thanks Kyle!"  and began to leave in a huff.  I don't blame Kyle for wanting to find out why her sister was all of a sudden mad at her.  Kim was acting wackadoodle again and Kyle wanted to find out what happened between the time they first said goodbye and Kim's "Thanks Kyle!" took place.  It's only natural for her to want to find out what took place and Brandi should have stayed the hell out of it.  She didn't know about Kim's pain pill admission, so why did she think Kim was so vulnerable and needed protection at that point?  To me, Brandi was completely out of line!



My theory on the bathroom scene and Kim's later reaction is this:  In the bathroom, Kyle was either covering her mike or whispering - it was difficult to hear her. Kim was talking loudly, I'm guessing in her state she forgot about cameras and mikes.  They leave the bathroom and all is supposedly well.  Then Kim goes to Brandi, who tells her that the entire scene was filmed.  Now Kim's "secret" about the medication she took is out, and will probably be aired.  Kim never blames herself for anything, so of course, it's Kyle's fault, hence the "Thanks Kyle".


In general, I can take or leave Kyle, but in this case, I think she had every right to be hurt and confused to begin with.  In the car with Brandi, all was fine.  Up to this point, as far as we know, she and Kim were fine. But things turned at the poker table. Brandi and Kim went after her for some reason and it seemed to come out of the blue.

  • Love 12

Perhaps it wasn't the amount or type of food served, but the time the food was served.


Let's say you eat dinner at 6, go to Eileen's at 8:30, sit through scene after scene, take after take, while sitting at a poker table and drinking.  If no food was offered during that time, I can see a problem.  Of course you could always just not drink like a fish.


At a 'real' party, I doubt it would've happened like this, but maybe production was trying to rush and just wanted everybody to sit down and get it over with.  I didn't even see a bowl of nuts on the table.  After the poker game, they were all circling the island in the kitchen like vultures.

  • Love 3

You know, there is a lot of talk in this forum about how Brandi is "psychologically unstable" and "mentally ill". (Hell, I've frequently tapped my "thumbs up" button for such comments.) And because of this pathology, she should not be on television. But if we take a long look at Brandi's persona and situation, mental illness may not be the most accurate or fair characterization. What IS accurate and fair, though, is Brandi's clearly inappropriate behavior in every episode and her seeming inability to fit in with her cast mates. THIS is what makes Brandi difficult to watch. Even Kim, while clearly exhibiting off-putting behavior, conforms to the loosely defined persona of Beverly Hills. She has the requisite social contacts to be accepted into this world. Initially Brandi was an interesting character because she skirted the film and television worlds. She was the woman who was once married to a (semi) recognizable actor, but who was gracelessly ejected when her husband divorced her and moved on to someone richer and more famous. Unfortunately that was a long time ago and everyone is pretty tired of hearing about it. I think it is a gross miscalculation by the producers in keeping Brandi around when her "Woman-Scorned-by-a-D-List Actor" bit is her ONLY qualification for this venue. Brandi may belong on Reality TV, just not on this show.

  • Love 12

Yeah, Eddie's attraction to Leann probably had nothing to do with his career being in the toilet and Leann being a multi-millionaire.

Eddie's career was not in the toilet when he left Brandi for LeAnn, according to legal papers filed by Brandi, Eddie made $60,000 a week - he was working on one of the CSI shows at the time. Of course acting is not a career known for its reliability and predictability, so I can definitely understand Eddie wanting his next partner to be someone who could support herself, along with him and his sons, when and if he experienced long and short-term career slumps. Eddie likes his women crazy so that was likely a big part of his attraction to LeAnn.


Only an alcoholic would claim there was not enough food in order to deflect their drunken status. I have seen that bullshit lie play out many times by alcoholics. Even Stevie Wonder can see behind Brandi's bullshit.

Yeah and it's not like we have not seen Brandi get noticeably drunk at events where a meal was served. Edited by quinn
  • Love 5

First of all you guys are all great at dissecting who said what during that fight. All I saw were flailing arms and pizza flying. It clear why alcoholism is called a family disease. We each watched what went down and each came up with our own conclusions as to what was wrong with Kim that night. Can you imagine there were say 5 of us , that we're in the same family trying to come up with a way to help her? Espically if we're we emotionally connected to her? We can't even figure out where Kim got the damn pills from. That is why the call addiction a disease that is cunning and baffling. So many of the systems of addiction mimic mental illness: paranoia, social isolation and sometimes even hallucinations so it's hard to tell which came first. Chicken and the egg kind of thing.

  • Love 11

First of all you guys are all great at dissecting who said what during that fight. All I saw were flailing arms and pizza flying. It clear why alcoholism is called a family disease. We each watched what went down and each came up with our own conclusions as to what was wrong with Kim that night. Can you imagine there were say 5 of us , that we're in the same family trying to come up with a way to help her? Espically if we're we emotionally connected to her? We can't even figure out where Kim got the damn pills from. That is why the call addiction a disease that is cunning and baffling. So many of the systems of addiction mimic mental illness: paranoia, social isolation and sometimes even hallucinations so it's hard to tell which came first. Chicken and the egg kind of thing.


So, worse family disease, alcoholism or Brandi Glanville?

  • Love 7

When Kyle was in the kitchen telling Mauricio that Kim was in the hospital, could he be any less interested ? It's pretty clear that the family has been to this rodeo many times before with Kim and he is over it. 


I agree about the stage of Monty's illness. While I totally believe that he has cancer and it may be terminal, he is not at the stage where he need around the clock nursing care at this point. He can still go out and disappear for days just as he did during their marriage, he can still drive. I don't know what type of cancer he has or if he is having chemo treatments and needs to be taken back and forth on treatment days but  I believe he moved in because he is lonely and between wives. I don't have a problem with that, but Kim is blowing it out of proportion at this point.  She really has mastered the art of lying and making it all about her. 

Edited by bichonblitz
  • Love 9

Perhaps it wasn't the amount or type of food served, but the time the food was served.


Let's say you eat dinner at 6, go to Eileen's at 8:30, sit through scene after scene, take after take, while sitting at a poker table and drinking.  If no food was offered during that time, I can see a problem.  Of course you could always just not drink like a fish.


At a 'real' party, I doubt it would've happened like this, but maybe production was trying to rush and just wanted everybody to sit down and get it over with.  I didn't even see a bowl of nuts on the table.  After the poker game, they were all circling the island in the kitchen like vultures.

The were circling. I always like when I see these gals eat. And carbs were consumed!


Eileen said in her blog that there was lots of food and it was ready and offered to the gals when they came in. No one really touched much of the food until after the Poker was played. 

  • Love 4

It was kind of lost in the chatter, but Brandi said she had bought the sunglasses for $3 on Venice Beach.


I only remember it because a few years ago Tamra Barney on the OC let everyone know she and Vicki sported fakes purchased from Venice Beach and I was wondering if it was from the same bootlegger of counterfeit designer goods....


Which led me to envision a drunken shopping trip to Venice Beach with Tamra and Brandi.  

I have been to Venice Beach, there are tons of sunglasses for sale, cheap.  I also saw a guitar playing roller skating singing Sikh while I was there along with some amazing real estate on the canals.  Remember Dana and her $25, 000 glasses, I bet she wished she had the cheap glass and money instead now. LOL.

  • Love 6

My theory on the bathroom scene and Kim's later reaction is this:  In the bathroom, Kyle was either covering her mike or whispering - it was difficult to hear her. Kim was talking loudly, I'm guessing in her state she forgot about cameras and mikes.  They leave the bathroom and all is supposedly well.  Then Kim goes to Brandi, who tells her that the entire scene was filmed.  Now Kim's "secret" about the medication she took is out, and will probably be aired.  Kim never blames herself for anything, so of course, it's Kyle's fault, hence the "Thanks Kyle".


In general, I can take or leave Kyle, but in this case, I think she had every right to be hurt and confused to begin with.  In the car with Brandi, all was fine.  Up to this point, as far as we know, she and Kim were fine. But things turned at the poker table. Brandi and Kim went after her for some reason and it seemed to come out of the blue.

I agree completely.


Something else interesting that I don't think has been discussed.  In the limo on the way home, Kim said to Brandi that she didn't think Kyle had been aware of how close they had become. I wondered about this as well.  Kyle then confirmed this in her blog, when she said that she had no idea that these two had become such close friends in such a short time.  I think with this added information, it makes it all even more of a WTF moment for Kyle when Brandi became so aggressive in keeping Kyle away from Kim. 

  • Love 6

To Kim and Brandi, I think "close friends" is more like "codependent."


Brandi might not be mentally ill, but she has a horrid personality. It happens. No need to excuse her rotten behavior. She's just a dud, human being wise. Seems that she was spoiled by her parents, and enabled by them and others, and she made money by looking good. I don't think there's any substance there. She's an attention whore and a bitch, a rotten friend, and not to be trusted.

  • Love 11

Eileen's food looked okay to me too.  Folks on a real high, unless they have the munchies, typically don't care about eating food anyway -- Don't even see it, not until they're on the other side.  As in "Where's my pizza?"  Anyone working on this show -- and it is a job after all -- I'm sure packs snacks and such, knowing that production may pull the rug out from under them and offer tons of booze and little to eat. I know I would. 


The real danger zone was the poker game and the near occasion of sin in having booze all around. The Richards cannot handle parlor games and competition!   All of their dislike and mistrust comes tumbling out.  Add Brandi, some innocent bystanders, and holy smokes. 


If Brandi doesn't bring the scenes, the vulgarities, and the crazy trouble making to the RHBH, she's gone and no paycheck for her.  I think she's presented with a general roster of potential storms she's meant to incite during the season and goes at it.  To include insulting Joyce repeatedly last season.  Not saying I like her, mind you, just that I believe she definitely lays it on extra extra thick for reasons that have to do with Bravo entertainment. 


Kyle needs to calm down and stop following Kim into bathrooms for private chats when she's on a bender. Kim doesn't seem to get that we, the viewers, and anyone in a room with her when she's flying high can clearly see that she's altered.  So she gets angry with Kyle for pointing out on camera what she thinks is hidden.  The stigma on women when they have addiction problems is even heavier too.  It's a prime reason we don't seek treatment earlier or at all. Mommy isn't supposed to be hooked on anything ever and, if she is, she's a horrible horrible person who is never to be trusted again.  Lying liar who lies -- Throw Momma from the train!


For Kim, who lives to be needed and admired, it's going to be extra tough to get real when the urge to escape hits.  I've talked plenty of smack about her because I don't care for her much but, in her defense, have to say that living with a chronic illness for which there is NO cure and is as insidious as a disease can be is a heavy load to bear and not everyone has what it takes to make it.  I see her as someone who is able to stay straight for awhile and then opts to go back out to do more research -- a revolving door of using and not using.  I doubt she'd be on the show at all if she didn't need the money or imagine, in her dimwitted way, that this has been a return to showbiz for her.  It's clear that being on the program triggers real anxiety in her -- If I were her sister, I'd be urging her to get off the gravy train.  


Kyle's manner of pursuit, good intentions aside, is also always very aggressive in these instances. She gets frenzied and pushy and hysterical.  That part I think Kim just LOVES because watching sis lose control puts Kim back in the driver's seat.  Or so she thinks.  Brandi isn't too far off in saying these two hate each other.  


Envy is a real trigger for Kim, I think.  Having to hang out at Eileen's -- a successful blonde actress with a long, steady career, married to a sensible fellow, some children still in the house -- earning top bank on the show, everyone kissing her bottom.  Except Brandi, of course, who is also triggered by envy.  They both have some serious problems -- Kim is the hot mess that we all see -- and Brandi suffers from some real boundary issues for which she is handsomely paid. Brandi confuses being liberated with being mean and vulgar.


Back in the age of the dinosaurs, we used to just call it acting like an asshole or not being a nice person.  Before the age of diagnosis life was a whole lot simpler and no one could have ever imagined the world domination of reality tv and that terrible behavior might bring fame and fortune.

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 12

WireWrap--Thanks! I don't recall that but it makes sense.  Hope she did. Kyle, I mean, cautioning Kim about taking on more than she can handle. 


And, breezy, yeah, I also don't quite get Monty being on his last legs and yet still capable of being out and about for a couple of days and then driving Kim to the hospital.  It's pretty confusing.  I do like what I've seen of him so good to hear that he was okay enough to do any of that. 


Kim's reality is always a very fluid commodity.   


I think Brandi needs to hang out with Lena Dunham.  That would be some good times right there. 

On the subject of Monty's terminal Cancer and being out and about. 7 1/2 years ago my ex-husband was diagnosed with Terminal Cancer. He was told he had 6 months to a year. He is stil with us. He has been undergoing Chemotherapy during most of that time, with a few weeks on and then a few off. He does have some awful side effecfts from the Chemo, In fact, his Doctor recently decided to suspend the Chemo and see it the tumor starts to grow again, or if he can remain off it indefinitely. He is not a young man, he is 14 years my senior and I'm old.   


I am not saying that Monty isn't very ill, but what my ex  has explained to me, based on what he got from his Doctor, is that in some cases, and in some forms, Cancer is becoming more like HIV, in the sense that although you are not cured, in some instances you may live with it for years.. His cancer started in his colon (and was discovered in his first ever colonoscopy) and had spread to the liver.


Of course, I also have known people diagnosed and then gone 3 months later. I am just pointing out that "terminal" doesn't always mean imminent. As I said, my ex was told 6 months to a year. They were obviously wrong. Although he is still considered "terminal".  

Edited by chlban
  • Love 9

Remember Dana and her $25, 000 glasses, I bet she wished she had the cheap glass and money instead now. LOL.

Oh, yeah... I think the poser was also wearing a million-dollar lollipop holder or something one night too.  Remember how she kept brochures advertising her son in her foyer?  You can fault Kyle all you want for pushing Portia into the limelight, but at least we haven't seen a display stand for Portia flyers.

  • Love 6

Just popping in to thank those of you who weighed in on Brandi and the mental illness possibility. She has had me baffled and concerned at times. Thanks to your discussion and viewpoints, now I understand better what I'm seeing when I watch her and this show. What a mess! Thank goodness for Eileen. She's bringing in rationality and this show needs that big time.

  • Love 3

Agreed.  She's also just another over-extended boring martyr with an eating disorder.  

I liked her until she dated Ritchie Sambora, her former BFF's ex husband. I have no particular love for Heather Locklear, but to me that is a major violation of girl code. It doesn't matter why the marriage broke up. In my world you do not date a "significant" (a date or two is not significant. A long term relationship or marriage is) ex of any of your close friends. Ever.

  • Love 8


Something else interesting that I don't think has been discussed.  In the limo on the way home, Kim said to Brandi that she didn't think Kyle had been aware of how close they had become. I wondered about this as well.  Kyle then confirmed this in her blog, when she said that she had no idea that these two had become such close friends in such a short time.  I think with this added information, it makes it all even more of a WTF moment for Kyle when Brandi became so aggressive in keeping Kyle away from Kim.


This reminds me of Kim's "relationship" with Ken that sort of sprang up out of nowhere.  She was clearly using and lonely and lo and behold she meets someone 'hanging out' by her mailbox who can keep her company and do drugs with her.  Convenient.  As I recall, the entire family was firmly against him from the get go.  It seemed like they had seen this exact behavior before from Kim.  Substitute Brandi for Ken.


Also, can anyone help me with one of Eileen's lines from this week's show after Kyle and LisaR drive away.  I thought it was in response to someone asking if Kyle was alright and Eileen deadpanned with something like "except for the gash in her arm.  I think she might need stitches."  Or was she still making fun of Brandi going around showing everyone the small scratch on her arm?

  • Love 5

Remember how she kept brochures advertising her son in her foyer?  You can fault Kyle all you want for pushing Portia into the limelight, but at least we haven't seen a display stand for Portia flyers.


Looks like Kyle has set up the 2015 version of a flyer display.  Why confine your advertising to the foyer when your kid can have 21K followers?  Portia has her own Twitter page, capturing all the cute things she says to mommy.  Precious. ;-)


I'm sorry.  Kyle's an ass.


ETA Link:  https://twitter.com/portiaumansky

Edited by ryebread
  • Love 6

chlban--Thank goodness for that ray of sunshine in your own family's life -- and for a super lucid and helpful explanation.  


Just to add too that, like other "stars" past or present, Kim seems to turn all her so-called friends into her celebrity handlers -- Ken, Brandi.  In her mind, she will always be that diva who deserves to be protected and catered to, no matter what.  She selects those who are less secure financially to fill this role for a spell.  "Where's my pizza?," was so so telling. 

  • Love 5

Portia has her own Twitter page, capturing all the cute things she says to mommy.  Precious. ;-)

Thanks for reminding me why I don't need to visit Twitter, ryebread.  Fortunately, I haven't started breakfast yet; some of it would have come back up when I read that.

Edited by erikdepressant
  • Love 4

Where is all this information coming from on Kim?  She's completely fabricating a medical illness, she's treating the hospital like a spa visit and the Hiltons are footing the bill.  She's stolen all of poor Monty's pain meds, and he was driven from the house to escape her theft.  Kim's receiving all the drugs she could ask for, via 24/7 IV drip.  And in addition to Kim stealing and using all of Monty's medicine, she has somehow broken into his bank accounts and robbed him.  Can anyone provide links, or is this wild speculation?  

I agree what we do is speculate here however; to assume that Kim agreed to take care of Monty so she can get his meds is pretty damn ugly. This shows a total lack of understanding that addiction is not always what you see on shows like intervention. That show is ramped up for dramatic purposes and is not a true reflection of how most addicts act. For most people it is more of a continuum. I'm pretty sure that all of you know someone with dependency that you have no clue about because they are able to function somewhat normally. It doesn't mean that because someone has a problem, they have no morals. This kind of belief is not helpful to anyone. Someone can stumble and that doesn't mean they are totally gone. 


I think we throw around the word "mental illness" too cavalierly.  


Brandi is a master manipulator.  I don't believe for one minute she has a mental illness that makes her unaware of what she says.  Does she have an addiction? Possibly.  But she can and should be held responsible for her crass and vile actions.  There are people in this world with true mental illness.  They should be treated sympathetically. Not this woman.


That's my not so humble opinion, of course. ;)

I see them everyday and Brandi acts like people with personality disorders. Her behavior is classic Borderline. These patients often abuse substances.


To be diagnosed with BPD, one must exhibit an enduring pattern of several of the following symptoms: extreme reactions to real or perceived abandonment, including panic, depression, rage; stormy relationships with others, often alternating between extreme closeness to extreme dislike or anger; an unstable sense of self resulting in sudden changes in feelings, values or future plans; a pattern of impulsive and dangerous behaviors, such as reckless spending, unsafe sexual encounters or substance use; recurring suicidal behaviors, threats of suicide or self-harm, such as cutting; chronic feelings of emptiness or boredom; intense and highly changeable moods, including issues controlling intense anger; and having stress-related dissociative feelings, such as losing touch with reality or feeling cut off from oneself. Blurting out inappropriate and shocking sexual statements.


They are the master manipulators.


Edited by Higgins
  • Love 5

I am confused about Monty's condition, he is terminal, that much I understand but...is he not going thru chemo?  He has quite the head of hair for someone so dire, chemo must have stopped a long while ago for his hair to be that long.  So maybe Kim is not really nursing the sickly Monty so much if he is able to drive and come and go when he feels like it.  My experience with being a caregiver at the end stage of leukemia was very different, me thinks Kim is a bit of a drama queen with this.  If he is that bad then he should be on hospice care not in Kim's care.  She will use any excuse to use, duh.  Next she will blame Kingsley having to be re-homed for her relapse. 

  • Love 4

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