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S26: Blair & Hayley

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When was Hayley right the first time?  The last leg, she said, do you think that looks like an H-sign?  He looked at it, said no, and she happily moved along, until she found out that was the street they were supposed to turn on, she kept yelling her being right, but she wasn't right, she wasn't sure.  Her keeps yelling about being right does not make her right.


I think Blair is the perfect man, he's smart, funny, good-looking, hot body, cute, AND now we found out he speaks Spanish, and maybe another language?  So at least bilingual, ughh, damn he's the perfect man, but he's not gay :(, some girl is gonna be really happy one day :/ , well CALL ME anyway Blair!!!


I think Hayley is a really pretty girl too, but she comes off so damn shrill, like Blair knows the language just wait a second and relax and then talk to him.  I really want them to win if nothing else then Blair gets rewarded for being so tortured!!

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Wouldn't it be ironic if this "blind date couple" actually does fall in love? 


I could only attribute it to Stockholm Syndrome.


I don;t think she's book smart.  She's more observant than Blair, whereas he's book smarter but misses a lot of stuff.  


But basically they're both idiots.  Of different types.


Besides her nursing degree, she has a minor in chemistry.  She's book smart.  Her problem is she follows the Rachel Reilly (BS in Chemistry) school of smart girl pretending to be dumb to look "hot".


How is this woman a trauma nurse? When something goes wrong, does she stand around yelling at the person whose fault she thinks it is while the patient dies?


She claims to be a triage nurse in pediatric trauma, and there's a difference.  The triage nurse works a little more independently (less chance to clash with the dummy staff).  Hayley is the first to examine the peds patients, and prioritizes who gets seen first.  The job has a modicum of authority, and I'm sure she thrives on it.  The thing is, I have to believe she's good at her job.  In emergency medicine, there's a concept called the "golden hour", that stresses the importance of medical care within an hour of trauma, for adults.  In pediatrics, it's a "golden half-hour".  There's little room for ego, power struggles, and control freaks.  I've known excellent nurses who are in total command on the job, but absolute messes in their private lives.  It's possible that in her own environment, she handles stress in a more productive manner.  I still suspect it's difficult to work with her on the job.

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It would be interesting too see if the people Haley works with are familiar with Amazing Race Haley. The show is either spot on or totally just grabbing single moments and stretching them out. I guess we'll never know the truth. I guess the same could be said about Blair, too. The people he works with might think he's a total jerk but is getting a favorable edit. That's the think with reality TV. You never know what's reality. LOL!!!

BTW!! Their prize for coming in first seemed horrible until Phil explained more. At first, I thought they were getting just a new fit bit watch. I was like, "isn't that what they already are wearing?" LOL!!

Edited by ByaNose
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I think Hayley is a really pretty girl too, but she comes off so damn shrill, like Blair knows the language just wait a second and relax and then talk to him.


She was so rude to the locals. Blair would ask a question in Spanish and the person would be answering him and Hayley would start screeching right over the other person, "WHAT DID HE SAY, BLAIR? BLAIR? BLAIR?" No wonder it takes Blair a long time to get directions; Hayley won't shut up long enough for him to get the answer.


Hayley in the sugar cane field says "I never yell ever", right keep telling yourself  that as you screech nonstop at Blair.


She said something like that in an earlier episode too. It was something like, "I never get mad" or "I never lose my temper." Both then and last night, I could feel the collective, "yeah, right," of everyone who's ever met her rising up in the universe.

  • Love 6

Hayley was relatively calm on the mat once the win was in their pocket.

Her voice even dropped a few octaves down to a tolerable level for human ears.

Blair even had a burst of affection for her by slinging his arm around her backpack.


Was disappointed when Phil announced the  prize for this leg...WTF!

Phil took too long of a pause to then include a new laptop and exercise equipment as part of the winners' package.


Once again Blair and Jelani get to delightfully watch their partners do the hard work.

I could only attribute it to Stockholm Syndrome.



Besides her nursing degree, she has a minor in chemistry.  She's book smart.  Her problem is she follows the Rachel Reilly (BS in Chemistry) school of smart girl pretending to be dumb to look "hot".



She claims to be a triage nurse in pediatric trauma, and there's a difference.  The triage nurse works a little more independently (less chance to clash with the dummy staff).  Hayley is the first to examine the peds patients, and prioritizes who gets seen first.  The job has a modicum of authority, and I'm sure she thrives on it.  The thing is, I have to believe she's good at her job.  In emergency medicine, there's a concept called the "golden hour", that stresses the importance of medical care within an hour of trauma, for adults.  In pediatrics, it's a "golden half-hour".  There's little room for ego, power struggles, and control freaks.  I've known excellent nurses who are in total command on the job, but absolute messes in their private lives.  It's possible that in her own environment, she handles stress in a more productive manner.  I still suspect it's difficult to work with her on the job.

I wish I could like this a thousand times.  I've been thinking the same thing only you expressed it much better than I would have.

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From the Official Amazing Race Facebook page: "Does Blair deserve a million dollars just for his patience?"


Makes me wonder about the editing - is Haley really as bad as we're seeing?  Or is she even worse?  You could go either way...


The fact that the official page would ask this question confirms for me that Hayley is putting on an act and Blair knows it.  Why ask such a question that says "Blair's so GREAT!!!!" otherwise?

No one is more surprised than I am to find myself so enjoying this team now that Hayley has received her personality transplant, and Blair has loosened up a little. They seem to honestly like each other, with a few stumbles now and again. The difference between Hayley's 'cheerleading' in earlier legs, and her sincere "Good job, Blair, you're doing great!" in this leg is night and day. They tease each other, bring up their previous difficulties with humor and acceptance, and since this turn for the better have consistently performed very well.


I'm starting to think I could be happy if they won.


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Of course, Blair is going to ignore Hayley...

After all, he is a Doctor--and she is merely a nurse.

I know some highly experienced nurses and more than a few of them will tell you in a hurry that the almighty Doctors seldom listen to what they have to say.  "Just do what I tell you nurse--and don't ask questions."

So Hayley was introduced to her "blind date" and when she learned that he was a Doctor she automatically figured "He will never listen to a word I say".  And he did not.  So the battle was on.


However, her nagging sounds so cartoonish when I listen, that I would not be surprised if the post-production wizards are speeding her voice up to make it sound even more ridiculous.  And once in a while, when we keep hearing "Blair-Blair-Blair" I wonder if the wizards are not just splicing in some additional "Blairs".

Interview with Hayley.  Not much new info, but a few tidbits.




Wow, what a fun read! Thanks for posting that. I'm rooting for Hayley and Blair to win. I'm in the pro-Blair camp all the way; of course he's not perfect, but he's very impressive.  And Hayley is about the only one on this cast that's had a personality worth watching, so I'd love to see them win.  I'm thinking the production people LOVED their dynamic.

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Not that that writer doesn't make a good point here and there, but when she says stupid shit like this, then I feel free to disregard everything else she says:


Of course, you can’t fly off the handle every time he leaves the cap off the toothpaste. And, as the God-appointed leader of your home, your husband should be taking the lead on the big life decisions.


But on the big parenting decisions, your voice matters too. (In fact, heck… some might say you’re the expert in this particular field.)


Pick your battles. Tell him you want to be a team. Give patient, loving suggestions.


But when he doesn’t listen, and it all blows up in your face, don’t be surprised.


And then, just try (really hard) to control that fireball of wife anger that comes next.



Goodness gracious, is it 1955 already? Better get dinner started before the God-appointed leader of my home gets back from work!

Edited by fishcakes
  • Love 12

I didn't even notice the God comment, because I had already disregarded her column for excusing the angry responses. I don't blame Hayley for getting mad at Blair when he wouldn't stop and hear her point of view. But then, she calls him stupid, and tells him how she can't even stand to look at him, etc. That is not excusable, and neither one of them seems to get it. That is not appropriate in a relationship, and I do not agree that it will happen. Angry yelling about not listening, sure, but she goes too far.


In a deleted scene (or whatever they are calling them), she was still complaining about him not listening to the direction she want to go in Japan, and she says that she wants to see the clue and have a chance to read it completely before they go on. Blair agrees, and it seems like that happens in the future. She was nagging, but speaking in a normal voice so she has the ability.


I also don't think that Blair or the other teams underestimate her. Blair says how well she does the tasks, and when the teams talk about her, they also say how well the team does the tasks. The comments are about them bickering the entire time. If they underestimate her, it is what she probably wanted, and why she acts helpless when she isn't. But I really don't see it.

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I was more struck by the fact that she did take ownership of her mistake and what it cost. "We lost a million dollars and it was my fault." That was even said calmly and firmly. And Blair was quite sweet about it, calmly telling her not to do that to herself.


I did not expect to become so fond of this team. And I did smile when Blair said he'd be happy to run the Race with Hayley again (what an evolution over the course of the Race!) if she would promise not to yell at him so much.

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I love when she was yelling at him in the taxi to her help her decide. Jeez! She was responsible for the clue and thought it was on some parking garage. Blair doesn't know if she is right or wrong but she continues to yell at him. they were so far ahead but everyone makes mistakes. Unfortunately, she is the only one allowed to yell when another person is making the mistake.

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But she did own up to it. Blair usually stayed silent when he was not right.

This was my favorite team, though. They both annoyed me at times. And they were hilarious at times. And they were generally good racers.

When has Blair not been right and Hayley been correct other then maybe once in one of the very early episodes. She wasn't right in Amsterdam since she didn't know H-Street. She mentioned it and a ton of other stuff but didn't "know" it. Transcripts of their dialogue has been posted on this site.

Blair stays silent because he realized long ago it was pointless to talk to her when she is irrationally yelling and having a tantrum. She screeches like a fucking banshee when she is wrong or right so it is best to just tune her out.

ha ha ha…she is why they lost and all her bitching and moaning about listening to her bit them in the ass. I wanted Blair to win but didn't want Hayley to win. I'm ok with the outcome and like the way they lost (Hayley's fault).

Has she owned up to her horrible behavior and tantrums? No! It takes losing the race by an obvious mistake that only she made to own up to ONE thing--what about the entire season of her childish tantrums. Even with this last mistake, she tried to make it Blair's mistake by screaming at him to help with directions in the taxi to the place she thought was the clue. I'm so glad he didn't try to help with the directions to the building she pointed out (the wrong location)~~she would have tried to blame him or shifted part of the blame on him.

I hope Blair is on the show again but WITHOUT Hayley!

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Hayley owned her mistake and took full blame.  They had the race in the bag if she had not made that mistake.  And she wasn't the only one - Jenny also thought they had to go to the same parking garage and was corrected by Laura (btw, what was Laura thinking?).


I enjoyed the team overall.  Yes, Hayley yelled far too much and she didn't let things drop.  But I thought Blair made little effort to bond initially and that created some of the dynamic.  As the race went on they recognized their problem and figured out how to deal with it.  I think they grew more as a team then anyone else on the race and they were overall pretty competent racers.  I'd have no problem seeing them come back on an all-star season.

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