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"The View": Week of 01/19/15


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Y'alllllll....I haven't watched Tuesday and Wednesday's shows, but I did watch today's and it was GRRREAT!!!!! I loved it.  I'm thinking that Rosie said this was "The Talk" on purpose and it wasn't a gaffe.


But I think the funniest part/the one that had me laughing was Rosie trying to say "AY-EGGS" v. Eggs.  And then pretending she was at a diner and said "I want Bacon and AH!" Had me rolling, I will not lie.


I tried to look but I couldn't see because Rosie's hair covers her ears...but does she wear an earpiece? I don't think so and she's the ONLY one who doesn't have those fucking blue cards during the interviews or hot topics I don't think. And I so appreciate that.


Yeah, even though Rosie did mention how the Republicans also didn't reach out to Obama, and weren't interested, I wish she had come back with how they all swore to make him a one termer. Huckster is such a fucking liar and disingenuous.  And Nicolle needs to STFU.


Color me STOOPID and a maroon that I didn't know until today that Michelle was part of Destiny's Child.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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She just had back surgery and came back a little too soon and on meds.

Did she have back surgery?  I thought she said the hospital staff gave her great information about how to avoid surgery.  Bed exercises, I think she said.  It kind of seemed unclear exactly why she was in the hospital and for how long.  On Tuesday she seemed to not have a good grasp of what her problem was.  I don't know if Dr. Besser was speaking of her problem specifically or his problem or just general problems.  

  • Love 7

Did she have back surgery?  I thought she said the hospital staff gave her great information about how to avoid surgery.  Bed exercises, I think she said.  It kind of seemed unclear exactly why she was in the hospital and for how long.  On Tuesday she seemed to not have a good grasp of what her problem was.  I don't know if Dr. Besser was speaking of her problem specifically or his problem or just general problems.  

Yeah, I'm mystified at a hospital stay for any back treatment that did NOT involve surgery.  As I said, I had a herniated disc repaired, with a metal plate put in and fused to my spine, and THAT was a 24 hour stay!  I have good insurance.   Usually anything that isn't surgery does not require hospitalization - and insurance companies don't cover a hospital stay for physical therapy and exercises. 

  • Love 3

I just watched Whoopi's return show from Tuesday and am struck by her lack of emotional intelligence. She had an opportunity to educate the audience about her back problem in a compelling way, like explaining when she first felt her back pains and how she tried to deal with it. Instead, she thought invoking a southern accent and making unfunny jokes about her age would have us all in stitches. I didn't laugh once. A person in power needs to tell Whoopi that she doesn't need to be "on" for us to be entertained, just be authentic.


I respect Whoopi as an actress but I've never liked her in this role. She skated by for so long because dolts like Elisabeth and Sherri made her look like Einstein in comparison.

After six or seven years of watching Whoopi moderate this showI cannot imagine her ever trying to authentically use the platform to educate the audience about a back problem.  Or anything else really unless it was prefaced with, "Here's how it is..."  and involved shaking her finger at the audience.  Add in that she couldn't really even speak (or didn't want to) to her own situation, for example not knowing the vertebrae were lettered and numbered as well as her penchant for misinformation (like oil companies pocketing the gas tax revenue!?)  and I'd just as soon she didn't attempt to educate anyone. 

Edited by Cosmocrush
  • Love 12

After six or seven years of watching Whoopi moderate this showI cannot imagine her ever trying to authentically use the platform to educate the audience about a back problem.  Or anything else really unless it was prefaced with, "Here's how it is..."  and involved shaking her finger at the audience.  Add in that she couldn't really even speak (or didn't want to) to her own situation, for example not knowing the vertebrae were lettered and numbered as well as her penchant for misinformation (like oil companies pocketing the gas tax revenue!?)  and I'd just as soon she didn't attempt to educate anyone. 

That  stuck in my craw too Cosmo!!

  • Love 5

I didn't see Whoopi's return show, but I did see yesterday's. For heaven's sake, I realized how much I cannot stand her anymore. At least when Barbara had turned senile, there was some humor to the bitchiness (usually directed at Sherri, who absolutely earned it, imo). Whoopi just makes me wish someone would slap her. If I'm feeling that way, I'm not surprised the ratings are going down; nobody wants to feel that toxic over a talkshow. I believe I watched the first half of the season for glimmers of Rosie O amidst Whoopi's slowburning meltdown, but after several weeks where Rosie O actually spoke for more than 3 seconds at a time (and without Whoopi eye-rolling while she did so)--despite guest co-hosts I didn't care for--I've realized what the show could be, what I'd thought this season would be, and I can't stomach Whoopi anymore. Knowing she will be back makes me want to tune out until they finally fire her. I wasn't in the room when the show came on this morning, but I was so relieved when Rosie O was the one opening the show!


My opinion has really turned on Nicolle, too. I was never a "fan," but at times I liked her. Mostly, the jury was out on her for me. But seeing how much she clearly enjoyed Whoopi being back so she could spin without being challenged--or Rosie O receiving the smackdown if she did speak--really pissed me off. She and Whoopi are giving some straight-up high school mean girl BS. And I can't stand how every topic about her revolves around politics. I will take her over other options, but I know now that I'm never going to be a fan and past done giving the benefit of the doubt.


I don't remember much about Michelle Williams' previous days co-hosting, but she didn't bother me today. I just have a feeling she would become worse once cast. Everyone's on "good behavior" when auditioning... I did like Rosie O telling her not to be sexist during the football topic--clearly what she must've thought when Whoopi said the others didn't know what they were talking about yesterday, but was intimidated from saying. The other girl was filler--didn't make my ears bleed, but didn't really add anything either.

Edited by TheGreenKnight
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I didn't see Whoopi's return show, but I did see yesterday's. For heaven's sake, I realized how much I cannot stand her anymore. At least when Barbara had turned senile, there was some humor to the bitchiness (usually directed at Sherri, who absolutely earned it, imo). Whoopi just makes me wish someone would slap her.

That's how I feel too TheGreenKnight.  At least  Babs and company (Bitsy, Sherri, Jenny) brought the snark material on the show.   Even Whoopi was snarkable as she dosed at the end of the yellow couch.   But this season, Whoopi seems to be deliberately trying to take over the show or wreck it or something.  Worse than being terrible is that I can find very little snark material in Whoopi's performance this season.  It's just bad in what seemed like a promising season. 

  • Love 6
Not all steroids make you crazy, or make you irritable or irrational. The steroids that do those things are the ones athletes use to bulk up.


Prednisone, a medication commonly prescribed for numerous maladies, allergies, chronic conditions, etc. can sometimes cause mood changes/disorders, depression, paranioa and many other mental disorders.   I'm sure this information is common knowledge among doctors who prescribe the medication.

  • Love 1

Not true. She did do harm. This show can succeed only if Whoopi is not a part of it. 



I see that as good!  Her behavior has sparked conversation that may bring producers to see her time is up.  Not because she was on pain medication, that was a slip up with those around her who failed to see what was going on.   Her absence sparked a lot of love for Rosie and put a spotlight on Whoppie's short comings as a moderator.  .  

Edited by wings707
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My brother is having hip replacement surgery Tuesday and is expected to go home Wednesday. Not to rehab, home. But, I guess if you have money guidelines for regular folk don't apply.


The spouse has had both replaced - and spent a good 4-5 days hospitalized for each of them even though he was told it would be a one or two day stay after the surgery.  A lot of things have to fall perfectly into place to be released the next day, that said, my spouse reacts horribly to anesthesia and always gets fevers after having it.


He's also had all manner of back and neck surgeries, treatments and on and on.  Steroids make most people nasty and aggressive in my experience... especially if they are taken over the long haul.


So, I saw an ad for today's show - and it totally featured Rosie!  I wonder if tptb are finally catching on?

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GROUP HUG:    Usually group hugs mean nothing to me--and maybe they're a little negative, but I've enjoyed them recently on The View.  I think they happen only when Whoopi's not there--they seem to be initiated by RosieO.  The only reason I'm finding favor is that I really dislike (REALLY!) the kisses/air kisses that every guest seems to be forced to give to every host on the show.  Boring, sometimes insincere, timewasters.  Group hug is the best alternative so far...if they must do anything but greet the guest warmly and maybe (MAYBE!) shake hands.

  • Love 6

GROUP HUG:    Usually group hugs mean nothing to me--and maybe they're a little negative, but I've enjoyed them recently on The View.  I think they happen only when Whoopi's not there--they seem to be initiated by RosieO.  The only reason I'm finding favor is that I really dislike (REALLY!) the kisses/air kisses that every guest seems to be forced to give to every host on the show.  Boring, sometimes insincere, timewasters.  Group hug is the best alternative so far...if they must do anything but greet the guest warmly and maybe (MAYBE!) shake hands.



Oh yes.  I hate both the air kisses and individual hugs, too.  If you didn't greet them backstage just pretend you did and hug them during a commercial break if you feel the need.  Never air kiss, it is phony.  

Edited by wings707
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Haven't they been saying that Rosie P. Would address the rumors today? I swear they did. I'm only under the influence of Excedrin, I swear. For being an alleged fashion maven Stacey London always looks like shit to me. Plus, I hate her.



Ha ha ha! I don't like Stacey either.  


Rosie P will not be back until her play is finished.  They said when that was but I have forgotten.  March?   


I did read on this thread that someone thought she was going to be on to clear up some rumor about something but that itself was  rumor!  


ETA.  She will be back Feb 23rd.

Edited by wings707

Whoopi did say one day this week that Rosie P would appear to address the rumors - via video I presume, but it didn't happen.


Stacey London is kind of all over the place, huh?

Overall enjoyable show today for me. Silly but fun. If they just HAVE to have craft segments, I'll take Mario over Babs any day.


The last segment with the daughter of the alcoholic mother was quite moving. RO knows her stuff when it comes to interviewing one-on-one like that.

At least they kept the panel to 4 today!

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This type of shit really irks me being a gay person that does not fit into the popular trend of being gay... Rosie.. Mario.. We know, Jesus! Seriously? It just does not stop. It doesn't stop.. 

This apparently is going over my head?


4 co-hosts is enough. Perhaps they couldn't get anyone to do it, or they taped after they had sent Whoopi home.


ETA: http://www.tvguide.com/news/rosie-perez-return-the-view/?rss=breakingnews

from the link: "We look forward to welcoming the multi-talented Rosie Perez back to her seat as co-host on the panel on Feb. 3 after completing rehearsals," a rep for ABC said in a statement. "She brings her rich life experience and passion to the table, something we've sorely missed while she's been away."

I think it's hysterical that this is considered "breaking news" !!

Edited by ginger90
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My opinion has really turned on Nicolle, too. I was never a "fan," but at times I liked her. Mostly, the jury was out on her for me. But seeing how much she clearly enjoyed Whoopi being back so she could spin without being challenged--or Rosie O receiving the smackdown if she did speak--really pissed me off. She and Whoopi are giving some straight-up high school mean girl BS. And I can't stand how every topic about her revolves around politics. I will take her over other options, but I know now that I'm never going to be a fan and past done giving the benefit of the doubt.



I feel the same way.  When Nicolle first came on I thought that she would interesting because of her travels and people she's met, but she doesn't interest me at all and she seems to be morphing into Bitsy 2.0.  I don't watch this show for political discussion anyway.  I'd much rather watch a rousing conversation about kale than  what seems to be largely inaccurate political babble.


I would have no problem with Mario joining the panel.  He's been on so much lately that I feel that we're seeing his personal side and not just the brash comic. 

  • Love 7

This apparently is going over my head?


4 co-hosts is enough. Perhaps they couldn't get anyone to do it, or they taped after they had sent Whoopi home.


ETA: http://www.tvguide.com/news/rosie-perez-return-the-view/?rss=breakingnews

from the link: "We look forward to welcoming the multi-talented Rosie Perez back to her seat as co-host on the panel on Feb. 3 after completing rehearsals," a rep for ABC said in a statement. "She brings her rich life experience and passion to the table, something we've sorely missed while she's been away."

I think it's hysterical that this is considered "breaking news" !!

Mine too!!!

  • Love 3

Things I wants Nicolle to stop saying:  


a.  I'm a political geek.

b.  I have a three-year-old.

c.  I'm a Republican.

d.  Republicans don't do that.

e.  I'm a Republican.

f.  I've never met a celebrity.  (Geez, you have had a well-known actress play you in a movie).

g. What does that celebrity talk stuff mean?  I don't even know what you're talking about.

y.  I feel like you guys are so cool and know stuff that I don't know.

j.  I'm a Republican.



I want her to just give opinions and talk to the audience as a person/mom/daughter/sister.

Edited by Morgalisa
  • Love 21

This type of shit really irks me being a gay person that does not fit into the popular trend of being gay... Rosie.. Mario.. We know, Jesus! Seriously? It just does not stop. It doesn't stop.. 

I don't know what this means redlaces.  Are you saying that being gay is a popular trend???  Or that you find it irksome when Rosie and Mario mention they are gay?  Or something else entirely?  


I haven't seen Friday's show yet but I really enjoyed Thursday's show (skipped Huckabee though) and I credit RO.  She asks the co-hosts interesting questions that lead to real conversations at the table - even when it's just fun topics. Michelle Williams didn't even bug me - and again I am giving the credit to RO, lol.   

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Stacy London!!!

I have said for 2 years I thought she would be good on this show.   When Anderson Cooper had his talk show--the last season they finally figured out he needed a wingman and Stacy co-hosted a lot.    She is a really interesting person and has a lot more depth to her than I ever realized from years of watching her on WNTW on TLC.   Because she was on that show a lot, she started showing more of herself--and her personality and I thought she was great with the audience.


I am not sure she had much opportunity today to show it, but I think she'd be a very interesting co-host --she's probably older than they are looking for but I really like her a lot.

  • Love 2

Stacy London!!!

I have said for 2 years I thought she would be good on this show.   When Anderson Cooper had his talk show--the last season they finally figured out he needed a wingman and Stacy co-hosted a lot.    She is a really interesting person and has a lot more depth to her than I ever realized from years of watching her on WNTW on TLC.   Because she was on that show a lot, she started showing more of herself--and her personality and I thought she was great with the audience.


I am not sure she had much opportunity today to show it, but I think she'd be a very interesting co-host --she's probably older than they are looking for but I really like her a lot.



I know very little about her.  I am going to give her the benefit of the doubt because I love your user name so you must know!  I had forgotten about that show; it was hysterical! 

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Was not at all impressed with Michelle Williams this week, nor when Whoopi was on.  They seem to be heading back to too much talking over each other and screeching, even in the absence of Whoopi.  I hope they check these behaviors fast.  I also believe that 3-4 hosts seems to be ideal - 5 is just too hard to keep up with imo. 


They seem to be able to dwell a bit more on each "hot" topic - don't know if it's a conscience effort or not, but I like it.  


It has been enjoyable to see more depth from Mario.

  • Love 5

Totally agree salvame!

Mario has really grown on me & I find his banter about being gay, his likes & dislikes, "not having the gay fashion gene", the ability to burst into song with RO, etc., so damn endearing.  Just sayin'.


He even made the craft segment funny & interesting & I NEVAH watch anything involving crafts.  LOL.

  • Love 11

To each her own. I enjoy hearing different people express their opinions on current events. I do not enjoy listening to people regurgitate manufactured talking points - which Nicolle has resorted to on occasion, though certainly not Bitsy level. The crafting segment was just okay for me. I'm  no prude, but just too much sexual innuendo. I do think four hosts are plenty.

  • Love 3

Why do I have a strange feeling that if/when Whoopi returns next week she will turn to us regular folk and let us know that she chose to take the rest of the week off due to a bad reaction to her pain meds, in other words she is going to take responsibility for what happened instead of what really happened, the executives had a talk and sent her ass home.  Of course the whole world will fall for her damn act, then it will leak out that big, fat, lesbian Rosie went behind her back to send her home b/c she wants the moderator job all for herself.

Edited by CMH1981
  • Love 9

Today's show had me smiling...and laughing out loud when Mario did the Streisand talking about kale .... Four cohosts works best...Rosie O. Is great.

Perhaps ABC forced Whoopi to get back to work to early ( maybe contractually, if she misses x number of days because of illness her pay is affected or it is easier for TPTB to cancel the contract or terminate her) and the fact that she was clearly on strong pain meds that affected her work on both days was not totally her fault - she wanted to be in compliance with the contract. She can' t be happy with her lack of controls d onscreen presence on her first 2 days back. There have got to be some delicate discussions going on behind the scenes between ABC, whoopi'a team and her medical providers! If Perez wasn't also "on leave" Whoopi may have been allowed a more reasonable recuperation period. When she comes back as moderator I wish she would take a page from Meredith Viera and not feel that being moderator means you need to talk the most. Meredith often asked questions that encouraged discussion between all cohosts and didn't, see her role as being front and center.

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What I still don't understand is why there's been no mention of Whoopie's behavior in the media. I expected that there was a blackout because some news would be dropped this afternoon. Being Friday, it made sense. Some nugget about Whoopie's contract, etc. but absolutely no fallout from this week's appearance? Incredible. Had it been Rosie, there would have been a feeding frenzy.

  • Love 12

What I still don't understand is why there's been no mention of Whoopie's behavior in the media. I expected that there was a blackout because some news would be dropped this afternoon. Being Friday, it made sense. Some nugget about Whoopie's contract, etc. but absolutely no fallout from this week's appearance? Incredible. Had it been Rosie, there would have been a feeding frenzy.

Another spin could be that the tabs consider RO a bigger story than Whoopi.  Whoopi Goldberg high on The View and acting strange?  Not really news, except Wednesday's show was higher on the scale than any other day, still not that surprising especially this year. 


Still, it's interesting that the "inside source" that was feeding the tabs all the crap about RO is so quiet this week, which kind of tells me it was generally coming from someone on Whoopi's payroll. 

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Cosmocrush, BINGO! Whatever "source" is constantly leaking negative Information about The View to the tabloids is being strangely silent about Whoopi appearing on TV while high on pain meds. Honestly, why isn't ABC allowing her time off to heal and get better? The source only stirs the pot when dropping negative (madeup) crap that involves Rosie O and sometimes Rosie P.

  • Love 10

Stacy London is a non starter for me...in ancient history parlance, she is too "hot" for tv e.g. gestures too broad, laughs too loud, overreacts to comments.

She needs a media coach.

The show is simply better w/o Whoopi and it pains me to say that as I think she is a terrific talent and is much loved by many in the industry.

RO is a whole new person and is perfect for the moderator role so far.

I could even get behind Mario as a semi regular - couple of times a week and the standard fill in.

What is bizarre to me is that TPTB knew from day 1 that RP would be gone. Unless Mario was the designated fill in they have done an outstanding job of bringing complete non entities into the co host fill in role. Just people that are not interesting and really haven't done much of interest in their lives. You don't need to be a celebrity, buy please have a life and an interesting one at that - or at least have varied interests which you are willing to discuss.

Can no one in casting get anyone with a little star power and charisma?

This was a completely known void lasting 2 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANd they failed as far as I can tell.

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I haven't been posting for a while......my laptop crashed and I was on a miniature tablet and I'm a keyboard/mouse kinda girl. But have a new laptop now.


I remember earlier this week when Whoopi not only wagged, pointed and shook her finger at a co-host, and us, but she did it with both hands at the same time.


I hope she doesn't return, along with RP. But not seeing any viable replacements from the guest co-hosts. And no BW! 


It is so perplexing the host's agents don't rein them in from the feed back....but maybe they are yes-people for their living. Let alone the producers and ABC....just from the feedback. They can still make sparks from being prepared......just stop the cross-talking and yelling. I'm all for gays, Republicans, mothers but please show, stop announcing it by all the hosts....we know you by now. Labels are not needed. And get away from the 12 year old kids jokes about "balls."


As far as Nicole-


"I get goosebumps"


ETA - and please get better guests - other shows on ABC like GMA, Live, and The Chew manage to book them.

Edited by maggiemae
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