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"The Daily Show": Week of 1/19/15

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1/19: Mike Huckabee (former Governor of AR & author – promoting book “God, Guns, Grits, and Gravy”)
1/20: Jennifer Lopez (actress – promoting movie “The Boy Next Door”)
1/21: Anne Hathaway (actress – promoting movie “Song One”)
1/22: Jennifer Aniston (actress – promoting movie “Cake”)


I would love it if Jon asked Mike how he went from "Stop Digging Your Grave with a Knife and Fork" to "Grits and Gravy." Now that eating right and exercising are part of the Obama Conspiracy, no Republican can ever be seen as supporting those things. Therefore, we're back to Fat Huckabee.

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I'm glad Jon didn't let up on Huckabee claiming his book doesn't say "Bubbaville" is better than "Bubbleville". I also loved when Huckabee said "When you read my book..." and Jon immediately said "Oh, I have." It was apparent from the interview that he had read the book. Loved the follow up comment that it wasn't exactly Shakespeare.

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Ugh, his point about "Cat Scratch Fever" being a song geared to adults vs. Beyonce's status as a "role model" for young women was SO ridiculous and disingenuous. I grew up in Michigan, Nugent's home state, and that song was played on the radio a lot when I was a kid. It's not like it was restricted to the evening hours. Also, you can't compare what the culture is like now vs. what it was like in the pre-social media, pre-cable/on-demand world when we had much less 24/7 access to celebrities. If Instagram had been around in the 70s I'm sure Ted would have been right there posting photos of groupies and dead animals.

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I remember Huckabee for that Writers' Strike gimmick amongst Colbert, Conan, and Jonny-bun. And that's it.


But seriously, after watching Huckabee's watered-down interview, I wanted to point out and scream every time he made an alleged fallacy, which was, approximately... almost the whole segment. I side by the fact that some adolescents heard Ted Nugent's song in the 70s is similar to modern adolescents listening to Beyonce over the Internet. The only difference is that Nugent is not Beyonce, nor he shares her vocal skills, dance moves, bodacious figure or husband.

Ugh, his point about "Cat Scratch Fever" being a song geared to adults vs. Beyonce's status as a "role model" for young women was SO ridiculous and disingenuous. I grew up in Michigan, Nugent's home state, and that song was played on the radio a lot when I was a kid. It's not like it was restricted to the evening hours. Also, you can't compare what the culture is like now vs. what it was like in the pre-social media, pre-cable/on-demand world when we had much less 24/7 access to celebrities. If Instagram had been around in the 70s I'm sure Ted would have been right there posting photos of groupies and dead animals.


Huckabee saying "Cat Scratch Fever" was for adults was such bullshit.  So there weren't kids around in the 70s? That song was on the radio ALL THE TIME.


Oh, and BTW Huck, I'm out in Bubbaville, ie Indiana, and you shoulda kept your day job. My dog has a better chance getting elected President than you do.  Nobody wanted you in 2008 and nobody wants you now.  GO AWAY! 


Also, if my car breaks down, I'd much rather have someone with an MBA and a BMW pick me up than two hilljacks in a pick up truck.  I have road assistance, anyway so I don't need either one. 

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I worked pretty hard to get my PhD, not at Harvard, but I resent hearing that I pretty much have no useful skills in the real world. Thanks. I can change a flat tire btw.


I would have asked if Huckabee used Beyonce as an example because she's black. Are you saying that people in Bubbaville are all white and that any Other is bad? Because that's what it sounded like. One could make the same argument that Katy Perry is popular with girls and dresses racy, etc. Or one could make the argument that it's not up to you to determine what's ok and not for everyone's kids. Or why does everyone in Bubbaville not want to pay taxes, but take the most money from the federal government?


What this is, is a new spin on the "small town values" canard that's trotted out every election. That's always bugged me. 

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Huckabee is so full of shit. News flash, Mike: Everyone lives in a Bubbleville. It's just that you like some more than others. I'm so glad Jon didn't let him get away with that nonsense. Gah.


I worked pretty hard to get my PhD, not at Harvard, but I resent hearing that I pretty much have no useful skills in the real world. Thanks. I can change a flat tire btw.


Yeah, I didn't like the implication that having a college degree somehow makes it impossible for one to also know how to change a tire or have some basic life skills. I don't think Harvard is the be-all and end-all of higher education, but sneering at it doesn't accomplish anything.

Edited by dubbel zout
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So this book is basically a rehash of Sarah Palin's "Real America" crap from 2008?  I thought we were past this, I guess not.


So which was more awkward.  Kerry's hug, or when George W. Bush gave Angela Merkel a backrub?  I guess American politicians aren't good with body language.


I liked the toss to the Nightly Show.  Hope we can see more of those.  And the Moment of Zen was just ridiculous.  How oblivious can people be?  Because I'm pretty sure if MLK was still alive he wouldn't be in the Tea Party...

Edited by futurechemist
  • Love 1
Yeah, I didn't like the implication that having a college degree somehow makes it impossible for one to also know how to change a tire or have some basic life skills. I don't think Harvard is the be-all and end-all of higher education, but sneering at it doesn't accomplish anything.



I never trust a politician who belittles higher education or downplays the value of education like this.  It comes across as two things - wanting a voting public with as little education as possible and trying to set up an "us vs. them" mentality between those who do and do not pursue higher education.  


Huckabee was ridiculous last night.  He exhibited another of my politician red flags - refusing to be pinned down as to an actual meaning to anything he says. 


As a Jennifer myself, I'm all for Jennifer week. 

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Really interesting editing on last night's interview. I'm very curious what was cut -- probably lots of Huckabee denials.


Not much to add to the above, but I'm over 60 years old and getting dang sick and tired of apologizing for getting an education.


Just watched the documentary Rich Hill on PBS's Independent Lens series yesterday. That's the kind of America Huckabee and his ilk want. People too busy scrabbling to make enough money to just survive and too busy to see who's really screwing them. So depressing.

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I never trust a politician who belittles higher education or downplays the value of education like this.  It comes across as two things - wanting a voting public with as little education as possible and trying to set up an "us vs. them" mentality between those who do and do not pursue higher education.


Not to mention the politicians often have graduate degrees! So it's fine for them but not others? Alrighty then. Assholes.


I realize I'm fixating on the wrong thing here, but since when does Beyoncé use a stripper pole in her act?

Also, when did she say it was okay for 12-year-olds to have stripper poles?


The more I think about all of this, the closer I am to a rage blackout.

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I will concede that one can obtain a valuable education at a state school just as well as an elite one. Not everyone is getting PhDs. That's basically the purpose of the land grant act.

These people need to make those kinds of universities more affordable and accessible. People should be encouraged to go to community colleges and get technical training. I wonder is there's any new proposals for that?

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I was a kid back then, and Ted Nugent was always kid music (teenagers). Cat Scratch Fever posters were everywhere, and I don't mean hanging on the walls of the parents' bedrooms, or sold only with I.D. I don't know in what world that music was what the parents were listening to. I was glad Jon didn't cave in the name of "affability."


I do like it that Jon sticks to the subject rather than calls names, and that's all the "civility" I need.

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I was 12-13 years old listening to Nugent back in the late 70s, so yeah, kids were very familiar with his music, as much as kids today know Beyonce.  The only reason only adults are listening to Nugent now is because his demographic grew up.


I had to laugh at Huckabee saying that TV was focused on the coasts and ignored middle America.  Um, Honey Boo Boo and Duck Dynasty?  Any Real Housewife show?  Any Bachelor-type show?  I don't see those being the kind of shows that are watched by many so-called 'elite snobby educated coastal people.


Loved the 'What picture is the middle east upset with now?" segment.  I mean really, upset because the women are standing next to each other in a photo?  Do the organizers of these pageants have a 'Van Halen" type list of stipulations of who can't stand next to whom because of whatever war, conflict, or whatever is a problem this week?

I had to laugh at Huckabee saying that TV was focused on the coasts and ignored middle America.  Um, Honey Boo Boo and Duck Dynasty?  Any Real Housewife show?  Any Bachelor-type show?  I don't see those being the kind of shows that are watched by many so-called 'elite snobby educated coastal people.


Even shows that "elite snobby educated coastal people" seem to focus on middle America. Breaking Bad (NM), Friday Night Lights (TX), Fargo (MN), True Detective (LA(?)), etc... And yes agree, a lot of awful reality shows and even shows on History Channel and Discovery Channel now seem to be focused on getting "non-elite" coastal viewers.


Really shallow note, but wasn't Huckabee known for losing a ton of weight? What happened?

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Don't believe a word of what the diet industry is selling you.


And, along with being part of the religion industry, and part of the pundit industry, and part of the ex-governor industry, and part of the electric bass guitar playing industry, the Huckster is also part of that diet industry, having written a book about how to lose weight with will-power.   So, many many reasons not to believe a word he says. 

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I wish Jon would stop lending Huckabee the credibility of being on the show. Huckster comes on because it gives him the opportunity to reach a different audience than his norm, and he knows that Jon won't really challenge him. And he didn't last night. He's still for the most part lobbing softballs which the Huckster can dodge easily. Even when Jon made the remark about the book not being Shakespeare, he laughed afterward as if to say "Just kidding".


Please Jon, if you must keep inviting this jerk back, at least hold him to account. Call him, repeatedly, on his BS, and don't let up. I don't think Jon's willing to do that. I think someone like Bill Maher would, and I'd love to see that interview, but Huckster doesn't have the stones to go on Bill's show. 

. I don't know in what world that music was what the parents were listening to.


Evergreen and You Light Up My Life apparently, because no damned way in heaven or hell, on Earth or in space were children listening to either of those maudlin pieces of crap and they won the Grammy?  You sure about that Huckster, because here's '77s top 100. Stunning lack of anything he was talking about and both of those songs were from movies.  


Mike Huckabee makes me almost physically ill, he's like some core meltdown of hypocrisy and disingenuous bluster and the waves of toxicity and outright deceit pouring from him make queasy.  I'm being literal here, I get so upset listening to that lying sack of shit, I feel unwell.   


He hopefully doesn't stand a chance in hell of being elected to anything , but I do wish Jon would stop having that pond scum on this show.  


I hope this much rage burns a lot of calories or something.  

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I alluded to this in the first post in this thread, but one of the reasons Mike Huckabee may be fat again is because his former position -- you can lose weight by eating healthier foods and exercising! -- is not only extremely difficult (as Sharpie66 pointed out), but since his diet book was published, many right wingers feel that "healthy lifestyles" are now Democratic values and thus bad. Look at all the Fox News ranting about Michelle Obama and how she allegedly wants to separate Americans from their "grits and gravy" (to quote the title of Huck's new book). There was an astute article about this in the NY Times:

Mr. Huckabee’s earlier effort delivered a “12-step program to end bad habits and begin a healthy lifestyle,” as the subtitle had it. It is almost unthinkable that an aspiring Republican presidential candidate would do the same today, given conservatives’ strenuous opposition to Michelle Obama’s healthy eating and exercise campaign.


In its own vivid way, Mr. Huckabee’s march from author of a self-help and clean-living guide to cheerleader of artery-clogging calories and conservative traditionalism highlights the Republican shift during the Obama era... Now, deviations from orthodoxy on education, health care, immigration and the environment that some Republicans flirted with or embraced during George W. Bush’s presidency are as out of vogue on the right as flip phones.


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I like this look at both the interview and what the writer has been able to glean about the book from media.


I'm going to confess an unpopular opinion (among liberals at least) and say that as much as I enjoy The Daily Show, Jon Stewart is usually not that good an interviewer when it comes to political figures. He's about two-thirds of a good interviewer—there are always some good questions, but he usually misses opportunities to ask critical follow-ups, and when his interviewee is struggling, he'll often jump in with a joke. Which is his job, of course—it's a comedy show, and he's a comedian—but it also has the effect of letting his subject off the hook.

Last night though, Stewart did an extremely revealing interview with Mike Huckabee, one that cast into sharp relief what Huckabee's 2016 presidential campaign is going to be about. Huckabee's chances of becoming the GOP nominee are pretty small, but he's still going to be an important candidate, one who is likely to stick around after many others flame out.


Oh, and in response to @stillshimpy and Huckabee's ridiculous comments about the music of the '70s, I just have one example: "Afternoon Delight," sung by the group who won the Grammy for Best New Artist (over Elvis Costello!!!) and all about afternoon nookie.

Edited by Sharpie66
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I'm going to confess an unpopular opinion (among liberals at least) and say that as much as I enjoy The Daily Show, Jon Stewart is usually not that good an interviewer when it comes to political figures.


is this really unpopular? I think too many people want Jon to be a gotcha-type interviewer and are disappointed that he's not, but he's still judged by that measure. 


I find Jon an equal-opportunity bad interviewer. You can really see when he's not interested.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Its amazing that the Republicans are so much glued to the "anything opposite of what the Obamas say" that they will come out in favor of eating fattening foods and having an unhealthly lifestyle.  Seriously, can Obama please tell them that sleeping and breathing are good for people?  Maybe, though, this will work in our favor, if the Republicans eat so badly and never exercise, so they won't live as long.

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And the Moment of Zen was just ridiculous.  How oblivious can people be?  Because I'm pretty sure if MLK was still alive he wouldn't be in the Tea Party...

I forgot about that. First off, the claim that MLK would be a Tea Partier is absurd. Second, what do the TPers have to gain from co-opting MLK? Do they think that will attract African-Americans to their group?

Not to mention the politicians often have graduate degrees! So it's fine for them but not others? Alrighty then. Assholes.


It's very much an "I got mine, bitches, suck it!" kind of mentality.  It's like the women in the GOP who say that women (especially young, single women who should be busy trying to find a husband before they get all uppity and thinking they're entitled to a political opinion not given to them by their husband) shouldn't be able to vote.  So, you, as a woman, can run for office, but other women shouldn't be able to vote?  Right.  



FYI, only a very small percentage of people who lose weight manage to keep it off over time, even those who have bariatric surgery. Don't believe a word of what the diet industry is selling you.



Don't depress me.  I've lost 70+ pounds in the past two years, slowly but surely.  It's going to suck if that weight revisits my ass and hips. 


Michelle Obama came out in favor of healthy eating, so.....


Ding! Ding! Ding!  Anything that comes out of an Obama's mouth is automatically wrong.  "Healthy eating?  Bah!  She's trying to dictate what we eat!  I'll show her, I'm going to eat three pieces of cake...for breakfast."   It's kind of hilarious how bent out of shape people get over her promoting healthy eating and exercise. I don't remember Nancy Reagan being called "uppity" by the right for her anti-drug campaign.  At this point, with 2 years left in his term, if I was the Obamas, I'd be trolling them.  Just start promoting the exact opposite of what you want the right to do.  Shit would finally get done. 


I can't believe I forgot to mention the Moment of Zen.  Yeah, Tea Party, MLK says "pass."  Do they really think this is how it works?  Hey, people like that MLK fellow, let's proclaim him a Tea Party hero while not actually doing anything to support the ideas he stood for.  Do they think that people will be stupid enough to jump on the Tea Party bandwagon because they decided to call the man a Tea Party hero?  The complete disconnect from reality is both hilarious and terrifying.  

Edited by KerleyQ
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I failed to note who was the guest despite the constant and, by me, much appreciated efforts of trow125.  Wasn't paying attention during the show either so when I saw the guest it took me a moment since I missed the caption underneath, who the incredibly pear shaped obese man was at the desk with Jon.  Hit mute.  and just laughed my ass off at how bloated and huge in the middle Huckabee has let himself become.  I hope it hurts when he shits. 

One thing I wish Jon had pointed out was the Beyonce is clearly popular with more than just "Bubbles."  If her music only sold to people in New York, Washington and Hollywood, she would have anywhere near the album sales she does.   


It comes across as two things - wanting a voting public with as little education as possible and trying to set up an "us vs. them" mentality between those who do and do not pursue higher education.


Unfortunately,  it works.   I run across lots of people who seem to believe that if someone has a higher education, then automatically they have no "common sense."   I think what's really happening though is that they can't (or don't want to) claim that they went to college, but they can claim they have "common sense," so this (I guess) they think it puts them on equal footing to someone with a college degree.  

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I wish Jon would stop lending Huckabee the credibility of being on the show. Huckster comes on because it gives him the opportunity to reach a different audience than his norm, and he knows that Jon won't really challenge him. And he didn't last night. He's still for the most part lobbing softballs which the Huckster can dodge easily. Even when Jon made the remark about the book not being Shakespeare, he laughed afterward as if to say "Just kidding".


Please Jon, if you must keep inviting this jerk back, at least hold him to account. Call him, repeatedly, on his BS, and don't let up. I don't think Jon's willing to do that. I think someone like Bill Maher would, and I'd love to see that interview, but Huckster doesn't have the stones to go on Bill's show. 


I just watched the interview with Mike Huckabee on TV. And what I saw was Jon mocking Huckabee's ridiculous and ignorant positions. Not exactly giving him the kind of credibility Huckabee was looking for. He handled it better than Bill Maher would, IMO. Besides, Jon knows full well that anything he says is going to go in one earhole of Huckabee's and out through the other.

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I do hate when Jon and the show provide a vehicle for the likes of Huckabee, O'Reilly or Rubio to point to and strengthen their base to show non-show fans how "moderate"and "willing they are.   Most people watching regularly can right through their bullshit.  The problem is when morning news shows simply show a line or even just the bloated privilged pig smirking at the desk across from Jon and it lends them a much different image than their own words and the rest of their actions do. 


The real issue I have is that Jon will skewer them in segment after segment.  He will mock them politely but thoroughly during their appearance on the show.  But then subsequenting tell us, the audience, in a following bit about them, how in real life they are such a great nice person  He has done that with O'reilly and Huckabee both.  I find both to be hate mongerers or just whores of hate opportunity if deep down they are simply spouting what they do for cash.  In either case that is what I find bad about these people being on Jon's show.  Somehow they tweak his ego or simply his good will by having been on his show.  We got sold the John McCain package in part because he played Jon and the show so well imo.  I bought it.  But looking back I think McCain was playing the reasonable moderate conservative (none of the other three come close I will admit) and in no way was actually the affable laughing McCain we saw prior to 2008 on the show.  I don't blame Jon for that.  I blame McCain.  But I do think the show mitigates some real disgusting people in ways that I just wish it would not. 

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Evergreen and You Light Up My Life apparently, because no damned way in heaven or hell, on Earth or in space were children listening to either of those maudlin pieces of crap and they won the Grammy?  You sure about that Huckster, because here's '77s top 100. Stunning lack of anything he was talking about and both of those songs were from movies.  


As someone whose music was never a part of the Grammy noms or awards since I became aware of them (in the mid 60s), that kind of glurge was what always won and had no relation to anything anyone I knew listened to whatsoever. It's gotten a whole lot better in the last 20 years or so.

  • Love 1
Its amazing that the Republicans are so much glued to the "anything opposite of what the Obamas say" that they will come out in favor of eating fattening foods and having an unhealthly lifestyle.


What's amazing is they're allowed to get away with that. This was the entire narrative for the 2014 midterms and democrats wouldn't even admit they voted for Obama. One doesn't have to be vicious and insulting, but call it what it is. 


If TDS didn't have these morons on, and only had people I like, I think they're doing a disservice. It's like TDS is giving them their own rope. "you see? this guy actually thinks there's something wrong with being educated."

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Lindsey Graham running for President will mean the Republicans will have to get a bigger clown car just to store Graham's unmitigated gall in. No way that bastard stands a chance of winning the nomination, much less the presidency. But it will be fun watching him fall flat on his delusional face if he does enter.


Yes, Sharia Law could happen in the United States, just as much as those idiots Aasif spoke to each winning the Power Ball. This is what happens when you allow fear mongering to infect gulliable people.

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I did not know Graham had even the slightest notionhe could run for President.  I want that happen even more than I think Jon does.  I'd take the day after off of every Republican primary debate if it includes Christie, Perry, Graham and Rubio.  Because I'd be guzzling the bubbly every single one of 'em.


The dead silence about Sharia law were no surprise.  What I find funny though is the same people who spout the Constitution not only don't have a clue about the no established religion aspect but also don't have a cluse to the notion that Christ himself saw the division between state and faith one of import.  Plus of course his pesky tolerance for other faiths. 

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