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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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2 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

There is no way to tell who is or isn't disabled, or who is or isn't worthy of a hangtag. 

Yeah, once they and their medical provider go through the application process and get approved, I'm good; my only problem with handicap accessible parking is when a car without a plate or placard is in one. 

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5 minutes ago, Bastet said:

my only problem with handicap accessible parking is when a car without a plate or placard is in one. 

Agreed. When I'm visiting my parents and we go out to eat my dad will park in the handicap spot, I'll go in and either get in line or put our name in. When we get close to the front of the list or line I'll call my parents and they'll come in from the car. To an outsider it looks like the "healthy person" went inside when in reality, I did go inside but the people who need the close parking are going to join me.

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1 hour ago, theredhead77 said:

Agreed. When I'm visiting my parents and we go out to eat my dad will park in the handicap spot, I'll go in and either get in line or put our name in. When we get close to the front of the list or line I'll call my parents and they'll come in from the car. To an outsider it looks like the "healthy person" went inside when in reality, I did go inside but the people who need the close parking are going to join me.

My dad used to drive me crazy before I put him into care. He ate his lunch at the same restaurant every day, seven days a week. I used to meet him at least once a week and he would invariably be parked in a handicapped spot. Every time I made him go out and move his car. 

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The only time the handicap thing bothered me was when I had just moved into my hellhole apartment and my downstairs neighbor came up to the third floor (where I live) to ask me not to park in a specific spot because she had a bad hip and needed it. There was no handicap sign or reserved marking on the spot; she just wanted it. I found it amazing that she could not only walk up to my door on a bad hip but that she was so handicapped that she didn’t need a certain spot until I parked there.

Turned out the old landlord had let her get away with a lot and the new landlord asked her to get documentation and a handicap sign, which she did but still. 

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4 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

My dad used to drive me crazy before I put him into care. He ate his lunch at the same restaurant every day, seven days a week. I used to meet him at least once a week and he would invariably be parked in a handicapped spot. Every time I made him go out and move his car. 

My father got a handicapped permit just based on being old.  He mentioned to his doctor once how he often wished he had one because he often had to park far away from stores and it was starting to bother him.  The doctor said something like, "Why didn't you tell me sooner, I'll help you get one?" My dad replied that he wasn't handicapped, but the doctor said being old is reason enough to need a handicapped permit and that getting one would be no problem.  I think my father was in his early '80s at the time.  Best kept secret ever!  But truthfully I do think people up there in age should have permission to park in handicapped spaces if they feel they need it.  There are usually more than enough of them per store anyway.  At least they should help people that need it.

My pet peeve - parking lots that have 20 million reserved spaces for everything from parents with children to veterans, to policemen, to "employee of the week" to "curbside pickup" making everyone else have to park really far away from the store.  I keep hoping to see one for "Cranky old women with arthritis and occasional fibromyalgia" but I guess we just don't count, LOL.

Edited by Yeah No
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8 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

That person could also have a hidden disability. Or the disabled person could join the other person inside after taking care of car business.

Nah, I see it mostly at places like Walgreens, and the driver goes inside, leaving an old person sitting in the passenger seat.

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I hate when spaces that were supposed to be fun no longer are. I muted one of my Discord servers a while ago because it seemed like a lot of people were using it more for trauma dumping and their personal issues than they were for the original purpose, which was a fan space for a TV show. I realize we all deserve a safe space to vent and connect with others, but it started with people over-identifying with characters and wanting to insist they‘re exactly like them. Now there is one person in the server who is still a teenager (it’s a show geared primarily for adults, although I watched it as an older teen back in the day) and it seems like she’s constantly going on about her high school issues and wants to be the TV characters. I feel bad for her (and also know that I probably exhausted others during my struggles earlier this year), but ultimately, I’m not there to read about people’s family problems, their bad day at high school, and their mental illnesses. It feels like the server is way too far from its original purpose and isn’t as fun now because everyone is so high-strung and takes everything personally, whether it’s “feeling attacked” when their favorite character is criticized or they turn a fun space into group therapy. 

And then my accompanying pet peeve is that I feel bad for thinking all of this because I should have more compassion for these people given some of my own problems and life experiences. It seems like everyone around me has endless compassion for others and their bad days, but I can only handle so much. (Unrelated but I saw a post on LinkedIn yesterday about a company having a “vulnerability session” and letting employees set their status as “not feeling 100%” in Slack and all I could do was roll my eyes. Is everything these days all about how hard everyone’s life is that we need this stuff in the workplace?)

Edited by Cloud9Shopper
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Unrelated but I saw a post on LinkedIn yesterday about a company having a “vulnerability session” and letting employees set their status as “not feeling 100%” in Slack and all I could do was roll my eyes. Is everything these days all about how hard everyone’s life is that we need this stuff in the workplace?)

That sort of thing wouldn't be needed if capialism didn't destroy workers work/life balances.

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Okay, fine. Fall is finally here. Well, it was for a week a couple weeks ago! The past two weeks, the temperatures have jumped up to the 60s and 70s, and since the heat's been turned on (I've turned down the thermostat to 66), there's no relief for me in my box of an apartment. So I have to pull open the balcony to let the cool air in. No cross ventilation as the only other window is in my bedroom. And now I have a sore throat. I've been wearing shorts inside, because it's so damned HOT in my place--the temp is 77! I need to invest in a fan for the living room now. Already have one in the bedroom.

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When winter rears its ugly head, early, and a heavy rain/snow mix results in downed trees>>powerlines, causing a 9hr power loss.

The real pet peeve is that there is zero evidence that electric power providers are making any attempt to eliminate existing above ground power lines.  And you want me to buy an electric car, right?  Yeah, sure.  I'll get right on that.

Edit - The electric utility chose the wrong day (today) to send an email with helpful hints on how to save on my winter utility bill.  I may have reacted irrationally in my responding email, lol.  Plus, my calendar reminded me to pay the electric bill today.  Life has a cute way of punking us.

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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Music that makes you sad unexpectedly. I just got around to listening to the 3rd song in a recently released trilogy(parts 1/2 were released in Sept, part 3 on Fri 10/14) and after how badly wrecked I was after both parts 1&2, thought I was prepared for whatever part 3 brought - I was not. I’m sitting on my couch still sobbing 20 mins later and grateful I’m self-employed and live alone. 

Lyrically, this is quite possibly the most beautiful thing I’ve ever heard, but this isn’t a genre known for emotionally sucker-punches(though there are a few exceptions I include on my sad songs playlist), so the fact that this has made me cry harder than I have in years is baffling. I really want to listen to all 3 parts together now, but I need to mentally prepare first. 

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16 hours ago, Yeah No said:

My father got a handicapped permit just based on being old.  He mentioned to his doctor once how he often wished he had one because he often had to park far away from stores and it was starting to bother him. 

My mom got one when she had her hip replaced and after it expired her doctor told her she could keep on getting one just based on her age.

2 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Pet Peeve:  Newscasters and announcers who routinely mispronounce common words and names, and caption writers that misspell them!


Yankee Stadium Mispelled.jpg

I can kind of see this one though, the stadium is singular but the team itself is plural so I can understand the confusion.

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I know this is a ridiculously stupid thing to have a peeve about, but I don't care.

I'm SUPREMELY PEEVED that in celebrating Amitabh Bachchan's (Bestest Bollywood Actor Ever as far as I'm concerned and my Numero Uno), 80th Birthday, that the top seven classic movies chosen to re-air only took place in cinemas in India! Like, what? He doesn't have fans who live in other countries? Like stupid Regal, who air incredibly garbage Bollywood movies, or that one, or is it two now, theatres in Virginia, couldn't do the same?

Why am I peeved? Because I know-of the movies that were re-released-scenes were cut out in not only the VHS versions, but also DVDS (which makes no bloody sense), and I wanted to see the theatrical, uncut releases.

So There.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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2 hours ago, partofme said:

Pet Peeve:  Newscasters and announcers who routinely mispronounce common words and names, and caption writers that misspell them!

I had an unusual and long last name.  My mother called me one night and excitedly told me to turn to the news.  There was my ex-sister-in-law getting arrested for embezzlement.  And wouldn't you know, it was probably the first time in history that our name was spelled and pronounced correctly.  So proud.

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3 hours ago, partofme said:

I can kind of see this one though, the stadium is singular but the team itself is plural so I can understand the confusion.

Maybe if the person was from the West or even Midwest or English isn't their first language, but anyone in the NY, NJ and CT area should know better, especially if it's their JOB to know stuff like this!  This is a CT news organization not a dry cleaners in South Dakota!  I ran this by 3 people so far today and all of them shook their heads or rolled their eyes.  Whether you love them or hate them the Yankees are a BIG DEAL in these parts!  There's no way to get away from them even if you're not a sports fan.  It would be like calling the Red Sox the "Red Socks"!!  😖

Grammatically, you have one Yankee and as a group several Yankees.  Unless the word was possessive you wouldn't call it "Yankees" anything and in that case there would be an apostrophe in it.  So even if they didn't know how to say the phrase they should know THAT.  But it's not a possessive so it's Yankee Stadium.  You wouldn't call it Dodgers Stadium or Dodgers' Stadium or Dodger's Stadium, you call it "Dodger Stadium".  You have one Dodger and several Dodgers and no possessives.  


I know we have quite a few people from the NY area on the board and I thought at least they'd appreciate it.  Forget I said anything.  🙁

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28 minutes ago, partofme said:

I’m a New Yorker, born and raised, I know the difference, I just understand how the mistake could be made

Well I don't, not by a TV news station in the NY/NJ/CT Tri-State area.  I expect them to know the difference more than almost anyone else.  And that's really the point here.

And I'm a native New Yorker too, born in Manhattan, raised in the Bronx.

Edited by Yeah No
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20 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I know this is a ridiculously stupid thing to have a peeve about, but I don't care.

I'm SUPREMELY PEEVED that in celebrating Amitabh Bachchan's (Bestest Bollywood Actor Ever as far as I'm concerned and my Numero Uno), 80th Birthday, that the top seven classic movies chosen to re-air only took place in cinemas in India! Like, what? He doesn't have fans who live in other countries?

Was Amitabh the name that the adorable little boy (in Slumdog Millionaire) kept yelling while sitting in a latrine? I can still hear him excitedly yelling that name over and over. Loved that movie!

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11 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

Was Amitabh the name that the adorable little boy (in Slumdog Millionaire) kept yelling while sitting in a latrine? I can still hear him excitedly yelling that name over and over. Loved that movie!

No clue since I didn't watch that movie. Why? Because I have an irrational hatred of Anil Kapoor, who was also in the movie.

I think it was in Chit-Chat where I provided a list of all of his movies that I loved to another poster a couple years ago. Amitabh currently hosts the Indian version of Who Wants to be A Millionaire? 

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When men tell curvier/larger women they don’t like skinny girls and don’t mind cellulite or tell thin women the size of their boobs and butts don’t matter. It’s patronizing either way. The way we feel about our bodies isn’t all about you and what makes men happy. Generally speaking, probably shouldn’t comment on a woman’s body unless you have a sexual relationship.

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2 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

When men tell curvier/larger women they don’t like skinny girls and don’t mind cellulite or tell thin women the size of their boobs and butts don’t matter. It’s patronizing either way. The way we feel about our bodies isn’t all about you and what makes men happy. Generally speaking, probably shouldn’t comment on a woman’s body unless you have a sexual relationship.

And even then.

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21 hours ago, Yeah No said:

Maybe if the person was from the West or even Midwest or English isn't their first language, but anyone in the NY, NJ and CT area should know better, especially if it's their JOB to know stuff like this!  This is a CT news organization not a dry cleaners in South Dakota!  I ran this by 3 people so far today and all of them shook their heads or rolled their eyes.  Whether you love them or hate them the Yankees are a BIG DEAL in these parts!  There's no way to get away from them even if you're not a sports fan.  It would be like calling the Red Sox the "Red Socks"!!  😖

Grammatically, you have one Yankee and as a group several Yankees.  Unless the word was possessive you wouldn't call it "Yankees" anything and in that case there would be an apostrophe in it.  So even if they didn't know how to say the phrase they should know THAT.  But it's not a possessive so it's Yankee Stadium.  You wouldn't call it Dodgers Stadium or Dodgers' Stadium or Dodger's Stadium, you call it "Dodger Stadium".  You have one Dodger and several Dodgers and no possessives.  


I know we have quite a few people from the NY area on the board and I thought at least they'd appreciate it.  Forget I said anything.  🙁

Yankees Stadium!  They must be kidding.  One exception is Giants Stadium.  But the Ss elide on that one. 

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7 minutes ago, EtheltoTillie said:

Yankees Stadium!  They must be kidding.  One exception is Giants Stadium.  But the Ss elide on that one. 

Here in Seattle, you can always tell the noobs by the way rhey call  the Pike Place Market "Pike's Place Market".

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5 hours ago, Elizabeth Anne said:

News headlines that put certain words in quotes when doing so makes it seem like they are casting doubt on the credibility of the story.  

My pet peeve along these lines are the endless screaming headlines that say stuff like: "Such and such COULD happen if blah blah blah", or "The world MIGHT end if so and so does x". Speculation is not news, people.

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5 hours ago, Elizabeth Anne said:

News headlines that put certain words in quotes when doing so makes it seem like they are casting doubt on the credibility of the story.  

This happens when they are reporting on a criminal allegation, so they have to put it in quotes, as it has not been proven.  They are essentially quoting the accuser.  However, I totally agree that it comes off as if they are doubting the story.  But it's journalistic practice. 

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Arrrggghhh! Massive peeve. It is sooo smoky here today, I just saw on the local CBS affiliate that Seattle has the fifth worst air quality in the WORLD today. We've had 1/2 inch of rain since June. I can't even go outside without coughing and getting an instant sore throat/headache.

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1 hour ago, EtheltoTillie said:

This happens when they are reporting on a criminal allegation, so they have to put it in quotes, as it has not been proven.  They are essentially quoting the accuser.  However, I totally agree that it comes off as if they are doubting the story.  But it's journalistic practice. 

"Fresh" bread daily. I remember seeing this at a store and thinking "you are perhaps not sending the message you think you are sending. Worse, maybe you are."

Edited by ABay
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3 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

And even then.

Yes! :)

I appreciate a partner giving compliments, but not in a way that’s a backhanded compliment or suggests what’s most important is their sexual attraction to me. 

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17 hours ago, EtheltoTillie said:

Yankees Stadium!  They must be kidding.  One exception is Giants Stadium.  But the Ss elide on that one. 

True, but I can see that one because if you just call it Giant Stadium you might think it's an adjective, LOL.  But don't they call it MetLife Stadium now anyway?  Not that I would, I still use the 59th St. Bridge, 6th Avenue, and the Triboro Bridge.

Today's gaffe on that same station was the voiceover announcer on a report on internet inequality saying that "the internet has made the world seem a little less small".  Uhhhhh....Isn't it the other way around?  My caffeine hasn't even kicked in yet but I know what's wrong with that!  It's on a daily basis on this channel!  I don't even know why I watch it anymore.  Force of habit I guess, and because they have news on when other channels don't.

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16 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

Arrrggghhh! Massive peeve. It is sooo smoky here today, I just saw on the local CBS affiliate that Seattle has the fifth worst air quality in the WORLD today. We've had 1/2 inch of rain since June. I can't even go outside without coughing and getting an instant sore throat/headache.

What in the world???  Seattle hasn't had a decent amount of rain since June? Our planet is in very big trouble.

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On 10/18/2022 at 8:48 AM, Yeah No said:

Pet Peeve:  Newscasters and announcers who routinely mispronounce common words and names, and caption writers that misspell them!


Yankee Stadium Mispelled.jpg

Initially I thought you were referring to the misplaced apostrophe in the news crawl.

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My latest pet peeve :  people at the gym who just drop the weights when they are done causing them to slam down and make a huge crashing noise when then fall. 

Just put them down musclehead. We don't need a signal of your finished set of reps

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12 minutes ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

My latest pet peeve :  people at the gym who just drop the weights when they are done causing them to slam down and make a huge crashing noise when then fall. 

Just put them down musclehead. We don't need a signal of your finished set of reps

Similarly, enough with the dramatic grunting! We get it, you're working on your 'ceps, we're not impressed, we're just annoyed! STFU and just lift the damn weights!

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Restaurant pet peeve: servers who feel that you as their customers are a captive audience and they feel free to air their social commentary to you whether you were expecting to discuss these things or not! 

Last night it was all about vaccine mandates (which no longer exist here BTW) and then with the next course it was on to flouride in water (?).  We basically sat there and smiled and nodded and didn't encourage him.  I don't feel this was something we needed to complain to the management about but I do have to wonder if there was something we should have done.  Being rude and cutting him off, not being an option.  We're very stereotypical Canadians here!

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17 hours ago, Elizabeth Anne said:

Restaurant pet peeve: servers who feel that you as their customers are a captive audience and they feel free to air their social commentary to you whether you were expecting to discuss these things or not! 

Last night it was all about vaccine mandates (which no longer exist here BTW) and then with the next course it was on to flouride in water (?).  We basically sat there and smiled and nodded and didn't encourage him.  I don't feel this was something we needed to complain to the management about but I do have to wonder if there was something we should have done.  Being rude and cutting him off, not being an option.  We're very stereotypical Canadians here!

This!  Recently, I toured a prospective school for my son with another family.  The other family wanted to learn more about one particular subject and had a long conversation with that teacher, leaving me waiting a good 10 minutes before moving on!  I didn't even have a chance to learn more about how certain areas were taught at the school due to the lack of time!  I'm now trying to book a virtual session to make up what I didn't get information on. 

Edited by PRgal
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2 hours ago, Elizabeth Anne said:

Being rude and cutting him off, not being an option.  We're very stereotypical Canadians here!

Sometimes its not rude to shut someone down...you just need to learn to do politely and yet firmly. One of my friends taught me an incredibly useful phrase (that you can tweak endlessly depending on the situation): "Let me let you go now..." (for getting off a phone call that the other person is trying to extend). So with the restaurant server I would probably interject: "We should really let you get on with your other tables...now."

Associated pet peeve: People who are so unwilling to "rock the boat" that they basically lie down and let everyone else just walk all over them.

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On 10/17/2022 at 9:51 PM, Yeah No said:

My pet peeve - parking lots that have 20 million reserved spaces for everything from parents with children to veterans, to policemen, to "employee of the week" to "curbside pickup" making everyone else have to park really far away from the store.  I keep hoping to see one for "Cranky old women with arthritis and occasional fibromyalgia" but I guess we just don't count, LOL.

I want a “I’m already having hot flashes and it is 90 degrees out and humid.  Just let me get to the air conditioning” parking spot.  

My current pet peeve is leaves.  I don’t even have any trees, yet I spent three hours raking leaves.  Stay in your own yard!

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On 10/21/2022 at 7:00 AM, Leeds said:

Initially I thought you were referring to the misplaced apostrophe in the news crawl.

LOL, good catch, I was so peeved about the other mistake I didn't even see that one!  🤣

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39 minutes ago, Mittengirl said:

I want a “I’m already having hot flashes and it is 90 degrees out and humid.  Just let me get to the air conditioning” parking spot.  

My current pet peeve is leaves.  I don’t even have any trees, yet I spent three hours raking leaves.  Stay in your own yard!

Pine needles too.

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14 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

When your leftover food is enough that throwing it away makes you feel bad, but not enough to make a meal that will make you full. 

Save it and eat it as a side the next day?

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My neighbor complained about my birdfeeders and I had to take them down. I realize that I live in a condo and I guess this kind of shit happens, but this is well beyond a peeve; I am so fucking sad, man -- it's a vast understatement to say that my heart hurts (for me and for my cats; they really dug the feeders, and the feeders somehow helped me with stress).

If anyone knows knows a way to feed birds that is 100% invisible to neighbors, do tell (kidding -- sort of; we kind already tried everything between "2 feeders on 1 balcony" and "no feeders at all, ever").

Edited by TattleTeeny
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39 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

My neighbor complained about my birdfeeders and I had to take them down. I realize that I live in a condo and I guess this kind of shit happens, but this is well beyond a peeve; I am so fucking sad, man -- it's a vast understatement to say that my heart hurts (for me and for my cats; they really dug the feeders, and the feeders somehow helped me with stress).

If anyone knows knows a way to feed birds that is 100% invisible to neighbors, do tell (kidding -- sort of; we kind already tried everything between "2 feeders on 1 balcony" and "no feeders at all, ever").

I don't get it. How on earth were your bird feeders bothering this nitwit?

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Same question--what kind of shithead would complain about something like this? And why would the condo board support the complaint?

I've seen clear acrylic feeders that attach to your windows with suction cups. Maybe something like that would slide under the radar.

I'm really sorry you have such crappy neighbors. We love feeding our birds.

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