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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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I sometimes mix a conservative suit with a fun shoe, or handbag.  It's no different than a man wearing a kooky tie with an otherwise "proper" suit.

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4 hours ago, PRgal said:

It would depend on the shoe.  I'm not sure if I'd wear these to work.  And these are a little OTT.  

The first link doesn't work, but I would wear a significantly cheaper version of the heels (not the boots) in the second one to work (if I could be comfortable in high, skinny heels like that still, which, sadly, is not the case).  If I had a solid color shirt in one of the colors in that shoe paired with a black suit, those shoes would be the perfect amount of pattern (the boots too much, plus I think they're ugly as hell).  I'd prefer a 3-inch heel, and think the four-inchers would look more professional with a pants suit than a skirt suit, but I don't think the extra inch turns them into "Harlot!  Wearing those to work?!" territory.

Edited by Bastet
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18 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I'm thisclose to terminating my service. I won't save any money going elsewhere and I'll have to piecemeal my TV/movie entertainment via streaming and over-the-air channels, but I don't care.

I'm just about ready to move to internet-only from Spectrum.  I can get most of what I watch (which includes only one or two current series) through Sling and other online sources.

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19 hours ago, bilgistic said:

Things that irritated the piss out of me today:

1) My TV channels have been randomly blacking out for a few months. I have a TiVo Bolt with a cable card and tuning adapter connected in order to get the channels to which I subscribe. When the channels would black out, I'd reboot everything and all would work for a while, then back to not working.


One of my cable boxes has been acted up like that as well, with certain channels not loading.  I don't know about your system, but Rogers (our cable company) repeats some channels (so, say, if Food Network is 56, you'll find it again in the 500s somewhere).  In our case, the lower numbers are blacked out/not loading properly while the higher numbers are fine.  And it was ONLY THAT PARTICULAR TV.   My husband thought it was because the box was ancient.  We didn't switch boxes, but it's not happening anymore... 

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2 hours ago, Moose135 said:

I'm just about ready to move to internet-only from Spectrum.  I can get most of what I watch (which includes only one or two current series) through Sling and other online sources.

I watch A LOT of TV (don't judge). My mom and sister and I share our various Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime, HBO, Showtime and cable account logins (again, don't judge). Spectrum won't give me cheap enough internet by itself (I currently have internet and local cable with HBO and Showtime), so I'll have to switch to AT&T (they suck, too), but I'm fine with it.

Philo is similar to Sling, but is only $16 a month. The selection is more limited, of course.

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If you switch to AT&T, you can watch Mr. Mercedes! I doubt that helps too much but it does relate to a peeve I had recently: that an awesome series based on some awesome Stephen King books was released only on some channel I never heard of in my life, through a provider I never knew existed! Bah!

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Just to chime in on the cable conversation - I recently cut the cord and am relying on DirecTV Now (which has been fantastic, frankly). I live in a small Midwestern city, so unfortunately they don't have any of my local channels on the service yet, but it's working out for all my regular cable channel shows.

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1 hour ago, Moose135 said:

Unfortunately, I can't get AT&T in my neighborhood. I'm also just outside of the area where Google fiber is being installed...

I can't get Google Fiber, either, but it's more expensive than I would pay. I think the lowest tier is $50/month. Ironically, there's someone in my complex that works for Google as a Fiber tech because they drive/park a van at an apartment here. You'd think they'd be able to get it in their own neighborhood.

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15 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

If you switch to AT&T, you can watch Mr. Mercedes! I doubt that helps too much but it does relate to a peeve I had recently: that an awesome series based on some awesome Stephen King books was released only on some channel I never heard of in my life, through a provider I never knew existed! Bah!

I feel your pain. I'm reading Mr. Mercedes now and its so good! It's driving me batty that the series is only airing on that Audience network. Why couldn't he option it to Hulu like he did with 11/22/63?!  Thanks for nothing, Steve.

Edited by AgentRXS
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The problem with hoping to get competition like Google Fiber or FiOS to build out their network against the existing cable company offering high speed broadband internet and the local telephone company offering DSL, is that an average of $50-$60 per month per subscriber that they get is WAY too low to ever pay back how much it costs to run all that fiber. The economics are only slightly viable in areas where there are a lot of homes per mile of fiber, and the people living there are fairly affluent.

Some very interesting things are happening in the TV world right now. AT&T is buying Turner and all of it's content. Both Comcast/NBC and Disney are attempting to buy 21st Century Fox.  By getting bigger and owning more and more of the programming, the content companies are setting themselves up to make sure they can still charge everybody who wants to watch TV. As they lose the monthly subscription subscribers and the revenue collected for them by cable and satellite companies, they're setting themselves up to distribute content through their own subscription services like Netflix.  They're already pulling their content from Netflix. The past and present is that we all pay for hundreds of channels and watch a few. The future is that we'll get to cherry pick from thousands of options, but the amount of money we pay will probably be the same.  (If Disney collects $100 of revenue this year, they're going to figure out how to collect $105 from us next year.)

Edited by JTMacc99
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7 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

I feel your pain. I'm reading Mr. Mercedes now and its so good! It's driving me batty that the series is only airing on that Audience network. Why couldn't he option it Hulu like he did with 11/22/63?!  Thanks for nothing, Steve.

I love SK (though I am not so much in the Gunslinger camp--I notice that SK fans are often kind of split between his "regular" horror and Gunslinger-type stuff) and even I was surprised how good his take on a classic detective story came out! 

We did end up watching it eventually; my BF has a friend who put all the episodes on a thumb drive for us. We're so not techie types by, by god, we figured it out for that! And it was good!

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13 hours ago, saoirse said:

Just to chime in on the cable conversation - I recently cut the cord and am relying on DirecTV Now (which has been fantastic, frankly). I live in a small Midwestern city, so unfortunately they don't have any of my local channels on the service yet, but it's working out for all my regular cable channel shows.

Me too, I don't miss cable at all. While I've had a couple of storm related outages, it was for an hour each time, at most, and I just watched my DVR'd shows during that time. 

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Pet peeves: going for a mammogram.

That's bad enough. But my annoyance is when they give you an APPOINTMENT time of 11:30, but then tell you to show up 30 minutes ahead if time. (Because its important to take 30 minutes to say, "same insurance, same address, same medical history, same husband".)

If I have to be there at 11:00, then my appointment is at 11:00, not 11:30.  But their way, if they don't take me until 12:15, then by their calculation, they're 45 minutes late, even though I waited an hour and fifteen minutes.

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14 hours ago, saoirse said:

unfortunately they don't have any of my local channels on the service yet

They have to cut deals with the companies who own all of those local broadcast affiliates. They're typically bigger companies that own hundreds of local affiliates such as Sinclair Broadcast Group, and DirecTV would try to cut deals with the bigger ones first and make their way down to all of the little guys who haven't been purchased by one of the bigger broadcast companies. 

When they get around to adding in the four main local channels and a CW or My9, that would add about $10-$14 of cost to them. Does anybody have a DirecTV Now service with local channels? Can you tell me if on your bill they include local broadcast and regional sports surcharges on the bill broken out they way DirecTV does with it's main service?

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32 minutes ago, backformore said:

But my annoyance is when they give you an APPOINTMENT time of 11:30, but then tell you to show up 30 minutes ahead if time.

I hate this! They tell me one time, and then when you get the automated reminder the day before, they always bump the time up at least 15 minutes. And I have repeatedly told them, "Tell me when you want me there from the start." And they never do. Pisses me off. Say what you mean. 

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4 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I love SK (though I am not so much in the Gunslinger camp--I notice that SK fans are often kind of split between his "regular" horror and Gunslinger-type stuff) and even I was surprised how good his take on a classic detective story came out! 

We did end up watching it eventually; my BF has a friend who put all the episodes on a thumb drive for us. We're so not techie types by, by god, we figured it out for that! And it was good!

I tried reading the Dark Tower books. Only made it through 4. Boring fantasy stuff and I'm a huge Lord Of The Rings geek but Stephen King is no Prof. Tolkien.

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I'm not much of a fantasy person (though I did love The Talisman! And I actually dug the Hunger Games books--does that count?); my absolute favorite SK is the old stuff--Pet Sematary, The Shining, even The Stand, and best of all, 'Salem's Lot!

OK, back on topic--my peeve is me! I always by SK books as soon as they come out--the book-book. Then, inevitably, I also buy it on the Kindle so that it's easier to carry around or read onscreen when I have downtime at work. It's like I think I am made of money!

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 A long time ago I was considering making a move wondering if things would be better in a different town. Then I realized that most of my problems are because of who I am not where I am. And I take me with me wherever I go. So yes I am my own biggest pet peeve

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8 hours ago, JTMacc99 said:

The past and present is that we all pay for hundreds of channels and watch a few. The future is that we'll get to cherry pick from thousands of options, but the amount of money we pay will probably be the same.  (If Disney collects $100 of revenue this year, they're going to figure out how to collect $105 from us next year.)

My fear is that while we only, as you say, watch a few of the hundreds of cable channels we pay for - if we have to buy each individually or something close to that I'm SURE it's going to be more than we're paying now.

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I currently pay $65 for cable and internet (new resident special). Google Fiber was installed this year but it's $140 for the same internet and a few more stations. I'll have to evaluate what I do when my intro cable rate is over. I really only want networks. Before I moved I had antennas but I don't face the correct direction for antennas now.

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Ha...I have Spectrum. I got a notice a few days ago that my bill is being increased by $40/month as I have been here a year and therefore not eligible for their introductory rate. Mind I never got the phone/Internet/cable for $99 they offered. 

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12 hours ago, forumfish said:

This 100% -- I'm not agreeing that YOU are your biggest peeve, rather saying that I, too, am MY biggest peeve! Today has been one of those days that I can't have 5 minutes to myself without someone (mostly my dad) wanting something right. this. minute. I did spend the biggest part of the day running errands so technically I was by myself, but since I was doing the shopping for everyone else in the house, I don't count that as quality alone time. I did grab a Boston creme donut at the grocery store, so that was nice.


Mom and I talked about that, too. In our case, when you have three mobility-challenged adults in one house, you just have to bite the bullet and pay for the easiest form of entertainment: television. Vision issues preclude much reading and neither my mom nor sister have two good hands, so any kind of crafting is more difficult than enjoyable.

Listen to music?  Audiobooks?  

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On 6/10/2018 at 3:59 PM, auntlada said:

I get that they want their products to look good, but why can't Spanx use models on its website that look like they actually need the product?

Because it's not good for sales. 

They don't want women looking at a photo of someone who actually needs Spanx and thinking, "That's as good as I'm going to look."  They want women thinking, "I'm going to look like that skinny model if I buy these Spanx." 


On 6/10/2018 at 5:13 PM, bilgistic said:

Sing it, sister! I have owned exactly one "shaping" garment in my life, and it made me look like an actual stuffed sausage. There was no shaping other than round and encased.

And you bought the one, and that's one more sale than if you'd never bought it because the model looked like an actual stuffed sausage.

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I have many Peeves within the cable/internet family.  Too many to address, but, suffice to say that, IMO, TMC cut a bad deal with some cable box production company and have a bunch of crap that doesn't work, but, they can't admit to it, so they just keep giving you replacement after replacement.  If I had the means, I'd prove it. 

Secondly, I obtained my current deal (for phone, cable and internet) with Time Warner Cable, who was just bought out by Spectrum.  I went to their office, in person, (Thought it mattered to make a good impression.) to inquire what my bill would be if I dropped the phone and just kept cable and internet. (I already have a regular home landline, business landline and cell, so, really don't need it now.)  They informed me that my bill would INCREASE if I take off any service.  So, if I remove the phone, my bill goes up $12.00 per month for just the cable and internet. I challenged her, but, she says, that's accurate.  lol  So, you see what I'm dealing with.  So far, I've kept it all. But, I'm plotting my escape. 

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19 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

They informed me that my bill would INCREASE if I take off any service.

Well, it would increase if you drop phone. I'm pretty sure if you dropped Video, your bill would go down. 

Here's the thing from their side: Selling TV sucks for Spectrum. If internet and phone never came along, everybody's $170 bill for TV/Internet/Phone would be about $140 for just Video.  Half of that $140 would go directly to the companies that produce all of the TV we watch or don't watch. All but about $14 would go to pay the rest of the bills and continual upgrade of the thousands of miles of fiber and electronics. So in the eyes of the financial world, it's important to see how many internet and phone customers a cable company has.

So the key is to make sure everybody who takes video also takes Internet and Phone. One of the way stock analysts value a company like Spectrum is to see how many primary service units they have. Primary service units means Video units, Internet units, and Phone units. So you as a customer are more valuable to Spectrum if you have all three than only Video and Internet. 

Therefore, if you want to hurt the value (stock price) of the company by not taking phone, you're going to need to make up for it by paying more for the other two. 

Yay capitalism!

And as far as lowering your bill goes, you went about it entirely the wrong way. If you are currently paying full price, you need to call up and tell the automated line you want to "cancel services".  When you are then connected to the retention specialist, tell that person that you are looking to switch to DirecTV and DSL service because it's a way better deal than what you are paying today, and want to make sure you can schedule a disconnect date with Spectrum that is the same day as your install date with the guys.  You have just authorized the person on the phone to give you a lower price and possibly more services because you are a legitimate threat to disconnect, and your reason is price. 

When you go fishing around to lower your bill by changing services, you will get nowhere. 

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I appreciate your tips JTMacc, but, if your numbers are right, I think I may already have a pretty good deal, though, it sounds high to me. I guess I was getting annoyed, because I keep seeing these offers for new customers for $29.99 each for cable, internet and phone.

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27 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I guess I was getting annoyed, because I keep seeing these offers for new customers for $29.99 each for cable, internet and phone.

Yes, those are the 1-year "introductory" rates to suck you in.  Then you get the letter saying "Congratulations, since you're a loyal customer, we're only raising your rate $30 per month..."

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Yeah, I know.  That's one reason I have stayed away from them for my business account. I negotiated a pretty good deal on that and I've had the same rate for over 8 years.  But, I've had an account with them for over 20 years. You'd think, I'd get some great rates by now.  But, I happened to find out by accident, what some of my colleagues pay and I was shocked. Much more than me. Oh well.....

Peeve:  getting a thunderstorm EVERY SINGLE DAY! It's getting crazy how often that's happening now. Can I move to Arizona?  lol

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36 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I appreciate your tips JTMacc, but, if your numbers are right, I think I may already have a pretty good deal, though, it sounds high to me. I guess I was getting annoyed, because I keep seeing these offers for new customers for $29.99 each for cable, internet and phone.

This makes me want to cancel mine and have my BF reopen it in his name! But then I guess I'd have to change my e-mail address and phone number.

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25 minutes ago, Moose135 said:

Yes, those are the 1-year "introductory" rates to suck you in.  Then you get the letter saying "Congratulations, since you're a loyal customer, we're only raising your rate $30 per month..."

It's the rate necessary to make sure you don't sign up for services from somebody else. They're only losing about $25 a month on that customer for the first year. Hopefully they offset it with some installation fees. 

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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Peeve:  getting a thunderstorm EVERY SINGLE DAY! It's getting crazy how often that's happening now. Can I move to Arizona?  lol

Unfortunately, Arizona has a monsoon season.  Coincidentally, one source says it starts on June 15.   


22 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

I currently pay $65 for cable and internet (new resident special). Google Fiber was installed this year but it's $140 for the same internet and a few more stations. I'll have to evaluate what I do when my intro cable rate is over.

Y'all quit complaining.  I can't get cable or DSL, so I have DirecTV for TV and it costs $116/month for a slightly expanded roster of channels but no premium channels like HBO.  That's just for TV.

For phone and internet, it's an additional $125 to Verizon for a phone and a jetpack (that I bought separately) that provides a limited amount of data.  So no Netflix or streaming or youtube videos (I'm kind of thankful for the no youtube videos part, though).



Before I moved I had antennas but I don't face the correct direction for antennas now.

Man, I hate the change to digital over-the-air channels. 

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Lunch Pet Peeve: When you're in a long ass line at the food court...a 10 minute line and the couple in front of you starts a 5 minute debate on what they'll order THE MOMENT they arrive in front of the cashier.

People, you had 10 fucking minutes to make up your mind!

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20 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Unfortunately, Arizona has a monsoon season.  Coincidentally, one source says it starts on June 15.   


Y'all quit complaining.  I can't get cable or DSL, so I have DirecTV for TV and it costs $116/month for a slightly expanded roster of channels but no premium channels like HBO.  That's just for TV.

For phone and internet, it's an additional $125 to Verizon for a phone and a jetpack (that I bought separately) that provides a limited amount of data.  So no Netflix or streaming or youtube videos (I'm kind of thankful for the no youtube videos part, though).


Man, I hate the change to digital over-the-air channels. 

Oh my....I didn't know that. Now, I do feel fortunate about the storms and the cable.  lol  Isn't that odd? I had no idea and I post that today ref. the storms and wanting to move to Arizona.  So bizarre. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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On 6/14/2018 at 9:19 AM, TattleTeeny said:

I love SK (though I am not so much in the Gunslinger camp--I notice that SK fans are often kind of split between his "regular" horror and Gunslinger-type stuff) and even I was surprised how good his take on a classic detective story came out! 

We did end up watching it eventually; my BF has a friend who put all the episodes on a thumb drive for us. We're so not techie types by, by god, we figured it out for that! And it was good!

Oh, I was in that camp.  'Oh no, another cowboy book'    Till I read the series.

Gotta tell ya, the first book is hard to get throu..  (For me at least)  After that, it's life-changing. 

 Many say to read the second book first.    I do agree with that because it's more SK style of writing we are used to.   


If you liked the detective books, you will love the new one.  The Outsiders.   Really hard to put down.  That good.

Edited by Sweedish Fish
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Reading it now! Had an unexpected afternoon off work and am about a third of the way through. So far so good!

I actually read the first three Gunslinger books before finally deciding that, SK or not, they’re not for me (that was  million years ago). My BF likes them—in fact, now that I think about it, I think he prefers a lot of the SK books that are not in my favorites list, so I guess we’re in different “camps” too!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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On ‎6‎/‎15‎/‎2018 at 2:21 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

Secondly, I obtained my current deal (for phone, cable and internet) with Time Warner Cable, who was just bought out by Spectrum.  I went to their office, in person, (Thought it mattered to make a good impression.) to inquire what my bill would be if I dropped the phone and just kept cable and internet. (I already have a regular home landline, business landline and cell, so, really don't need it now.)  They informed me that my bill would INCREASE if I take off any service.  So, if I remove the phone, my bill goes up $12.00 per month for just the cable and internet. I challenged her, but, she says, that's accurate.  lol  So, you see what I'm dealing with.  So far, I've kept it all. But, I'm plotting my escape. 

Yes, we can't get rid of our landline.  90% of the time, we don't answer it, because the calls are sales calls.  there are a few relatives who continue to call on that line just because our names are programmed into their phones with that number.  But yeah, it would cost MORE to get rid of it.  When I come home from work, there are always at least 3 messages, sometimes as many as 8 - and most are hang-ups.  

I just opened an office, where I need internet.  Same thing - internet alone would cost more than internet and phone.  I bought a copy/print/fax machine, and I use the phone line exclusively for faxing. 

Edited by backformore
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On 6/15/2018 at 3:21 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

They informed me that my bill would INCREASE if I take off any service.  So, if I remove the phone, my bill goes up $12.00 per month for just the cable and internet. 

An increasing bill for removing a service?! Absurd! I thought bills were supposed to increase for more services, not fewer. 


On 6/14/2018 at 12:51 PM, forumfish said:

Just the other day I told Mom that we have enough TV-on-DVD stuff (not to mention tons of series and movies we recorded ourselves) that we could kill our cable and have plenty to watch.

You're not alone-- I have more than enough discs to catch up on, that it might take me next to an eternity to get even, or ahead, if I ever do. 

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8 hours ago, backformore said:

Yes, we can't get rid of our landline.  90% of the time, we don't answer it, because the calls are sales calls.  there are a few relatives who continue to call on that line just because our names are programmed into their phones with that number.  But yeah, it would cost MORE to get rid of it.  When I come home from work, there are always at least 3 messages, sometimes as many as 8 - and most are hang-ups.  

I just opened an office, where I need internet.  Same thing - internet alone would cost more than internet and phone.  I bought a copy/print/fax machine, and I use the phone line exclusively for faxing. 

More peeves:  Friends and family who continue using an old phone number that I have told them to discard many times!  I now have my Do Not Disturb button on that landline phone pressed, so, nobody bothers me. lol  And, I use that phone occasionally, if I need it, but, mainly it sits idle, but, is there as a backup. There's no voicemail, so messages can't be left either.  

Peeve: People who have an insatiable appetite for knowing everybody's business as well as a desire for everyone else to know their business.  I just don't get it. 

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28 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Peeve: People who have an insatiable appetite for knowing everybody's business as well as a desire for everyone else to know their business.  I just don't get it. 

How much are you willing to bet that they're also the same people who ask, "Why are you so quiet?!"?

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Peeve: People who have an insatiable appetite for knowing everybody's business as well as a desire for everyone else to know their business.

Aw, SunnyBeBe, have you been talking to my mother?  AKA The National Enquirer.  She wonders why I never tell her anything.  "Because you are a shameless gossip, who has no sense of what is personal and private.  So, no, I'm not telling you anything about my life because it will be all over your street, your church group, and your book club."

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13 hours ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

How much are you willing to bet that they're also the same people who ask, "Why are you so quiet?!"?

Not to mention those who ask 'What are you thinking?'- then give you an earful if what you're thinking isn't what they'd WANT you to think!

13 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Peeve: People who have an insatiable appetite for knowing everybody's business as well as a desire for everyone else to know their business.  I just don't get it. 

Ah,  but one can be sure that they don't want others to know MORE about them than they themselves desire to know about other folks! IOW, the stuff they put out is bait to get others to lower their own guard and spill more of their own stuff.

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11 hours ago, backformore said:

Yes, we can't get rid of our landline.  90% of the time, we don't answer it, because the calls are sales calls.  there are a few relatives who continue to call on that line just because our names are programmed into their phones with that number.  But yeah, it would cost MORE to get rid of it.  When I come home from work, there are always at least 3 messages, sometimes as many as 8 - and most are hang-ups.  

I just opened an office, where I need internet.  Same thing - internet alone would cost more than internet and phone.  I bought a copy/print/fax machine, and I use the phone line exclusively for faxing. 

That's why I have a landline, though. If all the annoying people (by that I mean the salespeople, not the relatives) are calling that number, that means that they're not calling my cell phone.  So, businesses that need my phone number but aren't going to call me with anything urgent get my landline.

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One of my brother's shares everything - no detail is too little or too private - with his wife.  He's also very open to sharing with his friends and acquaintances.  Another one is very discreet and makes selective decisions about our family matters to share with his wife.  I much prefer the one who uses discretion, even when it is sometimes a no BFD thing.  If the Yakmeister eventually finds out something down the line, he is genuinely bewildered and a little hurt, that you didn't tell him.

Thing is, I probably know more family secrets than anyone else.  My brothers know if they tell me, there is a zero chance I will tell anyone else.   Their kids (well my oldest nephew is 32 and the youngest is 19) tell me too - the only rule I have with the kids is that I will keep their confidence unless it is about an extremely serious issue and I am concerned about their wellbeing.  I tell them straight out, that I'd be glad to help them get appropriate guidance if it is that big a thing otherwise I rat them out to the 'rents.

Edited by DeLurker
Because no and know are not the same
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12 hours ago, backformore said:

But yeah, it would cost MORE to get rid of it.

That's another unintended consequence of cord cutting -- ending up paying more for Internet and/or phone after losing bundled discounts.

Freaking prices are only going to increase due to lack of competition, corporate mergers, and whatever happens with the loss of net neutrality. I already pay $80/month for stupid ADSL at 17mbps. I exclusively stream all entertainment and could be royally screwed if surcharges or data limits are imposed.

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I'm selling a couple things via FB Marketplace. Nothing too exciting, a Fitbit  I never use and a backpack. Just some stuff laying around the house that I'm selling for a deal but not a cut rate price. My local PD has an internet transaction space in their lobby and I trust my gut, not engaging buyers who make my gut ping. 

Late Friday I get a message asking if one of the items is still available. I immediately reply yes, you interested? Crickets. Saturday around noon I get a message asking if I can meet  right now. Sorry, I just left but I can meet you Sunday late morning or early afternoon. Crickets. 20 minutes later "If it has to be tomorrow I hope you'll drop the price by $10". I responded price is firm. Internal dialog - You messaged me at the last minute, I didn't try and reschedule. Buyers response: we'll go find another one to buy today. Me: you do that. It's unreasonable to expect someone to be available with no notice and I left the conversation.

I get it. Buying and selling stuff online is a huge PITA. Had we had plans to meet and I had to reschedule I'd certainly knock few bucks off but not because you expect me to be available at a moments notice. My gut says the last minute "meet me right now" and when the buyer can't, asking them to drop the price is their standard practice.

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13 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

I'm selling a couple things via FB Marketplace. Nothing too exciting, a Fitbit  I never use and a backpack. Just some stuff laying around the house that I'm selling for a deal but not a cut rate price. My local PD has an internet transaction space in their lobby and I trust my gut, not engaging buyers who make my gut ping. 

Late Friday I get a message asking if one of the items is still available. I immediately reply yes, you interested? Crickets. Saturday around noon I get a message asking if I can meet  right now. Sorry, I just left but I can meet you Sunday late morning or early afternoon. Crickets. 20 minutes later "If it has to be tomorrow I hope you'll drop the price by $10". I responded price is firm. Internal dialog - You messaged me at the last minute, I didn't try and reschedule. Buyers response: we'll go find another one to buy today. Me: you do that. It's unreasonable to expect someone to be available with no notice and I left the conversation.

I get it. Buying and selling stuff online is a huge PITA. Had we had plans to meet and I had to reschedule I'd certainly knock few bucks off but not because you expect me to be available at a moments notice. My gut says the last minute "meet me right now" and when the buyer can't, asking them to drop the price is their standard practice.

75% of my attempts to sell stuff have gone that way. Fortunately, the good buyers make me feel better about the bad non-buyers. I, too, have dealt with the contacting-and-ghosting, wanting a deep discount on the item after being flakey, wanting to meet immediately, and/or asking me 1,000 questions about the item that they could find out with research (not questions about the condition of the item).

So, yeah, I completely understand and sympathize. I've always used Craigslist so I could be somewhat anonymous. I reveal my name/info after an interested party contacts me. I tried Letgo once without much luck.

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