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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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That's sheisty.  File a charge back with your credit card or something.  I've never heard of Green Chef either, but definitely won't try them now.  

I ordered a sweater online thinking it was a light blue, and it came yesterday. It is actually light green.  It's pretty, but I don't need a light green sweater because I already have one. Yes, this is a first world peeve.  It was only $20 so I don't want to go through the trouble of returning it so I'll probably give it to my sister. Why can't the color online be more accurate? Bah.  

  • Love 1
On 12/3/2016 at 8:01 PM, TattleTeeny said:

Or at least, you know, give people the time to actually try the dinners! Did they think I would make all three in one night? Not that it matter, as I was supposed to have known to cancel before the shipment even showed up.

You couldn't have made it all in one night, not with the lot of ingredients that came for every meal!

  • Love 1

This goes way beyond pet peeve and into rage territory.

Nicki Minaj used her phone to video a homeless mentally ill woman as Minaj mocked her and taunted her. IT IS HORRIBLE. Minaj in her limo taunting a mentally ill person and then POSTING IT on social media. I hate that fucking bitch so much I have no words. No one would make fun of a cancer patient, but the mentally ill are fair game for that bitch Minaj. I wish her backlash of epic proportion.  Bitch

  • Love 12

I'm peeved that shows I watch will all take a break soon - just when I have more time to watch them. 

This used to be my peeve back in the day before On Demand/DVRs......now when shows go on hiatus, I try to catch up on movies that I've been meaning to watch.

My peeve is this "mid-season finale" BS and the fact that shows produce a shorter amount of episodes then they used to in the past. Shows used to be at least 22 episodes in a season. Now it seems live the average is about 15 eps. Christmas Hiatus used to mean the 2nd week in December till the 1st or 2nd week in January. Now shows have their "mid-season finale" in early Dec. and don't come back on to late Feb or sometimes March.  By that time, you've almost forgotten what was going on.

  • Love 5
11 hours ago, forumfish said:

Light bulbs. Again. I want to throw every last fricken one against a brick wall.

You've got my attention. What did the light bulbs do?

Interestingly, this isn't so much of a pet peeve as it is a Murphy's Law thing, but I have a light bulb thing to share.  Thanksgiving weekend one of the three 100W bulbs in my upstairs hallway burned out. As those lights tend to spend long times on while kids are upstairs fooling around or taking showers, I thought to myself that it was a good opportunity to throw in an LED bulb.  The 100W replacements came in a two pack, so I went ahead and replaced a second one of the three bulbs figuring that I'll get started on saving energy right away.  

This past Sunday afternoon I walked upstairs, flipped on the switch, and the bulb I DIDN"T CHANGE popped and burned out. D'oh. 

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

My peeve is this "mid-season finale" BS and the fact that shows produce a shorter amount of episodes then they used to in the past. Shows used to be at least 22 episodes in a season.

You ought to have been back in the 50s and 60s-- there was plenty more than that in a season. One season's worth of M Squad (1957-60 NBC police series w/the late Lee Marvin) had 40 episodes, and that was its second season (1958-59).

Edited by bmasters9

My pet-peeve of the moment: mystery coughing episodes!!!

It's been over two weeks now, and the little cough cold I thought I had hasn't gone away but seemingly gotten worse, even with a recent sick day and a dosage of antibiotics courtesy of my doctor. I literally get coughing attacks out of nowhere that last anywhere from 5-8 minutes straight...completely embarrassing and annoying, especially since I'm a teacher and have had to leave the classroom to cough my brains out countless times now. I'm so sick of coughing that my insides are achey and I'm sure both my husband and neighbors are beyond sick of hearing me hack the night away for many a sleep-deprived night. Yet I've tried every cough syrup and eaten my way through two bags of cough drops already...I'm going to a clinic today just to see if maybe I've been misdiagnosed and have bronchitis instead, but man, this is some bullshit---it just sucks feeling like Doc Holiday dying of tuberculosis here.

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, Sun-Bun said:

maybe I've been misdiagnosed and have bronchitis instead, but man, this is some bullshit---it just sucks feeling like Doc Holiday dying of tuberculosis here.

That sucks. Hopefully they come up with an answer for you. Bronchitis would make sense, since it's viral and antibiotics don't help. Also of note, bronchitis usually clears up after about two weeks, so maybe you're just about done with this.

  • Love 2
On 12/2/2016 at 7:18 AM, magicdog said:

New pet peeve:  disingenuous recipients of charity or assistance.

My newsroom is covering a story about a local dentist who offers free dental work in exchange for the recipient to pay the kindness forward.  On live TV, the reporter asked the woman in the chair how she planned to pay it forward.  Her response?  

"I'm gonna tell everyone else about this free dentist stuff!!"

I wonder if she didn't know what "pay it forward" means.  Or if she did, maybe she thought paying it forward WAS telling other people about it--she's giving them the same chance she got to better their lives. 



I also got a contact in Baltimore who told us about his mother's church collects winter coats for the underprivileged every year.  He used to donate annually until he noticed used coats turning up in the trash every spring!  It seems the recipients have come to expect brand new free coats at that time of the year and don't see the need to keep the coat they received so they casually toss them.  

That's a sticky one.  At the soup kitchen I help out at, there's an area where people can pick up donated clothes.  A volunteer complained that people will take a donated pair of jeans into the bathroom, change into it, and leave the old jeans behind, and said something like, "If that's how they behave, no wonder they can't afford new stuff."  But it occurred to me that the person might not have access to a washing machine, and/or might not have room to carry extra clothes, especially dirty ones.  It might be the person would have been just as happy to wash the clothes he already had, but that wasn't the option presented.



I do believe in offering help when needed but there are days when I wonder how often it's squandered by people like this.

I agree that it's frustrating, but I try very hard not to judge what people do with charity.  If they're in a position where they need to accept charity, they definitely have problems, and very likely that includes mental problems.  And you never know how past experiences have affected them, so what someone might perceive as greed could actually be the person acting out of a self-preservation instinct s/he has no control over.

Or it might be greed.  Who knows.  But there are LOTS of greedy people out there whose greed we just don't happen to get to see.

And actually, I have an easier time understanding people who seem greedy because they have nothing than people who DO have something but don't want to give it away without public recognition.  That's something I have a hard time respecting.

  • Love 11


I'm a teacher too, and I had bronchitis over the summer, for the entire summer. I feel your pain.  It was the worst.  I think my ribs are still irritated from all that coughing, because they still freaking hurt sometimes.  Damn kids and their damn germs.  I hope yours doesn't last as long as mine. 

  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

My pet-peeve of the moment: mystery coughing episodes!!!

It's been over two weeks now, and the little cough cold I thought I had hasn't gone away but seemingly gotten worse, even with a recent sick day and a dosage of antibiotics courtesy of my doctor. I literally get coughing attacks out of nowhere that last anywhere from 5-8 minutes straight...completely embarrassing and annoying, especially since I'm a teacher and have had to leave the classroom to cough my brains out countless times now. I'm so sick of coughing that my insides are achey and I'm sure both my husband and neighbors are beyond sick of hearing me hack the night away for many a sleep-deprived night. Yet I've tried every cough syrup and eaten my way through two bags of cough drops already...I'm going to a clinic today just to see if maybe I've been misdiagnosed and have bronchitis instead, but man, this is some bullshit---it just sucks feeling like Doc Holiday dying of tuberculosis here.

I feel you so so much. Sometimes I cough so hard I throw up. talk about embarrassing . I'm scared to go anywhere. My ribs hurt and I cannot get anyone to prescribe me any decent cough medicine .WHAT THE HELL? I'm coughing up my guts and cant sleep and cant any real cough medicine? I'm not asking for bottles and jugs of the stuff.Just some temporary relief for cryinout loud. I don't know where to go.

  • Love 1

Re: the cough that just won't go away. There are some respiratory viruses like RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) that cause edema and swelling in the airways. It causes that exact same hacking cough that hangs on for weeks. I work in a children's hospital as a respiratory therapist, and that thing is EVERYWHERE right now. With children, it's much more dangerous because their airways are teeny anyway, and if you add swelling and fluid... they literally can't breathe. A fair amount still get intubated and placed on ventilators until the swelling subsides, but a lot are being saved that experience by a heated (body temp), humidified, very high flow nasal cannula that uses the pressure of the flow to literally hold their airways open. And to repeat what you've all been told - it's viral, treated symptomatically and takes a few weeks to get back to close to normal. Sorry, guys.

Edited by riley702
  • Love 2
2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:


That's a sticky one.  At the soup kitchen I help out at, there's an area where people can pick up donated clothes.  A volunteer complained that people will take a donated pair of jeans into the bathroom, change into it, and leave the old jeans behind, and said something like, "If that's how they behave, no wonder they can't afford new stuff."  But it occurred to me that the person might not have access to a washing machine, and/or might not have room to carry extra clothes, especially dirty ones.  It might be the person would have been just as happy to wash the clothes he already had, but that wasn't the option presented.


One of the laundromats in my town does a free wash day twice a month for the homeless. They give them slugs to use to do their wash. I wish more places would do things like that. 

Peeve, people who spell laundromat " laundry mat". I know so many people who spell it that way.  Dumb asses. 

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:


That's a sticky one.  At the soup kitchen I help out at, there's an area where people can pick up donated clothes.  A volunteer complained that people will take a donated pair of jeans into the bathroom, change into it, and leave the old jeans behind, and said something like, "If that's how they behave, no wonder they can't afford new stuff."  But it occurred to me that the person might not have access to a washing machine, and/or might not have room to carry extra clothes, especially dirty ones.  It might be the person would have been just as happy to wash the clothes he already had, but that wasn't the option presented.


One of the laundromats in my town does a free wash day twice a month for the homeless. They give them slugs to use to do their wash. I wish more places would do things like that. 

Peeve, people who spell laundromat " laundry mat". I know so many people who spell it that way.  Dumb asses. 

I DO understand exactly what you're saying! I give those breathing treatments in the hospital all day long. Don't think of the "action plan", as we call them, to be scary. We're trying to eliminate fear and uncertainty. "Am I overreacting? Am I underreacting?" The action plan lays it out - if this happens, do this. This is when you should start giving extra treatments. This is when you should call your doctor. This is when things aren't working and you need to bring her to the ER. If this happens, call 911 immediately.

PS - does she have one of those cute pediatric masks? We have purple dragons and blue and gold fish for different nebulizers.

Edited by riley702
On 12/7/2016 at 4:03 PM, StatisticalOutlier said:

At the soup kitchen I help out at, there's an area where people can pick up donated clothes. A volunteer complained that people will take a donated pair of jeans into the bathroom, change into it, and leave the old jeans behind, and said something like, "If that's how they behave, no wonder they can't afford new stuff." 

A person on another discussion board always mentions that she volunteers at a homeless shelter but is full of rancor towards people who use those services: "They don't care, they're drunks, never ever give them any money because they'll use it for drugs, etc." Maybe take your hectoring and hatred to a nonprofit for injured possums or something, lady. She's so shitting proud of her "charitable" self.

Yeah, this is past peeve and into disgust.

Edited by lordonia
  • Love 8

If I'm giving someone money I'm giving it to them to do with what they will. Gave cash to a man with a need beer and smokes sign, gave cash to a man who couldn't have been much older than me for "gas money". He's either telling the truth or not, not my problem.

My pet peeve right now is people snapping and popping gum. WHY is that necessary? And why is it socially acceptable for them to snap and pop away at work but unacceptable for me to tell her to knock it off. Ugh!

  • Love 9

If I'm giving someone money I'm giving it to them to do with what they will. Gave cash to a man with a need beer and smokes sign, gave cash to a man who couldn't have been much older than me for "gas money". He's either telling the truth or not, not my problem.

Same here. 

I've worked with the homeless and other low-income populations in various capacities over many years.  There are assholes among them as there are in every group.  But abuse of the public benefits is infinitesimal (unlike those entitled to but improperly denied such benefits), and abuse of private charity also enough of a rarity that I have zero hesitation helping out without worrying how the aid will be used.

(And if my life ever devolves to the point I'm living under a freeway overpass and depending on the kindness of strangers, damn right I'm using some of any money I come up with for booze.)

  • Love 10

my pet peeve is stores - grocery, Walmart, any big store - having 20 or more cashier lanes, but never more than 4 of them are open.  OK, maybe if they're REALL busy they'll have 6 open.  But it seems like there are 15 lanes built, with cash registers set up,  JUST to open on Black Friday, and be closed  364 days a year.  If the stores were built with only 4 lanes, it wouldn't bug me as much.  I guess it's just that the managers  never seem to be able to anticipate that people will show up and shop.  More than once, I've given up on a purchase because the lines were too long. 

  • Love 11
7 hours ago, backformore said:

my pet peeve is stores - grocery, Walmart, any big store - having 20 or more cashier lanes, but never more than 4 of them are open.  OK, maybe if they're REALL busy they'll have 6 open.  But it seems like there are 15 lanes built, with cash registers set up,  JUST to open on Black Friday, and be closed  364 days a year.  If the stores were built with only 4 lanes, it wouldn't bug me as much.  I guess it's just that the managers  never seem to be able to anticipate that people will show up and shop.  More than once, I've given up on a purchase because the lines were too long. 

I've often heard it's simply because they can't hire enough help these days, sadly enough. Well here's a clue then, big supermarkets: PAY YOUR WORKERS BETTER!!! I'm so tired of hearing about underpaid Wal-Mart workers especially((who aren't even allowed full-time jobs because God forbid the zillionaire Walton family provide actual benefits and living wages for their millions of workers)). It's sad to see though and just shows me that we'll likely have computers/robots taking over these formerly human positions in a few years.

  • Love 8
9 hours ago, Bastet said:

I've worked with the homeless and other low-income populations in various capacities over many years.  There are assholes among them as there are in every group.  But abuse of the public benefits is infinitesimal (unlike those entitled to but improperly denied such benefits), and abuse of private charity also enough of a rarity that I have zero hesitation helping out without worrying how the aid will be used.

I learned a rough lesson when I was a teenager working in the grocery store as a cashier.  You became familiar with the regular shoppers who came in each week.  Back then if you were on food stamps they were actually different colored coupons that came in a booklet that you tore out to pay with so I knew this about you too.  The majority of time people using them were buying affordable basics - milk, eggs, cereal, tuna, etc... But sometimes they were used to buy things for a birthday party or some other celebration - so a cake from the bakery, chips, etc.. Almost every time that happened, the person behind them would have the look of disgust or make a snide comment about people abusing social programs and not really needing assistance.

I would have instantly lost my job if I would have told the person not to be so damn judgemental and I still was mentally bound by my upbringing where you didn't talk back to adults.

As for abuse of a private charity, I seem to recall some questionable stuff coming out recently about the Trump Foundation.  I hope that is the exception.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

I've often heard it's simply because they can't hire enough help these days, sadly enough. Well here's a clue then, big supermarkets: PAY YOUR WORKERS BETTER!!! I'm so tired of hearing about underpaid Wal-Mart workers especially((who aren't even allowed full-time jobs because God forbid the zillionaire Walton family provide actual benefits and living wages for their millions of workers)). It's sad to see though and just shows me that we'll likely have computers/robots taking over these formerly human positions in a few years.

Sorry - it's bullshit that they can't find people.   There's a Walmart in our town, and teenagers are always applying there.  They're usually  told all positions are filled. 

I would do a lot more shopping at a store where I knew I could get out of the store quickly, and not stand in line forever.   I can't count the number of times I changed my mind on a purchase while standing in line.  If they had more cashiers available, I would have been out of the store and in my car instead of standing there thinking "do I really need this?"

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, Qoass said:

On a related note, I hate those messages I hear when I'm on hold telling me there will be a wait because they are experiencing higher than anticipated call volume.  If this happens enough that they have a prerecorded message saying so, it doesn't say much for that company's planning skills.

  Agree, and I ALSO hate it when the muzac ends and the phone 'rings' ONLY to have ANOTHER  prerecorded message! Sakes! If you can't answer the phone, don't fake as though it's about to happen and then insult callers' intelligence by having a recording play yet again- just keep playing the muzac until a REAL HUMAN BEING can answer the phone! How difficult is that?

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

It's sad to see though and just shows me that we'll likely have computers/robots taking over these formerly human positions in a few years.

Those few years are today! Amazon has opened an unstaffed store in Seattle. From USA Today:

"Amazon is testing a grocery store in downtown Seattle that lets customers walk in, grab food from the shelves and walk out again, without ever having to stand in a checkout line.

Customers tap their cellphones on a turnstile as they walk into the store, which logs them into the store's network and connects to their Amazon account through an app.

The service is called Amazon Go. It uses machine learning, sensors and artificial intelligence to track items customers pick up. These are then added to the virtual cart on their app. If they pick up an item they later decide they don't want, putting it back on the shelf removes it from their cart."

  • Love 5

I used to work fairly close to the WalMart I would use if I needed to use the WalMart.  I quickly learned that it was better to make the hike back to the store on a Saturday than it was to use it during lunch time during the week, because the registers were much more well staffed on Saturday than Wednesday.  

And most grocery stores (WalMart may operate a little differently) do attempt to balance the staffing to have enough registers open to not stack up more than two people on a line at once. Any more and people will get annoyed and start going to a different store.  (If I find a store where it is constantly a problem, I for sure pick a new store.)  But for the most part I try not to get to worked up if a store that is normally pretty good with getting me checked out has not enough registers open.

Sometimes people don't act the way they normally do, and I can find myself at the store when it is far more crowded than normal, and the staffing isn't there to deal with it.  And then there is the very real issue that cashiers can and will (frequently) call out sick, which can leave a store shorthanded if enough of them do it the same day.  

  • Love 1
21 hours ago, Maharincess said:

Peeve, people who spell laundromat " laundry mat". I know so many people who spell it that way.  Dumb asses. 

Or people in Texas who call them "Washeterias." The signs actually say Washeteria. I don't necessarily think they're dumb. Just charmingly rural. Or just rural. 


5 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

I've often heard it's simply because they can't hire enough help these days, sadly enough. Well here's a clue then, big supermarkets: PAY YOUR WORKERS BETTER!!! I'm so tired of hearing about underpaid Wal-Mart workers especially((who aren't even allowed full-time jobs because God forbid the zillionaire Walton family provide actual benefits and living wages for their millions of workers)). It's sad to see though and just shows me that we'll likely have computers/robots taking over these formerly human positions in a few years.

This reminds me so much of the TV show "Superstore" with America Ferrera.  The workers walked out for this very reason.  The show is somewhat of a parody of big-box stores like Walmart, but many of the issues it deals with are spot on!


3 hours ago, lordonia said:

Those few years are today! Amazon has opened an unstaffed store in Seattle.

This week's sign of the Apocalypse. 

On 12/4/2016 at 10:19 AM, janestclair said:

That's sheisty.  File a charge back with your credit card or something.  I've never heard of Green Chef either, but definitely won't try them now.  

I ordered a sweater online thinking it was a light blue, and it came yesterday. It is actually light green.  It's pretty, but I don't need a light green sweater because I already have one. Yes, this is a first world peeve.  It was only $20 so I don't want to go through the trouble of returning it so I'll probably give it to my sister. Why can't the color online be more accurate? Bah.  

This happened to me Black Friday-  I saw a red sweater online w a snarky stitched caption. The size was out so I did a search on the site found a store in my area w it and went and it was all Barbie pink! Since I was buying it for a guy that was out. 

8 hours ago, topanga said:

Or people in Texas who call them "Washeterias." The signs actually say Washeteria. I don't necessarily think they're dumb. Just charmingly rural. Or just rural. 

That reminds me of my grandma, who had a Frigidaire brand refrigerator.  She called it the Frigidaire, and nobody could tell her differently.  It said Frigidaire right on the front of it - NOT refrigerator! (it was the first one she ever owned - the previous one, she called the icebox, because that's what it was)


I realized at one point that she thought "refrigerator"  was just a fancier word for Frigidaire.

Edited by backformore
  • Love 1
22 hours ago, topanga said:

Or people in Texas who call them "Washeterias." The signs actually say Washeteria. I don't necessarily think they're dumb. Just charmingly rural. Or just rural.

Aah, native Texan here. I didn't realize "washateria" was local.  Interesting. 

A friend turned me on to this pronunciation:   wash at uh REE uh.   Bless him forever.

  • Love 1

I've been slowing making my way through this thread, thoroughly enjoying everyone's pet peeves.  I have to add my own grocery store peeve. I don't mind when the cashier makes harmless comments on what I'm buying.  However, last week I was in line early in the morning.  There was only one register open and maybe seven people waiting. I was buying ice cream for my son, toilet paper because we needed it and Cracklin' Oat Bran because I like it. 

Man in front of me loudly: Whoa! That's the breakfast of champions.  

Me: Great.  Thanks.

Man: I said, that's the breakfast of champions!

Me:  Ya, I heard you.  Thanks.

Man: Jesus, what's your problem?

Me: My problem is I'm obviously dealing with someone who is incapable of picking up on social cues. I don't want to discuss bowel movements with you.

Lady behind me: Idiot.

He ran out of the store without buying his items. My husband thinks he was hitting on me. I think that's got to be the worst pickup line ever.

My other pet peeve is my friend currently has a 4 paragraph FB status about her dog and how she doesn't want to celebrate Christmas without him. (He died a year ago.)  Okay, I don't want to start any fights. I get that people think of their pets as their kids. But I remember when my mom passed away and I was home from school to bury her, my friend at her funeral said to me, "I'm sorry, my cat died last summer". I don't have any answer for that. I'm at the age when parents start to decline in health and pass away. Please don't compare that to your pet.

  • Love 8

sealit, if you were still in college, maybe your friend had never lost anyone close and was trying to sympathize the only way she could. Yeah, she struck out hard, but hopefully she's since learned that a sincere "I'm sorry" is the best way to go. I wouldn't judge all pet owners on one kid in her early 20s flailing for the proper thing to say.

  • Love 9
On ‎12‎/‎9‎/‎2016 at 0:28 AM, Bastet said:

There was a time when Frigidaire was almost as synonymous with refrigerator as Xerox later was with copy machine, such that people with another brand's fridge would still call it a Frigidaire, just like decades later folks using another company's copier would nevertheless call it a Xerox machine.

Like Coke is used in some places to describe that caffeinated beverage also called soda, pop, and soft drink depending on your region.  I've had many conversations that started along the lines of 'No, Pepsi is not Coke.  I'll have a Dr. Pepper instead."

7 hours ago, riley702 said:

sealit, if you were still in college, maybe your friend had never lost anyone close and was trying to sympathize the only way she could. Yeah, she struck out hard, but hopefully she's since learned that a sincere "I'm sorry" is the best way to go. I wouldn't judge all pet owners on one kid in her early 20s flailing for the proper thing to say.

I totally get this and agree. I'm still good friends with the girl. My other friend's FB post 19 years later brought the memory back. Several of my friends have lost parents and family members this year. It would sting to read this woman's post about her dog if my mother's death was more recent. It seems rather thoughtless of her.

I lost my 15 year old cat in September. It never occurred to me to post about my first Christmas without the little rugrat. Probably (like you said) because the death of my mom gives me a different perspective. Just my personal pet peeve. I can't compare the loss of a pet with the loss of a human family member. 

Edited by sealit
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, sealit said:

It would sting to read this woman's post about her dog if my mother's death was more recent. It seems rather thoughtless of her.

Yes and no IMO.  Since the post was on her FB page, it was about her and what she is feeling right now.  People can choose to read it or not; they can choose to like it or offer condolences or not.  I'm assuming she was not implying her sense of loss was on the same level as others who have lost a loved one.

  • Love 10

I love reading about different ways people talk or what they call things in different areas. 

stewedsquash, you should come on over to a travel forum I've been reading all day. The locals (I won't tell you local to what city) are telling posters from other countries "We don't call it that here, if you ask for that, no one will know what you mean," over and over again, when everyone knows exactly what they mean.   For example, Brits posting about jumpers, or calling the subway "the underground" causes much hand wringing.   Dinner vs. lunch vs. tea, oh the confusion that creates.

I suggested that it's nice to learn that not everyone in the world lives like you..... 

  • Love 2
Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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