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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

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Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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52 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

Fred: "So you started at 16?"

Jackie: "Sure, let's go with that."

He says 18, but yeah, her "We'll go with that" reaction to his assumption is another reason that scene makes me laugh.  I also love the beginning of the conversation, him being relieved when she says she's only dated a few people seriously, saying, "It's not that I'd mind if you slept with a lot of guys," and she cuts him off, laughing, with, "Oh, well - slept with.  That's not what you asked me."

The scene is a good illustration of how a lot of men react to learning the woman he's dating has had more sexual partners than he has.

And then, of course, there are the men who get huffy if she's slept with the same number of people he has, or even fewer people than he has but still "too many" in his estimation, because of his sexist double standard.

Edited by Bastet
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47 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

Fred: "So you started at 16?"

Jackie: "Sure, let's go with that."

Maybe it's the Xennial in me, but I kind of judge anyone with too many partners (which will depend on age and the number of people one has had a real relationship with - this is my rule) as "easy."  I think it has to do with the fear-mongering of sexually transmitted diseases that dominated teen girls' magazines in the 90s.  

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9 minutes ago, PRgal said:

sexually transmitted diseases

↑This is the only reason the number of previous sexual partners matters, IMO, regardless of gender.  

But having hung up my dancing shoes (figuratively speaking) decades ago, maybe I’m missing something.     🤷🏻‍♀️

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1 hour ago, shapeshifter said:

↑This is the only reason the number of previous sexual partners matters, IMO, regardless of gender.  

But having hung up my dancing shoes (figuratively speaking) decades ago, maybe I’m missing something.     🤷🏻‍♀️

As long as both partners are honest about the results of their most recent STD test and use protection until they agree not to (and hopefully get tested, again if they haven't been exclusive), the number of partners is moot. 

The emphasis on knowing your number, sharing your number, the "formula" because people always lie about their number, it's all designed to circle back to misogynistic thinking and "slut shaming" women for enjoying an active sex life, all while high fiving the dudes for having the same, or a higher "number.

Edited by theredhead77
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3 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

That said, my likeminded friends and I have been known to call each other it in jest; we neither mean it nor would care of any of us actually was a so-called “slut.” Not very evolved of us, but we’re fake-mean jerks! 

110% understand where you are coming from with your friends.

Grrr. I was hoping this would merge with my above post.

Edited by theredhead77
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3 hours ago, Bastet said:

I love on Roseanne when Fred asks Jackie how many partners she's had, and she figures maybe three a year, so three a year for 20 years is 60 people:

Fred: I don't even know sixty people.
Jackie: Well, I didn't know all of them.

Because I like that it illustrates the above point that judging the number of people a woman has had sex with is wrong, full stop, but also pretty stupid when you flip out about a "high" number without taking into account dating history.  So, OMG, 60 people?! is wrong because who is anyone to judge, but it's also dumb because that works out to a measly three people in a given year. 

Yes! That said, if someone told me 60 a year, I reserve the right to be not judgy but at least very confused, haha! Who has the time and where would they find the people?!

Ehh, if I like the guy enough, I’ll be “easy.” Why not? Of course, I haven’t tested that strategy in 12 years. Gave it a whirl on the first date and kept the dude.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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I had rats get into my attic space (I could hear something scurrying above, thought oh no, poked my head through the access panel, and found rat crap), so had to go hunting for the entry point to seal that up (and also reinforced some other vulnerabilities, because that's a big fat NO on rodent infestation).

I apologize in advance if I'm assuming your gender but your post reminded me of this local TV show we used to have here in Seattle. It was called Almost Live and it was a skit show like SNL. There was a segment they used to do about a realistic super hero called Middle Aged Man. He was always helping his neighbors with their household projects. He had a mentor, Retired Guy and his arch nemesis was Independent Widow. She could do everything he could and it drove him nuts. She had the complete set of Time Life home repair books.

Edited by peacheslatour
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6 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Yes! That said, if someone told me 60 a year, I reserve the right to be not judgy but at least very confused, haha! Who has the time and where would they find the people?!

Sex parties! (the link is a clip of Stephen Colbert's monologue and should start at 3 minutes for Colbert's bit about the existence of such things)

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Speaking of names to call people, I'm not one who's super offended by many names so long as they're not racist or homophobic. I have noticed all the misogyny in put downs though. Even really polite people I know use son of a bitch often. A pet peeve of is the fact so many things don't even make sense or aren't effective if you're not religious. 


3759.pngI've always agreed with the iconic Betty White on this, but who's really going to say grow a vagina? Sadly, everyone still says don't be a pussy. It really should be the opposite if we're going to use those body parts as insults. 

Go to hell doesn't have the same effect when you're not sure it exists. 

I try to be better in the rare instances I name call and whatnot, but it's hard to get your anger across using expressions no one else ever does. "Stop being such an awful person" doesn't quite cut it sometimes. 

Oh another pet peeve is white trash. So many people still use it, but it's offensive to everyone-the person you're saying it to and the implication people of color are already understood to be trash. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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2 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

Oh another pet peeve is white trash. So many people still use it, but it's offensive to everyone-the person you're saying it to and the implication people of color are already understood to be trash. 

You know, that’s never crossed my mind.  I thought it was just the white equivalent to, say,  FOB (Fresh off the Boat), which is used by people of Asian heritage (even though no one comes by boat if they’re coming from Asia anymore).  And in turn, Cantonese speakers from Hong Kong call people like me, Jook Sing. 

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2 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

always agreed with the iconic Betty White on this,

She did not say that.  When asked about it, she replied, “That’s what I hate about Facebook and the internet. They can say you said anything. I never would have said that. I’d never say that in a million years.”

Several comedians have done bits on how "pussy" being used to mean weak is lame because the vagina is tougher than the penis/testicles, though - Hal Sparks, Sheng Wang, and Trevor Noah.


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Ok here's my pet peeve: the certain type of woman who thinks the ultimate flex is "I have a rich husband/boyfriend/fiance." I ran into one of those today online. She said the following after she was telling people she quit her job due to the vaccine mandate:


Enjoy working your but off for a system that can care less about you. Normally I wouldn’t brag but I honestly worked out of interest not necessity. I am wayyy younger than you and have several investment properties that generate more money than any teacher salary will and my fiancé is making more money than any too salary teacher. The difference is that I put my health first. Good luck in dirty classroom with over 30 students, many of which I’m sure are unvaccinated.

Like ... why do women do this? It's great that your fiance makes money, but why is that like the ultimate flex?

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

She did not say that.  When asked about it, she replied, “That’s what I hate about Facebook and the internet. They can say you said anything. I never would have said that. I’d never say that in a million years.”

Several comedians have done bits on how "pussy" being used to mean weak is lame because the vagina is tougher than the penis/testicles, though - Hal Sparks, Sheng Wang, and Trevor Noah.


Ha! I should have known better. I’ve seen many quotes attributed to Marilyn Monroe that she never said. Thank you for letting me know. I agree with whoever did initially say it. 

I normally say someone has guts rather than balls and call someone a coward over pussy. 

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14 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

Oh dear, no! Haha, I am not a prude but oooh, I am also not a sex party kind of girl!


14 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

Nope. Not even in the seventies, when they had those "key" parties. Ugh.

I am 110% you do you, be safe and have fun. Sex parties sound exhausting but I randomly just learned of a sex club in Atlanta that is supposed to have the best chicken and waffles, and opens their buffet at 1am. Even if I was a sex club kinda gal I'd be at home, asleep at 1am. That buffet needs to open earlier!

22 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

And they're quiet. They don't drive the neighbors crazy with never-ending barking.

One of my cats is so loud you can hear it outside. I remember coming home from work and thinking he escaped because I was on the ground floor and my apartment was on the third floor, and I could hear him. Nope. He's just that loud.

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4 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

And all of these years I thought that was in reference to house cats and not female body parts.

For years it has been often said that it isn't masculine for men to have cats as pets.  They must have dogs.

I can remember talking to various people back in the day about pets.  And when I have said I have always had cats, never owned a dog, on more than one occasion, I have gotten that weird confused tilted head look from individuals.  That same reaction that a dog gives when spoken to.

Cats are easier to deal with.  They have a litter box, and don't have to go outside. 


Along with the “cats are for girls” thing, I hate when people decide you must be a “cat person.” First, so what if I was? Second, I’m actually a PET PERSON; I’d love to also have a dog — the needier the better — but cats have always simply been more appropriate for my schedule, my home, my boyfriend’s allergies, etc. (And I adore a man who adores his cats!)

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2 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

One of my cats is so loud you can hear it outside. I remember coming home from work and thinking he escaped because I was on the ground floor and my apartment was on the third floor, and I could hear him. Nope. He's just that loud.

Lily can be loud, too, if she's not sure where my mom went to or she's been put in a carrier to go somewhere. Recently my mom took her to get her fur trimmed, and she started meowing up a storm the minute she got put in the carrier. She was so loud that I could hear her after my mom left our apartment and was taking her down the steps, and then once they were outside as well, all the way up to when my mom put her in the car :p. Just very sharp, vocal, "MROW!" noises. 

Our other cat, Mitsi, isn't one to meow. The only time I've ever heard her do that is if she's in a carrier, and even then, she's much quieter than Lily. Her meows come off more like some kind of meek little, 'Um, I don't mean to be a bother, but...".

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2 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

(And I adore a man who adores his cats!)

Absolutely.  Like really does attract like, because almost all of my friends - of any gender - have cats (a few have dogs, too), and I grew up with a cat-loving man.  My dad grew up with no concept of pets, since the family could barely afford to keep the humans alive, but when he fell in love with my "love me, love my cat" mom, a year into their marriage he declared they needed a second cat.  So from the moment I was born I just saw loving pet ownership, not some sexist assignment of pet to gender.

Whatever one's pet preference, fine, of course (e.g. I love dogs, I just don't care to live with one), but those who don't care about animals, period, and men who, rather than just not being into cats, have a cat aversion because it's not "manly" to like them are not worth my glance in their direction (same with men who claim anything isn't "manly", of course, but this is one of many common examples).

How someone treats the most vulnerable members of our society says the most about them.  If they are cruel, dismissive, or indifferent to animals, people experiencing poverty/homelessness, the elderly, people in low-level service jobs, etc. it doesn't much matter what good qualities they have; they are fundamentally lacking a baseline compassion.

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46 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Absolutely.  Like really does attract like, because almost all of my friends - of any gender - have cats (a few have dogs, too), and I grew up with a cat-loving man.  My dad grew up with no concept of pets, since the family could barely afford to keep the humans alive, but when he fell in love with my "love me, love my cat" mom, a year into their marriage he declared they needed a second cat.  So from the moment I was born I just saw loving pet ownership, not some sexist assignment of pet to gender.

Whatever one's pet preference, fine, of course (e.g. I love dogs, I just don't care to live with one), but those who don't care about animals, period, and men who, rather than just not being into cats, have a cat aversion because it's not "manly" to like them are not worth my glance in their direction (same with men who claim anything isn't "manly", of course, but this is one of many common examples).

How someone treats the most vulnerable members of our society says the most about them.  If they are cruel, dismissive, or indifferent to animals, people experiencing poverty/homelessness, the elderly, people in low-level service jobs, etc. it doesn't much matter what good qualities they have; they are fundamentally lacking a baseline compassion.

Completely agree. When I first met my husband, he had a cat and I had a cat. At one point we had seven cats because his had kittens. I was taking her to have her spayed when she jumped out of my car at a stop light. I pulled over to look for her and a cop stopped and actually helped me look but we never found her. :-(

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That is my fucking nightmare, @peacheslatour. I check the carriers for breaches 9000 times and sometimes my loony self carries the carrier in my arms as opposed to by the strap — even though we have no busy streets to cross and the car windows are never more than barely cracked. And even though we’re not planning to move, I like to look at houses online anyway, and my constant issue is that I would want two entry doors, eg, a screened porch door that closes behind you before you get to the main door to minimize the possibility of a runner!

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1 minute ago, TattleTeeny said:

That is my fucking nightmare, @peacheslatour. I check the carriers for breaches 9000 times and sometimes my loony self carries the carrier in my arms as opposed to by the strap — even though we have no busy streets to cross and the car windows are never more than barely cracked. And even though we’re not planning to move, I like to look at houses online anyway, and my constant issue is that I would want two entry doors, eg, a screened porch door that closes behind you before you get to the main door to minimize the possibility of a runner!

That's a good idea. This was back in the seventies when cat carriers were unheard of in these parts. My own cat went everywhere with me. She even lived in my car with me for a time. She also came to work with me very day and sat under my desk. I wasn't used to freakazoid cats like he had.

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I  totally get that not every contractor I reach out to is ready, willing or available to take on whatever current household  issue I am dealing with (right now it is a plumbing problem) but it is getting discouraging, and is now a major peeve of mine, that so many of these people don't even have the courtesy to call me back.  A simple "sorry but I'm swamped" would be enough.  So maddening.

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1 hour ago, Browncoat said:

Current (and annual) peeve -- every year in Virginia is an election year for something.  The political ads are never-ending, and extraordinarily annoying.

Different place but same reason.  I'm getting survey calls that won't stop calling until I answer the survey.

In other news.  I had a call with an exterminator today that led me to utter these sentences in mildy freaked out exasperation.

"You can stop trying to persuade me to sign up for your service.  I am surrounded by giant spiders and I want them dead.  I want them dead now.  I'm convinced.  When can you have someone out here?" 

"I don't want to know about what I can't see.  What I can see is bad enough.  Inside outside, Do it all.  I want them dead."

That did not stop them from finishing their sales script.  If I weren't surrounded by freaking spiders I would have called someone else.

I only saw them outside.  I have to believe they are only outside.  Because its horrifying how big they are.  I'm not going to sleep well tonight.  I would really like to figure out how to cover my ears nose and mouth without asphyxiating myself.

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16 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

Super fine mosquito netting?

Yep, that's what I was thinking. They have those full-bed nets like the ones you used to see in old-timey safari movies. They hang from a single hook you can screw into the ceiling and surround yourself in romantic, gauzy protection. (I know this because I looked into them to keep myself from being bitten by no-see-ums, but then they just went away.)

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The problem with wholesale extermination of (in many cases) beneficial insects, is we lose the benefit for a short-term solution.  Whatever conditions exist that are attracting them will likely still exist when the insecticides dissipate.  I would ask the exterminator what is drawing them, and maybe it can be remedied with less environmental impact.

I totally understand being eeked out.

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3 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

Yep, that's what I was thinking. They have those full-bed nets like the ones you used to see in old-timey safari movies. They hang from a single hook you can screw into the ceiling and surround yourself in romantic, gauzy protection. (I know this because I looked into them to keep myself from being bitten by no-see-ums, but then they just went away.)

Amazon has several starting at around $15.00. Some are pretty cool.

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i hate inflation. And supply chains. And shortages.

I decided to buy a piece of furniture.  But its a giant piece of furniture so I decided to do the musical furniture and get the out going piece to the dump (its broken, no one will take it).  So its been a couple weeks and the price went up 20%.  This isn't a place that has sales ever.  This is inflation not missing a sale price. This is the second time it went up.  I was an idiot not to pull the trigger on the last increase thinking it wouldn't go up a second time in the time it took me to stop procrastinating.

I am also peeved at my tendency to procrastinate.

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A friend is moving to another state next month, and hadn't planned on taking most of her furniture with her - a lot of it is stuff she's had for over 20 years and not the greatest quality because that's all she could afford at the time; she figured she'd replace it once she bought a house, and that's finally happening -- donate/sell most of it here, and buy new stuff there to go with the new house.

But now it's so hard to get anything, she can't take the chance, and will have to pay movers to schlep it all to the new house, and then replace one by one when she secures new pieces.

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

A friend is moving to another state next month, and hadn't planned on taking most of her furniture with her - a lot of it is stuff she's had for over 20 years and not the greatest quality because that's all she could afford at the time; she figured she'd replace it once she bought a house, and that's finally happening -- donate/sell most of it here, and buy new stuff there to go with the new house.

But now it's so hard to get anything, she can't take the chance, and will have to pay movers to schlep it all to the new house, and then replace one by one when she secures new pieces.

I'm going to run into that issue too, I think. The couch is not moving but the IKEA stuff I was going to donate is probably coming with me now. 

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OK, so we rant a lot about deliveries around here and I usually give carriers the benefit of the doubt because 1) I worked as a UPS driver helper one Christmas season and it drastically changed how I view deliveries, and 2) my boyfriend is a commercial delivery driver. The job is HARD. All that said, I am HOT over this...

I ordered some coffee from a "small" roaster in Florida, though they are apparently no longer that small seeing as how they can now afford commercials on streaming platforms...I started seeing as soon as I ordered from them.

They took a solid week to even ship out the coffee (their website said 3-5 business days), and then it took two days to get to the FedEx facility here in NC...15 miles from me, where it's been sitting for two days! I'm really irritated. I know this is a dumb "problem", but the point of ordering "fresh-roasted" coffee is that it arrives fresh.

I don't even know to whom to complain at this point. I should've read their reviews before I ordered. Every other person says their shipping is balls. Am I ever going to get my coffee? Who even knows?

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Turned on TV. Joe Namath reminding me how old I am. Flip channel. Joe Montana, less decrepit, but still, no. Flip. J.J. Walker, clearly no longer a teenager. Arrrggghhh! I'm old and I'm retired. I didn't work hard for 50 years to spend my golden years watching aging actors and athletes on endless TV commercials for Medicare add-ons. I don't want to lose sleep stressing over plans and networks and co-pays and premiums. This isn't life. It's practice for hell.

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1 hour ago, HissyFit said:

Turned on TV. Joe Namath reminding me how old I am. Flip channel. Joe Montana, less decrepit, but still, no. Flip. J.J. Walker, clearly no longer a teenager. Arrrggghhh! I'm old and I'm retired. I didn't work hard for 50 years to spend my golden years watching aging actors and athletes on endless TV commercials for Medicare add-ons. I don't want to lose sleep stressing over plans and networks and co-pays and premiums. This isn't life. It's practice for hell.

You got that right.

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1 hour ago, HissyFit said:

Turned on TV. Joe Namath reminding me how old I am. Flip channel. Joe Montana, less decrepit, but still, no. Flip. J.J. Walker, clearly no longer a teenager

My peeve here is people like Joe Namath and Tom Selleck shilling for products that they clearly have no need for - medicare, reverse mortgages etc but making it sound like they do. But when I was complaining about this to my sister she pointed out how unlikely it was that people like Amber Heard are actually using home hair colouring products so at least it's not just elderly (ish) actors pushing products they don't use.

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28 minutes ago, SusannahM said:

My peeve here is people like Joe Namath and Tom Selleck shilling for products that they clearly have no need for - medicare, reverse mortgages etc but making it sound like they do. But when I was complaining about this to my sister she pointed out how unlikely it was that people like Amber Heard are actually using home hair colouring products so at least it's not just elderly (ish) actors pushing products they don't use.

What? Do you mean Brooke Shields doesn't furnish her entire house from La-Z-Boy?

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3 hours ago, HissyFit said:

Turned on TV. Joe Namath reminding me how old I am. Flip channel. Joe Montana, less decrepit, but still, no. Flip. J.J. Walker, clearly no longer a teenager. Arrrggghhh! I'm old and I'm retired. I didn't work hard for 50 years to spend my golden years watching aging actors and athletes on endless TV commercials for Medicare add-ons. I don't want to lose sleep stressing over plans and networks and co-pays and premiums. This isn't life. It's practice for hell.


Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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1 hour ago, SusannahM said:

My peeve here is people like Joe Namath and Tom Selleck shilling for products that they clearly have no need for - medicare, reverse mortgages etc but making it sound like they do. But when I was complaining about this to my sister she pointed out how unlikely it was that people like Amber Heard are actually using home hair colouring products so at least it's not just elderly (ish) actors pushing products they don't use.

And Sissy.  Don't forget Sissy (who by the way, looks fabulous). 



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On 10/5/2021 at 9:25 PM, ParadoxLost said:

That did not stop them from finishing their sales script.  If I weren't surrounded by freaking spiders I would have called someone else.

I only saw them outside.  I have to believe they are only outside.  Because its horrifying how big they are.  I'm not going to sleep well tonight.  I would really like to figure out how to cover my ears nose and mouth without asphyxiating myself.

I got a spider bite in my bedroom on my lower leg.  I wound up with Cellulitis in the hospital for 8 days on IV.  Even after the exterminator sprayed in and out.  My brilliant Son went to Walmart and bought these glue strips for spiders that you put a few in each room, even bathroom along the wall where they walk.  They just walk on the sticky strips and die there.  You wouldn’t believe how many we caught.  They are called “Eliminator Spider Strips” red n white package in Walmart, Home Depot or on line.  You will be amazed.  Pm  me if u want more info.

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When my router goes down for no apparent reason. It was down for 3 hours this afternoon, and I still don’t know why it went down or why it came back up. I just keep unplugging it, waiting 30 minutes, and plugging it back in. That always works, but I WFH and freak out when it goes down. Especially this weekend, when I have a bunch of work to do that is heavily dependent on having internet access (building out a SharePoint site). 

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On 10/5/2021 at 6:25 PM, ParadoxLost said:

Different place but same reason.  I'm getting survey calls that won't stop calling until I answer the survey.



Don't you have an ignore/block button?

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On 10/6/2021 at 5:15 PM, peacheslatour said:

Amazon has several starting at around $15.00. Some are pretty cool.

This reminded me, that I'm still waiting for a delivery that Amazon told me was delivered yesterday afternoon, and they gave a really specific time, too. No photograph of the delivery, but I had been told Friday afternoon at the latest in the time-frame, and that's when they told me it was delivered. I contacted the seller, and they told me to contact Fed Ex directly, which bugged me - I told them maybe they should contact them, too, since they're the ones that chose to ship through them. I used the tracking number on the Fed Ex site, and that told me that it isn't expected to get here until Tuesday. 

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Also: Amazon giving us credit, instead of giving us our money back. Plus, being told that I couldn't request a refund for this item, because I hadn't contacted the seller (which I was trying to do at the time). When I went back, they said it hadn't been two days since I'd contacted the seller. If it doesn't arrive on Tuesday, I'd like to get my money back, so that I can get it somewhere else, not trust Amazon to get one to me again. 


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On 10/8/2021 at 2:09 PM, peacheslatour said:

What? Do you mean Brooke Shields doesn't furnish her entire house from La-Z-Boy?

Haha .. and the brand new faces on the old faces.  I can barely watch Grace & Frankie.  Jane Fonda stretched so tight, I can barely see her eyes.  The men sort of leave things alone.

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