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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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I was meant to have a telephone appointment with my doctor at 4:20 this afternoon.  It is now 8:10 at night, and my phone has not rung.  I'm a little peeved, but at the same time am wondering if I gave them the correct phone number.  I guess I'll try again tomorrow, but I hope they don't try to bill me for this one!

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2 hours ago, Cobb Salad said:

Yet this manager is asking for this criticism out of the blue and through email where the responses may be misconstrued.  She did not copy anyone in management (such as the person heading up the project, who happens to be my hiring manager) so I don’t know what’s up with that.  

I'm the type of person who will reply and copy all of the people on the project who were left off of the email, lol. I don't like it when people try to sneak stuff past others or leave off people who should be copied and deliberately aren't. A woman I work with doesn't like my manager and used to try to go around her and leave her off of emails I was copied on. She stopped doing that after I kept replying with "I see 'manager' was inadvertently not part of the original email chain so I'm looping her in now". My manager had a chat with her manager and it stopped. I'm all about transparency in my work, sneaking stuff around and deliberately leaving people out of the conversation irks me.

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38 minutes ago, supposebly said:

The website where I log into my Credit card account isn't working. It's basically stuck getting to the login page. I emailed on Friday. No answer. None of Opera, Firefox or Chrome work and neither of my computers. I realize I might be alone in checking my account daily but still.

This is a longshot, but are you trying to access your account on an iPhone that you recently updated to iOS 14? 
If so, try using a browser instead of an app.
My sister said to wait on updating my phone (because Apple didn't give businesses enough lead time to update their apps).

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28 minutes ago, emma675 said:

I'm the type of person who will reply and copy all of the people on the project who were left off of the email, lol. I don't like it when people try to sneak stuff past others or leave off people who should be copied and deliberately aren't. A woman I work with doesn't like my manager and used to try to go around her and leave her off of emails I was copied on. She stopped doing that after I kept replying with "I see 'manager' was inadvertently not part of the original email chain so I'm looping her in now". My manager had a chat with her manager and it stopped. I'm all about transparency in my work, sneaking stuff around and deliberately leaving people out of the conversation irks me.

That’s something I’ll consider.  The project I’m on has failed before under previous management (before my time) and there’s been some snafus under the current management so I’m not sure if anyone is looking to replace this guy, get ammunition for later or if I’m overreacting. 

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2 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

This is a longshot, but are you trying to access your account on an iPhone that you recently updated to iOS 14? 
If so, try using a browser instead of an app.

Thanks for trying but that's not it. I'm a Windows/Android person and I use the same desktop computer or laptop at home I always use. I don't bank with my phone. I use Opera or Firefox. Neither worked. So I tried Chrome, and that didn't work either. It's been like this since last week. It's not even the account, the browser is already stuck getting to the login page. Now, I'm wondering if there has been a Windows 10 update that is messing with things. Nothing else seems to be affected however.

I guess I'll have to call them. Sigh. How I loooove waiting in a customer service call queue and then having to answer security questions that I've forgotten the answer to since I have to do this only every 2 years or so.

ETA: Now this is strange. I tried again turning on the VPN in Opera and all of a sudden, it worked again! And again, even after turning it off. I had to reconfirm the device as safe but it's working ok now.

Edited by supposebly
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@TattleTeeny:  I want to scream too! Especially because I have yet to receive a Sephora order that I made nearly three weeks ago.  It’s not like I purchased internationally.  It was from the Canadian site.  It’s still stuck in BC last I checked.  I’m in Toronto.  

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Pet peeve of today (and yesterday too) is a grown ass adult who gives the "silent" treatment. In my case it's a coworker who is mad at me for a stupid reason and won't respond to me when I send a message or email. I guess it's too much to expect coworkers to say, be professional or mature in a work setting????? I think not! 

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7 hours ago, MissFeatherbottom said:

Pet peeve of today (and yesterday too) is a grown ass adult who gives the "silent" treatment. In my case it's a coworker who is mad at me for a stupid reason and won't respond to me when I send a message or email. I guess it's too much to expect coworkers to say, be professional or mature in a work setting????? I think not! 

I’m so sorry, @MissFeatherbottom; that’s so petty and rude. And there’s nothing like a childish adult who pouts to annoy the shit out of those of us who pride ourselves on being mature adults, but one should *always* leave personal feelings at the door and remain professional on the job despite any personal issues. 

There’s only one time I admittedly gave a coworker the silent treatment on the job, but I felt very justified to do so. A few years ago a sneaky rat of a “mentor” of mine at a past workplace made sure I didn’t get my contract renewed at that job over a mistake I had no idea I’d even made until she’d already ratted me out to our boss. However, I still had to finish up another awkward month at that job and finish my contract working with her. (And you better believe that I basically only reported to work that last month just to polish up my resume/job search and otherwise used up my sick leave/personal days left to go on job interviews)
So I avoided her like the plague after that because I had to constantly fight the urge to bitchslap her or scream at her to rot in Hell like the worthless piece of shit she was. Yet she had the nerve to repeatedly email me after that begging me for all MY contacts and MY procedures/materials that I’d worked so hard on developing after my 3 otherwise stellar years of working there for my replacement to use. She certainly didn’t deserve the dignity of my response at that point, so I hope it spoke volumes to her.

The joke’s on her rat ass though, because I ended up getting a much better and greater paying job barely a month after I left there, so she can choke for all I care! 

Edited by Sun-Bun
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Is it still a "Pet" Peeve if you want to yell and throw things at it, or is that a "Monster" Peeve?
Or maybe Pet Peeves turn me into a monster?
I did web design for over 20 years, and am still (obviously?) a heavy web user. Software continues to change, but clear wording and user-oriented design are still necessary but often non-existent.
I am trying to vote by mail because the website for my county (Lake in Illinois) requests us to do so if at all possible because of COVID.
About a month ago I obediently fill out the form online to request my vote-by-mail form. The form said to login and check the status of it starting yesterday (September 24).
I did, clicked the appropriate button (among a dozen buttons) and got this message: 


Your Vote by Mail Ballot was issued on 9/24/2020
and has not been received by the County Clerk's Office.

What does that mean? 
Does it mean the County Clerk's Office has not yet received my ballot from wherever they are made and so has not sent it to me yet? 
I called the number on the website to find out. 
The answering machine at that number says they are closed for COVID and gives 2 options for non-voting questions and and number for everything else. 
I called the number and was told to hold while I was transferred --back to the first number.
I called the second number again and begged not to be transferred. 
Eventually I spoke to someone who told me the message means that they started mailing out the forms yesterday. 
I suggested it be reworded to something like:


The County Clerk's Office mailed out your ballot to you on 9/24/2020.

 Then there should be another button to select after the voter has sent in the ballot to check if the County Clerk has received it.



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I have a peeve that is actually a problem, and if any of you knows how to fix it, I'm open to suggestions.  

I have a MacBook Pro laptop (that I use on my lap), iPhone, and Apple Watch 5.  I also have Verizon everything (wifi, cellular, etc.).  If I am using the wifi on the MacBook, neither my phone nor my watch will ring or alert me to a text.  I almost missed a text from my boss (I just happened to look at the phone), and did miss the phone call from my doctor*.  The doctor left a voice mail, and since I was expecting that call, I was keeping a close eye on my phone.  Fortunately, I was able to call him back immediately and he was able to take my call.  But this seems to happen a lot.  I hadn't noticed the phone call part before, but the not getting text alerts has been happening for a while.  It seems only to happen when I'm actively using the laptop/wifi.  

Anyone have any ideas?  It's a serious problem.  Mr. Google might be able to help, but I can't figure out the right way to phrase the question in less than a paragraph, so any answers I've gotten from Google are not helpful in the slightest.

*The doctor call I missed wasn't the one I mentioned a few posts back.  That one never happened.  The one I missed was the replacement one the next day.

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21 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

I have a peeve that is actually a problem, and if any of you knows how to fix it, I'm open to suggestions.  

I have a MacBook Pro laptop (that I use on my lap), iPhone, and Apple Watch 5.  I also have Verizon everything (wifi, cellular, etc.).  If I am using the wifi on the MacBook, neither my phone nor my watch will ring or alert me to a text.  I almost missed a text from my boss (I just happened to look at the phone), and did miss the phone call from my doctor*.  The doctor left a voice mail, and since I was expecting that call, I was keeping a close eye on my phone.  Fortunately, I was able to call him back immediately and he was able to take my call.  But this seems to happen a lot.  I hadn't noticed the phone call part before, but the not getting text alerts has been happening for a while.  It seems only to happen when I'm actively using the laptop/wifi.  

Anyone have any ideas?  It's a serious problem.  Mr. Google might be able to help, but I can't figure out the right way to phrase the question in less than a paragraph, so any answers I've gotten from Google are not helpful in the slightest.

*The doctor call I missed wasn't the one I mentioned a few posts back.  That one never happened.  The one I missed was the replacement one the next day.

It sounds like a setting. Maybe you can reverse engineer these steps https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT209456?

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And just for funsies, I just now got a phone call (while I was perusing the Frasier board), and both my phone and watch rang.  But I will check out the link you posted, @theredhead77, just in case it is something I can fix.

Thanks for the link, but that's not really what I'm looking for.  I don't want my computer to ring -- I just want my phone to ring when I'm using wifi on my laptop.  And yes, the sound is turned on on all devices.

Edited by Browncoat
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On 9/24/2020 at 10:35 AM, MissFeatherbottom said:

Pet peeve of today (and yesterday too) is a grown ass adult who gives the "silent" treatment. In my case it's a coworker who is mad at me for a stupid reason and won't respond to me when I send a message or email. I guess it's too much to expect coworkers to say, be professional or mature in a work setting????? I think not! 

@MissFeatherbottom, I have been there too! It was over a year and a half ago but I still treat the person with kid-gloves and avoid all unnecessary interaction with her after she made my life a living hell for almost 3 months. She is highly confrontational and in her mind she is always right so when she felt I had done something to her she became a raging bitch from hell and proceeded to not only give me the silent treatment, after an initial crazed lecture that bordered on threatening, but also went to HR in an attempt to get me reprimanded (at the very least) or fired. When HR explained to her that what I did was not an actual offense and that she was overreacting she went into a manic, almost pyschotic rage that simmered for months afterwards. She would huff as she stormed past my work station, she would slam things on my desk that she had to give to me and if she did have to speak to me she was as curt and cold as possible. I ignored it as best I could but it made working 6 feet away from her unbearable. She finally got over it and tried to be friendly with me but by that time the damage was done, no way was I going to subject myself to her wrath again. She has since been demoted after going all pyshco on her boss and the HR rep in her department (separate incident) and was moved out of my building. Talk about a weight being lifted!

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42 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

It has gotten to the point where bullying is having differing opinions. 



42 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

If your coworker is mad at you, for that coworker it isn't a stupid reason.   I don't know the details.   You have got two choices, try to mend fences or keep heading down the path you have already journeyed.  If it were me?  I would want to know how things went wrong.  I would want to make it right.   I would try and walk the path in your coworker's shoes.  

Sometimes this works, sometimes it doesn't. In my situation, the person who was mad at me was irrational, she felt slighted because I shared information with my other coworkers that SHE felt was confidential. It wasn't. HR told her it wasn't, and that made her even madder. There was no way I was going to be able to convince her otherwise and came to the decision to just do my job and ignore her. She was never overtly rude to me, it was little nuiances that no one would notice unless they were actively watching our interactions. Sometimes you just have to let people stew in their own emotions and just watch your back.



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6 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

Perhaps the "stupid reason" was just the last straw on a pile of other issues (straws) that caused the co-worker to "shutdown". 

Good point, I would still want that person to not take it out on me though. My coworker's extreme anger was likely compounded because she'd been dealing with her mother's slow demise for a number of months, and having to deal with it all on her own as her siblings were unsupportive or didn't live close enough to help. I had been an ear to listen and a shoulder to cry on for months so it took me completely by surprise when she got in my face that morning. And the fact that she attempted to get me reprimanded just sealed the deal as far as I was concerned. You can be mad but you don't try to ruin someone's career because you're having a bad day. 

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11 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I agree with that.  If someone is going to be pissed at me, it better be because I have done something stupid, and not because they are angry at someone else.  I do enough stupid things, so if someone is angry at me, chances are I probably deserve it.

Still, there are some people that can't yell at the people they are truly mad at, perhaps a boss or spouse, so they rant and rave at any low hanging fruit they can find where they don't have to deal with the blow back.  It isn't right, but it does happen.

LOL, me too. Trust me I have done stupid things where I deserved someone's anger, but not to this degree and never from a coworker. And whenever I have realized that I did something stupid I apologized, took my lumps and moved on. If the person chose to remain mad at me that was on them, but I can't continue to apologize just so they can keep beating that proverbial dead horse. 

So here's another of my pet peeves: People who hold grudges long after the situation has been resolved. I'm not talking about times where someone has repeatedly done you wrong to the point where you can no longer trust them, I'm talking an incident from 5, 10, 15 years ago where they still refuse to stop punishing you for what you did. I've had so many people 'do me wrong' over the years but I have to let it go, it's tiring to carry all that anger. On the flip side it is also tiring to have to suffer someone's continued nastiness because they just can't move past it. 

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39 minutes ago, BexKeps said:

So here's another of my pet peeves: People who hold grudges long after the situation has been resolved. I'm not talking about times where someone has repeatedly done you wrong to the point where you can no longer trust them, I'm talking an incident from 5, 10, 15 years ago where they still refuse to stop punishing you for what you did. I've had so many people 'do me wrong' over the years but I have to let it go, it's tiring to carry all that anger. On the flip side it is also tiring to have to suffer someone's continued nastiness because they just can't move past it. 

I worked for someone like that a while back.  She hired this guy she knew from a prior job and at first they were pretty buddy buddy until she got a new boss and the guy decided to act like he reported directly to the new boss which in reality he didn’t.  That and a few other thing this guy did got her in to such a state that she was always complaining about him (including to me which I eventually had enough of hearing about so I said this is not professional.  She stopped).  The end of the story was she got herself fired and actually blamed the guy she hired for her being fired.  Years later I heard through the grapevine she was still blaming him.  No, she self destructed and did it to herself.  

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4 hours ago, Browncoat said:

And just for funsies, I just now got a phone call (while I was perusing the Frasier board), and both my phone and watch rang.  But I will check out the link you posted, @theredhead77, just in case it is something I can fix.

Thanks for the link, but that's not really what I'm looking for.  I don't want my computer to ring -- I just want my phone to ring when I'm using wifi on my laptop.  And yes, the sound is turned on on all devices.

I was thinking those steps would lead you to that setting on your phone so you could disable it from ringing on your computer or other devices (if it was enabled)

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On 9/25/2020 at 2:17 PM, BexKeps said:

You can be mad but you don't try to ruin someone's career because you're having a bad day. 

Amen to that.

And I honestly think people who deliberately try to get people fired and/or reprimanded on the job for petty reasons are sociopaths. Deliberately messing with people’s livelihoods is just plain evil and wrong.
I think this is why I’m really not a big fan of the whole “cancel culture”, because I honestly don’t think anyone should be hunted down and automatically lose one’s job over saying/doing something stupid online or on one’s own time. As long as someone comes to work and does his/her job and isn’t deliberately embarrassing or scandalizing their workplace, I really don’t give a shit what they do or say on their off time. Maybe it hits me a bit harder because not only have I been unfairly fired for dumb reasons, but I’ve worked around scary folks who took sick pleasure in trying to get other coworkers fired.

I just don’t get it; ruining someone’s professional life forever just for your own jollies is creepy AF. I once even knew a guy who committed suicide after losing his job, so that shit shouldn’t be taken lightly.

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16 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

Deliberately messing with people’s livelihoods is just plain evil and wrong.

This is so true, I'm going to lump in any customer who says "I'm gonna get you fired" over a minor mistake or percieved insult. What in the actual fuck? Your coffee order was wrong,  the cashier smushed your bread when they packed your bags, you had to wait an extra 20 minutes to get seated at a restaurant and that rises to the level of someone losing their job? I get it, we all get frustrated with poor service or mistakes that make us waste time we don't have, but no one needs to be fired. 


16 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

I think this is why I’m really not a big fan of the whole “cancel culture”, because I honestly don’t think anyone should be hunted down and automatically lose one’s job over saying/doing something stupid online or on one’s own time

Agreed. The worst things are when someone digs around and finds something someone posted as a teenager, really? How thankful I am that there was no social media in the '80s when I was a dumb teenager. With time comes wisdom as they say and I truly believe that to be true so I take no joy in anyone's livelihood getting destroyed because at 15 years of age they posted something stupid. Even now that I'm in my 50's I am very careful about what I share on social media, people are crazy.

Edited by BexKeps
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On 9/13/2020 at 3:16 PM, Bastet said:

I tend to avoid weddings, but obligations to family and friends being what they are I've still attending my share, and I think white cake with white icing (no filling, even?!) has been the minority.  The frosting is virtually always white, yes (buttercream).  But the cake and filling are usually flavored (and, like I said above, since most wedding cakes have at least two tiers, there are at least two options for guests; no need for a separate cake attributed to the groom). 

A common combination is a chocolate cake with raspberry filling and either a lemon cake with lemon filling or a vanilla cake some sort of fruit filling (often strawberry or lemon, but mango and passion fruit make appearances in season).  Marble cake appears fairly frequently, usually with chocolate filling but sometimes a fruit.  Some have the small top tier (especially if it's a three-tier cake for a big reception) in a cake flavor that has less mass appeal, like red velvet, carrot, tiramisu, or German chocolate.


You have a lot of friends! Lucky

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On 9/11/2020 at 4:04 PM, Bastet said:

Why are people serving bland cake?  Why not just get a good cake - they're usually tiered, so you can already have at least two flavors.

Now that I've read the explanation of a groom's cake, I'm peeved - why is the "good" cake credited to the groom?

all this talk about weding cakes, I have to chime in on a new trend I saw.   I saw a brochure for a bakery where they offer "prop wedding cakes".  The idea is that an actual fancy, decorated wedding cake can be difficult to cut and serve. So their solution is to provide layer cakes, pre-sliced,  to serve to guests.  But first, a presentation of the prop cake, which is tall and beautifully decorated, but not a cake - just a cardboard or styrofoam base, with frosting and decorations.  The advantage is that the prop cake can be made well in advance, it won't get stale , and the cake slices can be served all at the same time, all slices are identical.   (also, the prop cake would have that terrible fondant icing that looks so pretty but hurts your teeth, while the cake that is served can have whipped cream or buttercream frosting) 

I guess they would have to skip the "bride and groom cutting the cake"  tradition. 

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OK - my pet peeve is the unnecessary substitution or addition of the word "butt" into sayings.  

"Butt naked" - no, the saying is BUCK naked, but so many people have said Butt, that has become the saying. 

"Nip it in the butt" - No, nip it in the BUD -  means to destroy something in the early stages.  Like pruning a rose bush. 

"The Butt crack of dawn"  this has now replaced anyone saying "the crack of dawn", which is a great way of describing that early morning when just a crack of sunlight is starting to come through.  I wil no longer use that phrase.  Try saying "the crack of dawn"  sometime, I bet someone will add "You mean the BUTT crack." 

Oh - and when someone has hurt feelings, they are no longer seen as "hurt"  or upset, or angry.  - No, they are " BUTT-hurt." why?  


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2 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

Oh - and when someone has hurt feelings, they are no longer seen as "hurt"  or upset, or angry.  - No, they are " BUTT-hurt." why? 

Do you really want the crude answer to this?

2 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

"The Butt crack of dawn"  this has now replaced anyone saying "the crack of dawn", which is a great way of describing that early morning when just a crack of sunlight is starting to come through. 

Since I loathe mornings, I have indeed said "the ass crack of dawn" since the profanity better illustrates my hatred the rare times I have to be conscious that early.

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10 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

all this talk about weding cakes, I have to chime in on a new trend I saw.   I saw a brochure for a bakery where they offer "prop wedding cakes".  The idea is that an actual fancy, decorated wedding cake can be difficult to cut and serve. So their solution is to provide layer cakes, pre-sliced,  to serve to guests.  But first, a presentation of the prop cake, which is tall and beautifully decorated, but not a cake - just a cardboard or styrofoam base, with frosting and decorations.  The advantage is that the prop cake can be made well in advance, it won't get stale , and the cake slices can be served all at the same time, all slices are identical.   (also, the prop cake would have that terrible fondant icing that looks so pretty but hurts your teeth, while the cake that is served can have whipped cream or buttercream frosting) 

I guess they would have to skip the "bride and groom cutting the cake"  tradition. 

We attended a lovely, big wedding reception, the cake was put on display in the center of the dining room, and never was cut or served. Instead, we were serv ed pastries (which were good). My theory was the "cake" was fake so that an open bar could be afforded. Maybe the top layer was real and the couple got to enjoy that by themselves. I still prefer the delicious cupcakes we had not too long ago...so much better than a cake & probably a fraction of the cost.

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12 hours ago, Bastet said:

Since I loathe mornings, I have indeed said "the ass crack of dawn" since the profanity better illustrates my hatred the rare times I have to be conscious that early.

Me too! It just doesn’t feel right forcing humans to wake up and get ready to start the day when it’s still dark outside, hence I’m usually grumbling to myself on those blessedly rare occasions, “Ugh, I hate waking up at the ass crack of dawn...” 

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15 hours ago, tinkerbell said:

"Butt naked" - no, the saying is BUCK naked, but so many people have said Butt, that has become the saying. 

What if you're fully dressed and just cut the butt out of your pants.  Then are you butt naked?

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A friend is married to a Don.  I once bought her a greeting card with a picture of a large, hairy man getting out of bed, his pyjama pants sliding down in the back while his wife looked over at him, and the caption "Mary was tired of waking up at the crack of Don."  I crossed out "Mary" and wrote in her name.

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My pet-peeve is the fact that I’m actually bothered by the way some of my coworkers don’t offer everyone invites to socialize with them. Maybe it’s just my “the more, the merrier” mentality, but I don’t get off on excluding certain coworkers from invites or going out to eat together or do things outside of work; it feels very cliquey and middle schoolish to me otherwise, quite frankly.
Always especially makes you feel like a social leper when they all decide to post these various adventures on their social media so the rest of us can see it all and wonder why we weren’t invited. 

And then I have to chuckle and think, “Well, their loss, because I’m fun as shit.” And they really are kinda dorky and I wouldn’t normally choose to hang with them anyway, even though they’re an educated mixture of parents/non-parents/singles/marrieds/multi-generational & cultural, but still...a random invite extended would still go far in my book. Guess I just miss having a close work family and coworkers who care enough to say, “Hey, wanna grab some lunch/a drink after work with us?” No one likes to feel ignored, after all!

I dunno why I’m even bothered or even take it personally, although yesterday while I was having a drink on the patio of my neighborhood bar with another neighbor, I literally had a group of 8 of these same coworkers plop down at a patio table in front of us. None of them even live in my area and the place isn’t a local hotspot, so I’m baffled as to why they were all even there, let alone why they felt the need to awkwardly wave at me on my own turf. I was nice and toasted them and then said it was good to see them/wished them a good night as my friend and I left, but it felt weird and it was all I could do to not make a snarky comment like a total Petty Betty...(to my neighbor’s credit, she whispered to me, “Be glad you’re not hanging with them, cuz they look lame as fuck. You don’t need to shit where you eat anyway.”)

Never mind that we just had a Covid outbreak at our workplace over 2 weeks ago, so it was creepy to see them all sitting at a table together like it was no big deal, but whatever: I’m peeved that this even remotely peeved me, especially since they display such super-spreader middle schoolish behavior in the middle of a pandemic.


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1 hour ago, Sun-Bun said:
14 hours ago, Bastet said:

Since I loathe mornings, I have indeed said "the ass crack of dawn" since the profanity better illustrates my hatred the rare times I have to be conscious that early.

Me too! It just doesn’t feel right forcing humans to wake up and get ready to start the day when it’s still dark outside, hence I’m usually grumbling to myself on those blessedly rare occasions, “Ugh, I hate waking up at the ass crack of dawn...” 

You both live on the west coast, right?
It's different if you live on a body of water facing east where sunsets are not really a thing. 
The local climate is also a factor. It took me years after leaving the mountains of California to realize that the weather is usually best in the early morning on Lake Michigan. 


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My current pet peeve dump, after listening to possibly too many podcasts:

- the plural of bias is not pronounced biaseez.  Same with process/processeez.

- one person going up against another is x versus y, not x "verse" y.

- I give you advice (noun).  I advise (verb) you.  (Okay, that one's more written than spoken.)

- it's set foot into, not step foot into.

If the world is willing to concede on the above points, I will agree to not get upset if an occasional speaker pronounces the t in often.  Not willing to give in yet on comptroller, but fortunately I don't hear that one too much.

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12 minutes ago, shapeshifter said:

You both live on the west coast, right?
It's different if you live on a body of water facing east where sunsets are not really a thing. 
The local climate is also a factor. It took me years after leaving the mountains of California to realize that the weather is usually best in the early morning on Lake Michigan. 


We lived in Chicago when I was a little kid. I used to think Lake Michigan was the ocean.

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48 minutes ago, Sun-Bun said:

My pet-peeve is the fact that I’m actually bothered by the way some of my coworkers don’t offer everyone invites to socialize with them. Maybe it’s just my “the more, the merrier” mentality, but I don’t get off on excluding certain coworkers from invites or going out to eat together or do things outside of work; it feels very cliquey and middle schoolish to me otherwise, quite frankly.
Always especially makes you feel like a social leper when they all decide to post these various adventures on their social media so the rest of us can see it all and wonder why we weren’t invited.

A few people in this group I was a part of at a company I worked at a while back had a daily get together where they’d take turns bringing in bagels.  According to another coworker who wasn’t part of this bagel get together it started when there was a mass invitation to the group at the time (before I arrived) that if you’re interested join the group.  New people like me would come in to the group and no invitation was extended.  However they’d have leftovers and anyone could take them.  Sorry, I don’t take from others left over food.  From my vantage it looked like a clique.  
Another peeve:  the last few years I’ve been doing contract work, spending 6 or 12 months at a company then moving on.  Contractors can be left out of some stuff that employees get and I’m okay with that.  What irks me is someone would have some whatever celebration for an employee in the office during the day like for a birthday or retirement or whatever.  Cake is served.  I’m not invited because I haven’t known or worked with so and so because I just showed up.  Not being invited is okay with me.  However later after all the cake is served and the scraps are left they’re trying to get rid of it and I’m all of a sudden included.  Again, I don’t want anything to do with someone else’s leftovers.  Eww. 

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9 minutes ago, Cobb Salad said:

Again, I don’t want anything to do with someone else’s leftovers.  Eww.

And “no thank you” to bowls of M&Ms or chips. 
The real peeve for me is people who think I’m weird for not wanting to catch germs that way. 
I thought that the pandemic would have finally vindicated me, but nope. 
Some people never learn. 

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I'm peeved at the universe.  I don't really know what else to call it.  But at some point the list of things I need to do should get shorter.  Not work, because I've given up getting ever getting my head above water at work.  But if I finish something in my non work life, I should get at least thirty seconds where my 'to do' list is one item shorter.

Instead appointments multiply like rabbits or someone messes something up or random things break as soon as something else is fixed.

I'm starting to get a complex about it.


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On 9/28/2020 at 10:27 PM, tinkerbell said:

I have to chime in on a new trend I saw.   I saw a brochure for a bakery where they offer "prop wedding cakes".  The idea is that an actual fancy, decorated wedding cake can be difficult to cut and serve. So their solution is to provide layer cakes, pre-sliced,  to serve to guests.  But first, a presentation of the prop cake, which is tall and beautifully decorated, but not a cake - just a cardboard or styrofoam base, with frosting and decorations.  The advantage is that the prop cake can be made well in advance, it won't get stale , and the cake slices can be served all at the same time, all slices are identical.   (also, the prop cake would have that terrible fondant icing that looks so pretty but hurts your teeth, while the cake that is served can have whipped cream or buttercream frosting) 

I guess they would have to skip the "bride and groom cutting the cake"  tradition. 

I saw an article in our paper a while ago about the “fake cake” trend and the “bakery” they interviewed made their fakes with a wedge missing that they would fill with a piece of real cake, so the bride & groom could do the cake cutting hoopla.  

The last wedding I went to served ice cream instead of cake; not with cake, but in place ofAnd they didn’t have the little bowls of nuts and mints on the tables.  That’s all I remember about that wedding; not the dress or the food, but the lack of goodies.

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48 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I have had the bedroom window open all night and have had it open through most of the summer and early fall. So, what do I hear out of my jackass neighbor's piehole for the last three days in a row at five in the morning?  She very loudly is praising her dog for doing a "boom boom" in the yard.  Today she even added into the mix this morning that she was impressed at the size of her dog's "boom boom".   This is a dog she has had since she moved in next door several years ago.   I would love to rub my neighbor's face in her dog's "boom boom".  What's next?  Is she going to run into her house and grab a ruler so she can measure the size of that steaming turd?

Hopefully this is a temporary, "housebreaking" training. My family's dog was never trained. My last 2 years of high school it was my job to clean up the poop and/or vomit every day after school since I was the first one home. 
Maybe you could ask the neighbor if it is possible to praise Rover a little more quietly a that hour?

Meanwhile, I am happy to report that the 2 adult sons of my neighbor that were making a lot of noise just living in the rooms on my wall have moved out.

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22 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

You both live on the west coast, right?
It's different if you live on a body of water facing east where sunsets are not really a thing. 
The local climate is also a factor. It took me years after leaving the mountains of California to realize that the weather is usually best in the early morning on Lake Michigan. 


I’m Nashville, TN born and raised, @shapeshifter! But I’m a lazy night owl, so I don’t like crawling out of my bed most mornings anyway. Looks stunning where you are though, wow...

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23 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

You both live on the west coast, right?
It's different if you live on a body of water facing east where sunsets are not really a thing. 

Yes, Los Angeles.  But wherever I am, I hate mornings.  I don't want to be awake before 10:00, so before dawn is something close to torture.

4 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

She very loudly is praising her dog for doing a "boom boom" in the yard.  Today she even added into the mix this morning that she was impressed at the size of her dog's "boom boom".   This is a dog she has had since she moved in next door several years ago. 

Maybe the dog has been ill or constipated, and the return of normal poop is cause for celebration.  She needs to wait until they get inside, or at least whisper, but the getting excited itself after all these years may not be weird.

Edited by Bastet
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Before I got a place of my own I wasn’t much of a morning person or more specifically one who’d growl at a cheery “good morning!” Maybe because I got a place of my own and have control of my environment or I’ve changed as I got older getting up very early isn’t a bother if there’s something good attached to it.  Over the past few months I’ve been going out early for a walk before I start work. With the sun coming up later now I’m going out as the sun is coming up - the chance for seeing people out is lower which is what happened this morning.  No dodging people to maintain distance.  😊

As for the noisy dog owner at 5 am I’d be tempted to yell back “how big is it?”  just to get a reaction but I doubt I’d have the energy at that hour.  

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9 minutes ago, Cobb Salad said:

As for the noisy dog owner at 5 am I’d be tempted to yell back “how big is it?”  just to get a reaction but I doubt I’d have the energy at that hour.  

She might think you're actually interested and come up to the window to talk about it.  Maybe even bring it with her to show you.

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On 9/30/2020 at 10:18 AM, icemiser69 said:

Today she even added into the mix this morning that she was impressed at the size of her dog's "boom boom".

Show dog person here. I have to comment that when a dog produces a gigantic poop, it's nothing to brag about. It means its owner is feeding cheap low-quality food. The saying is, crap in, crap out. A dog fed two cups of a cheap brand will poop out four cups of manure. A dog fed two cups of a high-quality food will poop out something smaller than a fun-sized Snickers. So your neighbor isn't only a rude self-centered person, she's a dumbass and a poor dog owner.

BTW, this is a frequent topic of conversation among dog people as "it" is an indicator of a dog's health.

Enjoy your breakfast everyone!

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Cat owner here, and I have to agree. Not really so great for listening to but I also have been known to praise my cats for pooping. One of mine has a bit of a constipation issue and I get concerned. So when there is poop, I get excited. Yes, that's what pet ownership can do to you. I dare people with children to laugh!

And I agree, too big, and that's usually a sign that the food sucks. Same with cats.

Sorry about the neighbour but I do get it. Somewhat. I do my praising indoors. I'm not completely oblivious to how that sounds.

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6 hours ago, supposebly said:

One of mine has a bit of a constipation issue and I get concerned.

Big time problem here with one of mine as well.  She gets fiber powder in her food daily, as well as 3ml of a laxitive liquid.  I've had to take her to vet for an enema.  Poor baby. 😼💩

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5 hours ago, supposebly said:

Oh no, that does sound terrible, poor thing. No, its nothing that some cat grass won't fix. I'm just a bit overly concerned being first time cat owner.

One doc thought it was some sort of inflammatory disease, but the latest doc believes it could be related to her kidney failure issues.  Not getting enough hydration.  Either way, it sucks.  She's only 14, and should have a couple good years left, but I have my doubts.

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