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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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10 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

I rarely answer.  I did once because they just wouldn't stop calling.  The person called me a liar.  I lost my shit, reamed them, and hung up on them.  And then dialed them back  (he answered) to continue my tirade because I wasn't done with being that pissed off.  They never called again.

I may have been a wee stressed out by work at the time because I went straight from nice and helpful to screaming banshee with no in between. 

Now I just get that robocall where the robot can't simulate a real laugh while pretending its an actually person.

Now I do feel a bit better knowing I am *not* the only one. 


10 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

"Sir, this is an Arby's."

Ooo. That would have been a good line back when I used to get call from collection agencies for my insolvent daughter. (The other 2 make a lot more than I ever did. Can't win 'em all.)

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54 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

Yeah, I don't answer unless I know who it is. My default ringtone is silent because I get so many spam calls. I have my contacts set to ring an actual ringtone.

With my iPhone, we have that option, too. Only a call from my contacts, will ring. The others will be silent, and registered as a quick notification. 

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23 minutes ago, ParadoxLost said:

Now I just get that robocall where the robot can't simulate a real laugh while pretending its an actually person.

I get ones that I think are from actual people, but their laughs sound robotic. They all start with a stupid joke about their spouses or children or whatever. The last time I got one I stopped the guy and asked if the dumb joke was in the script he was given. I know it was a real person because I stumped him. He didn't know what to say and stammered a bit before trying to go on, but then I asked him again and tried to have a conversation about it. He finally hung up. It's been a while since I've gotten one of those calls.

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1 minute ago, auntlada said:

I get ones that I think are from actual people, but their laughs sound robotic. They all start with a stupid joke about their spouses or children or whatever. The last time I got one I stopped the guy and asked if the dumb joke was in the script he was given. I know it was a real person because I stumped him. He didn't know what to say and stammered a bit before trying to go on, but then I asked him again and tried to have a conversation about it. He finally hung up. It's been a while since I've gotten one of those calls.

Those were the good ol' days of human telemarketers. One of my daughters used to be really good at confusing them.
Nowadays if you get to the so-called humans they turn out to be horrible sociopaths. At least mine are.

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Back in the day of human callers, they always asked "How are you doing today?"  One day, I proceeded to tell them exactly how I was doing.  I might have made up a few ailments, but I elaborated a lot on each of them.  It was fun -- and didn't take too long before they gave up.

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1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

I got a robocall the other day (is it a "robocall" if it's a live person on the phone?).

It is not. If it's a live human, it's just a spam call. Then again there do exist robocalls designed to sound as much as possible like they are a live human, so it might be hard to tell.

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This is a pet peeve that has to do with people who read messages on Facebook Messenger and don't bother to respond. I'm not talking about responding in a timely manner but about not responding AT ALL. There's a feature on Messenger which shows you when the recipient of the message has read said message. I often post photos of foods I have baked or cooked on FB and get comments about how it looks good and will I share the recipe. Two weeks ago I took the time to send a FB message to 2 people (in a group message) sharing the recipe. It took time for me to type it out and send. One of the recipients read it and never bothered to acknowledge. The other friend hasn't read it yet. This happens a lot. Am I expecting too much of people to respond with a simple thank you?  I do have another friend who wasn't that savvy with FB although she did know enough to post photos. She once asked me for my  meatball recipe and months went by and I didn't get a reply. It turned out that she was unaware she even had a message and felt so bad b/c she didn't know how FB Messenger worked and her kids were always teasing her about how lame she was with technology. I know folks are busy and not everyone checks FB daily but in the case where the person read my message, how hard would it have been to say a simple thanks?  


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51 minutes ago, ECM1231 said:

This is a pet peeve that has to do with people who read messages on Facebook Messenger and don't bother to respond. I'm not talking about responding in a timely manner but about not responding AT ALL. There's a feature on Messenger which shows you when the recipient of the message has read said message. I often post photos of foods I have baked or cooked on FB and get comments about how it looks good and will I share the recipe. Two weeks ago I took the time to send a FB message to 2 people (in a group message) sharing the recipe. It took time for me to type it out and send. One of the recipients read it and never bothered to acknowledge. The other friend hasn't read it yet. This happens a lot. Am I expecting too much of people to respond with a simple thank you?  I do have another friend who wasn't that savvy with FB although she did know enough to post photos. She once asked me for my  meatball recipe and months went by and I didn't get a reply. It turned out that she was unaware she even had a message and felt so bad b/c she didn't know how FB Messenger worked and her kids were always teasing her about how lame she was with technology. I know folks are busy and not everyone checks FB daily but in the case where the person read my message, how hard would it have been to say a simple thanks?  


I did not know that I could see if people had read their messages. Thank you!

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2 hours ago, Browncoat said:

Back in the day of human callers, they always asked "How are you doing today?"  One day, I proceeded to tell them exactly how I was doing.  I might have made up a few ailments, but I elaborated a lot on each of them.  It was fun -- and didn't take too long before they gave up.

The best one of those I ever got was someone doing telemarketing for Comcast, trying to sell me home security.  Well I'm a Comcast customer and more often than not somewhat non plussed about that.  I find its best for both of us not to interact at all.  But then they reached out to sell me something.  I turned them right around to my tale of woe about their cable service and customer care.  They were so confused with how to deal with me that it was comical.  I finally had to take mercy on them.

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11 hours ago, auntlada said:

I did not know that I could see if people had read their messages. Thank you!

Next to the message you send, there’s a circle. Once that circle contains the person’s user picture, it has been read.

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55 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

Buying a plant locally to plant in the yard.  It takes two years to first flower and the flower color isn't the one I wanted.
Buying a plant that looks really awesome, and then after I planted it, I can't control the damn thing and it becomes invasive choking out other plants.
People who pee in the swimming pool.  Standing next to someone in the pool and talking and all of a sudden getting that warm sensation against my legs. 
People who pee in the shower.   They may think it all goes down the drain, but the smell often lingers.  Especially if there is a washcloth hanging on the shower massage hose above the drain.   And who wants to take a bath after someone peed in the shower?  The toilet is usually only a few feet away, are people so lazy they can't hold it until they get out of the shower, or pee before they get into the shower?

All of this but 😨 to the bolded one. 
My ex wasn't all bad. He even peed sitting down to avoid splashing and always closed the seat. I know nothing about rearing male humans; his dad taught him to do that out of respect for his mom.

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We still have a landline phone because Mr. Angeltoes refuses to get rid of it.  All we get on there is robocalls and his one friend that can't seem to grasp that he should call on the cell.

One day our two-year-old granddaughter was standing next to me when we got a telemarketer call.  I handed her the phone and her face lit up with joy because she loves to talk on the phone.  I let her jabber and jabber.  I'm not sure how long the person on the other end of the line stayed on, but they got an earful of what was going on in Toddler Land.

While I was off from my job for the "stay at home" order, we got junk call after junk call.  I answered one call by barking into the phone,"WHAT??"  Turns out it was the manager of my department informing me we were going back to work.  I asked him, nicely, why the hell he was calling me on that number and he said it was the one HR gave him.  Morons, they have instructions to use my cell first.  I did apologize to him for taking his head off but he was amused because he knows me and found it true to character.

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9 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

People who pee in the shower.   They may think it all goes down the drain, but the smell often lingers.  Especially if there is a washcloth hanging on the shower massage hose above the drain.   And who wants to take a bath after someone peed in the shower?  The toilet is usually only a few feet away, are people so lazy they can't hold it until they get out of the shower, or pee before they get into the shower?

My first college roommate's father was a doctor. According to her, he used to advise people with athlete's foot to pee on their feet in the shower. I never had athlete's foot and probably wouldn't have tried it anyway, so I don't know if it works. I doubt that is why people are doing, but I suppose some of them could be peeing in the shower for that reason.

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I got a new form of robo-call on my work cell phone. I have to answer because it's a work phone and this time it was a male voice saying "oh good, you answered. I was getting my voice-mail voice ready". I thought it was a coworker (because work phone) but when I had to repeat "who is this" a few times and heard some clicks and then a male voice, very similar to that auto-message came on the line and I cut them off once I heard it was a junk call.

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3 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

That is easier to do when you have the short end of the "stick".  All mushroom cap, no stem.  Otherwise, the toilet bowl water level maybe too high for some men to sit and pee without a submersion problem.  It probably wouldn't be too healthy to have their "thing" bobbing in the toilet bowl water.

I am just happy that they hit the bowl.   No one wants clean up pee off of the floor or anywhere else for that matter.

I hate my cell phone.  I prefer the landline.  Every robo call I get I instantly block.

I have heard of people peeing on blisters in an effort to get them to heal faster.

There was that movie that I can't remember the name of where a woman peed on a dude that had a jellyfish stuck to him.  I don't recall the name of it.  Apparently that was supposed to take the sting away.

I think this has been mentioned in several movies and TV shows, probably best known on Friends.  Monica was stung and Joey ended up peeing on her, after Chandler couldn't do it because of "stage fright"

But its an urban legend though.  Doesn't help.  It can actually make it worse by the jellyfish releasing more venom.  Its best to rinse with seawater.  It helps remove the nematocysts that hold the venom.  Freshwater is bad for them, its will activate the stingers. 

I've never heard that about athletes foot and peeing on your feet.  But no thanks anyway.  Its easily treated with topical antifungal creams

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8 hours ago, Angeltoes said:

We still have a landline phone because Mr. Angeltoes refuses to get rid of it.  All we get on there is robocalls and his one friend that can't seem to grasp that he should call on the cell.


5 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

I hate my cell phone.  I prefer the landline.  Every robo call I get I instantly block.

We still have a landline even though we both have cell phones, & I give out the landline number instead of my cell all the time. For one thing, I remember the landline number but for some reason can never remember my cell number, plus, my cell is always buried in my purse & I hardly ever hear it ring, but mostly, I don't want people to be able to call & bug me whenever they want. If I'm out doing things, I don't want to have to stop & deal with you, just leave a message on the landline.

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28 minutes ago, GaT said:

I don't want people to be able to call & bug me whenever they want. If I'm out doing things, I don't want to have to stop & deal with you, just leave a message on the landline.

This is me.  Very few people even have my cell phone number - my parents, close friends, assistant, and, only recently, my boss (she had to prove herself; before that, my assistant was the gatekeeper).  They have my office and/or home number, as appropriate.

If you call my office line and I am busy with something else or it's after hours, leave a message there.  If you call my home line and I am working, out doing something (back in the day, ya know), or otherwise busy, leave a message there.  The only reason to call my cell, or for me to place a call from my cell, is if I am en route to you and one of us needs to let the other know about a delay or change.  Or if I'm on vacation and it's an emergency (an actual one, and I don't think that has ever happened). 

Otherwise, my cell phone is in my briefcase, purse, or car (I often have to go searching) in need of being charged, so call it under any other circumstances and you're just leaving a message I won't hear for weeks.

I hate when friends who only have cell phones call for a long catch-up conversation, because there's so much "what was that, you cut out for a minute there" clarification, loud talking to compensate for the overall quality, and having to call back because of a dropped call.  Landlines are so much more reliable.

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On 7/7/2020 at 3:28 PM, icemiser69 said:

They should be there.  I recorded something on a channel and I can still play it even though I no longer receive that channel.  I lost access to that channel three months ago.

Speaking of Hallmark.

Keepsake ornaments.   Their series ornaments last way too long.  They need to shorten them up a bit.  And ditch the glitter, I hate glitter.

I am still able to record on all of the Hallmark channels.  Perhaps it is not a Hallmark issue?🐠

My recordings were fine also!

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16 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

I walk out forty-five minutes  later and two deer  (momma and smaller deer) run through the back of my yard after seeing me into the woods.  I walk to the back of my yard and notice the deer have eaten my hosta.  I go back into the house.

Go back out two hours later, can't start the lawnmower.  Finally get it started and mow a little bit at a time due to it being so hot.

If they had eaten your grass instead, you wouldn't have had to mow.

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On 7/8/2020 at 8:02 AM, icemiser69 said:

Buying a plant locally to plant in the yard.  It takes two years to first flower and the flower color isn't the one I wanted.

Buying a plant that looks really awesome, and then after I planted it, I can't control the damn thing and it becomes invasive choking out other plants.

People who pee in the swimming pool.  Standing next to someone in the pool and talking and all of a sudden getting that warm sensation against my legs. 

People who pee in the shower.   They may think it all goes down the drain, but the smell often lingers.  Especially if there is a washcloth hanging on the shower massage hose above the drain.   And who wants to take a bath after someone peed in the shower?  The toilet is usually only a few feet away, are people so lazy they can't hold it until they get out of the shower, or pee before they get into the shower?


I feel your pain with gardening mistakes, I'm a newbie who knows nothing about plants but will look at one and say "that's cool, I'll plant it in my garden" only to find out later it's invasive, the blooms stink or the only time it looks good is when it's flowering. I bought a bush one time because I saw a pic in a catalog of it blooming, it was gorgeous! Well, the blooms are gorgeous, but they smell like rotting fish, no lie, thankfully it only bloomed in the late summer for about a week. I liked the bush other than that because it blocked the view of my neighbor's patio so we could have some privacy. I sold my house spring of 2019, my daughter and I both wondered how long it took them to figure out what the smell was once it started blooming. And I will never plant morning glories, still pulling them out of the garden of my new place 10 years after the previous owner planted them. 

My ex-husband used to pee in the shower, it was a tub/shower combo and I would remind him that I bathed the children in that tub, he got the message. Gross.


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2 hours ago, BexKeps said:

I feel your pain with gardening mistakes, I'm a newbie who knows nothing about plants but will look at one and say "that's cool, I'll plant it in my garden" only to find out later it's invasive, the blooms stink or the only time it looks good is when it's flowering. I bought a bush one time because I saw a pic in a catalog of it blooming, it was gorgeous! Well, the blooms are gorgeous, but they smell like rotting fish, no lie, thankfully it only bloomed in the late summer for about a week. I liked the bush other than that because it blocked the view of my neighbor's patio so we could have some privacy. I sold my house spring of 2019, my daughter and I both wondered how long it took them to figure out what the smell was once it started blooming. And I will never plant morning glories, still pulling them out of the garden of my new place 10 years after the previous owner planted them. 

My ex-husband used to pee in the shower, it was a tub/shower combo and I would remind him that I bathed the children in that tub, he got the message. Gross.


I feel ya. People know I like to garden and I have been given some mystery plants that turned out to be absolute nightmares.

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On 7/9/2020 at 12:10 AM, GaT said:


We still have a landline even though we both have cell phones, & I give out the landline number instead of my cell all the time. For one thing, I remember the landline number but for some reason can never remember my cell number, plus, my cell is always buried in my purse & I hardly ever hear it ring, but mostly, I don't want people to be able to call & bug me whenever they want. If I'm out doing things, I don't want to have to stop & deal with you, just leave a message on the landline.

We still have our landline, thank goodness.  And I loathe getting calls from people who are on their cellphones.  "Hi! How ______doing? We're on our ______ to _____ because Mom had _______."  I have one cousin who lives in CA who has a cheap cellphone and always calls me on that stupid thing. I now tell her to hang up and let me call her on her landline.  She now gets to experience the irritation when she calls another cousin, who lives near me who has a really bad, cheap cellphone. I laugh when CA cousin complains about not being able to understand nearby cousin. I have my cellphone with me and turned on when I'm out and about but my friends know to call me on my landline (actually, we all prefer to use email!) Are there any cellphones that perform really well? 

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What fresh new hell am I in that I am now getting mailers from RetailMeNot? I thought their whole operation was online.

I do not want more mailers full of unusable coupons that literally fills my whole mailbox and from which it seems to be impossible to unsubscribe for longer than 12 weeks, at which point they assume "you might have moved, people move all the time, so your address is back on our list". RedPlum and the other one were bad enough. I suppose maybe if it keeps the post office from going under I should stop complaining but it really pisses me off that there's no such thing as an unsubscribe from unsolicited mail adverts.

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4 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

We still have our landline, thank goodness.  And I loathe getting calls from people who are on their cellphones.  "Hi! How ______doing? We're on our ______ to _____ because Mom had _______."  I have one cousin who lives in CA who has a cheap cellphone and always calls me on that stupid thing. I now tell her to hang up and let me call her on her landline.  She now gets to experience the irritation when she calls another cousin, who lives near me who has a really bad, cheap cellphone. I laugh when CA cousin complains about not being able to understand nearby cousin. I have my cellphone with me and turned on when I'm out and about but my friends know to call me on my landline (actually, we all prefer to use email!) Are there any cellphones that perform really well? 

My mother always calls me on her cell phone, which is as clear as her landline used to be. She doesn't call anyone on her landline because it will cut off right in the middle of the call. She has AT&T, which is all that is available to her. I know other people who also have AT&T out of necessity, and it does the same thing to their landlines. She also has internet with AT&T, and it's flaky.

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14 minutes ago, theatremouse said:

What fresh new hell am I in that I am now getting mailers from RetailMeNot? I thought their whole operation was online.

I do not want more mailers full of unusable coupons that literally fills my whole mailbox and from which it seems to be impossible to unsubscribe for longer than 12 weeks, at which point they assume "you might have moved, people move all the time, so your address is back on our list". RedPlum and the other one were bad enough. I suppose maybe if it keeps the post office from going under I should stop complaining but it really pisses me off that there's no such thing as an unsubscribe from unsolicited mail adverts.

You can unsubscribe from many mail offenders at catalogchoice.org. I have gotten off just about every mailing list except for fucking Spectrum despite specifically requesting on their website for them to never mail me ever again!!!

Anyway, Catalog Choice will unsubscribe you or send you to the offender's site if you have to unsubscribe directly. It's not just for catalogs, despite the name. Any kind of mail (postcards, flyers, etc.) can be opted out from on the site. I promise it's legit; I've been using it for years and years and I get maybe three pieces of mail a week now. I've gotten some garbage lately because of moving and someone in that process maybe sold my address, but 90% of my mail comes from "known" sources/with whom I've done business/solicited.

Also, OptOutPrescreen.com gets you off pre-approved credit card mailing lists.

I post this same comment at least annually as a public service. I hate junk mail more than spam calls and email! The waste! *shakes fist at sky*

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My specific peeve is companies from whose site I have unsubscribed directly. It stops for a while and then they resubscribe me and when I complain to them directly, they say what I mentioned before "because people move so frequently, we put your address back in periodically". I cannot win.

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About once a year I donate $5 to NPR during a fund drive if I happen to catch them early in the morning announcing that if I donate then, I will have 5 or 6 chances to win an iPad Pro during hourly drawings. 
I then receive snail mail asking me to join, re-join, etc. that costs way more than the $5 I donated.
I used to call them and beg them not to spend my $5 sending me junk mail, and they would say they had taken me off of "the list," but apparently not.
This has been going on for 20 years. 
I would donate more if they would stop sending me paper to recycle.

Edited by shapeshifter
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19 hours ago, shapeshifter said:

About once a year I donate $5 to NPR during a fund drive if I happen to catch them early in the morning announcing that if I donate then, I will have 5 or 6 chances to win an iPad Pro during hourly drawings. 
I then receive snail mail asking me to join, re-join, etc. that costs way more than the $5 I donated.
I used to call them and beg them not to spend my $5 sending me junk mail, and they would say they had taken me off of "the list," but apparently not.
This has been going on for 20 years. 
I would donate more if they would stop sending me paper to recycle.


Yes, this has been going on with me for several years with the ASPCA, a very worthy cause but then there are many worthy causes and I am not a rich person. I donated to them once during the big fires in Santa Rosa, California because they were doing outstanding work rounding up animals that had either fled home because the house was burning and gotten lost or the house burned down with the people in it and the animals were able to escape...in any case they have been mailing me monthly now (including sending big expensive color calendars every year) even though I have never donated to them again - just from lack of funds, not because they don't continue to do good work. I'm sure my initial donation is now .1000 percent of what they have spent mailing me...plus the trees! For Gawd's sake, think of the trees!

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So yesterday, my husband and I decided to try a new place for brunch.  We placed an order online for delivery.  The first order didn't go through - they ran out of avocado toast (!!!!) just as I placed the order, so I had to find a substitute.  Fine.  The order went.  Just  before the delivery, I get a notification that some items were not available, but it didn't say which ones.  All the items I ordered were on the receipt.  It wasn't until AFTER the delivery came that we found out what we didn't get:  the restaurant gave us FRIES instead of salad (I hate potatoes, so this was NOT GOOD) and one dish, which was supposed to come with a side of waffles (yum!) came with a toasted bun.  That's a BIG DIFFERENCE!!!  I'm still trying to reach out to the restaurant.  Nope, no luck.  They should have called me (they have my number, so why not?) to ask.  It's rude.  Ugh..... 

Today wasn't great either, but it wasn't the food.  The delivery guy had another drop-off going a DIFFERENT direction.  He shouldn't be allowed to do that.  Another drop-off is fine, but only if it's along the way!  He was about half an hour late.  

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44 minutes ago, PRgal said:

So yesterday, my husband and I decided to try a new place for brunch.  We placed an order online for delivery.  The first order didn't go through - they ran out of avocado toast (!!!!) just as I placed the order, so I had to find a substitute.  Fine.  The order went.  Just  before the delivery, I get a notification that some items were not available, but it didn't say which ones.  All the items I ordered were on the receipt.  It wasn't until AFTER the delivery came that we found out what we didn't get:  the restaurant gave us FRIES instead of salad (I hate potatoes, so this was NOT GOOD) and one dish, which was supposed to come with a side of waffles (yum!) came with a toasted bun.  That's a BIG DIFFERENCE!!!  I'm still trying to reach out to the restaurant.  Nope, no luck.  They should have called me (they have my number, so why not?) to ask.  It's rude.  Ugh..... 

Today wasn't great either, but it wasn't the food.  The delivery guy had another drop-off going a DIFFERENT direction.  He shouldn't be allowed to do that.  Another drop-off is fine, but only if it's along the way!  He was about half an hour late.  

OMG in what world can waffles be replaced by a TOASTED SAD BUN????  Waffles as a side IMO is the motivation for getting a certain item.

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50 minutes ago, PRgal said:

So yesterday, my husband and I decided to try a new place for brunch.  We placed an order online for delivery.  The first order didn't go through - they ran out of avocado toast (!!!!) just as I placed the order, so I had to find a substitute.  Fine.  The order went.  Just  before the delivery, I get a notification that some items were not available, but it didn't say which ones.  All the items I ordered were on the receipt.  It wasn't until AFTER the delivery came that we found out what we didn't get:  the restaurant gave us FRIES instead of salad (I hate potatoes, so this was NOT GOOD) and one dish, which was supposed to come with a side of waffles (yum!) came with a toasted bun.  That's a BIG DIFFERENCE!!!  I'm still trying to reach out to the restaurant.  Nope, no luck.  They should have called me (they have my number, so why not?) to ask.  It's rude.  Ugh..... 

Today wasn't great either, but it wasn't the food.  The delivery guy had another drop-off going a DIFFERENT direction.  He shouldn't be allowed to do that.  Another drop-off is fine, but only if it's along the way!  He was about half an hour late.  

Did you order through the restaurant or a delivery service? If it's a delivery service, you should be able to get at least some of your money back.

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3 minutes ago, GaT said:

Did you order through the restaurant or a delivery service? If it's a delivery service, you should be able to get at least some of your money back.

UberEats.  They gave me a measly $5 credit for today's delay.

10 minutes ago, Kiki777 said:

OMG in what world can waffles be replaced by a TOASTED SAD BUN????  Waffles as a side IMO is the motivation for getting a certain item.

Exactly!  That's the only way either my husband or I eat sweet items at brunch.  I've heard NOTHING from the restaurant.  They don't seem to care.  They seem to have a good rating on Yelp - I wonder how much of it came from them/their people.  I wrote a review after yesterday's meal.  Let's just say it wasn't too nice. 

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8 minutes ago, PRgal said:

UberEats.  They gave me a measly $5 credit for today's delay.

Exactly!  That's the only way either my husband or I eat sweet items at brunch.  I've heard NOTHING from the restaurant.  They don't seem to care.  They seem to have a good rating on Yelp - I wonder how much of it came from them/their people.  I wrote a review after yesterday's meal.  Let's just say it wasn't too nice. 

I hope you spelled out everything you told us. Substituting a bun for waffles is a sin against the lord.

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15 minutes ago, PRgal said:

UberEats.  They gave me a measly $5 credit for today's delay.

Exactly!  That's the only way either my husband or I eat sweet items at brunch.  I've heard NOTHING from the restaurant.  They don't seem to care.  They seem to have a good rating on Yelp - I wonder how much of it came from them/their people.  I wrote a review after yesterday's meal.  Let's just say it wasn't too nice. 


5 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

I hope you spelled out everything you told us. Substituting a bun for waffles is a sin against the lord.

$5 is not enough, I would look up on the restaurant's menu how much ala carte waffles are & tell UberEats that's how much they owe you. You didn't get what you ordered & paid for.

I've noticed that the service at restaurants really sucks since this whole quarantine thing started. We keep getting told to support our local restaurants, but they are doing such a piss poor job, I don't see why I should. They did take out & delivery before, what's the problem now that they seem to be incapable of doing it today?

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1 hour ago, GaT said:


$5 is not enough, I would look up on the restaurant's menu how much ala carte waffles are & tell UberEats that's how much they owe you. You didn't get what you ordered & paid for.

I've noticed that the service at restaurants really sucks since this whole quarantine thing started. We keep getting told to support our local restaurants, but they are doing such a piss poor job, I don't see why I should. They did take out & delivery before, what's the problem now that they seem to be incapable of doing it today?

Except a la carte waffles don’t exist.  That whole restaurant is a sin. I gave them a one star rating on Yelp.  And to make matters worse, the restaurant’s name implied that it was healthier - those fries were greasier than diner fries and overall quality was worse.  My husband’s meal was supposed to have bacon.  Instead, it looked like deli ham (trust me, it wasn’t prosciutto).  

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2 hours ago, PRgal said:

Except a la carte waffles don’t exist.  That whole restaurant is a sin. I gave them a one star rating on Yelp.  And to make matters worse, the restaurant’s name implied that it was healthier - those fries were greasier than diner fries and overall quality was worse.  My husband’s meal was supposed to have bacon.  Instead, it looked like deli ham (trust me, it wasn’t prosciutto).  

Wow,I would leave a bad review everywhere I could.

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On 7/8/2020 at 9:10 PM, GaT said:


We still have a landline even though we both have cell phones, & I give out the landline number instead of my cell all the time. For one thing, I remember the landline number but for some reason can never remember my cell number, plus, my cell is always buried in my purse & I hardly ever hear it ring, but mostly, I don't want people to be able to call & bug me whenever they want. If I'm out doing things, I don't want to have to stop & deal with you, just leave a message on the landline.


On 7/9/2020 at 10:44 AM, BexKeps said:

My ex-husband used to pee in the shower, it was a tub/shower combo and I would remind him that I bathed the children in that tub, he got the message. Gross.


I think we have the same ex-husband.  I wonder how many times he's been married.


Edited by Brookside
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64°F and the neighbor’s air conditioner unit that hangs next to my tiny bedroom’s window turns on at 1:30 a.m. 

This seems to be a regular thing now. 

In better news, my youngest daughter and her husband put in an offer on a house in another state and plan to help find me a place nearby before next summer. 

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1 hour ago, Browncoat said:

Again with the fireworks!  Big booms at ten o’clock last night — a Monday!  Early Bastille Day revelry, perhaps?

Perhaps, but likely just leftovers. But you're kidding about Early Bastille Day, right? 🙂
Better they use them up than a child finds them, right? But why not 9 p.m.? Let's imagine it took them until 10 to do it safely. 
My daughters always hate it when I try to make them feel more kindly to towards those who are making them miserable, so, sorry?

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It had been perfectly quiet since July 4!  And yes, I was (mostly) kidding about Bastille Day -- I'd be surprised if my neighbors have even heard of Bastille Day, much less know when it is.

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57 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

It had been perfectly quiet since July 4!  And yes, I was (mostly) kidding about Bastille Day -- I'd be surprised if my neighbors have even heard of Bastille Day, much less know when it is.

My parents used to have Bastille Day parties. One year they got their hands on a cannon. It was only a small, brass one but it went BOOM. My mom and my DH got a little tipsy and put a rubber duck in front of it. They put a blindfold on it and a cigarette in it's bill. They were blasting away at that thing until the cops came. Apparently boaters on the lake down the hill started calling the shore patrol because they though we were being invaded. It was only seven or eight in the evening. They were very sorry and never did it again.

Edited by peacheslatour
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1 minute ago, peacheslatour said:

My parents used to have Bastille Day parties. One year they got their hands on a cannon. It was only a small, brass one but it went BOOM. My mom and my DH got a little tipsy and put a rubber dick in front of it. They put a blindfold on it and a cigarette in it's bill. They were blasting away at that thing until the cops came. Apparently boaters on the lake down the hill started calling the shore patrol because they though we were being invaded. It was only seven or eight in the evening. They were very sorry and never did it again.

I have to ask. Was it a "rubber dick" or a "rubber duck"?

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