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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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1 hour ago, ALenore said:

Starting October 1 of 2020, you'll need the Real ID to get on any airplane flight, even domestic.

Or a passport.  I just renewed mine because my drivers license has no star and also doesn't expire until 2025.

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Just in case anyone was wondering what happened with the whole wrong picture on the license saga.  I called the DMV, because I wanted to know if I would need any extra ID beyond my paper license and my passport.  The phone was busy all day. Finally got through 15 minutes before the office closed for the day.  Turns out I don't have to go back.  They're going to use my picture from my last license and put it on and mail out a new one. So, I'll look younger and this pic was really bad, so win/win I guess.

It may not get here before I leave for Thanksgiving, but hopefully if not, I'll manage not to worry about it.

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15 minutes ago, MargeGunderson said:

I had to renew my license this year and discovered that I could renew it at my nearby AAA office! I don’t know if it’s something available in all states, but it is an option for AAA members in Massachusetts. I was in and out in 10 minutes.

Here (CA) you can renew your registration, but not your license, at AAA; license renewals can only be done via DMV.

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4 hours ago, Bastet said:

Here (CA) you can renew your registration, but not your license, at AAA; license renewals can only be done via DMV.

But you can do it online, you don't have to go into a DMV office. 

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9 minutes ago, GaT said:

But you can do it online, you don't have to go into a DMV office. 

It depends; as I referenced upthread, you can renew online/by mail for a certain number of years and then you have to renew in person and start the clock again.  (I think it might be that at the five- and ten-year renewals, you can do it online/by mail, and then at the 15-year, it has to be in person.  Or maybe it's every ten years.  And after a certain age, the requirements tighten further.  Whatever the specifics, you cannot always avoid going into the DMV.)

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18 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

I had to renew my license this year and discovered that I could renew it at my nearby AAA office! I don’t know if it’s something available in all states, but it is an option for AAA members in Massachusetts. I was in and out in 10 minutes.

The nearest AAA in my state is even further away than the DMV.  

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On 11/8/2019 at 12:17 PM, Brookside said:

Posters who don't check their posts for grammatical/spelling errors before hitting send.  Or don't know basic rules of grammar.  Please read some actual literature and not just the internet.  

"His usual types imho, are vapid and often with him,  for the wrong reasons.

So . perhaps she is what he needs, not the other way around "

Agree that it can be annoying--and even baffling for people to whom it's second nature--but not everyone knows/has learned/retains the same stuff (and hitting "post" or "submit" too soon is sometimes just an error). And I say this as a person who makes a living fixing people's writing (and often gets accused of being a grammar nazi, even though I am not*--at least not outside of my head, unless I am being paid). Even people who know better make typos; I know I do. And being versed in literature doesn't necessarily ensure a grasp of technical writing skills...which is actually quite convenient for me, considering my profession, haha!

*Something peevey I have noticed in my social media is that the shared memes about their/they're/there, your/you're, and that kind of shit are often not only fraught with other errors, but also posted by people who don't seem to pick up on them.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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1 hour ago, TattleTeeny said:

Something peevey I have noticed in my social media is that the shared memes about their/they're/there, your/you're, and that kind of shit are often not only fraught with other errors, but also posted by people who don't seem to pick up on them.

Which is why I’m so tired of reading “Your welcome” instead of “You’re welcome”. This often surprises me, especially when it comes from someone who is educated. 

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We can probably, in part, thank stupid-ass autocorrect for that nonsense. Do you know how many times I have to make Facebook or Messenger or texts knock it off? What baffles me far more than people making the error or typo on their own is that the all-knowing robots are doing it. Be better, robots! And also stay turned off when I turn you off!

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Here's a Seasonal Pet Peeve I have with myself: Why is it that I can't find a single left-handed glove- just right-handed ones?

 Yep, I'm having to make do wearing a 'pair' of right-handed gloves including an awkward fit one on my left hand! 

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So, yeah. I need a walker to get around and spend much of the day in an adjustable hospital bed. I also never answer the door unless it's someone I know.

Schwan's food delivery has an option to leave out an insulated bag for the driver, which I do. For some reason when the guy comes, he bangs and bangs on my door to speak to me instead of, you know, just leaving the fucking food in the bag. 

Today the guy is buzzing my doorbell again. I get the walker and finally make my shaky way to open the door. I'm naked. I'm going on 70 and weigh 200 pounds. 

It was worth it.

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18 hours ago, bilgistic said:

I blame Jenny McCarthy. And the internet.

I got my flu shot this morning.

As much as I hate getting involved with cancel culture, I backed out of a blogger/media related event a few years ago just because SHE was going to be a special guest.  She's one celeb I've basically cancelled (can you cancel celebs, or is it just friends/family?). 

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My friend and I went to see Doctor Sleep and these teenagers sitting behind us talked during the. Whole. Movie. Seriously, these noisy assholes apparently paid money to just talk to each other instead of, oh, I don't know, WATCHING THE MOVIE.

You have no idea how badly I wanted to turn around and tell them to STFU. But I didn't want to escalate anything. And apparently that wouldn't have done any good because at one point, a theater employee was summoned to ask them to be quiet and after she left, they went right on talking like they didn't even notice. 

A couple of times, I contented myself by giving them stink eye. I was hoping they'd ask what I was staring at them so I could say: "I figured you wanted more attention then the movie." But it never happened. 

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I was stuck in hellish traffic this afternoon because they decided to do road work on a weekend.

I ended up stuck between two morons.

They started gesturing at each other.  Then they started revving their engines back and forth.  Then they started weaving back and forth into the shoulder.  I guess they were bored.

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I have gotten a text and a phone call from "my bank" this morning, alerting me to possible fraud.  But their fraud department is closed on Sundays.  I opted not to call the number in the text, and, while I did answer the phone when they called, I opted not to give them the security code on the back of my card.

So I have three peeves -- people who try to fraudulently use my card, people who try to convince me that my card is being used fraudulently when it hasn't, and that the fraud department of my bank is closed on Sunday.

I did get in touch with regular customer service, and the card has been blocked, so hopefully there won't be any more attempts by someone who is not me to use it.  But I've spent way more time on the phone today (mostly on hold!), than I'd like.  And I have to start again tomorrow morning.

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That was me last night. I was headed for my association’s President List’s awards dinner and driving downtown (not DC, Silver Spring) to the Doubletree Hilton, and for all the renovations done down there to make it look pretty and comparable to DC, the lighting SUCKS!!! I needed to get in the right lane—so I started to change lanes and then heard a LOUD KATHUNK!!! Panicked, I swerved back. That piece of “White” that I thought was a right hand turn faded, turned out to be a white piece of a fucking CURB/MEDIAN!!!

When I pulled into the hotel parking at the next light, I got out to see if what damage had been done to my NEW car!!!! It’s only four months old. My brain is screaming how I don’t have the deductible to have it fixed. Fortunately, the Fates were kind. The stupid curb just made the tire go flat. No damage to my car-I looked.

But damn if I’m not upset how fragile the tire is! So after the dinner, GEICO came and put on the donut and I made it home.

This morning I took my car to the tire place, hoping they could fix it-nope. That damned curb TORE my tire open! So I’m getting a new tire-at a reasonable price. I’ll get another one to replace the donut next month. I can’t afford to purchase two just now.

But the whole thing prevented me from enjoying the night 100% because I’d texted GEICO and had to dance while holding my phone and constantly checking to see if they had called! But I still had a blast overall. So, yay?

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This is more bemusement than peeve, but I shake my head a bit at the people who complained on social media because they weren't able to get through to Disney+ customer support. The service was broken for everyone on day one and continues to be buggy. I hope those subscribers were satisfied after being on hold for two hours to hear that Disney is "aware of the problem and working as hard as possible to fix it."

That's the line we always used at my former software company.

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57 minutes ago, 2727 said:

This is more bemusement than peeve, but I shake my head a bit at the people who complained on social media because they weren't able to get through to Disney+ customer support. The service was broken for everyone on day one and continues to be buggy. I hope those subscribers were satisfied after being on hold for two hours to hear that Disney is "aware of the problem and working as hard as possible to fix it."

That's the line we always used at my former software company.

This is why you don't buy, or subscribe, to things when they immediately come out.  Let them work out bugs first.

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15 hours ago, Spartan Girl said:

My friend and I went to see Doctor Sleep and these teenagers sitting behind us talked during the. Whole. Movie. Seriously, these noisy assholes apparently paid money to just talk to each other instead of, oh, I don't know, WATCHING THE MOVIE.

You have no idea how badly I wanted to turn around and tell them to STFU. But I didn't want to escalate anything. And apparently that wouldn't have done any good because at one point, a theater employee was summoned to ask them to be quiet and after she left, they went right on talking like they didn't even notice. 

A couple of times, I contented myself by giving them stink eye. I was hoping they'd ask what I was staring at them so I could say: "I figured you wanted more attention then the movie." But it never happened. 

Gee whiz, you grown ups are always bitching about the kids having their noses buried in their devices and here we have some teenagers who are engaging in person and having a dialog and you olds still complain. Damned if we do, damned if we don't!


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3 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

GEICO came and put on the donut and I made it home.

Geico changed your tire?  Wish my insurance company would do that.

3 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I’ll get another one to replace the donut next month.

Can't you just put the donut back into your trunk?  I've never heard that it can't be reused.

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3 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

So I’m getting a new tire-at a reasonable price. I’ll get another one to replace the donut next month.

What's wrong with the donut that it needs to also be replaced?  It doesn't sound like you came even close to using up its limited lifespan.  Don't spend money you don't need to.  Your car is so new you can just replace the one busted tire (typically, you replace two or four at a time, depending on mileage and tread, when one is damaged beyond repair, but with such a new car that's the time you can just replace one with no drawback), and the spare used just this once can go back in the trunk for the next time you again need it temporarily.  One new tire, and you're good to go.

I'm glad you still had a good time at the event; that's hard to do with something like this hanging over your head.

Edited by Bastet
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On 11/15/2019 at 2:45 PM, PRgal said:

As much as I hate getting involved with cancel culture, I backed out of a blogger/media related event a few years ago just because SHE was going to be a special guest.  She's one celeb I've basically cancelled (can you cancel celebs, or is it just friends/family?). 

There's a long list of celebrities and others that I've "cancelled" in the past few years since the #MeToo movement spotlighted who some people really are. For one thing, it makes my TV- and movie-viewing choices much easier to narrow down.

One of the activist accounts I follow on Instagram says that "cancel culture" is actually holding people accountable, and that's why those being "cancelled" wail about cancel culture.

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19 hours ago, Bastet said:

What's wrong with the donut that it needs to also be replaced?  It doesn't sound like you came even close to using up its limited lifespan.  Don't spend money you don't need to.  Your car is so new you can just replace the one busted tire (typically, you replace two or four at a time, depending on mileage and tread, when one is damaged beyond repair, but with such a new car that's the time you can just replace one with no drawback), and the spare used just this once can go back in the trunk for the next time you again need it temporarily.  One new tire, and you're good to go.

I'm glad you still had a good time at the event; that's hard to do with something like this hanging over your head.

Well, I feel stupid now. It's been so long since I've had a small car, and back then, I was told the donut was no good and to have a regular tire as a spare. So yes! Money spared! I know I rarely post in this thread, but what would I do without you all?

I'm glad I was able to have a good time for the most part. The DJ was our outgoing President's husband, and she took requests for what we wanted to hear--So I gave a whole list from Motown (The Four Tops, The Temptations, Chubby Checker), to some 70s (ALWAYS love to dance to Gloria Raynor's "I Will Survive") and 80s music. So of course my body feels like I did two hours of cardio! Which, I guess I did.

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19 hours ago, meowmommy said:

OMG, this is why I love this board.  I just looked at my policy, and I've always declined "Towing and Labor," as I assumed it had to do with an accident.  It will cost me about $15/yr to add it on, vs $55 for AAA.

I've only had insurance with these people for 41 years....

I can attest to the usefulness of the roadside assistance option (at least as offered by GEICO). This weekend I stupidly locked my keys in my car, used the mobile app to request help, and they sent someone out very quickly to unlock my car so I could retrieve my keys. At no additional charge; it’s included in the very low additional cost to my premium. I have paid around $100 for similar services in the past, so this option is well worth it to me. Plus I like knowing that if I have a flat tire or break down on the side of the road, I can get reliable help quickly and not have to pay exorbitant prices for towing or changing a tire. 

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6 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I'm glad I was able to have a good time for the most part. The DJ was our outgoing President's husband, and she took requests for what we wanted to hear--So I gave a whole list from Motown (The Four Tops, The Temptations, Chubby Checker), to some 70s (ALWAYS love to dance to Gloria Raynor's "I Will Survive") and 80s music. So of course my body feels like I did two hours of cardio! Which, I guess I did.

I approve of this music list. You can't go wrong with some good ol' Motown. 

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I am positive this has been mentioned somewhere in the 370 pages of this topic (probably multiple times), but can people please learn the meaning of the word "literally"?

I have a Facebook friend (a parent of a friend of my son's) who is considering a hysterectomy for health reasons. I don't want to be insensitive to her, but she is absolutely not literally bleeding to death every month. And the woman who commented on her Facebook post (asking for advice about hysterectomy versus other procedures) did not literally bleed to death several years ago before she had a hysterectomy. If she had, she would find it difficult to comment on Facebook.

For that matter, quit asking Facebook friends for advice on medical procedures. They don't know! They can only give you their experiences, which will probably be completely different than yours. Of course, this woman also believes vaccines are poison, so she has other medical issues.

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5 hours ago, auntlada said:

I am positive this has been mentioned somewhere in the 370 pages of this topic (probably multiple times), but can people please learn the meaning of the word "literally"?

I have a Facebook friend (a parent of a friend of my son's) who is considering a hysterectomy for health reasons. I don't want to be insensitive to her, but she is absolutely not literally bleeding to death every month. And the woman who commented on her Facebook post (asking for advice about hysterectomy versus other procedures) did not literally bleed to death several years ago before she had a hysterectomy. If she had, she would find it difficult to comment on Facebook.

For that matter, quit asking Facebook friends for advice on medical procedures. They don't know! They can only give you their experiences, which will probably be completely different than yours. Of course, this woman also believes vaccines are poison, so she has other medical issues.

I hate to break the news to you, but the definition of the word "literally" has been officially changed to include the definition "figuratively". It drives me crazy, but your friend is correct.

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1 hour ago, ABay said:

If literally now means figuratively and literally, what are we supposed to use for literally not figuratively?

Literally literally?  Really literally?  Literally and I mean it literally?  Literally, in a not figuratively sense?

Edited by Katy M
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19 hours ago, auntlada said:

For that matter, quit asking Facebook friends for advice on medical procedures. They don't know! They can only give you their experiences, which will probably be completely different than yours. Of course, this woman also believes vaccines are poison, so she has other medical issues.

I don't understand why folks think discussing their medical issues on a public forum is ever a good idea, That's what texting and PM's are for, besides shouldn't you be discussing your symptoms, procedure question and recovery options with your medical professional anyway?? Of course, the people that I know that do this are just looking for attention and sympathy. I don't have enough energy to constantly be liking posts, reassuring people and "sending prayers and hugs" so I just scroll past. 

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8 hours ago, BexKeps said:

I don't understand why folks think discussing their medical issues on a public forum is ever a good idea, That's what texting and PM's are for, besides shouldn't you be discussing your symptoms, procedure question and recovery options with your medical professional anyway?? Of course, the people that I know that do this are just looking for attention and sympathy. I don't have enough energy to constantly be liking posts, reassuring people and "sending prayers and hugs" so I just scroll past. 

Some people ask for input on the internet because they're not getting any help from their doctors.  At my book club tonight, a member asked about an ear issue, wondering if anyone else heard about it and if there were a solution (because her EN&T didn't have any answers).

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Good grief - someone needs to contact Nicolle Wallace at Deadline:White House and tell her to stop mentioning that she used to work at the White House.  She does it about every show but today she mentioned it 3 times!  Pretty soon someone's going to set up a drinking game with Nicolle as the butt of the joke (and I love her show).

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12 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

Some people ask for input on the internet because they're not getting any help from their doctors.  At my book club tonight, a member asked about an ear issue, wondering if anyone else heard about it and if there were a solution (because her EN&T didn't have any answers).

Yes, that is what I meant when I said texting or PM'ing would be better, a private group like your book club, not a public forum like FB. I discuss my medical/personal issues with my best friend, my husband, my sister, by coworkers, but not on FB. Discussing my menopause symptoms is not something I want some of my coworkers, who are my FB friends but not close friends, to read about.  Nor do I want to know that my supervisor has a toe fungus or is constipated this week. And what I personally witness, and maybe you haven't had the same experience, is the FB friends who post constantly about their health issues aren't actually looking for advice, they are looking for sympathy and attention. 

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6 hours ago, BexKeps said:

Nor do I want to know that my supervisor has a toe fungus or is constipated this week. And what I personally witness, and maybe you haven't had the same experience, is the FB friends who post constantly about their health issues aren't actually looking for advice, they are looking for sympathy and attention. 

Whoa! Thank goodness I don't see stuff like this. 

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1 hour ago, peacheslatour said:

Just another reason I am not nor have I ever been on FB.

I love Facebook. But I treat it like a family photo album. We're all over the country & no longer seeing each other frequently. I only have 14 "friends". No politics, nothing offensive. One "friend" posts a lot of religious stuff so I hit the button that stopped her posts. She doesn't know this. I visit her page so I don't miss her nonreligious/nonpolitical posts. I have had casual friends want to be on my list but I say I've only got 14 "friends" & can't handle any more right now (they probably think I'm pathetic but at least I didn't have to say no 😎).

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3 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

But I treat it like a family photo album.

I think that's the right attitude.  If you don't take it seriously and you don't spread every stupid meme and clickbait story you see, it can be a nice way to keep up with people you don't see often but still care about.  I do have one FB friend from HS who posts all sorts of debunked crap she finds on the interwebs, and I pretty much have Snopes on speed dial so I can show her that her article is bullshit.  And every time, she's so appreciative, but then she does it again!

I highly recommend FBPurity, a browser add-on, which eliminates ads and almost anything else I don't want to see (very customizable).  On my phone app, where I don't have the add-on, I started reporting every ad I saw to FB as "offensive," and I think they finally realized I don't want to see their advertising.  I can go weeks at a time with no ads, then they'll show up one day after every third or fourth post, so I report them all as offensive, and then they go away again for a while.

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Face Book Purity? where do I find this? I've been driven crazy the past few months via these multiple ads all day long on Face Book.  I'm also sick of seeing all the profiles of people I know who cannot be friends of friends - they're from all over the globe now.  Hmmm...re: the ads...I've been just clicking on irrelevant but maybe I should be clicking on offensive. I loathe Zuckerburg but love this "living photo album" that has connected me with cousins and other relatives & friends across the country.  I wonder if the "twins" had been the actual producer of face book if we'd have had to endure this crap.

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1 minute ago, annzeepark914 said:

Face Book Purity? where do I find this?

You can search within FB, as F.B. Purity, or look in your browser's extension store/library, or you can go directly here.  I don't know if it is available for every browser, but it makes using FB on my computer clean as a whistle.  I have everything eliminated on the left and right hand sides of the pages, no ads, no "people you may know," marketplace, etc.  Only what I want to see.

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When you have some time to spare I recommend everyone clean up their ad section.

From a computer

Click on Settings >Ads > Your Interests then click on each section and hover over the box & click the ex to get rid of what you don't like. It helps, for a bit. I tend to do this once a month, takes about 5 minutes (took about 30 the first time)

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3 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

Click on Settings >Ads > Your Interests then click on each section and hover over the box & click the ex to get rid of what you don't like. It helps, for a bit. I tend to do this once a month, takes about 5 minutes (took about 30 the first time)

One of the beauties of FB Purity (and I swear I have no connection to them) is that FB Purity will offer to clean that up for you, too.

I was majorly pissed to find out that FB has shared my contact information with literally thousands of advertisers, mostly real estate brokers and car dealerships all over the country.  Which is odd since I'm not selling my house and my car is almost nine years old and not getting replaced.  And each time I go back to check (every couple of weeks), there are hundreds of new ones.

Edited by meowmommy
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2 hours ago, meowmommy said:

I was majorly pissed to find out that FB has shared my contact information with literally thousands of advertisers, mostly real estate brokers and car dealerships all over the country

It's also when your friends OK something having access to their contacts. 

2 hours ago, meowmommy said:

One of the beauties of FB Purity (and I swear I have no connection to them) is that FB Purity will offer to clean that up for you, too.

Personally I'm done with ad-ons, they all also get access to things and I'm trying to reign in what little control I have left.

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