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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,
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I'm so tired of the same old secular Xmas songs being played over and over (at each store or office I visit).  But then I've heard them all my life. So I avoid radio stations playing those songs and now just play the classical music stations (they're playing beautiful cathedral choir music, most of which I don't recognize but it sounds so peaceful).  When I was a kid, Christmas preparations didn't start until the day after T'giving. And it was a much quieter, sweeter holiday.  Now it's too overblown.  The only Xmas movies I watch are the really old ones (except, I loved The Gathering which was shown maybe in the 80's?) starring Ed Asner and a lot of very good actors + a serious storyline. Wish they'd show it again along with its equally excellent sequel.  

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I've been avoiding the holiday at all costs. I've been listening to CDs or Pandora to avoid the radio. I've been reading books and watching documentaries or movies to avoid regular TV. I am so glad that Trader Joes was playing regular music instead of holiday music while I shopped today. If someone ever wanted to commit deep psychological torture on me, all they would have to do is play Christmas music on a  continuous loop. I would go irrevocably mad within hours. If I never hear it again, it would be too soon. 

I'm not a fan of Halloween, but I am grateful that it helps keep the Christmas plague at bay. If they could start promoting it in the summer, they would. Its already bad enough when places try that "Christmas in July" bullshit. No, just no. One Christmas season is enough.

And now the peeve that has plagued every Floridian since the invention of cars: I really, really wish drivers license were revoked after the age of 80. Just think elderly drivers plus trying to grocery shop a week before Christmas and you can imagine the scenarios I witnessed. Sheesh.

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45 minutes ago, AgentRXS said:

And now the peeve that has plagued every Floridian since the invention of cars: I really, really wish drivers license were revoked after the age of 80.

I'm 67 and was kind of surprised that Florida cheerfully let me renew my license online for another seven years. I guess the photo from 2011 still kinda looks like me? I feel like I'm one of those people using a 10-year-old photo on a dating site. 

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1 hour ago, 2727 said:

I'm 67 and was kind of surprised that Florida cheerfully let me renew my license online for another seven years. I guess the photo from 2011 still kinda looks like me? I feel like I'm one of those people using a 10-year-old photo on a dating site. 

This made me laugh and laugh. When I last renewed my license, I was able to do it online using the same picture that was taken several years and several pounds ago. I am told I look much younger than my 44 years, but there's no way I look much thinner than my *coughcoughcoughcoughcough* pounds.

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I’m so jealous of you all being able to renew your drivers licenses online.   I had to go in person in October and they forced me to take a new picture, let’s just say it looks like a dmv picture, I’m convinced it looks nothing like me.  Im now stuck with this awful picture for the next eight years unless I move out of state.  But I was grateful to be able to get my license, I almost failed the eye test because she was making me read the eye chart from a weird angle, fortunately a manager came along and let me read it straight on.

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3 hours ago, 2727 said:

I'm 67 and was kind of surprised that Florida cheerfully let me renew my license online for another seven years. I guess the photo from 2011 still kinda looks like me? I feel like I'm one of those people using a 10-year-old photo on a dating site. 

My picture is from I think 2008. I had no idea they were going to retake my photo that day when I was renewing, so I look awesome. All of my hair is still dark, I had the goatee, a bunch of scruff in addition to that, my hair is all messy. I look like Dave Grohl's chubby brother. (Which to be fair, wasn't a bad look for me back in the day.) I will probably intentionally go to renew in person in 2023 just to get a new picture. 

And ugh, I ran across someone who used a ten year old picture on a dating sight. That's really unforgivable, unless for some reason you look better now than you did ten years ago. (She did not.)


Edited by JTMacc99
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8 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

And now the peeve that has plagued every Floridian since the invention of cars: I really, really wish drivers license were revoked after the age of 80. Just think elderly drivers plus trying to grocery shop a week before Christmas and you can imagine the scenarios I witnessed. Sheesh.

I'm  nowhere near 80 but I'd rather have an 80 yr old driving on the roads with me instead of these hotshots driving 15-20 mph over the speed limit, weaving in and out, tailgating you even if you're driving the speed limit in the right lane. Whatever happened to Driver's Education in high school?  Where did these people learn to drive--watching NASCAR?  On the interstates they drive in packs.  And no one stops first before making a right turn at a red light or stop sign (Mr. P914 says he's seen police do that).  They just roll on through.  Have I forgotten anything? 

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For the past three weeks I have tried and failed to see Ralph Breaks the Internet with a friend. That friend always had to back out at the last minute. Rather than keep pestering her, I invited another friend to go to the movie. We made plans for today.

But guess what? Something suddenly came up and now THIS friend had to cancel.

I know life happens and all that, but I really feel like I'm jinxed.

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5 hours ago, partofme said:

I’m so jealous of you all being able to renew your drivers licenses online.  

Related pet peeve - I wish everyone had to retake their test every few years after a certain age.  Including an eye test.

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5 hours ago, partofme said:

I’m so jealous of you all being able to renew your drivers licenses online.   I had to go in person in October and they forced me to take a new picture, let’s just say it looks like a dmv picture, I’m convinced it looks nothing like me.  Im now stuck with this awful picture for the next eight years unless I move out of state.  But I was grateful to be able to get my license, I almost failed the eye test because she was making me read the eye chart from a weird angle, fortunately a manager came along and let me read it straight on.

Scary but true: about 3 years ago I had been told I would need to have cataract surgery in both eyes, but that it would probably be a year before it was necessary. I had to renew my license in person (here in TX they alternate between letting you renew online and having to go in person), and a vision test was required. I barely passed the vision test; I had to squint like crazy and I'm really not sure if I saw all the letters I thought I did or if I had just subconsciously memorized the string of letters from the various people who were tested while I was in line. Within 2-3 weeks of renewing my license, I went to my optometrist again and my vision had drastically deteriorated since my prior visit 6 months earlier. Optometrist: You're now legally blind; you wouldn't be able to pass the vision test for your drivers license. Me: Holy crap, I just passed it a few weeks ago. Optometrist: That's crazy, but even though you passed it,  you're still legally blind and should not be driving. I did request and receive ADA accommodations to work from home; this was prior to my job switch where I now telecommute full-time. Also, my daughter ended up being my chauffeur for the next few months until I could get the cataract surgery done, so at least once I knew I was a hazard behind the wheel, I quit driving until I could actually see well again. 

I don't know that I would list 80 as an age where nobody should have a drivers license any more; my parents were still driving normally until their mid-80s. But I do think everybody, regardless of age, should have to pass the driving test and vision test at specified intervals, such as every 10 years through age 70, and every 5 years past age 70. I've known too many people who drove carefully when they were still living at home and had to pass their driving test to get their license originally, who then became very careless drivers after a few years but never had to have their driving skills formally assessed again. 

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9 hours ago, auntlada said:

As long as I don't have to parallel park for a test. I still can't do it, and there's no need here.

I didn't have to parallel park on my first driving test which is good because I would have never gotten a license.  The only time I have been able to do it without spending 5 minutes angling in, inching back, adjusting forward...is when I drove a car the size of a shoe box.   My lifelong mission since selling the shoe box has been to avoid parallel parking.  I'd rather walk a mile from a parking lot than put my parallel parking skills to the test and holding up traffic forever while I do it.

I have infinite envy of those with the spatial skills.  My ex had truly great spatial skills and a complete lack of comprehension that not everyone on the road has the same.  A friend helped me once go pick up a big couch - she had access to a work van.  She backed into this incredibly small and oddly configured loading area with less trouble than I have backing out of my own drive - it was truly an impressive feat! 

And because I am a small and petty person, it made me immensely happy that I knew someone with better spatial skills than my ex.

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Speaking of parallel parking, about 10 years ago Mr. P914 & I went into the District to find a certain restaurant.  I was driving. It was in an area we'd never been to before and we were on a one way street. The only parking spot was on the left side of the road. I knew I'd have to parallel park, hadn't done it in a long time and geez laweeze - on the left side.  I did it very carefully, trying to make as few moves as possible and voila!  Mission accomplished.  Typical male - he didn't even say "that was impressive" or "good job"...but I knew deep down inside, he HAD to be impressed!  I don't have many claims to fame but this was one of them :>)

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When I tested for my license I picked the DMV that didn't require freeway driving or parallel parking. Did the test, got back to the DMV, The guy told me to pull up to the curb to park and I bumped it. It should have been an automatic fail but he passed me anyway. Parallel parking wasn't an issue where I grew up but I developed expert skills real quick when I started going to a sporting event and was squeezing into spots off-site. The city I lived in prior to moving to hell was parallel parking central and I'm glad I already had those skills

I firmly believe a behind the wheel test should be mandatory every 2-3 years after 70 and yearly after 80.

My dad is turning 80 next year. He still has all his faculties about him. He was driving a 2001 Civic and when I went home a few weeks ago he said they were looking at leasing him a 'small SUV' because of all the updated safety features, like brake assist. I straight up told them if dad needs a car to help him with his lanes and breaking he shouldn't be driving. Not that he does much driving beyond the store, local restaurants and doctors appointments, but still. Anyway, he's now a proud 'owner' of a leased CRV.


My parking related peeves are these:

  1. People who park on or over the line. Not to be an asshole (which is another peeve) but just due to carelessness.
  2. Huge SUVs parked in compact spaces. You want to drive a big ass truck? Go park in the back in the regular spots
  3. People who have the 'front' spot along the curb and don't pull as close as possible to the fire zone (if there is one) or end of curb, basically screwing over the rest of the street parking as people pull in behind them. Inches matter, people!
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Monday morning I somehow lost my grip on the milk bottle (Fairlife, so the square shaped one) and frantically went to catch it before it hit ground.  I managed to do so, but also managed to tweak some small muscle in my hand.  Since then, every time I need to spread my fingers to grab something (anything wider than a coffee can) or I pick up something with just a little bit of weight to it, my hand & wrist remind me that I angered something.

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19 hours ago, partofme said:

I’m so jealous of you all being able to renew your drivers licenses online.   I had to go in person in October and they forced me to take a new picture, let’s just say it looks like a dmv picture,

Same thing happened to me in June. My older photo is great. My new one is so terrible that I keep the old one over the new one in my wallet. I cannot stand to look at my new license photo at all.

14 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

 And no one stops first before making a right turn at a red light or stop sign (Mr. P914 says he's seen police do that).  They just roll on through. 

Yes! I hate this. The only time they seem to stop is when I'm behind them. They will sit through minutes of open lanes, and will wait until oncoming traffic is just about to approach and then they will turn, leaving me to sit through the rush of cars. Another case of people attempting to cause an accident to cash out.

Edited by AgentRXS
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On 12/18/2018 at 9:11 AM, theredhead77 said:

Christmas is NOT a secular holiday.  I'm beyond over Christmas music everywhere, Christmas TV specials taking over the networks, everything closing down for the day and people insisting that everyone can celebrate it.

I like Christmas, but I can sympathize - except the everything closing down for the day part.  We work WAY too much in this country!  We need MORE holidays!   

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1 hour ago, AgentRXS said:

Same thing happened to me in June. My older photo is great. My new one is so terrible that I keep the old one over the new one in my wallet. I cannot stand to look at my new license photo at all.


Lol!   I have my new license in my wallet backward(with the old one behind it).  Only problem is my new license has a tiny pic on the back, it’s like I can’t completely get away from this picture.

1 hour ago, ratgirlagogo said:

I like Christmas, but I can sympathize - except the everything closing down for the day part.  We work WAY too much in this country!  We need MORE holidays!   

Christmas was my favorite holiday as a child but it’s not the same as a poor adult.   Every year I think next year will be better.

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2 hours ago, ratgirlagogo said:

We work WAY too much in this country!  We need MORE holidays!   

Yes, but we need holidays for events everyone can celebrate, not just people of a specific religion where the celebration takes over network TV and many radio stations. Sure, parts small subsets of places close down for the Jewish High Holidays but if we're going to close the country down for Christmas and Easter lets also close down for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur as well as Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha (thanks, Wikipedia!). 

Or add secular days instead - Presidents Day, MLK Day, turn some of those "bank holidays" into national holidays.

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33 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

Yes, but we need holidays for events everyone can celebrate, not just people of a specific religion where the celebration takes over network TV and many radio stations. Sure, parts small subsets of places close down for the Jewish High Holidays but if we're going to close the country down for Christmas and Easter lets also close down for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur as well as Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adha (thanks, Wikipedia!). 

Or add secular days instead - Presidents Day, MLK Day, turn some of those "bank holidays" into national holidays.

Christmas is no longer a religious holiday. It is very secular.  It's all about buying presents and decorating your tree.  Neither of which has anything to do with the birth of Jesus.  Nor do Rudolph, Frosty, Jingle Bells, etc and nothing involving snow, as I imagine no matter what time of year Jesus was born (and it wasn't in December) that it happened in a raging blizzard, as the Middle East is fairly hot and arid.  I actually see Thanksgiving as the more religious holiday, even though it might not be branded as such, because it's a day to give thanks to the Lord.  And whatever religion can do that to whatever or whomever they want.

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15 minutes ago, Katy M said:

Christmas is no longer a religious holiday. It is very secular.  It's all about buying presents and decorating your tree.  Neither of which has anything to do with the birth of Jesus.  Nor do Rudolph, Frosty, Jingle Bells, etc and nothing involving snow,

Except it's not secular. Those things may not have anything to do with the true meaning of Christmas but to many of us, they are directly tied to Christmas and are/were voberden in the home of people who don't celebrate. I had to spend a good 30 minutes listen to my Jewish mother complain that all the Old Navy PJ bottoms (with trees, reindeer, snowmen, jingle bells / lights) were Christmas themed or too Christmasy. Ever year I asked for a Christmas tree Hanukkah Bush and snow themed lights. Nope, that's all related to Christmas.

If you want to celebrate Christmas, great. I'll wish you and everyone a Merry Christmas. But the straight up fact is, my pet peeve is that CHRISTmas is not a secular holiday and I am tired of it being treated as such.

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1 hour ago, theredhead77 said:

If you want to celebrate Christmas, great. I'll wish you and everyone a Merry Christmas. But the straight up fact is, my pet peeve is that CHRISTmas is not a secular holiday and I am tired of it being treated as such.

I'm tired of it being treated as such, also, but for very different reasons.  But, it's really just being used as an excuse for stores to sell a bunch of crap, so if you want to complain about it htat vein, I'll gladly join you.  


So, last Friday, I ordered a case of paper from the local office supply supplier.  Everything else I usually just go to their store to pick up, but paper is heavy and because I can't parallel park, I have to park in the parking lot across the street and obviously I am way too lazy/weak to lug a case of paper across the street and down an alley.  Anyway, Friday they told me I would have it Monday.  Yesterday I realized we didn't get it.  So, I called.  "Oh, we'll cancel that order and put in another and you'll have it tomorrow."  I have no idea why that necessitated cancelling the original order, but whatever. Today at 3:45 I realized it hadn't come yet and that the deliveries are usually earlier than that., I called to make sure I was getting the order today.  "yes, it's on the truck for delivery."  I called at 4:45 to ask when the truck was going to arrive.  "I'll have to call the truck driver."  Well, sure, I didn't expect you to know off the top of your head.  "He's gone home for the day.  I guess he didn't deliver it."  Well, genius deduction there, Sherlock.  "The best you can hope for is tomorrow morning."  So, I decided first thing tomorrow when I get in I'm going to call and ask what I can do to make sure it gets off the truck that it's apparently been riding in since Monday and into my office.  I'm half tempted to stand out on Main Street all day and wait for the truck and ambush the driver, but with my luck, nobody else on Main Street will have ordered anything.  

They don't care about us, because we're a 2 man operation and thus don't use that many supplies.  But, I would prefer they just say, we don't want to deliver to such a small customer instead of always giving me the runaround.  They also do water delivery and told us they could do it cheaper than our current supplier, and so my boss had me ask for a quote 3 times with no response.  He also wanted buy a chair from them and they ignored me twice on that.  My boss likes to use local businesses whenever we can, but if this keeps up, I'm switching to Staples.

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A literal pet peeve - I have a bazillion things to do today, but today is also the day that I have the world’s neediest cat!  

If I sit for anything or bend over, Catty Face is on my lap immediately or has jumped on my back.  I had to make a call and even though I was actively petting him, he needed to drape across my shoulders.

I love my cat but I have a crap ton of stuff to do.

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5 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

A literal pet peeve - I have a bazillion things to do today, but today is also the day that I have the world’s neediest cat!  

If I sit for anything or bend over, Catty Face is on my lap immediately or has jumped on my back.  I had to make a call and even though I was actively petting him, he needed to drape across my shoulders.

I love my cat but I have a crap ton of stuff to do.

I'm jealous.  I think my cat hates me.  If she had opposable thumbs she'd call a cab.  Not sure where she'd go.  but away.

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My Big Boy has decided that I don’t need my right hand to type. He needs to be pet with it. Had a friend over for lunch. Of course that’s when my little dears had to come and scream at us until I gave them a lunch too (not people food). I relate to  your dilemma of trying to get stuff done and having an attention starved kitty (although IRL they are by no means starved for attention or food lol). 

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8 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

A literal pet peeve - I have a bazillion things to do today, but today is also the day that I have the world’s neediest cat!  

If I sit for anything or bend over, Catty Face is on my lap immediately or has jumped on my back.  I had to make a call and even though I was actively petting him, he needed to drape across my shoulders.

I love my cat but I have a crap ton of stuff to do.

IMO, you're lucky!  Our cat (and her predecessor) were/are not lap sitters and we'd love to have them do that. Both Maine Coon cats, and I've heard Maine Coon cats are not lap sitters.  Although I don't think I'd like having my cat jump on my back - she weighs close to 15 lbs and might knock me over!  Poor kitty/poor you (can't think of a solution...maybe some more savvy cat folks can).

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1 hour ago, Moose135 said:

A Festivus for the rest of us!

A friend and I still exchange "Happy Festivus" cards each year, on which we each write, "a donation has been made in your name to The Human Fund."

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1 hour ago, annzeepark914 said:

Poor kitty/poor you (can't think of a solution...maybe some more savvy cat folks can).

My cat is very loving, but typically not this needy.  He follows me around the house most of the day (but just to supervise) and spends most nights on my lap while I read or watch tv and typically sleeps with me.  He & the dog get along well, but have very jealous hearts - if one gets attention, the other has to insert himself into the mix.

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1 hour ago, DeLurker said:

My cat is very loving, but typically not this needy.  He follows me around the house most of the day (but just to supervise) and spends most nights on my lap while I read or watch tv and typically sleeps with me.  He & the dog get along well, but have very jealous hearts - if one gets attention, the other has to insert himself into the mix.

Just like little kids!  Pets are so funny and rewarding.

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I got my indoor cats an early Xmas gift this year:  Sunbeam heated throw, $19.95 on sale at CVS with a $5 mail-in rebate.  Electric blankets are too heavy & too warm for me but this is OK -- approx 50"x60", lightweight, 3 hour automatic shutoff, high/medium/low levels of heat -- it would be fine on a couch instead of the bed.  The cats are blissful & I can wrap gifts, chop food, etc. without interruption (at least until summertime). 

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6 hours ago, fairffaxx said:

I got my indoor cats an early Xmas gift this year: Sunbeam heated throw, $19.95 on sale at CVS with a $5 mail-in rebate.

Happy kitties!

I have a throw-related peeve. I was shopping online last week and reading reviews for one that was 50" x 60". Clearly specified in large text as part of the title. I always check the single-star reviews to see what pissed people off and saw one that complained about the size of the "blanket." The user was 5'6" and it didn't even cover her feet! It was too small even for her child's twin bed!

I think sellers should have the right to ask that certain reviews be deleted due to stupidity. Also in that category, reviews that downgrade a product because of something the delivery company did.

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31 minutes ago, 2727 said:

I think sellers should have the right to ask that certain reviews be deleted due to stupidity. Also in that category, reviews that downgrade a product because of something the delivery company did.

Drives me bonkers when I see negative reviews that are clearly user stupidity or no fault of the product.

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44 minutes ago, 2727 said:

I think sellers should have the right to ask that certain reviews be deleted due to stupidity. Also in that category, reviews that downgrade a product because of something the delivery company did.

As for the delivery company, the seller did choose the deliverer so they bear some of that responsibility.  Might not have to do with the product per se, but the overall experience of ordering and receiving.

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11 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

Drives me bonkers when I see negative reviews that are clearly user stupidity or no fault of the product.

I agree! I saw a one star review of an e-book that the reviewer complained didn't download to his Kindle.  Since nobody else seemed to have this problem, it's most likely due to a problem with his Kindle or his internet.  Why damage the book's rating when it's obviously a technical problem?

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22 minutes ago, Katy M said:

As for the delivery company, the seller did choose the deliverer so they bear some of that responsibility.  Might not have to do with the product per se, but the overall experience of ordering and receiving.

I disagree - Amazon can't control UPS or FedEx. The negative experience with delivery lies with the courier, not with the product.

If the item arrives damaged and the box is trashed the review should be for the courier, not the product. It just drags down the item needlessly. On top of that - Amazon will send a replacement with minimal effort in those cases.

Edited by theredhead77
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10 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

If the item arrives damaged and the box is trashed the review should be for the courier, not the product. It just drags down the item needlessly. On top of that - Amazon will send a replacement with minimal effort in those cases.

IMO, you shouldn't negatively review until you have tried to remedy the situation.  So, if Amazon replaced the item, then you're right they're shouldn't be a negative review.  But, if they don't, then yes, it doesn't matter how it happened. The seller's agent damaged the product, they are responsible.

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I have a throw-related peeve. I was shopping online last week and reading reviews for one that was 50" x 60". Clearly specified in large text as part of the title. I always check the single-star reviews to see what pissed people off and saw one that complained about the size of the "blanket." The user was 5'6" and it didn't even cover her feet! It was too small even for her child's twin bed!

This is why I gave up on the "throw" version of blankets to keep on the couch; I never seem to find one in a big enough size for "bundling" and I am only 5'4"! Now it's nothing less than a queen-size quilt/blanket (big enough to wrap in, including the entirety of my legs even if they're stretched out, but small enough that I can wash it weekly in the machine at home). And they're less staticky and not such cat hair magnets. 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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10 hours ago, ALenore said:

I agree! I saw a one star review of an e-book that the reviewer complained didn't download to his Kindle.  Since nobody else seemed to have this problem, it's most likely due to a problem with his Kindle or his internet.  Why damage the book's rating when it's obviously a technical problem?

Ah,  the ubiquitous.  I pre ordered this book and it didn't downloaded exactly when it was supposed to review.

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1 hour ago, theredhead77 said:

YES! Everything but the polls should be closed. If everything can close for Easter, Thanksgiving and Christmas and survive everything can close one Tuesday every 2 years.

Most non-corporate places (retail, food service, etc.) are open every day but Christmas Day now.

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I live in a 55+ retirement community and was behind a woman at Walgreen's who was asked to show her ID when buying cigarettes. She was 70 if she was a day.

I get that scanning driver's licenses makes it easier to validate IDs/spot fakes and also reduces human error when calculating age, but come on

Aside from the privacy questions of if and where the info it stored and who has access, it's an inefficient business model.

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It always bugs me when stores have that little sign, for booze or smokes, that says "if you look under 26, we card" or something. "Look[ing] under 26" is subjective and we already have age-dictated rules for these purchases; why complicate it further with this arbitrary 26 business?

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19 minutes ago, 2727 said:

I live in a 55+ retirement community and was behind a woman at Walgreen's who was asked to show her ID when buying cigarettes. She was 70 if she was a day.

I get that scanning driver's licenses makes it easier to validate IDs/spot fakes and also reduces human error when calculating age, but come on

Aside from the privacy questions of if and where the info it stored and who has access, it's an inefficient business model.

There are states that passed laws that everyone must get ID'd.  I live in one.  Its not always the company.

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