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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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That's why I love having RBF (Resting Bitch Face). Most of the time the cashiers will be chit-chatty and friendly with the people before or after me, but won't say two words to me. It used to bother me, but now I don't care.  I've had Trader Joe cashiers carry on with conversation with me as they bag my stuff, and I was exhausted by the end of it. I now try to find the cashier that gives off the most introverted vibe when I go there. I just want to purchase my items and go, not hear why we both happen to like the same product.

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21 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

People think it is okay to judge someone else's weight, but would hate for the tables to be turned on them.

That brings me to another peeve (forgive me if I've brought it up before): I have no patience for people who can dish it out but can't take it. You know, the ones who will blithely lecture you on your shortcomings, but if you dare even call them out on their flaws, they get all butthurt and defensive. 

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I can't sleep and am scrolling through FB as a time-waster.  I absolutely cannot stand those stupid Will Ferrell/Elf memes that count down the amount of Fridays until Christmas. Give me a break already. It combines a multitude of dislikes of mine: Will Ferrell, Christmas, anyone who says "I have X amount of Fridays before (insert special occasion here), and the movie "Elf". I thought the premise of the movie was beyond stupid when it came out and I absolutely can't stand that it seems to have become a "Christmas classic" of sorts.

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I don't get Will Ferrell - his comedy and roles are just not my cup of tea.  The only movie with him in a larger or starring role that I've watched all the way through was Stranger than Fiction which was certainly out of the norm for him.  I actually liked him in that.

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6 hours ago, DeLurker said:

I don't get Will Ferrell - his comedy and roles are just not my cup of tea.  The only movie with him in a larger or starring role that I've watched all the way through was Stranger than Fiction which was certainly out of the norm for him.  I actually liked him in that.

Will Ferrell is fine is small, manageable doses, and Elf is merely okay. That's all I'm willing to say about it.

12 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

I can't sleep and am scrolling through FB as a time-waster.  I absolutely cannot stand those stupid Will Ferrell/Elf memes that count down the amount of Fridays until Christmas. Give me a break already. It combines a multitude of dislikes of mine: Will Ferrell, Christmas, anyone who says "I have X amount of Fridays before (insert special occasion here), and the movie "Elf". I thought the premise of the movie was beyond stupid when it came out and I absolutely can't stand that it seems to have become a "Christmas classic" of sorts.

Better Elf than the live-action Grinch. I hate that movie beyond comprehension.

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2 hours ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

Will Ferrell is fine is small, manageable doses, and Elf is merely okay. That's all I'm willing to say about it.

Better Elf than the live-action Grinch. I hate that movie beyond comprehension.

Agree, I can't even look at stills from that pile of shit.

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11 hours ago, DeLurker said:

I don't get Will Ferrell - his comedy and roles are just not my cup of tea.

I still don't understand why that cowbell SNL skit is heralded as the funniest thing ever.

4 hours ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

Will Ferrell is fine is small, manageable doses, and Elf is merely okay. That's all I'm willing to say about it.

Better Elf than the live-action Grinch. I hate that movie beyond comprehension.

The live action Grinch was so loud in theaters that it gives me a headache to think about it.

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11 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

I still don't understand why that cowbell SNL skit is heralded as the funniest thing ever.

Heh.  It may not be the funniest thing ever, but it is really funny. It has a lot of layers including the concept itself, that there was a producer working with Blue Oyster Cult who was really, really into the cowbell part of that well known song. 

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17 hours ago, Wiendish Fitch said:

Better Elf than the live-action Grinch.

My kids loved that movie so it was played a lot on dvd in my house when they were younger.  I'm relieved to say it has not found it's way to my dvd in the last couple of years. 

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On 11/25/2018 at 1:52 PM, Bastet said:

Drivers who don't turn their lights on in fog, even though it's down to the ground and you can't see the traffic lights until you're practically in the intersection, so a car's lights are the only way you're going to see it until you're practically up its trunk. 

Or those who don't turn them on at night, as state law requires! I oftentimes worry that I'll be going somewhere, and my mother will look both ways and not see anything, then like a bat out of Hades, some car without its lights on speeds forward and hits us or almost hits us.

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16 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

The live action Grinch was so loud in theaters that it gives me a headache to think about it.

Most movies have gotten too loud for me. I have to take earplugs, but I can still hear every single word. It better than leaving with a headache or my ears ringing. 

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

Most movies have gotten too loud for me. I have to take earplugs, but I can still hear every single word. It better than leaving with a headache or my ears ringing. 

Even old classics are played at a ridiculously loud volume. We went to see The Big Sleep on the big screen and when there were gun shots fired I was jarred right out of my seat. I wish I had brought earplugs.

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On 11/26/2018 at 2:04 PM, Wiendish Fitch said:

That brings me to another peeve (forgive me if I've brought it up before): I have no patience for people who can dish it out but can't take it. You know, the ones who will blithely lecture you on your shortcomings, but if you dare even call them out on their flaws, they get all butthurt and defensive. 

Do you know my brother???????

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I'm late to the party, and there are too many posts to quote, so I'll just comment generally in response to chatty/rude cashiers.

I don't know if it's because I was bullied and beat up as a kid. For no other reason than I was different. Meaning I was of a different race. I was the only one. And out of that, came a need to be liked when I entered junior high. This need stayed with me throughout my 20s until my disastrous marriage. After that was anulled, I just didn't care anymore what people though of me.

So, full disclosure, you probably would have been annoyed at me being your cashier--either grocery or retail. I've been both. And maybe it was because I was treated so horribly, that at work, I made sure I provided the best customer service possible. And that included talking with my customers. Not judging or making snide or snarky comments like some of you mentioned up thread. Same when I worked in retail and at book stores. And as a bank teller. The irony is, the rudest, most irascible, high in the instep customers at the bank, would come to me to provide service, because I didn't talk down to them, nor was I condescending, telling them "I knew exactly how" they felt, like those horrid and cheesy videos with the worst acting, told us we should do. So they weren't rude to me; or nasty.

Just the other side.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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The cashiers at the regional grocery chain I go to strike a good balance between being overly chatty and completely silent. They have been trained to ask if the customer was able to find everything needed, then make transactional comments such as asking if the customer has any coupons, and then asking if the customer needs help loading the items into their car. I have maybe once or twice gotten commentary on what was in my cart. Once was when I had the ingredients to make a caramel turtle cheesecake, and the cashier simply remarked that he didn’t know what I was going to be making but whatever it was should taste good. I can deal with that kind of comment, or the occasional question about how a specific item is cooked/used. 

My pet peeve today is people at work who don’t bother to keep their Outlook calendar updated, and then throw a hissy fit because you schedule a meeting that happens to fall at a time when their calendar says they are free, but they actually are not. Today one person (who was not even on my invitee list but was forwarded the meeting invite) first accepted the invitation, then declined it because of a medical appointment, then declined the modified invitation because of being out on PTO. Then called me to explain why the meeting times were problematic. I don’t give a flying fuck why you can’t attend the meeting. Just update your damn calendar, because any ESP I have isn’t magically telling me when you are out of office even though according to your calendar, you are available for a meeting. 

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We have to "engage" the customers at the grocery store where I work. "It's a higher level of service" because the store chain charges more for its products (gourmet/specialty). I kind of cringe every time I cheerily say, "Hi, how are you?! Can I help you with anything?!" because I know how many people (including me) just want to be left alone to shop. I don't ask people about or comment on what they are buying because that's just obnoxious. One of the managers (a man) told me one way to engage people is to tell them how nice they looked in the color they are wearing.  How about hell no. I'm absolutely not doing that.

Edited by bilgistic
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56 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I'm late to the party, and there are too many posts to quote, so I'll just comment generally in response to chatty/rude cashiers.

I'm also late to the party, mostly because I'm neutral on this topic. Cashiers are people, some will be awesome, some will be terrible, most will be somewhere in the middle. Just like everybody else.

But I did just have an encounter with a cashier that was noteworthy. This kid (I put him in his early twenties, so a kid to me) has been working at the liquor store next to my closest ShopRite for about 3-4 months now. He's not there every time I go in there, but enough that I recognize him and him probably me. The extent of my conversations with him are "No, I don't need a receipt." and "Thanks!"  He's never been anything near chatty, but he's never been rude either. 

Well, I think it was Monday evening after work I was third on line. The first person on line was a woman, and she was asking questions about something, and whether or not they carried something she was looking for while at the same time paying for the things she brought to the register. The kid was one-word answering her, not making any eye contact, and I'm pretty sure his facial expression never changed once. 

The next guy in line tried chatting with him. He mentioned that it looks like he must be having a long day. He said that he himself just got off from a long day. (From the uniform/work outfit he was wearing, I'm guessing his long day at work required a lot more difficult duties than telling somebody that they're out of peach schnapps in the 1.75 liter bottles.) This guy was cheery and friendly.  Cashier kid: "Your total is $69.29." Boxes up the wine, hands him his receipt. No eye contact. No change of facial expression.

So I put my bottle of gin up on the counter. He scans it. I put my card in, remove my card. Cashier kid: "Would you like a receipt?" Me: "Nope", Cashier kid: "Have a good day sir." Me: "Thanks!"

Heh.  I went online when I got home and checked Dictionary dot com. Yep, just as I suspected, there was a picture of Cashier kid next to the word "Surly."

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I prefer my interaction to just be of the "Hi" and "Thanks" variety - which is how it is at the local market I frequent - but I'm generally not annoyed by idle chit chat at the chain grocery, because I know they're just doing what they're instructed to do and even I have it in me to grin and bear it momentarily - and I certainly don't want to give off the impression I think a clerk isn't worth responding to; they're a person finding the best way they can to interact with strangers all day.  I don't even necessarily mind questions/comments about what I'm buying sometimes, but some of it is intrusive and/or judgmental and thus inappropriate.  I don't know that I've ever had that happen to me directly (nothing is springing to mind), but I've observed it while waiting in line.  I think it's a line of chatter they should just stay away from on general principle.

I have to repeat "they're made to do it" like a mantra when I'm at Ralphs and happen to pass by a number of employees out on the floor, resulting in hearing "Are you finding everything you need?" umpteen times, because the cumulative effect is quite annoying, but each one of them is just doing what they're told to do.  And, oh gods, when I stopped off for milk on my way home from the campground Sunday, meaning I was in a grocery store earlier than I am normally awake, and was barely through the door before receiving an entirely too loud and chipper, "Good morning!" I summoned up the energy to reply "Good morning" even though that was very much not what I was thinking.  I mean, personally, I prefer surly over perky, because I hate perky the way Mr. Grant hates spunk, while surly I understand, but perky is going to go over better with the manager, so I'll deal.  I just would prefer silence.

Edited by Bastet
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2 hours ago, bilgistic said:

One of the managers (a man) told me one way to engage people is to tell them how nice they looked in the color they are wearing.  How about hell no. I'm absolutely not doing that.

I'd rather hear comments on what I'm buying than that because comments about the color of my clothes are just weird from people I don't know.

I used to hate being asked if I'm finding everything OK until this year when it became legal to sell wine in grocery stores here. All the grocery stores rearranged everything, and now no one can find anything. Walmart even rearranged its dairy and frozen foods sections even though there's no alcohol or alcohol-related items in those areas. I once spent 15 minutes looking for unsalted butter in the brand I like because they'd moved it from the place they'd moved it to, which was standing empty at the time. They were apparently mid-move (again) because it was in several different spots in the center refrigerated bins. I'd rather be asked if I'm finding everything when I don't need help than to have what I usually get: I do need help but there's not an employee in sight. (That's not just Walmart; it's a lot of stores.)

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1 hour ago, auntlada said:

I used to hate being asked if I'm finding everything OK until this year when it became legal to sell wine in grocery stores here.

I find it irritating when people ask me that at the checkout.  If I say no and give them a whole list, or even 1 item, that I couldn't find, are they going to go get it for me?  Or, am I supposed to get out of line at that point and start all over again?

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2 hours ago, Katy M said:

I find it irritating when people ask me that at the checkout.  If I say no and give them a whole list, or even 1 item, that I couldn't find, are they going to go get it for me?  Or, am I supposed to get out of line at that point and start all over again?

If it's just an item or two, then yes, the cashier where I shop will offer to get the designated person bagging the groceries to go get the item. I don't usually do that if there's a line because I don't want to hold up the checkout process. But a couple of times when I've had a large amount of stuff and the employee can go retrieve whatever it is I need quickly, I've accepted the offer, so that the employee returned with the missing item before the cashier was finished ringing up my other stuff. If it's something they don't carry, they will call over a manager to consult (assuming the store isn't crazily busy), and amazingly enough, the manager notes whatever it is you're asking for, and apparently they do some kind of tracking of those types of requests. My local store had quit carrying a particular food item I really like, and after I and probably several other people kept asking for it, they began stocking it again. 

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Well, this is timely.

I got groceries this afternoon, and because I hate to cook and I am a single person, I buy multiples of the same things that I alone like to eat. I also grocery shop as infrequently as possible. My cart had six containers of the same flavor of soup, three boxes of the same cereal, three containers of creamer, etc. Sure enough, the cashier commented, "Stocking up?!"

Just let me buy my groceries without judgment.

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20 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I made sure I provided the best customer service possible. And that included talking with my customers.

There's a difference when someone is being genuine in their interaction with you and I imagine that is what your customers were responding too.  You probably were also good at reading your customers and not continuing to engage if they were obviously per-occupied or not receptive to your approach.

18 hours ago, JTMacc99 said:

The kid was one-word answering her, not making any eye contact, and I'm pretty sure his facial expression never changed once. 

Is it possible that he has something like Aspergers*?  Being in a position where you are interacting all day with people would have been hell on my son previously - and that is pretty exactly how he would have behaved in a similar situation.   His social skills have improved some, but through specific exercises to do so.  As a result, they aren't inherent and come off as stilted.  If someone goes off-script (not in line with what the exercises told him to expect), he's pretty much mystified at how to respond.

*not diagnosing him off one line.

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Peeve: people filled with hate who rarely have anything nice or positive to say. Not in the 'haters gonna hate*' sort of way but the super negative, never posting anything positive, grave dancing / wishing ill on people**, rejoicing when a show they hate is cancelled with no regard to the disappointed fans, never offering support, FB posts that are just a stream of hate, their existence seems to be a constant stream of negativity and hate.

*I apologize if you now have a Taylor Swift earworm
**Not talking about terrorists though I don't grave dance, period.

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30 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

Is it possible that he has something like Aspergers*?  Being in a position where you are interacting all day with people would have been hell on my son previously - and that is pretty exactly how he would have behaved in a similar situation.   His social skills have improved some, but through specific exercises to do so.  As a result, they aren't inherent and come off as stilted.  If someone goes off-script (not in line with what the exercises told him to expect), he's pretty much mystified at how to respond.

I don't think so, because he's been in this store a while now and this was the first time I've seen him been flat out surly. He's never been particularly friendly, or chatty, but the whole "I'm not going to acknowledge the fact that you're trying to have a friendly conversation with me at all" was a new behavior.  

32 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

the super negative, never posting anything positive, grave dancing / wishing ill on people**, rejoicing when a show they hate is cancelled with no regard to the disappointed fans

Agreed! The whole rejoicing when a show gets cancelled thing has been on my radar screen of "people I probably wouldn't like in real life" since my early TWoP days. You don't like a show? Turn the channel. TV is entertainment; it's art; our evaluation of of all art is subjective. Being happy that something you don't like, but somebody else clearly does, has been cancelled is a special kind of selfish that I have very little patience for in my life.

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47 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

Peeve: people filled with hate who rarely have anything nice or positive to say. Not in the 'haters gonna hate*' sort of way but the super negative, never posting anything positive, grave dancing / wishing ill on people**, rejoicing when a show they hate is cancelled with no regard to the disappointed fans, never offering support, FB posts that are just a stream of hate, their existence seems to be a constant stream of negativity and hate.

*I apologize if you now have a Taylor Swift earworm
**Not talking about terrorists though I don't grave dance, period.



I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. Not enough likes for this post. And I'll forgive you for the Taylor Swift earworm, because the rest of your comment is so on POINT.

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I am so upset with myself for being impatient. I scored a what was a great deal on an Elton John ticket for tonight. It's in the nosebleeds but in the venue. I just looked (I knew I shouldn't have) and there are way better seats for way less $$ available now. I'm so mad at myself for not holding off.

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1 hour ago, theredhead77 said:

I don't "like" that you're in pain and sent a FUCK YOU to your issues. Hope you feel better soon!

Thank you! I am doing a lot better. The day I wrote that was bad though; I had a migraine that was so bad that I wound up staying home from work for the first time ever rather than risk puking in my office. Normally, it's not bad, this was just one of those months...

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I'm annoyed when things need to be fixed, but I'm really annoyed when they stop working and I can't find the reason.  I am stumped as to what is ailing my garage door opener; it is none of the several things that came to mind, and those things covered physical, mechanical, and electrical, so I've covered some ground here; I am now all disgruntled and done for the day because I'm too frustrated to really be of any use.  I've had to fix two other things on it in the not even 15 years since I installed it, so I'm rather irked with Genie right now.  I'll talk to my dad and start fresh tomorrow.  After a Bloody Mary.  Right now I have soup simmering while I watch football.

I did get my wine fridge fixed, though, and I'm hopeful I just need a new thermistor for the malfunctioning ice maker although I haven't delved too far into that.  If I get the garage door opener fixed tomorrow after putting up my Christmas lights, that will be next on my list.  (Yes, said list put keeping my wine at optimum temperature above being able to get in and out of my garage easily, heh, but that was a timing issue - I needed to be able to work on the opener during the day.)  Knocking on wood, in the week I've been home, no additional appliances joined in the suicide pact I had going on here the week before Thanksgiving, so at least it hasn't spread.

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15 hours ago, Bastet said:

IKnocking on wood, in the week I've been home, no additional appliances joined in the suicide pact I had going on here the week before Thanksgiving, so at least it hasn't spread.

It used to be a standing joke in my family that any major holiday was a signal to major appliances and so forth to quit working. If the central air, dishwasher or disposal was going to quit working on any day of the year, it would be Thanksgiving or Christmas. Fortunately, my father was in the construction industry and so was very handy, and one of his BFFs was a plumber who lived a few houses down the street from us, and they helped each other out when there was that kind of malfunction at the most inconvenient time possible; for that matter, they helped each other out when it wasn't an emergency or there was just some DIY project going on.

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6 hours ago, BookWoman56 said:

It used to be a standing joke in my family that any major holiday was a signal to major appliances and so forth to quit working.

In addition to the appliance suicide pact - which thankfully did not involve anything I couldn't wait until after vacation to fix - we had a power outage in my neighborhood the Tuesday before Thanksgiving.  I had turkey stock about an hour into simmering on the (electric) stove so I could make gravy that evening and needed to do laundry and vacuum after I'd finished up my work when, zappo, no power. 

Normally by the time I get through to DWP, there's already a recorded message saying they're aware of an outage in the area and estimate power will be restored in X time.  This time I got a person, who told me they were aware of the outage, but then asked me, "By any chance, did you hear a loud noise just before the power went out?"  This means they're trying to ascertain if a transformer in the area blew, so I told her no and asked, "Does this mean you haven't even found the source of the problem yet?"  Nope, so no estimate of when it will be back on.  CRAP.  

It wound up only being out for an hour, and I ran my errands during that time, so I was only slightly rushed running out the door that night. 

And then when I joined my parents at the campground, my dad and I had to fix two things in the motor home, so I looked up to see if a dark cloud was hovering over my head.

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A couple of friends and I were getting together this weekend. One of them told me to meet them at restaurant at 4.  She meant to say "tomorrow" but since she didn't I assumed she meant "today" Saturday.  OK, honest mistake.  No biggie.  But, what bugged me was the next day when she asked how long I had waited.  I responded that I got there at 5 til 4.  at 5 after, I called her, she didnt' answer, and then I sent a "where r u" text.  At 4:15, I sent an "I'm leaving text."  She said, "Oh, you only waited 15 minutes? That's not very long?  You should usually wait longer than that."


Well, no, I shouldn't.  She actually didn't respond back to me until 4:30 because she dint' check her phone. Again, that's fine, she didn't realize I thought we had plans.  If you can't be at most 5 minutes late without sending a text or calling, then why should I wait around for more than 15 minutes?  And, actually, she was about 7 minutes late the next night.  The other girl thought we were meeting at 4:30.  So, she was also late, and I was beginning to wonder if I was being ditched (again).

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Peeve: Earworms! Someone on a thread here-- can't find it now--mentioned Mazeppa and now I canNOT get "You Gotta Get a Gimmick" out of my head!

I recommend the 1993 video on YT. Once I was a schleppa now I'm Miss Mazeppa with my revolution in dance...

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I'm peeved by rude as fuck customers who treat customer service people (CSP) like shit.

Client: YELLING: What do you mean the bank won't cover these charges on my stolen/hacked card?

CSP: I'm sorry, but you did not agree to this type of insurance it when the card was given to you. 

Client: YELLS EVEN LOUDER: When?! I have no idea what you're talking about.

CSP: Here's the form, where you declined the coverage. --flips monitor around--

Client: Pauses...quiet voice.... STARTS YELLING AGAIN: Still, IT'S THE BANK's FAULTTTT. 

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Here comes an unpopular opinion: I'm going to go so far as to say the death of a 94-year-old former president (or anyone) doesn't require "breaking" news. He was 94. Don't break into my TV programming to tell me a really, really old man (or any old person who dies because they are old) has died. He's not any less dead if you wait for the regular 11:00 news* to tell us.

I've heard with less urgency about people in my own family dying.

*Yeah, I realize the "news" is essentially a race to see who can break the info first.

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I'm tired of reading the various headlines lately about how olden songs/cartoons are considered "offensive" to people. More specifically,Rudolph. First, I don't believe that many people are offended and the article is clearly clickbait and is designed to get commenters riled up. Second, modern hip hop is so sexually explicit that it makes Erotica-era Madonna look like a nun. Why aren't people making a fuss over that? Third, if you don't like something, don't watch or listen to it. I find Christmas as a whole offensive so I do my best to avoid everything about the holiday. Its really easy to ignore something you don't like.

Edited by AgentRXS
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11 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

I'm tired of reading the various headlines lately about how olden songs/cartoons are considered "offensive" to people. More specifically,Rudolph. First, I don't believe that many people are offended and the article is clearly clickbait and is designed to get commenters riled up. Second, modern hip hop is so sexually explicit that it makes Erotica-era Madonna look like a nun. Why aren't people making a fuss over that? Third, if you don't like something, don't watch or listen to it. I find Christmas as a whole offensive so I do my best to avoid everything about the holiday. Its really easy to ignore something you don't like.

Because people are idiots and don't look at things from a historical perspective.  There were certain "rules" women followed back in the 40s when "Baby, it's Cold Outside" was written.  

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On 12/5/2018 at 4:06 PM, bilgistic said:

Here comes an unpopular opinion: I'm going to go so far as to say the death of a 94-year-old former president (or anyone) doesn't require "breaking" news. He was 94. Don't break into my TV programming to tell me a really, really old man (or any old person who dies because they are old) has died. He's not any less dead if you wait for the regular 11:00 news* to tell us.

Unless he died when he wrecked his Harley at Bike Week...although I can see a quick cut in to programming to announce his death, then continuing with regular programming until the regular news show.

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On 12/3/2018 at 1:07 PM, Katy M said:

A couple of friends and I were getting together this weekend. One of them told me to meet them at restaurant at 4.  She meant to say "tomorrow" but since she didn't I assumed she meant "today" Saturday.  OK, honest mistake.  No biggie.  But, what bugged me was the next day when she asked how long I had waited.  I responded that I got there at 5 til 4.  at 5 after, I called her, she didnt' answer, and then I sent a "where r u" text.  At 4:15, I sent an "I'm leaving text."  She said, "Oh, you only waited 15 minutes? That's not very long?  You should usually wait longer than that."


Well, no, I shouldn't.  She actually didn't respond back to me until 4:30 because she dint' check her phone. Again, that's fine, she didn't realize I thought we had plans.  If you can't be at most 5 minutes late without sending a text or calling, then why should I wait around for more than 15 minutes?  And, actually, she was about 7 minutes late the next night.  The other girl thought we were meeting at 4:30.  So, she was also late, and I was beginning to wonder if I was being ditched (again).

Your friend may be overall an alright person but what a bitch response. How about “oh crap!  Did I convey today?  I’m sorry!”   You got lectured for not waiting long enough when said friend would never have appeared due to the wrong day. That’s jacked on multiple levels. 

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2 hours ago, KnoxForPres said:

Your friend may be overall an alright person but what a bitch response. How about “oh crap!  Did I convey today?  I’m sorry!”   You got lectured for not waiting long enough when said friend would never have appeared due to the wrong day. That’s jacked on multiple levels. 

She did apologize about the mix up. Quite sincerely.  She kept saying how bad she felt.  But, the thing is we've had issues about the lateness before, and of course, we both think we're right.  So, she just took the opportunity to once again complain about how I get irritated when she's late.  

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