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S07.E10: Puerto Read-Co!

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Claudia, who made quite a big deal about pointing out who's immature last night, was just as immature as anyone else at that table when she started with her comments about Nene's hair.  If she wants me to take her side and think that she's above it all, then she really should have been above it all and sat back and let Nene have her say so that the only one who looked like an ass at the table would've been Nene.  Instead she joined in and ended up getting in the slop pile with her.


They all acted like morons.  Even those who stayed quiet and said nothing.  

Wait, which one is it?


Ya'll?  So we're just not gonna talk about the irony of Kandi feeling like she owed Deme an apology for Goche's outburst?  Like ya'll ain't finna say na'an one word about her handing out apologies on a bish's behalf?   Okay, I'll free my spirit from that then.

I had totally forgotten about that with the big fight in Peurto Rico, but at this point I am finding it hard to care about Kandi.

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The whole exchange just REAKED of production manipulation, even the arguments at the dinner table where it was like they needed to show the worth of bringing on Demetria and Claudia by having the originals come for them.  The entire exchange appeared contrived.


There was no reason for Phaedra to attack Demetria and there was no reason for Nene to go after Claudia.  The fact that the other women did not intervene or even pipe in just proved to me that this was producer driven.


ICDAM girl.   I just don't see a circumstance where Nene's brand newism and inflated ego allows for a scenario wherein she is verbally flattened, even if only for the benefit of the scripts and *collecting them checks*  - Nene is a hustler and has some street smarts about her but her personality is not one capable of the humility or intelligence required to take one for the team to aid the script.  Loathe though I am to admit it, this actually describes Kenya.  She was flustered, desperate, losing and it showed.  She wouldn'tve have signed for it.  Before we get into how much choice they have about the direction of production, Atlanta is the same cast who simply refused to play ball when it came to one of their reunions, these chicks know how not to feed if they don't wanna.



As for Nene, She already stated that the negativity is not fun to her.  She longs for the old group where if you were being bitchy, it was subtle and they were mostly able to go on trips together without complete nastiness erupting.  Now I am certain no one really wants to go one these excursions because they know there is going to be pure nastiness awaiting them.  Nene already knows they are coming for her so she now goes into offensive mode almost immediately.


I don't think this was scripted so I'm using that assumption to say:  if she really felt like that a) she wouldn'tve begun by being a bitch to anyone but she was already on a roll starting with making do in small spaces so by the time she got to the table I won't say she was loaded for bear but she is accustomed to not being challenged and wasn't expecting Claudia to be that one.   b) she wouldn'tve stayed in the exchange.  In a verbal altercation, if you're feeling *attacked* the winning strategy is to do exactly what Kenya did with Phaedra and Apollo on the reunion couch, allow the person attacking you to keep talking, yelling, whatever they're doing, they look dumber with each passing syllable.   That backed into a corner shit didn't have anything to do with Claudia's mocking words.  Nene lost the minute Claudia decided not to raise her voice or eyebrows.    Nene's hubris and insecurity has her believing other chicks stay coming for the queen when they do not have her to think about.   The thing I loved most about their exchange was that, to your point, if Nene was on the offensive, that means she came in there prepared to say something and still got eaten up.   LOL!!  Here's what your Highness, don't start none, won't be none.   bloop.  :)

I had totally forgotten about that with the big fight in Peurto Rico, but at this point I am finding it hard to care about Kandi.


Yeah, I'm mad at ya'll for that.  Kandi, Joyce's daughter, handing out apologies on another persons behalf, and is starting with Goche.   Anybody?  Bueller?  *headthump*

Edited by ZaldamoWilder
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My favorite part of the read was when Nene said La isnt calling for you, and Claudia responded but Atlanta is and that's why youre mad.

BOOM exactly.


I think Nene was thrown off guard with anyone going head to head with her, only Kim used to do it and that bish got choked on what 2 occassions.

Nene thinks she is making A-lister money, but the way she lives( well her bags and shoes, cause her house sure as hell don't have any decor) is going to leave her broke soon enough.

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And no Nene, that hotel room is not small.


Oh yes it was. LOL But it was a boutique hotel so it's kind of expected. I wasn't feeling being able to see the bathroom from the bed either.


I don't get why folks go in on Greg. So what he doesn't appear to be doing anything except accompanying his wife when she works. Why do folks care about that? If that's what works for their marriage (this time around) I just don't understand why other folks do.


And as for that "read," Claudia didn't say anything that Nene probably hasn't already heard or read. It almost seemed like Claudia had a list of things she was going to say whenever the moment occurred and she got her opportunity. Meh. Whatever. I just think I'm getting tired of this show. It happened with NJ, OC and BH. *shrugs*

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I think I'm done. This show isn't lighthearted and fun anymore. Tonight was just nonstop mean-spirited jabs and I didn't enjoy watching it at all.

I've been done with this show. The second I heard Claudia's messy ass was hired (couldn't stand her on Foxxhole), I knew this show was going to continue going into a direction that is completely inauthentic. I only come here to read the comments and get a summary. LOL!


I saw a screenshot of Claudia's toes on Twitter. Lawd...not cute at all. I was waiting for Eddie Murphy to pop up.

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That was another bone in my butt that I just couldn't stand.  Why is it that if a husband who is retired chooses support and be with his still working wife, that he is supposed to be a lackey or a slave?  He is in no way being forced into servitude by Nene.  It is his choice to support his wife and she misses no opportunity to show her love and appreciation for his support.


Why is this supposed to be a "slap in her face" by those who don't have a husband or any man for that part, let alone one who totally supports them in their ventures.  That is what married couples do if they really care for each other.


Claudia trying to shame Nene with the slavery comment regarding Gregg was I feel, a lower blow than Nene's half breed comment.  Yes, Claudia held her own against Nene but with old news, backhanded slights on Nene's marriage and cracks about her body, hair and other junior high smacks. 


And as for fun with Claudia and Kenya, it looks to me like Cynthia isn't having any fun at all.  How much fun can it be when it's only about what nasty stuff you are going to say about others.  That is all Kenya does and all she promotes.

Edited by Aging Goth
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Claudia trying to shame Nene with the slavery comment regarding Gregg was I feel, a lower blow than Nene's half breed comment.

I will respectfully disagree. And I think it's time to move on from discussing the slurs as I think everyone's had their say by now. No one has said anything wrong, it's just becoming a dead horse situation.

As to Gregg, if he chooses to carry his wife's purse, wait on her, tend to her housekeeping, or the other things he does that elicits jokes from the peanut gallery, that's his life. I think the reason people pick on the old guy is the way he shamed NeNe on the radio when they were apart. It made me question why he came back home .... for love, or money? The timing of their reconciliation will always make me wonder.

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I think the comments about Gregg are fair in that Nene only has time for you if you completely kiss her ass.  Gregg got brave and was iced out.  Now that he's back in his place, Nene will deign to keep him around.  Honestly though, I think it is kind of adorable that they are back together, and it's good for their son.  Gregg seems like a nice guy.  But her husband has been a major part of the show so I think it's fair game.  Nene doesn't hesitate to call other people's husband's bitches, so no one should get offended on her behalf.


I kind of feel bad for Nene.  She used to be able to keep the bitches in check, and the only one she had to step to was Kim Zolciak, who is not really capable of going head to head with a braying moose.  Claudia and Kenya think quick on their feet and are not afraid to go at Nene, and you can see Nene struggling to handle it... much like she slunk away when Marlo got in her face.  If you aren't intimidated by her, Nene has no time for you.

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I think the comments about Gregg are fair in that Nene only has time for you if you completely kiss her ass. Gregg got brave and was iced out. Now that he's back in his place, Nene will deign to keep him around. Honestly though, I think it is kind of adorable that they are back together, and it's good for their son. Gregg seems like a nice guy. But her husband has been a major part of the show so I think it's fair game. Nene doesn't hesitate to call other people's husband's bitches, so no one should get offended on her behalf.

I kind of feel bad for Nene. She used to be able to keep the bitches in check, and the only one she had to step to was Kim Zolciak, who is not really capable of going head to head with a braying moose. Claudia and Kenya think quick on their feet and are not afraid to go at Nene, and you can see Nene struggling to handle it... much like she slunk away when Marlo got in her face. If you aren't intimidated by her, Nene has no time for you.

I wish I could press like a million times!!! 1000% agree!

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I don't think it has to do with Greg being supportive of his wife as much as how fake and kiss ass he seems. 

He grovels at her, and seems fine being her bitch.


It's okay if I think he is a bitch, Nene liek to call other husbands the same.

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I think the comments about Gregg are fair in that Nene only has time for you if you completely kiss her ass. Gregg got brave and was iced out. Now that he's back in his place, Nene will deign to keep him around.


This is also why Nene is currently friends with dumb-dumb Porsha, and why she used to be friends with Cynthia. She likes people who fawn over her and agree wtih everything she says. When Claudia went after her, Nene had nothing substantial to defend herself with. So she called Claudia a half-breed whore instead. Becuase the truth is that Nene is still solidly on the D-List as a celebrity, somewhere about 2 steps below a supporting actor on a CBS procedural. She gets invited to events because the promoters need extra celebrities, but the only real jobs she's gotten are reality shows and cameos in live shows. The New Normal and the stint on Glee haven't rolled into better acting parts. Claudia pointed that out, and Nene had no solid comeback. Burn!!


That being said, I suspect that Claudia is a crazy famewhore herself, and that is just the reality show honeymoon period.

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I don't get why folks go in on Greg. So what he doesn't appear to be doing anything except accompanying his wife when she works. Why do folks care about that? If that's what works for their marriage (this time around) I just don't understand why other folks do.


I don't know if they really care, or if it's just the response when Nene holds him up like a trophy.  And it probably doesn't help that she chastised someone else's husband for acting like a bitch.


That being said, I suspect that Claudia is a crazy famewhore herself, and that is just the reality show honeymoon period.


If she didn't have this moment I'm not sure she'd even be in any kind of honeymoon period.  I don't dislike her, but there doesn't seem to be a whole lot of substance (biracial with bad toes and sort-of family issues doesn't exactly make one a compelling character, imho).

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This is where i totally disagree.  If all Greg is doing is groveling, that marriage would have ended years ago.  They have 17 years of marriage under their belt which now days is saying something.  All I see is that they have only switched places on who is the biggest breadwinner in the family.  Usually that would pretty much destroy a marriage but it seems to have made them stronger.

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This is where i totally disagree. If all Greg is doing is groveling, that marriage would have ended years ago. They have 17 years of marriage under their belt which now days is saying something. All I see is that they have only switched places on who is the biggest breadwinner in the family. Usually that would pretty much destroy a marriage but it seems to have made them stronger.

We don't know what their life is really like, but from what we've been privy to looks to me like Greg is just along for the ride. Kissing Nene's ass seems par for the course. Seems like Greg is saying I went bankrupt and in major debt for you and now I want to reap the rewards. I don't see love their it's like employer/employee.

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This is where i totally disagree.  If all Greg is doing is groveling, that marriage would have ended years ago.  They have 17 years of marriage under their belt which now days is saying something.  All I see is that they have only switched places on who is the biggest breadwinner in the family.  Usually that would pretty much destroy a marriage but it seems to have made them stronger.

I agree.  I hate a lot of things that Nene has become since hitting the scene but she could have traded him for something "better".  They must really have a connection, and that is nice to see on these shows.




That being said, I suspect that Claudia is a crazy famewhore herself, and that is just the reality show honeymoon period.

You're probably right.  She does seem like a relatively grounded and happy go lucky person though, so hopefully she won't change.  And she's been in the reality eye for a while, so maybe she's who she is and won't become a monster (i.e. Nene).

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I don't know if they really care, or if it's just the response when Nene holds him up like a trophy.  And it probably doesn't help that she chastised someone else's husband for acting like a bitch.

except her reason for calling Peter a bitch is because he was meddling in the other wives affairs like he was one of the girls

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What story does Kenya or Claudia have other than their issue with NeNe now? Kenya is far from nice & she gives just as many if not more digs than anyone else. 

I think Kenya going on "Celebrity Apprentice" is a storyline.  I believe both Claudia, Kenya, Porsha, Demetria and now Phaedra all being single lends itself to possibilities.   Claudia has kind of a compelling story where she was faced with bankruptcy, became depressed to the point of being suicidal and ended up paying her bills and by getting back to work.   To me, Nene's storyline seems to be that she is working outside of Atlanta.  I kind of have an issue, and it gets worse as the RHs get more famous, that the only real fame and fortune to come to many of the ladies is solely because of their fame on RH.    I prefer that either they were fabulously wealthy through marriage or a career prior to coming on the show or had some kind of notoriety. 


I appreciated the mover and shaker in Nene.  Now she is just damn mean.  I hate it when she says stuff like, "the thirst is real".  The idea behind getting on one of these shows is to take advantage of the opportunities. Contrary to what Nene believes-it is not to get on the show and kiss her ass or become her doormat.  Far tackier to me is the fact that Nene is selling T-Shirts with her oh so clever sayings.  Who ever has said, "bloop," or "proceed wit (sic) caution" other than Nene?   Who would ever by an idiotic T-shirt that has that on it.   http://shop-neneleakes.com/  The woman is way too impressed with herself. 

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except her reason for calling Peter a bitch is because he was meddling in the other wives affairs like he was one of the girls

Not true. Peter was actually talking to Cynthia saying he was ready to go because he didn't like how Nene acted at the charity. Nene is the one that went up to Peter not the other way around. Peter repeatedly tried to difuse the conversation but Nene kept pushing so he told her she was wrong for how she handled the situation. That's when Peter became a bitch in Nene's eye's. She certainly didn't mind flirting with him every season they were on the show until he called her out on her bs!

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Not true. Peter was actually talking to Cynthia saying he was ready to go because he didn't like how Nene acted at the charity. Nene is the one that went up to Peter not the other way around. Peter repeatedly tried to difuse the conversation but Nene kept pushing so he told her she was wrong for how she handled the situation. That's when Peter became a bitch in Nene's eye's. She certainly didn't mind flirting with him every season they were on the show until he called her out on her bs!

That is true but he also forced his opinion on Porsha and pretty much grilled her on her version of her marriage problems not once but twice during the last trip they took.

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That is true but he also forced his opinion on Porsha and pretty much grilled her on her version of her marriage problems not once but twice during the last trip they took.

I remember times when Greg was all up in the women's business. I really didn't fault Peter for asking questions because Kordell was his friend and a lot of the things Porsha was saying didn't match with what Kordell was saying. As much as I did not like Kordell I believed him over Porsha because as always Porsha painted herself as the victim when I think she knew exactly what that marriage was really about from the beginning.

That is true but he also forced his opinion on Porsha and pretty much grilled her on her version of her marriage problems not once but twice during the last trip they took.

I remember times when Greg was all up in the women's business. I really didn't fault Peter for asking questions because Kordell was his friend and a lot of the things Porsha was saying didn't match with what Kordell was saying. As much as I did not like Kordell I believed him over Porsha because as always Porsha painted herself as the victim when I think she knew exactly what that marriage was really about from the beginning.

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I wish I would have been paying more attention but usually these episodes are sooooooo boring (But I watch them anyways.... background noise i guess). I was so confused on how Nene and Phaedra were friendly with Demetria at the studio and then they were suddenly hating on her on the trip... But I perked up real quick when Claudia started going in on Nene!  That was fun.


And I am so over Porscha. I really liked her the first season... but I dunno what she's up to now... she needs to calm herself. 

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. I was so confused on how Nene and Phaedra were friendly with Demetria at the studio and then they were suddenly hating on her on the trip...


I didn't think Phaedra was friendly at the studio. Sure, she was asking questions about her life, career, etc. But they were very pointed, little digs, IMO. And I don't recall Nene getting nasty to Demetria later on the trip? But there was so much going on there at the end, it's hard to say who was being nasty to whom. Although, by the time Nene showed up, it seemed like Demetria had gotten friendly with Kenya and Claudia, so that may have set her off.

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And that's exactly what Lisa Vanderpump did on BH's vacation i think. And then she left without telling anybody. Ha! To be rich.


Don't forget, they were in Puerto Rico at the time too!


I didn't miss Nene once again low-key shading Porsha with her dropping married Africans buying bags and cars again. This time she added fake money aka Nigerian scams in the mix for good measure.


Cynthia seems to be getting her mojo - model jones - back. She's not all the way, but this trip was a good start. Lose the eyeshadow though girl.


Demetria looks like she goes from zero to crazy like *snap* that.


Nene's half-breed comments said more about her and her own insecurities than it did about Claudia. #jealous


Phaedra is just an unnecessary bitch. And unnecessary, bitch. When Kandi asked if she was throwing shade, she could have just said no - all that "Girl please, I don't know or care about this bitch," while you're sitting there - ostensibly on her dime, or at least her invite - show those southern manners you're so proud of writing about and selling out the car of your trunk.


Love PR! Leaving the airport and seeing the streets, made me feel like I was actually there again, ha ha. And Nene, I might not have Trump checks, but even I'VE been to Puerto Rico, a number of times. LMAO at Kandi's TH asking why Porsha would wear 10" heels to trip through the airport unable to pick up her own luggage without showing her whole ass.  Literally. Not, you know, what she's been doing all season metaphorically.


Kenya got a good one off in real time re: Claudia's toes: "they're not just mischievous; they're completely disrespectful!"  Ha!


This is why, despite it all, Atlanta stays on top.

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Imo Porsha has never added anything to this show, unless losing brain cells counts for anything. I don't care about your $80k handbag, your wealthy African (married) boyfriend, or anything in your empty-headed little life. You can exit out the same door as your girl Nene. Go on, git.

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Kenya got a good one off in real time re: Claudia's toes: "they're not just mischievous; they're completely disrespectful!"  Ha!


Kenya can be hilarious and comedic at times.  I thought she had the best  line of the episode commenting on the ladies ordering the same drink as Nene...."what is next, blonde toupees for everybody" 

Edited by SpringTulips
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NeNe is so off the charts obnoxious that anyone calling her out in whatever manner they chose is okay with me.  She is phony, lacks humility, and for being a stripper with a criminal record, she is way too quick to label other people whores.  Essentially, fuck her she gets what she gets.

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That being said, I suspect that Claudia is a crazy famewhore herself, and that is just the reality show honeymoon period.


Everybody on Bravo is a thirsty famewhore.  This is why Nene's "the thirst is real" line is so incredulous.

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So Kenya Bell from Basketball Wives got a makeover and a vocal coach and a new name and ran her ass over to Bravo to be Demetria on RHOA? Do I have this correct? Y'all know I ain't wrong!

Edited by ticklemepink
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Everybody on Bravo is a thirsty famewhore.  This is why Nene's "the thirst is real" line is so incredulous.


Amen.  The difference to me is how everyone earned their fame before being on one of these RH franchises.  Claudia Jordan on her own has done modeling, TV work (including Celebrity Apprentice) and radio.  She hasn't had to resort to obnoxious personality to gain fame.  What really has NeNe done in her life before RH?  She had a role as a stripper, which she was and married well (I guess? I mean their finances suspect).  Her fame is really only because she's obnoxious on RHOA.

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Amen. The difference to me is how everyone earned their fame before being on one of these RH franchises. Claudia Jordan on her own has done modeling, TV work (including Celebrity Apprentice) and radio. She hasn't had to resort to obnoxious personality to gain fame. What really has NeNe done in her life before RH? She had a role as a stripper, which she was and married well (I guess? I mean their finances suspect). Her fame is really only because she's obnoxious on RHOA.

Her talent is non existent and her pretensions ridiculous. A sad person, really, in every respect.

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Amen.  The difference to me is how everyone earned their fame before being on one of these RH franchises.  Claudia Jordan on her own has done modeling, TV work (including Celebrity Apprentice) and radio.  She hasn't had to resort to obnoxious personality to gain fame.  What really has NeNe done in her life before RH?  She had a role as a stripper, which she was and married well (I guess? I mean their finances suspect).  Her fame is really only because she's obnoxious on RHOA.

I don't know that I agree with you. To me, just me, for Kenya, Claudia, and now Demetria, coming on this show is a step down, not up but down. Like it is a desperate last play. For Nene and Porsha, coming on this show was a step up. Especially Nene, she really was at the bottom and has fought her way up into current acting jobs (even if they are all roles similar to her personality). When Nene, Phaedra, Kandi and Cynthia joined the show it was a very different type of show. It was more of a family/community/lifestyle based show than it is now. Bravo changed the shows format, it is all producer driven drama IMO, when they brought in professional actors like Kenya and now Claudia/Demetria.

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[snip] (Claudia) if she doesn't want to be a friend to Nene, why is it so hellfire important that she lets everyone know she knows Nene?  I have been on three sites where she claims she has proof that she knows Nene and on one that she "saved" Nene.  This is probably why Nene is so aloof towards her. She's giving me that "Single White Female" vibe.


Another point I want to make.  Why so many paid, unmarried ACTRESSES are coming on a HOUSEWIFE reality show?

Edited by cooksdelight
content posted in wrong thread
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Amen. The difference to me is how everyone earned their fame before being on one of these RH franchises. Claudia Jordan on her own has done modeling, TV work (including Celebrity Apprentice) and radio. She hasn't had to resort to obnoxious personality to gain fame. What really has NeNe done in her life before RH? She had a role as a stripper, which she was and married well (I guess? I mean their finances suspect). Her fame is really only because she's obnoxious on RHOA.

You must not be familiar with Claudia outside of this show. [snip] Edited by cooksdelight
Take comments about individual housewives to their thread.
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I don't know that I agree with you. To me, just me, for Kenya, Claudia, and now Demetria, coming on this show is a step down, not up but down. Like it is a desperate last play. For Nene and Porsha, coming on this show was a step up. Especially Nene, she really was at the bottom and has fought her way up into current acting jobs (even if they are all roles similar to her personality). When Nene, Phaedra, Kandi and Cynthia joined the show it was a very different type of show. It was more of a family/community/lifestyle based show than it is now. Bravo changed the shows format, it is all producer driven drama IMO, when they brought in professional actors like Kenya and now Claudia/Demetria.


I see what you're saying but I think this sentence actually supports sasha's point.  In order for it to be a step down, there would have to be other jobs to compare it to.   Kandi's a grammy winning songwriter, Phaedra's an attorney, Cynthia may not work as she once did but she's well known enough in her industry to continue getting work.   For Nene and Porsha this embarassing display is their sole claim to fame so for either of them to have the audacity of condescension is pretty funny because when RHOA ends the rest will go back to their careers.   Nene and Porsha will.....?


Edited by cooksdelight
WWHL talk posted in wrong thread
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I don't know that I agree with you. To me, just me, for Kenya, Claudia, and now Demetria, coming on this show is a step down, not up but down. Like it is a desperate last play. For Nene and Porsha, coming on this show was a step up. Especially Nene, she really was at the bottom and has fought her way up into current acting jobs (even if they are all roles similar to her personality). When Nene, Phaedra, Kandi and Cynthia joined the show it was a very different type of show. It was more of a family/community/lifestyle based show than it is now. Bravo changed the shows format, it is all producer driven drama IMO, when they brought in professional actors like Kenya and now Claudia/Demetria.


I once thought like you did, but I think the times have changed.  Famous people are going on these shows and/or discussing these shows to appear hip and cool.  Good Morning America covered Theresa Guidice's trial and imprisonment.  Last week, I watched Babyface sing on RHOBH.  Face is world reknowned and should have more money than all of the Housewives on all shows, but he was singing about (its really hard for me to write this) finger banging at a contrived dinner party that featured Brandi Glanville's shenanigans.  Face is propping Brandi Glanville?  Seriously?  I am now going to forget that I watched that.


Reality TV, IMO, is a platform for these folks to sell their brands, thus Kenya, Claudia, and the other ladies are just smart business women.  This show keeps them in front of old fans and helps them build new ones.  They get to appear on other shows and possibly have their own show.  If they have products like Kandi, they cross promote their stuff by using the show as a product placement vehicle.


Not many regular folk can sustain a 20+ year career without continuing education and the willingness to try new platforms so I suspect its the same with folks that have varying degrees of fame.


These shows get talked about because of the drama.  Nene was owned, IMO, by Claudia, but who really won if Nene has been trending Google and Yahoo for the last couple of days.  Its all about the drama which equals eyeballs which equals the possibility for more gigs.

Edited by ToukieSmith
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All of these women are so thirsty it's not funny.  I have a sneaking suspicion that a lot of the "drama" is producer driven.  The producers know that people want drama, and if all of the ladies were getting along, many folks would turn off the TV and say, "that shit's boring."  


Nene needs to be grateful, she's very fortunate that she was even on a TV series, even though it lasted only a season.  Most TV series never even get off the ground, some get cancelled after the first episode.  She's been on Broadway, she's done more than most reality stars do because most reality stars make the reality rounds, Celebrity Apprentice, Dancing with the Stars, etc.  She acted very ugly; I mean, here she is in Puerto Rico, staying in a nice resort and she just complains. 


Kenya wants to act; she's been on TV in different shows, but the ones I saw her it was more stunt casting, she was the pretty girl, the hot girl.  She's getting long in the tooth to play the hot girl these days; she didn't have the post pageant career that Vanessa Williams had.


I had heard of Claudia Jordan, but only as a model/arm candy/actress.  I think she, like Kenya is looking for acting work, it's hard to be the "hot girl" after forty.


Phaedra really should take a seat.  I think the only reason she married Apollo was because she thought he was good looking and wanted to have good looking children; should have used a sperm bank.  I really don't get why Phaedra, who seems to be intelligent, would want a man like Apollo.   I mean look, I went with a man who went to jail in 1971 and spent a year there because his family thought it would teach him a lesson (kind of like a Robert Downey Jr. thing).  But Phaedra knew what Apollo was when she married him.


I think Kandi will get a divorce in another year.  She needs to stand up to her mother.  She needs to understand what it means to be a wife, now she and her husband are a unit, not she and her mother.


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YAAAS! Lupita  Nyongo shades Kenya's thirsty ass. 




Claudia and Kenya can try shading NeNe for being a stripper in the past, but they're the thirsty bitches that wanted to be on this show with her. When either of them get a show (or just an appearance) on another scripted show not owned by a racist, asshole then they can diss someone else's accomplishments.


Aren't we going to see Claudia pair up with Kordell later in the season? Isn't that why she keeps trying to get at Porsha? Again girl bye with your busted up feet..

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I agree with Kandi on the heels to the airport thing. I don't know how many times I've had to hoof it across the airport because my gate is on the other side, or my first flight was delayed, causing me to nearly miss my connecting flight.

I understand the need to front about having a very charmed life on these shows, but wearing heels to catch a plane doesn't really scream "rich" to me. It just looks stupid. And weren't they flying commercial? It's not like BH where some of them are flying in private planes. I just don't understand wearing six inch heels someplace where you know you're going to have to walk and stand and carry stuff for any length of time.

And Porsha's "Driver!" kind of made me prickle too. An "excuse me sir" would suffice. It reminds me of my septuagenarian auntie who still thinks it's appropriate to snap her fingers at waitstaff for service.

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I see what you're saying but I think this sentence actually supports sasha's point.  In order for it to be a step down, there would have to be other jobs to compare it to.   Kandi's a grammy winning songwriter, Phaedra's an attorney, Cynthia may not work as she once did but she's well known enough in her industry to continue getting work.   For Nene and Porsha this embarassing display is their sole claim to fame so for either of them to have the audacity of condescension is pretty funny because when RHOA ends the rest will go back to their careers.   Nene and Porsha will.....?


No, if the others really had active careers outside this show before joining, I am referring to Kenya and Claudia only, they would not be on this show. They are on this show because they had no income, no other job when they signed the contract to become a Bravo HW.


Both Nene and Porsha have gotten jobs outside the HW show based solely on their roles on the show, they stepped up. Both Kenya and Claudia were already professional actors before joining this show, they stepped down! 

I once thought like you did, but I think the times have changed.  Famous people are going on these shows and/or discussing these shows to appear hip and cool.  Good Morning America covered Theresa Guidice's trial and imprisonment.  Last week, I watched Babyface sing on RHOBH.  Face is world reknowned and should have more money than all of the Housewives on all shows, but he was singing about (its really hard for me to write this) finger banging at a contrived dinner party that featured Brandi Glanville's shenanigans.  Face is propping Brandi Glanville?  Seriously?  I am now going to forget that I watched that.


Reality TV, IMO, is a platform for these folks to sell their brands, thus Kenya, Claudia, and the other ladies are just smart business women.  This show keeps them in front of old fans and helps them build new ones.  They get to appear on other shows and possibly have their own show.  If they have products like Kandi, they cross promote their stuff by using the show as a product placement vehicle.


Not many regular folk can sustain a 20+ year career without continuing education and the willingness to try new platforms so I suspect its the same with folks that have varying degrees of fame.


These shows get talked about because of the drama.  Nene was owned, IMO, by Claudia, but who really won if Nene has been trending Google and Yahoo for the last couple of days.  Its all about the drama which equals eyeballs which equals the possibility for more gigs.

What product has either Kenya, in her 3 seasons on this show, or Claudia in her first season on this show, promoting? I have yet to see any "product". JS

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Actually, despite Kandi's money and past fame, she hasn't written anything of note since Don't be Tardy for the Party...and before that it had been 8-10 years.


She's someone whose current level of fame is definitely dependant on this show and the many ways she's expanded her "empire" since then.

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What product has either Kenya, in her 3 seasons on this show, or Claudia in her first season on this show, promoting? I have yet to see any "product". JS

When you're famous for being famous, you yourself are the product.  It's a hustle to keep getting one more appearance, endorsement, or check before you become irrelevant.  NeNe's milked it for almost all she possibly can.  Other housewives across the franchises have launched books, drinks, stores, beauty brands, etc.

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When you're famous for being famous, you yourself are the product.  It's a hustle to keep getting one more appearance, endorsement, or check before you become irrelevant.  NeNe's milked it for almost all she possibly can.  Other housewives across the franchises have launched books, drinks, stores, beauty brands, etc.

I agree but there are limitations when the "product" is yourself, LOL. So far, outside CA, Kenya has not "sold" her "product" and she came from a professional acting background, I would have expected more acting gigs from this show by now. It is possible that Kenya has burned far too many bridges in Hollywood with her aggressive, know it all attitude.

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I agree but there are limitations when the "product" is yourself, LOL.

Exhibit A: Sheree.  Now that the product has expired, SheStruggle by Sheree will never succeed as a clothing line.


The Kardashian brand is now down at Kmart, which is also past its shelf life.

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Nene has the issues with them not the other way around and what exactly is Nene's storyline besides being so nasty and so rude? Kenya is a little crazy but I'd take her over Nene anyday. Kenya seems fun to be around and Nene has an issue with Kenya and Claudia for no apparent reason.

Kenya is fun as long as she's the center of attention. No matter what they talk about she turns it about her. I would never want a friend like that. 

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