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"The View": Week of 01/12/15


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I think the View needs some subtitles, lol, because between their cross talk, their low-speak (octaves in their voices) and their moving on quickly, we really don't get the names of all those relative unknowns.


I usually watch The View with closed-captioning on...because of all the crosstalk.  Even the transcribers have difficulty getting all the words when everyone is yakking at the same time.


As for dogs...and getting a puppy of one's breed of choice or getting a rescue of the same breed...I have a favorite breed for specific reasons and will always start with a puppy.  I have been a foster home to dogs of the same breed and there are often unwelcome surprises...even after a dog has been here for a couple of weeks.  I also have a mixed-breed rescue that's a wonderful companion.  It's not my business what type of pet is chosen or from where and I wonder when it became fashionable or right to criticize people on their choice of a pet.  More criticism needs to be directed at those who don't spay/neuter their pets and those who abuse their animals.

Edited by Former Nun
  • Love 8

That kid that makes the cookies is ADORABLE. A real pro; he handled the questions like a skilled politician

("how much money did you make?"

"That's a secret"

Is it enough to pay for a year at Princeton?"

"That's a secret")

Loved him!


I missed most the show. I was watching Wendy Williams up until her guest, Patricia Heaton came on. I couldn't turn the channel fast enough. I surfed to The View where they were airing the "Frozen" game. I really enjoyed that part; the enthusiasm and joy Rosie exudes about that movie is fun to watch. Her competitor was also fun to watch.


One last thing; Rosie is WAY better at moderating the show that Whoopi. She seems more natural, more fair and she seems to really be enjoying it. The show is much better, IMO.

Hope Whoopi's recovery is super extra careful. It would be a good idea to take as long as possible to be on the mend. /fingers crossed

  • Love 8

I usually watch The View with closed-captioning on...because of all the crosstalk.  Even the transcribers have difficulty getting all the words when everyone is yakking at the same time.


As for dogs...and getting a puppy of one's breed of choice or getting a rescue of the same breed...I have a favorite breed for specific reasons and will always start with a puppy.  I have been a foster home to dogs of the same breed and there are often unwelcome surprises...even after a dog has been here for a couple of weeks.  I also have a mixed-breed rescue that a wonderful companion.  It's not my business what type of pet is chosen or from where and I wonder when it became fashionable or right to criticize people on their choice of a pet.

I think it started when people were told that more than a million dogs were being euthanized in a year.  JMHO.


ETA:  Not to mention the appalling conditions some "breeders" raise these puppies in, leading to all kinds of genetic & systemic problems.  (Probably the reason they are "dumped" at the pound.)  Just sayin'.

Edited by Medicine Crow
  • Love 7

I love not having Whoopi on my screen yelling at me and telling me she doesn't care about my opinions but i should care about hers, but I do miss the drama and tension she brings to the show when she tries to put Rosie O and everyone in their place.    I really think it is going to be awkward when she comes back b/c I think she is going to try and straighten out what the show has been like w/o her being there.  I think she will assert her dominance and talk about the stuff that she thinks we needed to hear her opinion about.  There is no chance in hell that Rosie O would have been able to bring up the Cosby part from the Golden Globes in the way it was.  Whoopi would have been saying how rude it was and disrespectful.  I'm looking forward to Whoopi returning for bringing the drama, but i'm dreading it as well if that makes sense.

  • Love 10

I think it started when people were told that more than a million dogs were being euthanized in a year.  JMHO.


ETA:  Not to mention the appalling conditions some "breeders" raise these puppies in, leading to all kinds of genetic & systemic problems.  (Probably the reason they are "dumped" at the pound.)  Just sayin'.

Bless you! If advocating for placement of abused, neglected, abandoned animals and an end to overflowing shelters and endless piles of dog and cat carcasses is wrong, I don't wanna be right. :) I am thrilled to learn Nicolle is a dog person, by the way and a Vizsla is a great choice. I like Nicolle anyway, but I can overlook A LOT in a person as long as they are kind and compassionate towards our animal friends. I also think a big old goofy dog would make a perfect fifth co-host (no offense to Mario Cantone fans).

  • Love 9
As for dogs...and getting a puppy of one's breed of choice or getting a rescue of the same breed...I have a favorite breed for specific reasons and will always start with a puppy.  I have been a foster home to dogs of the same breed and there are often unwelcome surprises...even after a dog has been here for a couple of weeks. I also have a mixed-breed rescue that a wonderful companion.  It's not my business what type of pet is chosen or from where and I wonder when it became fashionable or right to criticize people on their choice of a pet.


Right.  The last dog we had (I miss her) we did a lot of research and went with a puppy from a breeder.  there were a lot of reasons we went that way, having to do with our family, and we were very happy with that choice.   (golden retrievers are great with ADHD kids) 


Our family circumstances have changed, and if/when we get another dog, it would be a rescue dog.  

  • Love 5

I missed most of the show; did she mention the breed? Please tell me it wasn't a Cane Corso, lol. I think famous people, like President Obama for example, miss a great opportunity to encourage and popularize the adoption of rescue and shelter dogs when they go the breeder route.


I agree on the principle, but wasn't the Obama dog a gift from Ted Kennedy?  Am I making that up?


Wasn't the acronym RO used for heart attack symptoms HEPP - hot, exhausted, pain, pale and puke? That's a good one to know. And as far as the C in CRAP, I didn't mean to imply that one should never drink carbonated drinks. Ginger ale is my go to when I or family members are feeling nauseous . It's just that many people seem to think they're doing well if they limit carbonated beverages to the diet ones, and that's not necessarily the case.


There are exceptions, must most people need to limit carbonation.  It's been linked to poor calcium absorption in bones when used in adolescents/teens.  I lived on pop growing up, so I'm in big trouble.  As to ginger ale - it's often the ginger that does the settling rather than the carbonation.  I've learned only one ginger ale works for me, and it's the brand that really uses ginger.

  • Love 6

Oh, poor Barney.   So many memories.  My faves - Barney biting a journalist and Bush blaming the poor victim, Bush dropping Barney on his head, and Barney ignoring Bush and Laura making excuses, and explaining he usually obeys his daddy.  Those were the days.


Regarding adopting versus contributing to the over-population.   If you are a complete breed snob and refuse to compromise, there are breed specific rescues.  You can get almost any designer breed and still adopt.  I have a friend who just adopted a Labradoodle.  And remember, even some "reputable" breeders are actual puppy mill owners.

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All of you seemed to like the Frozen game a whole lot more than me.


It was kinda cute but I don't see to games on a regular basis.  Once is fine.


Also, I'm seeing way too much of Mario Cantone. I'm wondering if he is going to be the 5th co-host?


I just want to enjoy the show since Rosie Perez is gone!!

Edited by Vinyasa
  • Love 2

What was up with Nicolle during the segment with the cookie boy?  She interrupted when Rosie  was asking the boy a question which is nothing out of the ordinary, but she snapped at Rosie when Rosie told her she needed to use flour and then again when Rosie commented that Nicolle was asking the boy a question that Rosie had already asked him.  It was weird.


I enjoyed the Frozen game.  They seem to do more fun things without Whoopi around to drag things down.

  • Love 3

The Obamas are limited in what kind of dog they can have since Malia is allergic.  Portugeese water dog is one of the few breeds that people with allergies can have. 


I've been enjoying the show without Whoopie.  She is exhausting.  Constantly needing attention and having to have the last word on a subject (usually "we don't know"). She is why I don't watch the show.  I've been trying, but eventually I turn the channel.


RO is a lot more fun and considerate of her fellow hosts and guests.  So I haven't been turning the channel. I laughed all the way thru the FRozen game show.


I'm ok with Rosie Perez, but do think it must be in her contract that she is the frist person to speak after Whoopie starts a topic.  I haven't missed her at all. 


And yes, 5 is way too many hosts.


Just my thoughts in case the ABC nnig wigs are reading this!





  • Love 7

According to America's voice of authority - Wikipedia - Bo Obama is technically a "rescue" having failed to integrate into his first family before joining the First Family and the Obamas also donated to the Humane Society at the time of the adoption. I'll stop now since none of this has anything to do with The View.

I agree with CMH, I miss Whoopi even though she ruins the show, lol. Hot topics are tepid musings without her.

  • Love 4

I wish Whoopi would set her massive ego aside and bring the heat without being dismissive and offensive to her co-hosts. That could work.

Yeah, there has to be a happy medium between on-set napper and hostile, aggressive, uninformed shrew. I hope she finds it before the show is canceled.

Edited by Milk-Eyed Mender
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Wasn't the acronym RO used for heart attack symptoms HEPP - hot, exhausted, pain, pale and puke? That's a good one to know.


Yep, Hotter than you've ever been, more Exhausted than you've ever been, more Pain than you can remember (and not necessarily in the left arm or chest), Pale, and Puking.  Being overweight and in my 50s, I live in fear of a heart attack.  I learned more useful information from Rosie's one guest appearance last season than I did from the entire rest of the season, combined.

  • Love 5

Rosie tweeted that Joy has the flu

Thank you for posting that. I was a little bitter the past two shows having to watch more of the useless guests when Joy was promoted as going to be there. Actually, I ended up turning to something else on Monday because I was annoyed. I hope it isn't serious and that she manages to come back sometime this season. It would've been great to see Joy with Rosie O while Whoopi was MIA. Only one more Whoopi-free week, I guess


Abmis, on 13 Jan 2015 - 3:43 PM, said:

What was up with Nicolle during the segment with the cookie boy?  She interrupted when Rosie  was asking the boy a question which is nothing out of the ordinary, but she snapped at Rosie when Rosie told her she needed to use flour and then again when Rosie commented that Nicolle was asking the boy a question that Rosie had already asked him.  It was weird.



Since the hot topics ended soon, I missed most of the show except for the Frozen game. That is odd. I'm worried about what's going to happen after this season. I wonder if Nicolle has been uncomfortable without Whoopi there, since she's been the only conservative on the panel. Most of the guests don't seem to share her opinions.


I also noticed Rosie O mocked Whoopi just a little bit, although I can't remember when it was.

  • Love 3
I wish Whoopi would set her massive ego aside and bring the heat without being dismissive and offensive to her co-hosts.



Geez, I had a flashback to BaWa's last few years.  With all the side-eye Whoopi was giving everyone about Barbara's behavior last season, I wonder if she realizes she has morphed into her this season?

  • Love 13

Yep, Hotter than you've ever been, more Exhausted than you've ever been, more Pain than you can remember (and not necessarily in the left arm or chest), Pale, and Puking.  Being overweight and in my 50s, I live in fear of a heart attack.  I learned more useful information from Rosie's one guest appearance last season than I did from the entire rest of the season, combined.


And keep in mind that a woman's symptoms in a heart attack can be quite different from a man.  Rather than the classic chest pain, we may feel pain in the arm, back, neck, jaw, or stomach.  Other female-specific symptoms are shortness of breath and/or lightheadedness, or a sense of doom.  Also keep in mind, that if you experience chest pain that eases with rest, that can be angina, and should be investigated.

  • Love 4

Mad props to Rosie for acknowledging her surgery but it's getting a little old every time.


 I thought her comment about "You've never been fat" was actually a little annoying.  I'm not "fat", but I'm not naturally thin either.  I think Nicolle and I probably have a similar body type.  It's been a series of decisions about food /  efforts about exercise to maintain a decent weight.  Anybody, fat, skinny, medium, whatever, can benefit from good advice.


 Having said that...Dr. Oz may not be the one with all the right answers.  I found his plan a little confusing.  He mentioned it was for life, but then he's talking about the first 10 days being hard and drinking vegetable broth.  Is anybody drinking vegetable broth as a regular thing in their life?  Maybe I missed a Facebook link.  I've been trying my hardest to avoid everyone's January resolution posts.

Oh God please don't let them pick Naja Rivera as "the young one" they seem to be auditioning for.    She's so awful.

At least she IS young unlike the 35+ "youngster" they used to have.  Agree, though, that she sucks.

  • Love 3

Hope Joy feels better soon and am very sad that she will not be on this week - it would have been great.


Not sure about the hate for the Glee Actor Rivera - sorry I don't remember her first name no insult intended.


She seemed fine to me - tone down the lip gloss tho' - I put my sunglasses on at one point - metaphorically of course!


I have actually never in my life showered once, twice or three times a day.


I shower when I sweat or when I get dirty.  I don't smell and my hair is clean. My clothes are also clean and neat.


Stop with the insults please.  I am white, just in case anyone wondered.  I am very annoyed that this became about race.  It is more about age, upbringing, occupation and personal comfort levels.


I think I may have to go to a corner to avoid the darts....but I stick by what has worked for me my entire life.

  • Love 12

It's also a generational thing. My parents and my in-laws, born in the 1920's , believed in weekly baths or showers, unless you were working outdoors. I was not raised to shower daily, more like every 2 - 3 days. Large family one bathroom, limited hot water- we couldn't all shower daily of we tried!

I shower daily in the summer, But skip some days in winter due to very dry skin.

  • Love 15

I loved the Frozen game because it was such a throwback to "The Rosie O'Donnell Show" of the '90s when they did games like that all the time (my favorites being when a superfan challenged Rosie to Mary Tyler Moore trivia and when The O'Donnell family faced the actors from Party of Five in Family Feud).


Naya's comments about showering were ... interesting. It was a point of view! I am a lily-white Caucasian with not-actual-but-I-say-I-have-it OCD and I shower rather obsessively and my friends all make fun of me.

  • Love 6

Daily in summer, 3-5 times a week in winter, in case you wanted to know. Ha!  I grew up in a one bathroom home with a tub, no shower.  No way we were gonna function if we all took a bath every day either!  It's brutally dry here in the winter and I would need more than the 15 cases of lotion that I go through during the winter months if I exceeded those numbers. I know that Whoopi gets picked on about her hygiene, but my stylist keeps telling me that I wash my hair far too often and keeps trying to sell me that shampoo in a spray stuff. I think our collective habits regarding cleanliness are a combination of how we grew up, what is currently accepted practice and what feels right to us as individuals.


eta: all of our cats have been rescue kittens from the Humane Society, but I understand breed preferences.  True story, my mother's "breeder" turned out to have been running a secret nasty puppy mill, she was stunned and outraged, but it didn't surprise me at all.

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 6


Any intelligent dog would be better than Naya Rivera as a co-host, she is beyond pathetic.......what exactly is her  alleged claim to fame???


She is an actress/singer on the show Glee

She is also known for trying to morph herself into Kim Kardashian through tons of plastic surgery.  She gets a lot of attention on the internets for that.  The girl is so plastic that I have a really hard time looking at her.  Sad because she was prettier back when she looked like Naya Rivera.  And sad because she is so young and has already done that much plastic shit to herself. 

  • Love 8

I'm sorry, I'm still a day behind but I hope Michelle Williams NEVER comes back!  It seems that some guest hosts try so hard to make a good impression that adrenaline gets the best of them.  She gave me 


shortness of breath and/or lightheadedness, or a sense of doom


I get that the more hosts they have, the higher the odds that every audience member will find somebody they like but four is plenty for me.

  • Love 10

Personally I dont drink..... but I dont think that just because someone gets drunk.... even someone who gets drunk on TV is necessarily an alcoholic


I really find it offensive when people judge others like that..... some kind of moral authority who judges actions that are hyped for TV about someone they never met.


It is possible to get drunk and go overboard without having to go to rehab afterward

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