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Season 5 Discussion


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I was bored except for seeing Dan Hedaya love him. And Jamie's partner let's see how can I put this nicely, I fucking hate her. Okay guess I can't say it nicely, she bugs the hell out of me!

She gets on my last nerve, too.  She's like a whiney 14-year-old with an inappropriate crush on her partner.  I recall an episode where Jamie's boss was getting on his case about whether he had "feelings" for her and was going to separate them if he did.  Well, what about HER??? 

  • Love 1

Eh. It was kind of really boring. The Baez and Danny subplot was incredibly predictable and trite, and I liked it better when it was at Flashpoint. It seems like Erin was only there to fill her scree-time quota, and it was kind of random. The perp was unsympathetic and they tried violently make him so (the same way it usually had happened in Flashpoint).


Could Eddie be even more annoying? Yes, yes, she could! Ugh, Jamie, cut her loose already! At least Jamie made himself useful and found a connection to the gang that killed that poor old man.


I was waiting for Frank to call Garrett out for be in codependent relationship with his step-son. But it was, apparently, an episode where Garrett is butthurt Frank raised great children who are not sorry drug addicts or something and shame Frank for it? What, are we supposed to sympathize with Garrett here? I don't even know.

  • Love 1

Yes, the Garrett story was muddled, as if they couldn't quite decide which direction they wanted to go with it. And really, what are the odds that all four Reagan kids would have no issues that would put Dad and Grandpa in a bad spot? Cops' kids, preachers' kids, teachers' kids, are all notorious for acting out in their adolescence. It was a throw-away subplot that could have explored the subject much better.

  • Love 2

Yes, the Garrett story was muddled, as if they couldn't quite decide which direction they wanted to go with it. And really, what are the odds that all four Reagan kids would have no issues that would put Dad and Grandpa in a bad spot? Cops' kids, preachers' kids, teachers' kids, are all notorious for acting out in their adolescence. It was a throw-away subplot that could have explored the subject much better.


Thought it was just me who thought that the story was kind of underdeveloped. Like they couldn't quite figure it out and were just like "Selleck and Jbara have made worse crap work for us before" or there was something that got cut at some point in the process for some reason.

This was stupid. And the thing that bothered me the most was Baez. I know at the end, the praying was apparently a ruse to "make her move" but was she faking the whole weepy woman thing? Because I'm still not sure  and I spent most of the episode pissed off that she was so damn weepy. Yes, if I were held hostage at gunpoint, I would look like that. But I didn't buy it from Baez. She's never shown anything but "tough cop". It annoyed the heck out of me.

  • Love 3

Frankly, I wanted Baez to have to go home at the end because they did put tranquilizers in the booze. Why couldn't they get his daughter on the phone? Why did she have to be there in person to see him taken down? And how did he get into the police station with two loaded guns?

I thought the other story was equally as bad. Wife didn't seem all that upset that husband was gunned down. The people in that neighborhood don't trust cops, but one collection and they are suddenly all joining in? A lot of sap in that tree.

I also wanted to smack Jamie. Dude, he snuck you his number on a $20 because he is worried about getting killed by a gang member. Don't open the bill in front of everyone, read it, and keep it. At least pretend to add it to the collection and palm the thing. No wonder he hasn't made detective.

  • Love 1


Could Eddie be even more annoying? Yes, yes, she could! Ugh, Jamie, cut her loose already! At least Jamie made himself useful and found a connection to the gang that killed that poor old man.

I didn't think it was possible but she bugged me even more this episode. She somehow made raising money for the poor woman annoying. I think I just dislike her character so much I cringe whenever she has screen time.

  • Love 1

I thought I was the only one.  The Eddie character brings Estes' Jaimie down.  There have been two great potential love matches for him, and each time those stories were not developed, but we go for the boring "two partners fall for each other," story.   Wahlburg must have something in the contract that he always has to be the hero.  


I still love seeing James McDaniel....bring back NYPD Blue! 

  • Love 2

Is it really that easy to get into a precinct with a loaded gun? It's always happening on TV shows.

For a woman who's husband was just murdered that morning - the woman didn't seem extremely upset. When Edie was asking people for money for the woman they all refused but then suddenly they all had money to give- I don't understand that since they were told up front what the money was being collected for (and how much did Edie collect? I thought she said something just over $2000, aren't funerals more expensive than that?)

Baez was really slow tryign to get the gun out of the guys hand. I thought she was going to grab it before he had a chance to realize what was happening.

I thought the entire family was acting crappy towards Linda - nobody else wanted to say grace, but they all agreed that they didn't want her to say it because she would take to long (had they let her do it first going off instead of discussing it so much - she would have been done). And the one thing that she asks for is for everybody to hold hands while they pray and they all act as if the world is going to end (I think I've seen this issue come up before). Are you kidding me? She probably puts up with quite a bit of their issues, eats with them every Sunday and all she asks is that they occassionally hold hands when they say grace? She is a very understanding daughter/sister/grand-daughter-in-law and wife.

Just once I'd like to see Danny put in his place. 


He's giving orders to the chief who is in charge of the hostage situation, telling the chief how he (Danny) wants the situation handled and then Danny tells a SWAT officer, who has probably trained a hundred times for situations like this, that his way is better, not hers.


Speaking of the SWAT team, once Danny realized Baez was going to make a move and the SWAT team - on his orders - shot down the window, why did they not shoot the father after Baez escaped and Danny was left with a gun pointed at him?

Someday, I'd like to see Danny's hot dogging and disregard of the chain of command and the law wind up causing an injury or losing a case in court.  Or maybe someone who outranks him will say: "I don't give a f__k that you're the Commissioner's kid,*I* outrank you and I'm telling you to follow my orders or I'll turn you over to Internal Affairs."  And have it stick; not like the time his new sergeant told him to obey her orders, but took it back, because she realized, A REAGEN IS ALWAYS RIGHT.


Edited by buckboard


And how did he get into the police station with two loaded guns?

The second gun was Baez's. His looked like a rickety revolver, and yet he chose to keep that gun after taking Baez's cool pistol. The man was no criminal. I could easily walk into my police station with a loaded gun, but then, I practically live in Mayberry.


Has the actor pulled a groin or something? He hasn't chased anyone down in a while. And why doesn't Baez ever catch someone? Can't she be the one to chase a perp into Danny's awaiting presence from behind a corner???  ; )


These people need to eat supper together more frequently. I'm missing the family conversations. I like the kids and their questions and Linda's insertions.


Hey, you current Catholics out there....Do people not do the sign of the cross before a prayer these days? If you still do, maybe the writers are just playing down their Catholicism, because you can't really start a prayer without someone starting, "In the name of the...." yet you can end a prayer without that being said aloud as the synchronicity is not important at that point. Just curious about that.

Edited by mojito

Could someone tell me what happened in the last ten minutes or so?  My cable box decided to reboot itself and by the time it came back on the show was over.  I was behind in viewing, had paused it earlier, so I'm not sure how much was left.  The last thing I saw was Jamie at the pipe fitter's union hall with gun drawn on the bomber.  I think the bomber had just clicked the button to arm the bomb. Were they able to talk him down or stop the bomb?


What happened with Erin and the motorcycle gang people following her, and did Frank find out if the charity was legit?


Thanks in advance.

  • Love 1

Jamie had to shoot the bomber. Eddie tried to tell the old lady the truth about her niece but did not manage to do it. Erin made it to the precinct and Danny & Co managed to tie the attacks on the rival gang and got them all arrested. The charity was not legit but run by con woman (who drove a BMW!) who had rap sheets in several stateds - sadly we did not get to see the following Sunday dinner. I'm normally not on the Nicky hate-train but she sure got on my nerves this episode and I deem not showing us how Frank taught her some of the hard facts of life  one of the worst crimes this show has ever comitted.

  • Love 2

I think the best thing about the episode was Jamie shooting that dude. But it was... unusually graphic for CBS, I thought. Eddie was annoying and endearing at the same time. I was laughing at her being aggrieved about the old lady.


Ugh, and Nikkie was plain annoying, even though I'm normally fine with her. Where did this "sunshine and rainbows" attitude even come from? Like, your whole family is the police, why are you so naive moron all of a sudden?! I liked their conversation with Frank in the beginning, though. This poor child should get as more proper father-figures as she can get,


The biker gang stuff was more or less dull but I liked the beginning with creepiness and stalkering. For a minute there I though Erin's new co-worker/associate was a perp but then I thought it would be too weird, as Erin had had the criminal associate this season already. Danny being pissed-off at Erin over the stalker thing was hilarious. Oh, Erin... At least you have a gun. Also, where's your pretty investigator when you need him?

Edited by CooperTV

What was cracking me up as the staging of the motorcycle pursuit.  All of that was filmed right outside of their studio space: when Erin was being tailed outside by the gang, that is virtually driving by the main entrance.  But most of it was filmed outside where they filmed the squad room scenes.  So maybe because I know there is no red and green building at those corners (it's actually an open parking lot and white building respectively) that I couldn't get much out of it. 


I normally don't mind Nikki but man that was annoying.  When it's involving a charity who gives money into "the family business"  you're damn right Frank has every right to ask questions and not give the benefit of the doubt so quickly. 

Edited by mtlchick
  • Love 1

So now anyone can just saunter into the District Attorney's office at any hour?   That's believable.

Apparently so! If I remember correctly some looney got a hold of Erin there last season. I believe she was supposed too meet her Dad for dinner. She was late he then realized something was up and they saved her in her work building.

  • Love 1



Ugh, and Nikkie was plain annoying, even though I'm normally fine with her. Where did this "sunshine and rainbows" attitude even come from? 




I normally don't mind Nikki but man that was annoying.  When it's involving a charity who gives money into "the family business"  you're damn right Frank has every right to ask questions and not give the benefit of the doubt so quickly. 


I found Nikki annoying as well.  I'm usually satisfied with Blue Bloods and how they end an episode but this time I was disappointed that Frank didn't have Nikki with him when they arrested the woman who was conning people with her pretend charity.

  • Love 4

Apparently so! If I remember correctly some looney got a hold of Erin there last season. I believe she was supposed too meet her Dad for dinner. She was late he then realized something was up and they saved her in her work building.



I think that happened in the first season.  The one where she took off her shoes and ran from him and at the end Dad shot the guy while he was holding Erin hostage.

  • Love 1

I guess I don't like the way that she's set up to be the bleeding heart liberal LOSER in the manly, always-right Reagan family. 


She's a sweet kid who's ALWAYS wrong, and needs to be set right by her uncles, grandfather & boy cousins. 


Just like Eddie is the little kid tagalong to Real Cop Jamie...and Erin is essentially a traitor because she upholds the civil rights on every piece of scum they arrest (and Linda is only a nurse...there to patch up the good guys who get shot, but back off of the criminals, and let the cops do their job).


The underlying theme of the episode (about "benefit of the doubt") and the last episode where the father shot the guy whose crime led to his daughter's death, gave the father-figures plenty of room to make it clear that 1) you really can't trust anyone (especially if they are not a Reagan), and that there is no such thing as rehabilitation or people changing or becoming better people.


(And from Danny, the guy whose mother kept bail money for him, that's pretty rich).


Sometimes I wonder if the women writers on the show just shut up and take the paycheck...they need to pay their rent and feed their kids, too, but I would imagine the very male-centric world of the show would be exhausting.

  • Love 5

One of the other tropes that bother me is mean detectives telling little Jamie to take a hike. If they were savvy enough to be promoted to detective, then maybe they would realize that Jamie is the Commissioner's son, and try to cultivate him. Mentoring Jamie could lead to other things...in the real world. However, it was FINALLY nice to see a detective reward Jamie (and Eddie, since she was the one with the connection to the old lady) for their initiative.

  • Love 1


Mentoring Jamie could lead to other things...in the real world. However, it was FINALLY nice to see a detective reward Jamie (and Eddie, since she was the one with the connection to the old lady) for their initiative.


I do think they are slowly building to a promotion.  I mean it's been 5 years, and Jamie has already dug around the Blue Templar issue (which granted, started and stalled at a whim until the show said "screw it" and quickly ended it) and gone undercover in the mob.  Frank feels his son isn't ready for a promotion to detective, but the last few episodes are little hints that say "Are you sure?  He needs some fine tuning but he's getting there."  But then it would drop Eddie behind which for me I can take it or leave it.

I do think they are slowly building to a promotion.  I mean it's been 5 years, and Jamie has already dug around the Blue Templar issue (which granted, started and stalled at a whim until the show said "screw it" and quickly ended it) and gone undercover in the mob.  Frank feels his son isn't ready for a promotion to detective, but the last few episodes are little hints that say "Are you sure?  He needs some fine tuning but he's getting there."  But then it would drop Eddie behind which for me I can take it or leave it.

I seriously doubt Jamie will ever be promoted to detective. The show is structured to show the entire scope of law enforcement and promoting Jamie would mean 2 detectives and no uniformed main characters. I could see a promotion to Sergeant maybe at some point, but not detective.

  • Love 1

If Jamie is finally promoted as I think he should be, anyone in the character verse who does question the appropriateness of it will look like an ass in my mind. I do think, especially in light of his actions in this last episode, Jamie has more than proved himself.

Never been an Eddie fan. Having seen Will Estes on American Dreams & with the one-off season one girls & the actress who played Bianca, I know he can generate heat. The most I get with Jamie & Eddie is a friend vibe & I am so annoyed by Eddie that I just want her off my screen. No offense to the actress who seems lovely & I am aware of the fan videos.

Nikki reminds me of those I know -- of varying ages -- who were simply overindulged. Only child, eldest grandchild & only grandchild for a bit, I think the character fits that profile too.

DW may be the star, but episodes like this serve the show -- & ultimately him -- better by giving others who are more than capable a chance to shine. I cop to not being a Danny fan much at all so there's that too.

  • Love 1


I seriously doubt Jamie will ever be promoted to detective. The show is structured to show the entire scope of law enforcement and promoting Jamie would mean 2 detectives and no uniformed main characters. I could see a promotion to Sergeant maybe at some point, but not detective.

This is why I think Jamie will not be promoted to detective either. It bums me out that it is this way, because I would like to see Jamie be where he wants to. Though, they will probably have him have some sort of realization that he does not want to be a detective anymore or something.


I will be at my table for one for liking Eddie. This show does not do well with female characters, but I like her. I might be biased because I like the actress Vanessa Ray. I do not care one way or another whether she and Jamie get together, but if they do I would rather them not be partners.

  • Love 2

Sarah confronting the man who slaughtered her family was quite moving & her lack of absolution for him rang true. The change Baker spoke of is harder to see when three key people are missing at your big day -- & all the other days -- on account of the guy -- & in that way.

Frank -- "I had the same dream." LMAO -- love him.

I didn't mind Eddie tonight. I almost can't believe it, but a lot of what bugs seemed to take a hiatus.

Eddie proved herself to herself -- what matters -- & Jamie was clearly impressed. I may not see love, but I do see friendship & mutual respect. a nice thing to see in a working relationship with a man & woman.

I think the "kid" Jamie holding his own in a firefight with Danny impressed Danny too. When that guy went down, Danny was like, oh snap! I liked that best, I have to say. Quite a pair on that Harvard man, huh Danny?

Jamie can stay a street cop & be upwardly mobile. I hope we see it. I am so glad they are making more use of everyone these days, but Estes especially. To have talent & waste it is foolish no matter who is billed what.

Looks like we have a break upon us.

  • Love 2

Huh, chick was doing a good job of channeling Frank Reagan until I realized no WAY could he tell the guy to kill himself - it wouldn't be Catholic enough.  Suicide=hell=I judge you, God doesn't get to.  So then I was confused how all that you're a worm that doesn't deserve to breath and I'm getting married and you RUINED it for me - just had to tell you the day before my wedding... resulted in the happy, smiling bride.  If I were her groom I'd be skeeved out.  But then he looked pretty shady himself.


Only part I enjoyed was the gramps romance.  Goodness, they look so much better out of belted, cable corded sweaters!


Eddie wasn't in much danger and the FBI guy was way out of line, but it was a good trial run. Cannot believe neither of them ever get promoted. Dammit.

  • Love 1

Huh, chick was doing a good job of channeling Frank Reagan until I realized no WAY could he tell the guy to kill himself - it wouldn't be Catholic enough.  Suicide=hell=I judge you, God doesn't get to.  So then I was confused how all that you're a worm that doesn't deserve to breath and I'm getting married and you RUINED it for me - just had to tell you the day before my wedding... resulted in the happy, smiling bride.  If I were her groom I'd be skeeved out.  But then he looked pretty shady himself.


Only part I enjoyed was the gramps romance.  Goodness, they look so much better out of belted, cable corded sweaters!


Eddie wasn't in much danger and the FBI guy was way out of line, but it was a good trial run. Cannot believe neither of them ever get promoted. Dammit.


 I agree on all points, especially the promotion. The stuff they've all done, there would be promotions going on.

  • Love 3

More Eddie! What a joy! It was unintentionally hilarious when she went all "This is personal! My mom's life was nothing like lives of these girls in US, so I feel greatly affected by that!" I mean, I'd rather she said human trafficking is a terrible thing and she will do everything she can to help and was done with it. And I didn't like Jamie stonewalling her for no reason and talking about her behind her back (and this went nowhere). They're both were annoying and I didn't care about this subplot.


The senior citizens romance was boring and predictable.


The confrontation in prison was very tense scene and fairly realistic and believable, and the actress was very good in it. But I still laughed at Frank's "I had the same dream".

I thought it a bit odd that the bride never had her groom with her. I realize that they wanted to focus on the special bond she had with Frank but it still seemed a bit off that the guy was nowhere to be seen in what must have been a couple of pretty tough days for his future wife.

The prison scene was intense - I think if you've done something as horrific as this guy then you make your peace with God but you do not mess with your victims anymore. He said he did not want her forgiveness - so what did he want? To help her by showing her he had changed? It all sounded pretty selfish to me. In the end I do believe that the only way to leave such a trauma behind is to be able to forgive - but it has to happen because you're ready not because the perpetrator wants to feel better. Does the program they quoted really exist? And does it work that way? I found it offensive that they encouraged perpetrators to directly contact victims. There should have been an intermediary asking first if the victim was okay with receiving a letter.

  • Love 3

The prison scene was intense - I think if you've done something as horrific as this guy then you make your peace with God but you do not mess with your victims anymore. He said he did not want her forgiveness - so what did he want? To help her by showing her he had changed? It all sounded pretty selfish to me.


He even said to her:


"But I know the only person I can't save is you, Sarah. And I'm so... dreadfully sorry for that." WTF was that about?

  • Love 1


That was Danielle Melnick, the kickass defense attorney from Law & Order! Why can't grandpa date Danielle Melnick?!

Because Danielle can do a lot better than that Chiclet-toothed, narrow-minded old man.


I didn't care for Jamey's declaration that Eddie "wasn't ready" for the undercover work. He'd never say that about himself. Glad Eddie done good.

  • Love 5

Yeah, even though Jamie tried to justify it to Eddie by saying it wasn't a good operation, it kind of rang of either jealousy/lack of faith in her. And she handled herself well: a porcelain toilet top would certainly disable an attacker, and throwing in one more whack on the head was a way to make sure he stayed down.


This was actually one of the better episodes of the season...though the Reagans' predisposition to investigate everyone who enters their family circle (or to have their younger generation followed) is still pretty creepy to me.


Also, Erin has WAY more chemistry with the investigator in her office than anyone else they've ever paired her with. I hope the producers do something with that.

  • Love 4

Does the program they quoted really exist? And does it work that way? I found it offensive that they encouraged perpetrators to directly contact victims. There should have been an intermediary asking first if the victim was okay with receiving a letter.


It does exist.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Restorative_justice  Admittedly I was a bit surprised that the woman essentially said "Well, I hope you try to kill yourself again and this time to it right, k? Bye."  That said at least she was being honest with herself. 


Decent episode but yeesh, Frank hardly ever gets to have any fun and now Henry?  

I think the "kid" Jamie holding his own in a firefight with Danny impressed Danny too. When that guy went down, Danny was like, oh snap! I liked that best, I have to say. Quite a pair on that Harvard man, huh Danny?

Jamie can stay a street cop & be upwardly mobile. I hope we see it. I am so glad they are making more use of everyone these days, but Estes especially. To have talent & waste it is foolish no matter who is billed what.

Looks like we have a break upon us.


I found this on TVLine in regards to Jamie: 



On Blue Bloods, are they trying to gear up for Jamie taking the detective’s exam? Seems like he’s been playing detective himself quite a bit lately. –Peter

I brought your question to showrunner Kevin Wade, and he said that while he has no “road map” for any potential sixth season, the thinking is that if Jamie has a particular ambition, “It might be for something that is not detective.” As he explains it, “The role of beat cop, which he is well suited to, is one where you react to something instantly, you use your judgment on your feet. While detective work is the opposite — something has already happened and you try to deconstruct it.” As such, Wade’s more inclined to see Jamie eventually “taking the sergeants exam, or in an undercover operation. There are better ways to use him, so we’re looking in those areas more.”



  • Love 3

"As such, Wade’s more inclined to see Jamie eventually “taking the sergeants exam, or in an undercover operation. There are better ways to use him, so we’re looking in those areas more.”


I'm thinking they want Jamie to be in the pass to be the next Police Commissioner but want to resume the status quo, hence the contortions with "undercover" and stuff.

Edited by CooperTV
  • Love 1

I noticed Erin's chemistry with the investigator too & like the actor -- ditto on hoping they do something with it. For the character it is also a better fit rather than the sharks like her ex & criminals she was bound to collide with & lead to a bust up. Time for her to stop rebelling. Heh. I think the writers have gotten better about spreading things around & now I hope they take advantage of opportunities that arise. I think they missed some in the past that would have been fun for the viewers.

Yes, the Reagan Family is a tough crew to join. Pop's girl did turn out be shady, but still. I think Linda -- maybe -- avoided the background check. :)

I think they like showing the range of marital status as well as occupations. Widowers Henry & Frank - Married Danny (with children in this case) - Divorced with child Erin - Single Jamie (I all but forgot he was engaged at the start of the series.)

Thanks for bringing that over mtlchick. With the actors they have I think the writers don't have to try as hard & they have been lazy/lax with continuity. Selleck & Donnie especially bring people in, but I like that they show signs of really thinking about what to do. Jamie really cannot stay a patrolman -- basic character growth -- I saw the pilot again the other night & Wow! He's come a long way. For the viewers like me since the start, that's rewarding.

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