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Season 5 Discussion


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Danny is the only character who I know of who can say I'll never let you down, and I'd believe him.  On any tv show.  But, I was more than a little hostile that he was saying it to Jackie's look alike.  :(  He's also one of the only guy's who can whole body hug you in such a non sexual way.  Loved him grabbing onto the truck.  I know a lot of posters' hate the character but it's basically the only reason I watch.


Frank's always carefully navigating.  That was a very sad story and his actions made it worse.


Jaimie....pig headed. But very cool beating up on the guy who shoved his partner.  Poor Jaimie I wish he'd get to have a real life someday, or hell, even make detective!  He always seems so far removed from Frank.

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It did feel like a hook up with your partner story line with Danny. We already know Jamie wants to, so that's not new or surprising, but there was a vibe with Danny and his. I liked Erin practically straight out laughing at Jaime when he was doing his little, I don't love her (but I soooo obviously do) speech. She was doing that yeah, and then what happened thing I do with toddlers when hearing their little babble about nothing, but wanting to make them think their little babble makes total sense. Will Estes is almost looking like a real live grownup this year. He's always a a soft boyish kind of face, but there were some angles and edge to it last night. 


What happened to the cop who was involved in the tazer incident? I saw him in Frank's kitchen and some time between that scene and the end of the show, I decided to go from my living room to the bedroom for the night during a commercial break. When I turned the TV on in the bedroom, the commercials were over and I thought I only missed like 12 seconds. Flash to the end and Frank's speech, which kicked all kinds of ass, and shots of the guy in the hospital. 

Not sure why Baez was allowed to interview her brother but whatever. Then he ends up dead.  Guess her grief is going to be a sticking point for a while.



He's also one of the only guy's who can whole body hug you in such a non sexual way.

 Now you're making me miss his hugs in real life. 


 It was a decent season premiere (the shoot out was great) but the ratings were a lot lower from the premiere last year and even off the finale.  Not sure what happened.

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Danny is the only character who I know of who can say I'll never let you down, and I'd believe him.  On any tv show.  But, I was more than a little hostile that he was saying it to Jackie's look alike.  :(  He's also one of the only guy's who can whole body hug you in such a non sexual way.  Loved him grabbing onto the truck.  I know a lot of posters' hate the character but it's basically the only reason I watch.


Frank's always carefully navigating.  That was a very sad story and his actions made it worse.


Jaimie....pig headed. But very cool beating up on the guy who shoved his partner.  Poor Jaimie I wish he'd get to have a real life someday, or hell, even make detective!  He always seems so far removed from Frank.

I still miss Jackie, but for the first time at the end of the ep, I started to like Danny's new partner. 


I don't know why, but a lot of Jaimie and his partner moments just don't interest me, it's not badly done...I just don't care. 


I really liked Danny's and Frank's sections and it did grab my attention but it still isn't a show I must see.  I liked how it showed Frank really having a difficult time doing his job and hating the parts that the cops can't understand.  I thought the speech was really effective and really put a nice punch at the end of the show.

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When Jamie's boss was asking him about his feelings for his partner and how he would have reacted if the boss had been his partner it was really annoying to have such an apples and oranges comparison. Had Jamie had a male partner who was the same height and weight as the current one the reaction might be the same, regardless of the gender. I'm sure the show wants to emphasize the sexual tension, but having the boss be the mouthpiece irked me. (The scene with his sister laid it out much better.)

 AND when it was stated by a reporter (IIRC) that the opening crazy guy was not a danger I expected someone to point out that the spitting seen in that scene could potentially be assault, depending in part upon what that guy could be spreading.

  • Love 1

I know that we have to suspend our normal sense of disbelief when we watch commercial television but "Blue Bloods" is just so far down the rabbit hole that you have to shake your head. The NYC police department fatally shot sixteen people in the year 2012 (last year I can find stats). Nine in 2011. 


Danny did that in this weeks episode. Seriously? 


What kind of writers do they have on this show? The hack is strong in this one.

Edited by Trooper York

I'm sort of new to the show.  I've been catching up on the marathons, but this first episode this season looks pretty good.  I just love Danny.  I sort of like the tough cop demeanor, but yet it's not mean spirited.  


How is Jamie going to go undetected inside a mob family?  Wouldn't people recognize him from being the Police Commissioner's son?  Does he live with his dad and granddad?  Who lives in that house?

The show is easy to sum up. Commissioner Francis has two modes. Sanctimonious or Sad. Take your pick. The daughter the DA has her hands filled trying not to kill her super annoying Liza Minnelli impersonator daughter. And Danny is the only cop in NYC who has to solve every crime that happens in the city while killing more people than the Nazi's, Pol Pot and Isis combined.

It is super realistic.

Edited by Trooper York
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The case of Lt. James McCarthy having another Officer taze Owen Stapleton and he falls infront of a moving bus made me feel bad. he was being a neuscience and wasn't stopping his spitting and jumping around. But when Frank told Garrett he would not talk to McCarthy I figured he would. Hearing from Sargent Gromley and others how good McCarthy was, I knew would make Frank talk to him. He came to his home which was nice. I wasn't sure if telling Frank that next time you would make a different call was good or not. I would think Frank wouldn't want him second guessing him self in future. Thought he should have told Frank he would do the same call if it happened again. But maybe Frank feels he shouldn't make the same mistake twice. Later he drives drunk and is in a bad accident. Just couldn't handle the incident. Made me feel bad. Franks speech was a good one.

We see that Danny and Baez work well together when they have to but she has had complaints about Danny taking charge. Detective Maria Baez is growing on me, but I really miss Jackie. Wish she could come back even part time. Have a new partner or have all desk time. Baez getting gurt on the cocaine burn run was a pretty rough heist. I had thought that the driver, Agent Susan Martinez was in on the capper. But we see later she was not. Danny jumping on the truck was good but then he fell off. Couldn't he shoot out a tire?

I figured that Javi Baez would get in to deep and end up dead. Liked the actor on Prime Suspect. Maria will be feeling bad for a while, He was trying to impress his sister.

Now Jamie and Eddie is another matter. They both do have eyes for each other. But after Jamie is over zealous with a guy that pushed Eddie to the ground, he is called in to talk to Sargent Anthony Renzulli. Miss him on once in awhile. He believed that Jamie had no feelings for Officer Edit Jenko. But Erin definately could tell Jamie was in denial. But he did decide to keep working with her and stop his feelings for her. I don't think she was sure what was up with Jamie after that. Not sure that Eddie will get the message. Wonder if Jamie can handle it too.

Lord, I apologize, but I laughed when that guy got tasered and the hit by a truck. Of course he did. The cops could have just grabbed him after they got the looky-loos moved away. Tasing was not necessary.

Mayor Ironsides is an idiot. Who admits the police made a mistake at press conference? The city was going to get sued anyway, but now you gave the family even more ammo.

Nothing is going to happen with Danny and Baez, but Jamie and Janko will def be hooking up soon.

Edited by Goodnight
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I thought this was a great episode. I only started watching this show because Donnie Wahlberg was my first teenage celebrity crush. I had posters of him on my bedroom wall for years, haha.  Anyway, I really like his charcter on the show and he is a much better actor than I would have ever thought he could be. I also like his new partner but I like that actress. It's funny, this is the 3rd show I have seen her in and she has always played a cop.  I didn't get any vibes between Danny and Baez and I'd be pretty pissed at the show if they ever went that way.  I like Danny's wife a lot. Speaking of, she had a really cute new haircut.   Agreed, Jamie and Janko will totally be hooking up this season. 

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Wow, Jaimie grew a pair. Good for him. Unless he just did it because his dad asked him to. He needs to make detective soon.


Erin was certainly steering that guy, I get the symmetry of it, but I'm not sure I liked it.  The maybe boss thing and OMG Erin has SEX?! was odd and made me feel like a peeping Tom.


I hate the grandfather with a passion, don't know how he managed to raise the upright do gooder his son is.  It skipped Danny, but Jaimie got it.  Anyway, I always hate when he's on screen.  Guess I liked Selleck's resolution for his friend, but not as much as I like the grey haired guy who often is the voice of reason/conscious who has to request permission to speak, sigh.  The blonde secretary looked really pissed, what was up with that?  odd.

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It was nice to see Jamie really be coming into his own. He's starting to seem like an adult instead of a scared kid. But yeah, I don't see any chemistry between him and Eddie either. It doesn't help Eddie always seems to think Jamie isn't "man enough" or something when he doesn't have the initial stereotypical meat head response, but then realizes he's right. I wouldn't want to be with someone who was always questioning my morals, especially with questionable ones. 

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I realized in this episode that I really don't like Danny, he really does have to be right all the time, doesn't he? And in many ways he is a chip off the old block, I have had a tv crush on Tom Selleck since Magnum, but he's a bit of a self righteous prig in this show. I miss the sense of humor he used in Magnum. Jamie is probably my favorite in the family, he's grown up a lot since the show began. 


Did anyone else experience the hacking of closed captioning on CBS at the beginning of the show? I always keep closed captioning on because I don't always catch things that are spoken & it helps me follow the story.

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Detective Maria Baez is growing on me, but I really miss Jackie. Wish she could come back even part time.

From what I heard, she burned too many bridges for that to happen any time soon.



What's with Danny's hair and that little poof in the front? Is it trendy because my son-in-law has the same poof?


Strange but true: during the first few seasons, he was wearing a hair piece and "hair in a can."  Last season it was his own hair because he was "less stressed out."  (You can make your own conclusions as to why.)

  • Love 1

Did anyone else experience the hacking of closed captioning on CBS at the beginning of the show? I always keep closed captioning on because I don't always catch things that are spoken & it helps me follow the story.


I saw it too - one line was "Fuck off, ISIS" or something to that effect, which I rewound because I thought someone in the background of the precinct got away with sneaking in there! But alas, it was a lengthy, confusing stretch of incorrect captioning. I turned it off for awhile (and turned the volume up lol) and when I put it back on halfway through it was fine. Glad it wasn't just me that noticed it!

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I love this show.  Love the family.   They all have their warts but that makes them oddly more likable -- except for Erin's daughter, who is consistently annoying.   I thought Nicki was supposed to go off to college.   That can't happen soon enough for me.  


I've liked Will Estes since his days as JJ Pryor  on American Dreams.   Glad his character in Blue Bloods is getting more development.  Jamie and his brother Danny are an interesting contrast in temperament and perspective, but they have the same value base, and that makes them believable as brothers.


I really like Erin and think her new man is a big ol' yummy bear.    More, please.


Wish Kelly Peterson was still in town, but I hear that Bebe Neuwirth is now in the Madame Secretary series, so I suppose she's gone for good.    I would have liked to see Kelly and Frank get together.   I enjoyed watching their relationship evolve during the last season. 


Totally agree that Jamie and Eddie are going to become partners with benefits this season.

Edited by crocosmia
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Well, I thought it was a terrific episode.

The Reagans involvement in the Catholic church is so deep, it was very interesting to see Frank being conflicted between his friendship with the Cardinal and church policy vs. his role as head of a public organization with a policy of equality and his beliefs that differ from the church's.  I thought it was handled well.  (Although I did find it disconcerting that the Cardinal was played by BIll Irwin.  I kept expecting him to start juggling something.)

Are there so few comments because the demographic for this show is too old for Previously TV or is it too hard to find Blue Bloods, because it's not on the main listing, but hidden away under "All Shows"?  

  • Love 1

Are there so few comments because the demographic for this show is too old for Previously TV or is it too hard to find Blue Bloods, because it's not on the main listing, but hidden away under "All Shows"?  



I've put in a request to add it to the home page. Thanks for mentioning that. Less active shows are removed during hiatus and I forgot to request it be added back when the new season started.

  • Love 1

Well then if she has burned to many bridges, then it would be nice to kind of end her story, for now. Maybe even have Sgt. Gormley yell to Danny at work. "Hey Reagan, I just talked to Jackie and she loves her new job as Detective in Denver(or where ever quieter)and hardly misses your funny mug!" Or someting like that to kind of put it to rest. Then if things in the future change she could come back. Instead of killing her off and making no chance of return, or leaving that she is on leave still. Which is very unrealistic. Or if she "retired" then have some way to confirm it to us the viewer.

Edited by webruce

Are there so few comments because the demographic for this show is too old for Previously TV or is it too hard to find Blue Bloods, because it's not on the main listing, but hidden away under "All Shows"?  


It took me awhile to find it, since it wasn't listed on the main listing page.   


This was not my favorite episode, and I couldn't think of much to say about it,  but I have been watching Blue Bloods for years and have no intention of wandering off. 

That was complex, but I still don't see why it had to fall on Danny except for opportunity knocking?  It still seemed like some sort of set up.  I did not like him kicking the informant though - he can be an ass and the show doesn't skimp on that. 


I thought Frank over-politicized it with all the respect for a "Reverend," instead of the practicality of keeping the peace.  And wow, I've watched the show for years and did not see the Priest consultations coming, it seemed odd.


Oh, and I absolutely LOVED that the Hispanic family let the boy tell the truth, it fits in with everything I've ever experienced about them even when they are poor, they are proud and honest.  In Mexico, where I lived for a while, anyway. 


LOVED Danny's boss moving upstairs and his reponse to his suggested title. heh.


The blonde girl REALLY needs to quit sending out bait and switch, mixed messages to Jaimie and realize he's a catch - although from the previews it looks like the pivotal moment will come next week.  The actor that plays Jaimie was kind of "off" this week - stilted and kind of jerky.  Odd.

Edited by Jlina
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The closest that Danny has come to losing his job due to excessive force is the one time he doesn't actually use excessive force.

Jamie's partner is really getting on my nerves. She has a major crush on him and it clearly shows. She's the one who told Jamie to put his baby blue eyes to good use. And then when he does, she acts completely jealous. I don't like it when she's acting like "one of the guys" and thinks that Jamie should talk about his dating life with her because if she was guy partner, they'd be talking about women.

At first I was worried that the little boy was actually going to say that he heard Danny threaten the suspect. I'm glad he was able to set he record straight. Did they arrest the Reverend in the end? they really should have. He wasn't just hiding a witness he was coercing him to lie and he was trying to blackmail Frank.

(I've been watching older episodes on Bravo, and I've realized that this family tends to drink a lot. It's not like they drink excessively, but it seems like everytime one of them goes to Frank's house - even for a quick chat - they always go straight to the liquor cabinet. Do families normally do that? I rarely have anything when I go somewhere for a quick chat)

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Reverend Potter is getting on my nerves. I understand having some sort of political agenda but he went way overboard this episode with false accusations and bribing of the witness' family. And yeah, I think Frank was this close to expose his lying ass but it was maybe clever ploy to let him go. At least now Frank has leverage against him. And it wouldn't look like Potter is persecuted by evil police for his righteous cause.


Danny is bit of jerk with perps, that's for sure. The last time he used excessive force, there was investigation about it, I think. For some reason no one remembered this when they were talking about it. I think he was pressuring some child molester, hard (like banging his head against the toilet?), and it was due to his PTSD etc.

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Why is Frank letting this Reverend get away with everything he did? It's letting a criminal go. 


Jamie's partner seems to want it every way, she's acting jealous when Jamie dates but doesn't want to date him herself and wants to be just one of the guys. 

She was totally ridiculous! Obviously there IS a difference between a male/female partnership and two males or two females. A male partner would be far less likely to have kissed Jamie previously, and that alone should shelve the dating topic for the foreseeable future.

   If Potter were really concerned about the citizenry he should have gone after whoever supplied the glass in that building! A smallish (weightwise) guy manages to break the glass in a an outer door AND a window? Not likely! But definitely a lawsuit waiting to happen!

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I guess the writers were living out a common fantasy of some (note: I said "some" not all) cops here in NYC re: Rev Al Sharpton; they would love to find this kind of thing on him to discredit him.  


As far as I am concerned, Sharpton lost any credibility he may have had decades ago when he set up the Tawana Brawley scam which was a true horror and abuse.  But, our current mayor is allowing him a lot of access and input and it is jangling nerves.  Accountability of their actions is crucial but I sure wish it was someone ethical vs Sharpton. 


This episode was essentially their dream come true - Not a fan of shows doing this sort of stuff but Law & Order did it all the time as well.  

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