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Teen Mom 2: Small Talk

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On 6/1/2018 at 7:48 PM, Scarlett45 said:

Feeling kind of bummed today. Lonely, sad- ignored. I think I’ve been stressed out by all these home repair problems and incompetent people. All my friends without kids are busy tonight and I’m not interested in dealing with small children right now. So I’m sitting in my room binge watching tv. I just didn’t feel like leaving the house. 

I'm sorry but I can tell you I know how you feel. I have my yard all dug up and 3 weeks of waiting because of weather or farts or whatever. A very expensive job and we get more damage the longer it's not finished. And the city was on my property today. Nothing good ever comes of that. Sp I totally feel ya on that. I topped it off with finding our cat dead today. OMG! We just lost the dog last month.

  • Love 7
41 minutes ago, FairyDusted said:

I'm sorry but I can tell you I know how you feel. I have my yard all dug up and 3 weeks of waiting because of weather or farts or whatever. A very expensive job and we get more damage the longer it's not finished. And the city was on my property today. Nothing good ever comes of that. Sp I totally feel ya on that. I topped it off with finding our cat dead today. OMG! We just lost the dog last month.

@FairyDusted I'm so sorry for the loss of your cat and dog :(

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, FairyDusted said:

I'm sorry but I can tell you I know how you feel. I have my yard all dug up and 3 weeks of waiting because of weather or farts or whatever. A very expensive job and we get more damage the longer it's not finished. And the city was on my property today. Nothing good ever comes of that. Sp I totally feel ya on that. I topped it off with finding our cat dead today. OMG! We just lost the dog last month.

Noooooo! How old was your cat? I am so sorry. *hugs*

@lovesnark OMG...prayers to your daughter for a quick recovery and that she doesn't have to endure having a hysterectomy. How scary. I am sure your emotions are all over the place right now. Sending you a cyber hug.

  • Love 5
5 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

(((HUGS))) @Kazu. We are not positive we estimated 15-17. She was having seizures yesterday. No one told me. I went down to give them the mail and yelled," Shitty Kitty!" and looked around and Daddy said I just missed her. The vet was already closed so they we will take her in the morning for cremation as they did Lil Waylon. 

I’m so sorry. Hugs!

  • Love 3

So sad to hear about Kate Spade. To think you can have millions of women walking around with YOUR NAME on their person, (your name!!!!!)  be rich, with a healthy child and be depressed?. It’s an illness that does not discriminate. 

It's really sad. I don't think we will ever understand depression. She had all the resources in the world and fell victim. Her poor daughter to have no mother at 13. My thoughts are with them. I gave my mommy a squeeze. 

  • Love 11

Jeeze Louise! Our little family here is sure getting hit with some shit! @Fairydusted, I'm so sorry about your kitty. I have a 16 year old and every time she's sleeping for hours, I check to make sure she's still breathing. Hugs to you and your family.

 Our daughter is doing much better. They moved her out of ICU yesterday and she's back on the new mom floor so husband and baby can stay with her. They're not positive the procedure was a 100% fix as they weren't able to see all of her veins, arteries, etc because she'd lost so much blood, her vascular system had clamped down and they couldn't get the contrast into them to view everything. All evidence suggests the vessel they embolized was the one causing all the bleeding but they told her it could start again. If that happens, she'll go straight to surgery for a hysterectomy. But, DAMMIT!!!, that won't happen! She might be able to go home today. The doctor and nurses talked to her husband and I and told us that because of the severe blood loss, she's going to be very weak and tired for two or three weeks and won't be able to be left alone with baby. We're trying to figure out a plan to have someone with her all the time. Her husband has to go back to work next week and I'll be there most of the time but I can't be there every day. It takes a village, man! I was a fucking wreck yesterday and could not stop crying. I came home yesterday afternoon and after having a bite to eat, I slept for 12 hours. I feel much more like myself today and it's pretty great ☺

  • Love 15

@lovesnark Man, I wish I lived near you. I would be there in a heartbeat to help you all. I'd be making some great dinners and tending to your precious grandchild so your daughter can rest. I can only send my positive thoughts and prayers. It sounds like you really have been dealing with some heavy emotions. It is good to cry. Let it all out.

I do the same thing you do about our dog. He is 15 years old. When he is not moving, I always check him to see if he is still breathing. We will be putting him down soon. We are planning in the next three weeks. I don't want my dog to suffer or get to the point where he is so ill he needs meds. His vision is not great anymore. We had to buy pee pads because he is drinking a lot of water and isn't always able to hold it until we take him out. We leave the house and we return to find the pee pads covered with urine spots. I remember when we took him in a few years ago to have a simple procedure done. The vet put him under. While at home, the vet called and said our dog had a heart attack and stopped breathing. My husband lost it. He started crying. Luckily, the vet was able to revive our dog. I don't want my dog to go out like that where we are not prepared. I would rather I call the shots and let him be put to sleep and we are there together as a family.

@FairyDusted OMG poor baby. Your pets, no doubt, loved having you as their family. They were truly blessed.

@Scarlett45 it was upsetting to hear the news about Kate Spade.  I hadn't read much about her circumstances or being depressed. Sad. I have been to three funerals of people who committed suicide. It is so jarring to get that kind of news about someone.

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@lovesnark, that's great news! I'm glad your daughter is improving, and that you were able to get some rest as well. I hope your community comes through for your family. Your virtual community is rooting for you!

@Kazu, I'm sorry to hear about your dog. It's such a tough decision to make. I have an almost 22 year old cat who is deaf, arthritic, and has some incontinence issues (bless whoever came up with puppy pads). But she is otherwise such a happy and healthy cat - snarfs her food, wants to be cuddled and petted 24/7 - and the vet has assured me that she (the vet) will tell me when it's time to say goodbye (kitty sees the vet every month for an arthritis treatment). I think kitty's time is coming as well, and it will absolutely gut me. 

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@MargeGunderson thank you for your thoughts. So sweet. Your cat is 22 years old?? That is amazing. She is obviously loved and has no intentions on going any time soon. :-)   It will be difficult when that time does come for you and I.  I have had to prep myself. I am thankful for having had my dog for this long and being able to choose to let him go.  I had a cat who was injured when she was two and I had to put her down. It was such a hard time. To me, it is akin to when my father was in hospice. It made the grieving process easier because I got to say my goodbyes and be prepared for his death instead of getting that phone call that he had passed due to illness or something else.

  • Love 9

Update part deux. They're on their way home! She feels a million times better and when we were talking on the phone, little Ezra was making noise. She put the phone on speaker while we talked and he turned his head to the sound of my voice. He loves his grandma already ? I found an old xanax in the pet med stash and am going to lay down and sleep some more. I'm too old for this much trauma.

  • Love 18
6 hours ago, Kazu said:

@MargeGunderson thank you for your thoughts. So sweet. Your cat is 22 years old?? That is amazing. She is obviously loved and has no intentions on going any time soon. :-)   It will be difficult when that time does come for you and I.  I have had to prep myself. I am thankful for having had my dog for this long and being able to choose to let him go.  I had a cat who was injured when she was two and I had to put her down. It was such a hard time. To me, it is akin to when my father was in hospice. It made the grieving process easier because I got to say my goodbyes and be prepared for his death instead of getting that phone call that he had passed due to illness or something else.

Awww! I'm sorry @Kazu that it's come down to that. Never an easy call. 

9 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Update part deux. They're on their way home! She feels a million times better and when we were talking on the phone, little Ezra was making noise. She put the phone on speaker while we talked and he turned his head to the sound of my voice. He loves his grandma already ? I found an old xanax in the pet med stash and am going to lay down and sleep some more. I'm too old for this much trauma.

Whew! Hell yeah take a Xanax. No kidding take it. I'm relieved for you! 

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

Awww! I'm sorry @Kazu that it's come down to that. Never an easy call. 

Whew! Hell yeah take a Xanax. No kidding take it. I'm relieved for you! 

It was a full one milligram (our old dog was batshit crazy with anxiety), so I broke it into quarters and took one. Just woke up!

@KAZU, I'm sorry you're at the point of knowing it's time to let your dog go. Our old girl is getting close, too. We don't know how old she really is but 14 is the guesstimate.It's never easy and it's always heartbreaking. But, knowing you can let them leave the earth without pain is the greatest gift you can give. 

  • Love 5

@lovesnark, so glad to hear your daughter is on the mend!  I had clicked on a different forum and while it was loading saw you had posted and backed out right away hoping to see good news!!

Oh, @Kazu, I had to put down my 14 year old pupper who had cancer last year, and am now watching my remaining 14 year old like a hawk.  She’s started using pee pads during the day too but it doesn’t seem like anything else is wrong.  It’s so hard to let them go.

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I had to put my 15 year old cat down last year. I was struggling with when would be the right time because I had my roommate & girlfriend in my ear saying "she's still acting like herself! It's not time!". Finally one morning I woke up & she hadn't come to my room to sleep with me. I found her laying on the couch so lethargic & I knew. I called my girl, grabbed my Dot (my nickname for my cat...short for "daughter"), and they gave her the shot while I held her in my arms. It was one of the worst moments of my life, but I knew I hadn't done it too soon, or waited too long, so I was grateful for that at least. Hugs to all of you who have had to go through it too, and who have to go through it soon.

I'm happy to hear things seem to be moving in the right direction @lovesnark!! You will all get through this with flying colors!!

  • Love 11

Thinking of you both @lovesnark @Kazu  

2 yrs ago in January we had to put our sweet lab down after finding out she had cancer.  She was 14.  We found out in December. We had a whole month to love on her and y’all to her. We each took a turn laying next to her on the floor having our own talk. with her.  We knew the day had come when there was an obvious change.  It still hurts to think of it. 3 months later we missed having a sweet puppy to love on and now have Luna, a black lab. Yes, we bought another heartache :( but she’s helped heal our hearts.   

  • Love 9

Oh my gosh, all of these pet stories have me tearing up so bad. I am sending out all my love and prayers to every single one of you. Been there with having to put a beloved pet down. We all share so much in common. So happy to know we can share our pain and happiness with one another here.

@lovesnark Reading through your posts has caused me to shed a few tears and then, I read all is going well! I am truly happy for you and your family. Congratulations on the little bundle of joy. I am happy to know he is healthy. I can imagine you will be busy being a grandma. Enjoy it!

  • Love 10
6 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

A whole full milligram just made me break  into a fit of laughter. 


Me too and I needed it because I usually don’t read or comment in this thread (this realness isn’t what I expected, to be honest) and just learned what everyone is going through and read all the pet loss stories. I’m so sorry for what everyone has gone through and especially, is going through. It really is bullshit that pets have such short lifespans (my dog only made it to 11 and then died suddenly). I’m glad I took my (legally prescribed) pillses already because something is in my eye... ? 

Edited by Rebecca
  • Love 7

Thank you all. Your kindness and thoughts remind me of how much I appreciate this group. You all are so comforting and your words mean so much to me. Yes indeed, we all have so much in common.

@CaliforniaLoveIMy husband was was doing exactly that with telling me the dog is fine, he is okay, he is just a little old. Basically, he was in denial. It was getting on my damn nerves. I was on edge with him last week about this whole thing. We finally sat down and talked about it and agreed we would do it. 

  • Love 6

@lovesnark I was away from th Forum for a few days and only just read the news about your daughter. I'm so glad that she's well and back home now (keeping my fingers crossed that everything will be ok and further surgery won't be needed). And yes, it does take a village (I see this with my friends who have children).


All these pet stories are so sad. Sending all of you my love.

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@Kazu...same. I'm watching CNN while I work and they're all red eyed. Kate Spade hit me even though I've never been particularly into her stuff, but I did admire her overall style. And now Anthony, who I've adored since I read "Kitchen Confidential." He just had a thing about him....he was snarky but not cruel. Funny, but not ridiculous. Thoughtful but not a navel gazer.

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I loved all his shows. I recorded many, many episodes of his shows on discs so I could enjoy watching them again. One of my favorite episodes of No Reservations featured him in Mexico. I later found out that his dear friend and fellow chef from his New York days, who was featured in that episode, passed away. This is an article on that friend: https://ny.eater.com/2015/2/12/8027549/anthony-bourdains-successor-at-les-halles-chef-carlos-llaguno-morales

Anthony and Carlos are together again.

I am sure his old shows will be airing this week.

  • Love 4
20 minutes ago, Kazu said:

I loved all his shows. I recorded many, many episodes of his shows on discs so I could enjoy watching them again. One of my favorite episodes of No Reservations featured him in Mexico. I later found out that his dear friend and fellow chef from his New York days, who was featured in that episode, passed away. This is an article on that friend: https://ny.eater.com/2015/2/12/8027549/anthony-bourdains-successor-at-les-halles-chef-carlos-llaguno-morales

Anthony and Carlos are together again.

I am sure his old shows will be airing this week.

Tonight CNN is doing a 1 hour special:

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For anyone who is interested:

“As a tribute to Anthony Bourdain and his gift of sharing extraordinary places near and far, Travel Channel will air a 12-hour marathon of the Emmy Award-winning series “Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations” this Sunday, June 10 starting at 7:00 a.m. ET/PT,” the network stated. “Fans will have a chance to watch celebrated episodes of the series including where he introduces viewers to the picturesque landscapes, exotic cuisines, and the mysterious history of Laos; his epic journey to Spain’s Costa Brava to cook and dine at El Bulli, the “best restaurant in the world,” with chef Ferran Adria; and where he explores the food and people of the “two Maines.”

Edited by druzy
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I didn’t watch Anthony nor own any Kate Spade, but last yrs suicide of Chester Bennington from Linkin Park broke my heart.  I’m a huge LP fan.  He struggled with depression his entire life.  His fans came together strong on twitter and almost a yr later they still have. They reach out to those who struggle with depression on twitter and it’s so amazing to see.

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Buddies! I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long! I’ve missed y’all! Thank you so much for all the love & thoughts! I’m sorry that I wasn’t here for a while to tell y’all I’m okay! 

It’s been a month since my  oophorectomy & hysterectomy. The recovery hasn’t been quite as easy as I hoped - one of my incisions on my stomach split open a week post-op & was infected (but is now much better). I saw my doctor this past week & my internal incision (at the top of my vagina) isn’t healing as quickly as it should. She thinks this is because I was severely anemic for months prior, so my internal areas are taking longer to heal. I have to continue to rest & still can’t lift my toddlers. But I can drive, so yay for that. I’ve been much more tired than I expected in the weeks after surgery, even too tired to really follow TM drama....but each day I feel stronger. 

While my doctor did the surgery because of my ovaries, the pathology on my uterus showed pre-cancerous cells (even though a previous uterine biopsy came back normal), adenomyosis (which is essentially endometriosis inside the uterus; it probably caused my severe anemia), & my uterus was slightly enlarged. I‘m so thankful for my doctors who told me what I was experiencing was not normal & took my family history of ovarian & endometrial cancer seriously. They saved my life. Because they were proactive, they got it all and took out my uterus with pre-cancerous cells (& that had caused my anemia). I don’t have to have chemo or radiation or anything - YAY! I do have to see the hematologist-oncologist again in a few months for a check-up, though.

I can’t find the words to express how thankful & overwhelmed with love I am for everything ya’ll have done for my family & me. Thank you, friends & family, for the well wishes, love, support, donations, & messages. I’m sorry for not individually thanking everyone, but please know that I am so very thankful to all of ya’ll here. 

Thank you all again. I am so lucky for so many reasons - many of those reasons are YA’LL.  

I’m sorry if this was random gibberish - I hope it makes some sense. I’m really at a loss for words for how thankful and lucky I am. 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 22
5 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Buddies! I’m sorry I’ve been gone for so long! I’ve missed y’all! Thank you so much for all the love & thoughts! I’m sorry that I wasn’t here for a while to tell y’all I’m okay! 

It’s been a month since my  oophorectomy & hysterectomy. The recovery hasn’t been quite as easy as I hoped - one of my incisions on my stomach split open a week post-op & was infected (but is now much better). I saw my doctor this past week & my internal incision (at the top of my vagina) isn’t healing as quickly as it should. She thinks this is because I was severely anemic for months prior, so my internal areas are taking longer to heal. I have to continue to rest & still can’t lift my toddlers. But I can drive, so yay for that. I’ve been much more tired than I expected in the weeks after surgery, even too tired to really follow TM drama....but each day I feel stronger. 

While my doctor did the surgery because of my ovaries, the pathology on my uterus showed pre-cancerous cells (even though a previous uterine biopsy came back normal), adenomyosis (which is essentially endometriosis inside the uterus; it probably caused my severe anemia), & my uterus was slightly enlarged. I‘m so thankful for my doctors who told me what I was experiencing was not normal & took my family history of ovarian & endometrial cancer seriously. They saved my life. Because they were proactive, they got it all and took out my uterus with pre-cancerous cells (& that had caused my anemia). I don’t have to have chemo or radiation or anything - YAY! I do have to see the hematologist-oncologist again in a few months for a check-up, though.

I can’t find the words to express how thankful & overwhelmed with love I am for everything ya’ll have done for my family & me. Thank you, friends & family, for the well wishes, love, support, donations, & messages. I’m sorry for not individually thanking everyone, but please know that I am so very thankful to all of ya’ll here. 

Thank you all again. I am so lucky for so many reasons - many of those reasons are YA’LL.  

I’m sorry if this was random gibberish - I hope it makes some sense. I’m really at a loss for words for how thankful and lucky I am. 

So glad you are back and doing well!

  • Love 4
14 hours ago, FairyDusted said:

@Tatum LMAO!!!!!!! Whew! I would have answered the same way! 

Haha, in my defense, we don't see a whole lot of each other during the week in the summertime because he usually works from 6 am to 7 pm, and when he gets home he generally just showers and goes to bed- he works outdoors and gets very dirty. So, those newsy texts are basically like, his daily bulletin. Which he answers as monosyllabic-ly as possible.

  • Love 5
On 6/15/2018 at 2:55 PM, Bridget said:

In this day and age, it’s also a serious safety issue. Kids can’t be roaming the hallways on a self-imposed brain break. I try to embed a brain break during each class to keep them motivated/engaged, but I can only do so much. God forbid something happens and there’s a lock down, those student(s) have nowhere to go. They’re supposed to run to the nearest open classroom during a lockdown (15-30 seconds before most doors are locked), but if they’re knocking on a locked door to be let in, and the teacher opens the door to let them in, that means a teacher just risked everything because someone wasn’t in class. That’s exactly how one of the teachers at Stoneman Douglas in Florida died; he opened his locked door for a student who was self-admittedly wanderering around the halls to use their phone. THAT is the shit that I wish we could be honest about and say “this is why you need to go to the bathroom before class”, but we can’t.


@Bridget, moving this to small talk since my question has nothing to do with the show.    Regarding the bolded part above, why can't you be honest with the kids and/or parents about that?  I was never one to wander halls -- actually I didn't even know if we were allowed to go to the bathroom during class -- but I could see the argument about lock down being rather convincing for some students.  


I was just coming here to inquire about @Kazu. I'm getting worried. 

In other news, I'd also like to say, I freaking love you @Rebecca.

Btw, I also love to pieces @druzy, @Mkay, @Jennifersdc, @Maharincess, @Brooklynista, @ghoulina, @FairyDusted, @badhaggis and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few of ya, but I love you all. A random "need to see what you all have to say about a random tv show" gives me life. 

Edited by CaliforniaLove
  • Love 3

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