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S03.E08: Mind the Jax

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The only thing I remember is the "ladies" getting together for a drink or meal - - because clearly StASSi has nothing else going on. 


Oh yeah - - Jax eats a meal at Sur and meets up with Lisa and Kristen and DJ Jazzy James invite themselves along on Scheana and Shay's Miami bachelor/bachelorette trip.  So I guess there will be no one working at Sur that weekend?

  • Love 2
  On 12/21/2014 at 5:19 PM, psychoticstate said:

The only thing I remember is the "ladies" getting together for a drink or meal - - because clearly StASSi has nothing else going on. 


Oh yeah - - Jax eats a meal at Sur and meets up with Lisa and Kristen and DJ Jazzy James invite themselves along on Scheana and Shay's Miami bachelor/bachelorette trip.  So I guess there will be no one working at Sur that weekend?


I'm gathering Stassi's all-important birthday party has taken a backseat this season to Scheana's bachelor/bachelorette party.


Again, Lisa with the shade about Jax and drug use when she pointed out to Vail that Jax might not be a good influence on her with regards to her past substance abuse issues...Which I construe to mean Jax is currently engaging in substance use.  No shock there...However: 


Lisa, my dear, we can all draw our own conclusions about all sorts of extracurricular activities in which these chucklefucks might engage.  We really don't need to see you, who is supposed to be an astute businesswoman, throwing shade at your employees' illicit habits.  Especially when you continue to employ them and thus apparently seem to have no problem with a little recreational tooting on the job.  


On another note, I'm hoping that attending a bachelorette party and all of the wedding talk surrounding it will inspire Kristen to don that tattered Miss Havisham wedding dress and go absolutely batshit crazy.  

Edited by Persnickety1
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Scheana can miss me with her talk of not wanting to invite Kristin & James to the bachelorette/bachelor party. You're either friends or you aren't. I can't stand when people do this in real life. Granted I haven't seen people do this in real life past highschool, but whatever. If you're friends with someone and want them there, then invite them. It's your party. If you don't want them there, than have the maturity to tell them that, instead of standing behind cliches like, "Well I didn't think that YOU would be comfortable there, thats my only issue." Bitch, really? Look at your TH's! You're talking crap about not wanting them to come. When Scheana said, "Kristin should be mature enough to realize that if no one wants you there don't come." I was disgusted. Too MeanGirls for my liking. Scheana should be mature enough to tell Kristin that she doesn't want her to come because she doesn't want another fight. OR if Scheana is too immature to be honest, she should knock off the smack talking on TV. Scheana has always struck me as someone who valued popularity above all else. I am so tired of seeing Scheana bashing the girls and talking about how she's such a "guys girl." She comes across as a wannabe to me, and it seems like she just follows the crowd. If I were her friend, I wouldn't expect her to be loyal to me for a minute. Her whole attitude at lunch with Kristin was disgusting. Yes, we all know Kristin is exhausting and irriating, but Scheana was so condescending and rude at lunch for no reason. If you can't fake being polite for one lunch, you are only making yourself look bad.


Another ridiculous scence was the dinner with Stassi, Katie,and Vail. They wanted to teach Vail the rules of SUR? What a condescending reason to have dinner with someone! The whole dinner was basically about Stassi peeing all over Jax, so that when Vail ineveitably sleeps with Jax Team Stassi can have a "reason" to hate her.


One last thing. Scheana's shorts during her lunch with Kristin were terrible. I hope that part of the visual effect was due to my TV, because otherwise I don't understand how she left the house like that. I never notice clothing, but when she stood up I gasped.Her high-waisted short-shorts made her thighs, hips, and ass look ridiculously wide. I'm sure she is a tiny girl, but the ugly shorts did not flatter her figure in the least.

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  On 12/21/2014 at 5:19 PM, psychoticstate said:

Oh yeah - - Jax eats a meal at Sur and meets up with Lisa and Kristen and DJ Jazzy James invite themselves along on Scheana and Shay's Miami bachelor/bachelorette trip. 

I think you forgot a comma or something b/c I'm not quite sure how to parse that. ;-)


  On 12/21/2014 at 5:19 PM, psychoticstate said:

So I guess there will be no one working at Sur that weekend?

If memory serves, it happens every time StASSi's birthday comes around and everyone goes to Vegas without giving any notice.

Edited by Ubiquitous
  • Love 1
  On 12/21/2014 at 10:03 PM, Persnickety1 said:

I'm gathering Stassi's all-important birthday party has taken a backseat this season to Scheana's bachelor/bachelorette party.


Again, Lisa with the shade about Jax and drug use when she pointed out to Vail that Jax might not be a good influence on her with regards to her past substance abuse issues...Which I construe to mean Jax is currently engaging in substance use.  No shock there...However: 


Lisa, my dear, we can all draw our own conclusions about all sorts of extracurricular activities in which these chucklefucks might engage.  We really don't need to see you, who is supposed to be an astute businesswoman, throwing shade at your employees' illicit habits.  Especially when you continue to employ them and thus apparently seem to have no problem with a little recreational tooting on the job.  


On another note, I'm hoping that attending a bachelorette party and all of the wedding talk surrounding it will inspire Kristen to don that tattered Miss Havisham wedding dress and go absolutely batshit crazy.  

Don't even tease me with the idea. It would be so awesomely awesome.  I am worrying myself with why I enjoy Kristen's Cray-cray so much.


Some things just cannot be explained. Like why anyone would sleep with Jax.  

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I feel like I'm taking crazy pills... When Jax was talking about breaking up with his girlfriend he said he went to San Diego right? And then he said it's so hard to date someone who was "out of state" then Scheana said something about it not being "out of state" and how it was only 4 hours away, then Tom said "but it's still out of state" and Scheana said "but not like out of state like New York" and they all moved on... do these idiots think San Diego is out of state? Or is this the girl from Vegas and they were just meeting in San Diego? Because they have to know San Diego and LA are in fact in the same state right?

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  On 12/23/2014 at 3:18 AM, Lisin said:

I feel like I'm taking crazy pills... When Jax was talking about breaking up with his girlfriend he said he went to San Diego right? And then he said it's so hard to date someone who was "out of state" then Scheana said something about it not being "out of state" and how it was only 4 hours away, then Tom said "but it's still out of state" and Scheana said "but not like out of state like New York" and they all moved on... do these idiots think San Diego is out of state? Or is this the girl from Vegas and they were just meeting in San Diego? Because they have to know San Diego and LA are in fact in the same state right?

Tiffany lives in Las Vegas, but she and Jax met in San Diego for some reason.


Am I crazy or do I like Jax/Lisa scenes? They always bring a smile to my face.

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Lol on Jax being in the evolution line! SO spot on! I just find him to be very unattractive. But, when I see him one on one, like with Vail, he can be charming. Blech. She's much too intelligent for him.

May I say that I'm officially over Lisa Vanderpump. Both on RHOBH and this show. I just roll my eyes at her now.

Oh! And Tom's hair and nail polish! Girl please!

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I really want Tom to become friends with DJ James. Mostly so that everyone in her life is telling her how happy Tom and Ariana are. I want Kristen to lose her mind. The song that DJ Muppet James was 1000% better than any song Scheana had ever done before. That's not saying much because her previous songs were horrific aural crimes against humanity.

  • Love 8

This episode was so boring I already forgot most of what I was going to write. I really only remember FI Tom and his "manicure gone wrong", Scheana's ridiculous shorts at that lunch, and Muppet telling FI "even your hair annoys me!" wherein FI Tom, and his precious hair's dignity, flounced away. Are guys in LA really this metro?


I for one love Scheana's body but that outfit was terrible. The shorts flatten her butt (though she's not too well endowed in that area anyway) and as @Granimal said, make her ample hips overpower her slim build.

Edited by meeeeech
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A man in his 30's texting all his contacts drunkenly at 4am that he broke up with his girlfriend is...typical Jax I  guess.


The meeting between Jax and Vail was odd. I didn't understand why Vail brought up doing coke within the first five minutes, but I guess she feels the need to bring up her "substance abuse" often. Agree 100% with Jax's assesment that everyone warning Vail against him just intrigues her!

Tom Shwartz and Katie at the therapist's office was stupid. The therapist had more emotion than either of them!


Scheana's new song sounded like anything else that would be on the radio today.


I felt terrible for FI Tom when Crazy Kristin and James went all psycho on him. Awful!

  • Love 1

Sheesh, Vail couldn't be any more different than Heather on Y&R was, could she?  I thought Heather was mostly a perennial insipid victim.  All of the idiot SUR chicks were treating Vail like she's a 19 year old lost lamb in da woods.  I kinda think it's Jax who actually had her number right.  It sounds like she sunk much lower than Tara or even Lohan, who are gals with mere drinking probs.  I don't think either of them ever had the drug probs Vail had.  


I'm still puzzled why Vail wanted to admit to her drug problems on national TV, cuz none of this was known about.  All of the soap pubs & blogs have been heatedly discussing it cuz it seemed mysterious -- why Vail vanished from playing Heather in 2010.  Her career mostly went nowhere after leaving & there was nothing ever mentioned anywhere of why she left.  It seemed strange cuz Vail & the character of Heather were very popular.  In fact, 2 actresses were brought in to replace Vail, but neither connected with the audience & neither lasted more than a few months.  


The producers of Y&R, the Bells, seem to be extremely loyal to their peeps.  The character of Heather, I thought was Paul's daughter,  And Paul is one of the mainstay characters, who's been on the show for some 30+ years.  Given the popularity Vail had with this character, and that 2 replacements couldn't repeat Vail's connection with Y&R's audience, I would think the Bells would have given her another shot & brought her back.  But they haven't.  And there's been no talk of her coming back to Y&R.  Hmmmm.  I suspect, she must have sunk very, very, very low & the Bells want nothing to do with her ever again.  


Did Vail fuck up big time?  Yeah, she did.  She coulda had a nice gig for as long as she wanted -- maybe even for life.  And as most actors know -- or learn the hard way --  these kinda gigs come along . . . pretty much never.  Now, poor Vail, as an actress, is on her own.  And she's just announced to the world (and specifically the entertainment industry) that she's had a very, very serious drug problem in her past.  OK then.  


Well, Vail still looks attractive (to me), but at 34, is she gonna be first choice to casting people in LA, when she's competing against girls 10 years younger without her drug history, who are probably better actresses than her?  Look, Vail was never much of an actress on Y&R, but she conveyed a certain sweetness that was very appealing.  I would bet she's having a lot of trouble getting cast in anything & dat's why she's on this thing.


The thing is, I think Vail still does convey the same sweetness here as she did as Heather on Y&R.  And from what Jax was saying, her aura of "sweetness" is pretty misleading -- as to who she really is.  Sure, Jax is a liar & seems to lie about even the most routine, stupidest things.  But he does seem to be very intuitive about people.  I was believing him, in what he said -- the more the SUR chicks were saying how horrible Jax is, the more intrigued Vail became.  Those dumb SUR chicks didn't get Vail at all.  Funny that Jax did.  Sounds like Vail is extremely dark.  Does it make her a good fit for this show?  Guess we'll see.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I kept falling asleep during this episode. But one part I think I saw was Jax and Vail having lunch (or whatever--I actually don't think there was food in front of them). Did Vail actually get excited and high-five Jax, gushing with hearts in her eyes, over their "connection" because they've both snorted so much coke that they needed nasal surgery?! (I think Jax was backpeddling a bit that it was just sinus congestion in his case.) But it read to me that this girl's idea of a "soul mate" is going to be someone with serious drug issues that can relate to her. Jeez, at least Laura-Leigh was trying to work very hard on her sobriety and was trying to avoid triggers. I think Vail is just looking for someone to "party" with and possibly hold her hand through her future nasal cauterizations.

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Goodness gracious, what was Stassi wearing at that dinner last night? A whole-body diaper? I do not get her styling this season. It's like she exclusively shops at at some store called, "Bland and Shapeless". To echo others - why is she even on this show??? I could even understand as a "friend of" type of thing. But at least remove her from the opening credits and the group shot. She is NOT an employee of the Vanderpump-Todds anymore. 


And then we have Kristen's hair. I'm telling you, if you looked up the word "lank" in the dictionary there would be a picture of Kristen Doute. Just awful. 


And SHE is awful. I actually felt for Scheana and Shay during the Vegas conversation. Scheemer was dead on that Kristen has no self awareness and doesn't realize that it would be a good idea for her not to come because SHE will be uncomfortable. No one likes her. Or maybe she just doesn't care. Maybe she just wants to come and stir up more drama, because the negative attention is better than no attention. She is a five-year-old. 


So Scheana's going to rap now? Lord help us all. PLease, please, please, if we have to suffer such an atrocity, can we at least get another scene of Schwartz and Sandoval, stopping mid-bike ride, to mock her performance? Please???


Vail is so dumb. Everyone has warned her about Jax. Stassi, Katie, Lisa....heck, even Jax himself basically warned her! Via his behavior. You're brand new, he's already got your number, he texts you that he and his girlfriend broke up, but then you find out they got back together, yet he's asking you for coffee.....red flag, red flag, red flag!!!! So yea, either she's super dumb and thinks everyone else just misunderstands him....or she just likes the bad boy. Jax isn't even cool enough to be a legitimate "bad boy", though. He's just a loser. Have fun when he's removing YOUR name tattoo from his arm and you're battling crabs. You've been warned. 


Someone please explain to me how San Diego is "out of state"? Am I missing something????


Can we just get an hour of Schwartz babysitting Kingston and having fashion duels? I was dying. 

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I get the impression that Kristen is the reason Muppet hates FI Tom. I can't exactly blame Muppet, I mean if I had to hear about my GF's ex constantly I'd probably start to hate the guy too. Or at least seriously resent him. Kristen might be calling out Muppet's name in bed, but it's obviously FI running through her mind all day.


Scheana's shorts at that lunch were pretty terrible. I don't think that high waisted look is good for her. Whoever told her it was is wrong. Very wrong. She's got a great figure, but those shorts do her no favors. I also agree about the bachelorette trip/party thing. Kristen and Muppet should be excluded because all they do is start shit wherever they go. It's like a compulsion. Although with this show they might actually be contractually agreed to be at all of each others' parties. Like the Housewives, even if they hate you you're included in all the silly dinners and cocktail parties, just for the drama factor. To me it's a little sad Scheana's willing to do that with her bachelorette party and possibly even the wedding itself. Weddings themselves bring the drama, why add to it with cray people?


I have a feeling the Jax and Vail coffee break was a setup. Or at the very least, producer driven conversation. Seems odd to me Vail would be so flippant about her nasal cauterizations from past coke binges. Hell, even Jax isn't that upfront, and it's obvious he uses something besides those steroids at least occasionally. I also feel like she is Laura Leigh v2.0. Except she's not gonna be running off to be a stripper in a big-time production anytime soon. Not after those admissions. Hollywood is totally cool with drug use and having a habit....but you either have to keep it quiet or only make a big deal when you're getting sober. Otherwise, keep that shit under wraps. I think she's basically blacklisting herself with the industry. I was never a soap opera fan, but from what I am reading she had a good gig and fucked up big time. Yikes. Going from that to VPR really shows how far she's fallen.

Edited by fliptopbox
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  On 12/23/2014 at 2:27 PM, walnutqueen said:

Blackout drinking and/or coke or meth fueled hyper-sexuality. ;-)

Oooh! I learned about the drug-induced hyper-sexuality for the first time earlier this year when I watched this stupid show on ABC called "Black Box."

From what I saw on that show, when one is having a sexual episode, they will sleep with a man or a woman, regardless of their sexual orientation.

Can you imagine the insanity if Vail was on blow and slept with Kristen, and then Kristen became all psycho obsessed with her too?

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Vail dropped out of Princeton because she got some bit part as an architect in who knows what. Then she apparently ruined her career on a soap because of excessive drug use. She's not exactly a paragon of good life choices. Of COURSE she's going to hook up with Jax BECAUSE she's been told he's bad news. Perhaps Jax has met his match. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if she destroys him and he comes off as the "better person" in the impending debaucle (as I assume it will be). Then she'll toss him shirt that reads "I got Vailed and all I got was this lousy t-shirt."

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  On 12/23/2014 at 1:37 PM, ghoulina said:

I actually felt for Scheana and Shay during the Vegas conversation. Scheemer was dead on that Kristen has no self awareness and doesn't realize that it would be a good idea for her not to come because SHE will be uncomfortable. No one likes her. Or maybe she just doesn't care. Maybe she just wants to come and stir up more drama, because the negative attention is better than no attention. She is a five-year-old. 

I got annoyed with Schemer for being so passive-aggressive about Kristen and DJ Muppet Busboy pretty much inviting themselves to her bachelorette party.


Why is Kristen still working at SUR if she has a mental breakdown every time she works the same shift as FI Tom? I was sure Lisa Vanderbucks addressed this issue a season or two ago.

Agree 100% that the cast is most likely obligated to attend the bachelor/ette party. To clarify my opinion,  I certainly understand Scheana not wanting to invite Kristin. Hell, I wouldn't want Kristin anywhere near me. Sure it's Kristin's fault that she isn't welcomed everywhere with open arms. However, I did feel empathy towards Kristin. Being left out of a party is never fun. Scheana pretends to be friends with Kristin and gets matching tattoos with her, so I think Scheana could attempt to be honest in this situation. Seeing Scheana bopp her head and make bitchy comments just made me roll my eyes. Why isn't she including James in her "no one wants you there" spiel? Once again Scheana gives the guys a total pass for things she mocks the girls for. Sheana sure is getting ballsy now that she isn't kissin Stassi's ass 24/7.

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  On 12/21/2014 at 11:54 PM, Ubiquitous said:

I think you forgot a comma or something b/c I'm not quite sure how to parse that. ;-)


If memory serves, it happens every time StASSi's birthday comes around and everyone goes to Vegas without giving any notice.

Woot I thought we celebrate StASSi's birthday all year round around here. Shots, shots, shots! (j/k I don't even drink but watching how much those people drink can surely make one drunk)

Sigh. Jax scenes with a therapist.  Katie & Schwartz scenes with a therapist.  If I wanted to watch people talking to therapists, I would watch True Tori, or Couples Therapy.  That may be Katie & Schwartz's angle though...to get on Couples Therapy.  I know they have been together (supposedly, anyway) for years, but if they are already not having sex, why does she want to marry him?  Does she think marriage will having them going at it like rabbits?


I thought this ep was a snooze. 

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  On 12/23/2014 at 1:32 PM, Granimal said:

I had forgotten all about Laura Leigh. Interesting that Jax has gotten involved with two girls on the show who are both open about being former drug abusers.


I agree with ScoobieDoobs' assessment that Jax knows when women are attracted to him because they like bad boys who understand having a dark side. In the case of ex-addicts (and a lot of other people of both genders for various reasons, myself included if I'm being honest) it's the combination of excitement and familiarity of a spontaneous guy who treats you like shit or his one true love depending on the day. Jax is a neanderthal in looks and intelligence but he does tailor (TAILOR! GET IT?) how he acts to suit the people he's with. He pretends like he's Going Somewhere with Stassi, Tiffany, and Carmen. I imagine he pretended to be all tears-in-my-beer over Stassi when he slept with Kristen, who seems to need for people to really get her. It is common for sociopaths to mirror the behavior of the person they are with to best serve their ulterior motives. I think sociopathy is thrown around too lightly, but Jax, as the cool kids would say, like, literally embodies all the qualities?

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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I am thinking I need to pack up my shit and move up to WeHo to be a busboy (errr, busgirl?).  DJ Jazzy James has a nice apartment.  How does he pay for that?  Surely Lisa doesn't pay THAT well. 


I continue to be astounded that these tools are so honest and open with Lisa, their employer, about their personal lives.  Of course I can't imagine my boss actually sitting me down to discuss my personal relationship and sex life. 


Katie and Schwartz' therapist had probably the easiest session of her career.  Can these two not talk like that at home?  I did think Schwartz' nervousness over therapy was cute and totally understandable.  I don't understand why Katie didn't bring up the fact that she despises one of Schwartz' best friends, who continuously tries to get Schwartz to break up with her.  Seems to me that would be a pretty important issue within the relationship.  As well as the fact that Schwartz can't hold down a job for longer than a Vanderpump Rules episode and seems to be lacking in motivation.


Why on earth isn't Katie pushing her fashion/beauty blog/website on VR?  That's a built-in forum, girl.  Why isn't the show filming her doing something with regards to it? 


Very little StASSi, which was nice.  She so should not be in opening credits.  When the busboy has a bigger role than you do, you're no longer one of the stars.


Jax is such a clusterfuck of a drama queen.  Drunken texting at 4 am?  I'd be blocking his texts and calls.  Seeing as how last week he claimed that he would be sleeping with Vail, I am not surprised that he and Tiffany are breaking up/taking a moment/whatever. 


Loved Flat Iron with the nail polish. I too wondered how Jax knew about acetone.  Really?  I know now that my Monday evenings will not be complete without Flat Iron in a shirt that reveals male cleavage.  Thank you, FI!


I honestly thought maybe FI and Muppet were headed towards a bro reconciliation but alas, not meant to be!  I did love how FI called Kristen out on her overload of cray cray.  And Muppet made me laugh and laugh over telling FI in one breath that Kristen was obsessed with FI and talked about him incessently and seconds later, how Kristen was obsessed with his muppet self and screaming his name in bed.  Ha ha!  Thanks for the entertainment, Muppet! 


So next week the dudes head to San Diego - -you know, out of state - - to party.  I sure hope they remembered to get their vaccinations and bring their passports. 

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I think Jax only relates to people on a surface level so initially he's charming and focused and makes you feel great, but he can't deal with a relationship (romantic or platonic) that requires any sacrafice or consideration at all. Things go south when people expect the normal curtesy you would get from a friend and it never comes. In his defense I don't think Jax gets it. I really don't. I think he knows that there is this thing called "values" or "a sense of self" that he's supposed to have and he can sort of mimic some of it, but it's not naturally there so he literally has to be told why fucking his best friend's GF who is also his ex's best friend is on a whole other level of fucked up. He can get why cheating is bad or sleeping with a friend's GF is bad because those are rules he can memorize, but he will never understand why everyone thought what he and Kristen did was so revolting and so much worse than the sum of the parts because that involves an emotional understanding he doesn't have. And then oddly, I think that's also why people forgive him so easily. He just doesn't get it so what's the point of staying mad? Plus when Jax is trying to get back into someone's good graces he will literaly say and do anything. The boy has no shame or limits. I'm honestly surprised he didn't get a little flat iron tattooed somewhere to win Tom back. To shallow morons like this group (Tom and Scheana, I'm looking at you) somebody kissing their ass all day, every day is too tempting an offer to turn down.

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  On 12/23/2014 at 8:13 AM, ScoobieDoobs said:

Sheesh, Vail couldn't be any more different than Heather on Y&R was, could she?  I thought Heather was mostly a perennial insipid victim.  All of the idiot SUR chicks were treating Vail like she's a 19 year old lost lamb in da woods.  I kinda think it's Jax who actually had her number right.  It sounds like she sunk much lower than Tara or even Lohan, who are gals with mere drinking probs.  I don't think either of them ever had the drug probs Vail had.

Point of order, Lindsay Lohan was/is a pretty big cokehead.

  • Love 4

So by the way that Vail mentions Princeton every chance she gets, I think she didn't actually graduate. I'm guessing she did a year? Maybe? Before she dropped out to act. She's so desperate not to be confused with all the other undereducated actors/waitresses in LA. She didn't drop out of CSU Long Beach, she dropped out of Princeton! That's Ivy League dropping out.

I'm back on the Stassi is knocked up train. Everything is baggy, she orders drinks but I don't see her drink them, she's babysitting to show off her maternal side. The only thing keeping me from going full on with this theory is that if she was about a month along during filming she should either have a kid or be about to pop right now. I doubt we would still be in the dark about it.

Edited by FozzyBear
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She didn't drop out of CSU Long Beach, she dropped out of Princeton! That's Ivy League dropping out.



And would give her the necessary loser status to fit in with rest of da chucklefucks, eh?


I continue to be astounded that these tools are so honest and open with Lisa, their employer, about their personal lives.  Of course I can't imagine my boss actually sitting me down to discuss my personal relationship and sex life.



I can't imagine having the kind of convo Katie had with Lisa, with any boss I've ever had -- er, ever.  WTF?  Just luvs when da show starts feelin' real.  Thanks for injectin' da reality, Lisa, hun.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 1

That terapy session was interesting. I'm fascinated that Schwartz and Katie are not having sex. What's really going on with those two? They are young, they should be going at it like rabbits.

I was sorta checked out & not listening. I mean, what could be more boring than those 2 talkin' bout themselves? But wtf is goin' on with those 2? Are they Will & Grace? Anyhoo, I prefer my TV therapists lookin' like they just blew their patient. Ain't dat a requirement for Jax?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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I am thinking I need to pack up my shit and move up to WeHo to be a busboy (errr, busgirl?).  DJ Jazzy James has a nice apartment.  How does he pay for that?  Surely Lisa doesn't pay THAT well.


Lisa once vaguely mentioned something about knowing Muppet James's parents. So I just assumed he had moderately well off folks, who are subsidizing his buy boy paycheck. Or maybe the DJing pays really well? Bwahahahaha


I continue to be astounded that these tools are so honest and open with Lisa, their employer, about their personal lives.  Of course I can't imagine my boss actually sitting me down to discuss my personal relationship and sex life.


There are no boundaries there. At all. And then Lisa wonders why the staff have no boundaries with each other. 

To me when they showed the girls at lunch and Stassi stood up, she looked pregnant. Assuming this was probably filmed sometime in the spring or summer of earlier this year and if she looked very pregnant, she'd have had the kid by now, if there was one. Very interesting. Maybe she just put on a lot of weight from watching Food Network all day in NYC.


James's song that he did for Scheana may have a better track than her others (although it sounds like a complete rip off of those other songs like Problem by Ariana Grande, Thrift Shop by Macklemore & Lewis, etc.), but the lyrics and her "singing"/rapping, whatever it's supposed to be is terrible. She sounds like she's trying to imitate that Kesha sound and failing miserably. The single cover is purposely copied from Britney Spears's Britney Jean album cover. The song is less than 2 and a half minutes, yet is being sold for $1.29 when all her others are 99 cents. What I Like was at least semi-bearable. These others….. no. Nothing can be as bad as Good As Gold though. Welp at least she said she views "music" as a "hobby" and has enough self-awareness to know she's not gonna be the next Mariah, or even the next Britney.


I'm interested in what will go down with the Tom/Ariana thing. I do believe there is more to the story than they claim happened. You know something is wrong when even Crazy Kristen has the sense to know once a cheater, always a cheater. And while I wouldn't want to wish that kind of thing on anyone, I'd probably enjoy it if it happened to Ariana. The way she acts so "cooler than thou" and acts as though she's completely secure in her relationship and that she is the one who's "changed" Tom for the better when she isn't and she hasn't, yeah she has what's coming to her.


I believe James is mostly on the show to a) Make more money, b) Promote his DJ-ing career, and c) Make connections with Scheana and Shay so he can say he's produced something, even if it is sung by a D-list reality star. I don't believe he's really in it for the long haul with Kristen, especially if she's hopelessly obsessed with Tom. I'd imagine he's able to afford his apartment mostly on either DJ money or maybe he still gets help from his parents, but he still works as a bus boy because he probably doesn't make enough as a DJ. He probably still makes more as a DJ than as a bus boy though.


Ever since last season, I've believed Jax really is a sociopath and Kristen as well. The fact Jax had no remorse over what he had done is an indication of that. And Kristen is notorious for her self-destructive behavior. I couldn't help but laugh when Tom called her out for showing up at his house with her "tits hanging out." Cut to the green dress. But yes I do think Jax might be an actual sociopath. He also consistently harasses his supposedly best friend's longtime girlfriend and doesn't feel bad about it, even says he wishes he'd "fuck a girl" right in front of Katie. Of course it doesn't help that Schwartz doesn't reprimand him for it. At the end of the season will Schwartz snap and punch Jax in the nose a la FI Tom last season? 

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