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S05.E04: Livin' La Vida Housewife

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I couldn't agree more. (Btw - hi!). Laser hair removal makes your face permanently numb? Um, no. If you believe that, I've got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. The excuses she comes up with border on absurdity.

I also agree that watching Brandi is exhausting. My "trajectory" with her follows yours exactly. I've done a complete 180 with her. I think she really sticks out like a sore thumb with this cast, which makes me think her run might be over soon, but then again, Andy and TPTB seem to like her and think she's still popular, so....

First off Brandi said she had third degree burns on her face-no evidence of any such thing.  Then she said she had TMJ.  When she was interviewing Terry Dubrow she mentioned she had had a bad reaction to some sort of filler.  Terry said her symptoms and side effects  were entirely consistent with the filler.  So basically once again we have Brandi the lying liar who lies.


More on Brandi the liar -in her most recent Podcast she is back to saying that Adrienne introduced to the producers and recommended her.  Didn't she say in her book that the producers approached her because she was holding Adrienne's dog?  I am not saying she should be held to an impossible standard but get it right and keep the stories consistent.


Last night on WWHL Lisa R texted Andy and said a big hello to Sandra. . . crickets to Brandi.  Brandi also said she had more friends combined than Taylor, Camille and Adrienne and they were just desperate to get back on the show.  Something tells me Brandi has burned pretty much every bridge except Yolanda.

  • Love 12
Kyle said Majorca twice in the episode.  The commercial where she said, "Majorca," ran endlessly but it was a rerun.



Wow, good call.  No wonder why it seemed to me like . . .


Ten billion times?



Er, it is still OK to poke fun here, right?  As far as my accusations of a billion times -- um,  sense of humor, aisle 1 . . . 

Btw, anyone know if there is a preferable spelling -- Majorca or Mallorca?

  • Love 7

First off Brandi said she had third degree burns on her face-no evidence of any such thing.  Then she said she had TMJ.  When she was interviewing Terry Dubrow she mentioned she had had a bad reaction to some sort of filler.  Terry said her symptoms and side effects  were entirely consistent with the filler.  So basically once again we have Brandi the lying liar who lies.


More on Brandi the liar -in her most recent Podcast she is back to saying that Adrienne introduced to the producers and recommended her.  Didn't she say in her book that the producers approached her because she was holding Adrienne's dog?  I am not saying she should be held to an impossible standard but get it right and keep the stories consistent.


Last night on WWHL Lisa R texted Andy and said a big hello to Sandra. . . crickets to Brandi.  Brandi also said she had more friends combined than Taylor, Camille and Adrienne and they were just desperate to get back on the show.  Something tells me Brandi has burned pretty much every bridge except Yolanda.

I am not so sure about Yolanda! I posted a link yesterday where Yolanda says that she and Brandi only see each other during filming, a "Hollywood friend" according to Yolanda's definition from last season! LOL

  • Love 2

First off Brandi said she had third degree burns on her face-no evidence of any such thing.  Then she said she had TMJ.  When she was interviewing Terry Dubrow she mentioned she had had a bad reaction to some sort of filler.  Terry said her symptoms and side effects  were entirely consistent with the filler.  So basically once again we have Brandi the lying liar who lies.


More on Brandi the liar -in her most recent Podcast she is back to saying that Adrienne introduced to the producers and recommended her.  Didn't she say in her book that the producers approached her because she was holding Adrienne's dog?  I am not saying she should be held to an impossible standard but get it right and keep the stories consistent.


Last night on WWHL Lisa R texted Andy and said a big hello to Sandra. . . crickets to Brandi.  Brandi also said she had more friends combined than Taylor, Camille and Adrienne and they were just desperate to get back on the show.  Something tells me Brandi has burned pretty much every bridge except Yolanda.



Yes. For someone who claims to be a "truth cannon", Brandi is awfully untruthful. I agree with the poster up-thread who said that Brandi is approaching the "kiss of death" for the Real Housewives - no one to film with. My prediction is that Kim and Kyle have a fight with Brandi as a major factor, and that ultimately Kim sides with Kyle over Brandi. However dysfunctional their relationship is, they seem to join forces against threatening outsiders (e.g. Brandi in Season 2.) Also, Kyle and Kim seemed very lovey-dovey on social media up through Halloween - after filming wrapped and before the Alexia dog bite - so whatever rift Brandi caused didn't seem to endure past the finale. I also don't think Kim will countenance Brandi calling her sister a "horrible bitch who doesn't care about her family." So Kim - who, as ScoobieDoobie said, will probably stick around for the duration of the show in some capacity in the thread for the previous episode - can't be Brandi's saving grace. I think Yolanda and Brandi's friendship is, as WireWrap said, a Hollywood friendship, and an alliance for the purposes of the show. Yolanda might find some contemptuous joy in positioning Brandi as a worse-off version of herself (e.g. an  uneducated ex-model who didn't have the fortune to marry as well as Yolanda and learn manners), but I don't think their friendship runs all that deep. Also, Brandi pissed off Mohamed by saying that he said Joanna Krupa's vagina smells, and I still think Mohamed factors in to Yolanda's choices.


Other than that...Brandi looked ridiculous in that TH about the Range Rover. Like it was 1996 and she was auditioning for the Spice Girls and misguidedly wore a leatherized I Dream of Jeannie outfit, and then stumbled onto a rap video. Also, I don't get what the big deal is about Range Rovers, as TheMightyPeanut said. Brandi and the entire cast of The Real Housewives of Atlanta have these unhealthy Range Rover fetishes. To me, it just looks like a huge white SUV that happens to cost $100,000. It's the epitome of conspicuous consumption. That said, I own a $10,000 used 2005 Corolla LE with 100,000 miles on it, so I am clearly thinking in a different register than Brandi. But, if you have enough money to buy, or lease (or whatever) a six-figure car, why don't you get something that looks like a six-figure car - beyond the "Range Rover" logo emblazoned above the grill, that tells everyone you're rich enough to afford it?


Yolanda, Yolanda. I thought CooksDelight's assessment of Yolanda way up-thread was accurate. She's searched for a purpose on this show since its onset. In her first season, it seemed like she was auditioning for a lifestyle brand. By the way, does anyone know if she actually wanted a lifestyle brand, or if that's just an educated guess? Then she banked on being bitchy last season and having a daughter go away to college. Next season, her children will be out of the house. What would her storyline be then? Empty nest syndrome? Divorce? Yolanda is not very interesting in and of herself as television; she doesn't have screen presence. She's fun to make fun of, I suppose, for feeding her children almonds to keep them stick-thin and cooking her husband meat in lingerie surrounded by camera-men, screaming of desperation. Retrospectively, I think zoeysmom's assessment of Yolanda's inexplicable problems with the women is quite accurate - that the disputes are all really about camera-time, because she's afraid of losing camera time and therefore losing her spot on RHOBH. I suppose I like seeing her dealing with real person problems - like having a teen daughter who makes very stupid non-decisions (unthinking decisions) and a mother with cancer - more than seeing her cater to her King or complain that her girl children will become too fat for Milan if they eat cake.


I actually suspected that the scene of Kyle and Yolanda talking about trusting teenaged children to make responsible decisions on the yacht was filmed after David called about Bella, as some people suspected the conversation between Yolanda and Bella was filmed after her DUI. Otherwise, the conversation and the later incident just fit together too perfectly. I suppose I understand why Yolanda participated in making a storyline out of Bella's DUI (with a suspended license!). It was widely reported when it happened and she would have been criticized for not addressing it. Unlike Kim's son's mental break, it was a voluntary criminal act, not a manifestation of a serious (and private) medical problem.


I feel like this season has pushed the line into overt scripting a little too far. Like, it's always been heavily guided, manipulated, manufactured, directed, and even at times blocked and scripted by the producers. But I think the interesting parts of The Real Housewives Shows happen when the cast member's intention doesn't meet the effect (e.g. Camille's hilariously failed attempt to come off as the klassy lady of the manor in Season 1), when they actually begin to believe and invest in the pre-determined plot lines (and in their status as reality stars, i.e. Jill Zarin), or where real darkness and emotion bubbles up under the surface. More than in previous seasons, very specific - and rather cliched scenarios - are being sketched out. I don't believe for a second that it wasn't planned for Brandi's cell phone to power off and for Lisa to realize that Kyle was with Brandi. I'm at least skeptical that Yolanda's conversations that heavily foreshadow Bella's DUI weren't filmed after the fact. Kim and Brandi's escapade to see J.R. with another woman is straight out of the '60s or '70s sitcom playbook. They're importing corny conventions from fully scripted TV dramas and comedies without any irony or tongue-in-cheek wit. Therefore, an entertaining part of this show - the failure of the cast members to meet up to the expectations the producers and plot-line demand of them - is lost.


I loved the scene at Kyle and Kim's house - particularly how Kyle cooed "That's very mother of the bride!" about Kim's upholstery-patterned dress. Kyle has the unique ability to make what sounds banal - or at worst negative - into something glamorous with an awed tone of voice. I just choose to find Kyle's over-compensating pageant delivery and arguable humble-bragging entertaining. I'm sure she knows producers constantly undercut her through editing, as they do to all of the Ho'Wives. Kyle and Kim, in spite of their co-dependent dysfunctional relationship, still clearly love each other and can have fun together - which is more than can be said for many adult siblings with no relationship to one another.

  • Love 11

It's almost jarring to transition from lovely Mallorca (the double 'l' spelling is the Spanish version but I think either one is correct ScoobieDoobs) and shopping at frou frou boutiques to Brandi's talking head with her boobs spilling out of her shirt, wasting a bonus check on a leased car that could go towards a down payment for a home, college fund, lawyer's fees, Camille Grammer's PR person, etc. She's a fool. I was never in Brandi's camp but even I have to scratch my head and wonder if the production monkeys are giving her the ditzy, pathetic edit since they plan on giving her the ax after the finale (just my guess). Lisa V, for all of her Bobby Fisher-ing master manipulating ways was trying to warn dumb Brandi when she said "you're losing your audience." Seems like LV was right.


I like Eileen. She seems very confident, willing to speak her mind, and is not completely wrapped up in her husband's identity instead of having her own. She doesn't seem to be all that interested in kissing up to anyone either. I approve.

  • Love 9

I just can't with Brandi's fucked up face and all the low plunge shirts are not her friend.  I've never been a fan, but didn't she used to be at least kind of attractive?  


Even when you lease you put down a down payment.  I bet she leases and it is a business expense.  Many people buy the car at the end of the lease period.






But wait… I can't stand Brandi and do not get het spending choices (or her other choices either) but didn't you express in the last episode thread that any slob could charter a private plane (illustrating that Kyle was silly to brag about it)? But a lease payment for a car is "expensive as fuck"? I don't know about either of those things, I'll admit. And did I read that Brandi only put down $3,000? Is that weird? It seems like a low number for such a high-end car. I put down more on my year-old preowned Hyundai Santa Fe (and unlike the ladies on these shows, I look at it and wonder if I actually need something so nice. Oh, I sound like a rube!).



I'm not saying I don't think Brandi is stupid, because I totally do, but it isn't wise to put a big down payment down on a lease.  It isn't like purchasing a car.  When purchasing, a large down payment might make sense depending on the interest rate even though a car in general is a depreciating asset.  When you lease a big down payment is just throwing your money away (as opponents of leasing will say a lease is in general, but I digress) as the only return you'll see on it are slightly lower lease payments, unless of course you're planning on paying the residual at the end of the lease and buying the car, but most are not.  Also, depending on how Brandi worked it, her lease payments might not be that bad.  I have a $65k car and my lease payment is ~$450, I worked the system to get a low cap cost, a high residual, and low money factor.  I might have put a couple hundred dollars down, but I don't think I did.  However, I don't see Brandi doing research on what programs and incentives to use, busting out spreadsheets to run the math on various scenarios, or negotiating well.  Maybe her money manager did?  Also, unlike Brandi, my finances are in order, I'm a homeowner, and I'm not claiming poverty.  I'm also not responsible for children, nor do I have an ex-husband that I'm fighting with over money.


  • Love 4
Also, depending on how Brandi worked it, her lease payments might not be that bad.



I agree.  I worked out a similar deal as you on my car.  It might be possible she worked out some deal.  Find it hard to believe she'd be so shrewd to do that.  And I wouldn't think her money manager is working out car lease deals for her.  She said on WWHL she put down 3 thou (this sounds off to me for a 100 thou Rover) & she didn't reveal how much she pays a month.  What about the house she's living in now?  Looked like a nice place in a nice neighborhood.  That's gotta cost a lot too.  Seems to me like she's stretching herself really thin financially.


You know, if I liked Brandi -- at least a tiny bit -- I actually wouldn't mind her presence there.  Cuz the contrast between her & the other rich bitches is kinda refreshing.  But everything bout her lately -- the swollen botoxed face, the non-stop parade of useless idiot friends, her ridiculous way of never acknowledging or apologizing or taking responsibility for the offensive shit she says & does, & especially dat high-pitched squeaky voice just bugs me to no end.  OK, I get that her role now & her only reason for being there is to poke at everyone & cause drama & conflict, but her non-stop bullshit is driving me nuts.


And yet I'm very curious why Kyle is clearly not exactly thrilled with her.  Kyle has been all nicey nice (almost to point of being icky) to everyone else -- on the show & on WWHL & in her Bravo blogs.  Except Brandi.  Er, why?  Hmmmm.


Just curious -- anyone looking at the Bravo blogs?  OK, maybe it's just me, but sheesh, they're all being so syrupy sweet to each other.  It's kinda makin' me nauseous.  Well, except for Brandi.  She does seem like quite the outsider.  A position she put herself in.


Wow, was surprised to hear Bella actually got some punishment for the DUI -- 25 hours of community service & 20 hours in AA classes.  I'm just not sure what to make of what Yo said in her Bravo blog bout this.  She does seem genuine.  And yet maybe I can't relate at all cuz I can't possibly imagine having something so private be discussed so publicly.  I suppose she faced this head on, rather than refusing to discuss or acknowledge it (as I would have preferred she do if I were Bella).  Is she being harsh?  Well, I think so, but others may disagree.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 1

On the other hand I loved watching Kyle's dogs while they were packing.   Did I see the Golden Retriever take Portia's neck rest thingy and proceed to make it his/her toy rolling on the floor with it ?  LOL  That was super cute.    Guess I'm just of a large dog owner mentality.   (See avatar.)


Yes, she did steal it.  This was preceded by Kyle saying - "Bambi, do not even think of eating that pillow.


I wish, for once, one of these broads would talk about how fortunate they are to be able to send their children to college. And how great it is that their children want to pursue higher education. Get a grip, ladies!


Kim and Kyle have both stated that while they don't regret becoming mothers at a young age, they do regret not going to college.  I've only ever heard them encouraging college and expressing pride in their college-bound children.  Yolanda on the other hand, does not value college and makes no bones about it around her children.

  • Love 9

Did anyone else think it was weird when Yolanda lay down on top of Mauricio's back in her bikini saying 'sandwich' over and over? I mean, in her bikini?? I would not appreciate a friend doing this to my husband, nor would I do this to a friend's husband. It just looked so inappropriate to me, kind of like when she was holding Brandi's dad's hand and quite flirty and physical with him in front of his gf/wife. Does she know there are other ways to relate to men?


Imagine Yolanda's reaction if a bikini clad Kyle straddled David to make a "sandwich".  Something tells me that wouldn't go over well. 


Speaking of Yolanda's rags to riches story-didn't Yolanda say she made a killing being a model in Europe?  I am curious why when she landed in New York she only had the 100 guilders.  Seems like maybe Yolanda was not the success story she claimed to be.  Supposedly she signed with Eileen Ford at age 16-why the big poverty story?


Oh Yolanda and her stories.  Don't forget that she sat at her dad's funeral (at the age of seven) and knew that she alone would have to now support this family.  I'm sorry, but that's a LOL moment.  So I'm guessing she had a paper route, babysat daily, and walked everyone's dogs - right.  And what a way to completely discredit her mother - a lazy slob who made her seven year old bear the burden of caring for the family.

  • Love 15

RedheadZombie -- I'm with you on the enough!,Yolanda-Cinderella Man stories of hers.  I think she uses this kind of schtick to justify not having a college degree herself and obviously encouraging her daughters to go her route.  Would love to know if she's going to go with this crap with Anwar.  I highly doubt it and I'm glad that her ex-husband isn't distinguishing between girls and boys when it comes to college.  For better or worse, having a BA or a BS these days is the equivalent of having a HS diploma.  It doesn't guarantee anything is this life -- what does? -- but it's kind of a basic requirement.  I realize there is room for debate on this front, of course.  We're now putting our only one through college and doing it without going for loans that would break all of us for years to come -- So we're doing it semester by semester with upfront cash.  I would so LOVE to have even a fraction of the Hadid-Foster resources at this stage to secure my son's education.  She can lose me with her "sweet spot" lingo.  I really do wish she'd just zip it on this front. 


One can make a whole lot of how it's not necessary to have the degree to make it in this life but going to college is about so much more than that.  It's about learning how to think, being exposed to interesting and crazy folks of all ages, and learning how to succeed and fail.  Yolanda is never going to win me over on that front.  End of rant.  Promise not to mention it again. 


That said, again, her body looks amazing.  I also got a kick out of what looked like a legs up to her neck selfie she took with good old lover boy extraordinaire David lurking at the tip of her toes.  So funny ... The image flashed just as she getting to the point in her secluded sailboat no tourists allowed we were in Turkey being LOVERS monologue.  She really does make me chuckle sometimes.  There's an old girl 1970s-80s tackiness to Yolanda that can be amusing.   She's like a mix of Helen Gurley Brown and Martha Stewart -- some magic Dutch hoothcie-kootchie action combined with basic housekeeping skills.  She does get hundreds of extra points though for knowing to wear sneakers on vacay. 

Edited by copacabana
  • Love 10

If it were the case, that Yo's Mother didn't want her there which I could completely understand, I can't imagine Yo would not have made that clear.  It surely wasn't clear to me, anyway.


ETA I was one of the ones who liked Brandi until like Lisa, I saw her in a different light.


For me it was exactly the opposite.


I liked Lisa V until she befriended Brandi. I have always disliked Brandi, there was just something vicious about her that I never liked, even duringGame Night when everybody was talking about poor little Brandi, I thought I had watched a different show because I saw Brandi started it and then give as good as she got, but overwhelming majority were fawning over her.


Lisa not only befriended her, she took her under her wing and supported her most outreageous behaviors (revealing Adrienne's secret, making up a non existant lawsuit, bullying Joyce, etc) with glee and no remorse, that is when my rose colored glasses about Lisa completely fell, I realized that Lisa was no better than Brandi, she just have more money and enough connections in BH so nobody wants to be on her bad side and of course she has the blind support of most viewers which is a hot commodity. As far as moral character IMO they are both cut from the same cloth, they will be your friend only on their terms, they will not allow anybody else to be your best friend as they like exclusivity and most important, they both demand your unconditional support to their most horrible behaviors.


Lisa kicked Brandi to the curb when she turned on her, otherwise they will still be best friends. Lisa's friendship with Brandi opened my eyes to the true nature of Lisa's passive aggresive cattiness and pettiness.

  • Love 14

Me too. I don't know if it makes me a bad person or whatever, but as beautiful as the scenery was in Spain, I was so bored by this episode because there was no conflict. I need arguments and drama to stay interested. :)


And for the love of God if we have one more "I don't know how I'm going to handle my child going away to college" storylines, I'm going to seriously lose it.

Yep, the kids going away is not the least bit interesting to me either....There just has to be some kind of nasty situation brewing in Spain, ha,ha.

  • Love 3

Supposedly she signed with Eileen Ford at age 16-why the big poverty story?


"I'll take 'Blank Expressions' for $1000, Alex."


She's gorgeous.  But a gorgeous face does not a supermodel make. Nor does it make even a moderately successful one. By the ONE portfolio picture I can find of her, it seems she tried her hand when Carole, Kim, Elle, Paulina were all doing Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition-style modeling.  I reckon Yolanda was one of several, several hundred girls that didn't get much print work, even if signed with a powerhouse like Ford.  If she did, we'd be seeing it. 


Probably in a beautifully bound album, presented to the King, overlooking the ocean and a perfectly roasted chicken.

  • Love 6

Yes. For someone who claims to be a "truth cannon", Brandi is awfully untruthful. I agree with the poster up-thread who said that Brandi is approaching the "kiss of death" for the Real Housewives - no one to film with. My prediction is that Kim and Kyle have a fight with Brandi as a major factor, and that ultimately Kim sides with Kyle over Brandi. However dysfunctional their relationship is, they seem to join forces against threatening outsiders (e.g. Brandi in Season 2.) Also, Kyle and Kim seemed very lovey-dovey on social media up through Halloween - after filming wrapped and before the Alexia dog bite - so whatever rift Brandi caused didn't seem to endure past the finale. I also don't think Kim will countenance Brandi calling her sister a "horrible bitch who doesn't care about her family." So Kim - who, as ScoobieDoobie said, will probably stick around for the duration of the show in some capacity in the thread for the previous episode - can't be Brandi's saving grace. I think Yolanda and Brandi's friendship is, as WireWrap said, a Hollywood friendship, and an alliance for the purposes of the show. Yolanda might find some contemptuous joy in positioning Brandi as a worse-off version of herself (e.g. an  uneducated ex-model who didn't have the fortune to marry as well as Yolanda and learn manners), but I don't think their friendship runs all that deep. Also, Brandi pissed off Mohamed by saying that he said Joanna Krupa's vagina smells, and I still think Mohamed factors in to Yolanda's choices.


Other than that...Brandi looked ridiculous in that TH about the Range Rover. Like it was 1996 and she was auditioning for the Spice Girls and misguidedly wore a leatherized I Dream of Jeannie outfit, and then stumbled onto a rap video. Also, I don't get what the big deal is about Range Rovers, as TheMightyPeanut said. Brandi and the entire cast of The Real Housewives of Atlanta have these unhealthy Range Rover fetishes. To me, it just looks like a huge white SUV that happens to cost $100,000. It's the epitome of conspicuous consumption. That said, I own a $10,000 used 2005 Corolla LE with 100,000 miles on it, so I am clearly thinking in a different register than Brandi. But, if you have enough money to buy, or lease (or whatever) a six-figure car, why don't you get something that looks like a six-figure car - beyond the "Range Rover" logo emblazoned above the grill, that tells everyone you're rich enough to afford it?


Yolanda, Yolanda. I thought CooksDelight's assessment of Yolanda way up-thread was accurate. She's searched for a purpose on this show since its onset. In her first season, it seemed like she was auditioning for a lifestyle brand. By the way, does anyone know if she actually wanted a lifestyle brand, or if that's just an educated guess? Then she banked on being bitchy last season and having a daughter go away to college. Next season, her children will be out of the house. What would her storyline be then? Empty nest syndrome? Divorce? Yolanda is not very interesting in and of herself as television; she doesn't have screen presence. She's fun to make fun of, I suppose, for feeding her children almonds to keep them stick-thin and cooking her husband meat in lingerie surrounded by camera-men, screaming of desperation. Retrospectively, I think zoeysmom's assessment of Yolanda's inexplicable problems with the women is quite accurate - that the disputes are all really about camera-time, because she's afraid of losing camera time and therefore losing her spot on RHOBH. I suppose I like seeing her dealing with real person problems - like having a teen daughter who makes very stupid non-decisions (unthinking decisions) and a mother with cancer - more than seeing her cater to her King or complain that her girl children will become too fat for Milan if they eat cake.


I actually suspected that the scene of Kyle and Yolanda talking about trusting teenaged children to make responsible decisions on the yacht was filmed after David called about Bella, as some people suspected the conversation between Yolanda and Bella was filmed after her DUI. Otherwise, the conversation and the later incident just fit together too perfectly. I suppose I understand why Yolanda participated in making a storyline out of Bella's DUI (with a suspended license!). It was widely reported when it happened and she would have been criticized for not addressing it. Unlike Kim's son's mental break, it was a voluntary criminal act, not a manifestation of a serious (and private) medical problem.


I feel like this season has pushed the line into overt scripting a little too far. Like, it's always been heavily guided, manipulated, manufactured, directed, and even at times blocked and scripted by the producers. But I think the interesting parts of The Real Housewives Shows happen when the cast member's intention doesn't meet the effect (e.g. Camille's hilariously failed attempt to come off as the klassy lady of the manor in Season 1), when they actually begin to believe and invest in the pre-determined plot lines (and in their status as reality stars, i.e. Jill Zarin), or where real darkness and emotion bubbles up under the surface. More than in previous seasons, very specific - and rather cliched scenarios - are being sketched out. I don't believe for a second that it wasn't planned for Brandi's cell phone to power off and for Lisa to realize that Kyle was with Brandi. I'm at least skeptical that Yolanda's conversations that heavily foreshadow Bella's DUI weren't filmed after the fact. Kim and Brandi's escapade to see J.R. with another woman is straight out of the '60s or '70s sitcom playbook. They're importing corny conventions from fully scripted TV dramas and comedies without any irony or tongue-in-cheek wit. Therefore, an entertaining part of this show - the failure of the cast members to meet up to the expectations the producers and plot-line demand of them - is lost.


I loved the scene at Kyle and Kim's house - particularly how Kyle cooed "That's very mother of the bride!" about Kim's upholstery-patterned dress. Kyle has the unique ability to make what sounds banal - or at worst negative - into something glamorous with an awed tone of voice. I just choose to find Kyle's over-compensating pageant delivery and arguable humble-bragging entertaining. I'm sure she knows producers constantly undercut her through editing, as they do to all of the Ho'Wives. Kyle and Kim, in spite of their co-dependent dysfunctional relationship, still clearly love each other and can have fun together - which is more than can be said for many adult siblings with no relationship to one another.

David gave an interview, to a Canadian paper/press, where he said that Yolanda was only on the HW show to get her own "lifestyle" show and he/they also called her cast mates "clowns"! The interview was done before she found out/was diagnosed with Lyme's Disease.


ETA, here is a link to n article about it from December last year after he gave the interview.   http://www.realitytea.com/2013/12/10/david-foster-calls-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-cast-clowns-lisa-vanderpump-responds/

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 2

"I'll take 'Blank Expressions' for $1000, Alex."


She's gorgeous.  But a gorgeous face does not a supermodel make. Nor does it make even a moderately successful one. By the ONE portfolio picture I can find of her, it seems she tried her hand when Carole, Kim, Elle, Paulina were all doing Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition-style modeling.  I reckon Yolanda was one of several, several hundred girls that didn't get much print work, even if signed with a powerhouse like Ford.  If she did, we'd be seeing it. 



Really, I'm not a Yolanda apologist, and I laugh at her as much as anyone does, especially some of her, uh, memories; but I found a number of her modeling shots, some unintentionally hilarious, just by Googling her (she's #5 on the list).  She may not have enjoyed true supermodel status and income, but she did work and probably made decent money.  It seemed like everyone with whom I went to junior high and high school (but me) had modeling portfolios, and a couple of them were signed by Ford.  There's money to be made in catalog and runway work and lots of other legitimate modeling jobs that aren't the cover of Cosmo or whatever.

Edited by harrie
  • Love 5

You're kiddin', right?  She just said in the ep where she flew in the leased jet, that she used to make the kids pretend they were younger so they could get cheaper fares cuz she supposedly couldn't afford it.  Sounds like she was implying she was po' to me.  Watch the season again cuz she's making these type of references a billion times.  "Oh I'm just a regular gal like all of you poor slobs cuz I used to have no money -- just like all of you."  Dat's Kyle now.


I don't think that story about the children's tickets was meant to imply that she was poor. It seemed more like they were trying to save money wherever they could, which is much more of a middle class sentiment.


I like Kyle too.  As regulars here know because I seem to always defending her.  I don't know about Lisa - I loved her the first season and it went downhill from there.  I don't blame Kyle at all for 'outing' her sister for something everyone, including the viewers, knew.  I guess it's hard for people to understand what Kyle has gone through to understand.  It's even harder when the alcoholic has children whose emotions you're always dealing with.  At some point, you just explode because there's so much you have had to keep inside.


I think that it was a horrible thing for Kyle to do and apparently so did she - she begged BRAVO not to air the footage, after all. She didn't out her sister because she had so much emotion that she had to keep inside.


Kyle was drunk and was trying to win an argument and hurt her sister at the same time. That is not a reason to out anyone with an addiction issue or any other issue for that matter. At the very least, it shows a really obnoxious drunken side to Kyle. At the most, it shows a very mean and petty nature that she would even think that was the way to win an argument. 

  • Love 6

Thank you, harrie, for the link to ALL the modeling shots!  It's easy to see whyYolanda is so proud of Gigi.  I don't remember Yolanda ever being a name model in the US or Latin America.  I wonder if it was different for her in Europe and the Netherlands.  Anyway, thanks.  I can see Yo being a total  show stopper in real life and can understand how she got modelling work.  It's just every time we're told she was an 80s or 90s super model, I have to go ... huh, what?  


MatildaMoody -- Kyle in talking about her past and her childhood is always so fey and nasty.  Even in this last chapter, she's telling us that at 14 she was "working" and living in London and "bringing home the bacon."  Shut up, woman.  She will NEVER stop competing with her poor, benighted, super messed sister -- not even now.  Cue Portia and Portia dreams.  Yuck.  

  • Love 3

I had never heard that particular rumor, but then I had to google Eileen Davidson to see what she looked like when it  was announced she was joining the show. However, according to that article, she is in her mid fifties? 

Did I read that right? Because "their" son looked pretty young and the woman does not look over 40 to me



Yep you read that right!  She is 55.  Like, hellooooo amazing genes and (I'm sure) a hefty dose of good diet and exercise.  If she's been tweaked, it's so subtle and natural.  


And yes,  her only biological son is 11.  So she had him when she was 43 or 44.  Not terribly uncommon nowadays. 


Oh my lord, as much as I dislike Yolanda, when they scanned her body when she was walking to the yacht, I thought "DAMN! That's hot for 50!" She has amazing legs. All her cake avoidance seems to be working for her.



Totally!  But I'd take it one step further and say that's hot for ANY age...not just hot for 50.  I was like DAMN, you go, Yo.  Yep, guess those Master Cleanses (LEMONS!!!) aren't all for naught. 


I echo what some other posters have said about Kyle. She's absolutely done and said thing over the years that have annoyed me.  And yep, she absolutely does seem to come off as insecure and attention-seeking in some scenes.  But, despite that, I like her.  I think she seems like somebody who enjoys her life, her family, her friends--and, overall, really appreciates what she has. Although I don't always love or approve of how she's reacted to certain situations over the years, her reactions (to me) come off as authentic. I don't see anything about her that is any more "phoney baloney" than any other Housewife--on any franchise. 

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 8

Imagine Yolanda's reaction if a bikini clad Kyle straddled David to make a "sandwich".  Something tells me that wouldn't go over well. 





So much this.  Can't you hear Yolanda in that accent, "Kyle was very inappropriate.  Dat is why I pushed her off da yacht."   


On a slightly different note: I'm so insanely jealous of her (Yo's) body !  I'm her age and I could never rock a bikini like that.  As a previous poster mentioned "That cake avoidance is working for her."


I felt for Kyle being reluctant to jump off the yacht.  And in her talking head "Why can't they do it without me?"  < - I could very much relate as that sorta shit seems to happen to me all the time too.


Yes, she did steal it.  This was preceded by Kyle saying - "Bambi, do not even think of eating that pillow.



Awww.  I love Bambi.  She's so cute.   The German Shepard is too.... he/she seemed concerned about the packing issue. 

Edited by jnymph
  • Love 5
Kyle in talking about her past and her childhood is always so fey and nasty.  Even in this last chapter, she's telling us that at 14 she was "working" and living in London and "bringing home the bacon."  Shut up, woman.  She will NEVER stop competing with her poor, benighted, super messed sister -- not even now.  Cue Portia and Portia dreams.  Yuck.



I don't think she would have said she was living London. She's always lived in the US. She was working, though, and bringing home money. I thought she was comparing herself to her daughter traveling around on fancy vacations (as opposed to being one of hundreds of child actors going to auditions in LA) more than claiming she was working as much as Kim. Both Kim and Kyle, I think, were brought up very aware that they were making money and working.

Edited by sistermagpie
  • Love 5

There's money to be made in catalog and runway work and lots of other legitimate modeling jobs that aren't the cover of Cosmo or whatever.

Thanks for finding those pictures!   Anyhow, I agree with you about money to be made aside of covers and Vogue editorials.  And I think, after looking at those pictures, I know what prevented Yo from being 'super'model material.  She likely made money doing some runway, trade shows, etc. but I don't think she has it in her to be natural in front of a camera.  That's hard.  Having to be so un-self conscious that you can just let go.  Being able to be versatile and take direction. She's stiff now - I wonder what she was like as a fish out of water 16 year old.  She obviously modeled but she's never 'super' modeled which is why I was also left scratching my head when Lisa Rinna was all, "Whoa!  Yo was a supermodel!"  Also when Yo went along with Gigi and was directing the photo shoot, it was like - show me the pictures in which Yolanda learned these mad, modeling skills.


That photo of Lisa Hochstein....yikes!

  • Love 3

I like Kyle too.  As regulars here know because I seem to always defending her.  I don't know about Lisa - I loved her the first season and it went downhill from there.  I don't blame Kyle at all for 'outing' her sister for something everyone, including the viewers, knew.  I guess it's hard for people to understand what Kyle has gone through to understand.  It's even harder when the alcoholic has children whose emotions you're always dealing with.  At some point, you just explode because there's so much you have had to keep inside.


Yep.  She is mega insecure.  That's probably one of the reasons why I like her.  I'll take that any day over a huge ego.  She's got the golden ring - a husband who seems to be a great guy who loves her and has the drive to be successful, four children who are normal, and a happy life.  It's all that baggage that she's carried - her alcoholic sister who she grew up living in the shadow of, her other domineering sister, a mom who loved her but had her own agenda, and some failed relationships.  Heck, just dealing with Kim's alcoholism could give a person major issues. 

I have never blamed Kyle for outing her sister-Kim's behavior was having a negative effect on the entire cast.  Kim's alcoholism wasn't the deep dark secret she claimed it was-two prior rehab stays, irresponsible public behavior, financial problems, her minor children relying on family members to step in for Kim.  Could Kyle have said it in a calmer manner-absolutely.  Kim threw the first grenade out there with the "stole my Goddamn house", Kim knew the reality and was well compensated for her share in the house.   What's funny is Kyle has never denied her sister's superior stardom, she in fact talks about all of Kim's fans from the old days-something Kyle has never laid claim to-fans from her childhood days.


Just like game night-most people would react to a woman standing up and saying, "I am going to fucking kill you, bitch!"  Brandi is always hoping for a reaction that will minimize her initial act.  Instead it became poor picked on Brandi.  Brandi has worn her game night card out and now wants to revive it to use against Kyle-never Kim.


I think Kyle is taking a healthy approach by not enabling Kim with her suspect behavior.  It is not Kyle's job to see that her sister stays sober.  If Kim is going to pop pills on a group outing and hold up production while in her Halcion haze whining on the bus-Kyle should not be the source of the others' anger. It is Brandi who keeps demanding that Kyle take charge of Kim.  Not Kyle's job and it is a job she has been hard at for 25 years without anything but ingratitude from Kim. 


I found it disconcerting that Kim knowing Kyle had a family trip broad planned lured Kyle over to her house to see her dresses for the wedding.  Then made fun of her for being worried about catching a flu/cold bug and admitted she knew Kyle would not come over had she divulged the true nature of her kid's health.  No one wants to go on vacation sick or come down with something while on vacation.  It is however, the same self-centered behavior I have seen from Kim for five seasons.  Now Kim has Brandi in her corner to nitpick at Kyle.  Who is the bad sister in this scenario?

  • Love 9

I like reading other opinions because, to me, Eileen comes across very natural and comfortable and I thought she was being playful with her husband, not bitchy.  But hey, time will tell!

I'm still not sure how I feel about Eileen - I need to see her a few more times before I form a true opinion, but, I instantly thought "red flag" when she commented in her talking head about how all couples "bicker"....if I recall correctly, isn't that what Adrienne used to say about her and Paul?  And....look where they wound up.... 


But, dang - I thought Vince Van Pattan looked really good!!!  He was one of my "Tiger Beat" crushes back in the day!   :-)

Edited by njbchlover
  • Love 2

I am stumped by Brandi's stupidity, her kids were going to be excited to see half their college fund in the driveway?  She does not have a pot to piss in but, plastic surgery, yes, a closet full of overpriced clothing, yes, renting houses and uprooting her two children every time a lease is up and leasing cars means nothing is permanent or stable for those kids she professes to move heaven and earth for.


I thought Kyle's description of Kim's MOB dress was spot on but I liked it and I liked her hair (from what we saw in the preview).


Secretly, I was hoping for the boat in Spain to be the Ohana, that would have been great, bitchy resting face and all!




I don't think there would have been any bitchy resting face, because Kate would have been trying to lure Mauricio away from Kyle, LOL!!!  But, yes, I think I mentioned something about a crossover on the Below Deck forum - I would love to see that, too!! 

Yolanda would have given Kate a run for her money - imagine Yo giving Kate instructions on how to make the lemon cleanse drink??  (And, subsequently, Kate's "below deck" comments and Ben complaining about having to prepare food that Portia would like??)

  • Love 4

Thank you, harrie, for the link to ALL the modeling shots!  It's easy to see whyYolanda is so proud of Gigi.  I don't remember Yolanda ever being a name model in the US or Latin America.  I wonder if it was different for her in Europe and the Netherlands.  Anyway, thanks.  I can see Yo being a total  show stopper in real life and can understand how she got modelling work.  It's just every time we're told she was an 80s or 90s super model, I have to go ... huh, what?  


MatildaMoody -- Kyle in talking about her past and her childhood is always so fey and nasty.  Even in this last chapter, she's telling us that at 14 she was "working" and living in London and "bringing home the bacon."  Shut up, woman.  She will NEVER stop competing with her poor, benighted, super messed sister -- not even now.  Cue Portia and Portia dreams.  Yuck.  

By the time Kyle was 14, Kathy was married, Kim had moved out of the house and Big Kathy no longer had control over Kim's money and was only receiving her agent/management fee.  I don't see it as competing but just stating what she was doing.  It is almost as if Kyle should be denied ever having had a child acting career because it somehow takes away from Kim's or she is comparing herself to Kim.  As a society we have seen many siblings in professional sports and entertainment-should a lesser Baldwin not be allowed to talk about their life and career, or a any of the 348 NFL players who have brothers not be allowed to talk about their lives?  I have twins and I am very careful not to use the twins or they-I give them own identity.  these sister appear on a show and not surprisingly have very differing ideas of their childhoods.

  • Love 7

I'm still not sure how I feel about Eileen - I need to see her a few more times before I form a true opinion, but, I instantly thought "red flag" when she commented in her talking head about how all couples "bicker"....if I recall correctly, isn't that what Adrienne used to say about her and Paul?  And....look where they wound up.... 


But, dang - I thought Vince Van Pattan looked really good!!!  He was one of my "Tiger Beat" crushes back in the day!   :-)


i can't help wondering if the "bicker" comment was inserted/suggested by TPTB to make an echoing type of storyline - either "uh-oh, more bickering, they're doomed" or "bickering doesn't have to be destructive."  Maybe that's giving Bravo too much credit - that is, by presuming they put that much thought into these shows - but IIRC, they've repeated themes in and among shows before. The hub and I have been bickering for close to 30 years, but we really like each other and have a lot of fun, so I don't automatically think of bickering as a relationship's death knell.

  • Love 3

I wasn't watching the show too carefully. Did Yolanda board the yacht at the beginning of their trip or did they pick her up later on? How much time did she spend with them? I know Kyle was being nice by inviting her, but I'm not sure I would want her along the whole time on my family trip. And then Kyle gives her one of the nicer bedrooms.

This is irrelevant, but it gets on my nerves that Mauricio with all his $$$$ wears a plain white T-shirt when they were traveling & arriving at the yacht. I'm sure it's comfortable & it's probably a designer t-shirt, but to me it looks like it came out of a Fruit of the Loom 3 pack. He could at least wear a colored one.

All I could think of when they were getting on the yacht was Below Deck. How the crew critiqued everyone by their pictures and likes & dislikes, even before they met the guests, which I thought was funny at times. Especially Eddie doing his impersonations. Yolanda on her water "bagel" was hilarious.

  • Love 4

Really, I'm not a Yolanda apologist, and I laugh at her as much as anyone does, especially some of her, uh, memories; but I found a number of her modeling shots, some unintentionally hilarious, just by Googling her (she's #5 on the list).  She may not have enjoyed true supermodel status and income, but she did work and probably made decent money.  It seemed like everyone with whom I went to junior high and high school (but me) had modeling portfolios, and a couple of them were signed by Ford.  There's money to be made in catalog and runway work and lots of other legitimate modeling jobs that aren't the cover of Cosmo or whatever.

Thanks for these shots! I do disagree with the writer of the article though. They make a note that aside from Brandi, Yolanda was the most legit model. I think that Cynthia Bailey was much more legit than Brandi. I don't know how it was in other black households, but Cynthia was on the cover and in the editorials for almost everything my mother subscribed to. She also did lots of editorials for more mainstream magazines and she was even in a couple of music videos (RIP Heavy D). But, it is really cool to see those past photos. 

I also get why Yolanda is constantly seeing Gigi as a better version of her. I would have thought those photos of Yo were of Gigi because they look so much alike. The nudie pic of Camille was actually kind of priceless.





I wasn't watching the show too carefully. Did Yolanda board the yacht at the beginning of their trip or did they pick her up later on? How much time did she spend with them? I know Kyle was being nice by inviting her, but I'm not sure I would want her along the whole time on my family trip. And then Kyle gives her one of the nicer bedrooms.

 Yolanda only planned to spend a weekend with them on the boat and not the full vacation. I just don't remember if they picked her up at the start of the trip or part way through.

Edited by MatildaMoody
  • Love 8

Did anyone else think it was weird when Yolanda lay down on top of Mauricio's back in her bikini saying 'sandwich' over and over? I mean, in her bikini??

Yeah, and it reminded me of a scene from a season or two ago where, while on some trip, Yolanda swam right up to Maurice's crotch. I believe Kyle may have even made a comment about it.

  • Love 2

By the time Kyle was 14, Kathy was married, Kim had moved out of the house and Big Kathy no longer had control over Kim's money and was only receiving her agent/management fee.  I don't see it as competing but just stating what she was doing.  It is almost as if Kyle should be denied ever having had a child acting career because it somehow takes away from Kim's or she is comparing herself to Kim.  As a society we have seen many siblings in professional sports and entertainment-should a lesser Baldwin not be allowed to talk about their life and career, or a any of the 348 NFL players who have brothers not be allowed to talk about their lives?  I have twins and I am very careful not to use the twins or they-I give them own identity.  these sister appear on a show and not surprisingly have very differing ideas of their childhoods.


I agree. I often think that, because of their 4-year age difference, the Sisters Richards tend to be right about what they say about the financial gains from their own acting careers and wrong in what they say about the other one's financial gains. House of Hilton confirms, from reliable sources, that Kim's seven-figure salary was supporting the Dugan-Richards family by the mid-'70s, since Kyle and Kim's father - the inventor of the skort (!) - was having severe financial problems. The book also says that part of the reason Big Kathy finally kicked Kyle and Kim's father out - even though they hadn't had a functional marriage for years - was that he became financially superfluous (and even a drag upon Big K's finances) with Kim's big bucks. Kyle was very young at the time - she was 6 when Escape to Witch Mountain came out - so she may not have been accurately informed about the degree to which Kim's career supported the family. By the same stroke, Kim was no longer living at home by the early '80s and no longer supporting the family, so Kyle is almost certainly right that she took on the role of breadwinner for her and her mother. Kim would not necessarily be aware of that. And Kyle did have a successful career and her own fan following, even if her child-adolescent career was shorter than Kim's and her fan-base was smaller.


I agree with some of what you said about Kim-Kyle in your previous post, even if I have more of a soft spot towards Kim (from a distance), but a response to that belongs in the Sisters Richards' threads. I also think Brandi is treading into dangerous waters with interfering between Kim and Kyle, and that, from my deductive reasoning, they'll both bite her in the end like sharks defending their young. I'd love to see them pointing their fingers and flipping their hair at her again, like on Game Night, with more legitimate cause, at the yet-to-be-taped Season 5 Reunion.


I think the reason why Kyle's humble-bragging and pageant delivery have become amusing, rather than annoying, is that she's seen audience reactions and learned to suppress her bitchy-judgmental side. A lot of the way that behavior manifests in people is learned from parents, so Kim's bitchy-judgmental side is very similar, interestingly. Kyle also no longer brings Faye Resnick around.


Re: MatildaMoody - Yeah, Cynthia's modeling career was way more visible than Brandi's and Yolanda's. She was a name brand, and, therefore, more successful than Brandi and Yolanda. Not that Brandi and Yolanda weren't legitimate models. Camille was an illegitimate model, which is why I find it hilarious that she now has more money than either Yolanda or Brandi.

Edited by vrocotamy
  • Love 4

 I do disagree with the writer of the article though. They make a note that aside from Brandi, Yolanda was the most legit model. I think that Cynthia Bailey was much more legit than Brandi. I don't know how it was in other black households, but Cynthia was on the cover and in the editorials for almost everything my mother subscribed to. She also did lots of editorials for more mainstream magazines and she was even in a couple of music videos (RIP Heavy D). 



You're right - I don't follow RHOA seriously but check in once in a while.  When I saw Cynthia the first time, I recognized her from magazine covers and stuff.  I don't think I'd ever have recognized Brandi Glanville, and for sure I never knew who Yolanda was until she joined the series.

I agree with some of what you said about Kim-Kyle in your previous post, even if I have more of a soft spot towards Kim (from a distance), but a response to that belongs in the Sisters Richards' threads. I also think Brandi is treading into dangerous waters with interfering between Kim and Kyle, and that, from my deductive reasoning, they'll both bite her in the end like sharks defending their young. I'd love to see them pointing their fingers and flipping their hair at her again, like on Game Night, with more legitimate cause, at the yet-to-be-taped Season 5 Reunion.



It's just a matter of time until those pointy Richards fingers come out again. 

  • Love 1
I found a number of her modeling shots, some unintentionally hilarious, just by Googling her (she's #5 on the list).  She may not have enjoyed true supermodel status and income, but she did work and probably made decent money.  It seemed like everyone with whom I went to junior high and high school (but me) had modeling portfolios, and a couple of them were signed by Ford.  There's money to be made in catalog and runway work and lots of other legitimate modeling jobs that aren't the cover of Cosmo or whatever.



I was trying to find old Yo modeling shots & found them hard to find.  Clearly, she musta been a working model, if not a famous one.  Certainly she was beautiful -- and yet not really in a way, I suppose, that made her stand out & become well known or one of the super models of her day.


This is irrelevant, but it gets on my nerves that Mauricio with all his $$$$ wears a plain white T-shirt when they were traveling & arriving at the yacht. I'm sure it's comfortable & it's probably a designer t-shirt, but to me it looks like it came out of a Fruit of the Loom 3 pack. He could at least wear a colored one.



I noticed that too.  But I also noticed how Mauricio always dressed so well in previous seasons & now that he's experiencing such great success, we mostly see him on the show dressed very, very casually.  As far as the white t-shirt goes, that's all Simon Cowell wears.  At least Mauricio looks better than Simon does in a tee.  Simon seems to proudly wear his in spite of looking absolutely awful in 'em. with his now flabby arms & man boobs.  He doesn't care.  Mauricio is different than him.  I think Mauricio dresses well when the occasion calls for it.  Maybe on vacay, he didn't care.


I found it disconcerting that Kim knowing Kyle had a family trip broad planned lured Kyle over to her house to see her dresses for the wedding.  Then made fun of her for being worried about catching a flu/cold bug and admitted she knew Kyle would not come over had she divulged the true nature of her kid's health.  No one wants to go on vacation sick or come down with something while on vacation.  It is however, the same self-centered behavior I have seen from Kim for five seasons.  Now Kim has Brandi in her corner to nitpick at Kyle.  Who is the bad sister in this scenario?



Are they back to taking passive aggressive jabs at each other -- again?  Kyle was insisting everything was just fine & dandy between them when Kathy was telling Brooke how crappy she looked in the dress she was tryin' on.  But sheesh, this shit Kim did was really thoughtless & downright mean.  She goes on bout it in her Bravo blog & makes fun of Kyle being a "germ freak".  Bullshit!  If she had caught something, dat woulda been the end of her vacay.  Actually, I should correct myself.  This was not an example of them sniping at each other.  This was one-sided -- Kim really going after Kyle.  My goodness, watching these 2 is exhausting.

  • Love 2
It's just a matter of time until those pointy Richards fingers come out again.


For some reason, their habit of pointing their bony fingers in people's faces all the time is the one I hate the most.  I don't know why it offends me so much, but I'm waiting (hoping) for somebody to grab a pointy finger and twists their arm behind their back until they cry "uncle."

Edited by izabella
  • Love 5

"Mom's these days."  "Welcome to my world."  Oh please.  We know these things aren't really reality, but can we let the kid just be a kid and not be fed lines to be considered "precocious"?


Eileen tries too hard.  Playing games with her step son with her boobs nearly popping out of her bikini.  Sheesh.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 4

I was trying to find old Yo modeling shots & found them hard to find.  Clearly, she musta been a working model, if not a famous one.  Certainly she was beautiful -- and yet not really in a way, I suppose, that made her stand out & become well known or one of the super models of her day.



I noticed that too.  But I also noticed how Mauricio always dressed so well in previous seasons & now that he's experiencing such great success, we mostly see him on the show dressed very, very casually.  As far as the white t-shirt goes, that's all Simon Cowell wears.  At least Mauricio looks better than Simon does in a tee.  Simon seems to proudly wear his in spite of looking absolutely awful in 'em. with his now flabby arms & man boobs.  He doesn't care.  Mauricio is different than him.  I think Mauricio dresses well when the occasion calls for it.  Maybe on vacay, he didn't care.



Are they back to taking passive aggressive jabs at each other -- again?  Kyle was insisting everything was just fine & dandy between them when Kathy was telling Brooke how crappy she looked in the dress she was tryin' on.  But sheesh, this shit Kim did was really thoughtless & downright mean.  She goes on bout it in her Bravo blog & makes fun of Kyle being a "germ freak".  Bullshit!  If she had caught something, dat woulda been the end of her vacay.  Actually, I should correct myself.  This was not an example of them sniping at each other.  This was one-sided -- Kim really going after Kyle.  My goodness, watching these 2 is exhausting.


I think it's the kind of thing that would be rude in many families but probably happens as a matter of course among the Sisters Richards. I don't doubt Lil' Kathy played elaborate, mean-spirited pranks on Kim, who played elaborate, mean-spirited pranks on Kyle, who then...played mean-spirited pranks on the dog? Or dug her fingernails into her sister until she bled? Or learned the fine art of bitchy, humiliating verbal sniping as a pre-teen and teen? I read Kyle as half-offended/upset and half-amused, whereas most people would just be offended. It's very adolescent, and so is the Sisters' relationship (at times), and so is Kim. Actually, wait, this was pre-adolescent. I'm an only child, but it reminded me of the stereotypical 10-year old older sibling who threatens their 6-year old younger sibling with "cooties." 

Edited by vrocotamy
  • Love 3

Kyle knew they were sick. She is the one who brought it up.


Yeah, I remember that now, but it was confusing in Kim's blog. She first said Kyle didn't know and then said she knew, but didn't know how sick. I think it proves how much perceptions of Ho'Wife situations are colored by what people think of each Ho'Wife...I still do think the childish pranks (mean-spirited or otherwise) are probably part of the Sisters Richards relationship. Maybe it's even a sign they're getting along?

  • Love 2

"Mom's these days."  "Welcome to my world."  Oh please.  We know these things aren't really reality, but can we let the kid just be a kid and not be fed lines to be considered "precocious"?


Eileen tries to hard.  Playing games with her step son with her boobs nearly popping out of her bikini.  Sheesh.

I had to laugh at that comment when Portia made it, that is such typical little girl comment IMO.  I watch my 3 year old GD every day and she does the "Oh Grammy!" to me all the time, I am waiting for her to start with the eye rolls!   LOL

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 1

Yeah, I remember that now, but it was confusing in Kim's blog. She first said Kyle didn't know and then said she knew, but didn't know how sick. I think it proves how much perceptions of Ho'Wife situations are colored by what people think of each Ho'Wife...I still do think the childish pranks (mean-spirited or otherwise) are probably part of the Sisters Richards relationship. Maybe it's even a sign they're getting along?

It would make sense that childish pranks are how they get along. Remember how gleeful and in sync they were when Kim hid Brandi's crutches on Game Night?

  • Love 2

Yes, I can understand Yo being upset over Bella's DUI.  Really upset.  But wanting to fly back immediately?  Unless the court date had been set in a couple of days, I don't see the reason.  Bella's father was there and it would probably do Bella good to worry awhile as to how Yolanda would react she she returned.  By Yo rushing back, it gives Bella the upper hand while Yo helicopters above her.  I still can't figure out why Yo thinks Bella is such a rebel.  Cuz she kept her brown hair in a town of bleached blondes?  Because she wears edgier clothes?  Because she flirted with lesbianism?   Yawn.

  • Love 3

Yeah, I remember that now, but it was confusing in Kim's blog. She first said Kyle didn't know and then said she knew, but didn't know how sick. I think it proves how much perceptions of Ho'Wife situations are colored by what people think of each Ho'Wife...I still do think the childish pranks (mean-spirited or otherwise) are probably part of the Sisters Richards relationship. Maybe it's even a sign they're getting along?

Kim has always been the "prank" player.  Think Brandi's crutches, the guy at the grocery store.  Growing up she mastered the art of the mean prank.

  • Love 2

I liked seeing the Lisa's shop. It was refreshing after the sales lady tells Lisa R. that the dress she tried on was "fabulous," and Vanderpump goes, "it's not right." Clearly, to me anyway, Lisa R wasn't impressed with the dress. I appreciate honest but helpful sales associates rather than one trying to make everything in the store oh so amazing.

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Yes, I can understand Yo being upset over Bella's DUI.  Really upset.  But wanting to fly back immediately?  Unless the court date had been set in a couple of days, I don't see the reason.  Bella's father was there and it would probably do Bella good to worry awhile as to how Yolanda would react she she returned.  By Yo rushing back, it gives Bella the upper hand while Yo helicopters above her.  I still can't figure out why Yo thinks Bella is such a rebel.  Cuz she kept her brown hair in a town of bleached blondes?  Because she wears edgier clothes?  Because she flirted with lesbianism?   Yawn.

While I agree that she shouldn't rush back, I could totally see her wanting to fly back immediately just because of the initial panic of finding out something this serious has happened and she is so far away from her family. I think it would just be instinct for her to want to get there just to assure herself that Bella is ok - I suspect the anger about Bella's choice wouldn't come until she could verify that Bella was ok - at least I think most parents tend to react that way.


I remember getting lost once when I was a small kid. I was at the babysitter's house and was supposed to stay there, but I decided I wanted to get ice cream from the ice cream truck down the street. So, I left the house without permission while the sitter was seeing to my infant brother. I came back to my mom and the babysitter on the phone with the cops while my dad was walking through the neighborhood. The first thing my parents did was hug me so hard I could barely breathe. The next thing they did was tan my backside. I think that the instinct at play here is very similar. Considering the first thing Yolanda thought was how she lost her father in a car accident, it would make sense that she would want to assure herself that Bella is ok before even thinking about punishment.


As for why she is a rebel? Who knows? We've barely seen Bella on the show. In all of the seasons that Yo has been on, Bella has probably had about 10-15 minutes of screen time. Who knows what her actual personality and behavior is like?

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