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S08.E02: Device Free Day

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The family go to the beach in Galveston, Texas, for some time away from their electronic gadgets, and while there, Bill and Will head to the pier to try to catch some fish for supper. Later, Jen goes for her six-month oncology checkup.


Supper. Wonder where the author grew up? I'm going to guess New England. Bring your best regional vocab for this week's episode of TLC.

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Is there any way on Earth that Zoey could be any cuter?  OMG, I don't even like kids at all, but I could just watch her all day long.  When she was waving at the birds to stay away, or lying on the floor and tapping her foot.  I died.


And I could see a huge improvement in the speech of both Will and Zoey in this episode.

  • Love 4

I'm from New Jersey and still say supper and sofa instead of couch. It might be the old English influence still on the east coast?

I'm so glad that Jen is cancer free on her six month mark! I've been there with a friend who battled breast cancer and those tests are so nerve wracking but the still cancer free diagnosis always made her burst out into song. She's been cancer free for over five years now so she's doing great and it's good to hear that Jen's prognosis is excellent too.

I was a little disconcerted by a couple elements of this show, the Ba Ba T-shirt product placement but mostly that big real estate ad they had right there in the middle of the show. It just seemed so weird to have a guy in a suit just walk on the beach and start talking about an available house, which just happened to be right behind Jen! I hope that if they do buy that house, they get a discounted price for the effort they put in to giving that development such good publicity. After all they do have the best beaches in Galvaston! It was all just a bit funny.

I though the beach outing, minus the real estate stuff (although I did enjoy looking at that gorgeous home, I hope TLC buys it for them just so we can see it during filming.) was really sweet, especially Jen talking about how sick she's been and that this is the first time she's been able to really enjoy herself with Zoey since she's felt better. Also, I could watch a whole show of Zoey, sitting on the beach in her little sun hat, eating goldfish crackers. She's just darling. I also liked how Will zeroed right in on those M&M's and just sat there eating them, all relaxed while his dad did all the fishing. Those kids are gold!

  • Love 3

I'm from the south and at my grandparents we had breakfast, dinner and supper. Lol, I would be so confus ed as a kid.

Zoey and Will are definitely their own people. More of their personalities are starting to show.

Will just sitting and chilling until he was ready to fish. Then showing indepedence by wanting to do it on his own. You could also tell his speech was startingoing to expand at this point. Clearer speech with more two word sentences. The Halloween video with longer sentences shows is fu r her progression.

Zoey actually liked the beach and water. Her hat and bathing suit were adorable.

I lol, when Jen asked about Will's hat and Bill was like yeah and put his hat on Will. A typical guy thing to do.

  • Love 5

I howled at the images of Zoey falling out on the floor and tapping her foot when she didn't want to go outside (Bill: "Is this a protest?") and going limp when she was refusing to leave the house because of the bugs.  Such a toddler thing to do.  My father tells stories about me doing the same thing - that whenever I intended to be uncooperative, I'd either go limp as a noodle or stiff as a board.

  • Love 3

I bet they will buy the beach house. Jen has been wanting one for a long time. If they buy one while the show is on the air they will probably get it cheaper. They probably will get a kick back from the realtor due to the free advertising. In addition, I think TLC will help in some way. I think now would be the time to buy.

It was pretty funny how they introduced it. "Hi, see that house? You can buy it if you come see it now."

I used to enjoy this show but my enthusiasm is waning. I was so sad to see how Bill Klein treated the fish he caught. He caught it , could not get the hook out, struggled with it for "10 minutes" and then it died and he just threw it back in the water making light of it. How cruel. Why couldn't he ask for help from the other fishermen on the pier? He admitted he had no gear with him. He should have known better since he claims to have gone fishing as a child. And for someone who owns a pet store, you would think he had some sense of empathy for animals, fish included. I guess not. And the TLC crew let him go on like that? They should ALL be ashamed of themselves.

  • Love 10

Ha ha unplugged. Oh boy. I HATE when parents brag how great their kids are with computers and gadgets etc. It used to be impressive back in the day when Adults thought computers were hard to use and wow a toddler can figure out how to use one- he must be a genious. All kids can do this. It's very easy and not a sign of intelligence. They are designed so an ape can find its way around. And jen needs to not "find a balance" with these screens, she needs to ban them out right from the home. Latest advice is that any kid under the age of 5 should NEVER use one as it interferes big time with brain development.  All that staring at screens is not allowing the brain to develop the way it is supposed to by doing, touching, feeling. It's very very bad for babies and toddlers. Especially these two with their delays. 

Ready to be flamed but I just heard a bunch of experts on Doctor Radio explaining exactly how and why these screens are detrimental to the developing brain and they had all kinds of facts and figures. 

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I loved Will grabbing the M&M's & Bill telling the sales clerk about putting the display low. Like a normal kid, that's all he was interested in & him chilling in his chair eating them was priceless. That's probably the only thing he will remember about the fishing trip when he is older - getting M&Ms at the bait store. I also liked when Will yelled "shark" & the look on his face when the man held up the big fish at the fish market.

I laughed when Bill said he would take sex as payment for the Cabana Boy & Jen replied " Oh, you re that kind of Cabana Boy."

I like their big SUV & how they, esp Jen, can walk around it, getting the kids buckled in their seats. It looks like Bill won the car argument since they aren't driving a minivan.

I love the kids clothes, esp their shoes. I'm sure Jen is having the time of her life buying clothes for them. I think their speech is coming along fine. I don't think their speech should be compared to other kids their ages. Considering their backgrounds at the orphanages, Will having ear problems & learning a new language, I think they're doing great.

  • Love 2

Sweet! Zoey and Jen on beach, love those two having mom/daughter time. Loved seeing Zoey take off running when she saw a bug. Yeah, those bugs in Texas are bigger than dogs. I remember running from them too!

Will being Will, equally adorable.

I don't care if successful people get a second home on the beach- one of the benefits of working hard! And I guess I tuned out product placement cuz I didn't see any.

Loved this episode.

  • Love 5

For the first time I can see the improvement in Will and Zoey's development. Yay for them! They were both so well behaved on their one on one outings and are speaking more clearly now. Nice to see....


I have no problem with hard working people buying a second vacation home. Let's not forget they also have the income from the show so they can likely afford it easily. My only question is wouldn't they have to completely gut it to fit little peoples needs? Same way they went through great pains to have all of their needs addressed when they built their current custom home? Why not just buy a piece of beachfront land and build a cute weekend beach house with little people interior, it doesn't have to be as enormous as that home Jen looked at if it is going to be a second home.

  • Love 2

I HATE when parents brag how great their kids are with computers and gadgets etc. It used to be impressive back in the day when Adults thought computers were hard to use and wow a toddler can figure out how to use one- he must be a genious. All kids can do this. It's very easy and not a sign of intelligence.


There's an app that is designed for cats to play with. Thats when I stopped being impressed with kids and electronic devices.

  • Love 7

 Latest advice is that any kid under the age of 5 should NEVER use one as it interferes big time with brain development.  All that staring at screens is not allowing the brain to develop the way it is supposed to by doing, touching, feeling. It's very very bad for babies and toddlers. Especially these two with their delays. Ready to be flamed . . .


No flaming here; I love it.  My daughter is 14, so I didn't have those electronic crutches, but I don't think I would have used them if I had.  Same goes for DVD players built into the headrests of cars so kids can spend entire car rides watching a screen.  Whatever happened to singing songs in the car, or God forbid, reading or coloring?  I very rarely feel this persnickety and granola about something, but when it comes to kids (babies, really) and devices, I think less is more.  Every time I see a baby in a stroller or playpen with an iPhone or iPad in its hands, I feel sad.   


Anyway, this episode was a bit of snooze for me.  I've been feeling this way since the middle of last season.  I love the kids (Zoey is beyond adorable) and I'm very pleased with their obvious development and flourishing, but the rest of it is pretty boring, in my opinion.  It's as if Bill and Jen have gotten too big for their britches in a way.  I'm glad that they have the financial freedom (with TLC's help) to have so much disposable income, but the whole beach house scene was kind of off-putting.  I think it would be interesting to see what their lives would be like if they didn't have so much money.  Now, there's a more accurate reflection of what actual little people and their families deal with.  That being said, if they want that beach house and they can afford it, more power to them.


The kids are very, very lucky to have been adopted by Bill and Jen.  I was honestly worried about Will's speaking abilities last season, but given his hearing challenges, I think he's doing great.  Sometimes, I compare and contrast Will's parents' handling of his special needs with Josie Duggar's idiot parents' handling of hers.  There's just no comparison.  


As for that poor fish, Bill could have at least dipped it back into the water every minute or so to give it a fighting chance.  Sheesh.

Edited by SuzyLee
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An example they used on the show I saw was a kid in the post office on line asking his mom all these questions about how the mail works and what things were for and she shoved an iphone at him to distract him while she waited. This is the kind of thing where learning and discovering the world around you and teachable moments between kids and parents are gone. It's so easy now to hand your kid your phone to shut them up. Even Jen admitted she does it. I just worry these kids are already behind. And the way Bill and jen were saying "we try to limit it, we TRY to take it away"- Just freaking TAKE it away- you are the parents here! Let them throw a fit. 

  • Love 5

Will's vocabulary has increased and I think he must be up to about 50 words by now and Zoey is speaking more too when given a chance to rather than reply to a yes or no question.    


I am disappointed in their lack of discipline with both kids.  The kids are allowed to dominate and do pretty much whatever they want. Zoey running back and Bill having to coax her...um ok, how about "Zoey let's go...NOW please!"  Will grabbing not one but two bags of M&M's then makes a crack about low product placement BUT he buys both bags?  I am sure the salesgirl was thinking when he made the crack about the low shelf she wanted to say "well most parents tell their kids no!"  And Bill never gave it a thought to put one or both back and say let's either find something else or Mom sent some fruit for us to have while fishing.  And Will was allowed to eat both bags!  


I blame TLC and Bill for the poor dead fish.  I am an animal lover and that whole scene was just plain cruel.  Do they think the viewers want to see an animal suffer and die on tv and Bill throws it back in the water and jokes about it "now he swims with the fishes."   


So we now know the family is ok with that shopping site, mystery solved as Bill was wearing a Baba tee!  I think that beach house might be affordable now!


I loved the realtor who regularly corresponds with Jen (she already had his phone number) just happens to show up during filming and Jen and Zoey just happen to be in front of the house that just happens to be for sale TODAY!  Bill didn't even go in to look at it.  I think the house has already been purchased and it looked almost identical inside and out to their current house except for the customization due to their stature.     

  • Love 4

I would guess that a beach house is in the Klein's future; why else have that segment? Surely they could have found something better for filler. The real estate guy was in a golf shirt and slacks, however. As far as making it smaller for them, this would probably be a kind of home that's shared with other members of the family, so maybe there would be less of a pressing need to size it smaller.


I thought this was merely a slice-of-life episode, which I prefer more than the Big Event episodes. Seems like snack foods and a setting on the Gulf are all these two little kids need to be entertained. It would work for me.

  • Love 2

I would guess that a beach house is in the Klein's future; why else have that segment? Surely they could have found something better for filler.

Slightly off topic but I chuckle at this all the time about house hunting on tv. It's obviously a set up for an already purchased house. Just once, I want some drunken producer to throw in a house hunting story and have the couple turn to the camera and say "Nah, this sucks. Lets do something else."

  • Love 4

Slightly off topic but I chuckle at this all the time about house hunting on tv. It's obviously a set up for an already purchased house. Just once, I want some drunken producer to throw in a house hunting story and have the couple turn to the camera and say "Nah, this sucks. Lets do something else."


This is exactly what I was thinking last night. Although with all the medical expenses this family is facing now and in the future - as well as retirement savings to plan for etc - I must say I'm stunned they're purchasing a second GIGANTIC home, just for occasional use. They must be doing MUCH better financially than any of us imagined.


Could it actually be possible nowadays to get medical care comped?  Simply by being able to mention a hospital or a doctor on the air? If so, maybe the fertility treatments were gratis. Maybe Bill's back surgery? Jen's cancer treatments? Thinking of it that way, they'd have far fewer expenses than "regular" folks would have, wouldn't they? And a lot more disposable income laying around waiting to be spent on a second home.


Edited to add second paragraph.

Edited by NausetGirl

Supper. Wonder where the author grew up? I'm going to guess New England. Bring your best regional vocab for this week's episode of TLC.


Here in New England and older-settled sections of the Northeast and Eastern Seaboard, dinner very often means the noontime meal - and supper very often means the evening meal. Lunch boxes/buckets are often called "dinner pails." Although I personally have yet to see restaurant menus here list a section for "supper". On menus, the evening meal is always referred to as Dinner.

  • Love 1

Could it actually be possible nowadays to get medical care comped?  Simply by being able to mention a hospital or a doctor on the air? If so, maybe the fertility treatments were gratis. Maybe Bill's back surgery? Jen's cancer treatments? Thinking of it that way, they'd have far fewer expenses than "regular" folks would have, wouldn't they? And a lot more disposable income laying around waiting to be spent on a second home.


Its certainly not entirely *impossible* but if you look at it from the hospital's perspective, there's really no reason to comp the Arnold-Kleins, any more so than any other upper middle class couple. I mean, when it comes to comps, you have to ask yourself what does the hospital gain by handing them free medical care?


More importantly, with the exception of the fertility treatments, Jen and Bill's health concerns are not cosmetic issues. Cancer is covered by most health insurerers and Jen does work at a hospital where she likely has access to a group plan for insurance. Why wouldn't the cancer, the back surgery etc be covered. Why would the hospital/medical community comp them for things that insurance would cover? The only medical treatment I can't see having coverage is the fertility stuff and frankly I assumed the money from the show's early seasons went there and to the house and the adoptions.


I think as far as disposable income goes, when I plug in neonatalogist at salary.com, in Houston, the average salary in Jen's profession is 228,929 per year. I'll lowball Bill's business income at 50k. Add in they're paid per episode, and i will low ball that at 10k per episode (the Gosselins were at 22k per episode at their peak and the Little Couple has exceeded their ratings at times) and assume 20 episodes per season, thats an extra 200k before taxes. With my lowball figures, they're making close to 500k per year not including any investments.

  • Love 2

I am not sure if it was on last night's new episode or in the enhanced one from last week that was on right before it so I apologize if this is posted in the wrong spot.


Jen mentioned Will had had 3 surgeries.  What were the 3?  I know ear tubes and his tonsils/adenoids which I think was one surgery not two because they both took place at the same time so what was the 2nd and 3rd?

Ha ha unplugged. Oh boy. I HATE when parents brag how great their kids are with computers and gadgets etc. It used to be impressive back in the day when Adults thought computers were hard to use and wow a toddler can figure out how to use one- he must be a genious. All kids can do this. It's very easy and not a sign of intelligence. They are designed so an ape can find its way around. And jen needs to not "find a balance" with these screens, she needs to ban them out right from the home. Latest advice is that any kid under the age of 5 should NEVER use one as it interferes big time with brain development.  All that staring at screens is not allowing the brain to develop the way it is supposed to by doing, touching, feeling. It's very very bad for babies and toddlers. Especially these two with their delays. 

Ready to be flamed but I just heard a bunch of experts on Doctor Radio explaining exactly how and why these screens are detrimental to the developing brain and they had all kinds of facts and figures. 


Well, speaking as someone who taught Fours, Fives and Sixes for 3 decades plus, I can unequivocally state that ALL parents think their children are genuises [the more realistic ones think they're just borderline genuises]. They aren't of course, but this familial pride cannot be helped.  It's hard-wired into the DNA of everyone who ever became a parent.  A mom will tell you Junior split an atom at home on Sunday afternoon. You smile and nod and agree that Junior IS smart as a whip. The next day you see Junior eat a dirt ball on the playground. I'm not trying to be flip, and I'm not cynical. But I did learn something in that 30+ years. If all kids really were as smart as all parents think they are, the world would be in a lot better shape than it is.  And we'd probably be beaming ourselves to Mars for vacations regularly by now.


PS - totally agree about the digital devices. Keep them away from children until the age of 7 or 8.  And limit them even after that - as much as possible anyway.

Edited by NausetGirl
  • Love 4

Its certainly not entirely *impossible* but if you look at it from the hospital's perspective, there's really no reason to comp the Arnold-Kleins, any more so than any other upper middle class couple. I mean, when it comes to comps, you have to ask yourself what does the hospital gain by handing them free medical care?


More importantly, with the exception of the fertility treatments, Jen and Bill's health concerns are not cosmetic issues. Cancer is covered by most health insurerers and Jen does work at a hospital where she likely has access to a group plan for insurance. Why wouldn't the cancer, the back surgery etc be covered. Why would the hospital/medical community comp them for things that insurance would cover? The only medical treatment I can't see having coverage is the fertility stuff and frankly I assumed the money from the show's early seasons went there and to the house and the adoptions.


I think as far as disposable income goes, when I plug in neonatalogist at salary.com, in Houston, the average salary in Jen's profession is 228,929 per year. I'll lowball Bill's business income at 50k. Add in they're paid per episode, and i will low ball that at 10k per episode (the Gosselins were at 22k per episode at their peak and the Little Couple has exceeded their ratings at times) and assume 20 episodes per season, thats an extra 200k before taxes. With my lowball figures, they're making close to 500k per year not including any investments.


I guess I was thinking the "comped" stuff would be the deductible and out-of-pocket expenses that come with practically every medical treatment these days. 

  • Love 2

The sad thing is that if Jen and Bill were regular-sized people, no one would question a high-profile doctor and her businessman husband for buying a second beach house.  There are rumors that Bill sold his share of his call center company in New York for low millions.  As far as the back surgeries and cancer treatments go, I highly doubt they pay much more then their deductible for those type of treatments.  The fertility stuff would have been expensive out of pocket, but it's even possible that some of those were covered under their health insurance.


The hospital may even have comped the difference in terms of the cancer treatments because it was a) experimental and b) puts TCH & Dr. Arriesta on the map as experts in that field, and c) Jen is an employee.  We know that TCH held medical press conferences about Jen's condition and treatment and we know they have submitted her case for medical journals.

  • Love 4

The sad thing is that if Jen and Bill were regular-sized people, no one would question a high-profile doctor and her businessman husband for buying a second beach house.

You'd think average sized people get a pass but they don't. Stroll over to any of the Housewives forums or even the Kardashian forum and you can find plenty of hate over extravagance.

Yay progress?

  • Love 1

I guess I was thinking the "comped" stuff would be the deductible and out-of-pocket expenses that come with practically every medical treatment these days.


Maybe with the fertility treatments but I really can't see the hospital billing department even going there. It honestly sounds like a PR disaster - a relatively wealthy couple getting freebies from a hospital they can well afford to pay for while poor not on tv people have to choose between their meds and food for the family.

  • Love 3

The Klines are going to have very good insurance.  They'll have a max out of pocket.   And because of their various health issues they might hit their deductable every year as opposed to most young families.  However, once they hit max out of pocket they are done with costs.   It makes things pretty easy to budget.   Jen is a director of a program ant TCH.   She makes bank.  I don't know what Bill makes but seriously these two are not hurting.  It isn't the same as other tv couples who give up their "careers" for reality tv or worse base their "careers" on reality tv.   Bill and Jen will have high earning potential long after this show is over.   So why not own a big beach house?    

Most of the overspending reality stars don't have anything to fall back on other than fading fame outlets.   Bill and Jen will still have careers/career opportunities when this fame thing falls through.    

And a beach house can be a good investment property, so long as it is very, very well insured and/or the hurricanes stay away.    .    

  • Love 4


I am disappointed in their lack of discipline with both kids.  The kids are allowed to dominate and do pretty much whatever they want. Zoey running back and Bill having to coax her...um ok, how about "Zoey let's go...NOW please!"  Will grabbing not one but two bags of M&M's then makes a crack about low product placement BUT he buys both bags?  I am sure the salesgirl was thinking when he made the crack about the low shelf she wanted to say "well most parents tell their kids no!"  And Bill never gave it a thought to put one or both back and say let's either find something else or Mom sent some fruit for us to have while fishing.  And Will was allowed to eat both bags!

The kids are generally very polite and well behaved so they must be disciplined.  The leniency with going to the car and buying candy may have been to avoid a scene on camera and in public accompanied by a full camera crew.


Also, obviously the house is already purchased.  The guy strolling up to them on the beach was obviously planned and this is a set-up to soon revealing that they are purchasing the house.  The house may be purchased in full or part by TLC or the show's producers so they can have a second shooting location with an interesting ocean-front backdrop.   It's common on TLC reality shows (Little People Big World, Duggars, Jon and Kate, etc.) for the family to move into new, more, and bigger houses.



I'll lowball Bill's business income at 50k.

The store just opened a few years ago.  Do you think they're already making enough to pay him a salary?  Who owns the store? Is it his in-laws?

Edited by remotecontrolfreak

The store just opened a few years ago.  Do you think they're already making enough to pay him a salary?  Who owns the store? Is it his in-laws?


I'm just low ball estimating his income. No idea who owns the store and frankly, to go to my origanal point about disposable income - I'm perfectly willing to set Bill's income at zero. That still means Jen likely pulls in about 228k as a neonatalogist, and the show is likely to add about 200k to their coffers.


Frankly, even if they were JUST living on Jen's salary with no show money, they're still living on a reasonable amount of money where they could at least look at a summer place. To me? That wouldn't be my first priority but they do have the show money to add in.

  • Love 1


Could it actually be possible nowadays to get medical care comped?


I know for a fact (after many years in the medical field) that co-pays must be paid by the insured (doctor's offices and hospitals risk losing their Medicare certification if caught writing off or not charging for co-pays) and hospitals will not (and again, cannot) write off or "comp" any balances without showing that the recipient was financially unable to pay.

  • Love 3

And how does it work with Netflix or ITunes selling episodes/seasons or paying to view them?


I am not sure if anyone sees the irony I do about last night's episode entitled: Device Free Day.  Last night before the show I was going to comment I hoped they would not be using Twitter in keeping with the theme but the thread was locked before the show.  


However they live tweeted all through the show.  


"Slams open fist to forehead!!

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn
  • Love 2

think ZoloftBlob is being very conservative regarding the Klien's income.


I am being intentionally conservative because I think even without the show, just living on Jen's salary as a doctor, most of us would consider the Kliens well off financially to where its not shocking that they might be considering a vacation house. With the show money, whatever Bill's business's bring in, paid speaking events, comps from the show, I'm sure they're not hurting.

  • Love 4

The scene with the fish really bothered me. It's like, come on, Bill, man up and pull the damn hook out so the poor thing doesn't have to suffocate to death. I thought even Will seemed like he was getting distressed over how long Bill was taking to throw the fish back in the water.


Income-wise, I think Bill and Jen can easily afford another house. However, I personally wouldn't want the hassle of maintaining another property, especially one that isn't going to be used that much. I grew up in a coastal New England town and the wear and tear on oceanfront homes is insane. Not to mention the flood insurance...

  • Love 2

The scene with the fish really bothered me. It's like, come on, Bill, man up and pull the damn hook out so the poor thing doesn't have to suffocate to death. I thought even Will seemed like he was getting distressed over how long Bill was taking to throw the fish back in the water.


Income-wise, I think Bill and Jen can easily afford another house. However, I personally wouldn't want the hassle of maintaining another property, especially one that isn't going to be used that much. I grew up in a coastal New England town and the wear and tear on oceanfront homes is insane. Not to mention the flood insurance...


Testify!  The smartest Yankees always rent.  The headaches and the expenses involved with owning waterfront property - especially property that's used only 3-4 months a year - can be brutal.

  • Love 1

I don't disagree about maintenance on beach homes.   If you stand still long enough in Galveston you rust.    But Galveston can be enjoyed pretty much year round.   It was 68 there today.   And the water temperatures are in the 70s by April and stay above that through mid October.   I don't think it is quite realistic to think they would go every weekend.   But there would be a rare weekend when the weather would be so terrible that they'd be discouraged from going.  

  • Love 3

I don't disagree about maintenance on beach homes.   If you stand still long enough in Galveston you rust.    But Galveston can be enjoyed pretty much year round.   It was 68 there today.   And the water temperatures are in the 70s by April and stay above that through mid October.   I don't think it is quite realistic to think they would go every weekend.   But there would be a rare weekend when the weather would be so terrible that they'd be discouraged from going.  


Yes, definitely - the advantage of being in Texas is that they will be able to use the house whenever they want. And Galveston is truly gorgeous.

  • Love 2

I wonder if they are also going to rent the beach house by the week when they aren't there.  Since it was being sold furnished (if that part was accurate) then quite possibly it had already been a rental.  That would cover a lot of the mortgage payments. 


I've watched a few episodes of Vacation House For Free, and I think one of them was set in that area ...  If it is a popular vacation destination and if the price is right, it can be done (or so the TV show wants us to believe).


I am so glad that Jen can share her love of the beach with Zoey.   It also struck me that she is comfortable playing in the water in a bathing suit, while Bill mentioned not liking the beach and making a comment about the looks of his body.  One of the greatest joys of my youth was a nude beach, where bodies of all types and ages were in full display, yet people were accepted and appreciated for their personalities.  I wish that for everyone, including this little family.  :-)

Edited by walnutqueen

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