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S01.E11: Game On

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And if you're the Secretary of State, don't you need a Secret Service person to go with you?


Well, her detail probably did...the ruse was that they needed a "babysitter" in order to discus their investigation of Walsh's death.


OK, so Blake's gay and in a relationship. Or he's not into jock types.


I like the change in direction of the investigation. I really hoped it wasn't going to lead to the Oval Office. But the Iranians...I'll bet there's still a twist or two left in that plot.


ETA: I'm not sure why the Iranians would want Walsh dead. While he's been portrayed as a hawk on Iran, he was also portrayed as being in the pocket of the oil companies. Iran, as an oil-producing nation, would want someone who was on the oil companies' side, wouldn't they? I suppose that's what we'll find out in upcoming episodes.

Edited by kwnyc

Eeevil Venezuela!  Funny how the eeevil places all have oil.


When Reggie leapt, publicly, unexpectedly and flamboyantly out of the closet, I guffawed so hard, I suffered impromptu nasal lavage with chocolate Nesquik!


Where was Arm Candy (and three time winner of the Paris-Dakar) when they were in Venezuela?  He insisted on going, but I don't remember seeing much of him during the state visit.


And just like that, Russell is a goodie.


Is there any chance Stevie's cupid-moves on behalf of Alison won't blow up in her face?

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The only thing missing from Nadine's costume was a long cigarette holder and a distinct Russian accent, dahlink. 


I'm not sure what to think of the office scene with Russell.  On one hand, she played him beautifully.  I was all set to box his ears for his insubordination until she laid that on him.  On the other, he says "tell me everything" and pours a frat-party size glass of bourbon for her.  And she's open and honest with him the next day about the Iranian connection, and they're both conspiring to keep the President in the dark, where he seems to be anyway.  Maybe she's still playing him.


"Do you really think that the President and I are assassins?"  Hey, don't you watch ABC at all?


I didn't see the baseball star thing going the way it did.  Before the meeting,  I was assuming that he would come out with some anti-American, pro-Venezuela screed at the press conference, but that worked just as well for its "train in the tunnel" effect on the US delegation.  I'm surprised that, at the meeting when his name is brought up, no one was tasked to do a background check on him for potential problems.  We can assume, I guess, that it was done off camera.  Maybe they should just have had Dr. McCord present his universal economic model for the country.  He worked it up on the flight down there.


I see that Hollywood coffee cups still manage to keep hot coffee while letting the person hold the cup by the main bowl.

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OK, so that hat and trench coat. Over the spy-craft top much?? Please.

It was so worth it for the LOL it gave me.

The only thing missing from Nadine's costume was a long cigarette holder and a distinct Russian accent, dahlink....

Hee! I'd wager the props folks offered her one and she tried it on for size.

But, seriously, oversized dark glasses and a light brown wig would've been more effective.

...OK, so Blake's gay and in a relationship. Or he's not into jock types...

I prefer to think that he just knows better than to sleep with a key player in the diplomatic mission (although I think he also has a partner because of the egg line in the previous episode). But if Blake is that savvy, shouldn't he have not encouraged the baseball star to upset the political apple cart? I'll give him (Blake) a pass, though, because he was probably seriously rattled by not having his "no" accepted nicely and being forced to slam his door in the face of the same key diplomatic player. Edited by shapeshifter
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I'm getting reeeaaallly sick of Stevie and her petulant poor little over-privileged, rich-brat self. She treats her mother like pure doo-doo and gets away with it. WHY is she getting away with it?????


Sheesh...Rich White People are another species all together.


I keep thinking if I tried that. My mother would slap me silly, kick me out of the house, and have my (mock) funeral because I'd be dead to her. You want me out of our life???? FINE! I'm OUT!


And that would be that.  Until I apologized.

  • Love 8

The biggest perk of the Stevie doesn't approve of her mom's old job storyline is that we are supposed to see less of Stevie. Yet, here she is a week later house sitting. Madam Secretary, this is what interns are for! I have never been so interested in ayoung person completing her college education as i am in Stevie because it will get her off my screen.

Babe looked so good in the fedora and trench coat that I'm willing to forgive the absurdity. Also her bangs are looking much better. With a better storyline comes a better hairdo?

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I have never been so interested in ayoung person completing her college education as i am in Stevie because it will get her off my screen.

She's the Grace Florrick of this show. You can tell this show is going for a similar demographic as the Good Wife (adults/older adults), because the kids are presented as annoying and privileged, rather than cute & funny, like a sitcom or Disney show.

Edited by kwnyc

She's the Grace Florrick of this show. You can tell this show is going for a similar demographic as the Good Wife (adults/older adults), because the kids are presented as annoying and privileged, rather than cute & funny, like a sitcom or Disney show.

I agree, but why do they not have kids who are actually interesting. Literature is full of interesting kid archetypal characters. Why not steal a few. 

I so wish I had the ability to reach through the television and smack Stevie, spoiled brat. Your mom worked for the C.I.A, does she not know those things happen, unfortunate as they are.

I am guessing the husband doesn't want to get in the middle but I have problem with Jim just hugging Stevie and acting like everything is cool. He needs to flat out tell her you might disagree with your mom's job but your ass needs to respect her, you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her! Again, brat!

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I don't get why Elizabeth and ArmCandy continue to indulge Stevie the way they do. Cut her off financially, and then let's see how high and mighty she continues to be. Gah.


And speaking of high and mighty, I didn't like how smug everyone was coming out of the Venezuelan president's office after Elizabeth turned the tables on his blackmail attempt. They're still going to have to work with the guy and his representatives. Maybe don't gloat so much.


Since Elizabeth told Russell she deliberately steered him toward the Israeli ambassador in order to find out if Russell were responsible for Marsh's death, will Russell figure out that Matt is a double agent? Or is that all bygones now that Russell and Elizabeth are pals? I find the conspiracy pretty boring.

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I am guessing the husband doesn't want to get in the middle but I have problem with Jim just hugging Stevie and acting like everything is cool. He needs to flat out tell her you might disagree with your mom's job but your ass needs to respect her, you wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her! Again, brat!


He's probably trying to avoid even more whining how he's totally on this evil witch's side and how nobody understands Stevie's pain and her white privileged spoiled brat tears!

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So somebody explain to me why the Secretary of State and her husband didn't let the secret service detail for their house know that under no conditions is anybody allowed over while they are out of the country?  I just can't figure why a secret service officer would allow that boy over w/o doing a background check.  God forgive if he ended up raping and killing the two girls.  I also don't see how Stevie would have gotten away with it if she had decided to let the boy sleep over to de-flower her younger sister.  He checked in at 9pm and checked out at noon the following day?!  WTH?!  I was glad that she decided that it wasn't a good idea and that the guy was sleazy. 


I love all the comments on Nadine and her spy clothing, I thought the same thing when watching the episode.  I mean seriously?!  That's what you wear when you want everyone to take notice.  You would think SoS being ex-CIA would have trained her somewhat better.

I don't get why Elizabeth and ArmCandy continue to indulge Stevie the way they do. Cut her off financially, and then let's see how high and mighty she continues to be. Gah....

Although I will never be in their tax bracket (single mom of 3 left with no child support, no property) Stevie's attitude is very much like my middle daughter's was and pretty much still is. Not only do you have to pick your battles with such a child, sometimes it's not worth trying if no blood is likely to be shed. Still, if virgins were deflowered for revenge, that would've been a bridge too far. Anyway, just because I can understand the McCord parents' handling of her, does not mean I want to watch it as "entertainment." So, yes: "Gah."

  • Love 5


OK, so Blake's gay and in a relationship.


Was this supposed to be ambiguous before now? I thought from the start he was supposed to be rather obviously gay.




Where was Arm Candy (and three time winner of the Paris-Dakar) when they were in Venezuela?  He insisted on going, but I don't remember seeing much of him during the state visit.


He was back at the hotel room arranging a spectacular feast and sprinkling rose petals on the bed.

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Not only do you have to pick your battles with such a child, sometimes it's not worth trying if no blood is likely to be shed.


What bugs me is that Stevie has it both ways: She's not living at home by her choice, but her parents are supporting her. And her martyr act about staying with her sister while her parents were gone was absurd. If she doesn't want to be a part of the family, indulge THAT.

What annoys me the most about Stevie is that she left college because people wanted to use her to get to her Mom..... so she moves to WASHINGTON,DC and lives with her parents.  WASHINGTON, DC.... where everyone wants to use her to get to her Mom.   I know it is a storyline, but staying at college where the story would have died down would have been a better option.  Or, transferring to a college where a lot of politicians' offspring were at.   

I had about given up on this show until this episode.


For all of you unhappy with the Matt and Daisy relationship, did you ever stop to think the nerd was a very good lover hence the attraction for Daisy.


As for Stevie from what I know about the kids her age she's just your average kid who has no idea of the real world and won't until she gets out on her own. Yes the family enables her mindset and most of us wouldn't tolerate her behavior but this is typical of upper class family behavior.

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So the COS's ranting and raving proved to Elizabeth that he was innocent, because if he were guilty he would have tried to hide info instead.  On the other hand, if he were innocent, why would he rant and rave, and try to intimidate the SOS, so much?  I can see going to her and asking what was up with her investigation but to behave to extremely, made him seem a bit guilty to me.  Then again, I have never been a CIA operative.  


If Elizabeth is such an astute observer and so great at reading people, why didn't she notice that Stevie was lying about the boy?  Stevie kept looking over at the her sister on the stairs.  


She is also staying w/friends while on the outs with her mother.  I understand her reasons, but let's get past it and have the two of them have a sit down talk and move on.


Preferably off screen


I prefer to think that he just knows better than to sleep with a key player in the diplomatic mission (although I think he also has a partner because of the egg line in the previous episode). But if Blake is that savvy, shouldn't he have not encouraged the baseball star to upset the political apple cart? I'll give him (Blake) a pass, though, because he was probably seriously rattled by not having his "no" accepted nicely and being forced to slam his door in the face of the same key diplomatic player.


Blake encouraged him to come out of the closet, he didn't encourage him to come out of the closet on a diplomatic trip to Venezuela. It really wasn't the place for it, this trip wasn't about the Venezuelan government's treatment of gay people.  Presumably, they explained to the ball player why they wanted him there, he should have known not to do anything to rock the diplomatic boat.  I don't think Blake could have predicted that he would make his announcement right then.  


Babe looked so good in the fedora and trench coat that I'm willing to forgive the absurdity. Also her bangs are looking much better. With a better storyline comes a better hairdo?


The curls were also better - more controlled, less frizzy

  • Love 2

ETA: I'm not sure why the Iranians would want Walsh dead. While he's been portrayed as a hawk on Iran, he was also portrayed as being in the pocket of the oil companies. Iran, as an oil-producing nation, would want someone who was on the oil companies' side, wouldn't they? I suppose that's what we'll find out in upcoming episodes.


The account in Venezuela 3 people had access, Marsh himself, Nadine, and someone connected with Iranian Foreign Intelligence, who emptied the account right after the death of Marsh. The source of the money is not known. Why did this Iranian had access to the account at all? Why did Marsh set Nadine to have access to it? Was Marsh one mind with Chief Negotiator Allen Bollings, as Bollings claimed, wanting to let the negotiations with Iran fail? Does this account have anything to do with that? What was the money on the account for, bribe, means for something, taking influence on Marsh or Marsh trying to influence something? In a way Russell and the President look even more suspicious now, though still have my doubts this show would go there.


Indeed Oil is a connection between Venezuela and Iran - see recent news about Venezuela and Iran pushing for lowering oil outputs to counteract falling oil prices.


Interesting that Venezuela's president tried to use the video evidence of Nadine accessing the account to force Beth to do his biding. I wonder what he would have done with that video otherwise, without the incident of Mandy coming out in the press conference.



I'm only sorry they didn't go with "Carmen San Diego" as an alias instead of the Carlotta Tanisten or whatever it was.


Thought of Carmen Sandiego as well, seeing Nadine in the trench coat, but the story how they came to the alias Carlotta Taniston made a lot more sense than Nadine using an alias based on a character of an educational computer game would have - different generation.

This show is getting to be as good as The Good Wife once was.


I'm liking the show too, but iMO, it's nowhere as good as TGW. The depth of storytelling, and more importantly, the performances are quite far apart. Even with the bad stories that TGW has nowadays. Having said that, I'm looking forward to Madam Secretary more nowadays because it's not as depressing and rage inducing. And lighter. 

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Rewatching the episodes of this season so far aired, came across that five dollar bill and "Tamerlane" written on it, that Isabelle shows Elizabeth at the end of episode 1x08. The bill probably George sent Isabelle, although she wasn't all sure about that or if he had written the word on it. What is it with that bill and the word Tamerlane on it, seeing where things have gone now?


Tamerlane is the title of a poem by E.A. Poe, first published without the authors name, credited to "A Bostonian". In short the poem is about an aged conqueror, who confesses on his deathbed that he gave up love for power. The name of the poem is referring to the historical figure of the 14th century warlord and conqueror Timur, also named Timur the Lame or Tamerlane. Timur build an empire spanning modern-day Iran,  Afghanistan, parts of Pakistan, India, Mesopotamia, Anatolia and Caucasus, as capital Samarkand (now a city in Uzbekistan).


So is Tamerlane a name for an operation, an asset? In the pilot they said, George was the only one (analyst) at the Middle East desk at the moment (which I found odd anyway), and then he is the one thinking, Marsh's plan crash was no accident. Elizabeth herself seemed to have spend some time as analyst at Middle East desk, Henry is involved through his spy job with some guy with Middle East connections...  Adding that we learned by now, that the crash had similarities to another one probably arranged by Mossad with eventual knowledge of CIA. And in this Fall finale episode we learn of the involvement in Marsh's ominous affairs of someone known to work for the Iranian Foreign Intelligence.


Pieces of a story puzzle or just breadcrumbs leading in the wrong direction?

Edited by katusch

Watched a re-run and it struck me again how much of a brat Stevie is in this episode. Although, Alison isn't far behind even if it's in a different way. But I think that Stevie's black-and-white world view is very realistic for someone her age who also seems to have grown up quite sheltered and privileged. And I like that they've thrown in that moment of conscience when she tells Alison that the guy can't stay after all and that she was right to and also, that she covers for Alison. 

I love the Bess and Nadine scenes in those early episodes and how they're showing how their relationship is changing and developing.

I don't know why but for some reason, I always imagine that Henry's chatting excitedly about some theological stuff at the reception when they first arrive in Venezuela and the guy he's chatting with is not interested at all. And for some reason, it amuses me.

The scenes between Blake and the baseball player are great. Blake's facial expressions and reactions are awesome! I always imagine that it's tough to know that someone or something is going to be in your path and still move like you have no idea what is coming.

And that second to last scene between Bess and Russell is brilliant. I love how Russell goes off on her and tells her that nothing gets by him and that we all know how wrong he is and that she fed him the information. And then his face when he realizes that. It's so well done!

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