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Jeopardy! Season 31 (2014-2015)

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I had to laugh when one of the contestants tried to get away with just giving the last name one of the "other acting brother" clues, answering "Dillon".  The whole point was to challenge them to come up with the less-famous brother, so obviously that’s going to require the full name if they have the same last name.  Alex prompted him to be more specific. 


I was listening to the show and catching up on my filing at the same time, so I wasn't always paying attention -- did anyone get away with a last name only response in that category (where the brothers have the same last name, unlike Martin Sheen and his brother)?

Edited by Bastet
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I checked the archive, and, assuming they went down the category in order, Dan had already answered Connery and Swayze by the time the Kevin Dillon clue came up; in those first two, the lesser-known brother had been identified by first name in the clue, and the contestant had to come up with the more-famous sibling.  So he was probably just in the habit when he answered Dillon and had to specify which one (although, he gave the wrong one, so maybe he was intentionally trying to get by with just the last name).  In the next clue, when he had to identify Casey Affleck by photo, he had learned his lesson and gave the full name.

Edited by Bastet
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I checked the archive, and, assuming they went down the category in order

Those archive folks are so thorough that they include the order number in the upper right of each clue box. That category was done straight top to bottom.

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I think I didn't notice it at first either, Bastet.


What a good game today, except perhaps for Alex, going on about the woman being nervous and needing time to regroup. The champ says "please" a lot, too. I feel  guilty complaining about that, but you all understand!

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I really liked all 3 contestants (Dan, Ivan and Adrian) tonight - not very dynamic, perhaps, but pleasant and knowledgeable.  While I was sorry to see my favorite, Ivan, flame out, Dan deserved the win. 

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In the Arachnid category, I'm positive I heard Dan's response to the $2000 clue as "What is Lyme's Disease ?".  But, it should just be Lyme Disease.  Why wasn't that corrected ? Not that it would have mattered in the end, because he would have still been in the lead going into FJ.


Good game otherwise.

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I went back and forth on if he said Lyme's Disease but I think he kind of slurred what he was saying, so it sort of sounded like Lyme's, but also like Lyme. Probably why they let it go.

And I understand what the category was, but isn't catgut still correct?

I got FJ, but it was a total guess as I've not read either of those tomes.

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And I understand what the category was, but isn't catgut still correct?


No, it had to start with G and end with T.


Adrienne was living out my Jeopardy! nightmare of ringing in and just stammering - but she only did it the once and very quickly got herself together to make it a great game.


I also liked all the contestants and would have been happy with any one of them winning.


"Twenty-six miles across the sea, Santa Catalina is waiting for me."  I love that song but I guess it was before their time.


Instaget FJ for me.

Edited by Trey
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Was it National Clenched Teeth Day and no one told me? While pleasant and knowledgeable, both Ivan and Adrienne made me so nervous I was praying Dan would pull off a win. Boy, did he ever! Gutsy wagering on his part.

Poor Adrienne was living my nightmares, too. I'd probably ring in, stammer, wet my pants and then faint.

FJ was an instaget and I only vaguely remember Good Wives.

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While I got FJ by guessing, I had no idea the second half of Little Women was originally published in a separate volume called Good Wives!!! My mind is blown.


Great game. I love high score games, and I liked all the contestants!

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I never read "Little Women", but it still seemed to me the correct answer. I almost second guessed myself because I knew "Little Men" existed, but figured the time period meant that the "Wives" would have to precede the offspring.  Surprisingly I got the first lines of all the books I hadn't read in the earlier category and flubbed the two books I HAD read by guessing a different book by the same author!

   Glad Dan pulled off that victory! Very good game with everyone doing well. I like those better than the multiple TS's.

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I've never read Little Women, let alone its sequels, but FJ came to me pretty quickly because it just made sense given the title and time period.


Most of the clues in the psychology category were over valued for DJ.


I was really surprised Catalina was a TS, so maybe they did get tripped up by the Santa vs. the C category.  I didn't even think about it; I know the song, but outside the song I've never heard anyone call it Santa Catalina -- it's just Catalina. 


It sounded to me like Dan appended an S rather than saying Lyme, so I'm surprised Alex didn't at least hesitate.

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I've never read Little Women, let alone its sequels

Little Women must have damn near killed you? [/Nickelback]


I read Marmee & Louisa last summer.  I got it.


It sounded to me like Dan appended an S rather than saying Lyme, so I'm surprised Alex didn't at least hesitate.

I thought I heard "Lyme's" too, but since I was watching it off the DVR I thought it might be a recording glitch.  Guess not if others heard it.


About Dr. Jane from last night:  she was pediatrician to some of my family members (now grown women & no longer using a pediatrician!)  I don't think she was quite as bad as she came across on the show.  Just seemed to be a horrible case of TV-nerves.  But the Pectoral Girdle is pretty basic anatomy, although the Pelvic Girdle is probably a more familiar term to most lay folks!


Funny, the PIN-eal (not "pie-NEEal") Gland was an answer on 500 Qs today!  And the contestant came up with Pituitary instead.  (Pineal secretes Melatonin; Pituitary secretes Prolactin among other hormones.)

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About Dr. Jane from last night:  she was pediatrician to some of my family members (now grown women & no longer using a pediatrician!)  I don't think she was quite as bad as she came across on the show.  

You must be right--they made it to adulthood! ;)

Edited by just prin
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The clues on today's Jeopardy board nearly had me changing my mind about auditioning. I think I got one correct answer before the first commercial break. Sports, literature, and geography are nightmare categories. DJ was better and FJ was an insta-get.


It's a pet peeve of mine when people stick "s" at the end of a proper noun that isn't supposed to have one, but I like Dan, so I'm glad he got a pass on it.

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In the Arachnid category, I'm positive I heard Dan's response to the $2000 clue as "What is Lyme's Disease ?".  But, it should just be Lyme Disease.  Why wasn't that corrected ? Not that it would have mattered in the end, because he would have still been in the lead going into FJ.


Good game otherwise.

Didn't the question ask for the bacteria? In which case, neither Lyme or Lyme's disease are correct.

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It's a pet peeve of mine when people stick "s" at the end of a proper noun that isn't supposed to have one, but I like Dan, so I'm glad he got a pass on it.

Yes, & the disease isn't named after the doctor who identified it (like Down Syndrome or Hodgkin's Lymphoma) or a prominent sufferer (like Lou Gehrig's Disease)!

"Lyme" is the town in Connecticut (Old Lyme!) where it was first identified.  So, no possessive.

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This clue:


Marge Schott once threatened to move this team to Kentucky to get a better lease for Great American Ball Park

made me remember Darrell Hammond's awesome Marge Schott  impersonation on SNL. I can't believe I'd forgotten it.

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Didn't the question ask for the bacteria? In which case, neither Lyme or Lyme's disease are correct.


Here's the clue from the archive:


The northern deer tick spreads this disease by injecting bacteria into its victims' blood

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I want Dan to stay for several more games, so I wish someone would talk to him about overbetting on FJ.  Normally I don't even notice what someone bets, but he has put his lead in jeopardy several times - when you're ahead, you don't bet everything but 1$ - you cover the other two players plus 1$. 

He sure seems to have  wide range of knowleddge - for the life of me I can't remember what he does for a living.  Off to the archives...

I'll mention it again as well, even though I did after his first episode. Yes, he's overbetting. It will eventually bite him in the ass.


I can't remember now, but I remember thinking the contestant going into FJ in third place also made a bad bet. You're already in third place, wouldn't it make sense to either bet nothing (and hope the other two get it wrong) or bet enough to beat the person in second place? I don't understand why you'd bet it all if you're in third place, although I'm sure there are times when it would make sense to do so.

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Here's the clue from the archive:


The northern deer tick spreads this disease by injecting bacteria into its victims' blood

Thank you! I must have misread it last night because I read it as "spreads disease by injecting this bacteria".

Re: the large bets in FJ, I think he's just there to make as much money as possible without necessarily coming back for another day. I can see the appeal of that. It may come back and bite him, but he might be perfectly fine with that possibility.

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Congrats to Dan on another good win.


For FJ, I did guess M.I.T. but I certainly wasn't very sure of it.  My reasoning was that I.M. Pei is an architect so probably would have gone to some sort of tech school.

Edited by Trey
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Dan--- winking and "screw"-ing to victory.

Bawahahaha! I loved his answer of screw. $99,999 in four days. Not bad but I wish he'd bet one more dollar. Cemetery Man (yuck!) and the Major (I wonder why she wasn't in uniform) were good players but I've got a thing for Dan now. *wink, wink*

Good game.

I was freaking clueless on FJ.

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I got MIT, but just barely...and Alex kept making me doubt myself by the way he reacted to the revealed answers of the first two contestants! I thought for sure that his "close" for Cal Tech meant that the school was in California! Dan and I have a "met cute" story in common! Except I was at a bar without my glasses and wound up getting drinks sent over to me by someone who swore I was making eye contact with them across the room...and I couldn't see two feet in front of me!

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I missed most of the first round, but thankfully came home in time for “screw.”


The contestants clearly spend less time than I do staring at “404” error messages, to not know it’s “file not found.”


I just knew someone was going to answer Pamela Anderson in that TV movie clue, even though she’s not dead.


For FJ, “mind and hand” brought to mind an engineering school.  Once I broadened my thought process to technology, I first thought Cal-Tech since that’s in my area.  Then I thought MIT, and that’s what I went with.  So I pretty much lucked into a correct response.

Edited by Bastet
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Dan--- winking and "screw"-ing to victory.

Screw was funny!  And I actually wondered if they would accept it.  Both the screw and the wedge (chisel!) are types of modified inclined planes.  I remember that bit of "simple machine" info from grade school!  But no, a screw is not a wedge.


BTW, the list of classical simple machines was a "battle" on last night's 500 Q.  Are they sharing writers?

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I really liked all 3 contestants (Dan, Ivan and Adrian) tonight - not very dynamic, perhaps, but pleasant and knowledgeable.  While I was sorry to see my favorite, Ivan, flame out, Dan deserved the win.

I adored Ivan. For some reason I found his persistent grin and modest answering very charming. Dan's still the man though.


I love how in the following game Alex went on and on in the beginning about how Dan "will" bet it all, then at FJ Dan bet very little. Shut up, Alex.


Very often I'll think I don't know FJ so I just go with the first thing that pops into my head. That's the only way I got Good Wives and MIT, so I'm sticking with it.

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If Trebek didn't know the FJ answer was MIT, no way could he have made that out of Dan's scrawl. I sure couldn't, even after Trebek said what it was. Still, glad Dan lives to play another day. I wonder if filming coincides with weekends or if he had to go on to film another episode immediately.


Screw was funny!  And I actually wondered if they would accept it.  Both the screw and the wedge (chisel!) are types of modified inclined planes.



I thought the same thing! Although since I wasn't watching closely, I missed the wink and, therefore, the innuendo. 

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I think screw should have been allowed and was shocked that they did not reconsider and accept it.

And, yeah, that did not really look like MIT without really giving him the benefit of the doubt.  Should have not gotten credit for that.

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I was surprised when Dan whiffed on the History category DD in the Jeopardy round -- how many wars were there involving U.N. troops in 1950 and 1951 ?  It sure wasn't in Yugoslavia.


So the guy answered "Gulf War" and it was wrong and then Dan said "2nd Gulf War" and it was right. Why didn't Alex say to the first guy, "Be more specific." like he usually does?


Andrew really got ... I'm thinking of another word for chiseled ... there.

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OK, clearly I missed one of the funnier wrong responses in recent memory when I missed Friday's episode. Could somebody recap the "screw" incident for those of us who didn't get to watch? Thanks in advance. 

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I was also really surprised he missed the Seoul DD! I thought that was a gimme. War + 1950 = Korea.

I don't think a "be more specific" was warranted for the Gulf War question. It's like if a contestant answered Ireland and the answer was Northern Ireland. Northern Ireland is not "in" or a part of Ireland, it's a separate entity, so it's not "more specific". The Second Gulf War is not the (First) Gulf War.

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I was living in L.A. when Dorothy Stratten was murdered, so I knew that answer, but it was someone I hadn't thought about in years.  I was surprised the name popped into my head. Such a tragic story.

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OK, clearly I missed one of the funnier wrong responses in recent memory when I missed Friday's episode. Could somebody recap the "screw" incident for those of us who didn't get to watch? Thanks in advance.

The clue was "To swindle someone, perhaps out of the same named wedge like tool."

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Screw you, Alex. I bet Victoria knew Jerusalem all her own damn self, she didn't need anyone to narrow it down for her. I said Jerusalem immediately and have no idea what the guys were thinking of with Rome and Istanbul.

Also, I wasn't even looking at the TV and knew Kenneth Branagh. I'm sure the picture was superfluous. And Pale Rider was overvalued in the $1000 slot.

I LITERALLY purred when Alex announced the FJ category, and then he read the clue. I LIVE in Syracuse, when I had to detour when I used to work in an office I DROVE BY the shot clock monument. Today would have been my Jeopardy! day.

Edited by mojoween
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