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Eileen Davidson: Queen Eileen, Bold and Beautiful

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Marisa said later that one of the reasons she was surprised that LVP was cold to her was that LVP had known Marisa's in-laws for year. On the show LVP said they were friends. 


None of us can really know if LVP and Marisa had nice moments on the show, since we see such a tiny percentage of what is filmed. The only thing we know is what Marisa said, which was that LVP was very nice to her on camera. I looked at the time and there was no mention from LVP or anyone else that she was a liar. It is certainly not contradictory to things we've heard from others time and again. I guess my only question is at what point would things like this become believable? Is there any person who could say something like this about LVP that people would believe? I'm starting to think not. I would have said it would be Eileen, since she was such a huge fan favorite last year, and surely had no reason to want to "take LVP down". It doesn't look like any of the other HW's are believable, nor are the people on DWTS. How many folks would need to say the same thing? I cannot figure out any reason for Marisa to lie about something like this. As far as we know there wasn't a reason for her to want to make LVP look bad. 


I don't think Lisa is perfect by any stretch of the imagination, none of them are. And I don't judge the others by what Lisa says, I use my own eyes/ears to do that and to suggest otherwise is wrong. There have been things that I have criticized Lisa for here and on other sites. I do think when you "like" a certain HW(s), you tend to see things more from their perspective than not, be it LisaV, Kyle, Yolanda, Eileen, Rinna...which ever HW you like better and you tend to defend them more. Lisa's fans are no different that Kyle's fans or any of the other HWs fans.


That said, I don't buy into Marisa's comment, really how often did she see Lisa off camera, where, when and what was going on when she tried to talk to her. There is far to much missing information to make a conclusion that Lisa only talks to the HWs on camera. Marisa sounds like Yolanda, Lisa didn't visit me, Lisa is a "Hollywood friend" but when push came to shove, Yolanda had to admit she wasn't telling the truth. Lisa being "friendly" doesn't automatically translates into "friendship" and that applies to all the HWs, not just LisaV, there is a thing called "politeness" especially to a newbie. LOL


As for Lisa knowing Marisa in-laws, she knows/knew them, not Marisa before she joined the show. But, here's a thought, maybe the reason Lisa wasn't friendly to Marisa off camera or IRL was because of the in-laws and what they had to say about Marisa. Just food for thought. LOL


IMO, Eileen had far too many personal tragedies in a short span and it has affected how she views everyone/everything. It brought out her "protector" personality and she became very protective over Yolanda because Yolanda "illness" and Rinna because Rinna is so volatile.  

Edited by WireWrap
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Marisa could have a big dose of sour grapes from being fired. When ever fired employee talks shit about their former coworkers, I always wonder if they are just bitter.

At the time I thought poor Marisa, your FIL dies, you miss a trip and get canned.  Then the next season, poor Joyce, your father gets ill, you have to return to Puerto Rico, you miss a few events and get canned.  This season, poor Eileen her beloved father in law dies, you miss a few events and . . . . .


Marisa had zero loyalty to anyone on the show.  I always thought she was  a little odd when she spilled a drink on herself during the pivotal Las Vegas dinner episode and newbie Yolanda stayed to battle and she disappeared to blot her dress per Barbara Streisand's instructions and never to return to the table.  IIRC Yolanda cut the discussion short. . . .some things never change.

  • Love 5

At the time I thought poor Marisa, your FIL dies, you miss a trip and get canned.  Then the next season, poor Joyce, your father gets ill, you have to return to Puerto Rico, you miss a few events and get canned.  This season, poor Eileen her beloved father in law dies, you miss a few events and . . . . .


Marisa had zero loyalty to anyone on the show.  I always thought she was  a little odd when she spilled a drink on herself during the pivotal Las Vegas dinner episode and newbie Yolanda stayed to battle and she disappeared to blot her dress per Barbara Streisand's instructions and never to return to the table.  IIRC Yolanda cut the discussion short. . . .some things never change.

Marisa was odd! She never seemed to fit in with anyone other than Brandi and even that was odd/gross to witness. LOL

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We seem to be talking a lot about Marissa.  She can be talked about in an appropriate thread no?  What happened to Eileen who seems to have taken her disdain for the smell of shit to insane heights on social media even as she tosses aside the spoon and hops in like the turd bucket is a vat of grapes to be made into wine.

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Why are grown women engaging in Twitter feuds??? LVP with her passive aggressive remarks and Eileen stupidly taking the bait.


Both women are at fault. One can't seem to muster any real sincerity on the situation and the other can't even admit to having handled anything wrong. As a viewer, Eileen is most infuriating of the women because she's advocating under a guise of integrity and ethics but she's exhibiting the same kind of behavior that she is condemning. To stand for either side loyally is choosing to ignore one wrong over the next. Eileen started with a fair point and has diminished a lot of that by her subsequent behavior and aggressive involvement in matters that don't involve her. To call someone manipulative and then have hours of footage of evidence of YOU pressuring someone to act or speak out in a way that you feel they should could be seen as the same kind of manipulation that you're accusing someone else of. I think that LR would share information with Eileen based on her own interpretation of events and comments but I don't think LR was suggesting manipulation or anything of that kind. I think Eileen created those labels and now LR has adopted the same terminologies and accusations. Now they literally stand as one voice.


I still can't get over how someone can claim to be speaking the truth when the truth is based on one person's account of what happened. Can't wait for the second installment. Eileen seems to get bitchy with LVP in response to LVP saying she thought everything was good. Her sarcastic reaction is ironic considering that she said a number of times to LVP that they were good, lol.

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On 4/25/2016 at 10:04 AM, BlackMamba said:

Eileen just need to STFU and stop trying to create storyline or a narrative that LVP is an evil doer.

Amen.  At this point, I'm so annoyed with Davidson's prissy hauteur, I am longing for LVP to bring up The Affair every chance she gets, and in the most graphic manner ( "Darling,  when you first climbed upon his manhood -- while still under the sworn bond of marital fidelity  --  was THAT when you decided you never wanted to talk about The Affair?") With all her mighty indignation, Davidson is starting to resemble those extreme right wing politicians who do many a dirty deed on Saturday night, and then rain Jesus down on the heads of others on Sunday morning, for much lesser sins.  As if Davidson having The Affair was somehow much less hurtful than LVP mentioning it -- who's being naive now, Kay?

Edited by film noire
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I feel like an ant, banging its poor little head against the wall.  (Picture that!)  Eileen is beginning to turn my sympathy into frustration over hounding LVP for a proper apology.  I'm thinking of Eileen and picturing Da Vinci's "Mona Lisa" with slightly furrowed eyebrows but an upturned, knowing smile on her face, as if the painting were saying, "There WAS an affair, but it wasn't exactly an AFFAIR, so to speak."  LisaR can be seen, poking her head out from behind the drape, wearing a drooling, satisfied grin on her face, cheering Mona for following her advice!

Edited by Lura
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LOL.  I remember when her thread was named that and being a little put off.  I didn't like her and was wondering why the queen was getting such preferential treatment when most of the other HW's thread titles were sarcastic or non-complimentary.  I think I suggested, Eileen Davidson:  Queen of Mean

I don't really think she's mean though.  Clingy and whiny, yes.  My major complaint at that time, was that her house was a hot mess and Vinny seemed like a moochy ne'er-do- well who was too lazy to clean the damn gutters.

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19 hours ago, glowbug said:

Anyone else think we should change the title of this thread given the general turn in attitude towards Eileen?

Eileen Davidson: Apology Police

Eileen Davidson: Bag Lady

Eileen Davidson: Drama Queen

Eileen Davidson: "How dare you!"

Eileen Davidson: "*I'm* Overdramatic?!??!!"

Eileen Davidson: Is She Good?

  • Love 9
13 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

All joking aside from my above post, I do like this one:


What I really want is for Eileen to mend fences with LisaV off screen during the down time and come back next season a little less accusatory towards any of the ladies. Have an honest conversation with them that her affair is touchy for her and I really think LisaV, Kyle, Erika and Kathryn will respect that on the show. She needs to stay far away from Yolanda if that idiot comes back. And I hope her sidekick Rinna is gone so maybe we can see a different Eileen with just LisaV, Kyle, Erika and Kathryn. I kind of liked how Kathryn and Erika took Eileen under their wings and tried to help her branch out a little bit. I think she would have thrived with LisaV also, if she hadn't gotten her bloomers in such a wad right to start. 

Eileen is a loyal friend and I think she has a great deal of integrity as a friend, however, I don't think she realizes that she jeopardizes her own integrity when she co-signs behaviour based purely on second hand accounts. It's understandable to believe what your friend says, it's not acceptable to involve yourself as much as she has where she is no longer co-signing, but actually treating it as a first hand account of the truth. She's been misleading all season long with the way she's portrayed the truth. She's used her own personal experience as a catalyst in the whole M debacle in an effort to deflect blame from her friend. Had she given equal amount of time in acknowledging her friend's poor role in everything, her position and commentary would have made a lot more sense and seem a lot less vindictive and vengeful.

When Yolanda was asked whether she believed LVP or LR, she was obviously going to put the blame on LVP because she does it any chance she can get but she was the only person up there that was careful in her words - she said she trusted Eileen's instincts and interpretation of what went on. Finally, someone who at least addressed the fact that Eileen's commentary was not truth, it was based on her own opinions and interpretation of what was told to her.

At the same time, Eileen was never interested in listening to LVP's explanations. She only confronted in hopes to hear LVP admit to the things that LR accused her of. The moment LVP tried to explain herself, Eileen was already whispering 'nope, she said it but she won't admit it'. Eileen did not involve herself with good intentions to understand and bring closure and clarity to the situation.

Edited by RHJunkie
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I like your hope, RHJunkie, and I have a hope, too.  I hope that during the off season, Eileen will have time to look back over Season 6 and really take to heart the mistakes she's made, most of all her following Lisa Rinna like "Mary Had A Little Lamb."  Rinna can be persuasive, overbearing and even believable to someone who is more withdrawn.  I have felt for some time that Eileen has been following Rinna's lead far more than she ever should have.  I hope that  Eileen can take stock of all of the HWs and decide, with clarity, the ones who seem the most honest and reliable, and follow them if she needs to follow anyone.  Eileen has a good mind of her own, however, and her real problem is a lack of confidence.  If she can find the HWs she believes in, then react AS HERSELF, then I think she will make real inroads into her own character. I think when she finds HERSELF, the audience will like her again, as they did in the beginning, and she will be happier, as well.

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1 hour ago, Lura said:

I like your hope, RHJunkie, and I have a hope, too.  I hope that during the off season, Eileen will have time to look back over Season 6 and really take to heart the mistakes she's made, most of all her following Lisa Rinna like "Mary Had A Little Lamb."  Rinna can be persuasive, overbearing and even believable to someone who is more withdrawn.  I have felt for some time that Eileen has been following Rinna's lead far more than she ever should have.  I hope that  Eileen can take stock of all of the HWs and decide, with clarity, the ones who seem the most honest and reliable, and follow them if she needs to follow anyone.  Eileen has a good mind of her own, however, and her real problem is a lack of confidence.  If she can find the HWs she believes in, then react AS HERSELF, then I think she will make real inroads into her own character. I think when she finds HERSELF, the audience will like her again, as they did in the beginning, and she will be happier, as well.

I see Rinna more as the follower and Eileen as the leader of the 2 of them. LOL It took Eileen several weeks to convince Rinna that LisaV "manipulated" her.

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It's a bit of both. LR is persuasive in her interpretation of events and conversations that transpire. LR set the catalyst in place when she decided to share information with Eileen in the manner in which she did. All of her accounts could easily be interpreted another way but that's not how she conveyed them. If she conveyed them in a different manner, even with the LVP/Eileen issue, it would have given Eileen less meat to work. She would have either not gone the route of pinning everything on LVP OR she would have to work that much harder to push that agenda. Eileen definitely used LR to her advantage by pushing her to be outspoken which gave Eileen the opportunity to speak up. Before LR joined the 'LVP is manipulative' bandwagon, Eileen was saying the opposite of how she felt. For all her talk of wanting to stand out for what's right, her behaviour suggests that standing up for what's right includes ensuring that you at least have someone else to stand beside you and share in the accusations you want to hurl at someone.

LR is a follower - but I don't think she's easily manipulated or gullible. It's a lot easier to be one of many saying the same thing then to be the one standing up and saying something different from the others - that makes you more controversial and it puts a bigger target on your back should things blow up. The size of LR's mouth is much too big compared to the size of her courage. If you want to be controversial, if you want to go against the grain, then take the bull by the horns and go for it with out apologies. Don't cower in the corner for fear of being the lone wolf and then try to deflect from your behaviour by randomly throwing out situations that pin the blame on someone else.

I think both women acted very cowardly in the way they handled the situation.

Edited by RHJunkie
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Not to excuse Eileen behavior...but I think she's displaying symptoms of grief.  Sheso lost her sister, father in law, and I think a brother within a year or two.  

Grief makes you not act yourself, more sensitive, more likely to lash out, etc.

maybe she needs to sit out a season and properly grieve without pressures of the camera.

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Gosh.  I get Eileen's feelings with the so called apology from Lisa.  Lisa even said she wasn't sincere.  With that said, Eileen, sometimes you just to got note it down and put it in the file cabinet in your brain.  BTW, the file cabinet in my brain is huge. 

In the end, I'm disappointed with how Eileen handled things.  Lisa was just being Lisa and that's no surprise.  But if I could choose who to talk to someone about my feelings on something, I'd do it with Eileen over Lisa any day of the week. 

It doesn't surprise me that Marissa felt the way she did about Lisa.  Don't get me wrong.  I think Marissa was horrible to her husband the season she was on and it's no surprise that they are getting divorced.  But for Lisa, the housewives are a business with few exceptions (well, maybe not).  This is Lisa's downfall.  I don't think Lisa wants any woman to get 'close' to her.  It's easier with men.  She can play that.  With women, that's a different story.  She's not a girl's girl.  Girls are competition.  Same goes for Erika.  It's interesting.

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, stewedsquash said:

There were probably about 6 of her cast mates from YR doing a sit down with a talk show host, several years ago. Eileen was asked about her character's story line and she gave an answer about what she thought the character's point of view was, which was different than what played out on screen. The actor who played her father then gave an answer that reflected what was shown on screen. Well she got pissed, complete with throwing her arms around, bouncing in her seat, the whole jackass face she makes when she is EILEEN, and said I JUST TOLD YOU WHAT HAPPENED!  And then blathered on like a petulant child. The actor, who was an elderly man who seemed just a tad hard of hearing seemed really embarrassed when she reprimanded him like a child. It wasn't done in a we are contemporaries who disagree way, it was reprimanding a child way. 

I just have a hard time being on her side in things because she seems calculated and I really don't want to use the word bitchy because it doesn't really convey what I want to say. I see her going after people, saying hurtful things and then getting all hurt when something doesn't suit her. I thought she was ridiculous when she and LisaR confronted Kyle at the restaurant about Kim. It was tactless, mean spirited, self absorbed. I know addicts and I know addicts family members. I would never be so callous towards the family members. And I have had far worse behavior towards me from the addicts than poor pitiful Eileen had with Kim. 

eta Plus it is her whole smirk jackass face with pinched pursed lips and bug eyes when she thinks she has cornered someone. I hate that.

The word I would use is pretentious. I see good qualities in her but I think she thinks very highly of herself and her integrity and in a way, it results in a close mindedness on her part. She strongly believes in her fairness, intuition, honesty, etc. so much so that it's hard for her to see outside of her own interpretation of things. After all, if she's so fair, smart, honest, etc. then how could her interpretation be incorrect? My feeling is only supported by her blog where she claimed that there is only one truth - in an effort to dismiss Katheryn's claim that both women could be telling the truth.  

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Eileen is definitely the alpha in her dynamic with Rinna but I'm all in on Rinna twisting the knife into Eileen's back first. I do find her sycophancy toward Erika rather perplexing as she herself telegraphs very much as a queen bee; I personally have no doubt the desire for the metaphorical homecoming crown of this franchise is what propelled a lot of her antipathy against Lisa this season. It will be interesting to see how the blonde alliance destabilizes next year and/or if Erika, Eileen, or both will find themselves in the hot seat.

Edited by lunastartron
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I wonder if Eileen regrets aligning herself with Lisar? I bet she didn't anticipate all the off season crazy Twittering and general lunacy. I too , am also confused about her fan girl admiration of Erika. She said at the reunion she appreciates the artistry of her show........really? Has she seen the show? Lol just kidding I know she has but it's hard to fathom that her take away is that Erika is a talented artist. Different strokes I guess. 

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12 hours ago, Satchels of gold said:

I wonder if Eileen regrets aligning herself with Lisar? I bet she didn't anticipate all the off season crazy Twittering and general lunacy. I too , am also confused about her fan girl admiration of Erika. She said at the reunion she appreciates the artistry of her show........really? Has she seen the show? Lol just kidding I know she has but it's hard to fathom that her take away is that Erika is a talented artist. Different strokes I guess. 

I don't know how Eileen couldn't regret it.  No matter how whacked I think all/most of the HWs are, LisaR is the one who seems like she could truly be dangerous if she lost hold of the thin thread of sanity she seems to be holding on to. 

The reason I think Eileen is a fan of Erika's is they're both stage performers and that takes something a lot of people don't have.  Her shows remind me of some of the drag shows I've seen.  Not my kind of art but it obviously entertains some people.  Eileen probably looks at Erika Jayne's outrageous performance as she looked at her own as Susan Banks.  They're both just acting a role.

Eileen as Susan Banks

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52 minutes ago, ryebread said:

I don't know how Eileen couldn't regret it.  No matter how whacked I think all/most of the HWs are, LisaR is the one who seems like she could truly be dangerous if she lost hold of the thin thread of sanity she seems to be holding on to. 

The reason I think Eileen is a fan of Erika's is they're both stage performers and that takes something a lot of people don't have.  Her shows remind me of some of the drag shows I've seen.  Not my kind of art but it obviously entertains some people.  Eileen probably looks at Erika Jayne's outrageous performance as she looked at her own as Susan Banks.  They're both just acting a role.

Eileen as Susan Banks

LOL@ both of your links.  

I agree Eileen must regret her decision to get too close to Rinna. 

I got the feeling that her apparent respect for Erika was forced.  I think it hit her that she is without a friend on the cast and did not want to alienate another.  She "supported" Yolanda when she saw where the wind was blowing and distanced herself to Rinna on that topic.  

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, RHJunkie said:

My theory is that Eileen is drawn to Erika because she's so extroverted as a performer. Perhaps Eileen has a harder time picturing herself ever performing on stage or music videos in the way Erika does so she's developed a fascination and respect for Erika because of it.

Eileen plays a major role on her soap, has years behind her acting on 2 of them I believe.  And probably has a huge soap fan base.  I just cannot see her admiring or having a deep respect for Erika's work.  I have a hunch Eileen considers herself to be above all of them. 

Edited by wings707
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Eileen is an enigma.

I think she was told she better "bring it!" this season, or lose the significant money they are paying her.  In her limited mind "bring it!" seemed to mean soapy fights and for some reason she picked LVP to attack.  I wonder if she felt she would have Kyle's back up because Kyle has always been willing to take LVP down on past seasons?

I have questions about her though, and hopes that since she so blatantly went after LVP, we may finally get to know some of her secrets, because everyone has them, and sooner or later, shows like this will get to them.  I hope LVP still has the energy to expose them, and isn't simply in survivor mode after what she's been through on this show the past couple of seasons.

  • What's the deal with her marriage?
  • He doesn't seem to like her, and she doesn't seem to like him much either.
  • He gambles, just how broke are they?  Or were they before his rich daddy died?
  • She's been working several jobs and still seems to do the majority of work at home too.
  • Why does Erika's alter ego intrigue her so much, does she miss SEXY sex?
  • What's the deal with having to take shit from hubby for buying a $700 dress?
  • What's the deal with her wardrobe in general, is it really that she doesn't care about being fashionable or is it more?
  • Did SHE sign a prenup?
  • Is she unhappy that she's only a soap actress?

I'd like to get to the bottom or Lipsa's secrets too.  It's time.

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I really think Lisa has been in "anyone but me" mode since Puerto Rico, and that is why Ken is always around too.  Every season someone goes after her on this show, and she's got the whole Vanderpump Rules show to promote the restaurants now.  I wouldn't be a bit surprised if she really does bail next season.

Honestly though, I don't care who or what makes Lipsa and Eileen be on the hot seat, as long as it happens.  It's their turn.

  • Love 8
5 hours ago, wings707 said:

Eileen plays a major role on her soap, has years behind her acting on 2 of them I believe.  And probably has a huge soap fan base.  I just cannot see her admiring or having a deep respect for Erika's work.  I have a hunch Eileen considers herself to be above all of them. 

I don't think it's deep respect for her work. I think Eileen comes across as stuffy and takes things too seriously and I suspect that she knows that's how she comes across. I'm just guessing that on some level she wishes she could be more extroverted and I think that's where she may connect with Erika and why she likes her so much. i think she sees a quality in Erika (the confidence to command attention) that she wishes she possessed. You can compliment her looks, her acting ability, how she is as a friend but I can't imagine anyone complimenting Eileen on how much fun she is, lol. 

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Erika only has two personalities, Eileen has four.  Does anyone remember this?  I was done with DOOL by this time but was this a popular storyline??


Eileen more or less carried Days for most of James Reilly's insane (in a good way) reign as showrunner throughout the better part of the '90s. She passed on renewing her contract because of exhaustion and he jumped ship around the same time to create Passions. She was, in my personal opinion, robbed when she lost the '98 Emmy to Cynthia Watros (many Guiding Light fans will disagree; Cynthia, to her credit, had to humanize a sociopath a villainess who carried a dead fetus around inside of her in order to fake a healthy pregnancy while Eileen's character just used a pillow).

As someone who was confounded, turned off, and embarrassed by her "authentic" personality on Bravo this year, I kind of hope she doesn't regard Erika as an equal because, in terms of skill and creativity, they're not peers. Any YouTube clip of Eileen will illustrate that she's obviously not Liv Ullmann or Meryl Streep; natural and understated she's not. But that she is able to sell the ridiculous shit the Bells and NBC devise for her characters is, in certain respects, even harder than subtlety. And Kristen DiMera is weirdly rootable thanks almost entirely to Eileen's performance.

As for some of the questions Umbelina listed:

* I don't know if she has financial problems but there is no way that Malibu house isn't a money pit vis-à-vis maintenance and upkeep fees.

* I definitely think she is - or was at one point - disappointed that her career did not take off beyond the domain of her two (three if you count Santa Barbara) daytime jobs. She left Y and R originally because, I believe, Jon Voigt got her a part in one of his movies and she landed a primetime police procedural. Neither panned out; she had to return to afternoon programming and didn't even transition, like Rinna, into nighttime soaps despite the proliferation of that genre during the '90s.

* This could be due to limitations of capability or just bad luck. I can't say because the only other major role (noted below) she played was that of a bitch not unlike her Days turn.

* After watching this season, I kind of wonder if her demeanor has played some part in the aforementioned point. She didn't even get a role or cameo in the 2009 remake of the classic 1980s slasher House on Sorority Row, of which she was the star. Betsy, meanwhile, parlayed her post-Vince romance into a long-running role in the Saw franchise at an age when most actresses' careers are over.

* Eileen was also one of the most beautiful women in entertainment for a while but, like many women,  she did not peak in her beauty, imo, until she was in around her late thirties. This would have been even more problematic on casting calls than it is today.

* She also wrote three mystery novels during the '00s, which adds to the impression that she basically does all of the work in her household.

* Her unfashionableness is purely a put-on, imo, to endear herself to audiences. Wearing overalls on a plane is impractical in the extreme. That's a lot of effort just to convey the idea of little to no effort.

Just now, lunastartron said:

"Erika only has two personalities, Eileen has four.  Does anyone remember this?  I was done with DOOL by this time but was this a popular storyline??


Eileen more or less carried Days for most of James Reilly's insane (in a good way) reign as showrunner throughout the better part of the '90s. She passed on renewing her contract because of exhaustion and he jumped ship around the same time to create Passions. She was, in my personal opinion, robbed when she lost the '98 Emmy to Cynthia Watros (many Guiding Light fans will disagree; Cynthia, to her credit, had to humanize a sociopath a villainess who carried a dead fetus around inside of her in order to fake a healthy pregnancy while Eileen's character just used a pillow).

As someone who was confounded, turned off, and embarrassed by her "authentic" personality on Bravo this year, I kind of hope she doesn't regard Erika as an equal because, in terms of skill and creativity, they're not peers. Any YouTube clip of Eileen will illustrate that she's obviously not Liv Ullmann or Meryl Streep; natural and understated she's not. But that she is able to sell the ridiculous shit the Bells and NBC devise for her characters is, in certain respects, even harder than subtlety. And Kristen DiMera is weirdly rootable thanks almost entirely to Eileen's performance.

As for some of the questions Umbelina listed:

* I don't know if she has financial problems but there is no way that Malibu house isn't a money pit vis-à-vis maintenance and upkeep fees.

* I definitely think she is - or was at one point - disappointed that her career did not take off beyond the domain of her two (three if you count Santa Barbara) daytime jobs. She left Y and R originally because, I believe, Jon Voigt got her a part in one of his movies and she landed a primetime police procedural. Neither panned out; she had to return to afternoon programming and didn't even transition, like Rinna, into nighttime soaps despite the proliferation of that genre during the '90s.

* This could be due to limitations of capability or just bad luck. I can't say because the only other major role (noted below) she played was that of a bitch not unlike her Days turn.

* After watching this season, I kind of wonder if her demeanor has played some part in the aforementioned point. She didn't even get a role or cameo in the 2009 remake of the classic 1980s slasher House on Sorority Row, of which she was the star. Betsy, meanwhile, parlayed her post-Vince romance into a long-running role in the Saw franchise at an age when most actresses' careers are over.

* Eileen was also one of the most beautiful women in entertainment for a while but, like many women,  she did not peak in her beauty, imo, until she was in around her late thirties. This would have been even more problematic on casting calls than it is today.

* She also wrote three mystery novels during the '00s, which adds to the impression that she basically does all of the work in her household.

* Her unfashionableness is purely a put-on, imo, to endear herself to audiences. Wearing overalls on a plane is impractical in the extreme. That's a lot of effort just to convey the idea of little to no effort.

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On 5/17/2016 at 9:22 AM, ryebread said:

I don't know how Eileen couldn't regret it.  No matter how whacked I think all/most of the HWs are, LisaR is the one who seems like she could truly be dangerous if she lost hold of the thin thread of sanity she seems to be holding on to. 

The reason I think Eileen is a fan of Erika's is they're both stage performers and that takes something a lot of people don't have.  Her shows remind me of some of the drag shows I've seen.  Not my kind of art but it obviously entertains some people.  Eileen probably looks at Erika Jayne's outrageous performance as she looked at her own as Susan Banks.  They're both just acting a role.

Eileen as Susan Banks

I agree.  I always had the feeling that they were not natural friends but rather longtime acquaintances who worked in the same industry.  I seriously don't feel that Eileen knew what she had bought into until it was too late.   She should've figured it out in their first season and gracefully extricated herself.  Maybe she felt that she could use Rinna as the human battering ram to knock Lisa Vanderpump from her throne.  Didn't work too well.  IMO all's that came out was perception that nutty, unstable Lisa Rinna was Eileen's attack dog (Faye Resnick, anyone?) and that it made Eileen look like a bigger manipulator that Lisa Vanderpump.

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LVP apparently has confirmed that Eileen will be back full time next season. Disappointing news since I really don't see how she and LVP can move past last season. Lisa R. is good at groveling so I can see how the two of them could have a cordial relationship but I think Eileen has too much pride. 


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