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Eileen Davidson: Queen Eileen, Bold and Beautiful

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I think the reason we are not seeing Vince is he was traveling for business.  He was on a week long cruise and then in China.  So between his father dying and working, I think his schedule didn't gel.  Probably use time off to first be with his father and then to make up for it by working.  So his dad died the end of June, they went to Italy in August and he was on a work cruise in September, he made the Ken birthday party in July.  He went to China in October.  It is kind of like Harry Hamlin, we see him when we see him.  Even Mauricio has kind of stepped back this year.  Ironically, we have seen more of David than ever before.  Not with the group but with his soon to be ex-wife.

I really get the feeling that he doesn't want or enjoy the HW gatherings....at all. LOL I don't blame him but that limits what Eileen can bring to the show as well. Yes, Ken is on a bit much but I do admire that he is willing to be there for Lisa even though I have felt he doesn't enjoy it himself.

  • Love 3

I may be mistaken but I only recall Eileen asking Kim about her treatment once-in her kitchen.  Kim had failed to apologize for her boorish behavior earlier, and for some reason thought they wanted to help her with Monty.  Kim had a visceral dislike of Eileen from the get go and even said so on the way to Eileen's the day of the reading.  As far as Eileen's marriage-it was Brandi who brought it up once at dinner and threw wine on her and the second time in Amsterdam.  I do not recall her offering the circumstances of her marriage at any other time during the regular season.  At the Reunion when it came up again she was very clear and said, "I am hanging up on this conversation."  I like LVP, but everyone associated with the conversation was uncomfortable with LVP's grilling.  I will say since the grilling it is on Eileen the number of times the situation was revisited.  Interesting the content has not been addressed again.   


Eileen address it, Kim's "problem" when she had that sit down with Kim, Kyle and herself and Kim told her again to back off. So there were 3 times to Kim's face, which was not much less than LisaR did to Kim's face either.


Yes, Eileen did say that at the reunion but it is possible that most of the HWs, or just Lisa, don't remember that small quip because there was so much more going on/said that had far greater ramifications that night of filming. I think it would have been easy to forget that she said she didn't want to ever talk about it again. JMO though. 

  • Love 1

Eileen address it, Kim's "problem" when she had that sit down with Kim, Kyle and herself and Kim told her again to back off. So there were 3 times to Kim's face, which was not much less than LisaR did to Kim's face either.


Yes, Eileen did say that at the reunion but it is possible that most of the HWs, or just Lisa, don't remember that small quip because there was so much more going on/said that had far greater ramifications that night of filming. I think it would have been easy to forget that she said she didn't want to ever talk about it again. JMO though. 

I thought Eileen was discussing the problem between the sisters after the blow up at the Gay Mixer.  I don't recall her saying anything to Kim about her addiction.  I recall her bringing up Brandi and that was the deal breaker.  I think Kim disliked Kim from the get go and anything she said she thought was prying.  Thing is Kim kept misbehaving or be part of bad behavior around Eileen.  In Eileen's kitchen Kim did her, "blah, blah, blah.  It is okay for Kim to dislike someone but not okay to say it is because the person was prying.  By Amsterdam Eileen was talking about Kim's addiction, she was talking about Kim being an asshole.

  • Love 2

I thought Eileen was discussing the problem between the sisters after the blow up at the Gay Mixer.  I don't recall her saying anything to Kim about her addiction.  I recall her bringing up Brandi and that was the deal breaker.  I think Kim disliked Kim from the get go and anything she said she thought was prying.  Thing is Kim kept misbehaving or be part of bad behavior around Eileen.  In Eileen's kitchen Kim did her, "blah, blah, blah.  It is okay for Kim to dislike someone but not okay to say it is because the person was prying.  By Amsterdam Eileen was talking about Kim's addiction, she was talking about Kim being an asshole.

Eileen briefly mentioned Kim's behavior poker night at that sit down and again, Kim told her to stay out of it. Eileen never did stay out of it nor apologize. LisaV only asked about the "affair" 1 time, she never brought it up again. Lisa hasn't used that word again and only talks about it in THs when Eileen brings it up to her on camera. Eileen on the other hand, has brought it up a few times after the Hamptons and has talked about it in her THs even more so. LOL She really has "a dog with a bone" attitude about this and an air of desperation for the storyline she so needs this season as well.


I want to add, I am not excusing Kim's behavior, her lies, her nastiness, her addictions, I actually agree with what Eileen said to Kim. What I am pointing out is that Eileen was told, very clearly, by Kim that she didn't want them in her business and that it made her upset, uncomfortable and hurt her (in a much clearer way than Eileen did to LisaV) yet Eileen never apologized to making Kim feel that way. LisaV on the other hand, has apologized 3 times so far but none of these "I apologize" or "I am sorry" have been good enough for Eileen, with the last "I am sorry" going so far as to list everything Lisa thought she did wrong, yet once again....it was not up to Eileen's standard. So, it seems that it is Ok for Eileen to talk about the others even though she knows it hurts them and not apologize but no one can do the same to her. Which makes Eileen a hypocrite in my book. LOL 


ETA, I also find it odd that drunk/high/medicated Kim articulated her feelings clearer than Eileen did/does.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 11

Well if Eileen does, that will be a terrible move imo. Vanderpump can be intrusive, but Brandi flat out scares me, way too intense. One thing I will agree with Lisa, is that she's nothing like Brandi.


Kim's issues were part of her storyline season after season, she didn't have much else to share other than her dog and her grown children. And her behavior was out of control. Eileen's past has zero to do with LVP.


Which is why Eileen should not have interrupted LVP's conversation to inject her past into the conversation in the Hamptons. And which is also why she should have stopped the direction of the conversation once she felt the questions were getting too inquisitive and making her uncomfortable. And it is also why she should have simply either accepted LVP's first apology or not. 


We can compare Eileen to Kim all we want, but IMO, Eileen had plenty of opportunities to avoid her and Vince's relationship origins. Eileen interjected her past into a conversation that she wasn't a part of and then was uncomfortable but said nothing about it until later. And once she did say something about it, she didn't get the response she wanted (how often does anyone ever get the response they want when it comes to an apology?) and now she refuses to let it go. She could teach LisaV a thing or two about holding grudges. 

  • Love 11

I'm not going to defend Eileen (whom I've had problems with), but shutting down an unwanted conversation is not as easy for some people as it is for others.  I tend towards the introverted/shy side, but I also have a strong personality, and have slowly learned how to defend myself and speak my mind.  The problem is that I tend to be a little too passive, and I just can't shut down unwanted conversations.


In my adult life, I have been asked hundreds of times, by friends/co-workers/casual acquaintances/virtual strangers/patients even, the following:  How old are you, is that your natural hair colour, how much do you weigh, what size do you wear, how much do you make, what did you pay for your house, how old were you when you were adopted, why were you given up, have you searched for your family - if not, why, why aren't you married, are you mad at God?


I suffer from that disease of wanting to be liked, and not wanting to hurt people's feelings.  I've always struggled when patients ask me personal questions, and even though I certainly give off a standoffish vibe, people seem to feel they have a right to ask me these things.  And I realize I'm a pushover and as an autonomous adult with agency, it's my fault if I answer these questions.  But really, that shouldn't let the people who pry off the hook.  So I get mad at myself, but have a little righteous anger towards the person performing the interrogation.


And by the way, the only time I've ever mustered up the courage to shut down a question, was when I was bluntly asked by a co-worker if I give oral.  Come now.  That question may fly on Sex and the City, but it is not my personality, at all, to discuss my sex life, or anyone else's for that matter. 

  • Love 7

I'm not going to defend Eileen (whom I've had problems with), but shutting down an unwanted conversation is not as easy for some people as it is for others.  I tend towards the introverted/shy side, but I also have a strong personality, and have slowly learned how to defend myself and speak my mind.  The problem is that I tend to be a little too passive, and I just can't shut down unwanted conversations.


In my adult life, I have been asked hundreds of times, by friends/co-workers/casual acquaintances/virtual strangers/patients even, the following:  How old are you, is that your natural hair colour, how much do you weigh, what size do you wear, how much do you make, what did you pay for your house, how old were you when you were adopted, why were you given up, have you searched for your family - if not, why, why aren't you married, are you mad at God?


I suffer from that disease of wanting to be liked, and not wanting to hurt people's feelings.  I've always struggled when patients ask me personal questions, and even though I certainly give off a standoffish vibe, people seem to feel they have a right to ask me these things.  And I realize I'm a pushover and as an autonomous adult with agency, it's my fault if I answer these questions.  But really, that shouldn't let the people who pry off the hook.  So I get mad at myself, but have a little righteous anger towards the person performing the interrogation.


And by the way, the only time I've ever mustered up the courage to shut down a question, was when I was bluntly asked by a co-worker if I give oral.  Come now.  That question may fly on Sex and the City, but it is not my personality, at all, to discuss my sex life, or anyone else's for that matter. 

I get that and I get that you can be upset at the person asking the question(s) as well but when they say "I apologize for asking" do you then reject said apology and demand different apologies 2 more times and then reject them or do you accept it and move on? It was within Eileen's right to ask for an apology but it is not her right to dictate how Lisa apologizes.

  • Love 8

I get that and I get that you can be upset at the person asking the question(s) as well but when they say "I apologize for asking" do you then reject said apology and demand different apologies 2 more times and then reject them or do you accept it and move on? It was within Eileen's right to ask for an apology but it is not her right to dictate how Lisa apologizes.


I'm not the type to ask for an apology in the first place, but I do think I would find an apology I felt was disingenuous inadequate.  I surely wouldn't ask for a second apology, but I have been known to beat a dead horse (hate that expression) when I don't feel the other person "gets" what I'm saying.  Like I said, I'm not really defending Eileen, just giving a perspective of a person who frequently receives intrusive questions.  Eileen and LVP are gearing up to be what I thought they would be last season - the two competing divas.  It's uncomfortable for me, but I also enjoy seeing these two go at it.  I'm never completely on one side or the other, and that's rare for me on this type of show.

  • Love 3

I think the stuff with Kim and Eileen is entirely different. Kim's issues were discussed last season in the context that they were ongoing and happening right on camera in the moment. Kim could ask people to shut their trap as many times as she liked, but it was the story last season.

The stuff with Eileen is different. From what I understand about these ladies, there is a courtesy about talking about things on camera they would rather not address. Of course that all goes out the window if they become enemies or one hurts or goes after the other. Eileen answered Brandi's questions about her marriage, but she also made it clear in her TH and at the reunion that the topic was hurtful. Does she own some blame for engaging in the topic - of course she does. The fact of the matter is, however, she clearly isn't comfortable with it. There is zero chance LVP didn't know that. LVP has also talked lightly about some of her legal issues. I don't think that means that she would welcome Eileen sitting down and asking her intrusive questions about it on camera. She would be beyond pissed, and she would rightly wonder about motivations, since they know she doesn't want to discuss this.

Does Eileen continuing to bring it up make it continue to be a thing? A thing that would be forgotten if she stopped bringing it up? Absolutely. But she is genuinely angry about it. It reminds me of the bankruptcy claim that Brandi made about LVP. She didn't say it on the show. Many people had zero idea the accusation was ever made. LVP said the reason she was pissed was because it might make current suppliers question doing business with her now, even though Brandi claimed it happened a dozen years ago. Still, she brought it up at the reunion, and repeated it several times during S5, including it in her laundry list of things she could never forgive Brandi for at the S5 reunion. She was bringing up something said away from the show, that most people didn't know about until she brought it up, and reminding the suppliers she was afraid would stop doing business with her because of the allegation - over and over again. Why? Because she was really pissed off about it. The fact that she was the one who kept reminding people about it wasn't the point. Her anger and feelings of betrayal was the point. Same exact thing with Eileen.

For the record, I think Eileen should just shut up about it. But then, I thought the same about LVP.

  • Love 4

Eileen briefly mentioned Kim's behavior poker night at that sit down and again, Kim told her to stay out of it. Eileen never did stay out of it nor apologize. LisaV only asked about the "affair" 1 time, she never brought it up again. Lisa hasn't used that word again and only talks about it in THs when Eileen brings it up to her on camera. Eileen on the other hand, has brought it up a few times after the Hamptons and has talked about it in her THs even more so. LOL She really has "a dog with a bone" attitude about this and an air of desperation for the storyline she so needs this season as well.


I want to add, I am not excusing Kim's behavior, her lies, her nastiness, her addictions, I actually agree with what Eileen said to Kim. What I am pointing out is that Eileen was told, very clearly, by Kim that she didn't want them in her business and that it made her upset, uncomfortable and hurt her (in a much clearer way than Eileen did to LisaV) yet Eileen never apologized to making Kim feel that way. LisaV on the other hand, has apologized 3 times so far but none of these "I apologize" or "I am sorry" have been good enough for Eileen, with the last "I am sorry" going so far as to list everything Lisa thought she did wrong, yet once again....it was not up to Eileen's standard. So, it seems that it is Ok for Eileen to talk about the others even though she knows it hurts them and not apologize but no one can do the same to her. Which makes Eileen a hypocrite in my book. LOL 


ETA, I also find it odd that drunk/high/medicated Kim articulated her feelings clearer than Eileen did/does.

Talking about Kim's behavior is a far cry from what Rinna did last year with all the "addict" stuff.  I think Eileen was appropriate because it did involve her , in her own home and it was an excellent opportunity for Kim to apologize.  Before Eileen ever asked Kim about her support system, Kim was in the limo saying she disliked Eileen and she was headed to her home for another event.  I am not sure what Eileen did but I think it was rooted in Brandi's dislike of Eileen and Brandi and Kim's plan gone awry to make mischief at the poker party.  I believe that is why we see Brandi giving the cut sign-she didn't realize how far off script Kim was going to go.


I thought Eileen totally appropriate last year, this year her screw up was when she talked to LVP, she spent the first part of the conversation discounting her feeling, "it may be just me," well, don't expect LVP to read your mind if your segue into the pertinent issue is a bunch of statements designed to minimize.   

  • Love 2

I think the stuff with Kim and Eileen is entirely different. Kim's issues were discussed last season in the context that they were ongoing and happening right on camera in the moment. Kim could ask people to shut their trap as many times as she liked, but it was the story last season.

The stuff with Eileen is different. From what I understand about these ladies, there is a courtesy about talking about things on camera they would rather not address. Of course that all goes out the window if they become enemies or one hurts or goes after the other. Eileen answered Brandi's questions about her marriage, but she also made it clear in her TH and at the reunion that the topic was hurtful. Does she own some blame for engaging in the topic - of course she does. The fact of the matter is, however, she clearly isn't comfortable with it. There is zero chance LVP didn't know that. LVP has also talked lightly about some of her legal issues. I don't think that means that she would welcome Eileen sitting down and asking her intrusive questions about it on camera. She would be beyond pissed, and she would rightly wonder about motivations, since they know she doesn't want to discuss this.

Does Eileen continuing to bring it up make it continue to be a thing? A thing that would be forgotten if she stopped bringing it up? Absolutely. But she is genuinely angry about it. It reminds me of the bankruptcy claim that Brandi made about LVP. She didn't say it on the show. Many people had zero idea the accusation was ever made. LVP said the reason she was pissed was because it might make current suppliers question doing business with her now, even though Brandi claimed it happened a dozen years ago. Still, she brought it up at the reunion, and repeated it several times during S5, including it in her laundry list of things she could never forgive Brandi for at the S5 reunion. She was bringing up something said away from the show, that most people didn't know about until she brought it up, and reminding the suppliers she was afraid would stop doing business with her because of the allegation - over and over again. Why? Because she was really pissed off about it. The fact that she was the one who kept reminding people about it wasn't the point. Her anger and feelings of betrayal was the point. Same exact thing with Eileen.

For the record, I think Eileen should just shut up about it. But then, I thought the same about LVP.

How was Lisa was supposed to know that Eileen inserting herself into a conversation about divorce meant that she doesn't want to talk about it? And Eileen did nothing to stop the conversation but a tipsy Lisa was supposed to recognize she was uncomfortable? Then when Lisa apologizes, Eileen says "we're good" but Lisa is supposed to know that Eileen really isn't good, that she is in fact lying and is still angry, how? Then again, after the second apology, how is Lisa to know that Eileen is still upset, how about after the third? Eileen is full of BS and is using this as her big dramatic storyline this season. LOL


As for the BK, Brandi lied, plain and simple, she lied. Also, she never retracted the lie or apologized for lying either. And the Kim thing, it was about how when Kim told Eileen she hurt her she got squat from Eileen by way of apologies but when Eileen told Lisa she hurt her she got an apology, she has gotten 3 yet accepted none of them, that is what I am pointing out.

Talking about Kim's behavior is a far cry from what Rinna did last year with all the "addict" stuff.  I think Eileen was appropriate because it did involve her , in her own home and it was an excellent opportunity for Kim to apologize.  Before Eileen ever asked Kim about her support system, Kim was in the limo saying she disliked Eileen and she was headed to her home for another event.  I am not sure what Eileen did but I think it was rooted in Brandi's dislike of Eileen and Brandi and Kim's plan gone awry to make mischief at the poker party.  I believe that is why we see Brandi giving the cut sign-she didn't realize how far off script Kim was going to go.


I thought Eileen totally appropriate last year, this year her screw up was when she talked to LVP, she spent the first part of the conversation discounting her feeling, "it may be just me," well, don't expect LVP to read your mind if your segue into the pertinent issue is a bunch of statements designed to minimize.   

It isn't about Kim's behavior IMO, it is the simple fact that she said it "hurt her feelings", much like Eileen claims about Lisa using the word 'affair" because neither Eileen (to Kim) or Lisa (to Eileen) were nefarious in the comments/questions. Only Lisa apologized to Eileen for hurting her feelings.


Of course Eileen doesn't have to accept any apology but she also can't put unknown conditions on an apology to begin with which is exactly what she has done.

  • Love 5

How was Lisa was supposed to know that Eileen inserting herself into a conversation about divorce meant that she doesn't want to talk about it? And Eileen did nothing to stop the conversation but a tipsy Lisa was supposed to recognize she was uncomfortable? Then when Lisa apologizes, Eileen says "we're good" but Lisa is supposed to know that Eileen really isn't good, that she is in fact lying and is still angry, how? Then again, after the second apology, how is Lisa to know that Eileen is still upset, how about after the third? Eileen is full of BS and is using this as her big dramatic storyline this season. LOL


As for the BK, Brandi lied, plain and simple, she lied. Also, she never retracted the lie or apologized for lying either. And the Kim thing, it was about how when Kim told Eileen she hurt her she got squat from Eileen by way of apologies but when Eileen told Lisa she hurt her she got an apology, she has gotten 3 yet accepted none of them, that is what I am pointing out.

It isn't about Kim's behavior IMO, it is the simple fact that she said it "hurt her feelings", much like Eileen claims about Lisa using the word 'affair" because neither Eileen (to Kim) or Lisa (to Eileen) were nefarious in the comments/questions. Only Lisa apologized to Eileen for hurting her feelings.


Of course Eileen doesn't have to accept any apology but she also can't put unknown conditions on an apology to begin with which is exactly what she has done.

I guess I see it so differently. I throw myself into all kinds of conversations when they come up; that doesn't mean I want to open up my own private vault. I will be the first to mention how horrible it is for someone to drive drunk if the topic comes up. I would be mortified if people started questioning me about my own fathers penchant for doing such a thing and the stress, pain, and near loss of life it caused my family, even though some people know the stories well.  I might in private with some people, but certainly it shouldn't be assumed. I'm sure LVP would give her opinion if someone were discussing legal matters or the stress of litigation. She might express sympathy with someone going through such a thing. Does that mean that anytime she gives her opinion on legal stuff that she needs to be prepared to talk about her own legal issues? On camera when she doesn't want to? The fact that Eileen is divorced and has reached a place where all parties are happy means that she cannot have an opinion about divorce without having to answer private questions about her past?  I just don't see how the two are connected. 


I agree about BG and the lie. My point was that LVP was the one who kept the story going, just as Eileen is keeping the story going now. If Eileen would let it go, people might forget about the shady stuff before she got married. She keeps it going because she is so angry about it. I like Eileen but am growing tired of hearing about it. I wish she would just shut the hell up. LVP did the same exact thing with the bankruptcy stuff.  The funny thing is to me, LVP and Eileen aren't really that much alike, but their reactions to things are very similar. The way they hold on to slights after they should have let them go because they are not satisfied with the outcome. LVP is the master of this. Adrienne gave her the most sincere apology I've ever heard at the S2 reunion. She apologized over and over again. She asked for forgiveness. She said she hoped they could move on. LVP said they could, but then couldn't. She just couldn't get past it even though she said she could. She could never forgive Kyle either. She would tell her she had forgiven her, but she brought it up time after time. All of S3 and most of S4 was about LVP constantly repeating what Kyle had done wrong. We've only seen Eileen doing this for 1/2 season. She has another full season of reminding LVP of her slight before she reaches LVP grudge-holder status. I pray she never reaches that point because it is exhausting. 

  • Love 3

How was Lisa was supposed to know that Eileen inserting herself into a conversation about divorce meant that she doesn't want to talk about it? And Eileen did nothing to stop the conversation but a tipsy Lisa was supposed to recognize she was uncomfortable? Then when Lisa apologizes, Eileen says "we're good" but Lisa is supposed to know that Eileen really isn't good, that she is in fact lying and is still angry, how? Then again, after the second apology, how is Lisa to know that Eileen is still upset, how about after the third? Eileen is full of BS and is using this as her big dramatic storyline this season. LOL


As for the BK, Brandi lied, plain and simple, she lied. Also, she never retracted the lie or apologized for lying either. And the Kim thing, it was about how when Kim told Eileen she hurt her she got squat from Eileen by way of apologies but when Eileen told Lisa she hurt her she got an apology, she has gotten 3 yet accepted none of them, that is what I am pointing out.

It isn't about Kim's behavior IMO, it is the simple fact that she said it "hurt her feelings", much like Eileen claims about Lisa using the word 'affair" because neither Eileen (to Kim) or Lisa (to Eileen) were nefarious in the comments/questions. Only Lisa apologized to Eileen for hurting her feelings.


Of course Eileen doesn't have to accept any apology but she also can't put unknown conditions on an apology to begin with which is exactly what she has done.

A divorce conversation has nothing to do with asking about one's affair. The conversation was about how people treat each other poorly post divorce.  Lisar and LVP having a conversation about unknown people was begging for some sort of interruption and relevance.  Eileen was very clear she said LVP was grilling her-hardly an invitation to continue invasive questioning. The apology stuff is all on Eileen-she was not clear and repeatedly indicated to LVP, after the fact she needed more and at the same time claiming she did not want to bring up the affair.


I think LVP's feelings regarding Eileen were pretty clear in her blog this week-Eileen does nothing to forward the show along.  She can't even be bothered to have an event at her home or host a luncheon.  She ran some lines and talked about a sister who died two years ago. 

  • Love 3

I guess I see it so differently. I throw myself into all kinds of conversations when they come up; that doesn't mean I want to open up my own private vault. I will be the first to mention how horrible it is for someone to drive drunk if the topic comes up. I would be mortified if people started questioning me about my own fathers penchant for doing such a thing and the stress, pain, and near loss of life it caused my family, even though some people know the stories well.  I might in private with some people, but certainly it shouldn't be assumed. I'm sure LVP would give her opinion if someone were discussing legal matters or the stress of litigation. She might express sympathy with someone going through such a thing. Does that mean that anytime she gives her opinion on legal stuff that she needs to be prepared to talk about her own legal issues? On camera when she doesn't want to? The fact that Eileen is divorced and has reached a place where all parties are happy means that she cannot have an opinion about divorce without having to answer private questions about her past?  I just don't see how the two are connected. 


I agree about BG and the lie. My point was that LVP was the one who kept the story going, just as Eileen is keeping the story going now. If Eileen would let it go, people might forget about the shady stuff before she got married. She keeps it going because she is so angry about it. I like Eileen but am growing tired of hearing about it. I wish she would just shut the hell up. LVP did the same exact thing with the bankruptcy stuff.  The funny thing is to me, LVP and Eileen aren't really that much alike, but their reactions to things are very similar. The way they hold on to slights after they should have let them go because they are not satisfied with the outcome. LVP is the master of this. Adrienne gave her the most sincere apology I've ever heard at the S2 reunion. She apologized over and over again. She asked for forgiveness. She said she hoped they could move on. LVP said they could, but then couldn't. She just couldn't get past it even though she said she could. She could never forgive Kyle either. She would tell her she had forgiven her, but she brought it up time after time. All of S3 and most of S4 was about LVP constantly repeating what Kyle had done wrong. We've only seen Eileen doing this for 1/2 season. She has another full season of reminding LVP of her slight before she reaches LVP grudge-holder status. I pray she never reaches that point because it is exhausting. 

Lisa is honest, if you hurt/betray her, then apologize, she will move on but things will not be the same, that it takes time to get back to where you were before but she will move on. Eileen wants to lecture Lisa over and over again despite the fact that Lisa apologized and has not repeated the infraction again and she brings up the initial infraction out of nowhere and immediately starts to lecture Lisa all over again. This is where Eileen is wrong, either accept it or not but stop with the guilt lectures.


I don't see Lisa as "holding grudges", she pulls back from the relationship but still maintains a friendly relationship, just less close/trust.

A divorce conversation has nothing to do with asking about one's affair. The conversation was about how people treat each other poorly post divorce.  Lisar and LVP having a conversation about unknown people was begging for some sort of interruption and relevance.  Eileen was very clear she said LVP was grilling her-hardly an invitation to continue invasive questioning. The apology stuff is all on Eileen-she was not clear and repeatedly indicated to LVP, after the fact she needed more and at the same time claiming she did not want to bring up the affair.


I think LVP's feelings regarding Eileen were pretty clear in her blog this week-Eileen does nothing to forward the show along.  She can't even be bothered to have an event at her home or host a luncheon.  She ran some lines and talked about a sister who died two years ago. 

They were talking about a couple getting divorced and for one of them it was their third marriage and this is when/where Eileen jumped in. Eileen revealed that she too was on her third marriage and Lisa said that she didn't know that and Eileen then proceeded to give Lisa a brief history about her marriages. This is when Lisa started asking questions, only after Eileen talked briefly about all 3 marriages and she, Lisa, started out with "How did you know Vince was the one". That was the jump off point, Eileen answered and Lisa started to ask more. Was Lisa right to pursue this subject, No, but I really didn't get the sense that she had nefarious intentions and she completely missed all the signs that Eileen was uncomfortable. Now, the first apology, Lisa was sincere IMO but she was also nervous, hence the awkward laugh, and she did not/has not repeated the same infraction since then.  The second apology, she was less sincere and finally with the last one, she was getting ticked off that Eileen didn't feel that any of them were worthy of her.


As for Lisa's blog this week, I think she is correct about Eileen, other than crawling up Yolanda's/Erika's butts, she hasn't brought anything to the show and is using this made up fight with Lisa as her storyline. I also think Lisa pointed out that Eileen is pulling LisaR's puppet strings, aka....manipulating LisaR. LOL

  • Love 9

I want to know how what Lisa said to Eileen about the affair (that everyone knew about) is worse than Eileen bringing up that she finds Lisa V manipulative during a dinner in which both Lisa and Kyle's husbands were present. Eileen is so proud of her ability to confront people that she can't seem to grasp that she's being incredibly rude. I'm sorry but being called "manipulative" is not something you just laugh off. But I guess next week we need to hear Eileen demand another apology over the "affair" discussion.

Edited by AttackTurtle
  • Love 11

I like Eileen fine, but sheesh, gtfo it.


I love LVP, but I would keep her at arms length, trust-wise. I get why Eileen might have been annoyed by her on-camera question, and her half hearted (first) apology.  But it really would have been better if Eileen had just left it there, with LVP's apology seeming kinda shallow and slightly bitchy, and if anyone looked like the (marginal) "bad guy", it'd be Lisa V.  But instead, with her going on and on about it, it makes Eileen look like a bit of an unforgiving weirdo I think.


I guess she's been Vanderpumped.

Edited by Jel
  • Love 9



I love LVP, but I would keep her at arms length, trust-wise. I get why Eileen might have been annoyed by her on-camera question, and her half hearted (first) apology.  But it really would have been better if Eileen had just left it there, with LVP's apology seeming kinda shallow and slightly bitchy, and if anyone looked like the (marginal) "bad guy", it'd be Lisa V.  But instead, with her going on and on about it, it makes Eileen look like a bit of an unforgiving weirdo I think.


I guess she's been Vanderpumped.



I agree.  I don't understand Eileen's angle.  I don't get her at all.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 5

I think that Eileen is between a rock and a hard place right now.  Actually, it began around mid-season.  You could see her going downward, but it was hard to know why.  Eileen is still a lovely woman, IMHO, and she keeps her cards close to her vest.  You'll never see Eileen sharing her problems with the world -- not the big ones, anyway -- so it isn't easy to know what goes on inside her.


When Eileen returned from Italy, she was at the lowest I have seen her on the show.  Then, to be hit with a grilling from LVP into sensitive subjects that were highly personal, I think was the crowning blow for Eileen.  She's still a newbie, and I think she had visions of everything slipping away from her regarding the show. 


If anyone had ever told me that LVP. with her "polished British manners," her ever-present sense of decorum, and her pinkie always up, could invade another person's private space and attack that aggressively, I would not have believed it.  Her sarcasm and her bitchery hit new lows.


I hope that Eileen's feelings are assuaged now and that LVP will call off her dogs.  Both ladies have important attributes, so I hope they'll develop some mutual respect in the seasons to come. Besides, their disagreements are so PETTY!  If they're going to nag at each other, let it be over something important!  Could we please move on?

Edited by Lura
  • Love 2

Honestly, I think Eileen was just earning her paycheck and trying to cause fights.  She probably likes Lisa the least, so chose her.


Now though, since Vince is probably suddenly super wealthy since his dad died, why does she even need that 3/4 of a million for a few months work?  BTW, any details about the will, and how much Vince collected?  Hopefully too much to gamble it all away.

I think that Eileen is between a rock and a hard place right now.  Actually, it began around mid-season.  You could see her going downward, but it was hard to know why.  Eileen is still a lovely woman, IMHO, and she keeps her cards close to her vest.  You'll never see Eileen sharing her problems with the world -- not the big ones, anyway -- so it isn't easy to know what goes on inside her.


When Eileen returned from Italy, she was at the lowest I have seen her on the show.  Then, to be hit with a grilling from LVP into sensitive subjects that were highly personal, I think was the crowning blow for Eileen.  She's still a newbie, and I think she had visions of everything slipping away from her regarding the show. 


If anyone had ever told me that LVP. with her "polished British manners," her ever-present sense of decorum, and her pinkie always up, could invade another person's private space and attack that aggressively, I would not have believed it.  Her sarcasm and her bitchery hit new lows.


I hope that Eileen's feelings are assuaged now and that LVP will call off her dogs.  Both ladies have important attributes, so I hope they'll develop some mutual respect in the seasons to come. Besides, their disagreements are so PETTY!  If they're going to nag at each other, let it be over something important!  Could we please move on?

Are you meaning the deaths in Elaine's family? Or is there something more that I'm missing? She's openly shown some of her grief with the deaths so I'm wondering whether you mean some pain she is hiding? 

As an adult, I've had many conversations at social gatherings where people start asking "uncomfortable" questions, and I have never had a problem shutting it down.  You redirect, move on, and if need be, go to the damn bathroom.  Eileen sat there, answering.  So why would LVP stop asking?   This has been a non-issue and I'm tired of it, and from her blog it seems she just doesn't get it.  Maybe Soap Opera Poisoning - too many years with your days filled with fake drama, now she can't tell the difference.

  • Love 11

Yes, I really can see how the cold war between Eileen and LVP went on for too long and viewers became bored by it.  I don't agree that Eileen should be booted.  This has been a slow season, to put it kindly!  It's over now, and they can move on.  I can hardly wait for the reunion.  I hope it brings out some of the issues that we've had questions about, and if any group needed to clear the air, it's this one.  I'd love to learn more about Erika and her son, for instance, and the Model Mom hiding her divorce plans.  In fact, I'd like to know a LOT more about Yo.

Edited by Lura
  • Love 4

I love that she demands resolution for all things while making her career on soaps where nothing is ever truly resolved or finished. She also wants everything out in the open when, again, her career is made on shows where stories are built on secrets.

Perhaps her whole deal on the show, in life, is desperation not to live in a soap opera. No "affair," no dragged out drama based on unsaid things.

Poor thing.

  • Love 2

She needs a new hairstylist, IMO.

Her needs to have closure appears manufactured, IMO.

Who cares about that bullshit at her age?????

At times, she seems to overact however she absolutely brought something to this franchise (bad acting? Perhaps.... J/k)

She does! She looks so much better with shorter hair - like a bob cut. It looks more refreshing and sophisticated on her.


I think it's more exaggerated than it is manufactured. She was meddlesome last season too but she took a more neutral stance. This season, she became more aggressive about it. I'm not sure if she exaggerated her issue with LVP for the sake of having an actual role this season of if she's just that sensitive and can't let things go. Her 'need' for closure sometimes makes her etiquette seem questionable. She seemed perturbed at everyone being cordial with each other at Kyle's house party. For one, why does closure need to happen at all times and places? Is a party at someone else's home the place to bring up contentious matters between people in a group? Further, why is it such a bad thing that people exhibit adult behavior in being civil to one another in a public setting?


Eileen wants closure so badly with this LVP thing because she wants to feel like she's finally proven her own point and has won. She didn't seem interested in encouraging LR to speak with Kim at the party when they found out she was there. I would say her issues with Kim were a lot more volatile and serious than whether or not LVP directly or indirectly told her to talk about something which, in the end, she willingly did.

  • Love 5

I just feel gypped that we never got to see Eileen's house remodel.

I had completely forgotten about that.  I would have loved to see more of that. I really liked the fact that she was able to admit that even though Brandi was horrible, she actually gave some thought to what she said, and realized it might be time for a change. 

  • Love 5

I had completely forgotten about that.  I would have loved to see more of that. I really liked the fact that she was able to admit that even though Brandi was horrible, she actually gave some thought to what she said, and realized it might be time for a change. 


She did any remodeling.  There was at least one scene in her house this season and had there been a make over we would have noticed not to mention they would have made a big deal about it.  Good venue for a get together for a fight, too. 

She did any remodeling.  There was at least one scene in her house this season and had there been a make over we would have noticed not to mention they would have made a big deal about it.  Good venue for a get together for a fight, too. 

I'm not so sure. I remember last year in the "Lost Footage" episode we saw Yo looking at houses with Mauricio.  It was such a great segment, and she said later that looking for a new house took up a lot of her season. Yet they never included it except for the lost footage segments. Made zero sense to anyone, because like Yo or hate her, watching a rich HW show us house porn with a legitimate big time agent - who also just happens to be married to another HW - would have been more interesting than anything else we saw last year. If Eileen decorating her house was just lighthearted fun with no drama, Bravo probably had no interest in it. 

  • Love 4

I gotta say, Lisa, proper English lady "I cry myself to sleep", seems to do this far more often.

No, Eileen and now Rinna, are the blocking Queens! LOL They even brag about all their blocking on twitter. LisaV will ask why someone follows her when they don't like her and gives them a chance to tell her why and if they keep it up, then she blocks them. With Eileen/Rinna, all you have to say is that you don't like or agree with them, no swearing, no nastiness, nothing mean and you still get blocked. All of them block the nasty ones, every single one of them.

  • Love 8

Jill Zarin used to block you if you followed someone she didn't like!  I am so not kidding.  I never tweeted a single thing to that woman, I rarely tweet anyway, but she blocked me because I followed the adorable parody tweeter playing her her dog Ginger.  Ginger was always plotting ways to escape, or giving people a head's up where she might be so people could kidnap/rescue her. 


I still haven't really made my mind up about Eileen.  I think she was told to ramp it up this season, and for her that meant "participate in gangs" against someone.  I honestly thought she was smarter than that.  Anyway, that's my guess.  Her husband obviously mostly exited stage left this year. 


Basically, I'm not interested in any housewife who is trying to make it all about some other housewife, especially if it's a lame "team up and take someone down" thing.  I find that behavior embarrassing to women and boring.  For me, it's hard to recover any respect after stuff like that.  When the topic is always "someone ELSE" then why are you even getting paid?

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 7

I love how Eileen was furious at LVP all season, egged on Rinna to "express" herself. Going in on LVP, but when talking with YO & Erika, she made sure to add "I like LVP"

Eileen just blew it and I think that's what bugging her the most. LVP played her game and went for Eileen's Achilles Heel - Her adulterous past. Eileen made the choice last season to talk about it but that's because Brandi brought it out of her to share it. I think had Eileen played it cool and owned what she did and moved forward she wouldn't had lost her popularity this season. Instead whatever is eating her about how she got with Vincent still is a sore spot for her, because again, people will always see her as manstealer and cheat no matter how much she got with Vincent because it wasn't a genuine way she got him.

  • Love 6

Eileen's "I like LVP" rings just as hollow as LVP's apologies to Eileen.

I don't think Lisa knew what she did wrong to begin with. Eileen waited until the next day or so to even say anything to Lisa about it and she said she was bothered by the number of questions, not the questions themselves. So......Lisa apologized for "asking too many questions", which was exactly what Eileen had just told her that is what upset her. The second apology went the same way, it wasn't the questions but the number of questions and she restated it again the third time she wanted an apology. Now had Eileen said that the questions, or the nature of the questions hurt her and Lisa gave the same apology, then it is on Lisa but as it stands, Lisa gave Eileen an apology based on what Eileen told her, so it is on Eileen. Eileen doesn't get to the point, she pussy foots around wanting the other person to read her mind and make an apology based on mind reading, she doesn't want to be specific/direct about what upset her but demands a specific/direct apology.

Edited by WireWrap
  • Love 8

I don't think Lisa knew what she did wrong to begin with. Eileen waited until the next day or so to even say anything to Lisa about it and she said she was bothered by the number of questions, not the questions themselves. So......Lisa apologized for "asking too many questions", which was exactly what Eileen had just told her that is what upset her. The second apology went the same way, it wasn't the questions but the number of questions and she restated it again the third time she wanted an apology. Now had Eileen said that the questions, or the nature of the questions hurt her and Lisa gave the same apology, then it is on Lisa but as it stands, Lisa gave Eileen an apology based on what Eileen told her, so it is on Eileen. Eileen doesn't get to the point, she pussy foots around wanting the other person to read her mind and make an apology based on mind reading, she doesn't want to be specific/direct about what upset her but demands a specific/direct apology.




I don't think what Lisa did was wrong, neither in asking those questions nor the apologies demanded of her after. She did apologize for what Eileen first  said was bothering her at the time and I don't think the apology needed to mean anything to Lisa. Eileen should have shut down the questioning the same way Lisa tried to shut down Kyle at Kyle's BBQ regarding YoMo's kids and do they or don't they have lymes. Eileen didn't so the onus is on her. If she had nicely but firmly told Lisa she was overstepping I'm sure Lisa would have quit. After Eileen kept upping the tally of what she was pissed about regarding the conversation, requiring Lisa to continuously fall on her sword, after Eileen  badgering her at every turn, Lisa still tried to give her what she wanted and it still wasn't good enough.  Lisa could have given the most heartfelt apologies ever and Eileen would still have a bone to gnaw on because of her own insecurities about the affair.


I don't feel it is wrong to offer a hollow apology if you feel you did nothing wrong, you are doing it for the benefit of the hurt party. If that is all you want to give and they won't accept it and move on then that is still their issue and only theirs.


Both statements of Loving Lisa and badgered apologies rang hollow

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 6

Lisa gave Eileen an apology based on what Eileen told her, so it is on Eileen. Eileen doesn't get to the point, she pussy foots around wanting the other person to read her mind and make an apology based on mind reading, she doesn't want to be specific/direct about what upset her but demands a specific/direct apology.


Agreed. She also originally presented her issue with LVP as something that was really no big deal but she just wanted to get it out in the open even if she was overreacting. Personally, I think the word "affair" is inflammatory, that people do not associate it with "love affair", and that LVP knows this. Who knows for sure, but she did owe Eileen an apology and she gave one proportionate to the way Eileen initially addressed the situation. I'm sure Eileen also knows or was clued in that Lisa's apologies are often of the "I'm sorry you felt that way" variety and you can take it or leave it, but you can't force her to feel the kind of remorse Eileen wanted her to feel. I'm not a big fan of LVP but I can't blame her for becoming so irritated she said whatever she had to say just to make Eileen finally drop the subject.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
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