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Small Talk: The Cabana

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I'm back!  I have two permanent issues (one spine injury related, one illness related) which get a little draining, these last couple weeks were a little rough, but thanks to everyone!



Get Well and come back soon! Sending you lots of laughter to help you heal faster!

Thanks WW, you always make me laugh!


Please check in from time to time and let us know how you're doing. Well wishes!

Thank you Rhetorica!  Well wishes received!


Hope you're back soon CyberJawa1986.
Take good care of yourself, sending good vibes your way. Please check in when possible.


Thank you imjagain, I'll be saving the good vibes in case I ever need to send them back.

Get well soon CyberJawa1986!


Thanks LV!

Wishing you well, CyberJawa1986.


Thanks Walnut, wishes slowly fulfilled!.

Take care CyberJawa. Hope things get normal quickly for you.

Thanks stewed!


Prettybird, Persnickety1, and CyberJawa1986 - sending you all positive vibes and prayers.

Persnickety1 - I'm so glad you were stealth in getting care and listened to your body. I know all to well from my mom having multiple strokes and it being discovered too late how getting urgent care is beneficial to a speedy and well recovery. Thank you for sharing and thanks for all your awesome snark. I've been a long time fangirl of your posts wayyyy back from TWOP pages (I lurked lol). :)

Thanks Llama!


CyberJawa, you are sorely missed! Whatever you are going through I wish you a speedy recovery and send you good thoughts/prayers.❤️

thank you msblossom!  


I'm trying to get through the list of notifications, I'd like to make sure I thank everyone.

CyberJ!!  You'll be back in time for NYC, right?  Right?  Because Manhattan wouldn't be the same without you.  Be well.

Does Aviva have one leg?  :)  Thanks Rye!


Spring flowers always perk me up so I'm sending you some Cherry Blossoms. Get well soon.



Let me get my kimono and we're set!  Thanks Humble!


I hope I got everyone, I apologize if I didn't!

  • Love 11

One great thing about this particular thread is that no one should feel the need to apologize for speaking from the heart and off the cuff.   We all take turns getting a little personal or verklempt at times, and everyone's amazingly accepting and supportive of that.  It's like one big safe zone around these parts, and I appreciate the hell out of y'all!    :-)

  • Love 15

So I rescued a sweet young dog who was running down the middle of my street this morning - she was a gorgeous tri-colored shep/husky looking girl with a bright pink collar.  No tags.  Walked her around the neighborhood (on my still sore foot & walking bootie!) and nobody recognized her.  Took her to my vet to check for a microchip - Nada.  She came home with me, freaked the FUCK out of my cat, and I made signs, figuring I'd check around again in the evening when folks got home from work.  But for some reason I decided to put up a couple of signs on street corners at around 4 pm, and literally half a block from my house a guy driving by stopped and told me it was his sister's dog, and pointed to the very next house!   The family there never even knew their sister's poor dog was gone - and they'd been home with the kids ALL DAY.   I'm glad I found her home, but sort of annoyed at the family of  "I don't give a shit about a stupid dog mentality".  She was far too beautiful and well behaved to belong to the likes of them - they didn't even bother to thank me.   Some people really DO suck. 


Now I am missing the doggie - I even have food samples from my vet for her dinner.  My cat is glad she's gone, though - he came out of hiding and spent ages smelling me all over (the doggie was extremely affectionate and even lay on my lap, which she was far too big for).  She had these eyeliner markings around her eyes that went into Taylor Swift "wings" at the outside corners - SUCH a pretty face (the dog, that is).  :-)

  • Love 15

So I rescued a sweet young dog who was running down the middle of my street this morning - she was a gorgeous tri-colored shep/husky looking girl with a bright pink collar.  No tags.  Walked her around the neighborhood (on my still sore foot & walking bootie!) and nobody recognized her.  Took her to my vet to check for a microchip - Nada.  She came home with me, freaked the FUCK out of my cat, and I made signs, figuring I'd check around again in the evening when folks got home from work.  But for some reason I decided to put up a couple of signs on street corners at around 4 pm, and literally half a block from my house a guy driving by stopped and told me it was his sister's dog, and pointed to the very next house!   The family there never even knew their sister's poor dog was gone - and they'd been home with the kids ALL DAY.   I'm glad I found her home, but sort of annoyed at the family of  "I don't give a shit about a stupid dog mentality".  She was far too beautiful and well behaved to belong to the likes of them - they didn't even bother to thank me.   Some people really DO suck. 


Now I am missing the doggie - I even have food samples from my vet for her dinner.  My cat is glad she's gone, though - he came out of hiding and spent ages smelling me all over (the doggie was extremely affectionate and even lay on my lap, which she was far too big for).  She had these eyeliner markings around her eyes that went into Taylor Swift "wings" at the outside corners - SUCH a pretty face (the dog, that is).  :-)

Aww you are my kind of person walnut! I had a similar thing happen a few years ago and since it involves dogs and less then responsible siblings BH is a perfect thread to share. I was driving home and saw this beautiful husky roaming the neighborhood. My daughter and I got it home and thank god he had a tag with a phone number. I called and the guy who answered said yes it was his dog but the dog was staying with his sister as he was out of town. He apparently called his sister and she didn't realize the dog was even missing.....he was PISSED and basically said "you seem responsible can you keep the dog until I get home in a couple days?" So I did!

  • Love 13

WOW. what a lucky guy to have you find his dog, nc!   


And they didn't even thank you Walnut?  terrible and sad.  LOL @ your cat! 


Yes, my cat came out of hiding as soon as I returned without the dog, but he had a terribly affronted look on his little face and was ready to shun me until he heard the treatie bag opening.  Then he turned back into a Temptations slut-man-whore.  :-)


nc socialworker - you're my kind of people, too!  I was fully prepared to keep the dog for a few days while posting in the local lost & found places and checking out my local Petsmart to see if anyone recognized the dog.  Because I hate the idea of taking an animal to the shelter.

  • Love 7

Oh yes, as soon as I can afford another pet, I'll be getting one - probably a doggie (fuck the cat - he'll adjust eventually!).  But I am one of those people who firmly believes in vets and proper food - my oldest 4 cats totally bankrupted me in their last years, and I can barely manage to keep my last remaining indoor cat and support the 8 backyard feral cats I also raised; one got a foxtail in his eye last year, which was very expensive.  He still gives me the stinkeye because I had to keep him in the bathroom and put stuff in his eye 3 times a day.  


All my animals have found me - they just seem to gravitate to the sucker in me.   Thank gawd for Grocery Outlet and cheap hot dog treats and dry cat food for the raccoon mama who's been birthing her babies in my back yard for years.  The possum & skunk like the cat food, too, and my ferals don't mind sharing.  Discount birdseed & peanuts for my feathered friends, and It's one big happy family back there (unlike the human families I've witnessed hereabouts!).   :-)

  • Love 8

Animals can tell who the good people are, WalnutQueen!   That doggy knew he was in loving hands.  And awww to your poor kitty.  My cats look at my dogs with such revulsion, like those inferior dogs smell just terrible.  lol 



 I am the queen of picking up strays.


I am as well.   All of my childhood cats were strays and my parents still get a lot of wanderers coming to their house (my childhood home).  I used to volunteer for a rescue and it really was one of the happiest times of my life, even when I was running around down inside a sewer trying to rescue a very hungry kitty!  I wish I could foster again but I already have a house full of noisy animals -- I'm including my male roommate in that count. lol 

  • Love 5

Dogs I Have Met: And The People They Found


Dogs Who Found Me: What I've Learned From Pets Who Were Left Behind


One Good Dog

He was a rough-looking thing.  Big ears, wiry hair. His muzzle was just beginning to grizzle. He looked like the sort who'd been living outside of society for a while, maybe never really been a companion. After a long parade of supplicants appearing before me, each wanting me to choose him or her, their noses pressed up to the chain-link fence that separated us, there was something in this one's deep brown eyes, not a pleading - pleading I can overlook - but something else. A quiet dignity, maybe even an aloofness, as if he didn't really need me or my kind being nice to him. Yes. That was it, a haughtiness that declared he needed no one's pity; he shouldn't even be here. Don't look at me; I'm only here by coercion.


Our eyes met and held, but then he turned away. Beta to my alpha. But in that brief gaze, I saw something I recognized. Maybe it was just that I saw my own independent streak, the one that has kept me on top. Or the eyes of a fighter down on his luck, but with memories of recent glory. Maybe I saw that underneath the rough exterior lay a heart, like mine, not entirely hard. You've got to be tough to live in this world, whether your lip is curled in real anger or fear aggression, you have to be willing to carry out the threat. This battle-scarred fella understood that, and on that basis I made my decision. He was the one for me.


So I wagged my tail.



  • Love 6

I work for a dog rescue.  It is the most rewarding thing I have ever done.  The happy stories of unwanted dogs finding their forever home is touching.  Each person and dog find their perfect match!  The dogs are so happy to get in that car for their ride home it often makes me cry.  They know where they are going, they just do.  When we have to take one to the vet, they know that too! 

Edited by wings707
  • Love 8

All this talk about cats and dogs reminds me of a funny story about a family friend. Unfortunately, he was killed by a drunk driver, but this story told at his memorial service made us smile.

His boss or supervisor rescued a group of feral kittens. Although our friend had never owned a cat and knew very little about them, he offered to foster them. The kittens had colds and required a lot of care and medications. A few days after taking them, he made the mistake of letting them out of their crate and frantically called his boss because he couldn't catch them. He finally caught them and began to get the hang of caring for them. A few weeks later, he called his boss again, very concerned that several of the kitties had developed a rattling in their chests. He was convinced their colds had turned into pneumonia and that they needed to be taken to a vet. His boss had him hold one of the kittens up to the phone so she could here the rattling sound. As she listened, she realized that what he was hearing was not pneumonia but purring. The kitties had become comfortable with him too! He was killed shortly after that, but his favorite kitten was given to his family.

It seems as though there are a lot of animal lovers on this board who have gone above and beyond to help them. Thank you all so much! It's great to know that, for every irresponsible and ignorant pet owner like Kim Richards, there are people like all of you.

  • Love 13

Thanks, LVmom we did. Such a senseless death. I try not to dwell on the details, but on the happy memories, like the cat story.

I have a rescue dog now. She's only 16 months and still has a lot of puppy energy. She is a good dog overall though and very affectionate. She's my 2nd rescue. I'll take her over any of the nasty human beasts on this show any day! Lol.

I'm very thankful for this board and website.

  • Love 8

I'd take my dearly departed feral AIDS Kitty Kitty fright bite any day over the vicious self-obsessed monsters who inhabit the Bravo franchises.  Hell, I'd take rabies shots if a raccoon accidentally nipped me before I'd have lunch with any of these "ladies".  :-)


I have infinite patience with animals, and little to none with humans (present company excepted, of course!).  A couple of years ago a grey tabby stray with bright eyes started coming around, and at first tried to cause trouble with my tribe, which is NOT permitted.  But he persisted and behaved, and when he next showed up looked like near death - skinny, fly-blown sores all over his face & ears, unable to eat crunchy food due to some mouth problem ... and totally uncatchable.  I nursed him back to semi health with canned food and milk, and slowly gained his trust.  It has been a very long haul for us both, but I recently had a breakthrough and he now rubs against my legs and allows me to scratch his head.  Pretty soon I'll be able to capture him and get him fixed, and maybe a dental check - if I manage to convince someone to heavily discount their services, or trade for a gold ring or something.  (I ran smack into the middle of some stupid political intrigue with the feral cat coalition and was unjustly associated with one of their persona-non-gratas, so I don't think they're taking my calls anymore!).   :-D

  • Love 7

We really do have a great group of posters here and I too am glad to know that we have so many animal lovers.


I'm posting here because work has been kicking my ass lately and I've had to put in a lot of overtime because a co-worker's planned vacation ended up coinciding with another co-worker taking ill unexpectedly so I haven't been able to post much. You guys have no idea how much I appreciate reading your posts because sometimes I really need the humor especially when I'm feeling overloaded. 


I'm hoping that I'll be able to catch the reunion tonight but I'm honestly not sure if I'll be able to stay up long enough to watch it live. Thankfully I'm off tomorrow (one blasted day off for the entire week) so I'm thinking about having a solo brunch at home while I watch.


A lox platter delivery from Lenny's Deli, a mimosa, and the first part of the reunion sounds like it might be just the thing I need feel better about having to get back to it on Thursday. 



Cyberjawa, I wanted to add that I was sorry to read about your health issues but am glad that you're back and posting again. 

Edited by Avaleigh
  • Love 8

Ooh, Avaleigh - that lox platter is making me drool already (not to mention the mimosas!).  You deserve it for all your hard work; no, you owe it to yourself.  As a person who burnt the candle at both ends for a stupid job and ruined her health in the process, I cannot stress enough how important it is for people to take a step back every once in a while and recharge.  

  • Love 6

We really do have a great group of posters here and I too am glad to know that we have so many animal lovers.

I'm posting here because work has been kicking my ass lately and I've had to put in a lot of overtime because a co-worker's planned vacation ended up coinciding with another co-worker taking ill unexpectedly so I haven't been able to post much. You guys have no idea how much I appreciate reading your posts because sometimes I really need the humor especially when I'm feeling overloaded.

I'm hoping that I'll be able to catch the reunion tonight but I'm honestly not sure if I'll be able to stay up long enough to watch it live. Thankfully I'm off tomorrow (one blasted day off for the entire week) so I'm thinking about having a solo brunch at home while I watch.

A lox platter delivery from Lenny's Deli, a mimosa, and the first part of the reunion sounds like it might be just the thing I need feel better about having to get back to it on Thursday.


Cyberjawa, I wanted to add that I was sorry to read about your health issues but am glad that you're back and posting again.

Have a fab brunch Avaleigh it sounds wonderful.

Don't you just hate when work gets in the way of our trashy tv;)

Don't work to hard.

I love all the animal lovers on here. My family is still trying to figure out if we will get a cat or dog. We had a dog for many years. I'm not sure I have the energy for a puppy and my 4 yr old. My 4yr old is autistic and I have been reading how cats are great therapy.

You all are great souls. I hope to see some of you at the RHONY thread.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 4

Have a fab brunch Avaleigh it sounds wonderful.

Don't you just hate when work gets in the way of our trashy tv;)

Don't work to hard.

I love all the animal lovers on here. My family is still trying to figure out if we will get a cat or dog. We had a dog for many years. I'm not sure I have the energy for a puppy and my 4 yr old. My 4yr old is autistic and I have been reading how cats are great therapy.

You all are great souls. I hope to see some of you at the RHONY thread.



There are many older dogs to rescue.  We have a harder time placing older dogs.  I don't mean really old, ones out of the puppy stage like 2 to 3 years old.  Take your 4 year old to the rescue and a dog will come forward, they will know and so will you.  It is amazing to watch dogs choose you.  They know where they belong.  It is magic sometimes.  

  • Love 5

So I rescued a sweet young dog who was running down the middle of my street this morning - she was a gorgeous tri-colored shep/husky looking girl with a bright pink collar.  No tags.  Walked her around the neighborhood (on my still sore foot & walking bootie!) and nobody recognized her.  Took her to my vet to check for a microchip - Nada.  She came home with me, freaked the FUCK out of my cat, and I made signs, figuring I'd check around again in the evening when folks got home from work.  But for some reason I decided to put up a couple of signs on street corners at around 4 pm, and literally half a block from my house a guy driving by stopped and told me it was his sister's dog, and pointed to the very next house!   The family there never even knew their sister's poor dog was gone - and they'd been home with the kids ALL DAY.   I'm glad I found her home, but sort of annoyed at the family of  "I don't give a shit about a stupid dog mentality".  She was far too beautiful and well behaved to belong to the likes of them - they didn't even bother to thank me.   Some people really DO suck. 


Now I am missing the doggie - I even have food samples from my vet for her dinner.  My cat is glad she's gone, though - he came out of hiding and spent ages smelling me all over (the doggie was extremely affectionate and even lay on my lap, which she was far too big for).  She had these eyeliner markings around her eyes that went into Taylor Swift "wings" at the outside corners - SUCH a pretty face (the dog, that is).  :-)


Is kitty still a sour puss or did you have to coax her to accept you back into her good graces?

Edited by Giselle
  • Love 2

Is kitty still a sour puss or did you have to coax her to accept you back into her good graces?


No, the minute I returned without the dog he came out of hiding and demanded treats.  His long sniff inspection of me did not produce a stink-eye, and he was quite happy to have my dog-smelling hands rub him all over.  He's a pretty good natured little slutbag.  :-)

  • Love 6

No, the minute I returned without the dog he came out of hiding and demanded treats.  His long sniff inspection of me did not produce a stink-eye, and he was quite happy to have my dog-smelling hands rub him all over.  He's a pretty good natured little slutbag.  :-)


That's my li'l black cat. He is a terror to birds and gophers, but he has never bitten or scratched a human. He's a cuddler when he isn't outside mass murdering the wildlife. 

Prettybird, Prettybird's squeeze, Persnickety, and CyberJawa, I'm keeping a good thought for you all. Hope you heal swiftly but more importantly heal well. xoxo

  • Love 5

There are many older dogs to rescue. We have a harder time placing older dogs. I don't mean really old, ones out of the puppy stage like 2 to 3 years old. Take your 4 year old to the rescue and a dog will come forward, they will know and so will you. It is amazing to watch dogs choose you. They know where they belong. It is magic sometimes.

Thanks Wings, that is a great idea.

we are still working through the grief of our wonderful lab. But we all know something is missing. so we are trying to see what works. I love the advice, my son loves all animals. So we have to make choice soon.

Our big baby (dog) was a rescue. And plan the next will be too.

Edited by imjagain
  • Love 3

All my animals are rescues, cats, dogs, horses, hamsters, cockatoos. Not all at the same time, though. They were all so grateful. I have a dog, Jackson, and a cat, Lily, now. They're a year apart and a little bit species confused. I love to see them play and cuddle together. If only people got along as well.


  • Love 8

I forget to check this board and I'm glad I did today because there are some great pet stories and I have a question for you animal lovers.


We don't have a pet.  The 3 of us are naturals with the neighborhood dogs, though. We'd really like one of our own.  But it wouldn't have been fair to have one in the past.  But it's like an ache how bad we'd love to have a dog.  It's brought up 4 or 5 times a week.


Lately, I've been haunting the shelters.  I've thought long and hard about changing our lifestyles so we can have a dog friend. So, here's the dilemma, I might be overthinking this, but can you really overthink what's best for your fur kids or your kid kids?  


My son will be going away for school in about a year and a half.  I am almost afraid to bring a dog into the house now because he will absolutely fall in love with it and then it will be time for him to go to school.  Like, the transition will be hard enough but then throw in leaving a dog that he's wanted his whole life.  This feels like a valid concern to me.  What say you all?  I don't doubt that if I brought a dog home today, that dog and my son would become inseparable. When he leaves, is that fair to the kid or the dog??  But on the other hand, I'd love to have that experience of having a pet before my son goes away.  And there are so many dogs in our local shelters that need homes.


The more I write the more the answer becomes clear.  But please give me your ops.

That's amazing!  I'd seen the orangutan and the dog before but none of the others. 

  • Love 2

All this dog talk.  :)


I have two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.  Always loved them.


My first big guy, he'll be nine this year and I made the realization of how to describe after seeing the dog trainer on the Melbourne HW's: "You treat the dog like a person, he'll treat you like a dog".  Wouldn't have it any other way.


My second little guy, he's about five, and my little companion, especially when I'm feeling bad.  My sweet and simple guy, he's forever a puppy.

  • Love 6

Rhetorica - I ff through commercials, but always stop to watch that one!  By the way, most of those scenes are taken from one of my favorite animal tv shows: Unlikely Animal Friends on NatGeoWild.   I can whole-heartedly recommend it to everyone; it is an utter delight.


ryebread- if you can afford food & vet care, and have time to spend with the dog (or any other critter, for that matter), I say GO FOR IT.

Edited by walnutqueen
  • Love 4

LOL.  It's unanimous.  Thanks, guys.  I need to have the conversation again with DH and DS.  My DH is a very methodical, rational kind of guy.  He loves dogs, has read books and watched programs on how to train a dog but most important, would love to have one.  But when we talk about how we'd love one, he'll bring me back to reality about how our lifestyle isn't fair for an animal right now.  I've agreed all these years but I feel something shifting.  Like it's time.  But then I'm worried about DS.  I think I'll have a talk with DS when he gets home today.  Maybe go up to the shelter.  If the stars align, maybe our pup is waiting for us. 


I have two Cavalier King Charles Spaniels.  Always loved them.


The little girl I  feel in love with a couple weeks ago was a Cavapoo named Lexi.  Adorable and sweet.  But the family who had her for the home visit that night ended up keeping her.  Happy for Lexi, sad for me. 

  • Love 6

And give yourself extra time to get somewhere, in case the dog has to go out for a potty break and decides to play run in circles at speeds of light for 20 minutes.


Loved your post, stew. And I have to comment on this part.  Whenever we can, we dog sit.  Oh how our neighbors have our number, yes they do.  We were sitting a Whoodle named Bailey and I needed to leave for an appointment.  So I let her out.  It was just starting to rain.  I watched as she did her business and called her back.  Usually she'd come right away.  Not that day.  She wanted to party.  In the increasingly heavier rain.  And the dirt. For about 10 minutes.  I was mad.  And my hair was done so I wasn't going out to get her. Even jangling her treat box and calling her like a crazy woman didn't bring her back.  Finally she came dashing in the door.  Me in my nice coat and clean jeans.  Cut her off at the pass and grabbed her.so she wouldn't jump on the sofa.  I had to carry her to the bath tub, wash her paws and change my clothes.  So yeah, I'd prepare better next time. 


She's usually really good about sitting nicely at the door while I wipe her paws if she's snowy or wet.  Not that day.  It's like she KNEW I had to be somewhere.  LOL  I love that little bitch.

  • Love 4

Rhetorica - I ff through commercials, but always stop to watch that one! By the way, most of those scenes are taken from one of my favorite animal tv shows: Unlikely Animal Friends on NatGeoWild. I can whole-heartedly recommend it to everyone; it is an utter delight.

ryebread- if you can afford food & vet care, and have time to spend with the dog (or any other critter, for that matter), I say GO FOR IT.

That episode was on last week! So sweet!

  • Love 2

My rescue advice might sound a bit selfish. I adopted two older dogs because I have a very soft, squishy heart. However, I have a loud granddaughter who sounds like a Klingon, and a grandson who loves to act out wars noisily, both kiddos under 6 yrs. My puggle, sweetheart that she is, was 6 when we adopted her a year ago. She was a breeder rescue who was horrifically abused. She was the last dog out of 125 rescued and was at the shelter the longest. She used to be the dog they presented at class field trips and was wonderful with children. She has gone after the two screech monkies a few times. We've mostly trained it out of her, but they terrify her when they start their racket. Our boxer, who was adopted at about 10 months, despises the screech monkies dad. As in they've tussled a few times. He is ex-military and very intimidating. She's a good dog, but I am extremely watchful when the kids are around.


Our dog trainer suggested not to adopt dogs older than 6 months when you have the possibility of small children around. I adore my dogs and have spent a fortune training them, but if I got another dog any time in the next few years, I would get a puppy and socialize the heck out of them.


Just my two cents. I'm not an expert.

  • Love 4

Our dog trainer suggested not to adopt dogs older than 6 months when you have the possibility of small children around. I adore my dogs and have spent a fortune training them, but if I got another dog any time in the next few years, I would get a puppy and socialize the heck out of them.


Just my two cents. I'm not an expert.


Thanks, LVmom.  No little ones here.  Just one 6'3" gangly, 16 year old boy that wants a dog.  Any dog.  Well, probably not a Chihuahua.  Or a Yorkie. 


Not being able to train or re-train an older dog is one of my fears.  My husband seems confidant but he's never had a dog before.  I like that our shelter will let us have home visits. 


Can anyone school me on fostering a dog?

  • Love 3

I don't know why this flashed through my mind. Why does "Daddy's Girl" have a positive connotation, while "Mommy's Boy" has a negative one?


Because society has tried hard to make the girls submissive little princesses and the boys aren't supposed to be dependent on anyone for anything. 


Shhhhh.  My son is a mama's boy.  But not in the tied to my apron strings kind of way.  I'm involved with his school activities.  While a lot of boys his age will ignore their mothers when they're serving meals during camps, for example, (some are plain rude) mine will come up and drape his arm around my shoulder. "Hey, Ma!"  No shame.  And when it's time for him to go back to the field, he says, "Love you, mom."  Doesn't matter who's standing there.  He's a mama's boy for sure. He's closer to me than his dad.  I love this kid.  I'm getting him a dog. LOL


You know another one that irks me?  'Boys will be boys'.  Screw that noise.  Using that as an excuse, usually after some bonehead move by a boy is like giving him permission to be a bonehead forever.  It bugs me when it's used that way.

Rescues around here are always begging for fosters. I would check Facebook out and ask around. There are way more dogs needing foster homes than homes needing foster dogs. They are very good about setting people up with the resources to foster too.

So if you foster a dog and you like the dog and the dog likes you, do you then get to adopt the dog?  I hope that's not a dumb question, but it makes sense that you would be able to adopt at that point.

  • Love 3

Thanks, LVmom.  No little ones here.  Just one 6'3" gangly, 16 year old boy that wants a dog.  Any dog.  Well, probably not a Chihuahua.  Or a Yorkie. 


Not being able to train or re-train an older dog is one of my fears.  My husband seems confidant but he's never had a dog before.  I like that our shelter will let us have home visits. 


Can anyone school me on fostering a dog?


An older dog can be trained, absolutely!  Fostering a dog means you keep the dog in your home, as a pet, until they find a forever home for it.  The problem that arises is getting attached to the dog and feeling sad when they go.  


Since you are not an experienced dog owner I would advise against fostering dogs.  Choose one for your family and focus you efforts him/her.


Get DVDs of Caesar Milan training videos that are specific to your situation.  You need to know what to do, how to do it and be consistent. :>)


You are going to LOVE having a dog.   Keep in mind how big a dog your bed will accommodate too!  

  • Love 4

Actually, my current dog, a cocker spaniel, was about 5 when I adopted him sight unseen so he wouldn't be put down. He was a stray and nothing was known about him. My niece had a baby boy shortly after. The dog glued himself to that baby like he was the one who had given birth. The kid can do anything to him. The dog adores him! Apparently, he had lost a family with kids, so, you never know. The truth is, though, if you go to a shelter, the dog is going to chose you, anyway. You just won't realize it when it happens

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