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Shameless Fame Whores: Sister Wives in the Media

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Because I just got back from the dentist and THAT wasn't enough brutal punishment, I just took a cruise through Robyn's tweets. Good grief. In response to someone's question about why she got to go to Hawaii and Christine didn't, she actually says she saved up her grocery money to go to Hawaii! She also says Christine could save her grocery money for a trip to Hawaii if she wanted to. Still doesn't answer the question about Kody's tweets from December.


The good news is she's getting skewered on Twitter. Called out on the VS purchases ("I had to order because I have long legs", "People are really hung up on that"), Jessop not seeing the kids ("his choice" blah blah), claims the trip where Robyn and Kody took the kids to Montana was filmed over two and a half years ago, but we know it was around Christmas and the closing of the homes. Her excuses are really pathetic. Not sure how long she will hang in there before she just shuts down. 

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After going back through some of Cynical Jinx's blog posts, it looks like the twitter from Kody that had the location ping from Hawaii did occur in October, not December. October 8th.. She has a screen-grab of the tweet. It's interesting that Robyn initially refused to answer that question on Twitter (even blocking people who asked about it), and now is talking about it.

(I just got a chance to catch up reading CJ's blog and there was confusion on the December Hawaii date there too. Someone else caught the October date also. I guess the confusion was over the fact that they took a trip after the divorce rather than after the marriage).


So the ink was barely dry on the divorce papers and Robyn takes Kody on a trip to Hawaii. Screams a little "Woo-hoo! Let's go to Disneyland!" to me.


I wonder about the grocery money thing too, 3girlsforus. Why doesn't Kody pitch in for trips? Why is it up to the wives to pay for them? Robyn took Kody there for HER birthday, not his.

Edited by Galloway Cave
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I think Robyn's saying she saved her 'grocery money' is specifically calculated to make her seem just the same as the other wives rather than a favorite. She knows people latched on to Christine being told her had to save her grocery money if she wanted anything so she used the identical words to make it appear she has the same rules and restrictions. 


What she leaves out is that she has at least as much money as Christine but less people to financially support. Plus Kody wants to go places with her and not Christine so the extra money Kody controls goes to her too. So no, she isn't pinching pennies to go to Hawaii. 

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This fairy tale about going to Hawaii on scrimped grocery money is absolutely classic Brown bullshit. Golly, how very Little House on the Prairie of her. Did she also raise a little extra selling her extra eggs and butter?


I've noticed, as other posters have mentioned, that Robyn the blocking-spree queen, has taken a very different tack and is engaging tweets that she finds offensive. My theory is that TLC was not amused by her snotty response to viewers and had a chat with her about it. The trouble is, when it comes to criticism (even mild constructive criticism) Robyn is wildly reactive. If she can't react with a blocking spree, she reacts with hyper-acidic huffiness.....SWEETIE.  :)

  • Love 7

I've noticed, as other posters have mentioned, that Robyn the blocking-spree queen, has taken a very different tack and is engaging tweets that she finds offensive. My theory is that TLC was not amused by her snotty response to viewers and had a chat with her about it. The trouble is, when it comes to criticism (even mild constructive criticism) Robyn is wildly reactive. If she can't react with a blocking spree, she reacts with hyper-acidic huffiness.....SWEETIE.  :)

 I have read Robyn's Twitter now and then. After this divorce episode aired there's quite a different tone coming from her. She also changed her picture to just herself, no Kody. She was Robyn Sullivan Brown before that episode. Now she's Robyn Brown.

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This twitter meltdown was really weird. It happened during the middle of the night, she posted non-stop nonsense, she was challenging people left and right and her posts contradicted what had been shown on the show. At one point, it was so bad people thought her account had been hacked so she posted not one but two Bathroom Selfies (in her jammies, no less) to prove she was the one ranting. What stable, adult woman does this? And obviously, Kody was not there that night. Nor did any of her sister wives know she was melting down on social media or else one of them would have gone next door and told her to knock it off.


Kody feels secure having his financial and legal business in this woman's hands.

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Or maybe she put the trip on credit cards, to be later discharged in her first bankruptcy.



Since this faux-religious bunch of yahoos think nothing of what I consider grand theft with their bankruptcies, she probably sees it as her due.  The Almighty Brown Financial Plan - screw the rest of us who work to pay our bills and just keep walking away from debt.  I loathe every one of them.

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Re: Grocery money: she has less kids, child support, and an equal share. Of course she can go to Hawaii and Meri can take a cruise but the other two can't. One gets extra monthly income and the other has one kid who doesn't live at home.

Oh, GOOD HELL, don't get me started again, from season 1, why splitting things equally three then four ways is NOT A FAIR DISTRIBUTION OF INCOME. Split the wives shares by four, then split the 17 kids shares and distribute. No one is penalizing Meri's infertility or Robyn's choice to delay having more kids, but some of the kids are penalized in terms of money available for food, clothing, etc.


Since this faux-religious bunch of yahoos think nothing of what I consider grand theft with their bankruptcies, she probably sees it as her due.  The Almighty Brown Financial Plan - screw the rest of us who work to pay our bills and just keep walking away from debt.  I loathe every one of them.

I'd love to see them persecuted for grand theft. This isn't a turn of the economy, illness, or even an honest mistake causing bankruptcy. This is pure greed and lack of responsibility in making conscious choices.

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Robyn also has a lien on her home for medical bills. How about paying that lien off first instead of taking a trip to Hawaii? Or maybe she put the trip on credit cards, to be later discharged in her first bankruptcy.

This is what I do not understand. One of the other TLC shows I think..Honey Boo Poo provided health insurance for the family- Read it yesterday, but do not know where. Seems to me if they provided insurance for one reality show, they would for another. It might not have been for Mama June's family but it seems that is what I recalled reading.

Yeah, I just read about that.  TLC paid for the health insurance for Mama June's family, supposedly through May, when their contract ends.  TLC dumped them but they are still under contract and can't get another media gig until the contract ends. 


I'm not sure that is standard practice.  Mama June's family was just so poor and down and out there was a lot of sympathy for them.  TLC even wanted to move them into a better house.  But for the rest of their shows, they might just tell them to buy insurance out of their earnings.

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Yeah, I just read about that.  TLC paid for the health insurance for Mama June's family, supposedly through May, when their contract ends.  TLC dumped them but they are still under contract and can't get another media gig until the contract ends. 


I'm not sure that is standard practice.  Mama June's family was just so poor and down and out there was a lot of sympathy for them.  TLC even wanted to move them into a better house.  But for the rest of their shows, they might just tell them to buy insurance out of their earnings.

Given how that turned out and the bath TLC took financially having to scrap a season that was already filmed, I'm guessing they're a lot less likely to be sympathetic these days.

I still blame the Boo Boo debacle for why we're still gifted with the Kody Show.

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The good news is she's getting skewered on Twitter. Called out on the VS purchases ("I had to order because I have long legs", "People are really hung up on that"), Jessop not seeing the kids ("his choice" blah blah), claims the trip where Robyn and Kody took the kids to Montana was filmed over two and a half years ago, but we know it was around Christmas and the closing of the homes. Her excuses are really pathetic. Not sure how long she will hang in there before she just shuts down. 


Oh happy day. Robyn is getting dragged on twitter. Is it wrong to take joy in this? If so, my black little heart just shrunk another 2 inches.


You know it wasn't so much the VS bills that annoyed me, although racking up thousands of dollars on VS poorly constructed shit boggles the mind. For me, it was that she was bold enough to plunk those bills down onto the Brown family counter and expected them to be paid off out of family communal funds. A family that she had just joined just weeks before. Insult to injury - she didn't and doesn't work and doesn't contribute to the family fund. That irked the every loving hell out of me!!! 

  • Love 4
The good news is she's getting skewered on Twitter. Called out on the VS purchases ("I had to order because I have long legs", "People are really hung up on that"), Jessop not seeing the kids ("his choice" blah blah), claims the trip where Robyn and Kody took the kids to Montana was filmed over two and a half years ago, but we know it was around Christmas and the closing of the homes. Her excuses are really pathetic. Not sure how long she will hang in there before she just shuts down. 

What a twit. I don't care WHAT she bought at VS: she was racking up debt there and not paying for what she bought!


So, the Christmas trip when Robyn and Kody took the kids to see their dad was in season four, but that would have been filmed xmas of 2013. That's 15 months ago. So even if David Jessop hasn't seen the kids since that trip, Robyn's calling it 2+ years ago. Lying liars who lie.

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I obviously don't know what's in Robyn's divorce papers but since she's the one who moved away and now has moved farther, she may have to pay for or provide transportation for the kids to see their father and she could be stringing out the visitation claiming she can't "afford" it when she's talking to the dad and then turning around whining he hasn't seen the kids to everyone else.

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Since this faux-religious bunch of yahoos think nothing of what I consider grand theft with their bankruptcies, she probably sees it as her due.  The Almighty Brown Financial Plan - screw the rest of us who work to pay our bills and just keep walking away from debt.  I loathe every one of them.


The lawyer Meri used for her divorce specialized in bankruptcies.  He probably advised her that instead of filing for bankruptcy AGAIN, she should just divorce Grody and have him marry Sobyn . . . then THEY could file for bankruptcy and Meri could qualify for the rent on a new condo out of the cult-de-sac.  Either way, we can be pretty sure that Grody and Sobyn didn't pay for their pre-wedding honeymoon out of any grocery money.  We'll end up paying for it.

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For the love... Her justifying the vs bills by the fact she needed special pants... I don't care if she racked up the debt on supplies for her baby unicorn, she was spending money she didn't have. Victoria secret clothes are not cheap, I don't really know about the actual quality of the clothes, but regardless I don't buy her needing long pants excuse. But she can cry all she wants about disadvantaged she was, but when she opened that line of credit and didn't have the means to pay it off.

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She didn't interview them. All it was, was a rehash of the Great Flight from Utah. There was added footage that was filmed recently, where Meri stated they had plans in place about where they were going to send the children in case they ended up getting arrested, and Robyn said that every time she sat down to eat dinner with Kody, she thought it was going to be her last meal with him. Seriously. Then at the end, there was a screen stating that Kody had divorced Meri to marry Robyn so he could adopt her kids.


I don't understand why news outlets continue to run this story about The Flight without doing a simple check on the facts. The Utah newspapers released the articles in December 2011 about how the Attorney Generals office was not going to prosecute the Browns for anything. The Flight was filmed three weeks later. It would be so simple to call the Browns on their bullshit yet no one does.

Edited by Galloway Cave
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I thought it was funny that Oprah would include the Browns on a segment of "Where Are They Now" when they are in plain sight. Week after week. I did ff through much of their segment, but do remember Meri claiming that TSWC is very successful. Lol. I wonder if they gave the producers of the segment joolry to pass on to O?

I think "grocery money" is simply Brown shorthand for the wife's budget. At one time it probably was very tight, but it's kind of ridiculous to pretend it's about the groceries now.


Exactly... I'm sure they all have more than enough money to spend on a trip IF they wanted to.  Meri went on a trip around the same time the Hawaii trip happened, yes?  I'm willing to bet that while Janelle and Christine would LOVE a trip, with all their kids they would probably feel guilty pawning them off on someone else for a week or more. Robyn doesn't seem to have that problem. 

And i'm not sure I completely agree with the pay being distributed depending on amount of kids.  They all do the same job therefore I think they should all be paid the same.  It's not Meri or Robyn's fault that Janelle and Christine decided to pop out more kids. 


I would like to know what Kody does with his money though.

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I did ff through much of their segment, but do remember Meri claiming that TSWC is very successful. Lol. I wonder if they gave the producers of the segment joolry to pass on to O?

Oh yeah! I forgot there was something about The Closet too! I'm sure they did, with one of those cheesy postcard photos signed by all of them with that stupid pawprint thingy on it.

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I think that extra "grocery money" for J's and C's kids should come out of HIS share... they are his children.  He and J and C decided to have all those kids, so let them feed them.  


I doubt that any of them are starving with the amount of tlc money coming in.  What they choose to feed their kids seems to be based more on personal preference than budget, imo.

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I must admit I have no idea what show this is or who they are, but if the Brown women could choose four women to portray them on TV, they'd choose these four. Spot on! :)

 Oh those are actresses from the show 'pretty little liars'  I'm kind of embarrassed to be generation X and watching this show, because it is about a group of teen girls who essentially are involved neck-deep in dark doo-doo resulting from lie upon lie, either to each other, or others or others lying to them, some unknown stalker person who pits them against each other and leads them into one effed-up situation after another , they don't know who is naughty and who is nice or who to trust even amongst their in-group- much girl drama , girl-parent/sibling ,girl-boy drama , nerd revenge, and even  girl-girl drama- in other words, similar to SW  but with better actors, costumes, sets, plot , lol  In several episodes they use themes from movies like 'psycho' or 'the birds', one was done in black ad white with all retro hair and clothes- there's a reasonable amount of man eye-candy (if a bit on the young side). It's definitely a guilty pleasure. SW used to also be, but I have to admit I'm not as charitable as when it first started, what with all the  grifting and spin.   Oh here's something you guys might enjoy especially for the screenshots, this site has the closed-captions and screen shots from season 1, might be handy for illustrating points, there's like 20 pages of it, and maybe some photos you haven't seen that may amuse.   http://wtffundiefamilies.tumblr.com/tagged/sister+wives/page/5

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I thought it was funny that Oprah would include the Browns on a segment of "Where Are They Now" when they are in plain sight. Week after week. I did ff through much of their segment, but do remember Meri claiming that TSWC is very successful. Lol. I wonder if they gave the producers of the segment joolry to pass on to O?

 Not surprised at all it was yet another manufactured drama, how lame- I'd rather see them on Jerry where they could let it all hang out.  That's funny you say maybe they passed the producers some of the MSWC joolry-. O wouldn't send one of her third world charity schools the stuff from SW closet, hell she probably wouldn't put that on her Llasa Apso's sweater as doggie fashion.

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And i'm not sure I completely agree with the pay being distributed depending on amount of kids.  They all do the same job therefore I think they should all be paid the same.  It's not Meri or Robyn's fault that Janelle and Christine decided to pop out more kids. 


I would like to know what Kody does with his money though.

In the real world, I'd totally agree that doing the same work earns you the same amount. Where I think that theory falls apart for the Browns, though, is that they claim to be ONE FAMILY. My thinking is that IF this is the case, then--as is done in most marriages--the monies earned work to the benefit of the FAMILY. No, it's not Meri's "fault" that her sister wives have more children than she does, but neither is it their "fault" that Meri was infertile. IMO, the only way to work the money out fairly--IF THEY ARE A SINGLE FAMILY, AS CLAIMED (*trying not to choke on my coffee), then all monies should go into a common pot, and be distributed according to need (to include an "allowance," perhaps a small percentage of the income contributed--to act as an incentive to bring in more $$). That way all the children of Kody Brown have equal economic status. It sure as hell isn't fair that Mariah should get more than any of the other kids, when popping out the babies is a fundamental tenet of their joint faith.


And I think Kody spends his money on Rogaine.

Edited by SometimesBites
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