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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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While I personally would not oppose Make A Wish (it actually is one of the ones I would support) it has come under criticism for providing children who come from disproportionately white and middle class or higher homes with an extravagant short term excess than using money that could actually save lives or help with a cure. The reason the money goes disproportionately to white middle class and higher is pretty simple - those are parents who know to contact and/or follow up and handle the paperwork involved.

Again, TO ME it's a charity I support. But it died have detractors out there, as does pretty much every charity.

Americans, for some bizzare reason, seem to really enjoy castigating and criticizing people for donating to charity. I'm really not sure why, especially, when compared to the rest of the Western world we have a much smaller government provided social safety net so our need for private charity is much higher.

But we (no specific person, just general we) tend to be really nasty about it.

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Attention everyone:  I will be having a Christmas Party in my heathen prayer closet on Saturday night. All of my fellow heathens are invited. Just make sure you have a designated driver to get you back to your own closet if you have a little too much Egg Nog. There will be food, games, and music. We will need to keep the noise to a respectable level so my neighbors do not call law enforcement. And please be respectful when taking pictures of your fellow party goers. I do not want to see party pictures on any social media outlets.

Brian - here's the details

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Yeah, the only reason I'm on the forums right now is I'm waiting for hubby to make his potato leek soup for Christmas. And then I'll be diving in to make pistachio macaoons and chocolate truffles. Even though my kitchen is actually a pretty decent size, I wish we had a huge kitchen with lots of space this time year.

That sounds SO yummy. Have fun and eat up!

I wonder what not yummy foods the Duggars make for Christmas. I can't see them making anything except a casserole and bagged lettuce...same stuff they always eat. I'm

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That sounds SO yummy. Have fun and eat up!

I wonder what not yummy foods the Duggars make for Christmas. I can't see them making anything except a casserole and bagged lettuce...same stuff they always eat. I'm

Well, I have to save some for the friends and family coming for Christmas Eve, but there will be lots of "taste testing." :)


The Duggars probably don't know what they're missing, but it still  makes me sad. I get such joy out of knocking about in the kitchen this time of year, especially knowing that kids and adults are looking forward to the special treats I only make this time of year.

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Attention everyone:  I will be having a Christmas Party in my heathen prayer closet on Saturday night. All of my fellow heathens are invited. Just make sure you have a designated driver to get you back to your own closet if you have a little too much Egg Nog. There will be food, games, and music. We will need to keep the noise to a respectable level so my neighbors do not call law enforcement. And please be respectful when taking pictures of your fellow party goers. I do not want to see party pictures on any social media outlets.

Can I come too? I am a pretty good cook and baker. I can bring food if someone brings wine. Pinot Grigio is my wine of choice.

I always imagine the Duggars using cake mix to make their holiday cookies. They love those "Frankenstein" swap recipes.

Hello they bake from scratch. lol Don't you remember Jessa throwing a bunch of baking powder into the mixer and Grandma was horrified. They made batches and batches of cookies for their yardsale. They have often showed them making treats for the fire department peeps that they volunteer for too.

I'm at home baking all day. I sure wish I could be at the Duggars using their commercial kitchen right about now. *drool* all that space and the ovens lots and lots of ovens to use I'd be in heaven.

You got that right. I'd love to have their big kitchen at times too. Don't forget, you can throw all your dirty dishes in the commercial dishwasher. But you might have to dust it off first, since it doesn't get much use by the Duggars.

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Hello they bake from scratch. lol Don't you remember Jessa throwing a bunch of baking powder into the mixer and Grandma was horrified. They made batches and batches of cookies for their yardsale. They have often showed them making treats for the fire department peeps that they volunteer for too.

Even Ben helped Jessa with Apple pies. I'm sure it was to be with her, but hey, sometimes you have to take what help you can get.

Since that family is so competitive, they should have some type of Christmas baking contest. Grandma could be the judge.

Actually this topic has fitted everywhere but I thought I'd star off here.  I remember in the early shows they were all dressed in the prairie clothes or all matchy in red tops.  This is when the modesty and home schooling were talked about a lot by Boob.  I remember clearly Boob saying that the kids could pick their own modesty rules, like he talks now about they select their own courtship rules.  We see how that works.  All the same, all what Boob selects but it's the kids' choices.  Some of the kids talked about career choices, and Boob seemed supportive and on board with them getting some college or trade school to achieve their goals.  So I was looking forward with great expectation to see what the kids chose.  And I had cause to think something would happen.  Amy was a breath of fresh air in those days, no one was horrified to see her wearing pants.  


Well my hopes have been denied.  While the girls wear shorter skirts now, and make up, the boys are still always in long pants.  The girls never in pants let alone shorts.  Boob's idea of college is ALERT or Journey to the Heart, not even on-line classes let alone a real chance to exercise the mind and be presented with a contrary idea at a community college that exists in the physical sense.  

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Add me to the list of those coveting their huge kitchen. You know they need to either get rid of or cover that kitchen because they are causing me to covet which is a sin so they are causing me to sin. My desires can not be righteously fulfilled because the only way I'm getting that kitchen is by robbing a bank... which I'm pretty sure Jesus wouldn't like. Guess I have to yell NIKE when I see the kitchen :-)

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I don't know that I could pick a specific Duggar to give a gift to...I'd give them all some good books, or, failing that (since they have not been brought up as avid readers and might never get that bug), at least some good movies based on some classic stories. Nothing too racy, but things which would engage their emotions and show them that there is plenty of scope for virtue beyond GothardWorld.


I'd also expose them to some real music, though, having said that, I was wondering, just based on my tastes, which are probably not quite mainstream, what that might be.


Personally, even as a totally non-religious person, some of my favorite music IS religious. I love choral music like Handel's Messiah and Haydn's Creation. And what's their opinion of church Gospel music? Because, to me, a Gospel beat is sexier than rock and roll, hands down. Especially tinged with a bit of bluesiness...whooo.

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Jana: a spa trip and a week in a cabin where she could do whatever she wanted (even if it was nothing). Girl has earned some relaxation.


Jinger: a trip to whichever big city she dreams about. If she must take a chaperone I'll send Amy-she would let her have a good time.


Josiah: college tours-whatever schools he would like to visit.


Jordyn: someone to pay attention to her

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You don't want to be in the prayer closet with Giada. Her husband cowers like an abused puppy every time she badgers him and demands to know if he liked one of her dishes. God forbid poor Todd says it was just okay. And we all remember the infamous Two Potato Chuck. He's probably in a mental institution somewhere beating his head against the wall and cursing himself for daring to take that second potato wedge.

Edited by BitterApple

Jana: a spa getaway where she would be catered and pampered to. I would throw in some champagne and some good books.

Jinger: let her go to Times Square on a shopping spree.

Joy: let her go to a One Direction concert. Then sign her up for field hockey.

Josiah: take him to an art museum, then the library and he could pick out as many books as he wants.

Jessa: get her the gift of humility and some pants.

Josh: a nutritionist.

Anna: a thesaurus and a dictionary.

Michelle: 19 lumps of coal and a hair straightener.

Jim Bob: humble pie.

Grandma: a nice retirement community.

John David: the gift of hair transplants.

Edited by Joe Jitsu913
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You don't want to be in the prayer closet with Giada. Her husband cowers like an abused puppy every time she badgers him and demands to know if he liked one of her dishes. God forbid poor Todd says it was just okay. And we all remember the infamous Two Potato Chuck. He's probably in a mental institution somewhere beating his head against the wall and cursing himself for daring to take that second potato wedge.

Hey she's Italian! It's normal for our husbands to be afraid of us.

Edited by Fuzzysox
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Jana: a spa getaway where she would be catered and pampered to. I would throw in some champagne and some good books.

Jinger: let her go to Times Square on a shopping spree.

Joy: let her go to a One Direction concert. Then sign her up for field hockey.

Josiah: take him to an art museum, then the library and he could pick out as many books as he wants.

Jessa: get her the gift of humility and some pants.

Josh: a nutritionist.

Anna: a thesaurus and a dictionary.

Michelle: 19 lumps of coal and a hair straightener.

Jim Bob: humble pie.

Grandma: a nice retirement community.

John David: the gift of hair transplants.

All perfect but adding to Josiah's gift a set up in a real college.
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What's the Two Potato Chuck incident? I'm Italian too, (100%). I always thought Giada didn't care for Todd too much and that she really didn't want to "interrupt her career" with having any kids...I think I remember Michelle insulting women who work outside the home and don't have children as "career interrupters". You know what? It's easy for her to say that, because having kids IS Michelle's career....she gets lots of attention for every subsequent child she has had and she also started getting paid for it from TLC about 10 years ago.

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What's the Two Potato Chuck incident?


Okay, you know how Giada's notorious for serving up skimpy portions? Like, she'll make ten stuffed mushrooms and five chicken skewers for a cocktail party of twenty people? Anyhoo, she did an epi where she made lunch for Todd and his friends after a day of surfing. One of the side dishes was potato wedges. Todd's friend Chuck ate one potato and then took a second to which Giada loudly exclaimed "TWO POTATOES?! YOU'RE EATING TWO POTATOES?!". The epi is pretty legendary among Food Network aficianados because it underscores the way Giada is so bi-polar over her food. She browbeats people into giving her compliments yet makes them feel like obese fatties if they take more food than she deems acceptable.

Edited by BitterApple
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Floridamom I'm 100% Italian too and even though I am a super picky eater we Italians make enough food for an army if we are having company.


If Giada doesn't want people to eat she should not have anyone over. Now she is getting what no Italian woman wants---someone talking bad about her. And what kind of chef is she if she doesn't 1) make enough food 2) encourage people to eat it especially if she is getting paid to make it. SMH she should just turn her Italian card in now.

Edited by Fuzzysox
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I have a very Italian friend, whose daughter in law cooks like Giada. If 8 people are coming to dinner, she makes exactly 8 portions. At a shower the DIL gave, my friend went into her kitchen to refill a dish (which there weren't many of to begin with) & was told there wasn't any more. My friend almost had a stroke.

Thanks Bitter Apple for the Two Potato Chuck explanation. I'll have to notice the portion thing more when I watch her show. Maybe J'chelle secretly watches her show & slaps the hand(s) of someone who tries to get seconds. She would be using "the" Blanket Training Ruler since it hasn't been used in years.

I'm Polish, which may or may not be relevant here...My parents have always been very conservative with their portions even when it comes to entertaining...Mom's philosophy is that as long as everyone gets some food it doesn't matter whether any specific thing ran out before they got to it,  whereas if I throw a party I always cook enough for seconds and maybe thirds of everything for everybody. We always have enough leftovers for a few more dinners, but at least everyone is comfortable taking whatever appeals to them without worrying about the next people in line.

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Floridamom I'm 100% Italian too and even though I am a super picky eater we Italians make enough food for an army if we are having company.


If Giada doesn't want people to eat she should not have anyone over. Now she is getting what no Italian woman wants---someone talking bad about her. And what kind of chef is she if she doesn't 1) make enough food 2) encourage people to eat it especially if she is getting paid to make it. SMH she should just turn her Italian card in now.


God bless Italian cooks everywhere - the Italians and the Greeks are teaching the world how to eat. The Mediterranean diet - healthiest, most delicious food in the world - IMHO.  My best friend is Italian and for almost 50 years - 3 generations of her family have been stuffing me to the eyeballs with food whenever I visit. It's how they love you - they feed you, then they squeeze you. 

Edited by NausetGirl
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What Duggar would you like to get a Christmas gift for and what would you get them?


I want to take Johannah, Jennifer and Jordyn to see Matilda the musical.  Hopefully it'd put some ideas about dealing with shitty adults in their heads.


I'd get Jackson a gift basket full of Ritalin. 


I'd ask Justin what HE actually wants, and get him that.


I'd get James some fucks to give, since he ran out a long time ago.


I'd give Jason some actual science textbooks.  I'm sure they'd be burned in no time, but hey, I tried.


I'd sign Jer up for some real art classes.


I have no idea what Jedidiah likes besides making home movies.  Do they have film classes for people his age?


I'd send Joy on a trip to NYC alone with Cousin Amy.  Again, I think she might get ideas.


I'd get Josiah a gift certificate to a decent clothing store.  Boy has pizzazz, but it's wasted in the Duggar communal closet.


I'd get Joseph a new razor.  His face pubes are really hideous and someone needs to tell him so.


Jinger on up don't need anything from me, except for Jana, who deserves a nice stay at a resort with a spa.  And maybe Josh could use a coupon for a vasectomy. 

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Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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