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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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I want to cal out something Readalot is saying in this post and in her initial post regrading taking Ativan. She previously had adverse reactions to medications that are meant to be calming. I know everyone was trying to be helpful by saying that it wouldn't be an issue, but for the 1 in 100,000 person who has a severe adverse reaction, there is always need for concern when given a similar medication, no matter how well it works for the 99,999. When you have these bad reactions, it can be very hard to get the help you need even from medical professionals because of a mistaken belief of if it works this way for me it will work this way for everyone. Fortunately, she did not have a bad reaction to Ativan, but she could have. Also fortunately she has a doctor who listened carefully to her concerns and had her try the med before the MRI so she would know if it would help or hurt. You don't want to be in the MRI when psychosis hits.

As has been stated Ativan and like medicines are now most typically given for short term usage only. So, two pills for an MRI, CT scan or colonoscopy. Unless you are a person with an adverse reaction, these drugs relax you and reduce anxiety.

For long term usage, there are better, more broad ranging anti-anxiety meds. However, as with all drugs and with these types of drugs more so, people's reactions can differ. That is why doctors often end up prescribing different drugs until they find one that helps that individual.

I want to give you all some better understanding of adverse reactions to meds. these are all from my personal experience:

Valium that made me severely agitated and potentially violent; negative effects lasted more than 24 hours. It also altered my vision. Once I realized what was happening I basically locked myself into my house for two days until I knew I was okay.

Cipro that caused hallucinations and the sense that my arms were not attached to my body/were someone else's. Of course, I let someone else's arms do the dishes. Seemed like a good plan at the time. The ER doc argued that I could not be hallucinating because I was able to speak with him. Not quite sure how hallucinations are supposed to remove the ability to speak.

Benadryl keeps me up for at least 18 hours and makes me really edgy. You wouldn't want to chat with me on Benadryl. You would not walk out without wounds.

Sudaphed that makes other people alert makes me pass out. My roommates found my well-wrinkled body on the floor of the shower. I'd been in there for at least an hour so I was one big prune with a bloody nose. Extra points to the roommate who found me first for throwing a towel over me before calling in the gang to help. I've never felt more sexy.

I'm only mentioning the meds you are likely to be familiar with. I have many an odd story i could share.

The key point to this is that some people do have severe adverse reactions and, if the say they do, believe them. The good news for Readalot was she did not have a bad reaction to the test dose, so she's good to go. As with all of you, here's hoping to a good MRI with no problems found.

muffyn, I so appreciate you looking out for me. This is good info everyone can use. I appreciate your time!
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READALOT, so glad that very difficult experience is behind you. Thank you for getting back to us even though you must be exhausted.

This thread never ceases to amaze me. I learn so much, and feel like I have found friends from all over the world and a safe place to share.

Readalot- glad you made it through. I,too, am amazed at what I've learned on this thread. It feels so easy to share things with my virtual friends that I otherwise wouldn't share with others.

Happy-a while back you posted about turning into our parents taking all their meds. How true! What I don't like is that in my family, I'm the one who has gotten dumped on with medical issues. I'm the youngest of 3 (I'm 53) & my older brother & sister have absolutely no health problems (lucky for them, I love them dearly & don't wish anything bad for them.) But sometimes I feel enough is enough. I do go by the saying that God doesn't give you more than you can handle but sometimes I wish I wasn't the catch all for our family.

My husband has had a good friend for over thirty years. He said it's funny how their conversations have changed over time. While playing golf, they now discuss what new BP meds they're on, the friend's recent knee replacement or unfortunately the death of one of their other friends. Yes, it sucks getting old.

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Mindy: I agree 1000%. You are far, far too young for this magnitude of issues. Any age is too young, but 29 is just cruel. You should ask for a refund!

I've learned to use it to my advantage. It's just fodder for my stand-up comedy now. I learned a good decade and a half ago that I have to make fun of it all, or else I will go completely insane.

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I must be an odd duck. Well odder than I thought. I took Ativan every night for about 5 years. I never upped my dosage or took more than prescribed but I heard it was addictive and I was worried about what would happen if I stopped. I went on vacation and never got the script refilled so I ran out. I Never missed a beat. No withdrawal or anxiousness just the usual hard time falling asleep. I never got it refilled after that.

My preferred GP told me that benzos don't necessarily stop working, and gave an example of "little old ladies" taking a pill once a day and it working for years at a time. I've taken benzos for nearly ten years, and while there's been some tolerance developed, they still do something. Psychiatrists are even more carefree about prescribing benzos. And benzos are incredibly safe.

Now that people have had their MRIs, I'll tell the rest of the dream. In my dream, when the windows PC crashed, the 90210 people freaked out that the error message meant the MRI patient had cancer, and I literally (in my dream) had to chase them down at West Beverly High and explain it to them. Also the MRI was on a patio, I guess because it was Southern California weather. I played trumpet in high school (in real life), and I think the West Beverly high school band in my dream had us playing the 90210 theme.

They had an 80's channel on but I could barely hear it. So my mind game was trying to figure out the song and then think of a good memory that went with that song.

New Wave? New Romantic? Hair Metal?
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My preferred GP told me that benzos don't necessarily stop working, and gave an example of "little old ladies" taking a pill once a day and it working for years at a time. I've taken benzos for nearly ten years, and while there's been some tolerance developed, they still do something. Psychiatrists are even more carefree about prescribing benzos. And benzos are incredibly safe.

Now that people have had their MRIs, I'll tell the rest of the dream. In my dream, when the windows PC crashed, the 90210 people freaked out that the error message meant the MRI patient had cancer, and I literally (in my dream) had to chase them down at West Beverly High and explain it to them. Also the MRI was on a patio, I guess because it was Southern California weather. I played trumpet in high school (in real life), and I think the West Beverly high school band in my dream had us playing the 90210 theme.

New Wave? New Romantic? Hair Metal?

it must of been an 80's hair metal channel. Bon Jovi was the only one I recognized. Boo. - MRI Contrast Update - remember I said I had to thrust my tongue out during the test? Well a swollen tongue is a side effect. So is a dry mouth which I felt immediately. Delayed spinning/dizziness (remember I wrote I felt like a hot dog on a spit) was on the list too. When they took me out I was so nauseous I immediately tried to get up because I thought I was going to vomit (but I couldn't because my boobs were in a vice). But the worst is severe diarrhea! I've never had it this bad. And I have a headache. I rarely get headaches, maybe one every few years. Since these are all on the Contrast side effect list and I didn't feel any on Wed after I took the Ativan I am going with the Contrast is the cause. I'm going to call on Tuesday to get the exact name and dosage used. I'm due for a barium swallow test too, which I've put off for 6 months now. I need to see if the contrast is the same. If so I'm not going to do it. Ugh.
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My daughter has MS and has to go for MRIs and is also claustraphobic.She is also afraid of the dark so she won't try covering her eyes.She will not consider going for one unless she takes Ativan the night before and then an hour or so before it.She is still anxious and terrified but she says the threat of having to repeat the whole procedure keeps her going.


I am not poking fun at drug reactions but I now laugh at the one my partner had when he took ativan.I was glad we were at the hospital anyway.He was having some medical issues and i took him into outpatients.The issues were making him very agitated and I finally got the Doctor to give him something to help.Yes Ativan.I noticed changes.He was kind of giddy Making funny answers then grinning at me.Making faces at the nurses backs.They decided to admit him to run tests on our original complaints.While we were in the room alone waiting for transport upstairs he was getting angry.The nurse taking us upstairs was a friend of mine and i told her that i thought he was having a reaction to the Ativan.She said he seemed fine to her but to monitor it.I was helping him undress in his room when he took the notion that he was going to leave.I said its better not to the Doctor wants you to have these tests.Long story short he was in his underwear only, trying to open the door and leave to go home.I was holding the door shut trying to get him to see he had no clothes on but he was beyond that.He was threatening me with bodily harm and asking me when i turned into such an idiot.I called for the nurse saying please get someone in here because I was just agitating him and maybe a different person wouldn't anger him so much.A couple of them came right away and blocked the door to keep him in and asked him if something was wrong.He said yes you are all lunatics and she is the head looney pointing at me.I left seeing I was the one the anger was directed at but they had a terrible few hours with him.I came back when he was sleeping and chatted with the nurses.I was informed it was on his chart not to give him ativan and for me to just state it as one of his allergies to make sure it wasn't repeated.It was just so far out of his personality that I can now look back and laugh.It was not funny then.

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Mindy, my daughter just turned 24, and on her birthday, she bought a cane. She has so many health issues, but we joke about it quite a bit. I told her we have to laugh or we'd just cry all the time. I know that you've been through a lot in your short life based on things you have shared with us. I'm glad that your sense of humor helps get you through. By the way, I didn't know that you're a comedienne. Do you have a Duggar routine? :P

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Mindy, my daughter just turned 24, and on her birthday, she bought a cane. She has so many health issues, but we joke about it quite a bit. I told her we have to laugh or we'd just cry all the time. I know that you've been through a lot in your short life based on things you have shared with us. I'm glad that your sense of humor helps get you through. By the way, I didn't know that you're a comedienne. Do you have a Duggar routine? :P

I haven't worked them into my act. My comedy mostly revolves around my health, my insane family, bizarre stories from my upbringing, that kind of stuff. I haven't done it since before the hysterectomy, but have been working on material non-stop since then, and plan to try my hand at it again in a few weeks. I just hope people remember me and that they don't boo.

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I haven't worked them into my act. My comedy mostly revolves around my health, my insane family, bizarre stories from my upbringing, that kind of stuff. I haven't done it since before the hysterectomy, but have been working on material non-stop since then, and plan to try my hand at it again in a few weeks. I just hope people remember me and that they don't boo.

MINDY MCINDY...you are so brave. I can't imagine getting in front of a crowd and trying to make them laugh. That would be a nightmare for me!

Hugs to everyone dealing with their, and their families, health issues. Seems like this group has more than our share!

Edited by Love2dance
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Yep. If I'm on stage, I can do my thing, entertain people for the allotted amount of time, and get off. When people come up to me after shows, I have no idea what to say! I have serious social anxiety and alcohol can take me down from a 10 to about a 6, but I'm not one who likes to drink whilst onstage or backstage.

I can totally relate to that.  I used to love to give the sales seminars at work that I wove together with stories and funny incidents but to chit chat at the cocktail party that accompanied the event gave me anxiety.

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Feel better soon, GeeGolly!


The best thing about stand-up, for me, is how cathartic it is for me. I've been in and out of hospitals since I was 13. That's over half my life now. I made doctors and nurses laugh, and then my mom said that I should do it professionally. I have been able to make fun of my health, my weirdo family, and even have touched a little on my sex abuse and people just love it. Even if I never get famous for it, I will be glad I did it, because it is such good therapy for me. Tig Notaro is one of my biggest inspirations, and her being able to take the topic of her bilateral breast cancer and make it funny, or Richard Pryor making jokes about the night he set himself on fire where he should have by all means died, proved to me that I can make what's wrong with me funny. I deal in gallows humor, and people are not only amused by it, they're inspired by it.

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Day 2 into 3 day weekend. Day 2 1/2 into the flu. Haven't had it in years, and I feel like a total baby. This sucks!

It sucks how we get sick at the most inopportune moments, doesn't it? I'm just now getting over my second bad cold of the summer. I recently had to move into a new apartment, and the cold hit me right on Moving Day. Fun times. The first cold of the summer came right on time to derail my plans to travel out of state to visit a friend. I always feel like such a wuss because, I mean, it's just a cold and plenty of people keep functioning. But I always feel like death warmed over and even when I have to go to work, I don't get much if anything done because I'm too busy feeling miserable. When I'm, say, watching a tv show and read some BTS trivia about how an actor was sick with the flu while shooting a scene, sometimes I don't know how they kept going. 


Maybe God is punishing us for snarking on the Duggars! Because who the f--- gets two colds during the summer??

Edited by galax-arena
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This is completely unsolicited, but the past couple of years, I've been learning about and implementing herbal remedies & preventatives into my family's regular diets, especially around cold & flu season. Even if you're not interested in the herbal components (and I'm not talking about anything weird or far out), bone broth (chicken carcass, spring water, and some common seasonings) is one thing that can help build up your immune system and make you heal faster when you're already sick. PM me if you're interested and I'd be happy to share.

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This is completely unsolicited, but the past couple of years, I've been learning about and implementing herbal remedies & preventatives into my family's regular diets, especially around cold & flu season. Even if you're not interested in the herbal components (and I'm not talking about anything weird or far out), bone broth (chicken carcass, spring water, and some common seasonings) is one thing that can help build up your immune system and make you heal faster when you're already sick. PM me if you're interested and I'd be happy to share.

I've learned that raw honey truly is a super food. The problem is that constantly drinking warm water with honey gets to be somewhat nauseating after a while. Thanks to the frequency of my colds, I would be happy if I never had to consume honey ever again. Blech. 

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My babcia used to give us blackberry brandy in tea with honey and lemon.  She was totally anti drinking, until we were sick, that is.  I always suspected she got us liquored up so we would pass out and stop complaining. 

To treat my colds, I use Polish cough medicine: vodka, honey and lemon, and then I put it in the microwave for a minute. It take care of the cough and it knocks me out for awhile. Or if the cough gets really bad, I hop over to border and get some codeine cough syrup in Windsor.

I am shocked and appalled. It's like neither of you has ever learned a life lesson from watching the Duggars. 


1 Corinthians 6:9-10 - 

Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor homosexuals, nor thieves, nor the covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers, will inherit the kingdom of God.


I'll be praying for your wretched souls. 

Edited by galax-arena
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I've managed to avoid the flu this year (knocks on wood), but my doc wants me to avoid getting the flu shot this fall because she's convinced it stirs up my immune system. I've already got two autoimmune diseases that we're just about getting quieted down and she thinks the flu shot might stir things up again. However, I haven't had the flu in almost 6 years and every year I've gotten a flu shot. I'm not sure what I'll do this fall.


And mmmmm, bone broth. So yummy and so good for you; I have adrenal issues so I add a shot of pink Himalayan salt to it (adrenals love good salt). I drink hot lemon water in the mornings and that's supposed to be awesome for you, too. I just love the taste.

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Ugh, only 4 hours of sleep. Just took 2 ibuprofen, drinking tea w/honey. Forgot how much a body could ache, and my throat feels like it has been rubbed with a Brillo pad, and one nostril is apparently a faucet with a broken shut-off valve. Sorry for imposing my pity party on you.

I think I caught it from you. It's 5 am and I woke up a couple of hours ago with scratching throat, itchy gunky eyes. and cough; now the nasal action is just getting started. Whee.

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I think I caught it from you. It's 5 am and I woke up a couple of hours ago with scratching throat, itchy gunky eyes. and cough; now the nasal action is just getting started. Whee.

Ugh, that sucks! We really need to practice better hygiene on these boards. ;)


I hope you feel better soon JenCarroll. Liz Tudor PMed me some herbal remedies, if you would like I will pass them on to you.

Be on the look out for this guy. Run if you see him.



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Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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