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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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I'm with you on the 100% cotton sheet. I also dislike sateen or anything like it, so only percale sheets for me. I'm happy with the Martha Stewart ones I got at Macy's (only on sale, otherwise too expensive!)

I really like the Better Home and Garden brand sheets that they sell at Walmart (we actually have a semi-nice, clean Walmart where I live!). They aren't expensive, are really soft and feel great on the skin.

I wanted to let you all know that I lost one of our twins last week. It was terrible. I'm not back in the game. But, I've been reading and the snark is top notch.

I'm so sorry for your loss. I know nothing can really help with the loss of a child, but maybe our snark can make you chuckle a little?

We won't even send you to the prayer closet!

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Actually higher thread count does cost more $$ - but DOES NOT necessarily equal a better-quality product. Linens with a thread count as low as 250 can be extremely high-quality and durable enough to survive 100s of washings. The amount of cotton used is a better indicator of quality than thread-count. I never buy a thread count higher than 300 myself now but try to get as much cotton as possible. Just one of the many household facts I picked up when I had a part-time job, years ago, as a bridal registry consultant in a department store chain. We learned to recognize dozens if not 100s of china, silver and crystal patterns and were VERY well-trained - sometimes by manufacturers' reps - on all housewares and tabletop products, including linens and small electrics. I gained a lot of knowledge that has been very useful to have on many occasions since. A very fun part-time job to have.

You're right on the quality because a few tore at the seams after the first couple of washes. 


Sounds like you had a lot of fun at you're job. 

Edited by abseedee
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I have sheets from Walmart that have outlasted my sheets from Marshal Fields. The Walmart sheets are made by a well known brand name (Cannon) and have been through years of being used. We used to have a Cannon outlet store and noticed they had the exact same sheets that Walmart did. I wish I would have purchase more sets because they can't be beat for quality. 

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The "duvet with a fitted sheet" thing hasn't worked for me in the past. I easily overheat while sleeping, and then I find myself either too hot with the duvet or too cold without it. I sleep with a top sheet, a cotton blanket, and a thin comforter on top, so I can add or subtract as needed.

I also can't stand slippery sheets, so satin and sateen don't work. The bamboo sheets I bought were kind of sateen-like, so I took them off the bed and now use them to keep the cat hair off the couch. Damn expensive cover, but oh well. Give me flannel or well-worn soft cotton anytime.

  • Love 2

The "duvet with a fitted sheet" thing hasn't worked for me in the past. I easily overheat while sleeping, and then I find myself either too hot with the duvet or too cold without it. I sleep with a top sheet, a cotton blanket, and a thin comforter on top, so I can add or subtract as needed.

I also can't stand slippery sheets, so satin and sateen don't work. The bamboo sheets I bought were kind of sateen-like, so I took them off the bed and now use them to keep the cat hair off the couch. Damn expensive cover, but oh well. Give me flannel or well-worn soft cotton anytime.


My preference too - exactly. Cotton or cotton flannel. Good-quality cotton only becomes softer the more it's washed. PS - cotton flannel can work surprisingly well even in Summer. Just use a plain cotton fitted sheet and a cotton flannel top sheet on warm nights. Very absorbent and breathable. We used to be a cotton-in-the-Summer, cotton flannel-in-the-Winter family. But now we use cotton-flannel year round. Just less of it in Summer.

  • Love 2

Hugs & prayers to you wanderwoman.

I haven't purchased new sheets in more years than I care to admit. I have cotton knit sheets from Lands' End. Imagine a t-shirt knit. They were expensive but I absolutely love them. They are so soft that I can't imagine giving them up. I even have issues with sleeping on other sheets, specifically the pillow cases, because they feel rough against my skin. (Even quality all cotton ones.) I promise I don't princess & the pea most things in life but these sheets have spoiled me. I also use a duvet with a cotton knit cover. I have a down alternative duvet due to allergy issues.

I know it's different because I grew up in Walmart Land, but dirty, understocked Walmarts are an oddity to me. I'd always heard the more distance you travel from the home office the more things suffer & as I grew up & traveled I found that to be true. I prefer Target because I like having my grocery store separate from my other stuff store & I don't like how big Walmart is. I also liked their maternity clothes back when I needed those.

  • Love 1

I totally agree with the high thread count not always meaning high quality. We had a 600 count that someone gave us, and they WERE lovely, but they ripped down the middle when my husband's toenail caught on them! If I'd paid what they were "worth" I'd have been furious.

By sheet confession is that I have two sets. They are both by Ralph Lauren, and are his mid-grade all cotton sets. I bought them about five years apart, and I just switch them out to wash. For years, I could only afford one set. But they will last (and I've proven this twice) for 15 years, so to me, that's "buying quality and saving the difference" which is MY household motto. You don't NEED ten sets of sheets if you have good ones and take care of them, Duggars.

  • Love 3

I've felt the samples of some bamboo sets and I didn't like the feel, but maybe the mix was wrong. Funnily enough, the set that works best for us is a set from Wal-Mart. It survived dogs climbing up in the night and generally wear and tear. I'm getting tired of them, though. And the comforter is starting to get faded. I do have a set of sheets that Iove--all cotton, so soft. I'd like to have another set so that I can have one on the bed and one in the wash. And either replace the comforter or get a duvet. Or something. I'm going to keep the bamboo idea in mind. Maybe around Presidents weekend. Sometimes they are good sales. It's a luxury at this point. Replacement of stuff that is still ok, I'm just looking for something new.

My preference too - exactly. Cotton or cotton flannel. Good-quality cotton only becomes softer the more it's washed. PS - cotton flannel can work surprisingly well even in Summer. Just use a plain cotton fitted sheet and a cotton flannel top sheet on warm nights. Very absorbent and breathable. We used to be a cotton-in-the-Summer, cotton flannel-in-the-Winter family. But now we use cotton-flannel year round. Just less of it in Summer.


Unfortunately, I live in north Florida, where there are no cool nights from May to October, and I keep the A/C temperature at about 75 at night.  I think a flannel upper sheet would be way too hot.  But I'm very tempted to go for flannel sheets in the winter, since I like to keep the heat set at about 62, maybe a bit lower at night--well, I don't LIKE to keep it there, but I can't afford to set it any more comfortable in either season. 

I hear you on those "no cool nights". We lived in Southern Georgia (all but Northern Florida...some 3 miles from the border) for three years. That was when I got the bamboo sheets. I really can't sleep in anything above 70 degrees. I'll just toss and turn all night.

Now we've been back in Connecticut for the past 2 years, and I'm loving the coolness of the season. Mostly we keep the house at 65 during the day (which my husband complains about, but when he's not at work he can wear a sweater). And 60 at night. I'd actually be happy keeping it around 50 at night and bundle up in a little cocoon, which is the comfiest way to sleep IMO, but we compromise at 60. He says the cats need that extra warmth.

I've found that if I aim a small fan to blow just above me (not directly on me, although I do get some "backwash" breeze), I can sleep fairly comfortably at 75 degrees.  Otherwise, yes, I agree with the "50 and lots of blankets" idea as well, but my cat does not.  I may drop the heat at night to 58, but I'm not sure that would save energy, since I'd need to reheat the house back to 62 in the morning.

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I've felt the samples of some bamboo sets and I didn't like the feel, but maybe the mix was wrong. Funnily enough, the set that works best for us is a set from Wal-Mart. It survived dogs climbing up in the night and generally wear and tear. I'm getting tired of them, though. And the comforter is starting to get faded. I do have a set of sheets that Iove--all cotton, so soft. I'd like to have another set so that I can have one on the bed and one in the wash. And either replace the comforter or get a duvet. Or something. I'm going to keep the bamboo idea in mind. Maybe around Presidents weekend. Sometimes they are good sales. It's a luxury at this point. Replacement of stuff that is still ok, I'm just looking for something new.

My mom used to say that you should be allowed to have an "anniversary shower" every ten years to restock your linens! :)

My mom used to say that you should be allowed to have an "anniversary shower" every ten years to restock your linens! :)

What a great idea. Just thinking about it reminds me I could use some new kitchen towels. My mother-in-law loves to buy towels so we've gotten some sets as presents. Think my husband inherited the gene because he's been known to buy both towels & sheets & does a good job. It's funny that we get used to a certain type of sheet & will use no other. But they seem the ones that are hardest to find again. Even my 25 yr old son (who would be a great match for Jana) has soft jersey material sheets he had in college that he loves. I'm sure I got them cheap at Wal-Mart or Kmart & they turned out to be his favorite. Just laughing thinking back to how many times I reminded him that bed linens need to be washed too while he was at college. Think the Duggars need to be reminded of that.
  • Love 2

Thank you for the support and encouraging words. I'm feeling a little better now. I'm not sure this will ever be easy, but I'm trying to focus on the survivor that's kicking frequently. The doctor has put me on bed rest at home until the birth, so you'll probably get sick of my contributions.

Thanks again, everyone. Now, on to the snark...

  • Love 12

Thank you for the support and encouraging words. I'm feeling a little better now. I'm not sure this will ever be easy, but I'm trying to focus on the survivor that's kicking frequently. The doctor has put me on bed rest at home until the birth, so you'll probably get sick of my contributions.

Thanks again, everyone. Now, on to the snark...


Big virtual squeeze comin' atcha, wanderwoman - looking forward to hearing from you again... 

I had a great uncle born with no external sex organs at all. He had a variety of birth defects that meant he only lived a short time, but last I checked he was a person the same as you and I are, and at least as much as any fertilized egg fought for in the pro-life movement. What would this amendment say about someone like him?

(Note - it was the practice at the time to assign a male gender to such a child for purposes of the birth certificate and name.)

Now I see why Boob was drooling at the prospect that his prized daughter Jana could be Tim's wife:




I also saw an article were Tim paid for people's purchases at Walmart. He sure has a giving servant's heart and his hospital will include some kind of ministry too bad that Boob and MEchelle are a liability as potential future in laws. I can't imagine someone with so much class could stomach Boob and his cheapness. 

This is why I said the Tebows were WAY out of the Duggars' league. Jana seems to be a lovely person, but she would be completely unprepared to be the wife of someone this prominent and public.

I agree. I think Jana is too much of an introvert to handle the kind of lifestyle Tim leads. I'm sure he has to attend a lot of parties and charity events where socializing and schmoozing is part of the job. A wife who's a shrinking violet and not used to interacting with people from different backgrounds wouldn't do well in this setting.

Brian - regarding a possible new Christmas party/open house in the Prayer Closet. Maybe we could have Jana join us after she gets the little girls taken care of. Seems like she is the only adult Duggar home since rest are in El Salvador. We could ask her all kind of questions about how the Duggars really live. Not the TLC facade we see on TV. We could even be nice & serve her, probably the first time in her life.

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I'm actually pleasantly surprised at how much the mods let us get away with. But I came in as a TWOP refugee, and if you want to talk about Big Brother oversight... at least here we don't have some inane "boards on boards" crap. 


ETA: I've had some posts deleted, and sometimes I agree with the mods and sometimes I don't. But at least they're not assholes about it. But once again, I speak as a TWOP refugee, where a number of mods were infamous for being rude as hell to the posters.


ETA 2: Well, now this entire comment makes no sense, lmao. 

Edited by galax-arena
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Totally agree the mods are a 1000x better on this site.


Since the mission trip has been brought up on the Dill thread, I have a curious question: Who funds these trips? Is it TLC or do the Duggars pay out of pocket? The reason I ask is because it seems an incredible waste of money for fifteen Duggars to go to El Salvador just to hand out candy and soccer balls. I don't know how much tickets to Central America cost, but let's say $500. Multiply that by 10-15 people and that's $5,000-7,500. Wouldn't it be better just to donate directly to the organization? That money would go a long way down there and could even provide locals with jobs. Or am I making too much sense?

  • Love 5

Totally agree the mods are a 1000x better on this site.


Since the mission trip has been brought up on the Dill thread, I have a curious question: Who funds these trips? Is it TLC or do the Duggars pay out of pocket? The reason I ask is because it seems an incredible waste of money for fifteen Duggars to go to El Salvador just to hand out candy and soccer balls. I don't know how much tickets to Central America cost, but let's say $500. Multiply that by 10-15 people and that's $5,000-7,500. Wouldn't it be better just to donate directly to the organization? That money would go a long way down there and could even provide locals with jobs. Or am I making too much sense?

As you suspected, you're making far too much sense.


If the Duggars donated, there wouldn't be any photo ops.  And what's the point of giving if you can't prove it with a pic???

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Yes, it's probably quite hard to find the right balance between being a topic Nazi to where everyone is constantly having to second guess their posts or risk having them deleted on the one hand, and allowing random comments to stray so far off topic that the whole discussion devolves into one-liners on the other. Thus far it has seemed pretty fair here, even if I was a bit sorry to see one of my comments of last night get the boot LOL.


There are so many Twop refugees here (I'd count myself among them if I hadn't inexplicably managed to get banned after only three posts) that the freedom can be a bit heady, I think.


Maybe this "prayer closet" thread needs to be utilized more...though that could prove logistically a bit difficult. If, for example, a personal anecdote which is reasonably on topic under another heading gets moved over here as more people chime in with their own stories and the conversation evolves into something else, having just one catch-all thread for all those various topics could prove pretty overwhelming to navigate. There would have to be a whole series ("19 Child-boards and counting" ?) of subfolders to accommodate them all.


Anyway, kudos to the mods for their efforts in maintaining a pleasant posting atmosphere overall. It can't be an easy task.

  • Love 2

We don't mind you talking about PTV here, we just don't want you talking about mod actions here.


It's when we can't figure out what thread we're in that we start to nudging.


But, this is the Small Talk Prayer Closet. Just wanted to briefly clarify and continue the fun conversation here. And please feel free to PM the mods with any questions. (Or, if something feels not right, click the report button)

Thanks for the kind words, we do try.

  • Love 2

Honestly, I'm not tech savvy enough to know the answer to that, but I'm thinking probably not. You can see it in the address bar, though. I know what you mean, about it being confusing, and I find myself looking at the address bar so I can figure out where I am.


In other news, my head still hurts from bumping it in the attic getting the tree out.

I'm guessing the Duggars pay for most of the Latin American trips. And the thing I've learned over the years is that criticizing another persons work or donations to charity is about the nastiest way to end a friendship or online conversation. EVERYONE feels that they know best how to support money going to help people less better off than another, so this is one conversation that I won't say any more about.

  • Love 1
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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