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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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Just talked to the school board because of their problems they are going to a progressive program school. If they were going to a regular public school the school loans them the computers. I am screwed either way. Buy the computer and let them go to the school where they will get the help they need or go to the regular public school and see them go backwards.


Just talked to the school board because of their problems they are going to a progressive program school. If they were going to a regular public school the school loans them the computers. I am screwed either way. Buy the computer and let them go to the school where they will get the help they need or go to the regular public school and see them go backwards.

Oh dear lord because they are proggesive school they can not give you a computer .  Is is the same school district that you pay school taxes for.  So they will put a parnet in the hole before helping out.  Shame on them. 

Edited by amitville

Depending on the issues, you might go to the local school and meet with the principal and see if he/she would let you speak with their teachers. We have this idea that there are "good" schools and "poor" schools, and there is some truth to that, but there are some great teachers in "poor" schools and some poorer teachers in "good" schools. If it means serious financial burden, it might be worth looking into. I'm the product of a "failing" school district, and I needed special adaptations. But I also had teachers who changed my life. Just a thought.

  • Love 6

Individual social workers can be great, but almost impossible for them to know of all the community resources available. Ask if there is someone else (such as a community outreach worker) in the office you or he/she can talk to about specific support for school issues. Some areas have "get ready for school" programs/events that include everything from haircuts to new shoes. (May be run by a church or community org). Individual schools often have a "families in need" fund where they can quietly provide funds for pricey school trips etc so things are more accessible. Sadly many of these programs are not well known, and may take a bit of navigating to find out about ones in your area. There are also sometimes what I would call "falling through the cracks" grants - through social services, school boards, etc for situations where families don't qualify for certain help but need it. Hopefully the social worker or principal can point you towards people who may know more about extra support available. (Even local politicians offices are sometimes aware of these). When you get a no, ask if they can recommend someone who may know of more resources.

All the best!

  • Love 1

@Seashell Lover, do your kids have IEPs can you make an appeal under assistive techcnology?  If they do have IEPs can you find a way to wriggle the cost out of their home school district?  I know, there isn't time for all that, it's unwieldy but something to think about.


Can you try a general United Way number?

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 1

Even if the textbooks and lessons are online, they can be printed out. I would guess that a school staff member, PTO, or a parent could print a chapter or 2 at a time.


I think technology is wonderful, but it is scary to me that there is no where that the up & coming generation can be without depending on it. Other than outdoors. My kids had video systems, and then later on the internet. I put a limit on screen time. Thank goodness they were adults before cell phones became computers.

although i read here, and 'like' here, i don't say much. but my heart is breaking for you, wanderwoman. just know that God is in control and will hear our prayers. many have said so eloquently what i have been thinking since i saw the news just now, so i won't waste space other than to say my thoughts and prayers are with you...and maisie.  can someone tell me what maisie is having implanted? i have been out of town for a few weeks and i am behind.

WW, you only typed a couple sentences and still managed to sound shell shocked. Nobody even clicked on "like" because nobody LIKES it. Everybody who's read it went NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! How is this even possible???? My GOD!!! What's the treatment plan?

I don't think I have processed it, yet. When I broke the arm, I k especially something wasn't right because, rather than treat me at out local clinic, they read the xray and airlifted me to a larger hospital. I was mainly concerned about leaving Maisie. DH picked her up from the neighbor and headed down to join me. When I got to the bigger hospital, they kept us waiting for hours and we assumed the break was something that required internal fixation, but was otherwise fixable. They had a surgeon come talk to us and he was the first person to tell us there was a small mass on examination and that it was located almost exactly where the break was. But, we still weren't thinking cancer. They removed what they could, casted me, and sent the sample off for biopsy. I went home and didn't even think about the biopsy because it was such an unimaginable possibility. Then, they called saying it was positive and I had two days of tests and more tests.

The full body scan didn't show any other potential sites. The plan, for now, is to do a round of treatment and then monitor for changes. I am told parosteal osteosarcoma with my characteristics can be treated well as long as they're caught quickly and aggressively treated and monitored. My prognosis is good. I'm just tired of hospitals and had a large pity party.

Maisie is wonderful. She's growing well and has adjusted to her aides well. The cochlear was rescheduled for July 26 because we wanted to make sure we had enough support lined up. I'm sorry I went dark. I just couldn't be that person who everyone pitied or have multiple, endless discussions about my disease. I'm going to think positive and find a silver lining if it kills me. :)

  • Love 24

On a positive note Wanderwoman you have a good prognosis. But enough of that. What wonderful news Maisie is growing well. Do you still wake up in the morning in awe that you have this beautiful baby girl? Even though she is not yet a year I bet it seems like time is flying by fast. Everyday at this stage is full of changes and growth. I envy you during this time. Our youngest is 7 and hardly has any "baby" left in her. I miss that cuddly warm wiggly baby. (((Hugs))) I hope your tomorrow is an amazing day.

  • Love 6

Wanderwoman, how amazing and kind of you to take time out to fill us all in. You know we all really care, and check this site every day for updates from you. It is so great to hear of your good prognosis. Wishing you the easiest time possible with your treatments. And getting excited to hear about Maisie's cochlear implants in a few weeks. Many, many more hugs to you and your sweet family.

Edited because spell check has a mind of its own.

Edited by Love2dance
  • Love 4

I don't think I have processed it, yet. When I broke the arm, I k especially something wasn't right because, rather than treat me at out local clinic, they read the xray and airlifted me to a larger hospital. I was mainly concerned about leaving Maisie. DH picked her up from the neighbor and headed down to join me. When I got to the bigger hospital, they kept us waiting for hours and we assumed the break was something that required internal fixation, but was otherwise fixable. They had a surgeon come talk to us and he was the first person to tell us there was a small mass on examination and that it was located almost exactly where the break was. But, we still weren't thinking cancer. They removed what they could, casted me, and sent the sample off for biopsy. I went home and didn't even think about the biopsy because it was such an unimaginable possibility. Then, they called saying it was positive and I had two days of tests and more tests.

The full body scan didn't show any other potential sites. The plan, for now, is to do a round of treatment and then monitor for changes. I am told parosteal osteosarcoma with my characteristics can be treated well as long as they're caught quickly and aggressively treated and monitored. My prognosis is good. I'm just tired of hospitals and had a large pity party.

Maisie is wonderful. She's growing well and has adjusted to her aides well. The cochlear was rescheduled for July 26 because we wanted to make sure we had enough support lined up. I'm sorry I went dark. I just couldn't be that person who everyone pitied or have multiple, endless discussions about my disease. I'm going to think positive and find a silver lining if it kills me. :)


So glad to hear that you received a good prognosis and this whole mess was caught early. I'm sure your treatment won't be any kind of picnic, but I just finished watching an online snippet of The Little Couple. Just after adopting her little girl from India, Jen gets sick and has to fly home ahead of the family. A few days later, she says [i'm paraphrasing], "Well, getting a cancer diagnosis was the LAST thing I ever expected to have happen right now, but we're just going to have to power-through it and do whatever's necessary to get rid of it. And then onto better things..." Sounds like damn good advice to me. And from someone who's actually been there. Take care of yourself, wander - and your family. Don't worry a whit about us. Just know that should you ever need us, we are here for you, a stout, stalwart and staunch wall of support, encouragement and love.

  • Love 6

It's just frustrating when we realize that as much as we know about each other,me really have a huge disconnect. We're all thinking if we were literal neighbors instead of virtual ones, we would DO SOMETHING to help. I would babysit that baby (and I'm squishy; kids love me!). I would cook lovely things for you to eat (and I'm squishy, and from the south; you know I can do comfort food!). You just have to know, Wander, that we love your little family and are sending all the best to you every day. The "prayers" amongst us are surely offering that as well. The grandmother/mother in me (with kids about your age) is SCREAMING "I WANT TO HELP!!!!!" Cuz, you know, I'm from the south... We're ACTION FIGURES! Give me a crisis and I'm ON it!!!

I probably would go radio silence too - but I know you're lurking and seeing that were "there" for you as much as we can be.

  • Love 12

No pity.  ((hugs))  But I do know what you mean. 


I just feel for another person who is going through a hard time.


I hate to hear of anyone being sick etc.

I want everyone to be well!!!!!

I want you to be able to do all the wonderful things life has in store for you and your family without any problems.


Thanks for the update. We are here for you. 


Praying that you and your family have the strength to fight this and that you make a full recovery.  Praying for your sweet little girl also. I love reading how she is doing. 

  • Love 2

I don't think I have processed it, yet. When I broke the arm, I k especially something wasn't right because, rather than treat me at out local clinic, they read the xray and airlifted me to a larger hospital. I was mainly concerned about leaving Maisie. DH picked her up from the neighbor and headed down to join me. When I got to the bigger hospital, they kept us waiting for hours and we assumed the break was something that required internal fixation, but was otherwise fixable. They had a surgeon come talk to us and he was the first person to tell us there was a small mass on examination and that it was located almost exactly where the break was. But, we still weren't thinking cancer. They removed what they could, casted me, and sent the sample off for biopsy. I went home and didn't even think about the biopsy because it was such an unimaginable possibility. Then, they called saying it was positive and I had two days of tests and more tests.

The full body scan didn't show any other potential sites. The plan, for now, is to do a round of treatment and then monitor for changes. I am told parosteal osteosarcoma with my characteristics can be treated well as long as they're caught quickly and aggressively treated and monitored. My prognosis is good. I'm just tired of hospitals and had a large pity party.

Maisie is wonderful. She's growing well and has adjusted to her aides well. The cochlear was rescheduled for July 26 because we wanted to make sure we had enough support lined up. I'm sorry I went dark. I just couldn't be that person who everyone pitied or have multiple, endless discussions about my disease. I'm going to think positive and find a silver lining if it kills me. :)

First i am so happy Our Maisie is growing and adjusted to her aides.  Second hang in there your strength amazes me along with your ability to cope.  Leaving the threads  porch light on in case you want to chat with any of us... Sending Ffhugs kisses and love to you

  • Love 2

Funny story- found out my Quiverful neighbor has had a vasectomy.


They have always been very open about "trusting God with their family size".  Apparently, God has recently laid it upon his heart (seriously) that 10 was the right number of children and he and his wife should stop.


I wish God would speak so directly with me about decisions.  But it is also nice to hear God actually doesn't think you should have an unlimited number until your uterus gives out.

  • Love 5

I've been lurking around here for about a year like a creepy stalker -- right around the time that TWOP shut down.  I wasn't planning to register here, having reached my limit with the drama that was on ahem, other TV forums, but you all seem so nice and friendly that I finally caved. I love all the various viewpoints represented here, and the respectful tone that's always present.  I read in a lot of different shows' forums here, but this one is my very favorite.


I'm new to posting here but I feel like I know so many of you.  (See? Stalker.)  Many of you have been in my prayers, and I check in here for updates periodically.

  • Love 13

I've been lurking around here for about a year like a creepy stalker -- right around the time that TWOP shut down.  I wasn't planning to register here, having reached my limit with the drama that was on ahem, other TV forums, but you all seem so nice and friendly that I finally caved. I love all the various viewpoints represented here, and the respectful tone that's always present.  I read in a lot of different shows' forums here, but this one is my very favorite.


I'm new to posting here but I feel like I know so many of you.  (See? Stalker.)  Many of you have been in my prayers, and I check in here for updates periodically.

Welcome come on in! We hope you are wearing your denim skirt, your hair in bouncy boopy Erin Bates curls and of course no NIKE anywhere on your person, love the Duggers. 

  • Love 5

I'm squishy too, Jellybeans and I would be fighting for Maisie time.  When I hold babies I sing Laura Nyro and Joni Mitchell.  


Very sorry about all of this heavy bullshit you are going thru Wanderwoman.  If I had words of wisdom I'd share, but really I just want to offer my internet support, such as it is.  I'm having a good thought for you.


What a weird fucked up year this has been.  For everybody I know - there've been really good things, but then a shovel load or two of manure to go with it.  

  • Love 2

Then you should wear very tight shirts that highlight your bump and take selfies every day! ;)

Ack. This is my third, and while we have bump pics (mostly for the baby book) I don't get this phenomenon. Their spin on pregnancy is really strange to me. I've spent most of the last five years pregnant or nursing, but to me, those are means to an end. The Duggar-types really seem to emphasize the pregnancy part and the babies almost seem like afterthoughts.

But I'm due soon, so *everything* is tight. :)

  • Love 4

I just found out that the school is in the same city as us but it is in a different school district. I don't pay taxes as I had to move when I got custodt of my grandsons.

Is this progressive school a public one? How was it determined that the boys would go there? I hope I'm not prying, but my background is in education and unless this is a private school where you chose to enroll them, where you live or pay taxes should not matter. You should also speak to the school about the free/reduced lunch program to see if you qualify. In many cases, that will automatically entitle you to assistance in other areas. In my state, it means students don't pay for textbook rental (or electronics, for schools going that route).

  • Love 4

Thank you for updating us with Maisie and how you're doing. I know it sounds lame, but do whatever you're comfortable with around here and know that everyone here supports that! I'm hopeful that you are getting good treatment and a full recovery is ahead for you, and that Maisie continues to grow strong, make good progress, and for a successful upcoming implant surgery.

  • Love 4

Then you should wear very tight shirts that highlight your bump and take selfies every day! ;)

She needs a chalkboard. I saw one in the store yesterday that was like the standing kind (front and back). I thought that would have been less cumbersome for them to have a freestanding chalkboard.


6 wks 2 days 4 hrs 13 min

7 wks 1 day 8 hrs 27 min

All the way to

52 wks 6 days 7 hrs 5 min

So Pixie, you better hurry and catch up!

  • Love 4

Seashell Lover, I don't mean to pry but does the court order mean that the kids are in statutory out-of-home care?  Even if it is kinship care, kids who are placed in statutory out-of-home care should be able to access financial assistance and qualify for disadvantaged programs.  (FYI, our system is different and this may be completely useless.  Feel free to tell me if I am wrong!) Either way, I hope that you are able to come to an arrangement with the school and that your boys can get everything that they need.

  • Love 3

None of us has said it, but I am thinking that the stranger walking down the street and the dog who came running out and caused Wonderwoman to fall are heroes, alerting doctors to what was going on in her arm.

Amen to that - it's funny how things work out. When I went to the ER a few months ago, I thought it was for the stomach flu I couldn't get over. While there, I was diagnosed with a pulmonary embolism. I'm on Coumadin, hopefully just for 6 months & am doing well. The doctors think it was a freak thing, it happened from me being sedentary with the stomach flu. I had no chest or leg pain or breathing problems that would have alerted me something was wrong. I was actually putting off going to ER thinking I "would feel better tomorrow." I keep saying it was my 2 angels in Heaven (my dad & father-in-law) that made me go that day. I don't like to think what would have happened if I hadn't.

Wanderwoman- sending good wishes to you, Maisie & your family.

And a big frontal hug Welcome to the new posters.

  • Love 5

Unfortunately all the textbooks are online I called Apple and it was like so sad too bad.

This is because the schools have contracts with the computer companies and publishers. They provide the materials to the school for a set fee, with bulk pricing, and the school passes that cost on to the parents. Apple has their money already, and their educational divisions don't really deal with the public directly. The burden is on the school to make accommodations.

The laptops or tablets are generally distributed through the school. Are they telling you to go to Best Buy and purchase a specific model, or demanding a fee for registration? In my district, parents were being charged for laptops and HAD to use the school-issued one, even when they had the same ones at home for personal use. It caused such an uproar that they backed down.

I'm so sorry you're dealing with this craziness on top of everything else. Getting them registered for school should be the least of your concerns!

Edited by Pixie Chicken
  • Love 1
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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