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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


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In case I ever forget to thank them daily, I wanted to take a moment a j d thank these wonderful NICU nurses. From the moment Maisie got back here, they've been focused on her needs, our needs, and even the needs we didn't think we needed.

Maisie's due date was this past week and, to be honest, with everything that has happened, I'd forgotten that it was a milestone. A due date didn't seem to apply anymore because we knew we weren't going home on that date and, for our girl, it would be one more day of struggle. The nurses came in to our room with a wonderful little cake - for the three of us. They put a special little sign on her door and gave her a new blanket. It was such a genuinely kind gesture. Each nurse who has been on Maisie's team wrote a little note on a 6x6 square of paper, since they know I want to create a scrapbook. But, more than that, they gave us this piece of paper on which they'd photocopied her original footprints and overlayed that with her current footprints so we could see how far she has come. It is a treasure.

The Easter Bunny visited every NICU baby and left a Beanie Baby Bunny. Except for our girl- she got a lb additional gift- a onesie, from her primary nurse, that has "I'm the Khaleesi!" Embroidered on it. Lol.


BIG sniff. Wow, you certainly did luck out in the nurse department, wanderwoman. Your stories about them remind me of something a college friend of mine told me 30 years ago when doing her residency [family medicine] in Boston. "You know what I'm learning, Wellfleet? That doctors don't save lives - nurses do..." Blew me away back then, but how right she was. I was thinking about Maisie yesterday & hoping the Easter Bunny had stopped by her crib, and after what you've told us, it sounds like maybe the EB is on permanent staff there. Sending a big virtual squeeze, hope you're all healthy and home very soon.

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In case I ever forget to thank them daily, I wanted to take a moment a j d thank these wonderful NICU nurses. From the moment Maisie got back here, they've been focused on her needs, our needs, and even the needs we didn't think we needed.

Maisie's due date was this past week and, to be honest, with everything that has happened, I'd forgotten that it was a milestone. A due date didn't seem to apply anymore because we knew we weren't going home on that date and, for our girl, it would be one more day of struggle. The nurses came in to our room with a wonderful little cake - for the three of us. They put a special little sign on her door and gave her a new blanket. It was such a genuinely kind gesture. Each nurse who has been on Maisie's team wrote a little note on a 6x6 square of paper, since they know I want to create a scrapbook. But, more than that, they gave us this piece of paper on which they'd photocopied her original footprints and overlayed that with her current footprints so we could see how far she has come. It is a treasure.

The Easter Bunny visited every NICU baby and left a Beanie Baby Bunny. Except for our girl- she got a lb additional gift- a onesie, from her primary nurse, that has "I'm the Khaleesi!" Embroidered on it. Lol.

 i am very teary this morning reading this beautiful post it touched my heart.  Our Maisie  is a treasure to so many. As Always ffhugs love and kisses to you hubby and our Maisie

Edited by amitville
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Wanderwoman I happened to be online and read the first version of your big post. It was a doozy, you have been through so very much. I hope you were able to save it somewhere for yourself. I'm hoping your laptop ( or tablet or whatever) has some type of Journal app so you can cut and paste all your entries and then add whatever private details you want. Writing it all down can be so theraputic and It will be amazing to read through in the future.

Nurses are amazing people, and they do it every day. I appreciate them so much. I hope they kept the comfy chair for you and your friends and family can bring you good food. Take good care of yourself. and thank you for updating us.

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Hugging you right back.  I'm cyber cleaning your home, leaving dinners in the freezer, and getting Maisie some Legos at Toys R Us.  You know, because Barbie...she's a little boring at times.


Hugs to Wanderwoman and I'm right there helping CherryMalotte. But, I've slipped Barbie in the basket along with some big ol' Tonka trucks. Barbie isn't boring if you know how. As a kid, I didn't see anything wrong with Barbie moving sand and dirt in my brothers Tonka trucks, then having her go home and put on her party clothes and going out. Or her dressing in my brothers GI Joe gear for a day on maneuvers then, again, dressing in gowns for a night at the Prince's ball.

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I wonder what "Jill" and "Derick" mean?



Okay, so the sites i've looked at are in agreeance that Jill is short for Jillian. Jillian means Youthful and has an English origin. 

Derick means People Ruler, and also has an English origin.

(more fun facts, Jill apparently entered the top 100 list in 1957, dropping off completely in 2000. Derick, er well, Derek was on the top 100 list in the US for 25 years, 1970-1995.)

Youthful suits Jill. A lot. 

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Hi! I'm sorry I've been negligent in posting updates but life is just overwhelmingly right now. Short bullet points, ok?

+ Maisie hit 7 lbs. That's a huge milestone. She seems to have lost some hearing during on her seizures. They're unsure to what extent but testing will be done very soon. I think, given the very scary seizures we witnessed, DH and I are just happy that's the worst- we can deal with deafness. Her brain scan shows damage to the audiological center in the brain, but we suspect her mind is forming connections to rewire because she does somewhat respond to sound. She is smiling now, purposefully. :)

+ daddy spent a weekend with her so I could go home for the first time in months. I'm thinking of starting a blog because coming home without her and without our baby boy really hurt.

+ we may be released in two weeks. I will post more later.

  • Love 20

Hi! I'm sorry I've been negligent in posting updates but life is just overwhelmingly right now. Short bullet points, ok?

+ Maisie hit 7 lbs. That's a huge milestone. She seems to have lost some hearing during on her seizures. They're unsure to what extent but testing will be done very soon. I think, given the very scary seizures we witnessed, DH and I are just happy that's the worst- we can deal with deafness. Her brain scan shows damage to the audiological center in the brain, but we suspect her mind is forming connections to rewire because she does somewhat respond to sound. She is smiling now, purposefully. :)

+ daddy spent a weekend with her so I could go home for the first time in months. I'm thinking of starting a blog because coming home without her and without our baby boy really hurt.

+ we may be released in two weeks. I will post more later.

7 pounds that is wonderful.   I am  thinking you and your family for days glad you updated your cyber family.  As always i am sending ffhugs kisses and love and prays to you and hubby and our baby Maisie. 

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I had really bad skin in college. I babysat for the loveliest family near campus, the dad was an OB/GYN - and he offered to give me a prescription for the pill because at the time it was supposed to help with that. I declined because I don't like to take meds on a long-term basis unless truly necessary; besides I thought the real cause was probably diet. Do people still take the pill for acne or has that theory been quashed?

Well, my daughter went on the pill for, you know, birth control, but she says her acne cleared up a lot.

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I take the pill for skin problems. It's the only thing that really helped me in the long run. Works beautifully though, and also helps with cramps. My grandmother took the pill even until after menopause, because she was just so used to it. The doctor was aghast when she at some point happened to mention it off-handedly. She must have taken it for over fourty years! And she's 90 now and in pretty good shape.

I won't reveal my name, but one novel is called THE MIDWIFE'S TALE and one is a THE MINER'S DAUGHTER. Both are set in WV. That should give you enough info to track me down, or you can private message me! Thanks for asking! :)


Congratulations, thanks for sharing, I will go check them out! 

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn

Maisie update: I haven't had time to update because we have been overwhelmed by coordinating care for Miss Maisie. The good news is she's only using supplemental oxygen now. That's one step towards going home. From the information we've been given, she will probably go home with oxygen and need it for several months. She caught a bug a few days ago and it didn't completely sideline her progress, so that was a step forward. We met with the audiologist and he confirmed our fears that she has hearing loss. But, after all of the possible outcomes for a baby her size, and given the setbacks she has had, we are truly grateful that she's as healthy as she is. We can handle hearing loss. They will do further studies next week to see where, from profoundly deaf to slight hearing loss, she falls on the spectrum. I suspect she has some hearing because, before the nightmare transfer, she could hear very well. She reacts to very loud noises, just not as we would. Loud noises seem to interest her. But, her vision seems perfect and her other neurological milestones are being hit as adjusted for her gestational age. She is very smiley and content. She has been making cooing noises and grabs at things in her reach. Now we just have to start prepping for our transition home. They said if there are no major set backs, we might be able to go home in two to three weeks. :)

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I'm MODEST!!! ;)

THE MINER'S DAUGHTER is young adult. If you don't like darker stories, I'd recommend that regardless of age. MIDWIFE can be dark, and not for everyone Both are same area and time period and based on true stories.

It's so exciting to know Maisie might be coming home soon! To know that she can handle an illness, and is breathing more on her own. The hearing loss is frustrating, but there are some great resources available to help there. How lovely to think of her growing, responding and learning!

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Lukey- thank you for not outing me! I spent ten years studying maternal health and midwifery in Appalachia before the book was published and it became a subject I became very passionate about by the time I was done.

I'm working on a book about post-partum depression now, especially at the time women were institutionalized in asylums and compared to today. After that, I'm writing my "growing up Fundamentalist novel." You all will recognize a lot of those stories! ;)

Edited by GEML
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Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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