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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


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Exactly.  It's become horrifying to me what some people are using them for.


What's even scarier are all the naive, easily-led sheep out there who buy into every hard-luck story, who never consider that these scenarios are entirely fictional and being put across by an able-bodied, healthy, terminally-lazy, morally-bankrupt adults.

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 6

I read the fallout from the "poop cruise" (Carnival Triumph, wasn't it?) for days. OMG. Of course the cruise line employees/travel agents/other interested parties were insisting that it wasn't a problem there were no working toilets, people couldn't stay in their rooms due to the stench of raw sewage in plastic bags, etcetera. According to them, you're AT SEA. You should have KNOWN that sometimes things go wrong! (Or, should I put in 5-10 more exclamation points? LOL) No matter how bad the conditions were per CNN and other news organizations, the true believers would not admit that cruising is not the bucolic vacation the professionals want to paint it as.


I'm not always this cranky. ;-) Just on days ending in "Y". Let's face it, I felt like we were taken advantage of. It won't happen again.



Sadly, I had been kicked off and banned from Cruise Critic well before the Poopsideon Adventure; I would have run riot over that.  When they booted my friends and I, they fired the moderator too, he was one of those guys who had embedded himself in the community and could do no wrong.  Some may call it a Pyrrhic victory, I consider it a favor to humanity; the bastard used to post exclusively in Comic Sans for Christ's sake. And you are absolutely correct, the Carnival Cheerleaders on that forum are actually worse than the Leghumpers.  Holy Hell.  Carnival can strand your ship in the middle of the Caribbean Sea with no propulsion, AC or running water and make you shit in a bag for three days while serving empty hamburger buns, but they're still the best cruiseline EVAH!!!!  HATTERS GONNA HATE!!!  It's a veritable vortex of everything wrong with the old AOL travel folders, the message board era of Web 1.0 and the social media age.  And no one can spell to save their freaking lives.  Soooo much fun to troll.


Medical bills or need money as the result of an accident? We'll contribute. Rank irresponsibility and want everyone else to clean up the mess for you? Uh, no.


Our small town has had two different families whose houses burned to the ground in the past six months. Both were uninsured. Both have been asking for money and household goods for months. I get that things happen and it's not always perfect, but homeowner's or renter's insurance is inexpensive compared to replacing everything one owns.


Of course, that's my opinion, and maybe I should eat some chocolate or something. Woo-hooo, cranky!

"We didn't have insurance.  Neddy considers it a form of gambling." - Maude Flanders


Seriously though, the whole GoFundMe thing bothers me to no end.  A couple of times I've contributed, it's been set up by a church or other organization in the wake of a fire and you know it's on the up and up.  I had one friend who set one up for her stepdaughter after her boyfriend had kicked the girl and her three kids out.  If it hadn't devolved into a rant about how County Social Services did nothing to assist them whatsoever, and wasn't riddled with pictures of the kids in designer clothes, she might have gone somewhere with it, except for the fact that just about everyone knew that her stepdaughter was working as a stripper off the books.


Reading through these posts, I must sound like I have some truly colorful/shady friends.  (I do.)

  • Love 8


did the cruise line end up refunding their money?

Yes, they were refunded, and also given a free cruise in the future.  I think their on-board accounts were also wiped clean (so any drinking you had done up until that point, for example, was now free.) 


It was an emergency situation. The cruise line did what it could to make sure people were safe. I'm sure it was a sucky situation to be stuck in, but what were they supposed to do?


(I will argue that the "cheerleaders" were a bit crazy.)

  • Love 1

What's even scarier are all the naive, easily-led sheep out there who buy into every hard-luck story, who never consider that thee scenarios are entirely fictional and being put across by an able-bodied, healthy, terminally-lazy, morally-bankrupt adults.

 Feel hook line and sinker for it twice right on this very board. I still hurt over it.

Edited by amitville
  • Love 7

Yes, they were refunded, and also given a free cruise in the future.  I think their on-board accounts were also wiped clean (so any drinking you had done up until that point, for example, was now free.) 


It was an emergency situation. The cruise line did what it could to make sure people were safe. I'm sure it was a sucky situation to be stuck in, but what were they supposed to do?


(I will argue that the "cheerleaders" were a bit crazy.)


I totally agree with you.  Yes, it sucked for the cruise line and the ship and yes, ultimately the people were safe and they managed to get home no problem.  But there were people on the message board saying they'd change places with those stranded in a heartbeat because "even a bad day on a cruise beats a good day at work".  I used to tell those people they needed to find better jobs.  I've been on some bad cruises (it rained 3 or the 4 days we were in Bermuda and my liver hurt from boredom-drinking), but being stuck on a ship with with no power or water?  Nope.  Just nope.  Even my worst days at work, when I'm screaming like a maniac and stressed to the max don't involve shitting in a bag like some animal.

  • Love 9

I know I may be missing out on some things here or there that would make me happy, but most days I'm very confident that having a Facebook account would just drive me batshit crazy. I think I'll live a long and happy life without ever having to say "Well, hello, girl I haven't heard from since the 7th grade. Thank you for sending me a picture of your lunch. And no, I don't want to buy your vitamins." 


LOVE - THIS - POST. I am so tired of being asked "Are you on Facebook?" for 15 years. The last 4 years I was working, I actually tacked a little blurb on my signature template for e-mails etc. The template had the typical data - name, job title, university mailing address, phone and fax numbers, my e-mail, the office URL, hours etc. And just below this information I added: Yes, it's true. I'm not on Facebook.

  • Love 4

I'm on Facebook, but my friends are scattered to the 4 winds and I find it a good way to keep up. It's not right for everyone, though.


And there are message boards for everything. Everything. I love them and have participated broadly (also moderated a few times before PTV). My topics have included TV of course, but also feline diabetes, hockey, herb gardens, a disease, a type of outpatient surgery, umpteen professional sites, and more.


Regarding the MLMs, a vibrant and intelligent woman I knew through professional circles moved to another state with her family. She and her husband then gave up their respective successful businesses and began selling HerbaLife. Okay, they each lost weight. News flash: not everyone on the planet needs to lose weight. And if I am your friend because I thought you were an insightful, funny, and creative peer in my professional network, I am not going to happily accept your spammy emails about a friggin' dietary system based on vitamins and various foods I'm supposed to purchase through you - even though we all know that you really want me to sell that crap, too, so you can take a cut from my sales.


Unbelievably, this couple is quite successful and making a lot more money than they did before. So I guess it's working for them and that's good. But they've also become very annoying. I unfriended her on Facebook and her emails go straight into my spam trap now. I'm not the only one to drop her, but she's living a different life now. It's allowed, and I'm allowed to not be part of it.


Not that it sends me into a minor rage or anything. 

  • Love 9

Just so y'all know I am not a fan of Dr Laura!

OMG My post totally sounded like it was directed at you, but it wasn't! LOL Sorry! I knew what you were getting at. I am surrounded by a lot of entitled morons who believe this type of stuff, so I just went off on a tangent!

We have finally been able to move away from the area that I am griping about, and I hope we are never forced to move back. It is a poor area, and people are really struggling. At the same time, so many of the young people don't seem to want any better for themselves. My oldest daughter graduated in 2009, and many of her classmates now ave multiple children. My youngest graduated in 2014, and many of her former classmates have had babies and working on more.

It almost seems like their life goal is to have a kid and get some type of government assistance (and our programs in this state are NOT generous) so they can move out on their own. At the same time, they think they are entitled to be SAHMs who sit at home all day posting to Facebook. Then they hop from boyfriend to boyfriend and continue to reproduce. It's really weird, gross, and sad. I'm sure there is something psychological involved that I just don't understand. But it is both sad and aggravating to witness it.

ETA: Many of these same girls are staunch conservatives who complain about people who receive government assistance!!!! WTF?

Edited by Wok Chop
  • Love 10

Official as of yesterday, welcome me to the land of bifocals.  Oh well, there are worse things.

I wear contact lenses for distance, so never bothered with bifocals, but a couple of years ago I discovered the trick of wearing only one lense. My left eye is for distance and that's the eye I put the contact in, and the right eye I use for reading. Changed my life! No more reading glasses in every room, pocket, and oriface! Not to mention half the cost for lenses. I feel twenty years younger. The eye doctor told me that I was doing things the "old fashioned" way. I guess before bifocal contacts were invented, my way was the way for anyone who didn't want to wear glasses. You would think it would be hard to get used to, but it was easy!

  • Love 3

I wear contact lenses for distance, so never bothered with bifocals, but a couple of years ago I discovered the trick of wearing only one lense. My left eye is for distance and that's the eye I put the contact in, and the right eye I use for reading. Changed my life! No more reading glasses in every room, pocket, and oriface! Not to mention half the cost for lenses. I feel twenty years younger. The eye doctor told me that I was doing things the "old fashioned" way. I guess before bifocal contacts were invented, my way was the way for anyone who didn't want to wear glasses. You would think it would be hard to get used to, but it was easy!

This was a thing when President Reagan was shot at. When they were examining him there was some confusion to where his other lens was. But there was no other lens.

  • Love 2

Bigskygirl, I hope there are some answers on the horizon for you. Sometimes the not knowing causes more suffering than the actual malady. It takes a lot to get me to a doctor anymore because I have had my fill. I think I'd rather drop dead right now than to ever hear another doctor blame significant health problems solely on depression or being overweight. Hissss. I found a PCP that I'm comfortable with and ditched most of the quack specialists. I have resigned myself to living with chronic health issues for which I will never have a real diagnosis.

I am glad you like the PA. I have found that I generally receive better care from PAs rather than MDs. The PAs have always been more thorough, as well as more understanding. I hope you will give us an update after your appointment on Thursday...and I am hoping it will be something positive for you!

  • Love 6

We have finally been able to move away from the area that I am griping about, and I hope we are never forced to move back. It is a poor area, and people are really struggling. At the same time, so many of the young people don't seem to want any better for themselves. My oldest daughter graduated in 2009, and many of her classmates now ave multiple children. My youngest graduated in 2014, and many of her former classmates have had babies and working on more.

It almost seems like their life goal is to have a kid and get some type of government assistance (and our programs in this state are NOT generous) so they can move out on their own. At the same time, they think they are entitled to be SAHMs who sit at home all day posting to Facebook. Then they hop from boyfriend to boyfriend and continue to reproduce. It's really weird, gross, and sad. I'm sure there is something psychological involved that I just don't understand. But it is both sad and aggravating to witness it.

Oh my god, don't get me started on grifters. Need food? Those folks know where every food pantry is and on what days you can go and how much food you can get. They know what days every soup kitchen is open and on what days they have which soup. Need food stamps or free healthcare? They know how to navigate the red tape and can hook anyone up in under an hour. If they only used these powers to actually earn a living, they could be rich! They are living on government assistance because they have a passel of children or are afflicted with the "disease" of addiction or both. They are the lowest of life forms. Bunches of them congregate near the subway stations in downtown Boston and fall on me when I come out and light a cigarette. One loser called me rude because she asked to bum a smoke and I said no. I'm rude? I could have told her off proper, but I try to never engage in a battle of wits with unarmed people. But seriously? Since right now most have little to no formal education, they don't know how to use computers or they would be masters at the go fund me set up. But, library's have free computers and computer classes and it is only a matter of time before they join the already existing grifters in cyberspace.

This was a thing when President Reagan was shot at. When they were examining him there was some confusion to where his other lens was. But there was no other lens.

I had not heard that! Cool fact. Thanks for pointing it out.

  • Love 5

And you are absolutely correct, the Carnival Cheerleaders on that forum are actually worse than the Leghumpers.  Holy Hell.  Carnival can strand your ship in the middle of the Caribbean Sea with no propulsion, AC or running water and make you shit in a bag for three days while serving empty hamburger buns, but they're still the best cruiseline EVAH!!!!  HATTERS GONNA HATE!!!  It's a veritable vortex of everything wrong with the old AOL travel folders, the message board era of Web 1.0 and the social media age.  And no one can spell to save their freaking lives.  Soooo much fun to troll.


"We didn't have insurance.  Neddy considers it a form of gambling." - Maude Flanders




OMG, Lemur, the tales we could tell.


I was in absolute shock reading the BS being shoveled thick and fast on Cruise Critic by those I know damn well had paid pennies on the dollar for the 2-3 cruises a year they were entitled to because they worked for Carnival/other cruise line, they were travel agents, they knew someone or whatever. Seriously. The poop cruise assertions got bolder and bolder re: "They're just whining to whine" and "Everything is wonderful, they just aren't up for an adventure" until I finally posted a list of items one would need to bring along for a future cruise to deal with a similar incident, according to the brainiacs. After all, the WORST day cruising was better than the best day working (!!!!!!!!!!!). Yup. I know I want to go on vacation and wade through sewage to eat whatever was available and not be able to sleep in my own room, let alone deal with some of the passengers the news reported were doing stuff like looting/robbing other passengers.


My comments were left up but I was banned. There's nothing like going out in a blaze of glory. ;-)


I understand that the cruise line did the best they could with what they were handed. It wasn't the first time Carnival had a mishap on a cruise with propulsion, etcetera, and it's happened since. I've also wondered how many of the passengers given the free cruise actually used it. I know I will never consent to another vacation in which I can't put both feet on terra firma every day, let alone fly home if things aren't going that well. The cruise line was damn lucky that the weather wasn't bad and they could get that ship back to port safely.


We cruised on Norwegian for the first and last time. A few highlights, besides the bus driver not knowing how to get to the port: There were no sea bands or other seasickness remedies on board besides the pills that take days to work and green apples. As I mentioned, the captain was sick and the ship's doctor would not allow anyone to get the shot unless they were violently ill since there wasn't enough to go around for the approximately half the passengers dealing with super-rough seas. Bored and seasick passengers do not make for a happy situation, especially bored passengers who were dealing with probably the most obnoxious fellow passenger in history. The guy would randomly throw a football at people (including performers on stage). When he wasn't doing that, he was trying to pick up on other guys' wives. There were physical fights over this stuff. The cruise director refused to kick him off the ship at Hilo, despite the fact multiple passengers requested it. The US declaring war on Afghanistan sealed all ports for over 24 hours. A woman went into labor and delivered on the ship the next day; she needed rapid medical attention. They abandoned landing a Coast Guard helicopter on the top of the ship when they determined it was too dangerous. We hauled ass to Maui (and I mean HAULED ASS, the ship was traveling at such a rate of speed that it was almost sideways) so she and her family could disembark. They wouldn't let anyone else off.


It was not that fun.


Insurance, and those who refuse to carry it: I don't get it.

  • Love 3

OMG My post totally sounded like it was directed at you, but it wasn't! LOL Sorry! I knew what you were getting at. I am surrounded by a lot of entitled morons who believe this type of stuff, so I just went off on a tangent!

We have finally been able to move away from the area that I am griping about, and I hope we are never forced to move back. It is a poor area, and people are really struggling. At the same time, so many of the young people don't seem to want any better for themselves. My oldest daughter graduated in 2009, and many of her classmates now ave multiple children. My youngest graduated in 2014, and many of her former classmates have had babies and working on more.

It almost seems like their life goal is to have a kid and get some type of government assistance (and our programs in this state are NOT generous) so they can move out on their own. At the same time, they think they are entitled to be SAHMs who sit at home all day posting to Facebook. Then they hop from boyfriend to boyfriend and continue to reproduce. It's really weird, gross, and sad. I'm sure there is something psychological involved that I just don't understand. But it is both sad and aggravating to witness it.

ETA: Many of these same girls are staunch conservatives who complain about people who receive government assistance!!!! WTF?

Rest easy - I knew what you meant!!

  • Love 2

It almost seems like their life goal is to have a kid and get some type of government assistance (and our programs in this state are NOT generous) so they can move out on their own. At the same time, they think they are entitled to be SAHMs who sit at home all day posting to Facebook. Then they hop from boyfriend to boyfriend and continue to reproduce. It's really weird, gross, and sad. I'm sure there is something psychological involved that I just don't understand. But it is both sad and aggravating to witness it.


I wonder how many of them have sent in audition tapes to MTV, hoping to be picked for the next season of Teen Mom?

  • Love 3

I had a friend visiting from Indiana this weekend. She left yesterday, and I've NEVER been so happy to be rid of someone in my life. She will probably never visit me again, and I'm actually happy about that. She was critical of everybody in my family, and this is NOT COOL with me. I can be critical of my family all day long - that's acceptable and even expected. Outsiders: not so much. She was critical of my daughter-in-law's weight, her hair color, her hair style, her makeup, her body type, her parenting skills (she's an EXCELLENT mother). She was critical of my mother's weight, the sitter's weight. Critical, critical, critical. Critical of my appearance, my weight, my inability (or refusal) to primp for an hour before going to the mailbox. Critical of people in Walmart. GO HOME, BITCH!!!!! I won't ask her to come ever again, and I'll try to put her off if she wants to visit on her own. Just not up for having my family body slammed. (My LORD in heaven, how did I cultivate a friendship with someone so NEGATIVE!!! Other people have complained about the same thing with her. I swear, I never noticed it before!)

Probably the final nail in the coffin was when she mentioned (in all seriousness) that our personalities were so alike.


Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 19

I had a friend visiting from Indiana this weekend. She left yesterday, and I've NEVER been so happy to be rid of someone in my life. She will probably never visit me again, and I'm actually happy about that. She was critical of everybody in my family, and this is NOT COOL with me. I can be critical of my family all day long - that's acceptable and even expected. Outsiders: not so much. She was critical of my daughter-in-law's weight, her hair color, her hair style, her makeup, her body type, her parenting skills (she's an EXCELLENT mother). She was critical of my mother's weight, the sitter's weight. Critical, critical, critical. Critical of my appearance, my weight, my inability (or refusal) to primp for an hour before going to the mailbox. Critical of people in Walmart. GO HOME, BITCH!!!!! I won't ask her to come ever again, and I'll try to put her off if she wants to visit on her own. Just not up for having my family body slammed. (My LORD in heaven, how did I cultivate a friendship with someone so NEGATIVE!!! Other people have complained about the same thing with her. I swear, I never noticed it before!)

Probably the final nail in the coffin was when she mentioned (in all seriousness) that our personalities were so alike.


Great decision HFC. With friends like that who needs enemies!!

  • Love 4

I had a friend visiting from Indiana this weekend. She left yesterday, and I've NEVER been so happy to be rid of someone in my life. She will probably never visit me again, and I'm actually happy about that. She was critical of everybody in my family, and this is NOT COOL with me. I can be critical of my family all day long - that's acceptable and even expected. Outsiders: not so much. She was critical of my daughter-in-law's weight, her hair color, her hair style, her makeup, her body type, her parenting skills (she's an EXCELLENT mother). She was critical of my mother's weight, the sitter's weight. Critical, critical, critical. Critical of my appearance, my weight, my inability (or refusal) to primp for an hour before going to the mailbox. Critical of people in Walmart. GO HOME, BITCH!!!!! I won't ask her to come ever again, and I'll try to put her off if she wants to visit on her own. Just not up for having my family body slammed. (My LORD in heaven, how did I cultivate a friendship with someone so NEGATIVE!!! Other people have complained about the same thing with her. I swear, I never noticed it before!)

Probably the final nail in the coffin was when she mentioned (in all seriousness) that our personalities were so alike.


Oh  my! My one sister-in-law came to visit! My sympathies. Btw, I am just joking. Right, I am just joking! *Looking over shoulders!*

Speaking of cruises, I've never seen the appeal personally.  Despite the water slides and food, the idea of being stuck on a boat with hundreds of other people for an extended period of time is not for me.  

There was a funny news story a while back about two young guys who wanted to go on a cruise for something a bit different.  The travel agent promised them that this particular cruise would be great because it was known for being super fun especially for younger adults.

They turned up ready to have a good time to find out that it was a crossword/bingo cruise!!! They were the youngest ones by 30-40 years! Not exactly the fun holiday they were promised, lol. They ended up getting their money back from the travel agent, pointing out that a 20somethings idea of fun often does not involve early nights, bingo parties and crossword challenges (although there are exceptions, I'm sure).  

  • Love 7

Hello again all! Been w/o internet for about 2 months...I'll eventually catch up (maybe). 

Skittl...will be praying for you and baby. 


Things here are really crappy. We had to give up our house and are technically homeless. I can't buy a job for love nor money. Fortunately, my husband is a vet and we're getting help from the VA. 


We have expenses beyond what VA will help us with that we can't afford...like trying to get our cars legal. We've been driving on dead plates for over 6 months. I also need to get work done to my car...new tires and brakes...the car is pretty dangerous to drive right now with crappy brakes and tires that resemble Mr. Clean's head. 


I've gone from a beautiful, big house in a really nice subdivision to a "junior one bedroom" in a crappy part of town. Oh well...crap happens.


Hope everyone is doing well...back later!



HFC, what's the scenario there? Had her personality changed? Does she live so far away you hadn't spent much uninterrupted time together? Just curious. She sounds like a pill; how'd it go unnoticed?

One of my two best friends basically became a different person over the course of a year or two. There was no falling out, but I caught her in a pretty major lie after months of little things niggling at me. She couldn't travel the 2 hours to attend my baby shower because she was supposedly working in another city (on a weekend... when she didn't ever travel for work) and then we ran into her at the mall. Here. In my city. She was with another of her friends, visiting her. She wasn't working out of town, and was actually HERE during the shower, but for whatever reason didn't want to come. Super awkward. She stammered something about it being a last minute thing (that you're not six states away? And instead came here and didn't mention it?) After that... dodged my calls, wouldn't return email, etc. It was sad and I really missed her for a long time. Unfortunately, it's not totally uncommon.

  • Love 2

OMG, Lemur, the tales we could tell.


I was in absolute shock reading the BS being shoveled thick and fast on Cruise Critic by those I know damn well had paid pennies on the dollar for the 2-3 cruises a year they were entitled to because they worked for Carnival/other cruise line, they were travel agents, they knew someone or whatever. Seriously. The poop cruise assertions got bolder and bolder re: "They're just whining to whine" and "Everything is wonderful, they just aren't up for an adventure" until I finally posted a list of items one would need to bring along for a future cruise to deal with a similar incident, according to the brainiacs. After all, the WORST day cruising was better than the best day working (!!!!!!!!!!!). Yup. I know I want to go on vacation and wade through sewage to eat whatever was available and not be able to sleep in my own room, let alone deal with some of the passengers the news reported were doing stuff like looting/robbing other passengers.


My comments were left up but I was banned. There's nothing like going out in a blaze of glory. ;-)


I understand that the cruise line did the best they could with what they were handed. It wasn't the first time Carnival had a mishap on a cruise with propulsion, etcetera, and it's happened since. I've also wondered how many of the passengers given the free cruise actually used it. I know I will never consent to another vacation in which I can't put both feet on terra firma every day, let alone fly home if things aren't going that well. The cruise line was damn lucky that the weather wasn't bad and they could get that ship back to port safely.


We cruised on Norwegian for the first and last time. A few highlights, besides the bus driver not knowing how to get to the port: There were no sea bands or other seasickness remedies on board besides the pills that take days to work and green apples. As I mentioned, the captain was sick and the ship's doctor would not allow anyone to get the shot unless they were violently ill since there wasn't enough to go around for the approximately half the passengers dealing with super-rough seas. Bored and seasick passengers do not make for a happy situation, especially bored passengers who were dealing with probably the most obnoxious fellow passenger in history. The guy would randomly throw a football at people (including performers on stage). When he wasn't doing that, he was trying to pick up on other guys' wives. There were physical fights over this stuff. The cruise director refused to kick him off the ship at Hilo, despite the fact multiple passengers requested it. The US declaring war on Afghanistan sealed all ports for over 24 hours. A woman went into labor and delivered on the ship the next day; she needed rapid medical attention. They abandoned landing a Coast Guard helicopter on the top of the ship when they determined it was too dangerous. We hauled ass to Maui (and I mean HAULED ASS, the ship was traveling at such a rate of speed that it was almost sideways) so she and her family could disembark. They wouldn't let anyone else off.


It was not that fun.


Insurance, and those who refuse to carry it: I don't get it.


Alas not all of us can afford it.  Many small employers, mine included. put all their employees on the exchange with the passage of the ACA.  At 64, the cheapest premiums are simply too high for me and that's for a high deductible plan.  Even if I could scrimp for the premium it would leave nothing for my inhalers which I depend on to, you know, live.  I am nine months away from Medicare and I am counting the days.


That being said, I totally support the ACA as a necessary first step towards universal coverage.  It's helped millions of people.  I just happen to not be one of them.  I guess it's my turn.

  • Love 7

I feel like such a fuddy-duddy at 37 because a crossword/bingo cruise sounds like my kind of party. Keep the snacks and the cocktails flowing and I'm a happy camper.


Me too, only for me it would be a reading-in-deckchairs cruise with snacks and cocktails. Although after all the horror story cruises in the past few years, I'd be nervous to book with anyone but Cunard right now.

  • Love 4

I'm afraid I was being that girl that I was in high school with Indiana Girl. I had this friend in high school who called herself my bestie... But was always using me to be with a guy her mother forbade her to see. Another friend kindly pointed that out without being overly judgmental or accusatory (just kind of politely made me see the truth...). And that's the truth here. Indiana Girl was miserably married to the DUMBEST man on the planet, and she found a guy down here (connected thru work). We've argued every time she came because I called her out on it - over and over again. She cries and insists she's coming to see Meee... Well, it seemed juvenile and petty of me to say no - I mean, we're adults and it's not really my problem. She was here the weekend my baby son got married. Spent the whole weekend (joyous occasion!!!) moping and crying because Georgia guy never returned her calls or texts to get together. Last time she was here (I so wish I were making this up), she ACTUALLY sent me a spread sheet ahead of time so I would have her itinerary, and know when she needed to be available - NOT for a date, but JUST IN CASE she got a booty call. No joke. So this time, she comes down and actually spends most of her time with me. I don't know if she was intolerable because there would be no booty call (Georgia guy isn't interested after all), or because we actually spent time together.

I am soooo flying by the seat of my pants all the time. I get things done, but I've been my own boss for more years than I care to count. I can't be bullied into moving faster. I am the QUEEN of my time. I will HURT you if you try to push me. (And you all know I'm surrounded by family, and I'm "on call" 24/7. Almost every day of my life includes at least a minor case of mayhem. Or a doc's appointment. Or a problem at mom's. Or a kid to pick up. Every day of my life is cray cray.). So I'm talking about MY time. MY schedule. When I accidentally (like tonight, yay!!!) have a night to myself to read or post or take a long bath. MY TIME. Don't push me when I get a moment: I've EARNED THAT BAD BOY!!!

And long comes Indiana Girl, who schedules how long she holds her eyelash curler on each eye. What TIME do I need to be ready? What should I wear? What TIME will they be here? What TIME do we need to get up? How much TIME do I have?

My whole philosophy is like this: I get up in the morning and run wide open until I drop. The next day, I get up and do it again. We have 2 businesses that run from our house. There are people (all relatives, or relatives of relatives, of course) in and out every.single.day. It really is NUTS. Do NOT come in and poke at me verbally about TIME TIME TIME all dang day. Don't. Pick up an oar and row, or sit down and shut up. Everybody who works for us knows that and has adapted to it. SHE comes in and wants to lecture me about it and imply that she's so superior. I don't have the time, patience or general want-to to explain I don't HAVE her life. I PAY people to keep us organized, to make sure things are done timely and efficiently.

All of which sounds like it really IS me who's the problem, doesn't it? I guess I have officially reached the age of reading only what I want to read, watching only what I want to watch, eating only what I want to eat, and only keeping whom I want to keep.

Plus she said my cousin, who has been my best friend, my confidante, my ears, my fishing buddy, my weird recipe taster, my wound licker, my boo boo kisser since (oh, I don't know, THIRD GRADE????) since EVER... is just not a nice looking man. (In that pinchy, nasaly voice too!). Are you kidding me??? I owe this man my life (LITERALLY!): I don't care if he looks like John Merrick (he doesn't), don't tell me he's not "nice looking"!!!!! Yes, he is! (When I look at his face, I still see a 6 year old, and WHO could hate on a 6 year old face? And...he looks like my Daddy, and so it was a personal affront).

So. All that to say this: what happens if you push that little RED button? JETTISONED!!!

  • Love 8

The only cruise I've been on was to Alaska and I loved it, in large part because of the side trips.  I don't drink, don't care about eating, and it was a do it your way type where you could eat in the main dining room, which I never did, or in one of the restaurants or buffet.  There were some well behaved kids on board.  I was amazed.  You can't see many places in Alaska except by ship.  On the other hand, you couldn't pay me to go on Carnival anywhere, or on any line to a warm area.  Food poisoning, you know.

  • Love 2

I'm afraid I was being that girl that I was in high school with Indiana Girl. I had this friend in high school who called herself my bestie... But was always using me to be with a guy her mother forbade her to see. Another friend kindly pointed that out without being overly judgmental or accusatory (just kind of politely made me see the truth...). And that's the truth here. Indiana Girl was miserably married to the DUMBEST man on the planet, and she found a guy down here (connected thru work). We've argued every time she came because I called her out on it - over and over again. She cries and insists she's coming to see Meee... Well, it seemed juvenile and petty of me to say no - I mean, we're adults and it's not really my problem. She was here the weekend my baby son got married. Spent the whole weekend (joyous occasion!!!) moping and crying because Georgia guy never returned her calls or texts to get together. Last time she was here (I so wish I were making this up), she ACTUALLY sent me a spread sheet ahead of time so I would have her itinerary, and know when she needed to be available - NOT for a date, but JUST IN CASE she got a booty call. No joke. So this time, she comes down and actually spends most of her time with me. I don't know if she was intolerable because there would be no booty call (Georgia guy isn't interested after all), or because we actually spent time together.

I am soooo flying by the seat of my pants all the time. I get things done, but I've been my own boss for more years than I care to count. I can't be bullied into moving faster. I am the QUEEN of my time. I will HURT you if you try to push me. (And you all know I'm surrounded by family, and I'm "on call" 24/7. Almost every day of my life includes at least a minor case of mayhem. Or a doc's appointment. Or a problem at mom's. Or a kid to pick up. Every day of my life is cray cray.). So I'm talking about MY time. MY schedule. When I accidentally (like tonight, yay!!!) have a night to myself to read or post or take a long bath. MY TIME. Don't push me when I get a moment: I've EARNED THAT BAD BOY!!!

And long comes Indiana Girl, who schedules how long she holds her eyelash curler on each eye. What TIME do I need to be ready? What should I wear? What TIME will they be here? What TIME do we need to get up? How much TIME do I have?

My whole philosophy is like this: I get up in the morning and run wide open until I drop. The next day, I get up and do it again. We have 2 businesses that run from our house. There are people (all relatives, or relatives of relatives, of course) in and out every.single.day. It really is NUTS. Do NOT come in and poke at me verbally about TIME TIME TIME all dang day. Don't. Pick up an oar and row, or sit down and shut up. Everybody who works for us knows that and has adapted to it. SHE comes in and wants to lecture me about it and imply that she's so superior. I don't have the time, patience or general want-to to explain I don't HAVE her life. I PAY people to keep us organized, to make sure things are done timely and efficiently.

All of which sounds like it really IS me who's the problem, doesn't it? I guess I have officially reached the age of reading only what I want to read, watching only what I want to watch, eating only what I want to eat, and only keeping whom I want to keep.

Plus she said my cousin, who has been my best friend, my confidante, my ears, my fishing buddy, my weird recipe taster, my wound licker, my boo boo kisser since (oh, I don't know, THIRD GRADE????) since EVER... is just not a nice looking man. (In that pinchy, nasaly voice too!). Are you kidding me??? I owe this man my life (LITERALLY!): I don't care if he looks like John Merrick (he doesn't), don't tell me he's not "nice looking"!!!!! Yes, he is! (When I look at his face, I still see a 6 year old, and WHO could hate on a 6 year old face? And...he looks like my Daddy, and so it was a personal affront).

So. All that to say this: what happens if you push that little RED button? JETTISONED!!!


Wow, she sounds like a real peach.  Who says shit like that?  You might be the only friend she has left.  Well, had.  :P

  • Love 3

Okay, so you know it's only a matter of time before "cruise with the Duggars" comes up. And completely seriously, all of us would have a blast. Dinner every night with the leghumpers asking oh so innocent questions. Duggar drinking bingo. Live. (I suppose it may be a dry cruise. Pack your flask). Maybe we could order commemorative flasks before leaving port. I am sure someone here could thinking a suitable phrase to have engraved on the side.

  • Love 8

The only cruise I've been on was to Alaska and I loved it, in large part because of the side trips.  I don't drink, don't care about eating, and it was a do it your way type where you could eat in the main dining room, which I never did, or in one of the restaurants or buffet.  There were some well behaved kids on board.  I was amazed.  You can't see many places in Alaska except by ship.  On the other hand, you couldn't pay me to go on Carnival anywhere, or on any line to a warm area.  Food poisoning, you know.


I would love an Alaskan cruise just for the reasons you mentioned.  I did a Caribbean cruise in the early 90's (a work thing) and it was SO BORING. 

  • Love 2

You are so right.  Kate Gosselin tried to do a cruise, but nobody signed up.  Of course a leghumper was in good part responsible since she vetted applicants with the help of the travel agent.  That leghumper ended up being the only one to go.  Kate didn't of course.  And the price went down by several hundred dollars as soon as she pulled out.  Duggers, I could see them doing it, but don't know that I could hack it.  Might be fun to drop F bombs all over the place, but they are too stupid to get most insults.

  • Love 2

We took a Viking river cruise this summer and although there were very few night activities the days had as much to do as we wanted or not and it was a very small group of

People - 190. Had a great time with son and son in law and we found a couple their age and the four of us ate all ship meals with them. I would take another river cruise in a heartbeat. Spendy though so just the one. Only problem was weak wifi

OMG, I might break my own rule to go on a Duggar cruise. And you know we'd all be packing the flasks; that thing would have NO alcohol aboard. Then again, I'm wondering if any cruise line would be interested because I can only imagine how much they must make off of booze.


One can only speculate how many hours a day Jim Boob and J-Chelle would spend hiding from the leghumpers/ducking questions from those who don't drink their Kool-Aid.


What phrase are we engraving on the side of our commemorative flasks? Here's the first nominee...


"And I delivered every one of them!"


That being said, I totally support the ACA as a necessary first step towards universal coverage.  It's helped millions of people.  I just happen to not be one of them.  I guess it's my turn.

latetotheparty, I apologize for being vague. I was actually talking about homeowner's or renter's insurance, but I can also appreciate your dilemma right now. Here's a really dumb question: Have you contacted the ACA folks in your state to see if there's any type of subsidy or other arrangement for help meeting the high premiums? I'll be counting down those months, too. Something that might help with the inhalers: www.needymeds.com. They were a godsend for us when my husband was out of work for almost a year.


And I am so sorry that your employer didn't pay the premiums so you have coverage. You NEED that coverage.

HFC, that woman sucks. I hope you're putting your feet up tonight and relaxing a bit.

  • Love 3

Never understood the allure of a boat. First boat ride. 7 years old took the boat from Boston to Natasket Beach. My stomach was in knots for weeks before. I saw the movie "A Night to Remember". Got on the boat and looked up at all these orange things strapped to the ceiling. "They are life jackets in case the ship sinks" my grandmother explained. I started saying the rosary then, and didn't stop until we got off the boat. Thankfully, my father drove down after he got off work so I was spared the return trip. That trip, a harbor cruise, an unfortunate row boat adventure, a few trips on the NYC ferry to the Statue of Liberty, a 5 hour whale watch, in rough seas (yes, two and a half hours we saw a lot of whales, but then two and a half hours back to land, with every one puking over the boat's side), and 3 work related harbor cruises comprise my total experience "cruising". I have zero interest. I'm told the food is great, but the food is great at most restarants. I don't need to sail to eat. There is nothing that would make me pay good money to get on a boat. If I have to for work, I will, but never would take a vacation!

Cruising: Best cruise I ever went on was a day cruise on the USS Enterprise, CVN-65. My husband was part of the overhaul group that did design work on the ship and were invited on this cruise. It was a BLAST!! A tour of the ship (it is HUGE), an air show including double sonic booms since we were far enough offshore, got to see dolphins leaping out in front of the ship and experienced a high speed run (those things FLY!). I also got to ride a submarine back into shore, and that was fun too. A "real" cruise probably wouldn't interest me much though...too boring!

  • Love 2

OMG, I might break my own rule to go on a Duggar cruise. And you know we'd all be packing the flasks; that thing would have NO alcohol aboard. Then again, I'm wondering if any cruise line would be interested because I can only imagine how much they must make off of booze.


One can only speculate how many hours a day Jim Boob and J-Chelle would spend hiding from the leghumpers/ducking questions from those who don't drink their Kool-Aid.


What phrase are we engraving on the side of our commemorative flasks? Here's the first nominee...


"And I delivered every one of them!"

latetotheparty, I apologize for being vague. I was actually talking about homeowner's or renter's insurance, but I can also appreciate your dilemma right now. Here's a really dumb question: Have you contacted the ACA folks in your state to see if there's any type of subsidy or other arrangement for help meeting the high premiums? I'll be counting down those months, too. Something that might help with the inhalers: www.needymeds.com. They were a godsend for us when my husband was out of work for almost a year.


And I am so sorry that your employer didn't pay the premiums so you have coverage. You NEED that coverage.

HFC, that woman sucks. I hope you're putting your feet up tonight and relaxing a bit.


It's not a dumb question at all.  We do have programs for premium assistance in Minnesota, actually very good ones; I just make a little too much money to qualify.  They base it on percentage above poverty level but the actual amount of the premium doesn't factor in at all.  In my office everyone is either young enough to draw on their parents or married and under spousal coverage.  Unfortunately I am old and single.  If I wasn't asthmatic I wouldn't worry so much.  It sucks to know you are one pneumonia episode from ruin. 


But if my house is hit by a tornado, I'm covered! :)

Never understood the allure of a boat. First boat ride. 7 years old took the boat from Boston to Natasket Beach. My stomach was in knots for weeks before. I saw the movie "A Night to Remember". Got on the boat and looked up at all these orange things strapped to the ceiling. "They are life jackets in case the ship sinks" my grandmother explained. I started saying the rosary then, and didn't stop until we got off the boat. Thankfully, my father drove down after he got off work so I was spared the return trip. That trip, a harbor cruise, an unfortunate row boat adventure, a few trips on the NYC ferry to the Statue of Liberty, a 5 hour whale watch, in rough seas (yes, two and a half hours we saw a lot of whales, but then two and a half hours back to land, with every one puking over the boat's side), and 3 work related harbor cruises comprise my total experience "cruising". I have zero interest. I'm told the food is great, but the food is great at most restarants. I don't need to sail to eat. There is nothing that would make me pay good money to get on a boat. If I have to for work, I will, but never would take a vacation!


Put me on a sailboat in the middle of Lake Michigan and I'm a happy camper.  But cruise ships have all the excitement of watching Love Boat in your living room.  Ho hum.

  • Love 3
After that... dodged my calls, wouldn't return email, etc. It was sad and I really missed her for a long time. Unfortunately, it's not totally uncommon.


Here, I'll move over some and you can sit next to me.  Same thing here, the no calls and the not returning e-mails.  I remember the last time my ex-friend and I went out and had lunch and a movie, and then the next time I saw her at work she really gave me the cold shoulder.  Very hurtful.  As far as I know to this day there was no reason, there was no heated discussion, nothing.  I knew that my friend was getting friendly with another woman from our work and it didn't bother me in the least because really I just tend to get along with everybody and I liked this other person, though I did not know her well, and now I don't intend to.  I don't know if it was just that I didn't and don't have the disposable income to run out all weekend, that I enjoy staying at home and just chilling or cleaning up my pig pen of a house, or what - there's never been an explanation.  I tend to think that her new friend is more of a runner than I am, and that's fine and dandy.  I tend to think now and reflect that it may be her 'thing' - she's friendly with someone until she's bored or someone gives her more distraction.  Boy is that painful - I called on and off all one summer and never got a response, and had even tried to get a hold of her when I had free tickets to an event, and she only got back to me via text at the last minute with a negative that she could have given me two weeks prior.  I'm still wistful about it, but realized that her behavior had way more to say about her than me, that in the end she's the coward.  What makes me mad still though is that she was friendly with my child who was upset by all this as well.  It's been about three years now but this just all dredges up for me at Halloween because she introduced me to going to the haunted houses and those type of events, and I loved it - and now have to beg my kid or husband to even go with me to some of these because no one else I know is interested.  


The more I know about people the more I like my cats, so the saying goes!   

  • Love 10

Those who listen to Dr. Laura regularly (and bleat about the fact that one should stay home with one's "bunchkins") don't seem to get that she's always worked outside the home. Why is it okay for her and not okay for other women?

My mom used to listen to her psychobabble bullshit. Years ago, for Valentine's Day, my mom gave me her book 10 stupid things women to do or mess up their lives or something. I was in my early 20s. Struggling a bit with life but finding my way. I was livid and it's probably why I'm still single.

  • Love 3
Put me on a sailboat in the middle of Lake Michigan and I'm a happy camper.  But cruise ships have all the excitement of watching Love Boat in your living room.  Ho hum.

latetotheparty - I'll be a happy camper with you !!!  I LOVE to sail, have been doing so since I was a kid trying to keep up with my dad's knot-making skills, and (maybe) plan on my very first solo sail next summer.


If anyone is in the Currituck Sound next June and sees someone in a Zeppelin t-shirt just yell "Nike !" and I'll call back with "...and I'm riiiiiight !!!"

Edited by SomePity1066
  • Love 7

I've been invited to a friend's Halloween party.  I need a low intensity costume under which I can hide a shoulder brace if needed.  I'm healing from a pretty intense injury and can't risk being jostled.  So I am going as a Praymate, the fundamentalist version of a Playmate.  I have my incredibly covered clothing (maxi skirt, boat neck top, flat shoes (can't wear flipflops, sorry Duggars!)) and my bunny ears and tail.  I plan to wear the tail ridiculously high so as to not defraud anyone by drawing attention to my ass.  I'll pile on the makeup and curl my hair.  After all, I need to bring attention to my countenance.  I also have a few simple cross necklaces, and I'll be handing out bible verses.  I am really looking forward to this.  

  • Love 16

This was a thing when President Reagan was shot at. When they were examining him there was some confusion to where his other lens was. But there was no other lens.

I've done that too, for several years. Then this fall I decided to go with just the glasses for distance and nothing for reading as I don't need that. So I got some really cute sun glasses and clear glasses for night driving and movies and such. I didn't know that about Reagan though, fun fact. 

  • Love 1

So, all you cruise ship aficionados have convinced me to greatly discourage the dancing pre-med girl not to do cruise ships in her "gap year"!  She plans to take a year to struggle in NYC and try to dance professionaly between her bachelor's and and taking the MCAT, but contemplated possible cruise ship auditions as well.  Sounds like a bad idea to me!


I've only been on one as a teen, with pretty "top deck?" accommodations because of my grandfather's affiliation with the line and it was an amazing experience (especially the incredibly hot Italian men serving on the ship that I crushed on!). Do you still have to dress really fancy for dinner every night?


eta: The ACA, while I'm a huge supporter I could see when the dividing lines were first published that there was no damn way it was going to work for those that made just a skotch too much - that they would go broke trying to cover the premiums.  And now?  Employer provided insurance rates are beginning to skyrocket or have so much more additional cost sharing in deductibles, co-pays and co-insurance it's getting ridiculous.  I don't want to get too political on this board, but really, medicare for all single payer was really the best way to go.  It's high time we took the profit out of coverage, to me it's a sin that people are getting fantastically rich in the health insurance industry, because it's people's well being.  

Edited by NextIteration
  • Love 10
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

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