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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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IMO the best thing that we can do is move on from the WW mess.  The woman in question is probably watching all of this and loving the fact that we are all talking and thinking about her, even after we know that it was all fake. From what I understand, she does this for the attention as much as anything so we are really just playing into her hands by obsessing about it.  It sucks and I hope that she hasn't ruined our little community but I think it would be good if we didn't feed the troll.  

Anyone got a funny story to share?  Strange dream?  Only true stories though, I think we have all had enough of the fiction!  

  • Love 8

I completely agree with you ChocolateAddict but I also think for me personally, I needed one post to process it. Moving on now.

I agree, I think that we all needed time to process that someone had taken advantage of our sympathy and support.  I just hate to think that we are giving this woman what she wants by talking too much about it.  She's a terrible person and I want her to just go away (sock puppets included!).  

  • Love 7

I can't believe this was the only thing I did notice about the whole thing --they disappeared the same time. I figured it had something to do with GEML living out of country (?Ireland) or maybe something ticked her off & she stopped posting. Interesting coincidence?



Me too. My theory was that GEML has finally had enough, for a while at least, and now she has the excuse of being in Ireland. She's just decided to take a break and see Ireland. Maybe she'll be back, maybe not.

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 5

And, I need to ask for a little help here.

Did the first page set-up get changed, or did I mess something up? Where there was once a lengthy list of topics - the Lost J's, for example, I now only see four? five? topics.

I fumbled around so much yesterday trying to put that blasted windmill pic up, that I don't know what else I hit. Computer savvy R Not Us.

The mods recombined some topics about two months ago.

Nope, must be me. I only noticed the change last night. Now this is the only thread that shows up. I am somehow eliminating threads here, and haven't a clue how I'm managing to do that. If anyone actually understands what I'm talking about (thingys are a technical term in my world), I'd sure appreciate if you'd explain to me what I'm doing here. In very simple English, speaking slowly ;) Edited by Delft

At ChocolateAddict's request, to help change the subject, here's a strange dream I had the other day, and posted to Facebook, to inflict on my friends there (yes, I am one of those people who will talk about my weird ass dreams, even though most people probably don't find them as interesting as I do): I was in a Halloween haunted house, where the rooms kept moving, so I never knew exactly where I was or how to get out. In one of the rooms you had to get past these smiley Emoji head dudes without them touching you, or you also turned into an Emoji head person, and if you made it through, you got a talent that would help you get through other parts of the house.

After I realized that if you looked around the room from the corner of your eye, you could see a tunnel you could go through to get past the Emoji head people, I got through the room, and the talent I got was the ability to see the time portals that were scattered throughout the house. I ended up in a Refreshment Room, which had doors so you could get in, but none to leave, and was run by a weird couple who wouldn't tell anyone how to get out until they'd bought what the couple claimed was a piece of hand carved furniture, but all the supposed furniture was covered with heavy blankets, and they wouldn't remove them so you could see what you were buying.

I spotted a time portal in the wall and stepped into it, then found myself at the top of a long, winding metal staircase that had some steps that if you stepped on them wrong, the step would turn into a dragon and bite you. A dragon ate my hand, and I fell over the stair railing trying to get away, and landed on the grass outside the house, even though the staircase had been inside the house. Then I woke up.

  • Love 6


Anyone got a funny story to share? Strange dream? Only true stories though, I think we have all had enough of the fiction!

I have a rant. :)

(And I SWEAR I'm not angling for money!)

Our newest baby is a few months old, and insurance statements and bills are pouring in, and it is all so complicated.

We have met our deductibles and I've reached my max out of pocket costs for myself (but not baby), but they don't send things in a timely manner, so when a bill comes, it's so confusing. Why am I not responsible for the July hospital visit, but the September ENT bill is mine? If I've met my max, shouldn't everything beyond X date be covered at 100%? Or are they billing out of chronological order?

I have to check each and every bill to make sure it's actually my responsibility to pay, and in some cases, the insurance company isn't even sure what some charges are for. I wait on hold forever, and I'm directed to their website, but my "information is not available at this time; please try later." I have three kids, folks, none of whom are old enough for school. I don't have the time to "try again later." The baby just got a bill today, and I'm completely stumped by that one.

I'm glad this baby is our grand finale!

Edited by Pixie Chicken
  • Love 5

I have a rant. :)

(And I SWEAR I'm not angling for money!)

Our newest baby is a few months old, and insurance statements and bills are pouring in, and it is all so complicated.

We have met our deductibles and I've reached my max out of pocket costs for myself (but not baby), but they don't send things in a timely manner, so when a bill comes, it's so confusing. Why am I not responsible for the July hospital visit, but the September ENT bill is mine? I have to check each and every bill to make sure it's actually my responsibility to pay, and in some cases, the insurance company isn't even sure what some charges are for. I wait on hold forever, and I'm directed to their website, but my "information is not available at this time; please try later." I have three kids, folks, none of whom are old enough for school. I don't have the time to "try again later." The baby just got a bill today, and I'm completely stumped.

I'm glad this baby is our grand finale!


I'm with you on confusing bills! I am so sorry you have to deal with it! I can't imagine three kids and insurance being poopy!


I have a stupid insurance story too! I went to the ER back in July due to my weird health crap. I paid my $100 deductible. I figured I would get a bill at some point. I have a 90/10 plan, and as far as I'm aware I'm only responsible for 10 percent of the costs after I meet my $500 deductible. So imagine my shock when a few weeks ago I get this bill for $4000 for the July ER visit! Umm no. My insurance paid $1000. I need to call the hospital to see what's up. I keep forgetting to. 

  • Love 3

Woah. I started getting suspicious awhile ago, but man. Like Jenniferbug said, I was pregnant at the same time WW was and empathized. I admit to also fudging details (minor stuff, like my specific age by a year or two) to retain some anonymity, but mostly I'm just vague.

But wow.

Hey, wasn't there another fundraiser earlier this summer? I noticed that the poster in question really didn't pop in to this forum as much afterward. Details there pinged my radar. I figured I was just a cynical jerk.

That one pinged mine, too, even as I was totally buying WW's crap.

  • Love 7

I remember the posts for back to school supplies and resulting conversation and I'm uncomfortable with any board conversation that turns to talk of or the passing of money. I'm even uncomfortable with the gifs of balloons, flowers or cake because there is another thread here that over uses them but only for the current click of posters and that turned me off. Kind words are great and helping with information and stories but anything else um, no. Bah Humbug

That was just wild speculation. I don't think anybody knows why GEML left. But if she was a troll or a sock, she sure wasn't part of my investigation and findings. She left back in August and really didn't even interact with WW.

The other speculation or at least I think its speculation that you haven't addressed is WW and Razing Ruth the same person?

  • Love 6

At ChocolateAddict's request, to help change the subject, here's a strange dream I had the other day, and posted to Facebook, to inflict on my friends there (yes, I am one of those people who will talk about my weird ass dreams, even though most people probably don't find them as interesting as I do): I was in a Halloween haunted house, where the rooms kept moving, so I never knew exactly where I was or how to get out. In one of the rooms you had to get past these smiley Emoji head dudes without them touching you, or you also turned into an Emoji head person, and if you made it through, you got a talent that would help you get through other parts of the house.

After I realized that if you looked around the room from the corner of your eye, you could see a tunnel you could go through to get past the Emoji head people, I got through the room, and the talent I got was the ability to see the time portals that were scattered throughout the house. I ended up in a Refreshment Room, which had doors so you could get in, but none to leave, and was run by a weird couple who wouldn't tell anyone how to get out until they'd bought what the couple claimed was a piece of hand carved furniture, but all the supposed furniture was covered with heavy blankets, and they wouldn't remove them so you could see what you were buying.

I spotted a time portal in the wall and stepped into it, then found myself at the top of a long, winding metal staircase that had some steps that if you stepped on them wrong, the step would turn into a dragon and bite you. A dragon ate my hand, and I fell over the stair railing trying to get away, and landed on the grass outside the house, even though the staircase had been inside the house. Then I woke up.

Aren't brains fun? I love having crazy dreams, then trying to figure out what my subconscious is trying to tell me. This dream sounds most entertaining in a suspense-movie kind of way.

OK, so I am coming off a pretty challenging couple of years, during which I did a startling amount of comfort eating. I am now the biggest and most out of shape ever. Normally I enjoy brisk walks, yoga, low impact workouts. But for ages now, none of my go-to routines appeal at all. I have been a little depressed off and on, and have become real familiar with the many entertaining shows on Investigation Discovery. (Side note: Colorado Springs must be a rough town, if Lt. Joe. Kenda's hundreds of solved murders are any indication. Looks like you can't throw a rock without hitting a body.)

So God laid it on my heart recently to order some ZUMBA! DVDs from HSN. They arrived yesterday. I did the intro today, where you learn the basics. I think this might be fun. Oh, the order also came with "toning sticks," which I think are repurposed Shake-Weights - remember those, with their hilariously suggestive commercials?

So - do any of you have any thoughts to share about Zumba? I feel optimistic that it will get me moving. I hope I will literally merengue my ass off.

  • Love 5

That one pinged mine, too, even as I was totally buying WW's crap.



I remember the posts for back to school supplies and resulting conversation and I'm uncomfortable with any board conversation that turns to talk of or the passing of money. I'm even uncomfortable with the gifs of balloons, flowers or cake because there is another thread here that over uses them but only for the current click of posters and that turned me off. Kind words are great and helping with information and stories but anything else um, no. Bah Humbug

The other speculation or at least I think its speculation that you haven't addressed is WW and Razing Ruth the same person?

That one was on my mind today too. They got custody of some grand kids and couldn't afford the iPads that were required at a special school and there was no help. There was a post here or there about unplugging but nothing in a very long time. I didn't want to say anything and be the jerk newbie.

  • Love 3

I'm with you on confusing bills! I am so sorry you have to deal with it! I can't imagine three kids and insurance being poopy!

I have a stupid insurance story too! I went to the ER back in July due to my weird health crap. I paid my $100 deductible. I figured I would get a bill at some point. I have a 90/10 plan, and as far as I'm aware I'm only responsible for 10 percent of the costs after I meet my $500 deductible. So imagine my shock when a few weeks ago I get this bill for $4000 for the July ER visit! Umm no. My insurance paid $1000. I need to call the hospital to see what's up. I keep forgetting to.

I hope you both don't find out that you have "co-insurance". Different from "co-pay" and deductibles. My PPO insurance slipped it in about 2-3 years ago and it cost us $1,000's. The formula is so convoluted it affected my mental health. I was on the phone for hours eavh week. I swear the insurance teams give you the runaround so you will give up. Due to financial necessity we moved to a HMO almost 1.5 years ago. As much as I hate not being able to go the best doctors out there whenever I want (I hate the HMO referral game) I do like knowing my financial obligation up front and so far I haven't had any problems.
  • Love 1

Nope, must be me. I only noticed the change last night. Now this is the only thread that shows up. I am somehow eliminating threads here, and haven't a clue how I'm managing to do that. If anyone actually understands what I'm talking about (thingys are a technical term in my world), I'd sure appreciate if you'd explain to me what I'm doing here. In very simple English, speaking slowly ;)

I had a similar problem. Make sure you're following the whole Duggar show, not just the small talk thread. I ended up cancelling what I was following & started over on the main PTV page. Go to 19 Kids & follow the whole show. I hope that helps or someone else here can explain it better.

Nope, must be me. I only noticed the change last night. Now this is the only thread that shows up. I am somehow eliminating threads here, and haven't a clue how I'm managing to do that. If anyone actually understands what I'm talking about (thingys are a technical term in my world), I'd sure appreciate if you'd explain to me what I'm doing here. In very simple English, speaking slowly ;)


Delft - hope this is helpful:


There are 17 threads for 19 Kids on the page, starting with 19 Questions & Counting and currently ending with Past Seasons Talk. The only way I could see you "removing" threads is that you might be sorting them so that maybe only threads with very recent posts display. Or maybe only older ones. Dunno - check your sort. It's the box directly to the right of the "eye" - looks like a bold asterisk. I have mine sorted so they all show, every time, but they're displayed [top to bottom] by Newest to Oldest activity. You can set yours up however you want them - there are a ton of options.


However... if things still look different to you after you check your sort, do what every computer genius tells me to do when I've stumped them with a problem. Re-boot. When in doubt, re-boot. Computers are apparently like babies - they need to be burped to function best. Unless the re-boot brings you the Blue Screen of Death, you should be good-to-go. Good luck! 

Aren't brains fun? I love having crazy dreams, then trying to figure out what my subconscious is trying to tell me. This dream sounds most entertaining in a suspense-movie kind of way.

OK, so I am coming off a pretty challenging couple of years, during which I did a startling amount of comfort eating. I am now the biggest and most out of shape ever. Normally I enjoy brisk walks, yoga, low impact workouts. But for ages now, none of my go-to routines appeal at all. I have been a little depressed off and on, and have become real familiar with the many entertaining shows on Investigation Discovery. (Side note: Colorado Springs must be a rough town, if Lt. Joe. Kenda's hundreds of solved murders are any indication. Looks like you can't throw a rock without hitting a body.)

So God laid it on my heart recently to order some ZUMBA! DVDs from HSN. They arrived yesterday. I did the intro today, where you learn the basics. I think this might be fun. Oh, the order also came with "toning sticks," which I think are repurposed Shake-Weights - remember those, with their hilariously suggestive commercials?

So - do any of you have any thoughts to share about Zumba? I feel optimistic that it will get me moving. I hope I will literally merengue my ass off.

My sister has the Zumba for Wii set, and she seems to enjoy it. Hope it gets you moving the way you want it to.

I put the Zombies, Run! app on my phone. Each run (or walk) is a mission where you get supplies, and outrun the zombies you can hear coming for you over the sound of your music.

  • Love 3

Perhaps then, you could express what "no offense" really meant, before writing us all off?

I simply meant that *I* find it strange when people share those personal details in forums like this; that's why *I* don't engage in it. (I assume that's also why there are separate threads for it, so people can choose not to read and participate.) Obviously, for other people it is *not* odd, so they *do* engage in it. It doesn't mean that I am right and others are wrong or that I think others here are freaks like whoever that WW was; it just means we have different ways of seeing things.

My first inkling is to swear, but

but nothing! I DID swear when I read all of this. I exclaimed "holy *CARP*!!" (I have 3 of my grands sleeping over, and that is one of the only "swears" I use when they are around.) My 7-yo granddaughter asked me one time what 'holy carp' meant, and I told her it was a type of Angel Fish. (So,yeah, add lying to my 'sins'.) But again, HOLY CARP!
  • Love 7

And life goes on. To put things in perspective I was just getting to bed about an hour ago when my teen rushes in that she thinks her BFF of 12 years is suicidal. He shut down most of social media, said Goodbye on Twitter. He came out not too long ago and I think he feels alone. So of course I call and wake up his mom. All of their mutual friends that were awake at the time of the goodbye tweet want to rush his home. But my daughter redirects them to my home. Mom is texting me, she is at a loss. So I'm juggling her and the teens. They just left to try to comfort him. I'm trying not to freak out, I've loved this kid since they were five. So I'm sitting here on standby in case the mom needs me. Plus I need to wait till the kids get back and they are back at their homes (luckily they are all in this same neighborhood, no signal or major streets to cross. It's past the town curfew). I'm going online to find support lines for gay teens and families. If you are aware of any good ones please let me know here or DM me thanks.

  • Love 3

And life goes on. To put things in perspective I was just getting to bed about an hour ago when my teen rushes in that she thinks her BFF of 12 years is suicidal. He shut down most of social media, said Goodbye on Twitter. He came out not too long ago and I think he feels alone. So of course I call and wake up his mom. All of their mutual friends that were awake at the time of the goodbye tweet want to rush his home. But my daughter redirects them to my home. Mom is texting me, she is at a loss. So I'm juggling her and the teens. They just left to try to comfort him. I'm trying not to freak out, I've loved this kid since they were five. So I'm sitting here on standby in case the mom needs me. Plus I need to wait till the kids get back and they are back at their homes (luckily they are all in this same neighborhood, no signal or major streets to cross. It's past the town curfew). I'm going online to find support lines for gay teens and families. If you are aware of any good ones please let me know here or DM me thanks.


Hope everything works out for your daughter's friend.

  • Love 2

And life goes on. To put things in perspective I was just getting to bed about an hour ago when my teen rushes in that she thinks her BFF of 12 years is suicidal. He shut down most of social media, said Goodbye on Twitter. He came out not too long ago and I think he feels alone. So of course I call and wake up his mom. All of their mutual friends that were awake at the time of the goodbye tweet want to rush his home. But my daughter redirects them to my home. Mom is texting me, she is at a loss. So I'm juggling her and the teens. They just left to try to comfort him. I'm trying not to freak out, I've loved this kid since they were five. So I'm sitting here on standby in case the mom needs me. Plus I need to wait till the kids get back and they are back at their homes (luckily they are all in this same neighborhood, no signal or major streets to cross. It's past the town curfew). I'm going online to find support lines for gay teens and families. If you are aware of any good ones please let me know here or DM me thanks.

This should be handled by professionals. His parent needs to call the local Crisis number and have him evaluated. Suicidal ideation is not something that can be "cured" in one night by a bunch of hugs by friends.

  • Love 8

This should be handled by professionals. His parent needs to call the local Crisis number and have him evaluated. Suicidal ideation is not something that can be "cured" in one night by a bunch of hugs by friends.


Indeed.  May require a short stay somewhere for his own safety whilst getting him hooked into support services and a good therapy group.

  • Love 4


So - do any of you have any thoughts to share about Zumba? I feel optimistic that it will get me moving. I hope I will literally merengue my ass off.

I absolutely love Zumba. I've been taking classes at my local rec centres for about three years now and have seen good results and had fun. Some of my teachers have been very into disco-style songs and moves, others more modern. My current teacher loves twerking and squats, which I would never do outside of class but are a surprisingly good work-out. It also encouraged me to finally pursue my interest in all things dance and try some actual dance classes, which I'm loving.


PS. In all the classes I've done, I'm one of the younger folks (and I'm not that young) and about middle of the pack in terms of fitness (I'm not super fit), so it really is for all levels and that takes the pressure off for me.

  • Love 3

but nothing! I DID swear when I read all of this. I exclaimed "holy *CARP*!!" (I have 3 of my grands sleeping over, and that is one of the only "swears" I use when they are around.) My 7-yo granddaughter asked me one time what 'holy carp' meant, and I told her it was a type of Angel Fish. (So,yeah, add lying to my 'sins'.) But again, HOLY CARP!

Hahaha, I love that. It's too far gone for me and my kids. But I'm weird--I always told them words themselves aren't bad, but intent means everything. And some words are vulgar and inappropriate in public settings. I mean, baby isn't a bad word unless it's being used to make someone feel bad. The expression run like a girl--none of those words are bad, but the meaning is awful. So...yeah. It's been a challenge but for the most part the kids get it. And seriously, computers and tablets need a good f-bomb every now and then.


As for the amount display of topics--nothing has changed. Computers are weird. And I didn't know you could change that display. But I can confirm that we haven't deliberately removed any. Forgive the non-officialness. 


Insurance companies suck. I say that as we had a pretty great one and it will be changing in January. :(  


In the hopes of cheering everyone up--we're adopting a doggie this afternoon. Did some research and we settled on retired racing greyhounds and we couldn't choose between two from two different groups. So we're picking up S (name will change) today and going to the other group so the boys can meet. We have a home visit scheduled for Wednesday and then (all things going well) we'll schedule to pick up the second. A very nice lady donated a coat to the second one, F, so he'll be set. I'm going to try to adjust a pattern and make one for the second one this morning.


I've never tried Zumba but I am so uncoordinated it would most likely just frustrate me. I have done a Jillian Michaels program and man that kicks my butt. With the new doggies I'll have to get out and walk them so hopefully that will jumpstart some hopping on the elliptical and Bowflex.

  • Love 8

Bingo! I got all my threads back! It was indeed an issue in my "sorting" method. I finally hit the right stuff, and it all came back. Hope I never have to so that again, 'cause I'm not totally sure what I did.

I use an Ipad, so my displays may look slightly different from anyone using a computer. I've only ever gone to this forum on an Ipad.

Thanks to everyone who offered their help. I shall try not to ever touch my settings again!

  • Love 2

It's gone dark, but 'Ruth' was apparently this blogger's personal white whale. I can't vouch for accuracy, but in the spirit of teaching the controversy it's a really interesting read. They aggregated a lot of stuff. tl;dr: the tragic escapee from ATI was probably a mentally ill upper-middle-class housewife from California with a crowded sock drawer , and she was much more successful with the Gosselin fans than she was here.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 6

I hope you both don't find out that you have "co-insurance". Different from "co-pay" and deductibles. My PPO insurance slipped it in about 2-3 years ago and it cost us $1,000's. The formula is so convoluted it affected my mental health. I was on the phone for hours eavh week. I swear the insurance teams give you the runaround so you will give up.

Yes, I have seen this term on my forms and they told me it simply referred to my responsibility. I do have a max out-of-pocket, worst-case scenario. I'm so aggravated by it all. The money part is scary too. I've caught mistakes before, so I'm vigilant, but I could really use a personal assistant to wait on hold for me!

Edited by Pixie Chicken

It's gone dark, but 'Ruth' was apparently this blogger's personal white whale. I can't vouch for accuracy, but in the spirit of teaching the controversy it's a really interesting read. They aggregated a lot of stuff. tl;dr: the tragic escapee from ATI was probably a mentally ill upper-middle-class housewife from California with a crowded sock drawer , and she was much more successful with the Gosselin fans than she was here.

Thank you, Julia. What an informative read especially about socks. I just learned about socks here, but I figured they simply reinforced or asked helpful questions so the main scammer could modestly give "details." It was mind-opening for me to read about socks challenging and almost abusing the main scammer in order to gain sympathy. Boy, am I going to look for this on other boards now. I have this tendency to want to sleuth. 

  • Love 8

I remember the posts for back to school supplies and resulting conversation and I'm uncomfortable with any board conversation that turns to talk of or the passing of money. I'm even uncomfortable with the gifs of balloons, flowers or cake because there is another thread here that over uses them but only for the current click of posters and that turned me off. Kind words are great and helping with information and stories but anything else um, no. Bah Humbug

The other speculation or at least I think its speculation that you haven't addressed is WW and Razing Ruth the same person?

Sorry thought Absolom covered that. Yes, there is reason to believe it was the same person who pulled Razing Ruth, Pennmommy, and Jhawksgirl1.

If you Google any of those names they will provide you with information and back stories. :)

  • Love 8


ok thanks for the clarification

From my experience on being on different boards over the years is that the troll never really goes away they just adopt another screen name and since they are familiar with all the other posters they can easily stick around.


And beware of trolls that like to tell long tales of woe.

Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 7

Regarding GEML, she did give us enough information to go and find a Facebook site and to some books written by that person on the Facebook. Some of us did that and bought/read the books.  I looked at the Facebook site and read about the books on Amazon, but didn't buy/read them.  My question was/is, was the poster really her, or did someone else "borrow" that information and embellish it and post here.  

  • Love 6

My sister has the Zumba for Wii set, and she seems to enjoy it. Hope it gets you moving the way you want it to.

I put the Zombies, Run! app on my phone. Each run (or walk) is a mission where you get supplies, and outrun the zombies you can hear coming for you over the sound of your music.

I hadn't heard of Zombies, Run before, and just now googled it. It is cracking me up. Thanks for another good idea. Edited by Tabbygirl521
  • Love 2

We are moving so it is a good time to clean out.  Things are way skimpier here (although there is stuff in the other house waiting for us) but there have been many trips to donate perfectly good things along the lines of "what was I thinking" and lots went into trash.  It does feel good although sometimes the process is painful.

I have done Zumba with the daughter in law when I visit.  I didn't love it, but, it was good exercise and it was nice to be with her.  Any exercise takes time to get used to, into the routine, make a habit, etc.  I am very non disciplined at home.  So I go to a gym.  I feel like now I am on autopilot and just go and take classes which is sort of like being disciplined to go to work, even when I didn't feel like it.  I just go and do it.  Fun or not.  Sometimes it is okay and sometimes I feel like I am dragging through.  

  • Love 2

It's gone dark, but 'Ruth' was apparently this blogger's personal white whale. I can't vouch for accuracy, but in the spirit of teaching the controversy it's a really interesting read. They aggregated a lot of stuff. tl;dr: the tragic escapee from ATI was probably a mentally ill upper-middle-class housewife from California with a crowded sock drawer , and she was much more successful with the Gosselin fans than she was here.

Never mind the closet, this stuff is fascinating! I'm settling in for a good long read. I'd heard a little about Ruth and Possummomma but nothing like this. Thanks for posting Julia.

I have fantasies of moving into one of those "tiny houses", where every inch is so perfectly practically designed that you can only have just what you need to live. However, back here in the real world I have to fight off hoarding tendencies, as does the rest of my family. I don't know if I could bear to part with all the cartons of crap stored in every dark corner of the basement. If I got a tiny house I would probably also need several large storage lockers, which defeats the purpose, does it not? I love it when they show off the storage space in those houses: it's like one square foot under a bench or something, and they're always so impressed! Look at all the storage!


Someone mentioned Flylady. How is she these days? I followed her years ago and found her systems very helpful, but I started getting too many emails with very Christian overtones and had to ditch her. 


Count me in for the coordination-challenged Zumba. 

Edited by momofsquid
  • Love 5

I absolutely love Zumba. I've been taking classes at my local rec centres for about three years now and have seen good results and had fun. Some of my teachers have been very into disco-style songs and moves, others more modern. My current teacher loves twerking and squats, which I would never do outside of class but are a surprisingly good work-out. It also encouraged me to finally pursue my interest in all things dance and try some actual dance classes, which I'm loving.

PS. In all the classes I've done, I'm one of the younger folks (and I'm not that young) and about middle of the pack in terms of fitness (I'm not super fit), so it really is for all levels and that takes the pressure off for me.

It is great to read this! When younger, I used to dance at home just for fun (just free form fooling around - I have never studied "real" dance). Your post reminded me of how exhilarating that could be. You must be having a great time! Also good to hear that Zumba works. :) Once I develop more stamina, I may look into a live class. I probably WOULD be the oldest there, or close, and I would want to be able to make a stab at keeping up!

About being coordinated for Zumba, it doesn't matter. I am older and those girls were younger so I was just doing what I could, which was certainly not what the instructor was doing! The important part is to just keep moving, at your own level of comfort.

Encouraging - thanks!

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I mentioned Flylady. I don't subscribe to her emails, but read her book several years ago, and like her overall approach. IIRC a long time ago I signed up for the emails but soon stopped, because they were making me feel overwhelmed. 

I haven't read the book. Maybe I should. But I loved the emails way back when. There were some reminders that I really liked because they gave me a ready-made to-do list that kept me from getting swamped. But something changed, I think she went to a different host site or something, and the emails that had helped me the most didn't come any more. Instead, as I mentioned, there was an increase in religious messages, accompanied by a condescending note to choose the deity of your preference if the Jesus stuff doesn't apply to you. Thanks, but I don't need Jesus to clean my toilet.

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So - do any of you have any thoughts to share about Zumba? I feel optimistic that it will get me moving. I hope I will literally merengue my ass off.

Sherri Shepherd was into Zumba awhile back. She would tweet about classes and instructors  (apparently getting paid to mention Zumba) and she spoke at a Zumba conference.

Keep us posted on it- Is it fun to do at home or better to do in a class.

  • Love 1

Sherri Shepherd was into Zumba awhile back. She would tweet about classes and instructors  (apparently getting paid to mention Zumba) and she spoke at a Zumba conference.

Keep us posted on it- Is it fun to do at home or better to do in a class.

Zumba is not for this old lady. After having kids vaginally Zumba is a sure way for me to give myself a 'natural' hysterectomy. ;) 

  • Love 1

Sherri Shepherd was into Zumba awhile back. She would tweet about classes and instructors (apparently getting paid to mention Zumba) and she spoke at a Zumba conference.i

Keep us posted on it- Is it fun to do at home or better to do in a class.

I suspect I will want a class eventually, but I think for me it will be fine to get started at home. For ages I used Leslie Sansome's walking TAPES and managed to get into a routine on my own (not easy for me, but once I started seeing results, that helped). I do recommend her program, too. I just am a little bored with it at this point, after years. It is effective, though.

Zumba is not for this old lady. After having kids vaginally Zumba is a sure way for me to give myself a 'natural' hysterectomy. ;)

O gawd! Shall we send Michelle the DVD set?

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From my experience on being on different boards over the years is that the troll never really goes away they just adopt another screen name and since they are familiar with all the other posters they can easy stick around.

Imagine being soulless to the point of running a scam on people who were simply willing to be your friend, then hanging around to read the comments about how sociopathic you are - and not giving a shit. Of course, I guess that's the upside for a sociopath - no feelings, no guilt.

I just recently stumbled on WW's announcement about losing the twin. Yeah, the tone there was seriously weird. Hey, my baby died but this is great snark! I will be in touch!

We are giving WW lots of tips on upping her game.

  • Love 6

Imagine being soulless to the point of running a scam on people who were simply willing to be your friend, then hanging around to read the comments about how sociopathic you are - and not giving a shit. Of course, I guess that's the upside for a sociopath - no feelings, no guilt.

I just recently stumbled on WW's announcement about losing the twin. Yeah, the tone there was seriously weird. Hey, my baby died but this is great snark! I will be in touch!

We are giving WW lots of tips on upping her game.

Trolls are feelingless/heartless and they don't have guilt.


They just love to get a rise out of people. So with that being sad I learned a long time ago not to feed the trolls! 


Have a great day guys. 

Edited by Fuzzysox
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I took up yoga a few months ago, though I had to drop out of the most recent session due to work and vacation conflicts. It was great and I'm looking forward to starting up again when my instructor begins her next cycle. There are different kinds of yoga, and this one uses a lot of props and furniture so that it's ideal for people with stress injuries, surgical scars, etc. Since I banged up one of my hips hiking and have some other "structural idiosyncrasies," it's a good choice for me.


On the ancestry discussion, my late father was a blue-eyed blonde and my mother was a green-eyed redhead before her hair turned white. So I visit dermatologists occasionally to get an overall skin check. About 25 years ago, a new dermatologist looked at a growth on my face and said that she thought it might be squamous cell carcinoma. So she removed it and sent it off to be analyzed, telling me to call for results 3 days later. I called, and they said they were redoing the lab work. They also told me to come in again. At that next appointment, my dermatologist, who was African American, gave me a really funny look, then said "that was an albino form of a mole that's normally only found on black people." I wasn't as surprised as I think she expected me to be because my mother had done our family tree and had a gap in the mid-1800s. In that gap, a young male ancestor moved from Louisiana to Ohio with a woman about whom we could learn absolutely nothing. And there was some speculation that the woman might have been a former slave or otherwise have African ancestry, which necessitated the move from the south to the north. But there were other plausible scenarios and we were only speculating, so we dropped it.


DH and I were in Canada recently, where I started researching the Acadian Expulsion. Again, this relates to the Louisiana ancestors. I don't know if I've got anything worth pursuing or not, but I'm considering a writing project along these lines. It's all rather unformed at this point. But it could be fun, and it would give me an excuse to pay more visits to my friend in Nova Scotia.

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