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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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Remember when she/he posted that total rant when the husband came to pick up Maisie, with the pg girlfriend in tow? I'm way too lazy to go back and find it, but I remember when I read it, she was spitting mad and not sounding like our laid back WW AT ALL. I never got any kind of ping on my radar, and in fact offered to embroider some things for Maisie. Even with that rant post that (looking back) probably was posted by someone else entirely, I never GOT it. I'm so embarrassed. I made my professional career (before doing seats that would hold Chris Evans' butt) reading people. Knowing pole. Reading through people. Finding holes in people's stories. Epic fail!!!

Hard to believe but it was actually just last weekend. IIRC,she exposed a lot to us last Sunday (the icing on the cake so to speak) -- Dad showing up late with girlfriend who we later found out was pregnant. Girlfriend was a mean girl who made derogatory statements how WW was keeping Maisie in a bubble, Dad taking Maisie to germ laden birthday pizza party. I noticed, too, how upset she was & not like herself but just figured she was mad at whole situation (& had a lot of us mad too) & then later she said she felt better after taking Maisie for a walk & "treating" herself to coffee.

I think WW does have the Munchaussen Internet thing going on. He/she is probably basking in all the attention. I keep thinking back to one of the times we hadn't heard from her & were begging her to check in with us, we were so concerned. She probably loved this too.

Happy- on a different note, I had to chuckle about your mom & the truckers. Something similar happened to our dear family friend, who has dementia & her daughter. They were watching a movie that involved a big dinner party. "Mom" had such a concerned look on her face & daughter asked her what was wrong. Mom answered "what are we going to feed these people & where are they staying?" It's funny at times but unfortunately for this family & many others, it's getting harder & harder to manage.

  • Love 1

That's actually not what I meant, but thanks for telling me I was wrong! <shrug> Apparently I was right to be skeptical in this case ;)


WADR. I'm not sure what you meant, but it's a little difficult to interpret the idea that it's creepy to talk about yourself in a neutral way when you're talking to a group of people you say you've been avoiding because they talk about themselves.

  • Love 5

Just being curious, I would love to send in a sample of a dog's saliva and see what results come back.   :)

Oh, goody ! I LOVE this question... !!!


German Shepherd, Russian Wolfhound, French Bulldog, English Bulldog, African Painted Dog, Australian Cattle Dog, Boston Terrier, Caanan Dog, Welsh Corgi, Irish Setter, American Bull Terrier, Siberian Husky, Chinese Crested, Labrador Retriever and Great Dane...


That's just off the top of my head, and yes, I know that was a joke, but the dog thing just made me so happy ! I actually had my doggie's DNA tested to confirm what breed he was as I adopted him from a shelter and had just about zero info about his background and wanted to know what mix he was so I'd know to look out for eye problems, hip dysplasia, etc. Turns out he's a mix of a bunch of things but predominantly Belgian Malinois. 


That's PERFECT for me - he's from the land of waffles and French fries ;)

  • Love 12

I'm relatively new here, so I don't fully understand what just took place with WW on this board. 


However, I just want to say that I was one of the people that ignored the GoFundMe link that I received in my PMs, but I watched as you guys, complete and total strangers acting in good faith, donated $375+ in a matter of hours to help someone in need (or at least claiming to be in need) before it was taken down. 


Forget the fact that it turned out to be a fraud.


You guys are amazing people. You were willing to take it take it upon yourselves to help more people in a few hours than Dillard Family Ministries has helped in a few months. Even if you guys aren't religious, you guys still managed to be #BetterChristiansThanTheDuggars. 


This newbie takes her hat off to all of you. 

         I  think you made everyone's day  you made mine 

  • Love 11

When she posted early on about the duggar said, she was articulate and generally spot-on. She always had good feedback. She was like a walking Duggar encyclopedia. Clearly she did her research. Then she was gone for a longish period, yes, and had all of us worrying for her. When she did come back, she had a different tone. Asking for advice about their sex life, talking more personal in general. There was a definite shift. But she never did ask for money, even though several of us kicked it about. In fact, she shied away from us doing anything monetary. There was one post when some of us were speaking together (off board) when she was saying the gofundme had been set up, but she still wasn't sure she wanted to do it - and then fairly quickly, the next post said, ok do it. That was a rapid turnabout, which makes me think (now) that she was maybe aware that people were growing suspicious. I still think that was a lengthy and tedious scam for really low payout. I'm saying burlsa is right. It was the attention. Munchausens by Internet. THAT IS SO WEIRD!!!!

In my head, she's still a young woman with a ponytail, no job, smart, tidy, but with limited family contact and no social life (because no one can stand her). In reality, she's probably in her late 50's, slovenly, has hair on her nose, chest, ears and chin, never been married and her siblings haven't spoken to her in years. A HOARDER!!!!! I bet she has a doll on a chair next to her she calls Maisie. Creeper!

Sorry, I have so much to be doing instead of stewing about that evil person. I'm still feeling so pissy!

Meanwhile, my husband is at our rental house today cleaning and painting. A man who used to live next door to us in that very house came by yesterday and said he wants to rent it. We lived next door to him for several (5?) years and he was a maintenance worker for the town. We haven't seen him for about 5 years. He tells my husband he has just retired from the sheriff's office. My husband is - you know - eyebrows up, noting right away that he wasn't with the sheriffs office 5 years ago... so how could he retire from there? Something else the guy said made the hubs suspicious as well. He always thinks something's up. His favorite line: "but that just doesn't make any sense". I've always poked fun at him for sleuthing stuff out instead of going with his instincts. (For not flying by the seat of his pants, like me!). And look what happened. You think I'm telling him the story of WickedWoman??? Pssssssht!!!

  • Love 9
Omg I just read that police agencies are trying to access 23 and me and ancestry.com data bases in order to secure DNA for crimes. Just yesterday I was on here saying how great it was. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD PEOPLE DONT EVER LISTEN TO ME I WILL LEAD YOU DOWN THE PATH TO RUIN! FIRST WW AND NOW THIS! IM SORRY,!!

Oh, nc social worker - no harm no foul ! You meant that in the nicest, most helpful way ! You are NOT the path to ruin  :)


I'd decided long ago to never get my DNA done because of the possible implications with law enforcement (not that I'm a wanted woman or a felon on the run !) but more so because I don't want my most personal information just..out there. For anyone to know, most especially any insurance companies or medical entities. 


It seems like science fiction, like something out of Gattica or Minority Report, but I don't want to be denied coverage or treatment because someone all of a sudden knows that I have a familial history of Disease A, B, or C.


Also there's the genetic link to family and siblings that you may not be aware of - it seems far-fetched, but what if you don't know your birth parents and the police come a knockin' because your DNA matches that of an unknown relative who committed a crime ? The implications are mind-blowing !!!


I will now crawl back into my conspiracy theory hovel to adjust my tin foil hat. Carry on. 

  • Love 15

Last night I went to dinner with two very attractive guys who are doing construction on my house.  My neighbors have been asking me how I get all the cute guys for my project.  We ended up having more than a few margaritas.  Let’s just say it wasn’t one too many; it was a pitcher too many.  And that pitcher was shared by only two of us because one of the guys had to leave.  The lead guy had parked his car in front of my driveway.  Parking is hard to find in my neighborhood.  He was too drunk to drive, so he left the car there overnight.  Now my very gossipy neighbors are thinking I got lucky, very lucky.

Once a vehicle from my exhusband's business broke down near my home and ended up in my driveway overnight so I understand!

  • Love 1

OK: in the spirit of civic-minded overshare, here's my relatable domestic tragedy for the week: 


This is my shiny clean refrigerator, and the shiny clean floor and wall beneath/adjacent to my shiny clean refrigerator





This is what it took to create the briliant cleanliness that is my refrigerator, after I was forcibly reminded that my beloved child decided to put away the dipping sauce by placing it on a top shelf of the fridge in a coffee cup with a zip lock bag precariously balanced on top of it the last time she was home.


I know, quel tragédie. It totally sucks to be moi.


And, to bring you all back from the depressions you're inevitably sinking into as a result of sharing my pain, back when we thought that there was going to be a big storm where I am I said I'd paste a view from our window, which, here:





Happy Saturday.

Edited by Julia
  • Love 13

Holy shit!!! Ablosom was right when she warned us several months ago. Wow...just wow. But like Mr. Rodgers said when something bad happens just look at how many people are willing to help, that's what I'm going to focus on. I'm not gonna lie I reverse image search that photo of "Maise" because it didn't look real. Again...wow!

Me too.

  • Love 1

I also wondered if WW and GEML had some connection. On one of WW's post MANY pages ago, she described the doctors discussing myelination as it pertained to "Maisie's" brain development. A few minutes later GEML posted a rather lengthy tome with more information than any lay person would possibly know about the process. Again, it sounded extremely textbook. That and the fact that the two seemed to disappear around the same time on many occassions. Conspiracy theorist in the making!

  • Love 7

A long time ago, GEML posted that she was a published author. Something about midwives maybe? I remember some people pm'd her asking for her works. Even if she wrote under a pen name, SHE wasn't necessarily trying very hard to be annonymous. (I'm not saying anyone should go stalking down that path, I'm just saying she wasn't super secretive, as opposed to WW).

  • Love 5

A long time ago, GEML posted that she was a published author. Something about midwives maybe? I remember some people pm'd her asking for her works. Even if she wrote under a pen name, SHE wasn't necessarily trying very hard to be annonymous. (I'm not saying anyone should go stalking down that path, I'm just saying she wasn't super secretive, as opposed to WW).


Her book was an easy search on Amazon-- real name and photo included. 

  • Love 3

I'm relatively new here, so I don't fully understand what just took place with WW on this board. 


However, I just want to say that I was one of the people that didn't respond to the GoFundMe link that I received in my PMs, but I watched as you guys, complete and total strangers acting in good faith, donated $375+ in a matter of hours to help someone in need (or at least claiming to be in need) before it was taken down. 


Forget the fact that it turned out to be a fraud.


Y'all are amazing people. You guys were willing to take it take it upon yourselves to help more people in a few hours than Dillard Family Ministries has helped in a few months. Even if you guys aren't religious people by nature, each one of you still managed to be #BetterChristiansThanTheDuggars. 


This newbie takes her hat off to all of you.

Thanks I really needed to hear that.

  • Love 7

This is truely pathetic but I admit that when GEML told the titles of her two books, I actually googled Amazon to find the author. The initials matched up to her user name so, as an inquiring mind, I looked up her Facebook page. I told you this was pathetic. Bottom line, her favorite movie was listed as The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. What an astonishing coicidence that WW's dog was named Muir. I had a little too much time on my hands this past summer.

  • Love 10

All that healthy food (pushed to the front) so we won't see the key lime pie and fudge brownies in the back. Good job, Julia! Sadly, we've already been hooked this week so nobody believes you don't own junk food. We're skeptics-in-training. But... SomeP was already coming for wine and if you show THIS group brownies and pie, there'll be a party in about 5 minutes.

And maaaaaaaaybe we're all unknowingly plot material for a future book...

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 15

This is truely pathetic but I admit that when GEML told the titles of her two books, I actually googled Amazon to find the author. The initials matched up to her user name so, as an inquiring mind, I looked up her Facebook page. I told you this was pathetic. Bottom line, her favorite movie was listed as The Ghost and Mrs. Muir. What an astonishing coicidence that WW's dog was named Muir. I had a little too much time on my hands this past summer.

Muir, for real???!?

Yes, I'm just not sure now about the person who set up the account. She's disappeared from this forum at the most convenient time.

I googled the name the account was held in and noted the location was Los Angeles. She came up as a comedienne. I'm not familiar with how the accounts are set up and how legit one has to be to do it. But I thought that curious too.

Sorry for your fridge problems, Julia - I've done that myself, but is that a box of wine I spy on the second shelf ?


I'll be right over  ;)

Not only will I be right over, you don't even need to get me a glass. I purpose to position my head on that bottom shelf and let the wine flow directly in my mouth.
  • Love 12

One more time (and I promise to quit mulling over this incident for a minute): the sock does what? Say it slow and eneunciate clearly, I just want to make sure I "get" it. There's person "A" who has a long drawn out saga that describes a secluded life with one unfortunate trial after another.

The sock (person b) does what, then? Posts in support of person A, or just comments to educate the rest of us about the circumstances?

Is the sock (person B) in actuality also Person A?

So that, seriously, A and B could be the same person posting? In effect talking to herself? Or is it really 2 people stirring the pot together? Either way, that's messed up. Can this get any weirder???

  • Love 7

Interesting. I had a weird feeling about another poster on this site, though I don't know if they frequented this specific forum so I wont name names but they also disappeared and never posted again. Either way I didn't care for the poster so it was no skin off my bones that they vanished. Could be completely unrelated however they did have an odd story too. 

  • Love 5

One more time (and I promise to quit mulling over this incident for a minute): the sock does what? Say it slow and eneunciate clearly, I just want to make sure I "get" it. There's person "A" who has a long drawn out saga that describes a secluded life with one unfortunate trial after another.

The sock (person b) does what, then? Posts in support of person A, or just comments to educate the rest of us about the circumstances?

Is the sock (person B) in actuality also Person A?

So that, seriously, A and B could be the same person posting? In effect talking to herself? Or is it really 2 people stirring the pot together? Either way, that's messed up. Can this get any weirder???


Most of the time it is one person with 2 (or more) accounts.  Account A (wanderwoman) posts the sad story while Account B asks questions and makes suggestions - a GoFundMe account for example.  Account B would post questions that Account A can then respond to which adds to the sad story.  That might be questions about family support, insurance, etc. so that Account A can look like they are responding to people and can add more "real" details to the story (BTW, I'm not suggesting that anyone who asked these questions is a sockpuppet, most of us asked because we genuinely cared). It is the same person running both accounts.  So yes, it can be one person talking to themselves. 

Edited by ChocolateAddict
  • Love 7

I'm doing a little self-analyzing, and I enjoyed GEML's posts, and another poster (who didn't post in small talk) but has recently disappeared. And I was interested in MM's post. If the 3 had anything to do with each other, I now feel I am a prime target for a scam. Now I'm trying to figure out what the appeal of those particular posters was for me.

  • Love 5

Re: 23 and Me test - so it gives ancestory info too? Just curious. I'm on medical boards for Ehler Danlos Syndrome and many patiebts have taken that test for medical info but no one has mentioned other types of info you get. (Even though 23 and Me can't provide medical interpretation anymore per these patients). I'd love to get both types of info. But you all have brought up good points about privacy. Anything can get hacked nowadays. I wonder if you can give a fake name for the test----- JUST KIDDING

  • Love 1

Sorry for your fridge problems, Julia - I've done that myself, but is that a box of wine I spy on the second shelf ?


I'll be right over  ;)

First thing i noticed too, my toxic twin :)

All that healthy food (pushed to the front) so we won't see the key lime pie and fudge brownies in the back. Good job, Julia! Sadly, we've already been hooked this week so nobody believes you don't own junk food. We're skeptics-in-training. But... SomeP was already coming for wine and if you show THIS group brownies and pie, there'll be a party in about 5 minutes.

Not only will I be right over, you don't even need to get me a glass. I purpose to position my head on that bottom shelf and let the wine flow directly in my mouth.


Oh, seriously, you people only love me for my depraved dissipation. 

  • Love 8

Yes, I'm just not sure now about the person who set up the account. She's disappeared from this forum at the most convenient time.

The person who set up the account wouldn't have access to credit card information either unless you sent it to them for some reason. It's all done through GoFundMe who is the intermediary between person donating and recipient.

I know I'm new to this forum and you have no reason to believe me in light of what went down. I can't find anything directly on GoFundMe's site stating card / bank info is not visible to the account creator but it's very similar to PayPal in the money transferring way. You pay person A via PayPal. Person A withdraws their funds and neither of you ever see the bank account info of the other.

Edited by theredhead77
  • Love 4

I watch what I say anywhere, and no offense to anyone here intended thinking they would purposefully leak my deets or anything; just because the Internet “anonymity” was ruined for me when Google got the bright idea to buy Usenet groups to which you used to have to subscribe.  And now former twenty year old posts are running around there on the general search engine indexed Internet with my name on it; and I can’t take them off.  Family members have used them against me.  (Yes, I say this rolling my eyes because only my family could think they had some kind of ammunition against me with this tame stuff; but it’s not anything I would have minded anyone in the Usenet group sharing one on one; it’s the fact that it’s now out there for the theoretical "anyone and everyone" to read.)  Even taking into account the “don’t say anything on the Internet you wouldn’t mind anybody reading” prohibition, I wasn’t expecting “everyone reading them”, because you don’t imagine everyone reading alt.furry.fur (not a real example). 


So it’s not the current status of stuff I write here that I worry about; it’s future status when the original posts come unmoored from their original home, like if PTV were to be sold, and what the new owners might do with said intel.  Just a free PSA because I think more people than just me got burned by the Usenet thing.

  • Love 5

I'm typing with only 9 fingers since my pruning sheers accident.  I really didn't expect THIS MUCH pain.  HappyFatChick, Please give your son my sincere sympathy for the pain he must be going through.  I only lost my entire finger pad, not my entire finger!

my son... (Bless his heart) has never had a real injury before. He's the baby, although a grown man, but we made fun of him his whole life for being so protected. I had to FORCE this kid to get braces (and in my husband's words, he had a "messed up grille"). Never ever felt real pain before now. I went to the doctor with him the other day (and it is really a nasty looking wound, although the doc was very pleased with the progress). We stopped at 2 stores on the way home. I swear, if he said once, he said 100 times, "I LOST A FINGER, YOU KNOW...". The last time, I couldn't help it, I snorted a little. His head snaps around and he says, "did you just SNORT? Did you roll your eyes? You DID, Mom!!! You rolled your eyes!!!" I did. Good Lord, I love him and I know it's painful, but... give it a rest, honey, the cashier at CVS can SEE your bandaged hand (because you hold it up all the time, probably), and I'm sure she feels appropriately sympathetic... but she also probably sees things just like this every day.

Also, Calico, I'm also thinking you are missing the opportunity of a lifetime if you don't commit a crime soon. I'm a little addicted to ID TV; the possibilities are limitless! And just so you know, I absolutely think that has to be supremely painful. Ouch!!!


This is for HFC.  Here's one good bit of news for you HFC, because it only took his first knuckle, it didn't get his whole nail bed which caused all manner of infections and aggravation over the years, so perhaps having it clear off will help your son once he acclimates to it. ? ♥

i think, too, that he's probably better off with it completely gone. They didn't bother at all with "pretty" sewing it up, and it isn't. It looks like they cleared bone fragments, squashed it together and put 3 ginormous stitches in it, turned around and yelled, "NEXT!!" The doc says cheerfully (to the kid who knows NO PAIN), "aw, that's minor work. Once it gets healed up, it'll just be nothing for a specialist to clean that right up." Says my kid (who's a MARINE RESERVIST), "nope. No, no, no. I'm gonna like it juuuuust fine". (Meaning NO WAY is anybody touching this finger again!!!). What a wuss. And he's TOUCHY about it to - got a little fired up at a birthday party the other night because everybody there was showing him their paper cuts, scratches, etc. It sure is ugly, though. I'm thinking leaving it alone is going to make people look at his finger for YEARS and say, "man, what happened there?" But, hey. He's got no fingerprints either. Maybe he and Calico can team up and commit the perfect crime!
  • Love 5

I watch what I say anywhere, and no offense to anyone here intended thinking they would purposefully leak my deets or anything; just because the Internet “anonymity” was ruined for me when Google got the bright idea to buy Usenet groups to which you used to have to subscribe.  And now former twenty year old posts are running around there on the general search engine indexed Internet with my name on it; and I can’t take them off.  Family members have used them against me.  (Yes, I say this rolling my eyes because only my family could think they had some kind of ammunition against me with this tame stuff; but it’s not anything I would have minded anyone in the Usenet group sharing one on one; it’s the fact that it’s now out there for the theoretical "anyone and everyone" to read.)  Even taking into account the “don’t say anything on the Internet you wouldn’t mind anybody reading” prohibition, I wasn’t expecting “everyone reading them”, because you don’t imagine everyone reading alt.furry.fur (not a real example). 


So it’s not the current status of stuff I write here that I worry about; it’s future status when the original posts come unmoored from their original home, like if PTV were to be sold, and what the new owners might do with said intel.  Just a free PSA because I think more people than just me got burned by the Usenet thing.

Ok I'm going to ask you just Just as I do when I call any tech company....please explain like .im your grandma.i know this is important but I have no earthly idea what this means.

  • Love 2

Gang, lets be very careful about guessing who may or may not be behind the scam. People leave or quit posting for numerous reasons. I know this has been hard on all of us, but playing amateur sleuth and saying someone may behind a scam is not going to help the situation. If you have proof someone is behind the scam or you do not feel comfortable after reading a post or getting a PM, please contact one of the mods instead of coming on here and posting who you think is guilty. Saying poster x may be behind all of this can cause more hurt feelings. Thank you.

Ok I'm going to ask you just Just as I do when I call any tech company....please explain like .im your grandma.i know this is important but I have no earthly idea what this means.

Basically - Google bought a subscription based message board. Google then turned around and indexed all the data (made it available via search). As a result, things posted under the assumption of some level of privacy are available for anyone who knows what to search for.


It would be like Facebook making all your "friends only" posts searchable to anyone who knows what to look for, without warning or your consent.


(edited for clarity)

Edited by theredhead77
  • Love 4

Basically - Google bought a subscription based message board. Google then turned around and indexed all the data (made it available via search). As a result, things posted under the assumption of some level of privacy are available for anyone who knows what to search for.


It would be like Facebook making all your "friends only" posts searchable to anyone who knows what to look for, without warning or your consent.


(edited for clarity)

Thank you .
  • Love 3

my son... (Bless his heart) has never had a real injury before. He's the baby, although a grown man, but we made fun of him his whole life for being so protected. I had to FORCE this kid to get braces (and in my husband's words, he had a "messed up grille"). Never ever felt real pain before now. I went to the doctor with him the other day (and it is really a nasty looking wound, although the doc was very pleased with the progress). We stopped at 2 stores on the way home. I swear, if he said once, he said 100 times, "I LOST A FINGER, YOU KNOW...". The last time, I couldn't help it, I snorted a little. His head snaps around and he says, "did you just SNORT? Did you roll your eyes? You DID, Mom!!! You rolled your eyes!!!" I did. Good Lord, I love him and I know it's painful, but... give it a rest, honey, the cashier at CVS can SEE your bandaged hand (because you hold it up all the time, probably), and I'm sure she feels appropriately sympathetic... but she also probably sees things just like this every day.

Also, Calico, I'm also thinking you are missing the opportunity of a lifetime if you don't commit a crime soon. I'm a little addicted to ID TV; the possibilities are limitless! And just so you know, I absolutely think that has to be supremely painful. Ouch!!!

 i think, too, that he's probably better off with it completely gone. They didn't bother at all with "pretty" sewing it up, and it isn't. It looks like they cleared bone fragments, squashed it together and put 3 ginormous stitches in it, turned around and yelled, "NEXT!!" The doc says cheerfully (to the kid who knows NO PAIN), "aw, that's minor work. Once it gets healed up, it'll just be nothing for a specialist to clean that right up." Says my kid (who's a MARINE RESERVIST), "nope. No, no, no. I'm gonna like it juuuuust fine". (Meaning NO WAY is anybody touching this finger again!!!). What a wuss. And he's TOUCHY about it to - got a little fired up at a birthday party the other night because everybody there was showing him their paper cuts, scratches, etc. It sure is ugly, though. I'm thinking leaving it alone is going to make people look at his finger for YEARS and say, "man, what happened there?" But, hey. He's got no fingerprints either. Maybe he and Calico can team up and commit the perfect crime!


Happy - no kidding but try honey on your son's finger. Should quicken healing, reduce pain. Most effective is unpasteurized, unprocessed. If the grocery store doesn't have any unprocessed, head to a health food store. Also if available, get manuka honey. It's pricey. My 18-ounce jar was $40 shipped. But it works and it works fast and it's 100% non-toxic. Manuka has more anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory properties than any other honey. The link below talks about honey's many uses but look particularly - duh - in the Cuts/Burns section for most relative info and how-to. And good luck to the patient, poor little lastborn.



  • Love 2

Just being curious, I would love to send in a sample of a dog's saliva and see what results come back.   :)

Amazon used to have several different test kits available for around $50 and reading the reviews was pretty funny. Lots of disappointed people saying things like, "I have a chihuahua how could he be 1/2 Great Dane?". So reviews were about evenly split between good and bad. I had what I thought was a beagle basset mix that could be called a designer "Bagel" which I told everyone he was. But I never could get myself to buy a DNA kit because of the reviews. Maybe they're better now than they were 5 years ago but if you do try it please come back and let us know what happened.

  • Love 2



I talk to my sister (Wait ! Do I HAVE a sister ???) on the phone for an hour about my boyfriend troubles (Wait ! Do I HAVE a boyfriend ???) and about our niece (Wait ! Do we HAVE a niece ???) and the board here goes absolutely apeshit with posts. I can't keep up !!!




This sucks, y'all. SUCKS. My big, happy family is now in tatters. I don't want the Prayer Closet to become a place of doubt and enmity. 


I readily accept that people here want to post anonymously and do so via a screen name, a picture that may or may NOT be of them, their kids, their pets, etc. I will admit, right here and right now, that I have fudged some details on my own life so as not to stand out to anyone who may actually know me in real life, but only because I don't want to be plastered over the Interwebs - despite my postings I am an intensely private person. 


I'm kind of in the middle of knowing what happened and not knowing what happened with WW, adding in a little dash of my own research which frightened me even more than what happened here. Either way, I'm STILL gonna post, both here and on the - Oh, yeah - the Duggar threads, which I've all but abandoned in the last two days. This has been a fun, sad, eye-opening, weird, weird ride...



  • Love 11

That MSU victory though. I peed myself a little bit. That's what I get for holding my bladder to not miss anything. lol. We probably drove the neighbors insane from our yelling. I mean only 10 seconds left in the game, who does that? I guess the answer is Sparty does that!

our good friends are the craziest Ohio State fans ever and I heard them from 4 states away so no worries. And congrats on the MSU win if that's your team. But wtf just happened now at the USC ND game?! Come on Trojans!
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Message added by Scarlett45

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