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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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Aw, {{{ @sixlets }}} !! Drinking around the house sounds like a plan. You go!

@Scarlett45, I hope you get a break and some rest. What you've had to handle *was* a LOT! Yikes.

My Christmas was quiet and nice, with family. And a small party on the day after, where I caught up with a couple of friends, so that was great. 

I woke up extra early today - that happens sometimes, I'm not a late sleeper by any means. It's now just after 6 AM and I've already got a beef stew cooking in the slow cooker (actually, the Instant Pot in slow cooker mode). I've just booked a visit this morning to our local Museum of Nature & Science to see a special exhibition about the Apollo 11 moon landing project. We're enjoying mild weather here, some precip likely later this afternoon, but no weather drama for now. Thank goodness. I'm so sorry for everyone impacted by the crazy snowstorm(s) in other parts of the US. 

And, Happy New Year from introvert HQ here:


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11 hours ago, Ohiopirate02 said:

Merry Christmas to all my Duggar Snakers.  Spending the week at Disney with my family.  Just spent the perfect day at Magic Kingdom with them.  Next up, drinking around the world at EPCOT with my sister and Mom.  

I’m so jealous this sounds amazing! Enjoy. 

Looks like my sister’s caregiver got a nasty case of food poisoning. I told her to take an extra day to make sure she was well. The best thing about caregiver duty is that after I walked Cosmo this morning I crawled back in bed for a little while. Last night my Mom did eat her dinner and she drank ginger ale (I am pleased, but still concerned). 

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I managed to get a Christmas cold...side effect of having grandchildren that are toddlers and early elementary school. They're completely worth it. Symptoms didn't start until early on the 26th, after all festivities were past. I am mending, and our snow is melting, which makes my dog very happy. He has a narrow window of weather conditions he enjoys. 🤣

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Please forgive me if everybody already knows this, but this could be helpful if you didn't know, or forgot. The FDA has extended the expiration dates on a slew of home COVID-19 tests. I had looked up some tests I had on hand, a few months ago, and found extensions of the expiration dates (I wrote the new expiration dates on small post-its and stuck them on each box.)

The US government is making another batch of tests available, free, to US households. I requested mine and they arrived today. I was disappointed to see that each of the two boxes bore an expiration date of March 1, 2023. But never fear, my friend Google led me to the information that the FDA has granted extensions, and the actual expiration date for these tests is June 29, 2023. These are the QuickVue brand, and the information online was very specific as to the lot numbers so I'm confident I have the correct date. Other brand names I've looked up are iHealth and Flowflex. I think some BinaxNow tests have also had extensions granted. 

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On 12/28/2022 at 6:20 AM, Jeeves said:

 We're enjoying mild weather here, some precip likely later this afternoon, but no weather drama for now. Thank goodness. 

As for my weather prediction: 


Overnight we got slammed with snow. Wet, heavy, snow. Enough of it to make trouble all over. Unlike our usual winter powdery stuff, this snow broke tree limbs, wasn't nice to power poles, and made the roads including Interstates, messy to the max. CDOT is asking people not to drive today if they can avoid it. Drah-mah for sure.

This kind of snow event wasn't predicted for our area as of yesterday morning's news, and I didn't re-check the forecasts later in the day. It's stopped falling, so there's that. I ended up getting my ticket for that museum exhibit, for first thing this morning. Nope. Not happening. I'll reschedule or rebook; as a museum member it cost only $4.00 so I won't grieve the loss. 

In the meantime, by bedtime last night I wasn't feeling well. Could be a cold, or allergies flaring up, or worse. Gave it my best home treatments and finally got some sleep. I took a COVID test, because I have plenty and some are nearing expiration anyway. It came up negative. It's possible I've caught a bug from the little kids I spent time with on Saturday and Sunday at our family gatherings. A pre-schooler and first grader.  Unlike @sixlets, I don't drink alcohol, so no drinking my way around the house, darnit. OTOH the beef stew I made yesterday came out edible and I'll enjoy my lunch today. 

Take care, Small Talkers, and don't ever believe anything I predict about weather.  

ETA: A bit of unedited video from last night's show chaos:


Edited by Jeeves
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I'm sorry you got hit with all that snow, @Jeeves! I saw a funny meme about the weather we're having today, chastising the weather for being tricky and springlike after trying to kill us last week! It's 45 in the Chicagoland area today. We're going to take down Christmas, including the outdoor decorations. Who really knows what tomorrow might bring?!

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On 12/21/2022 at 3:40 PM, Ohiopirate02 said:

Now I'm wondering how JRod would describe the wind and waves that come off of Lake Erie during a winter storm.  My dad used to drive into Cleveland from the East Side and there was a stretch of Route 2/I90 that was lethal if you were not paying attention.  Waves big enough to engulf 4 lanes of traffic.  He used to talk about how drivers would wait and time the waves before attempting to cross the icy road.  

Just this past week, the Shoreway in Cleveland (I-90/Rte 2) just east of the city was shut down due to huge waves coming across the freeway and depositing bunches of dead fish on the roadway in their wake during the big storm. Good times.

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17 minutes ago, Notabug said:

ust this past week, the Shoreway in Cleveland (I-90/Rte 2) just east of the city was shut down due to huge waves coming across the freeway and depositing bunches of dead fish on the roadway in their wake during the big storm. Good times.

One would think that TPTB would build a seawall to prevent such a major traffic hazard.  In recent years Duluth MN built up their rock wall  as Lake Superior waves were damaging nearby businesses and the Canal Walk.  It seemed to be doing its job during recent storms.

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I haven't started my drink tour yet, but I'm ready to use the toolkit I bought Mr. Six and smack him with them.  He's on vacation for 12 days and doesn't go back to work until next Tuesday.  Dog help me.  

Our two kittens and the old man had vet appointments this week, and everyone got a clean bill of health.  Barring any emergencies, we don't have to go back until August.  It was a beautiful and sunny 54 today.  Even though we have rain coming, we stay warm.  Between Christmas Eve & New Year's Eve, our temps are supposed to rise at least 50 degrees.  I hope those of you getting hit with severe weather stay safe!

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It is about to start raining here, with rain all day tomorrow, and snow starting tomorrow or Saturday.  Then another storm comes in Monday with more snow.  The forecast shows a lot of snow--almost every day-- for the next week and a half.  There has been flooding on some streets.  I think we are in for a lot of wet days.  I am very happy to see rain and snow because we have been a drought for several years, but I would like it spread out and not come all at once.  I guess my new gutter heaters will come in handy this next week.  I picked up groceries at Walmart this afternoon, and I had to wait a long time for them to bring my groceries to the car.  I found out that "someone" had left the bags with the frozen food sitting out, and they had to go back and pick and rebag part of my order.  It was cold in the car, but at least I did not get soggy frozen food.  I don't have to go anywhere until next week, so I can hunker down with my cats on my lap.  I hope everyone here stays warm and safe.


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35 minutes ago, BetyBee said:

Mr. BB & I are married 45 years today! It was also a Friday when we got married lo those many years ago. Our new loveseat was delivered and it's beautiful. Or it was until I buried it in blankets for protection from our kitty! He's not much of a furniture scratcher at 17 yo, but a new piece might entice him to naughtiness. We popped out to get some Chinese food and took a brisk walk around our town square. We're enjoying the milder temps.

Happy Anniversary!

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3 hours ago, BetyBee said:

Mr. BB & I are married 45 years today! It was also a Friday when we got married lo those many years ago. Our new loveseat was delivered and it's beautiful. Or it was until I buried it in blankets for protection from our kitty! He's not much of a furniture scratcher at 17 yo, but a new piece might entice him to naughtiness. We popped out to get some Chinese food and took a brisk walk around our town square. We're enjoying the milder temps.

Happy anniversary!

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Our Christmas was a bit hectic, but went very well. Our two sons were both here (one from around Baltimore area, and the other from Southern South Carolina. Both complaining that they got more in the way of snow than we did in Connecticut, and they couldn't be home to enjoy it! LOL. Also had Mr Jyn's youngest brother, so quite a houseful for about a week. And daughter with her husband & two kids joined us for about half the dinners for the week. Plus, my mom is staying with us at the moment as well. Quite a few dinners for 8 people, plus kids, and two of the adults vegetarian/vegan, so extra meals to put together. I think it all went really well. 

Then, since two of the guests had flown in on Southwest Airlines, there was a last-minute crisis, with them having to stay a couple of extra days, but my son managed to find a friend who was driving home from visiting family in New England, so he was able to hitch a ride back to Maryland, and my brother-in-law's rescheduled flight luckily made it off the ground on time on Wednesday, so everyone is safe back at home. And I am still trying to sift my way through all the extra cleaning and laundry that was generated. Dinners for everyone during the week included, Shrimp Scampi, Duck, Chilean Sea Bass, Salmon, spaghetti with homemade sauce & meatballs, kielbasa with homemade potato pancakes & pierogi, plus the traditional Polish Christmas Eve 5-course dinner. I think I'm ready to take a break from cooking for a bit, but Mom is still here for a few more days. Going out for a birthday dinner on Tuesday, though!


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Wow, @Jynnan tonnix - that was quite the Christmas holiday! It's great that your son and BIL both got where they needed go, despite SWA's troubles. I hope you do get rested up! Happy birthday in advance.

After testing negative for the dreaded 'Rona virus yesterday, I was feeling crummy enough this morning to test again. Faint line indicating a positive result. Because it was so faint, I took another test, one of another brand I had here. Same result. I got hold of my HMO and now have the antiviral medication. I took the first dose and dozed away the afternoon. I feel really crummy and there's a metallic taste in my mouth. [A friend who had COVID recently and also took Paxlovid, said she experienced a nasty metallic taste from the drug. So I hope the taste is just from the drug and not a symptom of the virus.] Just out of curiosity, a few minutes ago I took the second test left in the box, and it was very strongly positive. 

I'm hoping that with the aid of the medication I won't get horribly ill. So far I have no breathing difficulties. I don't know how much protection I'm getting from all those COVID vaccine shots I've had. I had the original in January 2021 and four boosters since. The most recent booster was on October 8, nearly 3 months ago. People keep saying that if you're vaccinated/boosted, you may get COVID but may not have such a serious case as if you weren't. But I don't know if that's folk wisdom or for real. I'd like to think it's for real, of course. 

Edited by Jeeves
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Happy Anniversary @BetyBee! 45 years is quite a long time, something to be proud of. 

@Jynnan tonnix sounds like you had a lovely but hectic Christmas holiday. I don’t know exactly what happened with Southwest, but so many people have been strained or missed out on holiday activities. Having to stay a few days extra with family sounds better than missing it completely. 

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15 minutes ago, Jeeves said:

Wow, @Jynnan tonnix - that was quite the Christmas holiday! It's great that your son and BIL both got where they needed go, despite SWA's troubles. I hope you do get rested up! Happy birthday in advance.

After testing negative for the dreaded 'Rona virus yesterday, I was feeling crummy enough this morning to test again. Faint line indicating a positive result. Because it was so faint, I took another test, one of another brand I had here. Same result. I got hold of my HMO and now have the antiviral medication. I took the first dose and dozed away the afternoon. I feel really crummy and there's a metallic taste in my mouth. [A friend who had COVID recently and also took Paxlovid, said she experienced a nasty metallic taste from the drug. So I hope the taste is just from the drug and not a symptom of the virus.] Just out of curiosity, a few minutes ago I took the second test left in the box, and it was very strongly positive. 

I'm hoping that with the aid of the medication I won't get horribly ill. So far I have no breathing difficulties. I don't know how much protection I'm getting from all those COVID vaccine shots I've had. I had the original in January 2021 and four boosters since. The most recent booster was on October 8, nearly 3 months ago. People keep saying that if you're vaccinated/boosted, you may get COVID but may not have such a serious case as if you weren't. But I don't know if that's folk wisdom or for real. I'd like to think it's for real, of course. 

Hope you feel better soon!! I was also feeling somewhat crappy in the couple of weeks before all our company arrived but I have been taking Covid tests every couple of days, since my immune system seems to keep fighting whatever I have, then letting it gain a slight foothold again, over and over, but no sign of Covid, and I'm mostly just feeling as though I have a slight cold off and on. No one seems to have caught anything from me, at any rate. I think I'm just getting bits of the colds and viruses that the grands have been picking up from daycare over and over when I babysit. I have been trying to keep my distance from everyone as much as I can, and wash my hands a lot. As I said, so far, after a little over a week of having had a houseful of guests, everyone else seems to have avoided it, so hopefully luck holds out.


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Update on me: my Mom is in the hospital. I took her in today to be admitted, they want to run some tests and monitor her. She’s at her own hospital so she knows tons of people and will have company. One of her former residents is on call in L&D tonight (she showed me pictures of her toddler- he’s so cute). 

Im okay, feeling better now that there’s a plan. I am glad I listened to my instincts and got her into the Dr. Between her being sick, the holiday, my sister’s caregiver being out two days with food poisoning from her own holiday festivities- what a WACKY Christmas! Taking care of both of them is a lot. I had planned to work this week (from home) but this is what sick time is for. 

In happy news, L, the weekend caregiver whom my sister adores has had a client move away so she’s committing to 3 days a month starting in January. She’s working tomorrow so I will at least get a full day to myself, and I’m off Monday (the regular caregiver is working). 

I know my little Mommy will be just fine, she expressly forbid me from going to visit her tomorrow (i wasn't planning on it!).

Im watching A Muppet Christmas Carol again, because I can.

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6 hours ago, BetyBee said:

Mr. BB & I are married 45 years today! It was also a Friday when we got married lo those many years ago. Our new loveseat was delivered and it's beautiful. Or it was until I buried it in blankets for protection from our kitty! He's not much of a furniture scratcher at 17 yo, but a new piece might entice him to naughtiness. We popped out to get some Chinese food and took a brisk walk around our town square. We're enjoying the milder temps.

😃 Happy Anniversary!

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1 hour ago, Jeeves said:

After testing negative for the dreaded 'Rona virus yesterday, I was feeling crummy enough this morning to test again. Faint line indicating a positive result. Because it was so faint, I took another test, one of another brand I had here. Same result. I got hold of my HMO and now have the antiviral medication. I took the first dose and dozed away the afternoon. I feel really crummy and there's a metallic taste in my mouth. [A friend who had COVID recently and also took Paxlovid, said she experienced a nasty metallic taste from the drug. So I hope the taste is just from the drug and not a symptom of the virus.] Just out of curiosity, a few minutes ago I took the second test left in the box, and it was very strongly positive. 

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I have read that the bad taste is a side effect of the Paxlovid. I've also heard that cinnamon candies will help (Washington Post wrote about this a while back). I hope you have an swift and easy recovery.

@BetyBee Happy anniversary!

@Scarlett45 Sending positive energy your direction for your mom to feel better and your chaos to reduce very soon!

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1 hour ago, Jeeves said:

Wow, @Jynnan tonnix - that was quite the Christmas holiday! It's great that your son and BIL both got where they needed go, despite SWA's troubles. I hope you do get rested up! Happy birthday in advance.

After testing negative for the dreaded 'Rona virus yesterday, I was feeling crummy enough this morning to test again. Faint line indicating a positive result. Because it was so faint, I took another test, one of another brand I had here. Same result. I got hold of my HMO and now have the antiviral medication. I took the first dose and dozed away the afternoon. I feel really crummy and there's a metallic taste in my mouth. [A friend who had COVID recently and also took Paxlovid, said she experienced a nasty metallic taste from the drug. So I hope the taste is just from the drug and not a symptom of the virus.] Just out of curiosity, a few minutes ago I took the second test left in the box, and it was very strongly positive. 

I'm hoping that with the aid of the medication I won't get horribly ill. So far I have no breathing difficulties. I don't know how much protection I'm getting from all those COVID vaccine shots I've had. I had the original in January 2021 and four boosters since. The most recent booster was on October 8, nearly 3 months ago. People keep saying that if you're vaccinated/boosted, you may get COVID but may not have such a serious case as if you weren't. But I don't know if that's folk wisdom or for real. I'd like to think it's for real, of course. 

So sorry to hear this. I was just watching Dr Vin Gupta and he said there is a new stronger variant. Starts with an X. Very sticky he says and attaches easily inside nose and throat. Which is why I keep wearing a mask 

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XBB and XBB.1.  So far they don't seem worse than other Omicron variants according to the last piece I read and the bivalent booster seems to help against it based on a small study that just came out. 

Good news is that we've been on Omicron and its babies for a year and no new Greek letter!   

Edited by Absolom
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2 hours ago, Jeeves said:

Wow, @Jynnan tonnix - that was quite the Christmas holiday! It's great that your son and BIL both got where they needed go, despite SWA's troubles. I hope you do get rested up! Happy birthday in advance.

After testing negative for the dreaded 'Rona virus yesterday, I was feeling crummy enough this morning to test again. Faint line indicating a positive result. Because it was so faint, I took another test, one of another brand I had here. Same result. I got hold of my HMO and now have the antiviral medication. I took the first dose and dozed away the afternoon. I feel really crummy and there's a metallic taste in my mouth. [A friend who had COVID recently and also took Paxlovid, said she experienced a nasty metallic taste from the drug. So I hope the taste is just from the drug and not a symptom of the virus.] Just out of curiosity, a few minutes ago I took the second test left in the box, and it was very strongly positive. 

I'm hoping that with the aid of the medication I won't get horribly ill. So far I have no breathing difficulties. I don't know how much protection I'm getting from all those COVID vaccine shots I've had. I had the original in January 2021 and four boosters since. The most recent booster was on October 8, nearly 3 months ago. People keep saying that if you're vaccinated/boosted, you may get COVID but may not have such a serious case as if you weren't. But I don't know if that's folk wisdom or for real. I'd like to think it's for real, of course. 

I know one person who took the COVID medicine she had metallic taste too

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2 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

. Dinners for everyone during the week included, Shrimp Scampi, Duck, Chilean Sea Bass, Salmon, spaghetti with homemade sauce & meatballs, kielbasa with homemade potato pancakes & pierogi, plus the traditional Polish Christmas Eve 5-course dinner. I think I'm ready to take a break from cooking for a bit, but Mom is still here for a few more days. Going out for a birthday dinner on Tuesday, though!


Wow, you are an amazing hostess. You have earned a cooking rest for sure! Happy new year!



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@Scarlett45 I hope your mom gets the care she needs and can return home soon. I’m glad there is good news on the caregiver front and you are going to take a little time off for yourself! 

@BetyBee Happy anniversary! Hope you had a beautiful celebration.


@Jeeves I’m so sorry you are dealing with Covid. Paxlovid is known for giving the terrible metal taste, but I hope it will make your recovery quicker and easier. It did last July for my husband and me.

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@Scarlett45- it sounds like your Mom is in good hands. I hope she's feeling better soon. What a crazy holiday you've had, with all you have going on. It's good news for the new year that your sister will have a favorite caregiver more often. Hang in there and try to take some time for yourself to regroup. ♥️

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IMG_1163.jpg.181c4e7bd82356fd3229f8a41171fafd.jpgIMG_1164.jpg.d7938c2101ff38d6b92eea4369f4f4c6.jpgWe are having a lot of snow today.  I'm guessing there is probably close to 6 inches so far today, with much more to come.  My internet has gone down and come back, and my lights are flickering every so often, so I just hope power and internet stays on.  Flora enjoys watching the snow fall.  Everyone, stay warm and safe!!






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@CalicoKitty - I hope your power stays on. Thanks for the pics of Flora, who is so pretty!

@jcbrown - THANK YOU for the tip about red hot cinnamon candy as a remedy for Paxlovid Mouth!! Last night I was quite uncomfortable - not just because of the virus, but the horrible taste in my mouth from the medication. This morning I made my first ever Instacart order from the grocery store, which included some boxes of the Hot Tamales brand of that candy. Omigosh, it really helps!

 @Love2dance - thanks for the kind words. After the second dose of Paxlovid late this morning, I started feeling much better. Fingers crossed that this trend continues, and that I don't experience the Paxlovid rebound. I'll probably have some private pout bouts and snit fits over having to stay isolated here at home even after I no longer feel very sick, but my better self understands why. And will overrule my inner 5 year old, who's hollering "Whaddaya mean I can't go out? What is this - 2020 all over again??"  🤣 Well, sort of. Just for a few days.

@Scarlett45 - I hope your mom's stay in the hospital does her good. That's good news about your sister's caregiver. And, you watch whatever favorite videos you want! Happy New Year!

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early happy new years eve wishes -- i wont be awake at midnight, i promise you that!!!  i have been sewing all day on this quilt for my grandson. my back is hurting so i am switch to my computer for a while. we have a roast in the crock pot and potatos waiting to be baked so a nice dinner planned.

hubby had his surgery on tuesday. it went well and we are waiting for the biopsy report. he had the davinci robotic rather than an open surgery so though he has at least 6 incisions, they are small and stapled shut. he is doing SO much better than we anticipated. i am grateful for small and large mercies! for that reason, we are spending our days at home, quietly so he can rest and recover.

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responding to @lookeyloo from Joy’s thread-


Yes I have seen Chef with Jon Favreau! It was a good film but I hated the ending. I got an instant pot for Christmas last year and I love it. Great for making soup and curries. I use it more in the winter than the summer though. 

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3 hours ago, Jeeves said:


@jcbrown - THANK YOU for the tip about red hot cinnamon candy as a remedy for Paxlovid Mouth!! Last night I was quite uncomfortable - not just because of the virus, but the horrible taste in my mouth from the medication. This morning I made my first ever Instacart order from the grocery store, which included some boxes of the Hot Tamales brand of that candy. Omigosh, it really helps!

Oh, I'm so glad it helped. I did not have personal experience. I hope things continue to improve!

Happy New Year, Small Talk friends!

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Church has been cancelled for tomorrow, and I just received an alert on my phone telling everyone to stay off the roads because of a "severe" amount of snow. (No, this message did not come from Jill R.) 2022 was a tough year for me, and I am happy to see the end of it, but I did not plan to start 2023 snowed in my house.  I hope my power and internet stay up, because I plan to spend a lot of time with my friends here.

I wish everyone a Happy New Year, and I pray that 2023 brings everyone health and happiness.

Everyone stay warm and safe.

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I'm praying for wind and for the rain to start up again ASAP.  I despise NYE and I'm really unhappy with the people who party at home in the backyard.  I wouldn't care if they partied if I didn't hear it.  

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On 12/30/2022 at 2:32 PM, BetyBee said:

Mr. BB & I are married 45 years today! It was also a Friday when we got married lo those many years ago. Our new loveseat was delivered and it's beautiful. Or it was until I buried it in blankets for protection from our kitty! He's not much of a furniture scratcher at 17 yo, but a new piece might entice him to naughtiness. We popped out to get some Chinese food and took a brisk walk around our town square. We're enjoying the milder temps.

Happy 45th Anniversary 🎉🍾🥂

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Happy New Year, @oliviabensonand all Small Talkers! May 2023 bring us all peace and good health.

Thanks @Mindthinkrand all Small Talkers for the anniversary wishes! It's been quite a year!

I still have quite a few gifts in my living room despite the fact that Christmas is all put away. We were thwarted in delivering gifts to our grandkids up North due to illness at their house. With 5 kids, someone is always sick, it seems. Hopefully we'll get those delivered soon. 

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18 inches of snow from this storm, which is the most in 15 years.  All churches were closed this morning.  Sunny right now, but more snow is expected tonight, and for the next week at least.  I have nice neighbors who are shoveling me out to ready for the next go-around.  I just heard from my friend in Stockton CA that their roads are flooded.  My brother is driving back from Disney Land right now, and he said they had rain the whole time they were there.  Other friends flew to Cancun and were soaked getting from their car to the shuttle, and from the shuttle to the airport entrance.  They had to fly in soaking wet clothes.  On a positive note, maybe the drought will be over??  Everyone stay safe and warm.  There are more storms coming.

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We had a freakin’ blizzard last week, and this week everything has melted and the weather is mild. It’s like the weather is being all spring-like and sweet and happy now, and yet it tried to kill us last week. I really think January/February are going to kick our butts. But,  we shall see. NE Ohio has strange weather patterns.

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Happy New Year Small Talkers!


Confessions: I almost cried today. 

My Mom was discharged today and my Bff (who lives 10min away) agreed to stay with my sister just in case she woke up before we got back. I appreciated that, M (my sister’s weekday caregiver) offered to come for free, but she’s on public transit/an Uber and it’s a holiday I would not ask her to do that. My BFF wasn’t feeling well herself (everyone is sick lately) so as soon as I got in with my Mom she went home(my sister was still sleeping). 

My sister woke up, saw my Mom and giggled with delight and trotted to the bathroom (morning routine). I got my mom situated and I guess I was taking too long, because my sister left the bathroom and kept pointing to her tv. I wasn’t concerned, maybe the remote batteries were dead, maybe I needed to reset the router. But her tv is everything to her so I would have to get it working before she would’ve been amenable to bathing and breakfast. Well the tv was dead seems the backlight went out? I got the sound going but you couldn’t see anything. She started making sounds of frustration and I wanted to cry because the last thing I needed was her having a temper tantrum today (and yes in my head I am thinking of all the times over the years she’s torn the house a part and broke tvs, treadmills, dishes, you name it because she was upset). 

My first thought was to call my BFFs uncle (also 10min away) as I knew they had extra tvs in their home from a relative who died a few years ago; my second thought was to call my best guy friend H, who although he lives on the opposite side of Chicagoland, I knew he would UNDERSTAND the urgency and get me a tv ASAP and he had the tools to help me hang it. I do know how to hang a tv, but I didn’t have all the tools and sometimes you need an extra set of hands, things are too long and too heavy alone. I then remembered today is H’s fiancés birthday, so no I couldn’t call him. 

I then thought to swap out my sister’s broken tv for one at my house, my biggest one so it would be the most like hers. I called my friend, and they weren’t doing anything today, her husband came with his tools and helped me do the swap after I got my sister showered (thank GOD she was willing to get in the shower before the tv got fixed). 

My sister doesn’t like strange men, but she has met this guy before, and I think she knew he was there to fix it. I’m sure she can also tell that I know him and hes not a stranger. 

My sister has a tv. Happy 35th bday to her!(yes I already got her other presents)

My Mom is home, she’s watching The Best Man: The Final Chapters, she’s weak but she looks so much better! Looks like she got a facial, I guess IV hydration will do that for you.  Woosh. 

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