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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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20 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

Thanks for all the encouragement!

i have a new plan!  I have this big fat cast, see, to keep that ankle immobilized until after the wedding, right?  This is what’s going to happen (in my own personal rosy world with rose petals, unicorns and delicious ice cream!):  when they remove the cast and do new X-rays.... PRESTO!!!!!  Those ones have knitted themselves back together PERFECTLY and the doc says (with rose petal confetti falling all around) “ITS A MEEEEEEEEERACLE!!!  You don’t NEEEEEEED surgery!!”  

I like it.  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Sorry about your leg. I hope the above wish somehow comes true. 

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1 hour ago, Happyfatchick said:

Thanks for all the encouragement!

i have a new plan!  I have this big fat cast, see, to keep that ankle immobilized until after the wedding, right?  This is what’s going to happen (in my own personal rosy world with rose petals, unicorns and delicious ice cream!):  when they remove the cast and do new X-rays.... PRESTO!!!!!  Those ones have knitted themselves back together PERFECTLY and the doc says (with rose petal confetti falling all around) “ITS A MEEEEEEEEERACLE!!!  You don’t NEEEEEEED surgery!!”  

I like it.  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

I totally agree. I would go with that plan too, and who's to say we are wrong?  

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8 hours ago, Happyfatchick said:

Thanks for all the encouragement!

i have a new plan!  I have this big fat cast, see, to keep that ankle immobilized until after the wedding, right?  This is what’s going to happen (in my own personal rosy world with rose petals, unicorns and delicious ice cream!):  when they remove the cast and do new X-rays.... PRESTO!!!!!  Those ones have knitted themselves back together PERFECTLY and the doc says (with rose petal confetti falling all around) “ITS A MEEEEEEEEERACLE!!!  You don’t NEEEEEEED surgery!!”  

I like it.  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

That seems completely reasonable to me. Excuse me while I take my unicorn out for a walk.

JK.....I really hope that somehow your miracle happens. 

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1 hour ago, Love2dance said:

That seems completely reasonable to me. Excuse me while I take my unicorn out for a walk.

Ok, that made me laugh out loud. I have a coworker I can use that on (only in my head, of course). Positive thoughts to everyone with trials and tribulations, or who just wants them! 

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MyPeopleAreNordic, I saw your post about losing your best friend recently, your 12-year-old chihuahua. My heart goes out to you. I lost my 12 yo chihuahua a couple of years ago and my heart still aches for him. I loved him so much and he loved me so much. I won't ever get over my loss either, but it does get a little better with time. Hugs to you!

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11 hours ago, OpieTaylor said:

MyPeopleAreNordic, I saw your post about losing your best friend recently, your 12-year-old chihuahua. My heart goes out to you. I lost my 12 yo chihuahua a couple of years ago and my heart still aches for him. I loved him so much and he loved me so much. I won't ever get over my loss either, but it does get a little better with time. Hugs to you!

Thank you.  And thank you to everyone here for the kind words and support throughout my illness this spring/summer and the loss of my chihuahua-baby.  Ya'll are the best and I am so thankful for this community - for the love and the snark. :) 

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I like tea, but I do not like coffee. I like the smell of coffee brewing, but I do not like the taste. I also do not like chocolate ice cream, chocolate cake or chocolate milk. I love it when I was a kid, but now I cannot stand it.

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2 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:


I like tea, but I do not like coffee. I like the smell of coffee brewing, but I do not like the taste. I also do not like chocolate ice cream, chocolate cake or chocolate milk. I love it when I was a kid, but now I cannot stand it.


We will pray for you

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My husband brought me my first m&m characters candy dispenser years ago. He would tease me about how fast any chocolate he or I would buy for myself disappears because I love chocolate so much. I was told not to eat chocolate because of my Acid Reflux Disease, but I have to have a couple of pieces because I would not be fun to live with if I did not have my "fix" each day.

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1 minute ago, bigskygirl said:

My husband brought me my first m&m characters candy dispenser years ago. He would tease me about how fast any chocolate he or I would buy for myself disappears because I love chocolate so much. I was told not to eat chocolate because of my Acid Reflux Disease, but I have to have a couple of pieces because I would not be fun to live with if I did not have my "fix" each day.

I with you on needing a daily “fix” of chocolate. It should be classified as a mood drug lol. With very pleasant side effects. 

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

Ok. I will amend @Happyfatchick ‘s cast off party’s menu to include lemon cake as well as chocolate (for you non-chocolate eating freaks of nature lol). 

Thank you so much, @Mindthinkr!  Lemon cake is my absolute favorite!  I'm another non-chocoholic, although once in a while, I like a bite of chocolate cake with fudgy frosting and a big glass of milk.  When I was younger, I liked chocolate one or two days a month.  I found out a couple of years ago that it's actually milk chocolate that I don't care for (but I love chocolate milk!).

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I love chocolate candy especially milk chocolate or dark chocolate candy with almonds and coconut. My favorite candy is m&m's candy especially the almond, peanut and peanut butter. I also love Hersey with Almond candy bars and Reese's Pieces or Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. I collect m&m's collectible character items like mugs and dispensers and candy dishes. My husband got me my first dispenser in 1992.

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3 minutes ago, galaxychaser said:

I see a doctor who at every appointment tells me...


i had had my last baby at 43 it’s not too late for you.  

How unprofessional and rude. Right?

Even when you're not talking about wanting to have a kid? Then definitely yes, and sexist besides.

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18 minutes ago, galaxychaser said:

I see a doctor who at every appointment tells me...


i had had my last baby at 43 it’s not too late for you.  

How unprofessional and rude. Right?

Unless you asked, it is irrelevant.  I start mentioning to my patients as they approach their mid 30's that their fertility will most likely be declining and, if they plan on having kids, sooner is better than later.  My own experiences (never pregnant, never really felt the need for kids) is not the point.

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4 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

I like tea, but I do not like coffee. I like the smell of coffee brewing, but I do not like the taste. I also do not like chocolate ice cream, chocolate cake or chocolate milk. I love it when I was a kid, but now I cannot stand it.

The only way I like coffee is with Bailey's Irish Cream. I do like the smell of it brewing.

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16 hours ago, Happyfatchick said:

Chocolate.  Either it IS chocolate, or it has chocolate ON it.

I’m not even going to qualify that:   you know who you are.

Also, there must be cupcakes at our cast removal party.  

So, for those of us who are chocolate addicted, I’ll bring the hot fudge drippy Sunday’s. Yum!

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I hate it when the doctor says I am middle age or ask me if I am in menopause. I know I am in my mid fifties, but I still do not like hearing it. *lol* At least they do not ask me if I am pregnant or could I become pregnant.

I do remember my grandmother who was in mid 70's at the time was at a doctor appointment and my uncle was in the room with her when a doctor came in and said she is pregnant. My uncle looked at my grandma and ask her what has she been doing. He actually believe she might be pregnant. The doctor then realize he was talking to the wrong patient. So funny!!! Sadly my grandma died a few months later after this, but I bet she would still get a good chuckle over the whole thing.

Edited by bigskygirl
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6 hours ago, galaxychaser said:

One of my friends doesn’t like coffee or chocolate! I’m like what is wrong with you lol. 


I'm right there with her.  I've never had a cup of coffee in my life --I don't even like the aroma.  And, yes, I worked night shift for over 25 years.  Chocolate is a take-it-or-leave-it item, too. I'll only eat it if it is good, dark chocolate.  I can't remember that last time I ate a regular candy bar, but I know it's been decades. 

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One time (and only once, which is why she’s still my doctor), my doctor said she thought it would be better for my health if I were married. I was tempted to point out that I was pretty sure I’d read that being married was actually detrimental to a woman’s health, but this was pre-cellphones and I couldn’t back it up. On the other hand, she didn’t explain why either, so we’d have been on even footing with regards to evidence.

I did eventually get married, but I haven’t noticed any significant health improvements since then. 

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I was told once I should not be living by myself, and one or both of my parents should be taken care of me. Really... Living with a parent who is physically and mentally abusive is good for my mental and physical health.

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I am checking in with a report.  It is almost two weeks since our sweet Grandpuppy went to doggie heaven.  I could barely talk about it.  She was the sweetest doggie.  Always smiling and tail wagging.  She has a litter mate who is doing okay.  He looks for her.  The vet came to their house so he was present.  It seems strange to see just him.  He is also sweet, but, lacks that special something his sister had.  Mr. lookeyloo and I are celebrating 36 years of marriage.  And, believe it or not, I did not write him a tribute and post it on social media.  I don't know how any of you will know he is the #besthubbyever, etc.  We went out tonight to a place we had never been to and I had the most amazing chocolate dessert.  I brought half of it home.  I love chocolate and coffee.  I got started early on coffee since my grandpa fed it to me on a spoon, so the story goes, when I was an infant, of course laced with milk and sugar.  While he read me the "funny papers" as they used to say.  Can you tell I am a relic?  The granddaughter only used to like things like starburst and sweet tarts and I said to her that we would never fight over candy.  So now she is 15 and she loves chocolate.  I told her we will have fisticuffs one day over the last piece.  Mr. lookeyloo has eaten himself into a food coma and he is very attractively arranged on the couch, mouth agape.  So #handsome.  He will wake up soon and we will watch the latest episode of Suits.  And then I will go to bed and sleep for 3 hours and wake up and not sleep the rest of the night.  Oh, and another thing.  In 2007 before I had my hip replaced I had to have dental clearance.  The dentist found a thing that felt like a piece of rice up there between my cheek and gum.  Had root canal.  Since then every once in a while that thing puffs up and sometimes bursts and then goes away.  Recently it has happened more frequently.  I've had it checked out every time by dentists and endodontists.  Nothing shows on an X-ray.  Recently had another root canal to look for cracked root which he didn't find.  But shortly thereafter it abscessed again.  Went to dr. for checkup and discussed and suggested an ENT for different kind of xray/scan because maybe it isn't my tooth after all.  They didn't think an oral surgeon was next step, but, I'm open to any suggestions. I don't want an extraction and implant if I can help it, unless I am very sure that is the issue.  As I said, I am a relic, and prefer less to more.  On a happy note, the three grands are coming without parents on the redeye from the PNW Saturday a.m.  

I do understand the misery of losing a precious furry family member.  So hugs to you who have gone through same. Time to shake Mr. lookeyloo or he won't sleep at all tonight.

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@lookeyloo Wish I can help you with some dental advice. I was told by my dentist last month I would have some pain and sensitivity to cold and heat after he did the filings last month for six to eight weeks. It did hurt the first two and a half week. I was told if the pain does not go away I could need a root canal. The one cavity was so bad. When I went to the one dental clinic two years ago, it showed up on the x-rays, but the dentist did not mention it or take care of it at the time. GRRR!!! It still hurts a little, and I am crossing fingers I will not need a root canal. I had two before, and I do not want to go through it again.

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8 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

I like tea, but I do not like coffee. I like the smell of coffee brewing, but I do not like the taste. I also do not like chocolate ice cream, chocolate cake or chocolate milk. I love it when I was a kid, but now I cannot stand it.

I knew we were soulmates. 

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I hate coffee!  Cannot stand the taste, can’t swallow anything remotely mocha flavored.  Not my thing.  

But when you open up a coffee can (or tub or bag - they don’t even make coffee cans anymore, do they?) and get that first psssht... I think that smell is heavenly.  I loooove the smell of coffee beans.  Coffee brewing.  Coffee being poured into a cup.  It’s so weird to me that I can’t drink it, but I’m seeing here that it happens more than I knew!

@lookeyloo, that was the sweetest post ever.  Made my eyes sting.  Those damn little furry critters will reach right out and wrap themselves around our heartstrings.  It’s so hard to lose them.  I mean, if life goes according to plan, you’re supposed to outlive them, but knowing their lifespan is short doesn’t keep us from loving them and pouring ourselves into them.  As I type this, I have a cocker squished all up under my left hip and a boxer asleep on my feet.  They really are family.  Also: Happy Anniversary to you and MrLookey! Very descriptive, him on the couch sleeping off dinner.  I could actually see him!

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Please give a few seconds of prayer for my daughters MIL. She let that lump in her breast go too long, just had surgery but it had spread to her lymph nodes. Radiation and chemo are next. She is already somewhat immobile due to severe RA and borderline compliant when it comes to following Dr’s orders. I’m willing to do whatever she will allow me to do for her besides pray. 

Hope everyone else and their loved ones are doing well. 

Edited by Mindthinkr
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Just now, Mindthinkr said:

Please give a few seconds of prayer for my daughters MIL. She let that lump in her breast go too long, just had surgery but it had spread to her lymph nodes. Radiation and chemo are next. She is already somewhat immobile due to severe RA and borderline compliant when it comes to following Dr’s orders. I’m willing to do whatever she allow me to do for her besides pray. 

Hope everyone else and their loved ones are doing well. 

{{{HUGS}}} good thoughts and prayers for your daughter's MIL.

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4 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Please give a few seconds of prayer for my daughters MIL. She let that lump in her breast go too long, just had surgery but it had spread to her lymph nodes. Radiation and chemo are next. She is already somewhat immobile due to severe RA and borderline compliant when it comes to following Dr’s orders. I’m willing to do whatever she will allow me to do for her besides pray. 

Hope everyone else and their loved ones are doing well. 


Sending healing thoughts and prayers for you and your daughter. Hope the treatments go well and are successful. ((Hugs))

Edited by Love2dance
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3 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Please give a few seconds of prayer for my daughters MIL. She let that lump in her breast go too long, just had surgery but it had spread to her lymph nodes. Radiation and chemo are next. She is already somewhat immobile due to severe RA and borderline compliant when it comes to following Dr’s orders. I’m willing to do whatever she will allow me to do for her besides pray. 

Hope everyone else and their loved ones are doing well. 

So sorry to hear this.  Will be sending healing vibes her way.

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Found out today I have vocal cord dysfunction. I was told I should try a nasal spray, and my sinuses are acting up due to the smoke from the wildfires. I could try another over the counter sinus and allergy med, but the ones I tried before make me sleepy for some reason. The nurse who told me about the dysfunction said she will talk with the allergist on Monday to give me more advice about my sinuses and the vocal cord dysfunction. I keep forgetting to use my eye mask to help out with the chronic dry eyes disease which acts up when the smoke gets worse and my allergies and sinuses kick in. The Acid Reflux Disease is still acting up at times especially when the smoke is bad. No one mention the dysfunction, so I was a little surprise when the nurse called me after I sent an email to let the allergy clinic know what was going on since I got the one allergy shot. Interesting all of this is going on after having the treatment to kill my thyroid cells. And sorry for sounding like a broken record, but I am still not happy it took two years before the medical establishment finally listen to me when I said something was not right for two freaking years. GRRR!!!!

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1 hour ago, bigskygirl said:

Found out today I have vocal cord dysfunction. I was told I should try a nasal spray, and my sinuses are acting up due to the smoke from the wildfires. I could try another over the counter sinus and allergy med, but the ones I tried before make me sleepy for some reason. The nurse who told me about the dysfunction said she will talk with the allergist on Monday to give me more advice about my sinuses and the vocal cord dysfunction. I keep forgetting to use my eye mask to help out with the chronic dry eyes disease which acts up when the smoke gets worse and my allergies and sinuses kick in. The Acid Reflux Disease is still acting up at times especially when the smoke is bad. No one mention the dysfunction, so I was a little surprise when the nurse called me after I sent an email to let the allergy clinic know what was going on since I got the one allergy shot. Interesting all of this is going on after having the treatment to kill my thyroid cells. And sorry for sounding like a broken record, but I am still not happy it took two years before the medical establishment finally listen to me when I said something was not right for two freaking years. GRRR!!!!

I can understand your frustration!  My quilting friends and I were discussing that very issue today. 

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