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S04.E04: Wear Your Heart On Your Sleeve

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Well, maybe. But it was pretty rich that the person who called it out was Michelle of the Dorothy Zbornak tunic pantsuits in bridle path shades from beige to dun.

LOL, see, who better than the expert on Golden Girl style.  But yes, it was pretty rich that Michelle was calling out something for being Golden Girls.

  • Love 1

I liked Kate's remark about how bondage-inspired Dimitri's was and wondered what that said about his love life.  But what does a colorless babydoll say about Kate's?


I think Dimitri is a hoot.  He makes me laugh. 


I wish the neoprene craze would stop.  It always looks cheap to me.  And I can't imagine wearing something that non-breathable for long without getting damp and sweaty everywhere it touches the skin.

  • Love 9

Missed last night's episode by going instead to a Herman's Hermits concert (the Buckingham's were the opening act--you may all be jealous; Peter Noone is beyond entertaining and the finale singalong of 'Enery the 8th brough down the house!). I'll catch this in reruns in a day or two but looks like it was SSDD.

I'm very jealous!

  • Love 4

Ahh, but don't forget, RealityGal....All the GG's were transplants.  Dorothy & Sophia from NY, Blanche from Georgia & Rose from Minnesota.   And I should have clarified that "nobody wears anything like that anymore".  *ROFL*  And I absolutely adore that show, so I think I'll take back all my negative comments about their clothing!  

  • Love 2

When Alyssa specifically told them that they weren't allowed to use black or white, I was thrilled. I thought we'd finally see a colorful runway. I guess technically we did, but I was really hoping for more than one color. At least a few people mentioned how much freakin' red there was in the workroom. 


In the end, I didn't like really any of the dresses they sent down the runway. I guess I sort of liked Jay's. The color was good, and I liked the piping. But there was something about every dress that didn't work for me. I was excited to see Nina on the runway, but as soon as they started with Sonjia's and they all loved it, I was like, "Are we looking at the same thing here?" I thought it was really ugly. I didn't like the way she cut the hems with the jagged spikes. And I didn't like the blue and the red together. And Helen's neckline was droopy and awful, but they loved it and gave it the win? At least I can agree on the bad dresses. And farewell Kate. She probably should've made the baby doll dress again because then at least it would've had a finished hem. That thing was a horrible mess.


Oh, and I was surprised that Zannia actually had a good suggestion for a designer and it made the dress better! I thought Dimitry's neoprene dress was looking really cheap and tacky with the clear plastic inserts, but her suggestion to make the clear parts thinner was spot on. I still think that wearing a neoprene dress with plastic strips is going to have you sweating to death within an hour, but at least making the clear sections thinner made the dress look less tacky. 

  • Love 4

This is gonna sound mean BUT....when Helen was whinning and griping about her ex boyfriend not watching her season of P.R. all I could think was well honey if you weren't such a hateful ho' on that season he might have watched!!  Grrr Helen gives me a dang rash every time I see her on my tv.  


Still lovin' Dimtry and holy crap Seth Aaron as a guest judge--can we make him a permanent judge?  Out of all the PR winners he is my favorite.  #teamdimtry! 


I'm not a pilgrim or puritan or anything, but my love for Fabio diminished when he was talking about his open relationship. Okay, maybe I am a puritan and I just now realized it.

I can't wrap my brain around these open relationships either.  And I don't wanna get into the details on this thread because it would be off topic but Fabio seems like a very forward thinking kinda guy and it didn't really surprise me that he was in this type of relationship.  Very hippie, dippie, free love, free bird kinda stuf to me.  *shrug*

Edited by Dirtybubble
  • Love 3

Ahh, but don't forget, RealityGal....All the GG's were transplants.  Dorothy & Sophia from NY, Blanche from Georgia & Rose from Minnesota.   And I should have clarified that "nobody wears anything like that anymore".  *ROFL*  And I absolutely adore that show, so I think I'll take back all my negative comments about their clothing!  

I adore the GG too, I have every season on DVD.  And you are so correct, they were all transplants, so Rose probably brought that dress with her from St. Olaf!

  • Love 3

What the H did Zales have to do with this challenge? They did not even make a dress to go,with jewelry. The whole concept was stupid and the dresses were worse. Helen's looks much worse to me today, very old-fashioned and certainly not "five years from now" as Nina said. I hate that kind of trim. I don't blame her ex for not watching her, he knew better than we did.

  • Love 6



This is gonna sound mean BUT....when Helen was whinning and griping about her ex boyfriend not watching her season of P.R. all I could think was well honey if you weren't such a hateful ho' on that season he might have watched!!  Grrr Helen gives me a dang rash every time I see her on my tv.  





I can't wrap my brain around these open relationships either.  And I don't wanna get into the details on this thread because it would be off topic but Fabio seems like a very forward thinking kinda guy and it didn't really surprise me that he was in this type of relationship.  Very hippie, dippie, free love, free bird kinda stuf to me.  *shrug*




Also flip what you said.  Helen, even after seeing herself on that season, still obviously sees nothing wrong with how she acted.  She lacks even enough self-awareness to consider that her relationship might have withered even quicker with such a viewing. 




Fabio seemed almost trying to not laugh at the silliness of the "story" part of the challenge.  I kept waiting for him to wipe the smirk off Zanna's face by simply telling her "I like to have breakfast with the people I have sex with but like to keep the rest of my day open".

  • Love 9

Helen won.  Well, that's weird.  That dress had the most unflattering, boob-flattening neckline ever, and the pool floaties on the arms didn't help.  What woman wants to look like she's that flat?  As far as the neckline being something they've never seen, haven't they ever seen aprons from the 50s?  Because my mom had quite a few with that neckline, minus the floaties.  

  • Love 8

Dbubble, you're right; he is kind of hippie dippy free love-ish which was so 40 years ago, IMHO. It's cool, it's his life, not mine. But the main thing about Fabio this time around is that I am not loving his designs as much as I did on his original season. I thought his "relationship dress" was uber mundane and not at all what one would think of when thinking of free love, hippies or progressive thinking. Come to think of it, I really only loved his finale collection, which should have won over Dmitry.

At the time, I was okay with Dmitry's win because he seemed to be such an awesome person, but he is not wowing me on AS, either.


Oooo!! Also, did anyone catch that Jay did NOT clap for Seth Aaron? They panned right to him and I swear he did not lift a finger, as everyone else clapped. I'll double check on rewatch, but there's some bad blood there. Also, I like Seth Aaron okay, but enough of him as well. I thought he added almost nothing as a judge, even though I do wish he'd do a damn clothing line so I could buy one of his coats, ffs. We've been waiting for something since season 7.

  • Love 1

I don't hate Benjamin like some do. I thought his dress was totally classic 70s disco, which is not necessarily a good thing, but it wasn't horrible. There's something about him that seems damaged and sometimes when I'm watching him work I feel bad for him. I think he was unfairly judged a prick in his season.


Maybe I'm crazy but this is how I feel about Gunnar too. He started off his season a total douchebag when he decided to hate Chris for no reason but by the end of the season I thought he was fine.

  • Love 4

I must say that I thought Seth Aaron looked very handsome & dapper.  It's nice that the weird hair and strange clothing is gone....for now...It's a good look for him.  


I think what I don't like about Sonjia's is that it looks like a bathing suit cover-up.  A very formal cover-up, but with the blue bikini-thing showing underneath.  Didn't make sense to me.  Maybe if it had be over a simple tank or slip dress, but the 2 piece thing just seemed wrong.  

  • Love 7
Oooo!! Also, did anyone catch that Jay did NOT clap for Seth Aaron? They panned right to him and I swear he did not lift a finger, as everyone else clapped. I'll double check on rewatch, but there's some bad blood there.

I noticed that as well.  Enh maybe it was just weird editing or something.  He kinda smiled at S.A. but who knows.  He did seem kinda bitter when talking about Nina and being eliminated right before fashion week.  Who cares.  From what I remember of S7--Seth Aaron was head and shoulders above everyone else so pfft to Jay.


Gunnar kinda comes across as someone trying way too hard to get camera time.  He's almost over-the-top realty tv villan is just silly.  IDK, I kinda like the guy but I can take him or leave him.  He hasn't sent anything down the runway to make me say wow.



  • Love 2

Oooo!! Also, did anyone catch that Jay did NOT clap for Seth Aaron? They panned right to him and I swear he did not lift a finger, as everyone else clapped. I'll double check on rewatch, but there's some bad blood there. Also, I like Seth Aaron okay, but enough of him as well. I thought he added almost nothing as a judge, even though I do wish he'd do a damn clothing line so I could buy one of his coats, ffs. We've been waiting for something since season 7.

I never watched SA in his original season, but did see him last year in PRAS.  His clothing was almost always amazing to me, and he makes nothing I would wear, nothing that is my standard style, but I still loved his girl and whatever she was wearing.  My feeling is that he wanted to play nice so he can still be a part of the PR empire, so he probably tried not to have too many original thoughts or share his real opinion or disagree too much.  If I were him I wouldn't want to say what I was really thinking, which, if I were him would be some variation of "this is what you are sending down the runway?  Did you see the level of stuff I made last year?  I know you can do better."


Why do we keep getting Kate?  Why can't we keep getting him to compete?  I love his stuff so much, just seeing it walk down the runway makes me smile.

  • Love 2

I disagree with almost everything the judges said.

And I don't buy her story to she dumped her boyfriend. I'm thinking he just forgot she existed.

I liked Gunner this episode. He seemed less of a snarky poser and more human. I'm always glad to see that. But I didn't care for his dress. I'm glad he stayed.

[Justin's] model should have had on black undies though. I'm sad they didn't get to hear his story.

I keep forgetting Jay is there. And there's some other girl there that I can't remember.

Kors was the only opinion worth listening to, mainly for his ridiculous over exaggerations. I miss him. Zac Efron or whatever he's called is hardly entertaining. Is Georgina back, or did she officially call it quits? I need to go watch...

Ha! I wish we could all have selective amnesia and forget Helen. Is there a pill for that?

Gunnar was like Gay Frankenstein on his mother season, complete with excessive body hair (that damn Cajun Crossing Beard), piercing goose laugh, and a seemingly endless supply of sleeveless t shirts. Now that he's older, he looks a lot better and seems to have laid off the bitch pie. Beyond the lichen moss growing on his face, I can see a nice bone structure going on.

You're supposed to wear a flesh tone thong or g-string to all modeling jobs. You can get kicked out of a real fashion show or shoot for not wearing the right undergarments.

You're thinking of Samantha, with the bull ring in the webbing of her nose? I still cannot understand why Jay is hanging around. He's a joke if I ever saw one. He still hasn't gotten over his Mila obsession.

Edited by BathKol
  • Love 2

You're thinking of Samantha, with the bull ring in the webbing of her nose? I still cannot understand why Jay is hanging around. He's a joke if I ever saw one. He still hasn't gotten over his Mila obsession.

I keep forgetting Samantha is there too.  But now that I've remembered, she's lucky she was not in the bottom this week.  My eyes hurt from looking at those colors.


I really liked Jay's dress from the front, but not from the back.  It was like it was for 2 different parties somehow.  The skin showing at the waist would have been ok I guess but too much back showing.  I really liked the skirt. And that it wasn't red.


I'm another vote for can't believing it but actually liking Michelle's dress this week too.  I was sure the names called out were going to be the top and bottom.

I REALLYREALLYREALLY hope the PR producers have finally gotten a clue from the Kate three-peat.  She is not a winner.  She placed 9th in Season 11, 6th in Season 12 and 11th in this season.  She will not happen in any version of PR, PRAS or UTG.  Ever.  You could dress her as a 12 year-old and she would not win PR:Threads.  Out of 3 competitors, she would come in 14th. 

  • Love 12

Oh my gawd. I can't take all these fucking people crying about their pasts. Blowing through relationships is the bane of my existence. That's the reason I vowed to be chaste until God deems me ready for a love life. GAWD.

Lifetime must have some social media urchin reading our forums and recap blog posts because thank the stars, Moochelle only appeared a few tender times on the show. Except for the runway. It was still one time too many. Let's cut it back to five times next week, eh.

Dmitry is kind of weird, even though he's funny. He was a little too enthusiastic about the more erotic aspects of the challenge. I was waiting for him to get a piece of measuring tape and reveal...never mind. And we know you're not a virgin anymore, Count Nemesis. I'm already getting horrible mental pictures - need.soap.

Fucking crying people. I can't. Please stop crying. Please. This challenge was so sadistic to both the designers and myself.

Didn't someone else use that cinnamon red satin lace Sonjia was all fawning over? And didn't said usage send XYZ person home? They need to find another fabric store.

I'm going to buy a bottle of Grand Marnier, and every time Benjamin makes another corny ass comment ("I have love tattooed on my arm!" "I need a husband!" "My ugly gold lamé tablecloth dress with its spiderweb tooth floss represents love!") I'm going to take a swig. By the time he is done I won't be conscious.

Ugh, Helen. Just...no. I knew from reading another reviewer's comment about her dress she was going to do the ugly dropped shoulder silhouette. It does the wrong things to a woman's décolleté. No.

Jay, don't ever wear a white baseball cap twisted to the side, hovering six inches above your brow. You're not Lil' Wayne, Drake, Three 6 Mafia...in short, you are NOT fly.

I liked and both hated Alyssa's silver latex condom dress. I like metallics, her makeup was good...but then if you really thought about it she looked like she was wrapped in a shiny embryo or something.

Fabio - are you basically telling us you're a swinger? Or something quite near that sort? He and Dmitry were kind of alternating between babbling and mumbling, with Dmitry's Belarusian accent getting thicker than normal. He must be running low on his supply of the scarlet juice.

  • Love 3

CANNOT believe Helen won with that saggy boob dress. When I saw hers and Kate's walk down the runway I shouted with glee that they were in the bottom and one of them was going away. From the judging discussion, it's obvious that the win should be solely blamed on Nina. Can't stand her in original flavor, and definitely can't stand her here.


Dmitry deserved to win this week. Sanje's dress was shapeless and the zig-zag sleeves/hemline was ratchet. She looked like Peter Pan on hallucinogens.


As for Kate - THANK FUCKING GOD. We finally get a reprieve from her (until her next appearance on the next AS).

  • Love 2

I was really surprised Fabio wasn't in the bottom, because his dress was NOT a party dress--it was a day dress, at best. It was something you'd wear to a friend's spring outdoor wedding.


Surprise! Nina shows up, and Helen wins for a predictably droopy, sad dress. I'm sorry, but the dress looked like it was about to slide off the model in the most depressed way possible.

Still lovin' Dimtry and holy crap Seth Aaron as a guest judge--can we make him a permanent judge?  Out of all the PR winners he is my favorite.  #teamdimtry!

I was so happy to see SA this week! I'd wear everything he makes. I also love Dmitry... there's just something so cheeky about him, like he knows he's a weirdo and is totally in on the joke.

  • Love 4

CANNOT believe Helen won with that saggy boob dress. When I saw hers and Kate's walk down the runway I shouted with glee that they were in the bottom and one of them was going away. From the judging discussion, it's obvious that the win should be solely blamed on Nina. Can't stand her in original flavor, and definitely can't stand her here.

Dmitry deserved to win this week. Sanje's dress was shapeless and the zig-zag sleeves/hemline was ratchet. She looked like Peter Pan on hallucinogens.

As for Kate - THANK FUCKING GOD. We finally get a reprieve from her (until her next appearance on the next AS).

Helen won because she was the most tragic on a scale of pitiful to Godawful painful. She exceeded their expectations.

I don't know about Dmitry. I don't see him as a cherry red kind of guy. I didn't really get why he wanted to use vinyl? I can see what Kate meant about the bondage references. The dress was a bit borderline fetish without the chains, black lipstick, and three Dobermans. He was wayyyyy too cheery about this whole challenge, when everyone else was writing sad love poems and wiping away their rivers of black eyeliner tears. I can imagine he must have a profile on Vampire Loverz Meet.

Kate's dress was unusually sloppy tonight. It wasn't even Golden Girls. It just looked really bad.

  • Love 1

I H A T E D Helen's. It was just more of the same of her final runway collection that kept her out of the finale in her season. But, of course, Nina HAS to have her way. So we have Nina (who can go away ANY TIME) to thank for Gretchen and now that ridiculous dress for which Helen won last night. Helen: I'm sorry but she looks like she belongs in rehab. And she needs a bath. At least her hair didn't look as greasy as usual. Here's hoping the prize tonight is her consolation prize for not winning this season. I hope to Valentino NIna does NOT come back to judge the finale of this because if Helen is in it, she will win.

It's because of Nina that we have to deal with Helen in the first place. Remember the monstrosity that she sent down the runway for the jewelry challenge early in S12? Helen cried about it, and Nina felt sorry for her and came up with some BS about how it would have been a good dress if it had been executed properly. If she had been rightfully eliminated, we would have been spared nearly two seasons of her antics. 


Helen has to be the most reprehensible person ever to appear on this show and I'm sorry to hear that she won a nice prize for that mess. 

  • Love 1

I didn't get Sonjia's dress at all.  It looked like Golden Girls meets Wilma Flintstone with that boxy shape and cheap looking zig-zagged sleeve and hemline.   

Surely you jest!  Wilma at least would wear a  cinched dress to accentuate  her 3" waist and wear bold rock necklaces (" thoughtfully" chosen from all of her other bold rock necklaces from the Bedrock accessory wall, I'm sure.)

  • Love 8

I know nothing about fashion, but gossip is my passion. Let me see if I remember the episode enough to recap:


Dimitry -- single and focused on career (claims he's ready for love, but probably just a tease)

Fabio -- in an open relationship (giving hope to viewers)

Gunnar -- newly single, still sorrowful

Helen -- off & on relationship--currently off. Has $25K of diamonds to pawn.

Samantha -- "taken" but will reveal no more

Michelle -- divorced after Runway; Engaged to a new guy. I wonder if there was overlap btw old and new guy. 

Ben -- Appears to be single & has a tattoo on his hand as his current lover

Jay -- 10 year relationship--seems most serene of group

Justin -- Single for a long time--didn't want to be burden, but in 5 year relationship w/ what sounds like an awesome man

Kate--Met DH in diapers, dated in high school, and married. Sexytimes with husband is a mix of beige, shredded chiffon, and baby dolls.

Edited by cee
  • Love 10
I don't know about Dmitry. I don't see him as a cherry red kind of guy. I didn't really get why he wanted to use vinyl? I can see what Kate meant about the bondage references. The dress was a bit borderline fetish without the chains, black lipstick, and three Dobermans. He was wayyyyy too cheery about this whole challenge, when everyone else was writing sad love poems and wiping away their rivers of black eyeliner tears. I can imagine he must have a profile on Vampire Loverz Meet.

Wow.  How are you guys getting that from his runway look?  I've seen bondage dresses before and what he sent out looks NOTHING like what I know to be bondage.  And as far as his attitude towards the challenge goes, enh IDK--I just didn't read all that stuff into it.  He just seems like a guy who is super focused on his career and not romance right now.  Whadda I know though *shrug*

  • Love 4

I, too, saw "cheerleader" in Dmitry's dress. Perfectly constructed "cheerleader," but "cheerleader" nonetheless.

None of them wowed, but only two offended (after the just-closed season on the home show, my bar admittedly is low). Strangely enough, one of those two won the competition. Really. Breasts too big OR too small (especially the latter) and, Houston, we have a problem. Then there's the whole "can't raise my arms past my elbows..." thing it had going.

  • Love 3

Thank you! It seemed like quite an omission if it was him.

You're welcome. I can see how you'd get them confused. They're both highly mannerised, phony, crying or making pitiful comments about their personal lives, and gave vaguely English accents. Though Benjamin is from Australia and exported himself to London...or is it the other way around?

Wow. How are you guys getting that from his runway look? I've seen bondage dresses before and what he sent out looks NOTHING like what I know to be bondage. And as far as his attitude towards the challenge goes, enh IDK--I just didn't read all that stuff into it. He just seems like a guy who is super focused on his career and not romance right now. Whadda I know though *shrug*

It's a toss up. There was something kind of weird about the vinyl...it reminds me vaguely of fetish/goth/bondage wear because I used to collect pin up art and a couple of the paintings had dresses similar to his design...though they were a little more risqué. Edited by BathKol
  • Love 2
I didn't get Sonjia's dress at all.  It looked like Golden Girls meets Wilma Flintstone with that boxy shape and cheap looking zig-zagged sleeve and hemline.



Surely you jest!  Wilma at least would wear a  cinched dress to accentuate  her 3" waist and wear bold rock necklaces (" thoughtfully" chosen from all of her other bold rock necklaces from the Bedrock accessory wall, I'm sure.)



Yes - Wilma would rock something much more flattering than Sonjia's dress, and that's why I added the Golden Girls reference - the shape was caftan + the finishing was Flintstone ;).


Kate in particular felt as if she  has fashion myopia,  She has been doing bridal for so long that it  affects everything she does, She can't design without making it  about wedding apparel.




I don't believe Kate thought she had a chance in hell of winning this time.  I think she went on AS to advertise her custom wedding dress business.  That's why we heard at every single opportunity that she makes wedding dresses for a living, and that's why at every single opportunity she did a riff on the wedding dress.  

Edited by RealityCreator


Couldn't see how Helen's model was keeping the dress over her breasts. At a party it would have been a disaster!


I know! Can you imagine... a person coming up to her model at a party and tugging on her sleeve to get her attention (because you know the music is too loud to just say "Hey") and oops! the girls pop out because there's barely anything to keep that dress up, the way it's designed. Yikes.



When Alyssa specifically told them that they weren't allowed to use black or white, I was thrilled. I thought we'd finally see a colorful runway.


So did I. I couldn't wait to see some variety of colors and patterns or something. I couldn't believe almost everyone chose red. I guess I partially blame the challenge - they wanted "party dress" and "in a theme about your love life (or whatever)" so like Gunnar said everyone treated it like freaking Valentine's Day.

Edited by sinkwriter

I don't believe Kate thought she had a chance in hell of winning this time. I think she went on AS to advertise her custom wedding dress business. That's why we heard at every single opportunity that she makes wedding dresses for a living, and that's why at every single opportunity she did a riff on the wedding dress.

Either that or she's Illuminati, trying to covertly get us to marry the Dark One.

All of these dresses were tortured by the designers, trying to meet the stupid criteria. Just make a good party dress and then make up a tale about your broken heart or whatever. It wasn't supposed to be about the story anyway, although obviously it was, since Helen won.

And how on earth did Michelle find another man? Ick

  • Love 3

Oh for godssake! I was waiting with bated breath to hear lovely Dimitri reveal his orientation--gay, straight, bi, the undead--whatever. I have a huge crush on him, and I thought--finally, we'll find out what his deal is. But nooooo. Instead of saying he was ready for the right man or woman--he very carefully stayed gender-neutral with "person". So I'm no wiser than I was before. I loved his comment to the effect of-- "The designers that don't like Nina are the ones that suck." So true.  Like they don't have the stuff to deal with her criticism? And although she gets the sneery bitch edit, I have heard that she is really nice to the designers behind the scenes. 


Helen--This was some revolutionary look? I mean, seriously? Flimsy, boring, cheap-looking and how does it stay up on a person? One quick over-reach for my glass of Prosecco, and the whole dress would slide off me, creating a boob-a-lanche that would horrify onlookers. 


Dimitri--Whether you liked it or not, it was it was light years above the others in terms of construction. He really make the others look like amateurs.


Memo to Ben--Gold lame does not symbolize "love". It symbolizes money and Vegas hookers. 


Sanjay--Faux red lace over a cobalt blue two-piece? It was like wallpaper designed by Liberace. 


I did agree with Ben on one thing: that everyone picking red showed a stunning lack of imagination. So many party colors to choose from--periwinkles, sapphires, emerald greens, purples, or even crimsons and dark reds. But Valentine's orange-red. Too on-the-nose, and not a flattering shade for most women. 

  • Love 9

Oh for godssake! I was waiting with bated breath to hear lovely Dimitri reveal his orientation--gay, straight, bi, the undead--whatever. I have a huge crush on him, and I thought--finally, we'll find out what his deal is. But nooooo. Instead of saying he was ready for the right man or woman--he very carefully stayed gender-neutral with "person". So I'm no wiser than I was before.

Don't worry, he likes women - remember on his mother season when he was ogling Heidi in her sparkly short breast baring mini dress for the Rockettes Challenge? He also had a thing for I Only Wear Black, that lawyer girl. Wasn't her name Michelle or Mimsy or something with an M and an I? And in the backstage photo they all took with the cast of Wicked he had his hand oh so casually draped across Jenni Whatever's right breast. Seriously. I laughed about that for a good while.

  • Love 4

All of these dresses were tortured by the designers, trying to meet the stupid criteria.

And how on earth did Michelle find another man? Ick

The whole challenge was a study in torture. I'm surprised no one had a mental breakdown like they usually do. I guess they know better, or being on TV and seeing what an ass the editors make you look like (Sandro, Krazy Ken) deters them from the historonics.

Michelle's husband/boyfriend is not a man - he is a Sasquatch and they live in their quaint hipster cave in Portland with their pet moose and assorted number of adopted squirrel 'children'.

  • Love 7

In Benjamin's original season, didn't he have a boyfriend/husband, and, like, twin babies? What happened with that? Or am I think ing of the wrong guy?




That was Jeremy, or Jeremiah. The other annoying Dude With An Accent.

Just to pile on here--when Justin was showing Zanna his "I Love You" print I thought, "Didn't he do that in his original season?"  Nope--that was Jeremy and his poem dress.  These dudes all just start to blend after awhile.

  • Love 1

Just to pile on here--when Justin was showing Zanna his "I Love You" print I thought, "Didn't he do that in his original season?"  Nope--that was Jeremy and his poem dress.  These dudes all just start to blend after awhile.

For the print challenge Justin did do an ASL I love you print.  It is a neat idea and probably one of the few ASL signs that is instantly recognizable to the general public, but it seems like if he wanted to stick with that idea he could have chosen another sign that could apply to relationships to make it more unique and introduce people to another sign (not that it's his job to teach people ASL). Then again all the ones that are coming to my mind (respect, happy, together) involve movement so that would be really hard to portray in a print.

Edited by heythere
  • Love 2

Yeah, I thought I remembered Justin doing a handmade ASL print during his previous season. Just like I remember Helen falling in love with that hourglass silhouette during the bow-tie challenge, and Kate constantly doing borderline wedding dresses/baby doll nighties.


I know this is all-stars, so they all have their established "aesthetics", but shouldn't these designers be talented enough to stretch a little?

  • Love 3

Justin's dress was just another boring, simple silhouette with one more gimmick. It looked like a cat had stepped in tar and walked all over his fabric. And enough with the tears. Sweet Jayzuz.


Both my sister and I said "cheerleader" when we saw Dmitri's dress. To me it was a 60s version of futuristic (think "2001"). For a cheerleader. Impeccably made, but oddly frumpy.


I also kinda liked Michelle's to my deep surprise. Although I HATE that shade of fuchsia. Very old lady.


I rather liked Sonjia's. THAT was a dress you could party in (I'm assuming the blue was stretchy). Benjamin's (wasn't he always Ben in his season?) was cheap looking -- that lame is so tacky -- and that flimsy blue (looked dingy grey to me) "lining" looked like a mistake.


Gunnar's was AWful. Ugh. Chaotic, my ass. He has very minimal skills.


Everybody's already said what I thought about Helen's. Why didn't any of the judges ask her model to raise her arms? I'm sure she couldn't. And what was with those cutesy little looks between Nina and Helen as she left the runway? The Travelling Sisterhood of the Latina Bitches? Is Nina angling for Helen to be the winner and be her intern? Weird and icky.


Please put Sam out of her misery. That dress was worse than either Kate's or Gunnar's. Although I'm pleased Kate is gone. For good, it can only be hoped. 


I was unmoved by ALL the sob stories. Please. No more.

Edited by carrps
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