Tara Ariano November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 Quote Trying to adapt to life without Danny, members of the Solano family head back to work and school, while police bring in Susan Wright for questioning after the local paper digs up some unsettling news about her. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/
alexvillage November 19, 2014 Share November 19, 2014 OK, grieving is personal, but six weeks to return to normal life? Or maybe they just need closure, like having access to the kids body! And this snippet is ridiculous, since we have seen them going on about life already. Cheating, [plotting, running. Oh, writers! 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-582049
Primetimer November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 Even if your parents totally are. Maybe they'll take you bowling! Read the story 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-587536
alias1 November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 Well, the person running from Carver and Ellie didn't look like Vince (and not Susan either and I think she's still in custody). 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-587606
Hero November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 This episode felt disjointed. I just wish we can find out who the killer is already. We are 8 episodes in and finally getting a little info. Did Broadchurch move as slowly as Gracepoint does? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-587619
benteen November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 Broadchurch was a slow burn although it was eight episodes while Gracepoint is 10. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-587639
photo fox November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 I liked seeing the Salanos make the choice to be happy. I felt like it was a realistic portrayal of the guilt people can feel when they start moving on. Six (plus) weeks, though. And the other woman, who was all, "I tried to go back to work, and I couldn't." Must be nice to be independently wealthy. Speaking of... anyone else think the Rosemont mom found out where Carver went, followed him there, and killed a kid there to discredit him? The two towns are apparently within easy driving distance. My real theory, though, is that it involves the priest. So Danny loved camping, until he went on a Sunday school camping trip with Tom. He got "stung by a bee", which in his dad's words "looked like he'd been popped", and never wanted to go camping again? Yeeeeaaaahhhh.... 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-587675
Actionmage November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 I wish folks would stop looking to Ellie like she's going to stop being a cop and make The Mean Ol' Grumpy Heathen Cop stop doing his job. She needs to stop letting folks think they can do it. It's really unprofessional and Miller doesn't seem to get that it's insulting to her. 'I don't want to answer the hard questions, Ellie. It seems like that's okay with you, so can you make that assy cop stop? I can't even bother to remember he's doing his job and I'm acting sketchy. I just want to pout and walk off. Can I, Ellie?" *sigh* ::rolls eyes some more:: While I am glad that the Solanos had a nice day, eventually, they are still so dysfunctional currently. No, Chloe, you still don't get a vote in your mother's reproductive decisions. If she is keeping the baby, it is because she decided to, not because she was harangued into it. Beth? Maybe contact a parents survivor group? Not just one lady recommended by now-town-pariah Renee (whee!) As the saying goes, consider the source. Renee, all about the innuendo, puts you in touch with the only other person she's kept in communication with after the case. You can see why that might be. (Very glad Beth seemed to get that she didn't want to just be 'dead kid's mom' and was trying to break away from the pull of those emotions.) Tom? Dude, stop being quiet and tell you mom! Even if you actually killed Danny, just tell your mom. This part of the show is killing me. That Ellie is not even side-eyeing her own kid. He was squirrelly and sounded like he was covering up something. That Tom's crap hasn't been quietly spirited out of the house, or not-so-quietly after his disappearance, is mind-boggling to me. Hopefully, Owen gets on that thread and does something non-fatal to himself. Paul? He needs to shut up when it comes to the self-righteous speech. Dude, you are obviously pining/lusting after Beth. It's not just Mark and us in the audience. Was that a compass he pulled out during the night hunt for Tom? There's something going on. I have a germ of an idea, but that's for another thread. Carver? Please don't die. You seem to be the only detective in town. It'll be Gotham West if you die. Please don't go! Ellie? Buy a vowel- O, is preferred. As in, "Oh, since my son went missing near a suspect's cabin, even if there is no obvious tie, let me look into his computer and cell phone. Especially triple fast since the brat dug into my purse and case notes and tracked this unstable man on his lonesome!" Kathy? Gemma? keep being awesome. Making sure unnecessary shit-stirring is kept to a minimum is a fine sideline. Vince? Just...you pointed a rifle at Archie!! Point it at Susan all you want, but dogs who have done nothing to you need to be left out of your beef! You can die. I do not care. Archie? Good thing you have Doggy Love Eyes. Does anyone know if the next airing is going to be just an hour or are we getting both hours over with in one night? 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-587708
photo fox November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 I just hope a happier Beth is a Beth who brushes her hair. Actionmage, thanks for reminding me of Gemma's and Kathy's awesomeness in shutting down Renee. Go away, lady. Nobody is buying your fake concern. And yes, I definitely thought Paul had a compass. I do really enjoy the Carver/Miller banter. "Do people say you run hot and cold?" "No, just the cold part." Hee! Ellie is such a bad cop. She must have walked in front of four giant windows when "sneaking" up on that cabin. And then she fell heavily against the wall before reaching with hilarious levels of caution toward the door handle. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-587748
CarpeDiem54 November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 WTH??!! Why was Tom laid up? The brat just skinned his knee. It's not like he broke his leg in five places. Someone needs to throw that kid down and find out what he knows. And that freak, Paul, should have beat on the door and awakened Joe when he caught Tom trying to destroy his hard drive. That kid's a menace. Vince needs to die for pointing a gun at Archie. I'm glad there's only two episodes left. Don't think I could stand this bunch of asswipes much longer. At this point, Carver and Archie are the only ones I care about. 6 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-587790
thuganomics85 November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 (edited) Ah, Tommy was a fake-out. Just ran off, because he wanted to confront the hiker himself. Thanks for wasting everyone's time, Tommy! Then again, he's now mysterious freaking about something on his computer enough to start smashing, so there is clearly something going on with him. The Solanos finally didn't annoy me, and actually acted like a supportive family. Almost made me forget that one of them is a cheater, and the daughter participated in making false accusations about an innocent man. So, only two episodes left, and we still got a boatload of suspicious people. Besides Tommy, they find out Susan had Danny's skateboard and has been taken into custody. Vince is just being a general creepier, and Paul is still being shady as all get-out. They're going to have to pick up the pace! Oh, great. Renee is back. At least pretty much everyone she interacted with told her to fuck off. The just need to have Ghost Jack show up, and do the same. Mysterious hoodie guy was at the crime scene, but escapes by overpowering Ellie (twice), and Carver's heart choosing that moment to just collapse. So, either a) Carver pulls through, but everyone knows he's sick or b) he dies, and Ellie's in charge, which is not a good thing. Or maybe c) he just regenerates into Matt Smith, and the case gets a fresh start! Edited November 21, 2014 by thuganomics85 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-587818
Stratego November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 I think it was Chloe who ran away from the crime-scene-cabin. Jeans + Hoodie + "gait". Her repeating the point about the baby implies (to me) that it serves as a replacement for her brother. Chloe's grief concerning her brother seems a bit too strong--the overreaction to the HS kids means something. Many kids just ignored her and the other stares--hey HS kids do that all the time, even to those that didn't have a death in the family. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-587864
Automne November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 (edited) This felt like a filler episode, honestly. Not a lot happened to propel the story forward, which I'm continually amazed how shows with short seasons somehow managed to achieve. Ten episodes and they still manage to waste an episode, which is only going to result in the last two episodes being rushed to shove everything in or have open plot threads that are never resolved. This episode was only good for me watching the pretty that is David Tennant and me being continually jealous of my childhood pen pal who grew up in Victoria, B.C. It's so gorgeous there. Chloe was out of school for six weeks? American students are not given that long for bereavement leave. That length of time is generally reserved for medical reasons and prior arrangements like a tutor and such are made so the student doesn't fall behind. Even then, they're usually looking at summer school and possibly repeating a year. A girl in my French class in high school had bone cancer and missed a lot of school and ended up having to do summer school despite the tutor. I'm glad the town made Renee persona non grata. Kind of bad form to write a story eviscerating Jack and then disappear when the guy kills himself and only come back when another boy goes missing. I'm sure her way of trying to get back into the town's good graces is making Carver the bad guy. Vince sucks. Anybody trying to hurt a dog can go to hell. Even if he didn't go through with it, my heart hurt just seeing him point the gun at the pup. That shattered me in Broadchurch, too. Especially since the dog there seemed to have a pretty good intuition for acting. Dogs are my Achilles' heel. Tom is such a little shit. Six weeks after his friend was murdered and it's still unsolved, he runs off and police time and resources are wasted on finding his sorry ass. It's not like a child killer needs to be found or anything. Though I'm sticking to my theory that Danny's killer is Tom and Joe helped clean and cover it up. Oh, now Mark Solano is all helpful. Now he's concerned about time being wasted looking at the wrong person. He sure didn't mind that when he stonewalled for two days because he decided that not admitting that he was having an affair the night his son was murdered was more important than clearing himself and letting Carver concentrate on other suspects. Now that Mark's insecurities are getting the better of him and he can get a little petty revenge on Paul the Priest, now he's all cooperative with Carver. Edited November 21, 2014 by Automne 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-588072
Lizzing November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 If I were Ellie, after Tom was checked out at the hospital for being OK, I'd be all about asking his sorry ass why he didn't go 2 more blocks to school, why he had the urge to go through an evidence file, why he went off on a search by his 12 year old self and, then later, oh by the way, how the hell do you know the freak that is Susan Wright and open the door to her? Then I'd be taking Joe to task for leaving BOTH kids in the house, unsupervised, while he cleans the grill. Joe, dude, your son has just run away and been found by a shady minster. Order a goddamned pizza or heat up leftovers. Even if Ellie or Joe aren't the murderer, they aren't up for parent of the year. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-588075
Netfoot November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 Shut up, ShiftyShaman! People are listening for any sound! Now, shine the torch, asshole! Yes, it definitely looked like he was using a compass. Which in itself isn't so strange, when you're trying to follow a straight line in the wilderness, at night. But the way he was using it looked suspicious indeed! Tom is a transparent little liar. "I want my Mommy back!" and Ellie's mommy-gland just ruptures and soaks her from head to foot. Chloe looks 10 years older than Beth. Also, It's not usually a good idea to join your teenage daughter when she is off on a tryst. But this time, it seemed to work out for the best. Once again, the police seem to achieve nothing. Tom was found, but then Tom first disappeared himself, so no real gain for the cops. The backpacker gave them nothing -- maybe because he has nothing to give. CreepySusan was arrested with great fanfare and a convoy of about 35 police vehicles, but the very fact that she herself let on she had the skateboard probably means she isn't involved, and they didn't get a word out of her in any case. ShiftyShaman got asked about being in NA, the relevance of which I failed to see, and stood up for himself pretty well for all the other questions. And the hooded prowler at the end was allowed to get clean away without even a leg-wound (the 35 vehicles used for CreepySusan not being available at that time). So all the cops achieved this episode was some infantile bickering about first name / surname protocol, and Carver nearly took a dirt-nap! The latter, frankly, given his level of uselessness and assholery, might even have been a good thing for this investigation! Thank god I live in the third world, where the cops simply beat the bejesus out of everyone involved until they all confess, and then select the most convincing confession to take to the courts! On 11/21/2014 at 3:19 AM, SierraMist said: Well, the person running from Carver and Ellie didn't look like Vince (and not Susan either and I think she's still in custody). Actually, it looked like Mark, to me. Didn't strike me as being Chloe. On 11/21/2014 at 4:03 AM, photo fox said: Ellie is such a bad cop. She must have walked in front of four giant windows when "sneaking" up on that cabin. And then she fell heavily against the wall before reaching with hilarious levels of caution toward the door handle. Exerpt from any Crime Series script: Cop Sneaks Up on Bad Guy: "<Clump!> <Clump!> <Clump!>" 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-588105
CarpeDiem54 November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 "Chloe looks 10 years older than Beth." This! They at least look the same age - about 30. It was very distracting. Chloe looked way older than her classmates. And what was all that sitting around drinking coffee with the boyfriend they supposedly hate? I've never seen anyone bowl with those kinds of pins and tiny balls either. Was that miniature bowling? 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-588174
ElectricBoogaloo November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 Quote Chloe was out of school for six weeks? American students are not given that long for bereavement leave. That length of time is generally reserved for medical reasons and prior arrangements like a tutor and such are made so the student doesn't fall behind. Even then, they're usually looking at summer school and possibly repeating a year. A girl in my French class in high school had bone cancer and missed a lot of school and ended up having to do summer school despite the tutor. My boyfriend's dad committed suicide when we were in high school and he was definitely not given six weeks of bereavement. In fact, after far less than six weeks, the school contacted him right after his 18th birthday and told him that because he was legally an adult, they were no longer required to provide him with an education and that he had better get his ass back to school immediately if he wanted to graduate. Related story: I had mono in high school so the school district transferred me to home schooling with a tutor. For the record, the tutor was totally unqualified to help me at all in my math class (I was in precalc/algebra 3-4 and he was a civics teacher from my school). He came by my house twice a week to drop off my assignments and pick up my homework. I tried to explain to him that I couldn't do most of my homework due to the fact that I was sleeping 22 hours a day because, hello, I had mono. I was home for over two months. I finally went back to school so that I could take my finals because I didn't want to have to repeat the school year. I passed most of my finals but I did have to repeat my math class the following year. I can't believe that everyone's reaction was just awwww, Tom, you're okay, yay! I hope the priest tells someone that Tom was smashing the crap out of his laptop. I also can't wait to hear how he explains to his parents that he "accidentally" broke the hard drive with a hammer. I don't care if Vince had nothing to do with Danny's murder. Pointing a gun at a dog and considering pulling the trigger is just vile. Archie didn't do anything to you, damn it! I love how Emmett thinks that he and Ellie calling each other by their first names is totally inappropriate. Let me go write up all my coworkers for that. How can we maintain a professional atmosphere if we are crass enough to address each other by our give names? Although I am still on the fence about Chloe's boyfriend, I like that he did something so sweet for her in a private setting where she could relax and be herself. I liked that the family went bowling together but the whole time I was afraid that someone was going to criticize them for laughing or take a picture for a (non-local) paper with a headline about how they are totally over Danny's death. Mark can suck it. 7 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-588275
HermitsUnited November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 The best bit for me was where they're running about in the dark outside the hut at the end and Carver just pulls out his gun and shoots blindly into the night...solidddddd. I hope someone at least has a graze in the next episode. Or a suspicious limp ;) Well my money is still on Joe. I'm sorry, but if Paul Coates could hear Tom bashing his laptop up from down the street then there's no way Joe didn't hear the banging from the room 2m above Tom. So I suspect Joe wasn't in the house at all. Susan was in jail and Vince looked like he was spending the night with Archie (he definitely locked them both up pretty tight), so I can't see it being either of them. Although I'll admit I wondered if it could be Owen briefly (the guy looked shorter than Ellie in one shot). Ellie has no sneaking skills. At all. I kinda get the name thing with Carver. He used "Ellie" because he's not completely oblivious to everyone's feelings and she was in a difficult situation at the time. But then Tom was found and it was back to normal. The fact that she immediately started calling him Emmett makes me think he's got a point. She knew why he was calling her Ellie, and he's said before that he doesn't like the name Emmett. It just seemed tacky of her to suddenly use it in that situation. I have to admit I laughed when the promo came up immediately. Who puts those clips together? *shakes head* 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-588289
alexvillage November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 I think the person running away from the crime scene was red herring, meaning they chose an extra or stunt person to be in the scene, but it does not mean the body shape, hight or anything else is actually the murder. Or we find out who the person is and the reason is something else, and the person has an alibi. Tom is creepy. Paul is creepy Creepy lady is creepy What a town I think I am right about who I think did it 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-588383
stopeslite November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 On the bowling - I read the AVClub's recaps of it too, and in their comments people discuss that the mini-bowling is popular in Canada, where the thing is being filmed. I guess nobody stopped to consider that it is basically nonexistent in the States. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-588570
photo fox November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 I just can't get too worked up about Vince and the dog. Not that I don't love animals (and seriously, those puppy eyes are so sweet), but it seemed like such an obvious red herring to me. I don't know why he pointed the gun at him/her - that was weird - but I don't think he had any intention of pulling the trigger. If he was going to shoot the dog, would he take it to his personal workshop, right in his mother's yard, and quite possibly within earshot of the whole town? No, he'd take it out on the cliff somewhere. I know Vince isn't the brightest bulb in the box, but I don't think he's that stupid. Plus, he had dog treats in his pocket. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-588735
Bobcatkitten November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 It's called duck pin bowling. I live in Indiana and there is one about a block away. It is a ton of fun. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-588741
Whimsy November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 On 11/21/2014 at 3:27 PM, scribe95 said: It's called duck pin bowling. I live in Indiana and there is one about a block away. It is a ton of fun.hIn New England it's called candle pin and it's pretty popular. This show is set in Maine, right? It fits the area. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-588814
alexvillage November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 California Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-588865
Actionmage November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 Quote If Elle didn't suck as a cop, and if Tom wasn't a cop's son, I think they would have looked at his electronic devices by now. I'm only excusing Carver currently with a fanwank of he's trying to keep his only nominal ally focused and on relatively the same page as he is by not bringing that possibility yet. He saw firsthand how Miller reacted to a townie a) getting cocaine b)through her teenage employee c) relatively quickly and for out-of-towners. So, since he saw how Ellie worked, he knew better than to introduce the reasonable request and knew he couldn't quietly have a forensics team go get the devices. Mostly, on the latter, because someone would probably squeal on him. Because finding a child murderer is less important than being nice while you do your job. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-588953
Capricasix November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 Here in Canada, it's called five-pin bowling. It's good for little kids to play, since the ten-pin balls are too big and heavy. Netfoot thinks that it was Mark running away from the cabin/hut. I'm not sure about that - he's stocky and not too tall, and the runner seemed to be fairly tall and thin. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-588971
saber5055 November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 Quote She knew why he was calling her Ellie, and he's said before that he doesn't like the name Emmett. It just seemed tacky of her to suddenly use it in that situation. We've already seen that Ellie is rude and passive-aggressive toward Carver with her "eager-beaver/sexual harrassment" comment and comments on how he dressed and what gifts he brought for dinner at her house. Plus, as everyone else noticed, she's a cr*p cop, "sneaking" up on that cabin in front of floor-to-ceiling windows and clomping like a cow on the wooden porch. Geesh. What's up with an ambulance bringing Tom in? Kid had a skinned knee, they couldn't put him in a car and drive him to hospital, they had to call in AND WAIT for an ambulance? And plus, it's a freaking skinned knee, they are treating it like it's a compound fracture. And no one asked him why his bike was where it was and he was how many miles/feet/distance away and not noticing everyone was looking for him in a flashlight-toting wave? Please. Tom was looking at Danny's skateboard like it was used to bash Danny on the head to kill him, like something was on the edge of it. Does Creepy Susan know Tom is the killer? I knew Vince could never shoot Archie, that would cause too much hate for a character who isn't guilty of anything but being creepy himself. Check out the negative comments here! Loved Carver for his "FIND THE DOG!" though. Also loved Renee getting the cold shoulder. And what was in the big brown envelope newspaper lady took to Susan's trailer? Susan had it in her hand when she brought the skateboard to Tom. So Rosemont involved a SERIAL KILLER? Wouldn't that be something all over the papers in the entire STATE so everyone in Gracepoint should already know the case AND Carver, right? I have not a clue what the priest being in NA has anything to do with anything. And yes, he goes to meetings in another town, he's suppose to go locally? Like tiny Gracepoint even has such a thing? Please. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-589313
iMonrey November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 Quote If I were Ellie, after Tom was checked out at the hospital for being OK, I'd be all about asking his sorry ass why he didn't go 2 more blocks to school, why he had the urge to go through an evidence file, why he went off on a search by his 12 year old self and, then later, oh by the way, how the hell do you know the freak that is Susan Wright and open the door to her? Then I'd be taking Joe to task for leaving BOTH kids in the house, unsupervised, while he cleans the grill. Joe, dude, your son has just run away and been found by a shady minster. Order a goddamned pizza or heat up leftovers. Even if Ellie or Joe aren't the murderer, they aren't up for parent of the year. This, seriously. They are really handling Tom with kid gloves for no apparent reason. I don't care if his best friend was just murdered, my parents would have murdered me for pulling a stunt like that and worrying everyone half sick. And even if Ellie and Joe aren't great with the parenting skills, why the hell is Carver letting this slide? 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-589382
ZoloftBlob November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 Quote What's up with an ambulance bringing Tom in? Kid had a skinned knee, they couldn't put him in a car and drive him to hospital, they had to call in AND WAIT for an ambulance? And plus, it's a freaking skinned knee, they are treating it like it's a compound fracture. Lost in the woods for hours at night with weather cold enough for people to be wearing jackets = possible hypothermia and exposure and a ride in an ambulance to the hospital. Plus, the police department is involved and a minor, so even if the kid was completely fine, he's going to the hospital. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-589445
Neeners November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 Somehow my TiVo did not record the episode and recorded Bones instead (wtf?), so thank goodness for this site! Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-589552
ctscorpio November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 Why did they arrest that creepy Susan again? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-589554
saber5055 November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 (edited) Quote Lost in the woods for hours at night with weather cold enough for people to be wearing jackets = possible hypothermia and exposure and a ride in an ambulance to the hospital. Plus, the police department is involved and a minor, so even if the kid was completely fine, he's going to the hospital. Fine, but if it's THAT much of an emergency, put him in a freaking police car that's already AT THE SCENE instead of waiting for an ambulance. They could have had the kid to the hospital by the time the ambulance got there, especially if they turned on the flashers. Which they like to do whenever anyone is just getting in the cop car for a regular ride. THAT was the point I was making, why sit in the woods on a cold, dark night and wait for an ambulance when they had cop cars that could transport a kid who just had a skinned knee and was able to walk and talk on his own? Ellie and Joe are terrible parents. I was wondering why no one told the priest to STFU with his singing while they were looking for Tom. Edited November 21, 2014 by saber5055 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-589573
valjane November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 I feel terrible for saying this because he's just a kid, but Tom bugs the crap out of me. The kid playing him is either the worst actor of all time, or the best ever, because he's really making me dislike the character. I don't understand why no one in town is scrutinizing him. I am suspicious of Ellie's husband (Joe?) There have been no clues pointing me in that direction, really, but I feel like everyone else (like the priest) is too obvious. 4 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-589894
Capricasix November 21, 2014 Share November 21, 2014 On 11/21/2014 at 6:25 PM, saber5055 said: I knew Vince could never shoot Archie, that would cause too much hate for a character who isn't guilty of anything but being creepy himself. Check out the negative comments here! Loved Carver for his "FIND THE DOG!" though. I hope I'm not contravening any rules against comparing BC and GP by saying that in the original, Carver/Hardy said, "FIND THE BASTARRD DOG!" :D 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-589970
saber5055 November 22, 2014 Share November 22, 2014 Quote I am suspicious of Ellie's husband (Joe?) There have been no clues pointing me in that direction, really, but I feel like everyone else (like the priest) is too obvious. I'm hoping the killer is Joe, too. He's the only one who is staying squeaky clean, except for his blow up at Carver during Nick Nolte's service. Plus Ellie is such a rude snot, and so pompous about "this is a small town, these are all my FRIENDS! We can't hurt their FEELINGS!" that it would make me feel better to have her husband be the town drug dealer and murderer, all under the guise of stay-at-home dad. Quote in the original, Carver/Hardy said, "FIND THE BASTARRD DOG!" Thanks for that laugh. I'm sure Carver was thinking that exact same thing! 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-590371
GreyBunny November 22, 2014 Share November 22, 2014 So she's keeping the baby. I hope the fetus realizes who it's stuck with and decides to make a break for it and miscarry itself. It would be better off doing that than being raised by that crappy family in that crappy town. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-590428
CarpeDiem54 November 22, 2014 Share November 22, 2014 On 11/21/2014 at 9:30 PM, valjane said: I feel terrible for saying this because he's just a kid, but Tom bugs the crap out of me. The kid playing him is either the worst actor of all time, or the best ever, because he's really making me dislike the character. I don't understand why no one in town is scrutinizing him. I am suspicious of Ellie's husband (Joe?) There have been no clues pointing me in that direction, really, but I feel like everyone else (like the priest) is too obvious. While not advocating violence against children but the second they got that kid home they should have kicked his ass and beat all of his "secrets" out of him. I hope either Tom or Joe is the killer. It would serve Ellie right. And might make Carver smile. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-590430
LeGrandElephant November 22, 2014 Share November 22, 2014 So that really heavy handed meeting with the depressed mother of the other dead kid was to make Beth realize she needs something to do and therefore should have this baby? 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-591373
saber5055 November 22, 2014 Share November 22, 2014 Quote Or maybe they just need closure, like having access to the kids body! If Danny has to stay in a freezer until his killer is found, does that mean there are a ton of bodies sitting around in Rosemont while that "serial killer" remains unfound? I'm thinking about this too much, obviously, but Tom was supposedly jealous of Danny's fancy phone, which means he had two, the crummy one Nick Nolte found and another not found. Tom would have the number of the fancy one, right? Since he was jealous of it, he must have called it. So why not get the number from Tom and then get the cell records? I mean, really ... Did anyone ask Tom where his backpack was when they found him? He had it on when he was biking those three blocks to school and disappeared. And the priest was with a gigantic group of people when the bike and Tom were found. So why is HE being investigated because he found them both? Tom was on foot and could have been walking anywhere for anyone to find. I just don't get the finger pointing at Father. Maybe Archie killed Danny? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-591569
kili November 22, 2014 Share November 22, 2014 (edited) Tom was going to confront the supposed killer with a crossword puzzle book? That was going to get him to confess? Tom and Danny are friends and the only thing he has to remember him by is a crossword puzzle book? And nobody thought that was weird? The Crossword puzzle books are too prominent in this series (Danny stealing one, Danny getting clue answers from one of the suspects, Danny having crossword puzzle paper in his jacket, Tom running around with one as his only Danny memento). Somebody needs to look more closely at the book (and the hard drive Tom was smashing). That's one creepy a$$ town. Edited November 22, 2014 by kili 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-591633
Netfoot November 22, 2014 Share November 22, 2014 On 11/22/2014 at 4:20 PM, saber5055 said: Tom was supposedly jealous of Danny's fancy phone, which means he had two, the crummy one Nick Nolte found and another not found. Tom would have the number of the fancy one, right? Since he was jealous of it, he must have called it. So why not get the number from Tom and then get the cell records? I mean, really ... Danny's official phone was forwarded to his fancy phone, so maybe Tom doesn't know the number for the fancy one. The cops did discover the existence of the fancy phone after six weeks of effort (that Det. Carver is a ball of fire!) but it's turned off and can't be geo-located. But here's the thing. They found $500 in Tom's room. Did he ever explain where it came from? Did anybody actually ask him? Then he skives off school and rides his bike into the middle of nowhere, abandons it, and walks from there to the middle of nowhere else. He isn't found lost, trying to make his way home, calling for help, but standing silently in the pitch black woods. His explanation is completely illogical. He snoops through his Mother's purse, he pounds on his laptop (which he probably didn't buy himself) with a rock (or was it a hammer)... Has anybody sat him down and demanded an explanation for any of this behaviour? 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-592440
LisaM November 22, 2014 Share November 22, 2014 I thought that they found $500 in Danny's bedroom, not in Tom's? I like the idea that the crossword puzzle book was used as a drug order book of sorts and functioned as a way to keep track of who was buying drugs. It connects Danny and Tom and who else? I wonder if there will be any connection to the Rosemont deaths here? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-592455
Netfoot November 22, 2014 Share November 22, 2014 Yes, sorry, the $500 was in Danny's room, but they never asked Tom (his best friend) anything about it. Nor about his phone. He may not have had any useful info like phone number (see previous post) but they never even asked. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-592481
Haleth November 23, 2014 Share November 23, 2014 (edited) I was thinking the person in the hoodie was the boyfriend. Way too thin to be Mark or Vince.Remember when Susan invited Vince over for dinner? She ended up giving the plate to Archie. Maybe that's why Vince was mad at him. (Edited to clarify I am just kidding about this.) Edited November 23, 2014 by Haleth Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-592883
kili November 23, 2014 Share November 23, 2014 Quote Remember when Susan invited Vince over for dinner? She ended up giving the plate to Archie. Maybe that's why Vince was mad at him. Vince doesn't trust Susan at all. He threw out the food that she brought to his house and was upset at the thought that his mother might have eaten some of it. He would have been happy to know that Archie ate his food. Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-593466
mansonlamps November 23, 2014 Share November 23, 2014 Did we ever find out the relationship between Susan and Vince? Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-593515
meep.meep November 25, 2014 Share November 25, 2014 On 11/21/2014 at 2:22 PM, stopeslite said: On the bowling - I read the AVClub's recaps of it too, and in their comments people discuss that the mini-bowling is popular in Canada, where the thing is being filmed. I guess nobody stopped to consider that it is basically nonexistent in the States. It's particularly absent in the part of California (about an hour north of San Francisco) that this is supposed to be set in. But then, everything else is wrong so why should this be any different. 3 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-598078
SunnyBeBe November 25, 2014 Share November 25, 2014 Ellie is clueless. When Tom gave that absurd story about how he didn't know what he was going to do, but just confront the guy who's photo he saw in his mom's bag about killing Danny, WHY didn't she or her boss say, "NOT believable. That doesn't ring true. Tell me the truth! No more internet, phone or tv until you come clean" And then sit on him until he does. For some reason that kid is not supervised at all. His dad is an idiot too. Maybe Tom was going to that creepy suspect's place to plant that magazine there, thus creating evidence that it was that guy.....so that implies Tom knows who did it or he's the one responsible and he's trying to lay blame elsewhere. 5 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-598208
kat165 November 25, 2014 Share November 25, 2014 I think after speaking with that other mother & seeing what had become of her after the death of her child she decided to choose life over giving up which led to pursuing Chloe with Mark and family bowling. This family hasn't experienced any fun or joy in 6 weeks so I think these activities lightened them up a bit which opened Beth's mind to the possibility of keeping the baby, maybe. She still hasn't decided. - This is in response to a previous post where the poster commented on the woman & Beth suddenly keeping the child, sorry do not remember the name of the poster. 1 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-598338
saber5055 November 25, 2014 Share November 25, 2014 Quote Maybe Tom was going to that creepy suspect's place to plant that magazine there, This is a good point, and supports what another poster wrote about the crossword books being important clues. I never would have thought of that! Plus yes, Tom is totally unsupervised and both his parents are a waste of time. Although I can't imagine this show having a kid be the killer any more than making Archie an evil dog. It just goes against society. But it would make me happy. 2 Link to comment https://forums.primetimer.com/topic/18391-s01e08-episode-8/#findComment-599768
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