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S07.E01: Bye Bye & Bon Voyage

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The ladies of ATL prove that not all Housewives cities are going through a slump with a record breaking 3.8 million who tuned in for the premiere. At this point they're only in competition with themselves.


Bravo would've done better trying to recreate the Atlanta magic in other cities.

So happy about this. I briefly saw that those thirsty, LAME, skeletor hags from BH were in re-runs yesterday, and I couldn't switch the channel quickly enough. Soooo boring. Not the ATL ladies, though. Love love love them.

I think the thing I like about the Housewives, and it showed in this episode, is that there is always a balance of one-liners/humor even in the most bleak of storylines so it never just becomes depressing because these ladies know how to fling not just insults but funny ones. And occasionally they can get together and seem to at least tolerate each other's company.

  • Love 3

Speaking of PRO VIDE, I'm tired of Mama Joyce & Phaedra woofing about they was gon' slap this person or gon' slap that person.  You ain't gon' do nothing so have an emporium of seats and be quiet!


An emporium of seats!  This has me doing the silent shake laughter at my desk, that really tickled me this morning!



I think the thing I like about the Housewives, and it showed in this episode, is that there is always a balance of one-liners/humor even in the most bleak of storylines so it never just becomes depressing because these ladies know how to fling not just insults but funny ones. And occasionally they can get together and seem to at least tolerate each other's company.


This is a great point.  No matter how juicy the scandals and drama get on OC or NYC, those women just cannot deliver a sassy line or 'girl bye' look like the beautiful ladies of Atlanta.  

  • Love 4

Lord, Atlanta will hook you from the first minute.  New Jersey was such a bore because Saint Teresa can not be open with the viewers about the truth of her situation.  The rest of the cast had little to do, besides say 'poor Teresa"over and over again.  Also, even though Jersey incorporates family, I usually do not believe anyone has any real connections to each other off the show.  The Atlanta ladies can put aside their differences and seem like a lot of fun (well maybe not Porsha and Kenya at this point).


Even though Apollo said a lot of foolish things, the reality of the situation was not glossed over in order to spare Phaedra's feelings.


Porsha had the prettiest mug shot I have ever seen.

Edited by qtpye
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Speaking of PRO VIDE, I'm tired of Mama Joyce & Phaedra woofing about they was gon' slap this person or gon' slap that person.  You ain't gon' do nothing so have an emporium of seats and be quiet!


Hahahaha! This gave me the church giggles. I am imagining MJ walking into 'Atlanta Chair Emporium' and saying "I'll take one of everything".

Edited by Lakewood27
  • Love 3
The rest of the ladies really need to step it up to compete with the Nidas this season.


No kidding. We have Nene and Gregg debating whether or not a threesome is the same as an orgy, Cynthia having her oh-so-thoughtful husband bring her lunch....but hey! you have to pay for it, and Kandi bickering with Todd over how big of a flat screen the kids should have. Yawn. Apollo and Phae Phae are craaaaaazy, and they're bringing it! (Plus, I never get enough of Aiden and Mr. President - who looks like he'd rather wrestle with an alligator than be picked up by his father.)


If NeNe was the problem in Cynthia's marriage, then her marriage wasn't that strong. I do not have any friends that could comPe between my marriage. When Cynthia said to Peter something like "we still here, strong". They've only been married a couple of years. Make that comment when you hit the 20 yr mark. Let's see how strong they are then. I'm not like this Cynthia. Blaming NeNe for her own behavior.


I agree. I think Nene has been a shitty friend to Cynthia the past few seasons, but that has nothing to do with her marriage to Peter. Peter is a suckass husband, as far as I'm concerned, and he still would be if Nene Leakes had never been in the picture. 

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Kaela isn't going to Riley's school so Kaela doesn't need to floss for Riley's schoolmates. Get Kaela a Toyota or Honda while she's learning to drive. She doesn't need to floss in a car she didn't pay for. That's why I was pleased to see Kim & Kroy get Brielle a Honda Accord since she was being irresponsible with their luxury cars while trying to floss.

If Kandi wants to buy Riley a Range Rover for her 16th birthday, that's Kandi's business but please let Todd get his daughter the car he is financially able to PRO VIDE for her.

Speaking of PRO VIDE, I'm tired of Mama Joyce & Phaedra woofing about they was gon' slap this person or gon' slap that person. You ain't gon' do nothing so have an emporium of seats and be quiet!

I feel like I ask these stupid questions all the time but here I go again.

What does floss mean? Where I come from floss is for your teeth.

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I don't think Kandi meant Kaela would floss for Riley's friends, but she was making fun of Todd for thinking his Range Rover was top of the line.  Kandi asked Todd if he was going to give his daughter his old RR and he said he did not think she should have that as a first car.  Kandi's response was like you think your RR is HOTT, but there are kids at Riley's school who drive the custom 2014 RR.  I think Kandi's point was that Riley usual gets what she wants materialistic wise and that, she did not want Todd's daughter to feel different because she did not get the same.  Todd stated that they should meet half way and take somethings away from Riley, and give somethings to Kaela.  I don't mean that they should literally take things from Riely to give to Kaela, but the compromise, between Kandi and Todd would be, that Kaela could get an upgrade on somethings, while Riley would get a downgrade on others.  If you ask me Riley is getting a raw deal.  

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Kaela isn't going to Riley's school so Kaela doesn't need to floss for Riley's schoolmates.  Get Kaela a Toyota or Honda while she's learning to drive.  She doesn't need to floss in a car she didn't pay for.  That's why I was pleased to see Kim & Kroy get Brielle a Honda Accord since she was being irresponsible with their luxury cars while trying to floss.


I believe it means to show off for your friends and the rest of the world.

OK, I 'm glad someone wasn't talking about practicing dental hygiene!


Wait, Kim didn't give her daughter the best and most expensive car she could get? I am shocked.

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IMO the reason why RHOA brings the ratings is because these woman allow us to see their reality instead of a fabricated story line like some of the other shows, they truly have so much going on in their real lives that they share with us that it comes across as much more organic and real. The exception in Kenya with her imaginary BFs and clinging to an offense for the whole season but really not showing us too much about her true life unless she really has nothing going on, I think that is in part why the other Atlanta HW can't stand her, they share with us their real struggles and yet Kenya is hiring BF or inventing Nigerian tycoons but when it blows up in her face then she wants to shut it down. Fortunately for Kenya the other ladies are compelling enough to carry the show and that goes even for Cinthya who is a spineless person but who allows us to see the reality of her POS famewhore husband.

Can you imagine if Phaedra would have tried to pull the "I don't want to talk about this, next" with Apollo's legal issues. I for once am glad that she didn't even tried. Ratings are telling Bravo that we want real story lines and not fake ones.

Edited by cooksdelight
Off-topic NJ talk
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I think the fact that Nene is a braggart and thinks way too highly of herself is exactly why she keeps getting hired for things.  Andy himself loves that about her as well as loving the same attributes in Kim Zolciak and Kenya Moore.  Bottom line is, they are what makes the show interesting and keeps people's eyes glued to the screen.  Love her or hate her, Nene keeps you tuned in to see what outrageousness she's up to next.  Even when she's at her nastiest, people still tune in.  That's why they are one of the highest rated Housewives show.  I, myself have to admit that as much as Nene bugs me most of the time, I still like her and would hate for her to leave the show.  From the very beginning of RHOA, the scenes with Nene were the reason I got interested in the show in the first place.  I only wish they would see fit to bring Sheree back.  (((sigh)))

While I've never liked Nene, I get the appeal in the beginning - her colorful persona, sense of humor... But she's a completely different person now, and someone I find hard to watch. She started out fun because she was part of the gang. But now that she's a legend in her own mind, everyone else is beneath her, and she's a solo act. Plus, she's alienated herself from everyone else - not because she's such a big star, but for various slights or lack of ass-kissing. Based on the premiere's huge ratings, I think the show would do fine without Nene. The rest of them can not only carry themselves, but they interact with each other as well, which is what made all of the Housewives shows work in the first place.

  • Love 10

I don't think Kandi meant Kaela would floss for Riley's friends, but she was making fun of Todd for thinking his Range Rover was top of the line.  Kandi asked Todd if he was going to give his daughter his old RR and he said he did not think she should have that as a first car.  Kandi's response was like you think your RR is HOTT, but there are kids at Riley's school who drive the custom 2014 RR.  I think Kandi's point was that Riley usual gets what she wants materialistic wise and that, she did not want Todd's daughter to feel different because she did not get the same.  Todd stated that they should meet half way and take somethings away from Riley, and give somethings to Kaela.  I don't mean that they should literally take things from Riely to give to Kaela, but the compromise, between Kandi and Todd would be, that Kaela could get an upgrade on somethings, while Riley would get a downgrade on others.  If you ask me Riley is getting a raw deal.  

I think his point was that they should treat both girls normally and teach them how to earn things or to sometimes get rewards for an accomplishment but NOT lavish them with stuff willy-nilly because you feel guilty that you're not spending enough time with them. They will probably go all out to help Kaela decorate her room, as they should, but Todd also expects his daughter to attend college or get a job (please let it be the former!). Also, Riley is a tween, while Kaela is 18 so their expectations may be very different. 

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Todd stated that they should meet half way and take somethings away from Riley, and give somethings to Kaela.

I can't believe they didn't discuss this between themselves and the girls before the wedding.  IDIOTS!


Great first episode.  Damn me but I do like Apollo and I do like Phaedra.  Those boys are just too cute.

  • Love 2

I think the thing I like about the Housewives, and it showed in this episode, is that there is always a balance of one-liners/humor even in the most bleak of storylines so it never just becomes depressing because these ladies know how to fling not just insults but funny ones. And occasionally they can get together and seem to at least tolerate each other's company.

Exactly! Even when they are at the very height of anomosity towards someone, if that person gets off a good read they chuckle and appreciate it. Perhaps it is because some of these women truly were and/or are friends outside of the show.

Plus, she's alienated herself from everyone else - not because she's such a big star, but for various slights or lack of ass-kissing.



Nene is still friendly with Phaedra, Porsha and Kandi so I don't quite know what you mean by her being alienated from everyone else.  And from the looks of the previews, she and Kenya seem to call a truce since they show them hi fiving each other in the previews.  It doesn't look like alienation to me but mileage may vary. 


Do people think Kandi and Todd are going to last. I sure don't.



Sadly, I don't see much of a future for them.  Kandi has been the boss too long and it doesn't look like she's willing to compromise when it comes to certain things, one being how the money is doled out to the kids.  She wants to spend her money however she wants, and that's fine if you're single.  When you're married, you're supposed to be a partnership.  I'm hoping that they'll make it though if only to prove Mama Joyce wrong.

  • Love 2

Nene is still friendly with Phaedra, Porsha and Kandi so I don't quite know what you mean by her being alienated from everyone else.  And from the looks of the previews, she and Kenya seem to call a truce since they show them hi fiving each other in the previews.  It doesn't look like alienation to me but mileage may vary.


Friendly? Nene needs to shore up allies, especially with the new wave of ATL Housewives coming on the scene, some of whom are coming directly for her. We all know Kenya cannot be relied upon because she's a loose cannon. She is loyal to no one. And dumb-as-dirt Porsha makes a poor substitute for a soldier like Cynthia.


I've seen this Nene before and she's no fun. This is going to be a season where she pretends to breathe rarified air and rolls her eyes when she's forced to socialise with her co-workers.

  • Love 5

Kroy & Kim let Brielle drive the more expensive cars around and she wrecked them.  So they said, since you like wrecking cars, have this Honda and wreck that.   The Honda was the one car Brielle didn't wreck.


I don't think Kandi meant Kaela would floss for Riley's friends, but she was making fun of Todd for thinking his Range Rover was top of the line.  Kandi asked Todd if he was going to give his daughter his old RR and he said he did not think she should have that as a first car.  Kandi's response was like you think your RR is HOTT, but there are kids at Riley's school who drive the custom 2014 RR.



That's even worse.  If all Todd could afford for himself was a regular Range Rover (!) and Kandi is laughing at him for thinking he has a hot ride when children at Riley's school have better cars, that's really not a good look for Kandi.  It's emasculating.  If she keeps on emasculating Todd, she's going to find herself alone (to Mama Joyce's delight).  Of course Kandi probably learned that from the best.

  • Love 5
I've seen this Nene before and she's no fun. This is going to be a season where she pretends to breathe rarified air and rolls her eyes when she's forced to socialise with her co-workers.



I think she's going to find herself on the wrong side of the editing, just as she has already found herself on the wrong side of the makeup.  


Andy would not have permitted one of his darlings to look that bad unless it was intentional.  



I think this is going to be the season of The Empress NeNe's New Clothes, as she walks down the street showing her ass, thinking the stares she's getting are ones of admiration.  

Edited by kassa
  • Love 8

They're back! I am way more excited than I should admit to. Y'all said all the good stuff so I'm left just listing and co-signing.


  • Greg is a sycophant. I despise him more with every season. He was bad before, but he reached his nadir during that wedding special and his balls have been permanently tucked away in favor of being Nene's lady-in-waiting ever since.
  • Phaedra "I wanted to avoid the papparazzi"  Cut to house: *crickets*
  • Interesting to see a "zero tolerance" policy in other threads re: laying hands ... until the discussion is Kenya. Then it's like a Chris Rock sketch all up and through "I'm not saying you SHOULD shake the shit out of someone ... but I understand."



I was initially inclined to give her the benefit of the doubt, thinking that she just didn't want to know what her HUZZZBIN was up to.  I figured she took the attitude, "I don't know what you're doing, but I know you're up to something--just keep me out of it!"  She probably just didn't know the full extent of what was going on.  However, I am also reminded that Fakedra incorporated one of his "asset recovery" bidnesses.  That, and her own deposition testimony took care of any doubts I had about her complicity in and/or knowledge of some of Appalling's crimes.



My spidey senses tell me that he may threaten to come clean to the government about Phaedra's role in his crimes if she doesn't provide for him.  Its the only way where he would have a pre-nup but still think that she would be under an obligation to provide support.  Although, in some states, a pre-nup will be invalid if it leaves the spouse destitute.



These events occurred earlier this year, did they not? I am sure we'd have heard about him ratting out Phaedra by now...






I don't think so, because I think, as bad as Apollo is, as shitty a husband as he is, he knows that if he ratted out Phaedra his children would be basically left parent-less, so he has been holding off telling anyone about the exact nature of Phaedra's involvement in his "business."  But Phaedra keeps pulling the high and mighty card knowing that he won't rat her out.



Bingo. It's sitting on his tongue and he wants to tell it, but not look like a punk for taking down the mother of his children and leaving them completely parentless. So that's why he's just "letting her know" that he's not coming home to nothing. Phaedra gets the message. Of course, much like Tre over in NJ, some time in jail is going to change those "stand by your spouse" stances. Mmm hmmm./Phaedra


Kandi's house is beautiful on the outside, fuggity fug, fug on the inside. That living room furniture looks like early bordello. I know she must have paid a fortune for it because it's oversized. But the guestroom furniture and bedding looked like it came from Sears. Girlfriend needs help in the decorating department.




The tacky is strong with this one. Clothes, decor...SMH.

I can’t with Phaedra, and so I’m happy to see her be completely and utterly embarrassed this season. Time for a comeuppance.





Then he got the nerve to show how old he is when he talked about snatching off his britches. Britches! In 2014!



"Watch out, now!" *hitches up britches


Dance?  Let's call it like it is --- The Life Alert Shuffle.




Shut off the lights, I'm gone.


I would say no since women are paying big money to have every attribute that Porsha possesses naturally aside from her fake hair and fake boobs.  She has an ass that rivals Kim Kardashian's and JLo's put together.  She has luscious full lips that women are annihilating their faces to have and she has no stretch marks or visible scars that most women with thighs and buttocks that large have.  Plus, most straight men are gaga over the physical attributes that Porsha possesses.




They, and she, and y'all can have all that. Guaranteed in under 10 years it will all be hanging around her knees.


I know people spend money trying to build those big-ass-ded, dump truck booties and bodies. They also spend a lot of money to look like ducks and catfaced plastic people. There's no accounting for what people will spend money to look like. Personally I prefer looking normal and proportioned and not looking like walking ass, thighs and tits. Seems very desperate. And no haterade sipping going here, 'cause I had it and worked ALL THAT off and was glad to see it go even as people were saying I was crazy and they would pay money for what I had. I prefer a body streamlined down for me to enjoy, not one purchased to elicit even more attention that has zero to do with me as a person. But then, I'm not a famewhore.


  • Looking forward to Claudia! She has Nene pressed, and I'm loving it. Bitch tangled with Omarosa and called it out with no hesitation. I am HERE for her.


Did I mention ... they're back!

  • Love 13

I agree to an extent.  I will say that Phaedra's problem with Kenya stems from her own insecurities with Apollo.  She put all the blame of what happened on Kenya's shoulders. She was more than willing to believe that Kenya was trying to sleep with Apollo, which turned out to be a lie.  


My problem with most of these women is that they seem to give the men a pass on their bad behavior and put it all on the woman.  Kenya was responsible for the fight at Nene's stupid pajama party.  Kenya is a whore who can't keep a man. Kenya won't leave poor Apollo alone. Kenya is just jealous because she doesn't have a husband.  It's exhausting and infuriating. It's fine to go after her behavior, but damn, they seem to believe not having a man in her life is her biggest failing. I firmly believe that Nene's problem with Kenya is that she was taking some of the spotlight off of her.


Kenya can be a lot to take, but everything isn't her fault.  I didn't even like Kenya her first season, but these women pushed me to her side simply because of the slut shaming and general nastiness that went on last season.   

These women are seriously patriarchal. They are Black women from the South and that demographic is generally a lot like these types. Patriarchal women. They think having a man and especially having a husband, is the be all end all of your life, and if you don't have one, you're less than a woman. Even a single mother is still a mother so she has some saving grace as a woman. And Kenya, unmarried, no boyfriend, no children, tall, slim, busty, long, natural hair. She has nothing in common with these types. She can't even sit around and talk with them about her weight struggles or midsection struggles, she doesn't have them. And to top it off, one of their men takes an obvious shine to her? She didn't stand a chance with these women.


This type, their attitude is, a man will be a man. So they go after women harder. They expect men to be dogs, cheat, etc,etc. I know what I'm saying. I come from that region. Grew up around those types.

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I can’t with Phaedra, and so I’m happy to see her be completely and utterly embarrassed this season. Time for a comeuppance.

For all of her proclamations of not knowing anything about Apollo’s actions last night, and how this was “the ultimate betrayal”… girl, stop.  Dude uses made up words like 'juvial,' and says phrases such as "I don't live by asector of the time scale." And you expect me to believe HE was the mastermind of a fraud ring, but you just helped him incorporate businesses that you thought were legit so you helped?! Riiiiiiiiiight.


Apollo specifically said that "keeping up the Joneses" and being on the show and providing that lifestyle for his wife and family was what made him pursue these avenues. It was the lifestyle she wanted to lead. Additionally, she knew who and what he was when she married him (already about 5 weeks pregnant at their wedding).


It also doesn't help that Phaedra is the attorney of record for incorporating these shell companies he used for these fraudulent businesses. Add to that, she helped him create these other 'jobs' he had - because on their first season he was in "asset location/asset recovery (whatever that is, cause he clarified he was NOT a repo man), nutritionist, personal trainer, the workout video, master barber. She was helping him launder that money. She knew something. He took the wrap and expected her to hold him down. She said "Naw, I'll pass. Thanks for the light skinned genes, though."  He expected her to stand by him because he saved her catching a case (because she is a co-conspirator and assisted in money laundering, but she's smart enough to not get her hands dirty). I agree with him, in theory. He did help her. She wanted an image, a husband, and kids. But too bad she only wanted his sperm and a good lay and didn't appear to really love him, and is done with him now. She has no further use for him.


You get what you pay for. And she paid for a pretty felon with a 3rd grade reading level/vocabulary. Phaedra is a known 'good time gal' within the National Bar Association, generally, and the Atlanta legal community specifically.  She was passed around for years by a good number of successful men in Atlanta, looked up, and realized she was 37/38 and no one was wifing her.  And she is insecure and wanted a light skinned dude. So, she 'bought' one. She got what she wanted (kids with her #FelonBae stud horse). Now she's done. Enjoy that bid in the pen. And she can enjoy paying someone to lug her kids to visiting day. She should've thought of all this when she married a dude fresh off a bid.


The losers in this are the kids, really. They are the only ones I feel sorry for.

I can't believe there are still viewers who believe her schtick.

  • Love 8

These women are seriously patriarchal. They are Black women from the South and that demographic is generally a lot like these types. Patriarchal women. They think having a man and especially having a husband, is the be all end all of your life, and if you don't have one, you're less than a woman. Even a single mother is still a mother so she has some saving grace as a woman. And Kenya, unmarried, no boyfriend, no children, tall, slim, busty, long, natural hair. She has nothing in common with these types. She can't even sit around and talk with them about her weight struggles or midsection struggles, she doesn't have them. And to top it off, one of their men takes an obvious shine to her? She didn't stand a chance with these women.


This type, their attitude is, a man will be a man. So they go after women harder. They expect men to be dogs, cheat, etc,etc. I know what I'm saying. I come from that region. Grew up around those types.


That really explains a lot.  They seem to be such a dichotomy.  On the one hand, they constantly talk about being a strong woman, but then they seem to place a such a high importance on having a husband and motherhood. They all, with the exception of Porsha, have been successful on their own.   I'm from Texas, and while it's the south, I just never experienced this type of attitude on such a broad scale. Not saying it doesn't exist, just that it's a bit surprising coming from successful and seemingly intelligent women. 

  • Love 2

Kandi and Todd are going to bump heads more and more as time goes on.  She will continue to indulge Riley, while he tries to teach Kaela that she has to earn things.  I just read that Kandi is buying Mama Joyce another house and it is just down the street.  I guess Todd is upset about it, but Kandi's excuse is that she just "wants to make everyone happy".  That's her biggest problem; rather than say no to her daughter or mom, she'll give them whatever they want just to keep the peace.  Girl needs to grow a backbone and stop indulging them, especially Joyce, who WILL eventually get her way when the marriage fails.  If and when it does, Kandi will get no sympathy from me.  

  • Love 2


Greg is a sycophant. I despise him more with every season. He was bad before, but he reached his nadir during that wedding special and his balls have been permanently tucked away in favor of being Nene's lady-in-waiting ever since.


I'm pretty sure to get back to having the now liquid asset Nene pay his bills, he made his balls into a pretty little purse to hold her more treasured and important items in life,  a mirror, lip gloss, a back up mirror...


I definitely agree about the patriarchal attitude of these women.  I think it hits home especially on the Nene, Cynthia and Kandi front as, even though I find Todd a relatively nice guy for a reality show, I'm saddened none have the strength to find herself worth more than the men they seem to have taken on out of need and not simple want.  


However I think while Kenya brings a lot of different annoyances, the chief was is her carpet bagging status and the fact she swanned in acting like she was a lot more than the rest let alone what she actually is.  I think that rubbed raw since the show was doing just fine without her.  The main communal trait I see in these women is they are also territorial as all get out.  And they seem to actually communicate either one on one for through proxies that does not get played out in social media when the cameras aren't running.    Kenya has been on the "I want to be a star" track for awhile before she came on the show.  I cannot imagine the flutter of noise that traveled out of Nene towards the others when it was made known she was joining the cast. 


Which is exactly why she was cast.  She was Andy Cohen's clown and has made it work the show and for herself.  And is just as full of herself to not recognize her level in the fame game as Nene was when she was cast on the Apprentice.  Any attention is good for her.  And for the women whose corner she came to add her own stream of piss in.

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Cynthia - Why on earth would she entertain the idea to invest in Peter's bullshit business, Bar "None," in North Carolina?

I don't know if people know this but Peter filed for bankruptcy in the past year and one of his creditors listed was Cynthia Bailey.

He borrowed some thing like $60k from her to open Bar "None." Let's not forget the investment she made in his other defunk business,

Uptown. How many more dollars is this woman planning to lose by Peter?


NeNe - Oh, who the hell cares any more...she is so super phony I don't really acknowledge her that much. I would like to see NeNe

leave the show because I think she has run her course...or as Apollo would say, "ran her course" moron!


Porsha - Since she really isn't a RH any more, I don't care about her occassional scenes on the show. I must say that she does have

a lot of nerves saying that she has no respect for a woman who won't admit her wrong doing, when she clearly acted like a hood-rat

at the RHOA Reunion Show. It amazes me the hypocrisy of these women some times. Porsha can't admit her wrong but she expects

Kenya to, child pleeeeeease...


Kandi - She is usually my favorite but I didn't like how she told Phaedra that even Hillary Clinton stood by Bill Clinton during the Monica Lewinsky scandal. Shut the hell up, Kandi. You are only saying this because Todd has probably gone on and on about how Phaedra should support Apollo. The gall of some men to think that no matter how bad they f**k up, their woman should stand behind them.


Phaedra - Is not my fav Housewife, but I definitely stand by her decision not to support Apollo. The nerve of that brotha... Phaedra

marries him out of jail - mistake if you ask me - but, anyhoo... provides a beautiful life for him, gives birth to two beautiful sons, endures

his embarrassment behavior on TV by openly flirty with her arch rival (Kenya), calls her ugly eyes, leaves her outside a hotel room in Mexico at 2am in the morning, and disrespects her on TV after the pajama party fight scene last year, and he expects her support.

Apollo, if you chose a life of crime over your family then don't expect them to be there for you when your crimes catch up with you.


Just my two cents...

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I forgot to talk about Kenya in my last post. She isn't a favorite of my all the damn twirling can work your nerve but there is one thing, and only one thing, that I like about her. She has the ability to truely mind f**k these women and they fall prey to this every time.

Her fighting strategies are similar to Sun Tzu's, Art of War. She knows exactly how to push the Housewives buttons. I respect a smart

woman who knows how to fight, but again, that's all the props I can give to Kenya because she can get on my nerves.

  • Love 3


Cynthia - Why on earth would she entertain the idea to invest in Peter's bullshit business, Bar "None," in North Carolina?

I don't know if people know this but Peter filed for bankruptcy in the past year and one of his creditors listed was Cynthia Bailey.

He borrowed some thing like $60k from her to open Bar "None." Let's not forget the investment she made in his other defunk business,

Uptown. How many more dollars is this woman planning to lose by Peter?


Just say no Cynthia.  Just say no.

  • Love 5

Kandi and Todd are going to bump heads more and more as time goes on.  She will continue to indulge Riley, while he tries to teach Kaela that she has to earn things.  I just read that Kandi is buying Mama Joyce another house and it is just down the street.  I guess Todd is upset about it, but Kandi's excuse is that she just "wants to make everyone happy".  That's her biggest problem; rather than say no to her daughter or mom, she'll give them whatever they want just to keep the peace.  Girl needs to grow a backbone and stop indulging them, especially Joyce, who WILL eventually get her way when the marriage fails.  If and when it does, Kandi will get no sympathy from me.  


This is so true!  Kandi is going to have to realize that no man wants to be emasculated constantly (except maybe Gregg..SNORT!!) and even the rich ones usually go for women who don't try to control everything.  Marrying a man as wealthy as she is may have pleased Mama Joyce, but I don't think that marriage would last for Kandi either.  She's a little too pushy because she's been used to making ALL of the decisions for so long.  It's a bit of a conundrum but do you acquiesce to your husband to keep him happy or do you force your hand and enforce your independence that you have fought so hard to have all of your life?  The key word that Kandi needs to learn is compromise!  And compromise doesn't mean doing what you want regardless of how uncomfortable it makes your husband just to please your mother.  There is no reason her mother can't exist in that perfectly nice house Kandi already GAVE her and even redecorated for her.  Kandi knows good and damned well having Joyce closer isn't a good move since she absolutely hates Todd.  She needs to decide if she wants to be a good wife to a man who loves her in spite of her hateful mother, or go back to being single and kowtowing to her mother's every whim because I think Todd will reach his breaking point all too soon.

  • Love 6

Cynthia - Why on earth would she entertain the idea to invest in Peter's bullshit business, Bar "None," in North Carolina?

I don't know if people know this but Peter filed for bankruptcy in the past year and one of his creditors listed was Cynthia Bailey.

He borrowed some thing like $60k from her to open Bar "None." Let's not forget the investment she made in his other defunk business,

Uptown. How many more dollars is this woman planning to lose by Peter?



There are so many reasons why its a bad idea, and I think Peter must have balls the size of coconuts to even bring it up.


First and foremost, he has shown that he doesn't really have great business sense, every part of his business seems shady.  Second, he already lost a chunk of her money and she didn't have enough to give away.  It might be different if she had Oprah money, then by all means, let your husband open and fail at multiple businesses, maybe the one that succeeds will be great.  Third, her own ability to earn is not what it once was, I think Cynthia is beautiful, gorgeous in fact, but she doesn't seem to do commercials, so there is runway and advertisements, its a competitive field for beautiful women, even if they are looking to cast a mature black woman for an ad, there are actresses that want advertising work now too, but she needs to hold onto her money and put it into things she can control and she know can grow.  Fourth, you know the second he can get to North Carolina he will be looking to get an apartment out there and get a mistress, Peter Thomas just has that vibe about him.

I hate the way Kandi walks in heels. She needs walking lessons from J. Alexander.

Me too, I wish he would do a YouTube video because I look cute standing in stilettos but the minute I start to walk I look like a linebacker.

  • Love 1

This is so true! Kandi is going to have to realize that no man wants to be emasculated constantly (except maybe Gregg..SNORT!!) and even the rich ones usually go for women who don't try to control everything. Marrying a man as wealthy as she is may have pleased Mama Joyce, but I don't think that marriage would last for Kandi either. She's a little too pushy because she's been used to making ALL of the decisions for so long. It's a bit of a conundrum but do you acquiesce to your husband to keep him happy or do you force your hand and enforce your independence that you have fought so hard to have all of your life? The key word that Kandi needs to learn is compromise! And compromise doesn't mean doing what you want regardless of how uncomfortable it makes your husband just to please your mother. There is no reason her mother can't exist in that perfectly nice house Kandi already GAVE her and even redecorated for her. Kandi knows good and damned well having Joyce closer isn't a good move since she absolutely hates Todd. She needs to decide if she wants to be a good wife to a man who loves her in spite of her hateful mother, or go back to being single and kowtowing to her mother's every whim because I think Todd will reach his breaking point all too soon.

There was speculation that Todd was "using" Kandi for her money, but I have always felt that he was slumming. She may have a Midas touch but her taste and her intellectual curiosity is so far below his. And her values do not match up with his. She is crass and seriously, not very bright. Her heart is good, but she is under her mother's thumb. She seems to have lived in a world where the men were largely absent, she and her child are essentially fatherless, and Todd is nothing but another possession to her.

She is cute and sexy, but, IMO, she doesn't have a lot to offer a husband. She is blind to his needs and shows no willingness to grow.

But what do I know?

  • Love 10
She may have a Midas touch but her taste and her intellectual curiosity is so far below his.


I don't know that I'd say this. Kandi can take an idea and execute it into a fully formed, functioning business within 3-6 months. That seems to indicate her lights are on and someone is home.  Now, she's not a Rhodes scholar, and isn't college educated or "book smart," but neither is Todd.  If anything, she seems to be bright when it comes to business, and I support that.  She is good in her chosen field, and has ventured out to others and makes money.


Now, no argument in regards to her taste level.  Her home decor and outfits tell that tale without saying a word.

  • Love 4

I go back and forth on Todd and Kandi.  Yes, in many ways he's classier.  Yes, she aggravated me by pulling out the (genuine) disparity in sentencing on black men in this country in the context of a man with way more advantages than the vast majority of those men, who had already done serious time and who knew what was on the line for his infant children if he blew it again, yet turned down perfectly honest work in favor of a criminal life.  Yes, most convicts find it hard to get a job.  Most convicts don't have wives with multiple businesses who can give them a job outright or finance their training in whatever they want to pursue.


On the other hand, Kandi may talk a good game in the talking heads, but she sure scurried out of the room when Apollo came to the house.  Todd is the one who is buddying up to him.   

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