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S25.E07: Pretty Fly For A Food Scientist

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Brooke and Robbie have to be playing characters with that, "Where's Sicily?" thing, cause once you're a teen and up, you should know where Sicily is. Ridiculous. I know they're playing characters because wrestlers travel all around the world, so wrestlers are somewhat familiar with an island such as Sicily. When Bethany and Adam passed them I'm surprised Brooke didn't freak out and say they were last. Nevermind because she said it when they couldn't find a taxi, they were acting like a taxi was gonna come to them and not do what the rest of the teams were doing and actually walk around until you find one. Don't just stand there in one spot. Does it make me a horrible person that I wanted Maya to run Brooke off the road?? I'm not gonna jump to conclusions on whether or not she was mocking the professional driver so I'll hold my tongue. Then they complain when the scientist get the clue first and because they beat them to the pit stop. Ugh, their elimination can't come fast enough.


When they were dancing I knew Jim wouldn't enjoy it, it just seems that there is no fun in his life. Maybe if Jim took some time to actually enjoy himself and don't be so concerned about being #1 all the time. I know the name of the game is to win the race, but you can stop and smell the roses. It just don't make me root for them especially when Jim again said, "We're number 1, we're number 1!" Ugh. I can't take away the fact that they race well, but just not rootable for me, at all.


I did get a good laugh at The Cyclist making fun of the Dentist with them putting that drawing on the back of their car with the big cheesy grin. They ran a good leg again.


When it came to getting a taxi must have been a long time for Bethany and Adam because she was sweating all around her head. I just love how laid back they are and when Bethany had her hair dipped in the paint. They really have to pick up their game though if they're going to last in the race. I really want them to be in the final 3.


I felt so bad for the Food Scientist when they didn't get to do the paint. I wanted T&T to go back and do the opera. Then again the opera detour looked a lot easier than the painting, especially if you're not a good painter, so they were able to pull out in front of T&T and Bethany & Adam, so good for them. They're underdogs but I'm rooting for them along with the surfers.


I knew it was a non-elimination leg because of Phil saying it's number 300.

  • Love 4

I hope to go to ltaly one day.


I wasn't expecting a NEL until another episode.  I wonder when the Save and Express Pass expire.


What's was the name of the famous race car driver at the Road Block?  I didn't hear it.


At the painting Detour, I was concerned that the racers didn't have goggles.  I would've rather done the opera on anyway.


Has TAR been to Malta before?

You can tell the producers are trying to get something going in terms of rivalry with the teams.   But all they got was "Yeah we don't love the cyclists as much as we love other teams.   They are a strong team but we are stronger."   "The Dentists won fair and square but we will win the race."   Oooh tough stuff there.


So done with the wrestlers.   I get that opera is not everyone's cup of tea.   But damn, that was some high level insulting of some well respected culture.  


Other than that, blah leg.


I agree Jim would not have enjoyed the dancing.   But he is a competitive person and doens't like anything that distracts from the Raaaaaace.

  • Love 7

Pretty good season thus far, best of all, folks seem to be having fun.

Holy smokes, what I'd give to drive those go carts down the road, and the cherry on the cake take a nice red convertible roadster ride back !!!  (Although the roadster should have been an Alfa rather than a Morgan) 


[EDIT: Forgot to mention, nice use of drone cameras this year.  That will come to an end after they get back to the states]

Edited by kib
  • Love 2

Three hundred legs? Awesome. Here's hoping we get that many more in the future, and as competitive (and cooperative) as we just had.


I'm liking the Cyclists/Dentists rivalry, in the sense that somebody has to talk crap about Jim, albeit good-naturedly. And if you calculate their average placements, you'd see that they're tied at 2.86, which I believe is a respectable number. Also, I figured out that Kym has a tattoo on the inside of her left arm, so now I know how to ID her from Alli. BTW, did anybody else get a toothpaste commercial? Can't get away from the dentists, man.


I'm cool with the wrestlers' shtick, even if it is contrived. I know Brooke got her whine on looking for a cab, but she and Robbie managed to knock off the opera task on three tries, which was less than what I had figured. I'm also impressed that Amy & Maya rallied from the back of the pack at several points to come in third. They're non-entities for the most part, but they're fun to watch. All of the remaining teams are pleasant enough.


What happened to the Surfers? Given the heat of the painting task, I would've expected them to cash in their Express Pass. I guess they want to see if a task would really hinder Bethany. I'm also glad that T&T get to race for another leg, though I wouldn't have minded if they had to go. The Surfers may be too chill, but it's a chill I can live with.


Anybody else think of Super Mario Kart watching the Roadblock? Or am I the only one looking out for tortoise shells and banana peels?

  • Love 8

I thought it was a fun episode! I liked how the Cyclists and the Dentists were poking fun at each other but never really got too nasty about it, and when push came to shove, they teamed up and split up without any whining or complaining or drama. The go-kart racing thing looked like so much fun and damn, was it beautiful there! I'm glad the scientists had a stroke of luck and had to do the opera thing instead, because it probably saved their butts from having to be non-elim saved and staring down a speed bump next episode. The opera detour definitely looked way easier. 


Even if the Wrestlers are 'playing dumb' I don't think it's really too much of a stretch for them. Every time they mess up it's because they panic and don't review the details. It seemed like we were supposed to infer they would've been done with the opera thing earlier if they had only written the character name on the chart, and they could've easily spotted that had Brooke not just flipped her shit as soon as they were told the chart was incomplete. I can't stand watching racers like that. Even still, I'm just glad there's no one team I really HATE. The Wrestlers are stupid but they can be mildly entertaining. 


I think I'm rooting for the Cyclists, but honestly I would be fine with any team winning (Well, maybe not the Wrestlers. They would have to get so much dumb luck to win I would be a little disgusted. But it's not Flo-winning levels of disgust.).

  • Love 2

Jim and Misti were almost 2 hours ahead of second place last leg?  Wow.  Compared to that, teams, the 40 minute difference when you land is not that bad!


Why isn't Jim's tan fading?  I know it's only been a few days in Race-time, but he is still REALLY dark.


I don't begrudge the dentists their wins, but I do fear it will get a little boring if they continue to win every leg.  Although a back-and-forth with them and the cyclists or another team could be interesting.


I was shocked to realize at the end of the episode that there are only 6 teams left.  I thought I was paying more attention than that.

  • Love 2

Good season continues to be good.  Good tasks, great scenery, likable people.  I think I have a positive opinion of maybe 10 of the 12 remaining racers?  And even the two I don't really like are like a 4/10 (Brooke) and 3/10 (Jim, who might have creeped up a spot here, though his cockiness and inability to blink grates still).


I don't have a lot to say because things are proceeding nicely.  Biggest flaw is there's no team I absolutely love, but since there's no one I hate and I would be quite pleased with three winners and wouldn't really be disgusted by the other three, I'm pretty happy.

  • Love 1

I wonder when the Save and Express Pass expire.


Has TAR been to Malta before?

The Save expires after leg nine.  The Express Pass expires one leg sooner, after leg eight.


And no, no prior visits to Malta.  in two weeks, it'll be the race's first visit there.


So anyway, it was a good episode with the race's first visit to Sicily since Danielle & Dani and Dave & Lori's eliminations there in TAR9.  The episode was filled with stunning views, another complicated Detour, both of them being attention-to-detail tasks this time, but one at least with the potential to work together.  The Roadblock seemed fun, even though only one person had to redo it.  And the three-hundredth-ever leg of the race?!  Crazy!


So now for the teams:


Misti & Jim: While I do agree that they seem to be the team to beat at the moment, this episode started highlighting that there really are teams who might not like them.  Jim needs to stop the bloviating and just have more fun.  Misti seems to be, so Jim should be, too.  Jim did well with the Roadblock and had a strategy I'll at least give him credit for in trying to keep Kym from finishing it in time if he didn't, as well.  He and Misti also didn't panic at the Detour.  Stop the ego-inflating, Jim, and I may start rooting for you and Misti.


Kym & Alli: Once again, these girls churn out an excellent leg, this time running right behind Misti & Jim the whole way.  They made me laugh wildly with Kym's imitation of Jim and calling them "Team No Fun" (because really, they're not).  Kym rocked out the Roadblock, and she and Alli might've won the leg had they gotten through that Detour in just one try.  Well done, girls!


Amy & Maya: A much better leg this week from these girls!  Maya had me worried when she was the only one who had to do the Roadblock twice, but she didn't panic, just buckling down and doing it.  I felt bad for her and Amy when they got booted from the Painters Detour, but Posers really did turn out to be better for them.  Though I guess working with Brooke & Robbie helped them enormously.  And honestly, with the wrestlers whining about getting beaten by them, I'm glad they came in ahead of them.  Nice recovery, ladies!


Brooke & Robbie: I'll admit that Brooke rocked out that Roadblock.  But once again, her defeatism bugs.  First with being unable to get a cab (though I don't entirely blame her since that did put them in last), and then when she and Robbie struggled with which Detour they'd pick knowing the numbers of teams limited to choose each one, and then, after that, when they faltered at the Detour.  Robbie showed to have an impressive memory, though, and they might've nailed a top-three finish if Robbie had gotten that last one right.  So pretty decent job, guys.


Adam & Bethany: Adam did fine with the Roadblock, I guess.  But he and Bethany seemed to get really caught up at the Painters Detour, which seemed to be even harder due to Bethany only having one arm.  I actually think they might've benefited better from doing Posers, or maybe even using their Express Pass.  Still, they avoided last, so good for them.


Tim & Te Jay: Not a good leg for these guys.  Te Jay did the Roadblock well enough, but after that, it was a leg of failure when they biffed the Painters Detour.  But at the same time, was I the only one who thought that it was kinda karma-ridden for way-too-openly celebrating beating out Amy & Maya in snagging the last spot?  The food scientists were able to fly right by them at the other Detour, and they ended up in last.  And with so many other teams with much better strengths for them, I highly doubt they can overcome their Speed Bump in two weeks.  Good luck, guys!  Uphill battle ahead of you!


Good episode.  Can't believe we're stuck waiting two weeks for one of the best casts in the series to continue their race! :(

  • Love 1

I still don't hate anyone left but Brooke is getting close for me. She can go ASAP. Her default of whine, panic, rinse & repeat has worn out its welcome. I actually don't care who wins as long as it's not the wrestlers. This is the most teams I've ever liked at the end in Amazing Race history. Hopefully, that's not a sign of the last season.

Question on the save pass: What happens on the next leg if the dentists use it? Will the bottom two get eliminated? I don't remember getting the full explanation, which makes me think it goes unused.

Edited by Heather Lynn
  • Love 3

Good leg.  I liked both the detour and roadblock.


My love for Kym and Allie continues to grow.  They seem to have that right balance of competitiveness with an ability to have fun. 


Actually I'm kind of liking all the teams to at least some extent, which is pretty much unprecedented this far into the race.  Given this, I'm really hoping that neither the cyclists nor the dentists get knocked out by some stroke of bad luck.  Watching those two teams race for the win would be a fitting end to what has been a great season so far.

  • Love 3

This is the most teams I've ever liked at the end in Amazing Race history. Hopefully, that's not a sign of the last season.

Barring any change in CBS's schedule, TAR26 is set to premiere late this February the same night Survivor's thirtieth season is set to premiere, so no, it's a fairly safe bet that this isn't the last season. ;)

  • Love 5

Pretty much agree with everyone on this being the best season we have lately (compared to the last two/three seasons at least) and with the fact theres not team to hate, only root more for one (on my case the cyclists). The only problem with this season so far has being the damm save. Producers really handled the use of the save badly, I still want to see Tim and Misty run a leg for real, cause is easier to keep themselves together when they know they can´t be eliminated (and even than  they struggled/came in last couple legs ago). Now I´m upset to have to wait two weeks for more >.< Next leg probably gonna be intense (again, would be more if we hadnt one team with the express pass and other one with the damm save). 

Pretty much agree with everyone on this being the best season we have lately (compared to the last two/three seasons at least) and with the fact theres not team to hate, only root more for one (on my case the cyclists). The only problem with this season so far has being the damm save. Producers really handled the use of the save badly, I still want to see Tim and Misty run a leg for real, cause is easier to keep themselves together when they know they can´t be eliminated (and even than  they struggled/came in last couple legs ago). Now I´m upset to have to wait two weeks for more >.< Next leg probably gonna be intense (again, would be more if we hadnt one team with the express pass and other one with the damm save). 

 I'm not gonna jump to conclusions on whether or not she was mocking the professional driver so I'll hold my tongue. Then they complain when the scientist get the clue first and because they beat them to the pit stop. Ugh, their elimination can't come fast enough.


I'll jump - she was mocking that driver, both verbally and with her facial expression.  Nastiest thing I've seen on this show since Team Cancer relentlessly attacked Rachel.


When it came to getting a taxi must have been a long time for Bethany and Adam because she was sweating all around her head. I just love how laid back they are and when Bethany had her hair dipped in the paint. They really have to pick up their game though if they're going to last in the race. I really want them to be in the final 3.



They may be laid back in ever day life, but they are hypercompetitive.  Bethany ran into and trampled every one in her way up to the painting area. 


Jim must go through cases of artificial tears.  The man just does not blink.


The cyclists either have the most beautiful skin, or the best foundation.  If it's the latter - please tell me what you use!

  • Love 2

I want Brooke gone. I can deal with the occasional whine-fest but she showed her true colors tonight. First, cheering because Maya had to redo the RB (be happy all you want but don't scream "YAY!" as she's jogging past you), and then making that face at her driver?!? So sorry he wasn't going to zoom past other drivers on a curvy, hilly road just because you whined at him to. Get over it and act like an adult. I'd be furious if my 9 year-old acted that way, though even she pointed out how rude and childish Brooke is so I have no worries there.

  • Love 5

I felt so bad for the Food Scientist when they didn't get to do the paint. I wanted T&T to go back and do the opera. Then again the opera detour looked a lot easier than the painting, 

I do think the opera task was easier, but it also had the potential for collaboration which seemed to pay off. The painting task had no possibility of cooperation. I was a little surprised when the surfers didn't bust out the express pass when it was down to just two painting teams, but it was the right call. I wonder if they still expected to be ahead of the opera teams as well. Everyone seemed  afraid of the opera task.


They have no reason not to bust out the express pass right away next time, correct?


Amy & Maya: A much better leg this week from these girls!  Maya had me worried when she was the only one who had to do the Roadblock twice, but she didn't panic, just buckling down and doing it.  

It's possible Maya just blew it on the first try, but I also think "coopetition"  helped in this task. Have someone to race against would make almost anyone drive a little faster.

Edited by Latverian Diplomat
  • Love 2

That was the most meh episode so far for me, perhaps because it felt NEL pretty early on. Definitely a transitional leg. TPTB may have pulled a fast one on the Detour with the 4-team limit on the painting task leading everyone to think it was easier when the opera one definitely looked like it was one that could be done quickly and wasn't dependent upon judging -- especially if teams worked together and focused on one or two singers at a time.


The wrestlers are starting to get tiresome with their constant performance mode. The competitive bumping of heads between the cyclists and the dentists doesn't feel forced, but it does feel like it's framing the edit right now: understandable, given that they're the two strongest teams, but as others have said, the leg-to-leg stuff is skewed by the presence of the Save.


But it's a good season: the HoO bunch at the start of the leg was another eat-sleep-mingle done mostly off-camera (we'll see if any of it ends up in bonus clips) and the very deliberate attempt to do that seems to be paying off in terms of how the teams relate to one another.

I wonder if the other teams arriving after the cyclists and dentists at the airport parking saw Kym's little artwork on the car. Wish there's some clip on that. Wrestlers, stop mugging to fish for a reality show or whatever cheap entertainment you have in mind. Apologies to wrestling fans, there's a good reason there are sole channels dedicated for it. To steer me well clear from all that luke warm mess.


Loving Kym more and more. She spoke pretty fluent French and now Italian? Bellisimo! Multilinguals are too sexy. Amy should get a medal for the way she runs. Very Buffay-esque in who cares about proper huff and puff running way, I'mma do me. I wonder if Brooke thinks complaining is the way to go in mugging for a reality show coz that team has been pretty conscious in staying in character (read be as dumb and obnoxious as possible). Rob slipped out a bit with connecting Sicily and Italy.

Glad to see a little frustration between the surfers when looking for a taxi. They've been nothing but spewing unicorns and rainbows all season. Nothing wrong with that, just borderline bland. Eh thought Kym could speak Italian, how come Alli was doing that typical 'I'm speaking English with you verrryy slowly so I hope you're going to understand me' to that cabbie.


That roadblock on the uneven rocky road with all the twists and turns are stuffs that make up my nightmare. I'll blaze through it maybe ten years ago but knowing better now.... *shudders* But the sweet ride afterwards looks absolutely terrific. The whole thing keep reminded me of Grace Kelly. Kym's chattiness IRL may grate a little bit but it was kinda cute when the poor driver played shrink and just listened to her babbling away about her life plans. Loves how she just planted one on his cheek when the guy just expected a handshake haha yeaa she's officially my girl crush.


When Brooke was so gleeful about Maya having to do another round of the go-kart, I wished she had to repeat it endlessly and wail her way to Philimination. Adam is actually borderline attractive without Bethany. Just that shared look of admiration for the car's performance with the driver is such a dude thing. How lovely is Brooke with all that mocking of the driver? She reminds me of a girl in college I continuously wanted to strangle. That arms bump Kym and Alli had during the painting is one of those cute things you have with your close friends. Really enjoying this team as they remind me of my friends and I.


SOOO glad it was an NEL. Please let it be the wrestlers next and I wouldn't mind losing the scientists much either. This is exactly why I prefer to binge watch the race once the season finishes - the wait is annoying. Up side is the leg in Malta looks like it's going to be pretty physically challenging

Edited by innominate

So many good replies! I too want to see the reaction to the artwork on the car window- DRAT~

I loved this episode. I didn't love the face the wrestler made at the car driver. From what another driver said, these were their personal cars. Maybe he didn't want to take the risk, or knew it would be able to pass the other cars?


I am still laughing about the eye drop comment. You guys are amazing with the quick wit.

  • Love 1

That was one long leg -- Dentists left the Pit Stop at 9:44 PM and did not arrive in Palermo until 8:00 PM the next day, then all went directly on to the dancing, then had to wait until 6:30 AM, then on to the RB and Detour.  Mitzi was looking quite fresh after sleeping on floors for two days. 


The Dentists certainly finished the previous leg far, far ahead of the other teams -- I had not realized how big the time gap was. 


There was a moment tonight when I thought Team Bethany might arrive last, and was hoping for an NEL, just in case. 

  • Love 1

Jim's first interview.... Holy cow, crazy freaky bulging left eye with the white completely surrounding the iris. With those overinflated muscles and that crazy eye, I'd be terrified if I ran into him on the street at night.

New credits with race scenes were awesome. Loved the pathetic firefighter dropping his pancake (like how the firefighters last time were shown tipping over in their kayak) and the real estate sisters freaking out in that boat.

The ceiling painting was a lot harder than I thought it would be, maybe because they were so close to the ceiling? I was surprised by the NEL because I wasn't paying attention to the time & didn't realize how close to the end of the show it was. Jim & Misti still kick ass with Kym & Alli close behind. I hope they both make it to the final 3, because they'll make it an awesome race to the end.

  • Love 1

After they collected their tambourines, TPTB had bread, cheese and wine to feast upon, and a band to provide music for dancing.  That was the best thing I've seen on TAR for years, harking back to ye ESM of olde.


A hill-sprint on a windy, Italian road?   How lucky they are!  Of course, I'd have killed myself, safety barriers and all, because I'd have driven that like a lunatic!  Of course, the carts were fitted with lots of safety gear, to the point where leaning out was impossible, but in a sprint like that?  There's only one place for your right foot -- flat on the floor!


The guys chauffeuring the carters back down the mountain in the classic cars seemed very enthusiastic, for the most part.  The driver of the maroon saloon with the black roof and the suicide doors (#28) in particular seemed very proud of his car!  I couldn't place it.  Anybody know what it was?


I didn't expect the NEL since I was sure there is one scheduled for after leg#9, in case the Save gets played.  Now, I don't know.  Could there be three NELs?  Any way, I'm OK with T&T being saved.  I would have been OK with them (or the wrestlers) going.  I don't actually dislike any remaining team, but I think that of the remaining six teams, T&T and the wrestlers are the least capable.  So, since I'm not rooting for either of those teams to make to final, I'm OK with them going.


I'm now firmly in the Cyclists camp.  I like the way they snark on Jim, but keep it friendly and not nasty.  Jim seems to be pretty snarky about them too.


I still think Jim is scary to look at.  He's done nothing but race well, and be courteous and friendly -- even helpful -- to the other teams.  I have no reason to believe it's all some sort of act to disguise any anti-social tendencies.  I believe Jim is just a nice guy with a really scary face, and Koi in his ancestry.  The only thing I don't really like about Jim is the complete lack of modesty or humility.  People who endlessly blow their own horn never appeal to me very much, hence: 


Kym & Alli FTW.

  • Love 5

Interesting how they can become the second John & Jessica if they didn't beat T&T and of course if it wasn't an NEL. Either they were sure they can beat T&T or they didn't have further talks of using the pass or it got edited out. I'm still not sure of whipping that thing out first thing of the next leg ala the cowboys or save it to the second or third potentially harder task (since the racers wouldn't know what would be their final task of the leg prior getting to the clue directing them to the next pitstop) would be the better game plan. I can totally see someone like Jim not using it at all though for 'competitor's pride' or some other intense dude reasoning

I really dislike the cyclists. They are typical NYC liberal, hipsters who think they are so nice, cool and "open minded", and accuse everyone who dares to have different views and different likes from their own as being "mean", "square" and "judgmental". Their "funner than thou" attitude really grates on me.

Jim and Misti, while competitive and intense, seem like a nice, active, fun loving couple. Just because Jim's idea of "fun" might not be dancing around all night, when you have a grueling race for a million dollars in the morning, it doesn't mean you are "no fun".

Jim and Misti (especially Jim) appear to be having as much fun as any team, and have been clearly enjoying the travel and competition and admiring the views along the way. Their comments about the cyclists (something like "we don't love them as much as we love the other teams", were far kinder and less judgmental than Kim (I refuse to spell it with a "y" LOL) and Alli's about them.

I found the cyclists comments and windshield drawing to be mean spirited and childish. Imagine if Jim had drawn a picture mocking another team?

  • Love 12

I was sort of expecting the NEL since we hadn't had one in a while and because the detour with the 4 person limit at one task, and the rather subjective nature of the painting task seemed a bit unfair.

That said, I was nervous for Adam and Bethany and wished they had used the Express Pass as soon as they realized it was going to be close. It would be a shame to needlessly go home with the Express Pass in their amazing fanny pack.

Glad the scientists missing out on the painting helped rather than hurt them. When they showed the vulture circling Maya over the go kart task, I thought it might be foreshadowing their doom. :-)

I am sort of starting to like Brooke or at least get laughs out of the way she is so whiney and defeatist yet generally so competent at the tasks as she whines through them.

The surfers and the scientists are my favorites, but the dentists are growing on me and I wouldn't mind if the wrestlers won too. Tim and Tee Jay I could take or leave, though they have been surprisingly consistent and solid on tasks, despite not being the physically strongest team.

The only team I really dislike are the cyclists.

I really dislike the cyclists. They are typical NYC liberal, hipsters who think they are so nice, cool and "open minded", and accuse everyone who dares to have different views and different likes from their own as being "mean", "square" and "judgmental". Their "funner than thou" attitude really grates on me.

Jim and Misti, while competitive and intense, seem like a nice, active, fun loving couple. Just because Jim's idea of "fun" might not be dancing around all night, when you have a grueling race for a million dollars in the morning, it doesn't mean you are "no fun".


I think calling Jim "no fun" was all in fun.


I didn't sense the least bit of malice or resentment. 

  • Love 9

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