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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

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6 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

Eve’s dress and Claire blue top were pretty and so spring and I like Eve taking Claire under her wing in an almost motherly way, they have chemistry but KdP has always clicked with women actors. 

I felt that the show missed the boat by not having Eve form an unhealthy attachment to Claire after Paige was killed. It could have shown the depths of her grief for Paige.  Perhaps, we could have better understood Eve's resentment of Jennifer who she views as having everything while she has nothing..

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8 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

I felt that the show missed the boat by not having Eve form an unhealthy attachment to Claire after Paige was killed. It could have shown the depths of her grief for Paige.  Perhaps, we could have better understood Eve's resentment of Jennifer who she views as having everything while she has nothing..

Not too long ago, we may have even seen such a thoughtful plot play out, but not lately. Nope. 

Also -- I completely loved Eve's dress and coat - that color is electric on KDP. 

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KDP/Eve absolutely refuses to age! Her skin is flawless and she has never gained an ounce all these years. Ugh. I would be jealous except I know people personally who benefited from her quiet philanthropy in rl. 

Yes as mentioned that’s what pisses me off is that this soap has so much damn potential and strong actors who commit but they don’t deliver on characterization or explore deeper layers in story. It’s very Passions light with a dash of old stories done again w new names. Eve gives me such a motherly vibe w Claire and it makes perfect sense given her tragic loss of Paige and failed ship with Theresa. Any show w a damn would build on that and actually acknowledge it!

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3 hours ago, Phebemarie said:

If I was Claire's friends and family, I would be gently guiding her to a visit with Grandma Marlena.  She's gone from self-centered whiny to eye-popping manic in less time than it takes to exchange something on Amazon.  

Strangely with JJ's involvement I do think he's the one that will try and get through to her or at least suspects something is wrong he is the only person asking if Claire was ok with this. 

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1 hour ago, Apprentice79 said:

I felt that the show missed the boat by not having Eve form an unhealthy attachment to Claire after Paige was killed. It could have shown the depths of her grief for Paige.  Perhaps, we could have better understood Eve's resentment of Jennifer who she views as having everything while she has nothing..

The show misses the boat on a lot of things. If Paige was more like Claire I might've liked her more. Course Bev to me was more like Eve than either of them.

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7 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

KDP/Eve absolutely refuses to age! Her skin is flawless and she has never gained an ounce all these years. Ugh. I would be jealous except I know people personally who benefited from her quiet philanthropy in rl. 

Right?? She looks fantastic. And a couple of years ago she battled cancer (leukemia if I remember right). She looks so great and healthy!

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I tend to not point or anything if I am on the phone. Untangle the cord, yep.

So Eve thinks a sex tape with Claire and Tripp will be useful? Claire, desperation is not what you want to wear. Not very becoming.

The Ciara and Ben sponge bath thing was not great. So now Jordan is not the first fire starter. She should care who she saw and this whole mess may now be over. And of course there is a baby.

Jack, maybe take a good long hard look at Eve.

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Now, I like Jack, liked Jack/Jenn. But damn, this whole Not!Eve! deal is just dragging him down. This whole story - or lack thereof - is ridiculous. Jack should be interacting with Adrienne, Jennifer a lot more, JJ, and Kayla (as they have a murky, soapy past!). He should at least be curious about his past with these people. And to shout it out again, STEVE SHOULD BE HERE!

But this utter nonsense with Eve and Haley and whatnot is a complete DRAG.

Okay, as I have said, I AM glad that Jack is not written as a huge joke as ratbastard Reilly and many thereafter did. But this is too far in the other direction.

Ron, I know you probably love Kassie DePaiva since you worked with her before, but I'm pretty damned sure hardly anyone is here for her. Get this Jack crap MOVING.

And if Not!Eve! must remain, find something for her to do instead of acting like a Mean Girl at 50+.

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Take me to the universe where KdP is playing Blair on a Ron-written General Hospital and has been since she crossed over with Todd. Some people think the Blair/Todd/Anna triangle is eating the show but most fans think Ron's been on a roll ever since Sonny was murdered by all those people on the Port Charles Express. 

Also, Charlotte Ross is killing it as Eve on Days. 

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So today, when Hope was saying she needs Rafe on the job my first thought was "Why?"  The great Haley Chen case is on hold and the entire Salem PD has NO other current cases.  Maybe, since Hope has again assigned the police force to do her personal bidding and monitor Ciara 24 hours a day (you know, the supposedly adult daughter she trusts) she wants Rafe to take his shift?  I can think of NO other reason why she should care if he goes to California.  Oh, and the believing Ben thing lasted about 4 minutes right?

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1 hour ago, DaphneCat said:

So today, when Hope was saying she needs Rafe on the job my first thought was "Why?"  The great Haley Chen case is on hold and the entire Salem PD has NO other current cases.  Maybe, since Hope has again assigned the police force to do her personal bidding and monitor Ciara 24 hours a day (you know, the supposedly adult daughter she trusts) she wants Rafe to take his shift?  I can think of NO other reason why she should care if he goes to California.  Oh, and the believing Ben thing lasted about 4 minutes right?

Because she doesn't trust Rafe doing anything for any other woman except for her.

"What if Ben did to my little boy what Clyde did to me?"  Rape him?

Why did Eve and Jack HAVE to show up?  What groundwork were they laying?

The last bit from the last commercial to the end of today's show, with all of the different emotional reactions, was really good.

OK, I think they just hinted that Haley is Melinda's daughter. But why does Melinda carry around that big ass photo in her purse?

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1 hour ago, Silver Raven said:

"What if Ben did to my little boy what Clyde did to me?"  Rape him?

Yea, that was kind of a weird line.

I thought the Rafe/Jordan scenes were great though. CH and GG were both quite good imo.

I skipped most of this ep. I'm just so over everything Haley related and Rafe/Hope are just dreadfully boring. I can't with Ben/Ciara. Hell, even the Blair/Claire scenes didn't really do much for me. (I keep calling her Blair lol.)

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On 3/30/2019 at 12:56 PM, Petunia13 said:

KDP/Eve absolutely refuses to age! Her skin is flawless and she has never gained an ounce all these years. Ugh. I would be jealous except I know people personally who benefited from her quiet philanthropy in rl. 

Yes as mentioned that’s what pisses me off is that this soap has so much damn potential and strong actors who commit but they don’t deliver on characterization or explore deeper layers in story. It’s very Passions light with a dash of old stories done again w new names. Eve gives me such a motherly vibe w Claire and it makes perfect sense given her tragic loss of Paige and failed ship with Theresa. Any show w a damn would build on that and actually acknowledge it!

The Eve/Claire scenes today were so gorgeously emotional and I love how caring Eve is with Claire--definitely mother/daughter vibes-- and I got tears in my eyes when Eve talked about Paige.  I really appreciate how well KdP and ORK played off each other--they scenes were truly wonderful with Eve seeing how guilt-ridden Claire is--I sort of hope Claire ends up telling Eve that she set the fire and for Eve to help her turn herself in. 

I think it would be kind of awesome for Claire to realize that she's so worried about Tripp because Tripp's proven to be pretty damn fickle--he went from having feelings for Claire, to swearing allegiance to Ciara and he's now sacrificing himself at Haley's altar.  I would be worried at how flaky Tripp was too.

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4 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

Because she doesn't trust Rafe doing anything for any other woman except for her.

"What if Ben did to my little boy what Clyde did to me?"  Rape him?

Why did Eve and Jack HAVE to show up?  What groundwork were they laying?

The last bit from the last commercial to the end of today's show, with all of the different emotional reactions, was really good.

OK, I think they just hinted that Haley is Melinda's daughter. But why does Melinda carry around that big ass photo in her purse?

I've said this from day one that Melinda was Haley's mother and if I'm right it just makes this whole story even lamer than it already was(if that's possible) 

Claire humanizes Eve but I admit I kind of resent that Claire talks to Eve but not the 343535 relatives she has in Salem.

I mean I rather see her talk to Eric or Brady about this than Eve honestly because it would be an improvement over the crap storyline they are also in atm.

Edited by CanaryFan98
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Claire, you are so desperate for a boyfriend and validation that you overlook who Tripp is. He has shown you who he really is and you still want him.

Surprised that the pic of Haley didn't rip or bend or anything in Melinda's purse. You'd think she would have the photo on her phone or something.

Jump Street JJ is pretty suspicious of Claire's belongings.

Did like Eve treating Claire as a substitute daughter.

Jordan has a baby? She didn't think of mentioning that she had a baby? Of course Rafe has to go to find him and fetch him, turning Hope off him more. Hope may need to re-evaluate her life.

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4 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

The Eve/Claire scenes today were so gorgeously emotional and I love how caring Eve is with Claire--definitely mother/daughter vibes-- and I got tears in my eyes when Eve talked about Paige.  I really appreciate how well KdP and ORK played off each other--they scenes were truly wonderful with Eve seeing how guilt-ridden Claire is--I sort of hope Claire ends up telling Eve that she set the fire and for Eve to help her turn herself in. 

I agree.  No matter how much I like KdP, she's been pretty one-note since she came back with Jack and seeing her finally break through her self-involved whateverthehellshe'sdoingwith Jack and respond to Claire's despair was really lovely.  When she hesitated at the door, looked back at Claire sobbing on the bed, put down her coat and climbed on the bed to comfort her, it was a very sweet moment.  If Eve is going to be viable long-term, she needs to have more of these moments because otherwise she's just a plot point in Jack's story.  I'd always hoped she would mother Claire, both for own good and Claire's and now she's doing it, late in the game as it is.

So Ben's got his own set now.  Not Hope, not Kayla, but Ben's got his wee garden cottage for serial killers, ain't that wunnerful?  Contradictory as it may be, while I think Ben as a character is ill-conceived, I like Ben so much more than I do the snot-nosed, self-involved Ciara.  If it wasn't for his pesky habit of multiple murders, I'd say he could do a lot better than her.

Hey Hope, needy much?  Jealous of a baby, now?  Show ought to match her up with Abe and they can compete to see who can out-pompous each other.  I NEVER thought I'd think Rafe was too good for anyone but being married to Hope is like having an ear worm eating it's way from left to right.

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I too loved the scene with Claire and Eve.  See, who, you can do real emotion and connection when called upon so there's no excuse that Jack and Eve are so shallow together.

I also liked that I thought JJ, via recording, sounded similar to Jack. 

There you are, Melinda. 

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2 hours ago, CanaryFan98 said:

Claire humanizes Eve but I admit I kind of resent that Claire talks to Eve but not the 343535 relatives she has in Salem.

I mean I rather see her talk to Eric or Brady about this than Eve honestly because it would be an improvement over the crap storyline they are also in atm.

She knows Eve won’t judge her and Eric and Brady are sanctimonious pricks. Also Eve already had a vested interest into fucking with Haley so she knew she would have some help and sympathy. 

This was a weird, borderline creepy episode. Hope is so damn insecure. If Rafe can talk to an incapacitated ex or visit his ex wife’s teen kids and she’ll act life he banged a woman in Horton Square. She also has turned the Salem PD into her personal security detail for watching her daughter. Entitled much? 

Tripp sounded almost as pathetic and weird as JJ when he raved he’d gladly go to prison if it meant he stood a chance to keep Haley in the US because she’s so wonderful. And then Haley just rested her head on his shoulder like “umm hmm ya heard him”.  Dafuq. 

Claire curled up and sobbing over her loneliness and low self esteem and her asshole bf was so sad. He’s not worth it honey! When people have demons and issues tho it seldom makes sense. Eve’s dialogue was so touching today. I’m sure she was, like she said, thinking of when Paige would get so upset or beat herself up over something that to an outsider seemed trivial or illogical and not realize she had her whole future ahead. And that she actually didn’t those moments were her cumulatation, but Claire is luckier. 

I still Jack is not really Jack but a clone from Rolf’s lab. 

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10 hours ago, boes said:

So Ben's got his own set now.  Not Hope, not Kayla, but Ben's got his wee garden cottage for serial killers, ain't that wunnerful?

That is Ben's house? I fast forwarded through the Ben/Ciara scenes so I missed that. lol at them giving him a set when most of the other characters have no where to live or they live in a hotel room.

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9 hours ago, boes said:

So Ben's got his own set now.  Not Hope, not Kayla, but Ben's got his wee garden cottage for serial killers, ain't that wunnerful?  Contradictory as it may be, while I think Ben as a character is ill-conceived, I like Ben so much more than I do the snot-nosed, self-involved Ciara.  If it wasn't for his pesky habit of multiple murders, I'd say he could do a lot better than her.

Oh yes, Ben's serial killer cottage is the sweetest thing ever and isn't it too bad the actual veterans on the show (John and Marlena for example) have to either eat at the Brady Pub or in Horton Square because the show can't give then a kitchen set.  And yes as unpleasant as Ciara continues to be, she's the show's young heroine--aren't we lucky?

8 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

Tripp sounded almost as pathetic and weird as JJ when he raved he’d gladly go to prison if it meant he stood a chance to keep Haley in the US because she’s so wonderful. And then Haley just rested her head on his shoulder like “umm hmm ya heard him”.  Dafuq. 

I think Haley might secretly be a Horton because she just seems to think that everyone will fall on their swords to protect her and apparently JJ and Tripp will do just that because Haley is simply that wonderful.  I hope Tripp's ass gets arrested by ICE for the marriage fraud he is helping to perpetrate.

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16 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

That is Ben's house? I fast forwarded through the Ben/Ciara scenes so I missed that. lol at them giving him a set when most of the other characters have no where to live or they live in a hotel room.

Don't worry, lol, it's really just a rearranged Horton cabin/Anna's hideout/Nicole and Eric's place in Canada : ) Only with prettier pillows. 

Claire will be circling the drain in a few episodes. I did like Eve's maternal instincts coming out and laughed out loud because we had been talking about that very dynamic either here or in Spoilers, right? Oy, how could Tripp expect any woman - -let alone needy and pathetic Claire -- to accept the night's arrangements? What a lughead. 

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9 minutes ago, Lastwaltz said:

Don't worry, lol, it's really just a rearranged Horton cabin/Anna's hideout/Nicole and Eric's place in Canada : ) Only with prettier pillows. 

Claire will be circling the drain in a few episodes. I did like Eve's maternal instincts coming out and laughed out loud because we had been talking about that very dynamic either here or in Spoilers, right? Oy, how could Tripp expect any woman - -let alone needy and pathetic Claire -- to accept the night's arrangements? What a lughead. 

LOL. I thought that set looked familiar.

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I liked today's episode, especially Eric's telling off of Brady, who needs to not only get a grip on reality but to also realize his jealousy about Chloe.  I did like Brady's mentioning that Stefan hurt both Abigail and Gabi, sometimes the good people of Salem like to forget that Gabi suffered at Stefan's hands as well.

According to Soap Opera 101, Gabi and Stefan's both declaring their hatred for each other means they will be madly in love by summer time :):)  And I love the genuinely close bond that exists between Gabi, Will and Sonny and Sonny's teasing Gabi about her romantic history was wonderfully realistic.  And Gabi is also right that Kate has done horrible things as well but I guess if Kate's actually harmed, there's no forgiveness?

I loved Will's "Well I'm not lonely" when Rex walked in with the test results and how much do we want to bet that Will is going to have some terrible sickness now?  I do love Sonny and Will and I just want them to be happy together, even if it's only for a little bit.

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Rex probably would put on pants or shorts instead of a towel if he knew his girlfriend was gonna practice acrobatics with him lol. Btw, did she jump on Rex or he picked her up? Anyhow, I hope there would be forthcoming nuptials between the two so she could take a break from Captain Buzzkill. 

Brandon Barash manages to make the creepy/pompous ass Stefan more likable with every passing day. I can actually believe him as a romantic lead now. 

I could see Eve developing a motherly attachment and take Claire under her wing. This certainly would be an improvement over the one-note villain Eve.  

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Maggie asking Victor if he's happy because something bad happened to a friend.

Yeah, Gabi would carry hyssop and frankincense around with her.

"Did Xander knock you up that night?"

I can't imagine they would go with Will having AIDS, would they?

Holly goes to school?

They've really turned Stefan into a different character since BB came on.

Brady just gets more and more disgusting all the time.

Er, Eric, you run the Horton Center.  Maybe you should try doing that.

Edited by Silver Raven
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9 hours ago, Lastwaltz said:

Don't worry, lol, it's really just a rearranged Horton cabin/Anna's hideout/Nicole and Eric's place in Canada

That's kind of the problem though. Why can't they do that for Marlena/John, Hope, Jack and/or Eve, or any number of characters who never get to have scenes at home because they're too lazy to redress a set and yet they'll do it for Ben?

I loved today's ep. I enjoyed every scene.

Gabi's nail polish changing in the middle of the ep had me loling. 

I really hope Will doesn't have some kind of real illness. I like this story if it's actually him being cursed by Leo or even if it's some effects from either the 'back to life' serum or the 'get your memories back' serum, but if he's like legit sick it won't be fun.

BB is starting to gel more for me. I prefer him with clothes on though. But still, I can't wait until we get some Gabi/Stefan sexy times.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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21 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Claire, you are so desperate for a boyfriend and validation that you overlook who Tripp is. He has shown you who he really is and you still want him.

Surprised that the pic of Haley didn't rip or bend or anything in Melinda's purse. You'd think she would have the photo on her phone or something.

Jump Street JJ is pretty suspicious of Claire's belongings.

Did like Eve treating Claire as a substitute daughter.

Jordan has a baby? She didn't think of mentioning that she had a baby? Of course Rafe has to go to find him and fetch him, turning Hope off him more. Hope may need to re-evaluate her life.

Well to be fair Claire is related to everyone else in Salem so she doesn't have many options. 

LOL @ Jump Street JJ.

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19 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

She knows Eve won’t judge her and Eric and Brady are sanctimonious pricks. Also Eve already had a vested interest into fucking with Haley so she knew she would have some help and sympathy. 

This was a weird, borderline creepy episode. Hope is so damn insecure. If Rafe can talk to an incapacitated ex or visit his ex wife’s teen kids and she’ll act life he banged a woman in Horton Square. She also has turned the Salem PD into her personal security detail for watching her daughter. Entitled much? 

Tripp sounded almost as pathetic and weird as JJ when he raved he’d gladly go to prison if it meant he stood a chance to keep Haley in the US because she’s so wonderful. And then Haley just rested her head on his shoulder like “umm hmm ya heard him”.  Dafuq. 

Claire curled up and sobbing over her loneliness and low self esteem and her asshole bf was so sad. He’s not worth it honey! When people have demons and issues tho it seldom makes sense. Eve’s dialogue was so touching today. I’m sure she was, like she said, thinking of when Paige would get so upset or beat herself up over something that to an outsider seemed trivial or illogical and not realize she had her whole future ahead. And that she actually didn’t those moments were her cumulatation, but Claire is luckier. 

I still Jack is not really Jack but a clone from Rolf’s lab. 

At least JJ was single as stupid as he is to go through all this Tripp is worse because he already has a GF.

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6 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

I loved Will's "Well I'm not lonely" when Rex walked in with the test results and how much do we want to bet that Will is going to have some terrible sickness now?  I do love Sonny and Will and I just want them to be happy together, even if it's only for a little bit.

I was dying at that line from Will, plus the look on his face when Sonny & Gabi bolted to get away from Kate. As if he was saying "Don't you dare leave me with these people!" 🤣

Yeah, the elevated white blood cell count doesn't bode well, I think. 😭 Plus everyone insisting it isn't serious or anything to be concerned about yet, the anvils are flying!

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How ironic that yesterday we were reminded about Paige, then we are reminded that her murderer is not only the newest romantic hero on the show but oh look he gets a spanking new house. Even if it's a recycled set it shows they are going out of their way for Ben. Nice to see cheapass Days scrunched together enough in their crappy budget for a Ben/Ciara lovenest.

Hmm Will's white blood count made me think possibly leukemia. 

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3 minutes ago, howmanywords said:

How ironic that yesterday we were reminded about Paige, then we are reminded that her murderer is not only the newest romantic hero on the show but oh look he gets a spanking new house. Even if it's a recycled set it shows they are going out of their way for Ben. Nice to see cheapass Days scrunched together enough in their crappy budget for a Ben/Ciara lovenest.

Hmm Will's white blood count made me think possibly leukemia. 

It is but that makes me think that they are going to retcon the NTK I found it telling that JJ didn't bring up Paige at all when he went off on Ben/Ciara. Eve did but not how Ben killed her etc. though.  I mean if they're going to go through all this there's a reason...

I could see Will having leukemia if that's the case it would explain why


Sami and Lucas return beyond Caroline's funeral of course.

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When was the last time we saw Victor outside of the Kiriakis mansion?  Kate and Victor talking in Horton Square was more shocking to me than anything that happened during February sweeps. 

At least we're getting some good Maggie and Sarah mother/daughter scenes in the midst of this tedious Rex/Sarah/Eric triangle.  It's nice when we get one character questioning another about what, oftentimes, feels more like plot points than character-motivated behaviors.   

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Sarah Horton, you should not be marrying anyone at this time. Yeah, you have your 'crush' on Buzzkill Eric. Doubt that he would be a suitable partner for you. He is just different from Rex. Rex, you are too immature to get married.

Victor was entertaining today.

Brady, you did deserve to be told off today. Maybe be like Harry Mudd in Star Trek with the wife clones yelling at him day in and day out.

Holly probably goes to pre-school. She and Stefan sat on the blanket while mommy didn't want her skirt to ride up if she had to sit on the floor.

Will's 'illness' could be anything right now. Another plot device to keep him away from Sonny, for him to bond with Sonny, etc. etc.

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I really enjoyed today's episode, even Grumpy, One-Liner Victor and his banter with Maggie and Kate.

V "You'll come back to Titan over my dead body".

K "Sounds good to me!"

That's a storyline I could live with.....

So could what's making Will sick be that necklace Sonny gave him?  Maybe Leo packed it with tannis root.......

All things Gabi continue to be my favorite part of Show.  

StefanO! may be a useless, unneeded character but Brandon Barash is making me reassess that.  He's great, on his own, with Chloe and with Gabi.

Brady is such a peach, isn't he?  I wish Eric would have suckerpunched him right in his fat face.  And could Show maybe stop having him refer to Nicole and/or Sarah as his "brother's woman"?  Such an insufferable ass.

Today's scenes with Will and Sonny, and them with Gabi and their family were my favorite scenes of them in quite a while.  

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I could see Eve developing a motherly attachment and take Claire under her wing. This certainly would be an improvement over the one-note villain Eve.  

See...that's where it seemed like they were going with the character back around the 50th anniversary. She was nurturing Claire's musical abilities, only to have Belle butt in and scare her off. It's really sad how much I liked Eve after Paige's murder, compared to now.

Can anybody explain to me what Eve's actual plan is? So what if Jack becomes mayor - what does that give her? And does she really believe Jack is going to marry her and stay with her? If history is any indication, she has to know he will regain some of his memories... And promptly returned to Jennifer. If she really wanted to torture Jennifer, why not keep him far away from Salem and becomes some kind of celebrity super couple that poor Jennifer always has to write about in the Salem Spectator?

How the producers can say they don't know how to write for a character like Lucas, necessitating his departure, but then keep inventing idiotic drivel to keep Eve on-screen baffles me.

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Re the lighter, clearly it cannot be the lighter from when Ben torched Abigail and Chad.  Cause that would be gone or it would be in an evidence locker.

So this lighter, as we saw, was at the cabin when Ciara had her broken legs accident.  Are we to assume that Ben went and bought the exact same lighter and left it on the table, where Claire found it, and then started the fire with it?  And, then she pocketed it? And keeps it as a trophy from when she tried to burn her aunt alive?

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There was a moment when Will was first in the hospital when the camera lingered on that necklace for an extra instant, and since then I've wondered if the necklace was the culprit. Radioactive sounds plausible in Salem, lol. Did Sonny say much about that necklace when he gave it to Will? 

When the scene with Chloe and Stefan started -- she with her nightie and robe and he inexplicably shirtless -- I thought i'd missed a romantic scene the day before that would have led them to sleep together that night. He's in the habit of bringing her roses and breakfast trays now? 

Oy, I don't know, show. 

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33 minutes ago, Lastwaltz said:

There was a moment when Will was first in the hospital when the camera lingered on that necklace for an extra instant, and since then I've wondered if the necklace was the culprit. Radioactive sounds plausible in Salem, lol. Did Sonny say much about that necklace when he gave it to Will? 

I noticed that lingering necklace shot, too. Plus, they had the necklace break when Will took it off. The only thing I remember about the necklace is Sonny saying something about it being good luck and then he told someone at the hospital that it was like a Greek legend or something. I really hope they go with a silly, supernatural-ish type thing for Will's illness. I'd rather watch a stupid, fun little story with Will/Sonny over "Will has leukemia." Ugh, don't do it, show!


When the scene with Chloe and Stefan started -- she with her nightie and robe and he inexplicably shirtless -- I thought i'd missed a romantic scene the day before that would have led them to sleep together that night. He's in the habit of bringing her roses and breakfast trays now? 

I thought they cut an important scene there, too. I was like "uh wait are they fucking now?" lol. But I guess he just brings her breakfast in bed shirtless in the morning while she's still in a nightie. Makes sense!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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2 hours ago, Lastwaltz said:

Must be nice, Chloe, lol. And yes, I also hope there's something silly going on with Will and not the L word, ack. But the show would definitely go there! 

I totally, 100% get this sentiment, but I too could see it happening after reading through this topic (which I think Will and possibly even Gabi would regard as a reputable medical source 😉) - https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/leukemia/symptoms-causes/syc-20374373

Specifically, these excerpts:

"Causes - Scientists don't understand the exact causes of leukemia. It seems to develop from a combination of genetic and environmental factors."


"Risk Factors - Exposure to certain chemicals. Exposure to certain chemicals, such as benzene — which is found in gasoline and is used by the chemical industry — is linked to an increased risk of some kinds of leukemia."

It's vague enough that they could make it work and still assign it to the serum he took. Maybe the extra dose was a catalyst. The only thing that doesn't really line up is the headache/fainting. My first thought with the fainting and talk about brain issues was that there could be a brain tumor, which also isn't exactly a barrel of laughs. 😭

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I just realized that Chloe, Ciara and Hayley are all very similar in that they are all very pretty but there isn't much going on underneath the surface, yet they have men fighting over them left and right.  Don't get it, don't understand it.

And then we get the superb acting of Miss Lani Price.  Eli at least attempted to look annoyed when Stefan called them incompetents, all Lani did was stand there completely expressionless.

Now I love Gabi but in no way she should be listening to Brady's plan of seducing Stefan and stealing DiMera from him--Brady is a moron and his plans never work.

I did like Maggie's warning to Rex but he has no business referencing Daniel's death and Eric's responsibility for it as a way fpr Mags to forgive him too--that was pretty gross.

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