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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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22 hours ago, Mama No Life said:

It was many, many pages ago and I'm just not going to go find it, but whichever poster called Claire a real life Bratz doll is a genius. Now that's all I see when I look at her.

I don't feel sorry for her.  So what if she didn't commit the crime this time?  She's still in the black on the karma ledger......

that's it! i hate to say anything about someones original face or body, especially a child,  but they need to fix her hair and makeup. she looks unreal and it's creepy. i'm sure she could look cute if she weighed more and did not have clown make up on. please gain some weight. has she always been that thin? i feel sorry for her.

as for not original looks..who is that playing angelica deveraux? my guess is she's in her 70's and is trying to look young. i am not against discrete plastic surgery but my god woman. i can not hear the conversation because all i can concentrate on is the bad face job. 

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I thought it was a bit premature for Lani to be considering a long-term future with JJ. He's what - 22 or 23? What's her rush?? Don't talk to Eli about her boyfriend - talk to JJ. He's young and he may not want to commit to someone after knowing them a few months. His mother has an addiction problem, his sister has mental health issues - he has plenty on his plate right now.

Nice that Paul has been 'tackled'. The islanders still look far too good - no sunburn, no chapped lips, no greasy hair.

Claire, you are thirsty for fame. Most music artists spend a lot of time paying their dues to become successful. You are in college and are doing your music thing part-time. Hang around bands, your college's music department, go to radio stations, etc.

Theo had every right to call you on any involvement with the sex tape. You are hungry for fame, and it's an easy way to 'get in' the biz. It sells. A hot young woman in a video. However, Theo should be in on any sex tapes made - it's an embarrassment to him and he has no business being dragged in to your 'career' plans. Nice of Jade to fess up. It was an ill-advised thing to do.

I too have noticed that the actress playing Claire is very very thin.

Angelica, er, Morgan. Why the revenge - now?

  • Love 1

Gonna try this again since my post seems to be gone.

I only really paid attention to the teen scene today.  James and Gabrielle once again dragged the scenes down a bit, but Kyler and Olivia both did great jobs.  Not excellent, but definitely decent.

It's strange, but I actually saw both Theo and Claire's points of view.  One on hand, I felt sorry for Theo.  As @Frozendiva said, he had every right to suspect that Claire was okay with the sex tape.  I can't blame him for not believing her even though she really was innocent.  She really has been too desperate for fame, even to the point where he started to wonder if that was more important to her than he was.  So it's only natural to suspect that she did it.  On the other hand, I felt sorry for Claire, too.  I fully believe that she never would've done that to Theo, and as her boyfriend, he should've trusted his heart and believed her.  As fame-hungry as she's been, as she herself said yesterday, making a sex tape just for attention would've just cheapened both her fame and her.  There's no way she would never have dragged him into something like this.

But I don't see what @Frozendiva was talking about in saying that she would've enjoyed the fame she got from the sex tape.  Um . . . she said more than once that she would've felt the exact opposite way.

That said, I can see where someone would call her a bitch over today's scenes.  She had and still has every right to be furious with Jade.  But the way she went about expressing it was way overboard.  I even, for a moment, felt for Jade in those scenes.  At least Theo got to get his licks in, too.  I'm actually just glad that the writers are giving multiple points of view to the characters.

I am so glad that Jade owned up.  She would've been in very deep shit if she'd lied again.  Obviously, part of it was to show Joey that she could change, but I don't think that'll be enough.  She's gotta show more hints that she's changing than that, and what she's helping Tripp do to Kayla will definitely show the opposite of that.  I imagine she's going to find herself getting together with Tripp, though.  The show seems to be moving her in that direction, after all.  (They already live together, and on Monday, he did ask her out.)  I think I could be into Trade (Tripp and Jade) if she doesn't get back with Joey.  But they have to keep cleaning up Jade's character and fixing her first.

They're definitely moving Lani toward Eli, something I don't want only because the writers have spent months moving his mother toward her father.  But then again, the actors have more chemistry between them than Casey has with Saleisha, so I might be into it.  And it's not like Abe and Valerie actually are together, so it's not totally squicky just yet.

I am so glad that Paul made the right choice to stay restrained.  No telling when he could fall into another episode of rage.  He needs to stay safe, and he needs to make sure the others stay safe, too.

2 hours ago, YupItsMe said:

I can't bear to look at Morgan Fairchild. :(

She guest-starred on Law & Order: SVU a few years ago and looked a lot worse there.  This is actually an improvement compared to that appearance.

Star Aristille, given the current Hollywood thirst for fame and nakedness, on some level, Claire would have enjoyed having some attention, even if it was negative. For her family and friends, she would be appropriately mortified, but if it gives her a break and a record contract, she'd only be mildly upset.

That's what I like about her, she would be sad after being thrown out and losing a baby. She looks her age, doesn't wear a ton of  make-up and designer clothes. I  noticed she sat down and took  the bitching until even Theo said stop. I  suppose I can even identify with her affection for Joey.  I  don't think she's entirely bad or mercenary. I  found her explanation she doesn't see the tape as that personal pretty insightful as to  how some young people feel.  I'm still freaked hope handed off the recording to some guy in IT.

  • Love 2

Is that the kind of music clubs play in the afternoon?  Kinda hip-hoppy for the lunch crowd.

Shouldn't Dario be worrying about his missing sister instead of sexing up Abigail in the Dominican Republic?

I'm surprised Nancy is against Chloe in this situation.

Jebus, Nicole, we have to put up with Eric whining about his own lack of worth, we don't need you doing it, too.

Marci was good today.

  • Love 5

Amen about Nicole and Eric.  One is bad enough I've muted them so long i had to stop and think why Nicole is angry.  Az has done a good job destroying Nicole over S C of all things. 

Marci s tantrum today brought back Claire shrieking from yesterday.  Dario doesn't exist for me. Was Jen wearing terry cloth?

Enough of the island already.  If I  have to listen to another episode about how Paul is the kindest and g entlest person ever...  so repetitive like Claire shrieking the sex tape story to every who walked in. 

I completely forgot Eli was on the island.  Boy does Lani want island sex now or what?


So even after all of the reaming out from various others about her actions toward Holly, even after her own realization that her actions led to Holly's kidnapping, Chloe is still keeping Holly from Nicole?  Girl hasn't learned a damn thing.  Not that I'm surprised.  It's Chloe.

Go to hell, Nicole.  Just.  Go.  To.  Hell.  Brady, I'm glad you're at least giving her disapproving looks, but you really need to start blasting her sooner or later.  That's your (step)brother, and you shouldn't tolerate family getting treated like that.

On the other hand, if this community service assignment, while a good form of karma for Nicole, is the writers' way of putting her and Eric together long enough to make Nicole get the hell over herself regarding him before she leaves . . . then I'm good with it.  But I'm going to be punching my TV screen a lot for the next few months leading up to that moment by listening to her rant and rave at him every time she sees him.

8 hours ago, QuelleC said:

Marci s tantrum today brought back Claire shrieking from yesterday.

And?  Both of them had reasons to do that.  Very good reasons.  Claire was humiliated from a tape she never wanted made.  And Abigail is being pulled in different directions in which she doesn't want to be pulled.  It's understandable that she finally broke.  At least Abigail realized that she'd gone too far and apologized.

Edited by Star Aristille
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Dario, do remember that Abigail has mental health issues and that she kinda set her previous fiancé on fire. She may not be 100% recovered and has a good possibility of doing it to someone else. It is pretty gross of you to lie to her about your 'visa' and staying in the US. You also cannot force someone to love you or hope that they grow in to doing so.

Hope will continue to poke around until she gets you and your buddy Myron who is apparently making a lot of money for 'hacking'. Put the money in a mattress or invest in bitcoin.

Chloe, you still haven't learned anything. Your mom is giving you good advice. You were a 'surrogate' and the baby is not yours. At this point, you may just want to get even for some weird transgression that Nicole may never absolve herself from.

I expect that someone will see Chad's flare and that the happy islanders will be rescued. Wonder if anyone will wander in on Chad and Gabi.

  • Love 8

what exactly is the computer guy doing? and why is he out in the open like that? who works that way ? especially if it is secretive? still hate hope coming snooping around. i never have and never will buy her as a cop. it's a major reason i can't stand her anymore.  but computer guy's an idiot for still sitting in the same spot. isn't there a back room? can't he do this from somewhere else? 

boy, abby's in for a big surprise. hubby has moved on. and rightly so. the actress is a complete 180 in a good way from the last one though.

chloe disgusts me. she is a baby stealer. plain and simple. you  were a vessel. no more. how she got custody is bullshit. nicole is the mother. this sickens me. 

i hope angelica does not stick around. her plastic surgery is too distracting. 

morgan fairchild is  only 67? her face looks like the doctor(s) ( face lift, botox, etc.) was trying to young up an 80 year old. she can't even speak well. yikes. 

  • Love 7

I think Friday's episode was the first full one I got to watch--the show's been interrupted so many times this week--and yet again, I'm charmed by the ease of Chad and Gabi's scenes.  Contrast that to how desperate Dario is and I feel badly for Abby--she had a great man and threw him away for a con artist.

  • Love 6

I just caught up with the week and I just don't get Claire not forgiving Theo. No she didn't have anything to do with the sex tape but she has been thirsty for awhile plus she should have told him about it even if she thought she had deleted everything.... and then she just stood there when Abe and Hope brought it up with a fish mouth until they basically forced her to admit she knew about it. Of course Theo would jump to wrong conclusion IMO.

I really enjoy watching Chad and Gabi. They are the only thing making this ridiculous island story bearable. I'm a little sad that Chad will inevitably dump her as soon as they get back to the mainland and try to breakup Abigail and Dario. No spoilers just speculation and the way Chad ducked the "what if Abby" question.

Of course someone should break  up Abigail and Dario. It makes me extremely uncomfortable to watch them. I just get a squicky feeling and have to hit fast forward immediately.

Edited by SanLynn
Auto spell check can be stupid
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

I think Friday's episode was the first full one I got to watch--the show's been interrupted so many times this week--and yet again, I'm charmed by the ease of Chad and Gabi's scenes.  Contrast that to how desperate Dario is and I feel badly for Abby--she had a great man and threw him away for a con artist.

Well, she didn't exactly throw Chad away for Dario, she just threw him away, period.

  • Love 4

Well, I am sure you will all be relieved to know that the islanders have been rescued--just in time as Paul's fit of Jungle Madness lead him to escape his bounds and try and attack everyone--WOO HOO!!!

Gabi and Chad's hanging out and just being cute together was a rough contrast to Paul's making Eli promise to kill him--thank the gods Marlena and John arrived in time :)

I like that Adrienne, Steve and Justin have all pointed out how ridiculous Anjelica's sudden revenge plot is but maybe Alex will be coming to town?

I want to like Tripp but this story line with Kayla is dumb.

  • Love 4

That was the most absurd thing ever. Marlena walking around the island with her purse.  Eli et al in an intense conversation while the lovebirds have a romantic picnic.  Don't get me wrong...I love Chad and Gabi and the last two eps with them is all I've been waiting for.  I just found it funny, like they were on a different island.  Wonder how Chad's men swim, because there wasn't any birth control on that island....

  • Love 3

JJ is giving me the impression he's liking Gabi again, he's concerned about Abby or both.  I honestly don't want JJ/Gabi again even though I liked them last year.  I'm enjoying Gabi going between Chad and Eli. As for Lani, she has been good at staying faithful to JJ for this long but her resurgent territorial and clingness behavior is showing. 

Tripp is going to make for a good looking doctor if this truly is his career goal. ? 
And again Days makes it too easy for your audience to tune out with these long flashbacks that happened 2 days ago!  Lazy ass writing.  Do better!  Jade can get ran over by a speeding car and I wouldn't care.  I'm annoyed by her presence at this point. 

  • Love 3
11 minutes ago, Mama No Life said:

Wonder how Chad's men swim, because there wasn't any birth control on that island..

Well he is a Dimera and they are pretty good at getting females pregnant e.g Stefano and his million children and EJ getting Sami pregnant on the first two times that they slept to gether and getting practically impossible to have babies Nicole pregnant twice.  As for Chad,  he already got Mia (Grace) and Abigail  (Thomas) pregnant, so his swimmers are good.

Edited by nilyank
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Mama No Life said:

Wonder how Chad's men swim, because there wasn't any birth control on that island....

There wasn't?  They all have all of their luggage, don't they?  She could be taking her pills.  I mean, that would be completely uncharacteristic and totally not-soap-like, but it's a possibility.

Can I just say I am really livid that they spent what seemed like two and a half weeks building up the possible death of Brady and making it seem like it was the end of the goddamn world only to resolve it in 2 seconds and have him back at home acting like everything is normal immediately afterwards?


I hate to say it but I was sucked in by the really good performances the cast was giving and I actually started to care. I should have known better.

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2 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

I want to like Tripp but this story line with Kayla is dumb.

GOD, yes! The kid comes to town, pretty much broke, has had a fairly rough life but managed a degree, has decent chemistry with the folks playing his family members, and all the writers can think of is to have him obsess about a clearly deranged mother whom he never knew, and believe a wisp of a girl with an axe to grind that the woman who has shown him nothing but kindness when many others in her position might have given him the cold shoulder is responsible for that mother's murder and that he is now willing to team with wispy girl to destroy the welcoming woman's career? Such a waste. We didn't even get an epi or two of him adjusting to the new wealth nor have we been provided with a reworked set for the new apartment. I wonder if they are thinking of this just being a Kayla-in-jeopardy storyline and writing him out when it's done?

  The islanders barely had time for a quickie or even for anyone to need a shave and they're already rescued?

  • Love 7

So it looks like Tripp will overdose one of Kayla's patients and get her to take the blame. Dammit, I like Tripp, I'd hate to see him turn heel.

Why is Lani upset about Chad and Gabi kanoodling?

So apparently JJ and Lani just stood there while Gabi and Chad got dressed?

I repeat: You can't eat raw olives.

Jade really is an evil bitch.

Are John and Marlena there all by themselves?  No authorities?  No rescue people?

I thought Sonny had reformed, but I guess not.

51 minutes ago, DisneyBoy said:

Can I just say I am really livid that they spent what seemed like two and a half weeks building up the possible death of Brady and making it seem like it was the end of the goddamn world only to resolve it in 2 seconds and have him back at home acting like everything is normal immediately afterwards?


I hate to say it but I was sucked in by the really good performances the cast was giving and I actually started to care. I should have known better.

Did you want him dead?

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32 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

So apparently JJ and Lani just stood there while Gabi and Chad got dressed?


I thought the same!  After they got dressed Lani and JJ left them alone....um why not while Chad was putting on his pants? 

And I think Lani's just mad because she ain't getting none...

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Silver Raven said:

Jade really is an evil bitch.

I cannot wait to see what happens when Tripp finally finds out she lied to him and got him to go after Kayla for no reason at all.  That should be some good TV.

Thank God the island story is finally over!  But I did enjoy the reunion with John and Marlena.

4 hours ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

I like that Adrienne, Steve and Justin have all pointed out how ridiculous Anjelica's sudden revenge plot is

Pretty much the best part of those scenes.  But they at least acknowledged that she's a "sadistic narcissist" and reasoned that that's probably the main motive behind her coming after Adrienne.

  • Love 4

No one saw Chad's flare? John and Marlena just stumbled on to this island? Complete with huge purse?

Lani, JJ is your boyfriend. Unless he has a one-night fling with Gabi and we get another who is the daddy storyline. Gabi, when you get back home, visit the drugstore and get yourself the morning after pill. You do not need another kid - much less a plot device. Sonny, now the amulet will bring you bad luck.

Jade, what you are doing will come back to you bigtime. Although Tripp would be better off talking to the police commissioner or someone who doesn't have an agenda. Jadeykins is upset that her sugar momma rightfully cut her off. No panache or style with her. Just being a royal bitch. Hope Tripp does go to med school.

Nice of Steve to warn Adrienne about Angelica.

  • Love 7

I've barely been watching, but did catch the last 10 or 15 minutes yesterday.  

I miss old-Jade. Of all the teens, I thought she was a good actress and showed vulnerability despite her odd interest in Ava's murder and Joey. I don't like the nu-Jade, so that doesn't help me enjoy this "destroy Kayla" plan. And, as mentioned above, Tripp had a life before coming to Salem. He even completed university on his own. Didn't they imply he was older than Joey, like early 20's, yet he's content to hang out with teenaged Jade and waste time hatching a revenge plan, Soap-opera-y, sure. But still stupid.

So tired and Chad and Gabi.  Are we, the viewers, supposed to be rooting for them?  Or hoping Chad and Abby get back together. I miss the days when couples were likable, and you didn't have to wonder if the writers wanted you to like them or not. 

  • Love 2
24 minutes ago, buffynut said:

So tired and Chad and Gabi.  Are we, the viewers, supposed to be rooting for them?  Or hoping Chad and Abby get back together. I miss the days when couples were likable, and you didn't have to wonder if the writers wanted you to like them or not. 

Perfect example of YMMV there b/c they're the only thing I'm interested in right now. I don't see how Chabby has ever been a rootable couple. They were teen boyfriend/girlfriends...then she gaslit Austin. Then she pit Chad vs Cameron to "win" her virginity. 

I hate Abby with the fire of 1000 suns...and have since the first day she showed up in Salem with the Mansi recast. I don't want her to get anything she wants...like ever. She's self absorbed, needy, a liar and a cheat...and all of that would be perfectly fine with me if she ever owned a second of it. She doesn't. She plays the victim like she's entitled to keep her virgin perfect status. She's sanctimonious on the best of days.

Gabi isn't perfect. There were times when I hated her (custody/Nick) but she does own her crap. I don't defend her to the end of the universe but I like that she's layered.

I love Chad. I was meh on him when Casey played him but when they matured the character and cast Billy? I have been all in. Chad should be a layered grey character...borderline good/evil at all times...the Dimera pull should be front and center at all times. I actually LOVED the way he was fighting himself over having feelings for both Gabi and Abby. That was compelling to me...and not really his "fault."


Anyway, I just rambled. LOL Sorry.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, swtrgrl said:

Perfect example of YMMV there b/c they're the only thing I'm interested in right now. 

Hey, at least you're interested in something.  As I posted, I rarely watch these days. I am still reading spoilers and the forums, so I know what's going on. 

But I don't know what happened to Xander.  Did he get arrested.  Or just disappear?

  • Love 4
27 minutes ago, buffynut said:

Hey, at least you're interested in something.  As I posted, I rarely watch these days. I am still reading spoilers and the forums, so I know what's going on. 

But I don't know what happened to Xander.  Did he get arrested.  Or just disappear?

Ditto here - I'm not interested either.  All of these "couples" bore me.  There's no adventure, no romance, no suspense, no good evil villains... There's just... blah.  

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, buffynut said:

I've barely been watching, but did catch the last 10 or 15 minutes yesterday.  

I miss old-Jade. Of all the teens, I thought she was a good actress and showed vulnerability despite her odd interest in Ava's murder and Joey. I don't like the nu-Jade, so that doesn't help me enjoy this "destroy Kayla" plan. And, as mentioned above, Tripp had a life before coming to Salem. He even completed university on his own. Didn't they imply he was older than Joey, like early 20's, yet he's content to hang out with teenaged Jade and waste time hatching a revenge plan, Soap-opera-y, sure. But still stupid.

So tired and Chad and Gabi.  Are we, the viewers, supposed to be rooting for them?  Or hoping Chad and Abby get back together. I miss the days when couples were likable, and you didn't have to wonder if the writers wanted you to like them or not. 

I preferred the old Jade as well. If they continue to keep Tripp attached to Jade, he'll soon be fast forward material.

  • Love 5

It's to the point now where I don't expect good story-telling or writing, I'm just here for likeability and/or good acting.  As poorly done as Theresa's redemptive arc was, I was cheering for her to have a great life because JL played the crap out of the character and won me over.  And I feel the same way about Chad and Gabi--their romance was believable to me the minute the characters showed up in scenes together--their chemistry was off the charts and I liked their shared bond of their both being single parents, hurt by their past relationships.  Their manufactured high-school past was not needed to make them interesting--the actors sold it on their own.

Now onto today's show, how sad is it that both Eric and Brady realize that Nicole isn't emotionally mature enough to handle working with Eric on her community service?  Thank god the judge is as sick of Nicole's special snowflake attitude as the rest of us--just like she enjoys rubbing it in Eric's face that he killed Daniel, Nicole has to deal with the consequences of kidnapping Holly.  Karma sucks, doesn't it?  

I also really enjoyed Jenn pointing out to Eric that Daniel's death hurt many people, including his mother and son and that Nicole isn't the only person affected.  And was Deimos serious when he told Eric that killing Daniel was worse then anything Deimos did?  Seriously?

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1 hour ago, kitmerlot1213 said:

It's to the point now where I don't expect good story-telling or writing, I'm just here for likeability and/or good acting. 

Please let me know where that good acting has gone.  :-)  I think the best actors on the show right now have some of the smallest parts - Dario comes to mind, and I always liked Victor.  But the majority of the leads are just so-so on their best days.  Kayla and Steve might be the exceptions because they are better than so-so, at least usually.  Anyone else?  Meh.

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Yay, Rory!

Of course Steve wouldn't know all they said and believed the lie.

Why does Jade think Kayla will want her to be at a celebratory lunch?

The scene with Chloe and Nicole was great.

I hope Rory doesn't get in trouble from Deimos.

Funny that Brady said "He's got Sonny" and not "He's got Paul.  You know, my half brother?"

  • Love 2
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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